Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (2024) s01e05 Episode Script
You Have A Lot To Learn About Pirates
Put a bounty on his head.
And those pups.
Is the Supervisor going
to contact the Republic for help?
The Supervisor is unable
to risk any contact.
Damn the risk, these are our kids!
I'm submitting a petition for
an immediate audience with the Supervisor.
[Jod] So
This is At Attin?
It tastes like ashy dust.
[KB] So maybe this is another planet,
co-founded with At Attin.
And anyone that lives here
might know about home.
Don't run off.
[Fern] 33, keep Jod on the ship
until we get back.
[SM-33] Initiating babysitting sequence.
Come on, baby.
[Hayna] I can take you somewhere safe.
Follow me. Quick and quiet.
[Wim] You don't have any ancient maps,
or any star charts or--
What about the knowledge hidden
in the Fallen Sanctum?
Hayna. It is a distant place.
You would not survive the journey.
Jod, you actually--
- We're saved!
- [Jod grunts]
I will take you to the Fallen Sanctum.
There are old carvings.
Coordinates for other planets.
I found At Attin!
- Oh, no.
- [Jod] Yeah, they're gone.
Now we're stuck.
You'll figure something out.
'Cause you're amazing, Fern.
33, run memory override.
You remember everything about At Attin.
Ah, yes.
The captain told me
if anyone ever comes pokin' around,
to pull them apart.
- 33!
- Limb from limb!
[gentle music playing]
[music ends]
[tense music playing]
[elevator bell dings]
[Wendle whispering]
What are you doing here?
Did something go wrong?
[Nooma whispering] Yes.
We need a Barrier access code.
But you're going to have to steal it.
I don't have clearance.
You can use this to break into the system.
But don't let anyone see it.
We need that access code.
[electronic whirring]
- [breathing heavily]
- [tense music continues playing]
[in normal voice] Can I help you?
Sir, an energy surge was detected
at your terminal.
I don't remember any surges.
Nevertheless, please step out
so I can access the terminal.
Sir, what are you hiding behind your back?
- Nothing.
- Then show me your hands.
And your other hand.
Sir, please show me both of your hands
at the same time.
[Safety Droid] A Coordinator
was caught with this.
Shall I initiate security protocols?
[Fara] Delete all records of this incident
and power yourself down.
[powers down]
[snaps fingers]
I told you to wait.
It's just a way to get a message
through the Barrier.
We can help the kids
without saying anything specific
about At Attin's location.
I'm handling this
through the proper channels,
which is the only way
we're ever going to see our kids again.
And is that working?
Something's wrong.
The Supervisor isn't gonna help us.
We have to do something.
Fara, please.
What's the plan?
Guys, what's even the point?
If we turn him on,
he'll just try to kill us again.
The point is,
he knows how to find At Attin.
And I rerouted the memory chip
so it won't overload his core processor.
Are you sure? 'Cause he was about
to tear us apart, limb from limb.
It'll be all right. Just turn it on.
You turn him on.
You just wanna ask him about the treasure.
And you just want him to take you home.
You're just scared.
You're scared.
KB, switch him on.
[clicks button]
- What do ya want?
- [KB gasps]
Do you remember where At Attin is?
Make him promise
he's not gonna attack us again.
[SM-33] I will not harm you.
[stutters] Those were
the old captain's orders.
Old Captain Rennod.
- But what about At--
- Wait, what? Captain Rennod? Tak Rennod?
Aye. The very same.
This ship is the Onyx Cinder.
You don't appreciate
how incredible this is.
Tak Rennod's the most infamous pirate
the galaxy's ever known.
For years, he roamed the skies,
terrorizing whole star systems.
Anything he wanted
[softly] he took it.
[in normal voice] The story goes,
he was after the treasure of At Attin
aboard the mysterious ship the Onyx Cinder
when he just
[blows air sharply]
Yeah, who cares?
33, do you remember
where At Attin is or not?
[SM-33] Sadly, no. But Captain Rennod
scanned At Attin's coordinates.
Kept 'em hid in his lair,
deep beneath Skull Ridge Mountain.
- Then take us there.
- Aye, aye, captain. [grunts]
[dramatic music playing]
There we were, on course for At Attin
[stutters] when Captain Rennod
began to suspect mutiny.
With the treasure so close,
the first mate went mad with greed
and challenged the Captain.
Oh, no. What did Captain Rennod do?
[SM-33] The Captain's concubine
betrayed him,
stabbing him with his own dagger.
But the Captain had the last laugh.
He locked out the ship's controls,
and the whole mutinous lot of 'em died
c-crashing into At Attin.
What's a concubine?
- That's enough story time for now.
- [Neel] Aw.
But I wanna hear
about Rennod's secret lair.
Oh, how I've missed it. My home.
The place of my assembly.
The lair lies in the heart
of a lone mountain
where bubbling pits of mud
hide the mangled corpses
of the Captain's foes.
- Home sweet home.
- [squealing]
Ah, my circuits buzz to see it again.
'Tis so good to have me memories back.
Pillaging and ransacking.
Carousing. [chuckles]
[voice fading] I remember
a time when Cap'n
[melancholic music playing]
[Wim sniffling]
What are you doing, boy?
- [Wim] Nothing.
- Oh.
Oh, dear.
