Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

The Jellyfruit Pursuit/Creature Safari

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
-[child grunts]
Looks like that's the last jellyfruit.
[child gasps]
So those are the rare and delicious
jellyfruit I've heard so much about, eh?
It'd be a shame if someone stole 'em all.
Someone like us. [laughs]
That fruit is for everyone to share
at the Jellyfruit Festival tonight.
Why share when you can sell?
I bet plenty of pirates would pay
a ton of credits for these.
That pirate took all the fruit, Grandma.
Oh, honey, I know.
And without the jellyfruit,
Kublop Springs
can't have their festival tonight.
-[Hap vocalizes]
-[RJ beeps]
Juicy and jiggly
Soft and sweet ♪
Crazily colorful
And fun to eat ♪
-[gasps] Whoops!
-[chuckles] Sorry, RJ.
-[Nubs coos]
-[Nash grunts]
I can't get these decorations
to stick to anything but me.
[speaking Poobian]
[gasps, groans]
Thanks for helping us decorate
for the Jellyfruit Festival tonight.
-Always happy to help, Hap.
-It's my favorite day of the year.
The Jellyfruit Festival is all about
sharing the love of delicious jellyfruit
with everyone.
I can't wait.
It's just like the jelly jingle says.
Juicy and jiggly ♪
Soft and sweet ♪
Crazily colorful ♪
[both] And fun to eat ♪
-[holoprojector beeps]
Hey, Weebo.
How's tonight's jellyfruit
shipment coming?
It ain't coming, Hap. It's going.
A group of pirates just left with it.
[speaking Poobian]
They stole all the fruit.
[Hap, Nash gasp] No!
[sighs] We can't have a Jellyfruit
Festival without any jellyfruit.
That fruit was for everyone
to share at the festival, not for pirates.
What did those pirates look like?
They had a huge ship
that kinda looked like a bird.
And there was a short fella in a helmet.
-[all grunt] Taborr.
-[Nubs speaks Poobian]
Don't worry, Weebo. My Jedi friends
and I will track them down
-and get that jellyfruit back.
-[speaking Poobian]
-Y-You don't even know where they went.
Well, the helmet guy did say
he was gonna sell the jellyfruit
to some other pirates.
Sell them to other pirates?
I know where Taborr might be.
Hap, keep decorating,
'cause we're gonna get that jellyfruit.
To the Firehawk!
Planet Yarrum.
That's where we faced Taborr before
at that pirate hideout.
That's right. At Yarrum Tower.
Lots of pirates from all over
the sector hang out there.
It's gotta be where Taborr's selling
all the jellyfruit.
We'll just go down there
and take it all back.
-[speaking Poobian]
I'm not sure it'll be that easy.
RJ, please take over flying
the Firehawk for me.
Jedi don't usually visit Yarrum Tower.
If someone sees you dressed like that,
they'll warn Taborr,
and he could escape with the jellyfruit
before we can even get close.
Good point. So what do we do?
-[Nubs grunts]
-You need to look like pirates.
[gasps] I've got an idea.
-Uh… [chuckles]
-[Nubs coos]
-[Nash] Hmm.
-[Nubs chuckles]
You all look…
-[Nubs giggles]
-Well, I-I mean,
you definitely don't look like Jedi.
That's good, right?
Uh, if this is gonna work, you--
you really gotta act like pirates.
Show me your tough pirate faces!
[growls] I am a grumpy, tough pirate.
[speaking Poobian]
-Aw, you're so cute, Nubs.
-[giggles, coos]
-I mean, aw…
[in deep voice] …you're a not-cute pirate.
How are we doing, Nash?
-[Nubs giggles]
[all laugh]
It'll have to do.
Now let's hurry and get that fruit back.
Those thieving pirates
don't deserve one delicious bite.
RJ, can you keep an eye on the ship?
I don't want any pirates messing
with the Firehawk, okay?
[chirps, beeps]
-[Lys, Kai] Whoa.
-[Nubs gasps]
Here we are. Yarrum Tower marketplace.
Remember, act tough.
-Hey! You four, where are you headed?
-[all yelp]
Who wants to know?