[grunts softly] All I ever wanted
was a real adventure. [sighs]
Well, you're going
to Tak Rennod's hidden lair.
Uh Sounds pretty good to me.
[sighs] It's not what I thought
it would be like out here.
It's scary and confusing. I--
I-- I miss my dad.
And my mom.
Chin up.
You'll see 'em again soon.
[Wim] Not my mom.
All right.
Here's what you do.
Forget 'em.
Your fears, your anxieties, your parents.
They're what you call "attachments,"
and they're the last thing you need.
Forget 'em.
That's what I did.
I can't do that.
You have a powerful imagination.
When you want to,
you can see grand adventures
even in a rotten galaxy like this.
- [breathes deeply] Yeah.
- Remember.
Your focus determines your reality.
You have vision.
Embrace it.
Make your life the one you wanna live.
[chuckles softly]
Wait, but if you're not really a Jedi,
how'd you do that?
[mysterious music playing]
Captain Rennod's lair is hidden
in these mountains
[stutters] where none dare to go.
Well, what about them?
Ah, a cavalcade of fearsome,
bloodthirsty buccaneers, no doubt.
Mm They look like pleasure yachts.
You took us to the wrong planet.
- Again!
- Impossible.
I recognize every twisted peak.
Skull Ridge Mountain
should be directly ahead.
[man on radio] Welcome to Lanupa.
A neutral planet where all are welcome
if they keep the peace.
Violators will be shot down.
[Neel] Oh, no! What's Lanupa?
Lanupa? [laughing]
You brought us to Lanupa!
It goes by many names.
The Demon's Rest.
Battle World.
[man] Do you have a reservation?
- Uh, sure we do.
- I thought we--
Wait, what are we doing here?
- Wait, what's Lanupa?
- What's Lanupa?
- [shushes] Hey, shush. Shush.
- [KB] What's a pleasure yacht?
[man] Sir, if those are children I hear,
be warned.
Our facilities are intended
for adult guests only.
Children are not permitted.
You heard what the man said.
You stay on the ship.
33 and I will get into the lair,
we'll find the At Attin coordinates--
And run off without us.
Nice try. We're coming with you.
You can trust me, you know.
Stay on the ship.
- I go where the captain goes.
- [groans]
Empty your pockets.
I'm gonna need every last
Old Republic credit you're hiding.
[surreal music playing]
[starship rattling]
Contact waste removal.
We may have a situation.
- [bellhop] Waste removal, standby.
- [starship door opening]
May I present,
from the Bratric system,
the most Wise Elders
- The most Wise El--
- [machinery whirring]
[hotelier] Welcome, honored guests,
to the famous Spas
at Skull Ridge Mountain.
Right this way.
Oh, allow me to translate.
The Bratric physiology permits no Basic.
[talking gibberish]
- [children talking gibberish]
- This is Skull Ridge Mountain?
[stutters] They ruined it!
[Wim] What if the pirate lair's gone?
- [metal detector beeping]
- It's here. We just gotta find it.
- No weapons allowed in the Spa.
- [Jod] Mm?
Even a harmless little knife?
- [speaking alien language]
- Hmm. [slurps]
[grunts] But fair.
Now, what is the meaning of this?
Droids have been used as weapons
in the past.
This bolt restrains all violent action.
- Is that so? [groans]
- [electronic whining, crackling]
[hotelier] Luxury.
That's our obsession here at the Spa.
Luxury served by indulging
each guest's unique proclivities.
You can't play a shanty on a harp.
Over there is our Sensory Gymnasium.
[SM-33] But where are the fighting pits?
[hotelier] And, featuring delicacies
from across the sector, our buffet
[SM-33] Food for weaklings.
And below us,
carved straight into the mountain rock
by, legend has it,
ancient pirates, is the Spa.
- 'Tis no legend, you insolent-- [groans]
- [electronic whining, crackling]
[hotelier] Natural hot springs feed
our famous rejuvenating mud baths.
The lair's definitely down there.
[KB] I hope not.
Uh, why so much security?
The Banking Clan is here
for an economic summit
and to enjoy the baths.
So, we are on high alert
for spies and impostors.
[coughs, smacks lips]
Now, what name is your reservation under?
And the Wise Elders?
- [sighs]
- [children giggling and exclaiming]
Oh, look. There I am.
Um, Professor Gorelox.
- [talking gibberish]
- What?
We're not staying.
We're finding the lair. That's it.
You're right, ma'am.
I should enjoy myself.
- [credit clanks]
- Upgrade me to one of your finest suites.
Oh, and, um,
ask the chef to select a banquet.
I'll dine alone.
Do my eyes deceive me,
or is that Dash Zentin, in the flesh?
Dash Zentin?
How many names does he have?
What an unexpected delight [chuckles]
- It's Pokkit.
- [Jod] Pokkit.
How long has it been?
Since you stole my bounty and left me
drowning in a pit of leeches?
[chuckles nervously]
No hard feelings? Hmm?
- None whatsoever. [chuckles]
- Good.
[Pokkit] In fact, I tried to find you.
You know, just to make sure
you knew there was no bad blood.
Funny thing, though [chuckles]
no one I met ever heard of a Dash Zentin.
Ah [laughs]
I bounty-hunt for a private client now.
No more low-rent Guild jobs.
Lucky you.
[Pokkit] So don't worry.
I'm just here for some R & R.
I haven't even checked the pucks.
[chuckling] Why should I worry?
I should go.
Got a hot bacta soak.
Hey, kids,
don't trust this sleemo.
I'm sorry,
what name was that reservation under?
No luggage.
And we're in a hurry.
No, no, no, no, no.
Listen, that nice lady
is a ruthless bounty hunter
with a bad grudge.
Most likely
she's already called my name in.
[Wim] Wizard! This place is like a palace!
- [KB] Whoa.
- [children giggle]
Captain would be in a fearsome temper
if he saw this.
I mean, a b-b-buffet?
- [Neel] Aw.
- Oh, man.
We have to assume
someone is coming after us.
We have to move fast.
- In and out.
- [Wim grunts]
If Rennod's lair is even still here.
'Tis here. The outside may have changed,
but the lair is deep
in the heart of the mountain.
All who enter face ruin and slaughter.
Fine, great. How do we get in?
Through what they call "the Spa."
But I know he marked the entrance
with his sigil, thusly.
- So we split into teams and sear--
- [children laughing]
Are you listening to any of this?
- Yes. We're listening.
- Oh, yeah? What did I just say?
"Are you listening to any of this?"
A crew of murderous pirates is coming!
Do you understand? We have to move fast!
W-Why are they so mad at you, anyway?
And why does Pokkit hate you?
[Fern] What happened between you two?
Yeah, why can't you just say sorry?
This is idiotic. We have to hurry.
We're gonna split into two teams
and search the Spa.
I can't go down there.
You worried about corrosion
from the steam?
[KB] No.
- It's just gross is all.
- [Jod] It's okay.
It's okay, you can take
[stutters] the Sensory Gymnasium.
You take the Sensory Gymnasium,
Professor Gorelox.
I'm searching the Spa.
- And I must go with my captain.
- Fine.
33, Fern, Wim. You're one--
No, I wanna go with Wim!
- And we wanted to search the buffet!
- We're not searching the buffet!
[Fern] KB should be on my team.
[loudly] No, it doesn't matter
whose team who is on!
We're doing it and we're gonna do it
before we get killed by pirates,
am I clear? [breathes heavily]
[in normal voice] Find the symbol,
find At Attin,
and hope that dear, lovely Pokkit
hasn't called in your bounty.
Zentin, Silvo, whatever you call him,
I'm claiming your bounty.
[Brutus on comms]
Where is the cowardly wretch?
Here is the coordinates.
Now how about my payment?
You'll have your payment
when I have Silvo.
I'm sending two ships.
And keep this quiet.
I wouldn't dream
of breathing a word to anyone.
- I'll be seeing you.
- [device beeps]
- [mumbles]
- [grunts]
Oh, oh No, no, sir. Not again.
- No, no, please, no. Not again.
- [Hutt belches]
See anything familiar, 33?
These pools are supposed to be
for dissolving corpses in acid.
Now look at them.
[Fern] Does that mud come
from inside the mountain?
In the Captain's day, aye.
Then we'll follow this pipe.
You said the lair's in
the heart of the mountain?
Aye, captain.
Jedi Two, we're following the pipe.
[over radio] Repeat.
We're following the pipe.
Copy that, Jedi One.
We're looking at a bunch of carvings
by the mud baths.
[KB] Captain Rennod's symbol doesn't
look like any of these.
- Let's keep-- [groans]
- This is taking too long.
[male Muun] No, no,
I haven't seen anyone.
- Did you see? I didn't see, no. No
- [female Muun] No. I haven't seen him.
[exclaims] Jod. Jod.
Those guards are looking at us.
Just act like you belong.
KB, make sure you cross-reference
all of these.
Okay, stay back. Don't talk.
- [officer] Professor Gorelox, is it?
- Yes.
Professor Umiam Gorelox?
Of Scipio?
[Neel groaning]
[mysterious music playing]
Wim. Look.
It's Captain Rennod's sign.
[man] You there, attendant.
I am in need of refreshments.
My apologies.
I'll just go get you
a selection of our finest--
- [yelps]
- You don't smell like an attendant.
Are you an assassin?
Back away from the captain.
- I'm warning you.
- [electronic whining]
Captain, is it?
- [radio beeps]
- Jedi Two, we need help.
[security agent] Everyone, get 'em.
[officer] Halt, Dash Zentin!
AKA Mad Captain Silvo.
AKA Jodwick Zank.
- Halt!
- [breathes heavily]
Now step away from the Wise Elders
and raise your hands.
[KB] We're not Elders.
We're kids.
Well, then you're under arrest too.
[cadet] What are you gonna do with that?
[officers and Jod laughing]
[KB grunts]
[pipe rattling]
[officers scream]
Let's go.
[metallic clanging]
The captain needs help
in the grottos below.
[Wim] And so then, Captain Fern led us
into battle at the head of the Troik Army!
Hmm. Quite a story. Then what happened?
Oh, hey, guys.
This is Cthallops.
[officer] Think I heard
something further down.
[echoing on radio] He said he'd help us
if we entertained him. Over.
So this is Jod? [sniffs]
You were right.
- Do not trust him.
- Nice.
- [officer] They went this way.
- Well, it's great you're making friends.
Uh, we have a situation here, so
Cthallops is gonna help us out.
Oh, really?
- Cthallops?
- [Cthallops grunts]
- [whooshing]
- [mysterious music playing]
[man on radio] Welcome to Lanupa.
A neutral planet where all are welcome
if they keep the--
[dramatic music playing]
[Cthallops] I smell
the guards approaching.
If you survive,
I'd love to hear
the end of your story someday.
- Thanks, Cthallops!
- Thanks, Cthallops!
Be warned!
Captain Rennod carved a maze of tunnels
and lined 'em with booby-traps.
Follow me, and watch where you step.
Um, how far do you-- Whoa!
[Neel screams]
[KB] Looks like they were decapitated.
- [laser whooshes]
- [children yelp]
- [Neel] Oops.
- [SM-33 grunts]
- Watch your step.
- I'll bring up the rear.
In case the guards catch up.
Remember, we have a deal.
You only get your reward
when you get us home.
Okay. Okay. I'll go in the middle.
[officer on radio] Find that fugitive
and get back up here!
The Spa's being attacked by pirates!
- [chuckling] Don't worry, there's--
- [laser fires]
- [metallic clink]
- [flesh squelches]
[shouts] Silvo!
That's them.
[Fern] Another fake name.
Captain Rennod's lair should lie
directly beneath this chamber.
Who wants to dive in first?
[KB] That's not water.
Appears to be acid, Captain.
[chuckles] 'Course it is.
This is a good one, isn't it?
Well, there must be a way through.
Look for a lever.
We've gotta get through
before those pirates catch up.
"All who enter paradise
must make the greatest sacrifice."
"Gr-Greatest sacrifice"?
That means
That means, that's--
- What is that?
- Life.
Someone has to sacrifice their life.
- No, no, no, no. You
- [Neel] Oh, my goodness!
You have a lot to learn about pirates.
Tak Rennod was known for killing.
He didn't think twice about taking a life.
He was bad. So what?
So to him,
life was not the greatest sacrifice?
- Uh-uh.
- [Neel] What was?
- Treasure!
- [Fern] Treasure!
But you spent all our dataries.
Are there any left?
[mysterious music playing]
[Neel] Ew!
Follow me.
Let's go. Let's go, let's go.
What'd I tell you?
Real adventure.
[lasers firing]
[Jod] Close the door!
Well, that won't hold them long.
[Wim gasps]
[dramatic music playing]
It's so
The coordinates will be hidden
in the Captain's datalog.
- [laughs]
- [banging on door]
Don't touch anything.
Is the plunder booby-trapped too?
Oh, yeah.
Spread out.
Look for something
that looks like a dataport.
And no touching.
[mysterious music playing]
What's a dataport look like?
[Jod] He would have disguised it.
Pirate captains never trust their crew.
It could be anything.
- [banging on door]
- [gasps]
Okay, stop gawking.
Let's hurry this up.
[Fern] What are we even looking for?
A dataport or something. I don't know.
Something that looks off.
[Neel] Is this something?
All of the food on the table looks rotten.
Except that roast,
it looks fresh from the cooker.
- [screams, pants]
- [Jod and Neel grunting]
I'll do it.
[banging on door continues]
'Tis the captain's log.
33, access this dataport.
- Captain?
- [banging on door continues]
[SM-33] Searching, searching,
searching, searching
[Wim] Oh, that's it! Home!
[KB] At Attin!
- Yes! Yes!
- [children laughing]
You have access to, uh, this system?
Refill that chamber with acid.
- [pirate] Acid!
- [pirates screaming]
[Gunter] Silvo!
The treasure,
is it really on the planet?
Is it on At Attin?
Is it real?
Treasure is mentioned
in the Captain's log.
Let me see the old devil.
- [static]
- [Captain Rennod] I have the ship,
clad in armor and ready,
but my crew still doubts At Attin is real.
What's wrong with the picture?
- Quiet!
- I need all hands to seize the treasure.
No one knows
it is the last Old Republic Mint.
That's enough.
An Old Republic Mint
What's a mint again?
It's where they make money.
[Wim] Make money?
So you could have infinite money?
[Neel] Whoa! I guess it is the planet
of eternal treasure.
Jod, remember what you promised.
You take us home,
you get a fair reward. Right?
[Wim] Yeah. We still have a deal. Right?
I invoke my right to challenge the captain
as per the Code.
The challenge is thrown.
Hand-to-hand combat, to the death.
What? 33!
I'm sorry, Captain.
I must follow the Pirate's Code.
Just say you yield.
And I won't have to hurt you.
Just say you yield.
Yield and I won't hurt you.
Just say you yield.
[breathing heavily]
- [whimpering]
- Jod, no!
I'm really sorry about this. I really am.
You have to actually say it.
You're a grown-up!
You can't fight us, we're just kids!
[crying] It's not fair.
[Jod] Careful, Wim.
It's not one of your stories.
- [whimpers]
- [breathing heavily]
[Jod] Come on.
Say it!
- I yield.
- Okay.
[SM-33] I'm sorry, Fern.
Jod is the victor.
Orders, Ca--Captain Jod?
We need another way out.
take this lot prisoner.
Charges, mutinous intent
against their captain.
[Wim] 33, no!
- [Neel whimpers]
- I'm sorry, kids.
Captain's orders.
- [Wim] Wait. I know!
- [children scream]
[trap door clicks shut]
- [button clicks]
- [lightsaber ignites]
[closing theme music playing]
Put a bounty on his head.
And those pups.
Is the Supervisor going
to contact the Republic for help?
The Supervisor is unable
to risk any contact.
Damn the risk, these are our kids!
I'm submitting a petition for
an immediate audience with the Supervisor.
[Jod] So
This is At Attin?
It tastes like ashy dust.
[KB] So maybe this is another planet,
co-founded with At Attin.
And anyone that lives here
might know about home.
Don't run off.
[Fern] 33, keep Jod on the ship
until we get back.
[SM-33] Initiating babysitting sequence.
Come on, baby.
[Hayna] I can take you somewhere safe.
Follow me. Quick and quiet.
[Wim] You don't have any ancient maps,
or any star charts or--
What about the knowledge hidden
in the Fallen Sanctum?
Hayna. It is a distant place.
You would not survive the journey.
Jod, you actually--
- We're saved!
- [Jod grunts]
I will take you to the Fallen Sanctum.
There are old carvings.
Coordinates for other planets.
I found At Attin!
- Oh, no.
- [Jod] Yeah, they're gone.
Now we're stuck.
You'll figure something out.
'Cause you're amazing, Fern.
33, run memory override.
You remember everything about At Attin.
Ah, yes.
The captain told me
if anyone ever comes pokin' around,
to pull them apart.
- 33!
- Limb from limb!
[gentle music playing]
[music ends]
[tense music playing]
[elevator bell dings]
[Wendle whispering]
What are you doing here?
Did something go wrong?
[Nooma whispering] Yes.
We need a Barrier access code.
But you're going to have to steal it.
I don't have clearance.
You can use this to break into the system.
But don't let anyone see it.
We need that access code.
[electronic whirring]
- [breathing heavily]
- [tense music continues playing]
[in normal voice] Can I help you?
Sir, an energy surge was detected
at your terminal.
I don't remember any surges.
Nevertheless, please step out
so I can access the terminal.
Sir, what are you hiding behind your back?
- Nothing.
- Then show me your hands.
And your other hand.
Sir, please show me both of your hands
at the same time.
[Safety Droid] A Coordinator
was caught with this.
Shall I initiate security protocols?
[Fara] Delete all records of this incident
and power yourself down.
[powers down]
[snaps fingers]
I told you to wait.
It's just a way to get a message
through the Barrier.
We can help the kids
without saying anything specific
about At Attin's location.
I'm handling this
through the proper channels,
which is the only way
we're ever going to see our kids again.
And is that working?
Something's wrong.
The Supervisor isn't gonna help us.
We have to do something.
Fara, please.
What's the plan?
Guys, what's even the point?
If we turn him on,
he'll just try to kill us again.
The point is,
he knows how to find At Attin.
And I rerouted the memory chip
so it won't overload his core processor.
Are you sure? 'Cause he was about
to tear us apart, limb from limb.
It'll be all right. Just turn it on.
You turn him on.
You just wanna ask him about the treasure.
And you just want him to take you home.
You're just scared.
You're scared.
KB, switch him on.
[clicks button]
- What do ya want?
- [KB gasps]
Do you remember where At Attin is?
Make him promise
he's not gonna attack us again.
[SM-33] I will not harm you.
[stutters] Those were
the old captain's orders.
Old Captain Rennod.
- But what about At--
- Wait, what? Captain Rennod? Tak Rennod?
Aye. The very same.
This ship is the Onyx Cinder.
You don't appreciate
how incredible this is.
Tak Rennod's the most infamous pirate
the galaxy's ever known.
For years, he roamed the skies,
terrorizing whole star systems.
Anything he wanted
[softly] he took it.
[in normal voice] The story goes,
he was after the treasure of At Attin
aboard the mysterious ship the Onyx Cinder
when he just
[blows air sharply]
Yeah, who cares?
33, do you remember
where At Attin is or not?
[SM-33] Sadly, no. But Captain Rennod
scanned At Attin's coordinates.
Kept 'em hid in his lair,
deep beneath Skull Ridge Mountain.
- Then take us there.
- Aye, aye, captain. [grunts]
[dramatic music playing]
There we were, on course for At Attin
[stutters] when Captain Rennod
began to suspect mutiny.
With the treasure so close,
the first mate went mad with greed
and challenged the Captain.
Oh, no. What did Captain Rennod do?
[SM-33] The Captain's concubine
betrayed him,
stabbing him with his own dagger.
But the Captain had the last laugh.
He locked out the ship's controls,
and the whole mutinous lot of 'em died
c-crashing into At Attin.
What's a concubine?
- That's enough story time for now.
- [Neel] Aw.
But I wanna hear
about Rennod's secret lair.
Oh, how I've missed it. My home.
The place of my assembly.
The lair lies in the heart
of a lone mountain
where bubbling pits of mud
hide the mangled corpses
of the Captain's foes.
- Home sweet home.
- [squealing]
Ah, my circuits buzz to see it again.
'Tis so good to have me memories back.
Pillaging and ransacking.
Carousing. [chuckles]
[voice fading] I remember
a time when Cap'n
[melancholic music playing]
[Wim sniffling]
What are you doing, boy?
- [Wim] Nothing.
- Oh.
Oh, dear.
[grunts softly] All I ever wanted
was a real adventure. [sighs]
Well, you're going
to Tak Rennod's hidden lair.
Uh Sounds pretty good to me.
[sighs] It's not what I thought
it would be like out here.
It's scary and confusing. I--
I-- I miss my dad.
And my mom.
Chin up.
You'll see 'em again soon.
[Wim] Not my mom.
All right.
Here's what you do.
Forget 'em.
Your fears, your anxieties, your parents.
They're what you call "attachments,"
and they're the last thing you need.
Forget 'em.
That's what I did.
I can't do that.
You have a powerful imagination.
When you want to,
you can see grand adventures
even in a rotten galaxy like this.
- [breathes deeply] Yeah.
- Remember.
Your focus determines your reality.
You have vision.
Embrace it.
Make your life the one you wanna live.
[chuckles softly]
Wait, but if you're not really a Jedi,
how'd you do that?
[mysterious music playing]
Captain Rennod's lair is hidden
in these mountains
[stutters] where none dare to go.
Well, what about them?
Ah, a cavalcade of fearsome,
bloodthirsty buccaneers, no doubt.
Mm They look like pleasure yachts.
You took us to the wrong planet.
- Again!
- Impossible.
I recognize every twisted peak.
Skull Ridge Mountain
should be directly ahead.
[man on radio] Welcome to Lanupa.
A neutral planet where all are welcome
if they keep the peace.
Violators will be shot down.
[Neel] Oh, no! What's Lanupa?
Lanupa? [laughing]
You brought us to Lanupa!
It goes by many names.
The Demon's Rest.
Battle World.
[man] Do you have a reservation?
- Uh, sure we do.
- I thought we--
Wait, what are we doing here?
- Wait, what's Lanupa?
- What's Lanupa?
- [shushes] Hey, shush. Shush.
- [KB] What's a pleasure yacht?
[man] Sir, if those are children I hear,
be warned.
Our facilities are intended
for adult guests only.
Children are not permitted.
You heard what the man said.
You stay on the ship.
33 and I will get into the lair,
we'll find the At Attin coordinates--
And run off without us.
Nice try. We're coming with you.
You can trust me, you know.
Stay on the ship.
- I go where the captain goes.
- [groans]
Empty your pockets.
I'm gonna need every last
Old Republic credit you're hiding.
[surreal music playing]
[starship rattling]
Contact waste removal.
We may have a situation.
- [bellhop] Waste removal, standby.
- [starship door opening]
May I present,
from the Bratric system,
the most Wise Elders
- The most Wise El--
- [machinery whirring]
[hotelier] Welcome, honored guests,
to the famous Spas
at Skull Ridge Mountain.
Right this way.
Oh, allow me to translate.
The Bratric physiology permits no Basic.
[talking gibberish]
- [children talking gibberish]
- This is Skull Ridge Mountain?
[stutters] They ruined it!
[Wim] What if the pirate lair's gone?
- [metal detector beeping]
- It's here. We just gotta find it.
- No weapons allowed in the Spa.
- [Jod] Mm?
Even a harmless little knife?
- [speaking alien language]
- Hmm. [slurps]
[grunts] But fair.
Now, what is the meaning of this?
Droids have been used as weapons
in the past.
This bolt restrains all violent action.
- Is that so? [groans]
- [electronic whining, crackling]
[hotelier] Luxury.
That's our obsession here at the Spa.
Luxury served by indulging
each guest's unique proclivities.
You can't play a shanty on a harp.
Over there is our Sensory Gymnasium.
[SM-33] But where are the fighting pits?
[hotelier] And, featuring delicacies
from across the sector, our buffet
[SM-33] Food for weaklings.
And below us,
carved straight into the mountain rock
by, legend has it,
ancient pirates, is the Spa.
- 'Tis no legend, you insolent-- [groans]
- [electronic whining, crackling]
[hotelier] Natural hot springs feed
our famous rejuvenating mud baths.
The lair's definitely down there.
[KB] I hope not.
Uh, why so much security?
The Banking Clan is here
for an economic summit
and to enjoy the baths.
So, we are on high alert
for spies and impostors.
[coughs, smacks lips]
Now, what name is your reservation under?
And the Wise Elders?
- [sighs]
- [children giggling and exclaiming]
Oh, look. There I am.
Um, Professor Gorelox.
- [talking gibberish]
- What?
We're not staying.
We're finding the lair. That's it.
You're right, ma'am.
I should enjoy myself.
- [credit clanks]
- Upgrade me to one of your finest suites.
Oh, and, um,
ask the chef to select a banquet.
I'll dine alone.
Do my eyes deceive me,
or is that Dash Zentin, in the flesh?
Dash Zentin?
How many names does he have?
What an unexpected delight [chuckles]
- It's Pokkit.
- [Jod] Pokkit.
How long has it been?
Since you stole my bounty and left me
drowning in a pit of leeches?
[chuckles nervously]
No hard feelings? Hmm?
- None whatsoever. [chuckles]
- Good.
[Pokkit] In fact, I tried to find you.
You know, just to make sure
you knew there was no bad blood.
Funny thing, though [chuckles]
no one I met ever heard of a Dash Zentin.
Ah [laughs]
I bounty-hunt for a private client now.
No more low-rent Guild jobs.
Lucky you.
[Pokkit] So don't worry.
I'm just here for some R & R.
I haven't even checked the pucks.
[chuckling] Why should I worry?
I should go.
Got a hot bacta soak.
Hey, kids,
don't trust this sleemo.
I'm sorry,
what name was that reservation under?
No luggage.
And we're in a hurry.
No, no, no, no, no.
Listen, that nice lady
is a ruthless bounty hunter
with a bad grudge.
Most likely
she's already called my name in.
[Wim] Wizard! This place is like a palace!
- [KB] Whoa.
- [children giggle]
Captain would be in a fearsome temper
if he saw this.
I mean, a b-b-buffet?
- [Neel] Aw.
- Oh, man.
We have to assume
someone is coming after us.
We have to move fast.
- In and out.
- [Wim grunts]
If Rennod's lair is even still here.
'Tis here. The outside may have changed,
but the lair is deep
in the heart of the mountain.
All who enter face ruin and slaughter.
Fine, great. How do we get in?
Through what they call "the Spa."
But I know he marked the entrance
with his sigil, thusly.
- So we split into teams and sear--
- [children laughing]
Are you listening to any of this?
- Yes. We're listening.
- Oh, yeah? What did I just say?
"Are you listening to any of this?"
A crew of murderous pirates is coming!
Do you understand? We have to move fast!
W-Why are they so mad at you, anyway?
And why does Pokkit hate you?
[Fern] What happened between you two?
Yeah, why can't you just say sorry?
This is idiotic. We have to hurry.
We're gonna split into two teams
and search the Spa.
I can't go down there.
You worried about corrosion
from the steam?
[KB] No.
- It's just gross is all.
- [Jod] It's okay.
It's okay, you can take
[stutters] the Sensory Gymnasium.
You take the Sensory Gymnasium,
Professor Gorelox.
I'm searching the Spa.
- And I must go with my captain.
- Fine.
33, Fern, Wim. You're one--
No, I wanna go with Wim!
- And we wanted to search the buffet!
- We're not searching the buffet!
[Fern] KB should be on my team.
[loudly] No, it doesn't matter
whose team who is on!
We're doing it and we're gonna do it
before we get killed by pirates,
am I clear? [breathes heavily]
[in normal voice] Find the symbol,
find At Attin,
and hope that dear, lovely Pokkit
hasn't called in your bounty.
Zentin, Silvo, whatever you call him,
I'm claiming your bounty.
[Brutus on comms]
Where is the cowardly wretch?
Here is the coordinates.
Now how about my payment?
You'll have your payment
when I have Silvo.
I'm sending two ships.
And keep this quiet.
I wouldn't dream
of breathing a word to anyone.
- I'll be seeing you.
- [device beeps]
- [mumbles]
- [grunts]
Oh, oh No, no, sir. Not again.
- No, no, please, no. Not again.
- [Hutt belches]
See anything familiar, 33?
These pools are supposed to be
for dissolving corpses in acid.
Now look at them.
[Fern] Does that mud come
from inside the mountain?
In the Captain's day, aye.
Then we'll follow this pipe.
You said the lair's in
the heart of the mountain?
Aye, captain.
Jedi Two, we're following the pipe.
[over radio] Repeat.
We're following the pipe.
Copy that, Jedi One.
We're looking at a bunch of carvings
by the mud baths.
[KB] Captain Rennod's symbol doesn't
look like any of these.
- Let's keep-- [groans]
- This is taking too long.
[male Muun] No, no,
I haven't seen anyone.
- Did you see? I didn't see, no. No
- [female Muun] No. I haven't seen him.
[exclaims] Jod. Jod.
Those guards are looking at us.
Just act like you belong.
KB, make sure you cross-reference
all of these.
Okay, stay back. Don't talk.
- [officer] Professor Gorelox, is it?
- Yes.
Professor Umiam Gorelox?
Of Scipio?
[Neel groaning]
[mysterious music playing]
Wim. Look.
It's Captain Rennod's sign.
[man] You there, attendant.
I am in need of refreshments.
My apologies.
I'll just go get you
a selection of our finest--
- [yelps]
- You don't smell like an attendant.
Are you an assassin?
Back away from the captain.
- I'm warning you.
- [electronic whining]
Captain, is it?
- [radio beeps]
- Jedi Two, we need help.
[security agent] Everyone, get 'em.
[officer] Halt, Dash Zentin!
AKA Mad Captain Silvo.
AKA Jodwick Zank.
- Halt!
- [breathes heavily]
Now step away from the Wise Elders
and raise your hands.
[KB] We're not Elders.
We're kids.
Well, then you're under arrest too.
[cadet] What are you gonna do with that?
[officers and Jod laughing]
[KB grunts]
[pipe rattling]
[officers scream]
Let's go.
[metallic clanging]
The captain needs help
in the grottos below.
[Wim] And so then, Captain Fern led us
into battle at the head of the Troik Army!
Hmm. Quite a story. Then what happened?
Oh, hey, guys.
This is Cthallops.
[officer] Think I heard
something further down.
[echoing on radio] He said he'd help us
if we entertained him. Over.
So this is Jod? [sniffs]
You were right.
- Do not trust him.
- Nice.
- [officer] They went this way.
- Well, it's great you're making friends.
Uh, we have a situation here, so
Cthallops is gonna help us out.
Oh, really?
- Cthallops?
- [Cthallops grunts]
- [whooshing]
- [mysterious music playing]
[man on radio] Welcome to Lanupa.
A neutral planet where all are welcome
if they keep the--
[dramatic music playing]
[Cthallops] I smell
the guards approaching.
If you survive,
I'd love to hear
the end of your story someday.
- Thanks, Cthallops!
- Thanks, Cthallops!
Be warned!
Captain Rennod carved a maze of tunnels
and lined 'em with booby-traps.
Follow me, and watch where you step.
Um, how far do you-- Whoa!
[Neel screams]
[KB] Looks like they were decapitated.
- [laser whooshes]
- [children yelp]
- [Neel] Oops.
- [SM-33 grunts]
- Watch your step.
- I'll bring up the rear.
In case the guards catch up.
Remember, we have a deal.
You only get your reward
when you get us home.
Okay. Okay. I'll go in the middle.
[officer on radio] Find that fugitive
and get back up here!
The Spa's being attacked by pirates!
- [chuckling] Don't worry, there's--
- [laser fires]
- [metallic clink]
- [flesh squelches]
[shouts] Silvo!
That's them.
[Fern] Another fake name.
Captain Rennod's lair should lie
directly beneath this chamber.
Who wants to dive in first?
[KB] That's not water.
Appears to be acid, Captain.
[chuckles] 'Course it is.
This is a good one, isn't it?
Well, there must be a way through.
Look for a lever.
We've gotta get through
before those pirates catch up.
"All who enter paradise
must make the greatest sacrifice."
"Gr-Greatest sacrifice"?
That means
That means, that's--
- What is that?
- Life.
Someone has to sacrifice their life.
- No, no, no, no. You
- [Neel] Oh, my goodness!
You have a lot to learn about pirates.
Tak Rennod was known for killing.
He didn't think twice about taking a life.
He was bad. So what?
So to him,
life was not the greatest sacrifice?
- Uh-uh.
- [Neel] What was?
- Treasure!
- [Fern] Treasure!
But you spent all our dataries.
Are there any left?
[mysterious music playing]
[Neel] Ew!
Follow me.
Let's go. Let's go, let's go.
What'd I tell you?
Real adventure.
[lasers firing]
[Jod] Close the door!
Well, that won't hold them long.
[Wim gasps]
[dramatic music playing]
It's so
The coordinates will be hidden
in the Captain's datalog.
- [laughs]
- [banging on door]
Don't touch anything.
Is the plunder booby-trapped too?
Oh, yeah.
Spread out.
Look for something
that looks like a dataport.
And no touching.
[mysterious music playing]
What's a dataport look like?
[Jod] He would have disguised it.
Pirate captains never trust their crew.
It could be anything.
- [banging on door]
- [gasps]
Okay, stop gawking.
Let's hurry this up.
[Fern] What are we even looking for?
A dataport or something. I don't know.
Something that looks off.
[Neel] Is this something?
All of the food on the table looks rotten.
Except that roast,
it looks fresh from the cooker.
- [screams, pants]
- [Jod and Neel grunting]
I'll do it.
[banging on door continues]
'Tis the captain's log.
33, access this dataport.
- Captain?
- [banging on door continues]
[SM-33] Searching, searching,
searching, searching
[Wim] Oh, that's it! Home!
[KB] At Attin!
- Yes! Yes!
- [children laughing]
You have access to, uh, this system?
Refill that chamber with acid.
- [pirate] Acid!
- [pirates screaming]
[Gunter] Silvo!
The treasure,
is it really on the planet?
Is it on At Attin?
Is it real?
Treasure is mentioned
in the Captain's log.
Let me see the old devil.
- [static]
- [Captain Rennod] I have the ship,
clad in armor and ready,
but my crew still doubts At Attin is real.
What's wrong with the picture?
- Quiet!
- I need all hands to seize the treasure.
No one knows
it is the last Old Republic Mint.
That's enough.
An Old Republic Mint
What's a mint again?
It's where they make money.
[Wim] Make money?
So you could have infinite money?
[Neel] Whoa! I guess it is the planet
of eternal treasure.
Jod, remember what you promised.
You take us home,
you get a fair reward. Right?
[Wim] Yeah. We still have a deal. Right?
I invoke my right to challenge the captain
as per the Code.
The challenge is thrown.
Hand-to-hand combat, to the death.
What? 33!
I'm sorry, Captain.
I must follow the Pirate's Code.
Just say you yield.
And I won't have to hurt you.
Just say you yield.
Yield and I won't hurt you.
Just say you yield.
[breathing heavily]
- [whimpering]
- Jod, no!
I'm really sorry about this. I really am.
You have to actually say it.
You're a grown-up!
You can't fight us, we're just kids!
[crying] It's not fair.
[Jod] Careful, Wim.
It's not one of your stories.
- [whimpers]
- [breathing heavily]
[Jod] Come on.
Say it!
- I yield.
- Okay.
[SM-33] I'm sorry, Fern.
Jod is the victor.
Orders, Ca--Captain Jod?
We need another way out.
take this lot prisoner.
Charges, mutinous intent
against their captain.
[Wim] 33, no!
- [Neel whimpers]
- I'm sorry, kids.
Captain's orders.
- [Wim] Wait. I know!
- [children scream]
[trap door clicks shut]
- [button clicks]
- [lightsaber ignites]
[closing theme music playing]