Remember, tough like a pirate.
[all growling]
Uh, you kids okay?
We're not kids. We're pirates!
And if you don't stop bothering us,
you and I are gonna have a problem.
Whatever you say.
They don't pay me enough credits for this.
-[Lys] Yeah.
-[Kai] We did it.
Tough faces.
This place is kinda neat.
-[pirate groans]
-Tough faces, remember?
[Kai] Sorry!
I mean… [clears throat]
[in deep voice] …sorry.
-[pirate growls]
[grunts] Hey!
-What's the big idea?
-[Kai gasps]
[Nash, Lys, Kai gasp]
Uh, Nash, maybe now is not
the time for tough faces?
Ahoy there, little pirate.
Are you okay?
Yes. Uh, fine.
Th-Thank you.
Well, that must've hurt.
Sorry about that.
Uh, excuse me, but where'd you get
that jellyfruit… [clears throat] …sir?
Jellyfruit? Is that what it's called?
Thing's delicious.
Kid over there boosted a whole crate,
and now he's selling 'em.
Hey, everyone.
Get ya fruit.
All natural from planet Tenoo.
Super rare and super delicious.
-[Kai, Nash, Lys] Taborr's gang.
[exclaims] Those thieving pirates.
Stealing jellyfruit?
You're supposed to share it.
If we sneak up, we could grab the
hover-cart and take back the jellyfruit.
Come on!
Thank you. Uh… [clears throat]
[in deep voice] Thank you.
[speaking Poobian]
[Taborr] Step on up
and try our super rare fruit.
Priced so low, it's a steal.
Hey! Hey, you!
Uh, who? I mean… [clears throat]
[in deep voice] Who, me?
Yeah, you.
-Nice helmet.
Here's a free sample.
If you want more after that,
you'll have to pay.
[gasps, grunting]
-[Taborr] Huh?
[pirates gasp]
Wait a minute.
Kai Brightstar?
[groans] The Jedi are here?
[pirates clamoring]
[gasps, squeals]
Blaster bolts! How did they find us?
[Nubs exclaims]
[Taborr groans]
You pirates don't deserve
any of that jellyfruit!
Give it back, Taborr.
You wish.
Pord, EB-3, back to the ship.
[Nash] After that jellyfruit!
-[Nubs growls]
-[Kai panting]
I won't let some pirates
take our jellyfruit!
[speaking Poobian]
[all grunting]
[Pord snorts]
-[pirate groans]
-[Nubs shrieks]
[panting] Keep going.
I'll-I'll catch up.
Uh… [sighs]
[all panting]
Aw, too fast for you, Jedi?
-[EB-3 laughs]
-[EB-3] Oops!
-[Taborr screams]
-[Pord squeals]
[Nash] No!
-The jellyfruit's gonna fall!
-[Taborr, EB-3] No!
-[Force rumbling]
-[pirates gasp]
[Nubs, Kai, Lys straining]
[straining continues]
[Kai, Lys sigh]
[Taborr sighs]
We got the jellyfruit back!
Hey, Nash. Quick, call RJ to pick us up.
RJ, come in!
[grunts] It's always the Jedi.
That's what you get for stealing
from a little old farmer, Taborr.
He stole from an old farmer?
-[pirates growl]
-[EB-3 gasps]
Yeah, and her grandkid.
That's not very impressive at all.
[chuckles] Some pirate he is.
-[pirates laughing]
-[Taborr groans]
I am a pirate, and I am impressive!
[grunts] Come on!
All right, Nash.
Let's get those jellyfruit back to--
Can't believe I'm about to do this.
-Hey, Taborr!
I love the Jellyfruit Festival.
I was looking forward
to sharing it with my friends,
but I forgot that this festival
is not just about sharing with friends.
It's about sharing with everyone,
even pirates.
Uh, thanks?
-Share? [scoffs]
No way. This is mine.
Now, come on. Let's get outta here.
Time to get this jellyfruit
back to the festival.
[festivalgoers chattering]
[Nubs coos, chuckles]
Thanks for inviting us, Nash.
You got it, mister, pirate, sir.
[Hap] Would you look at that?
You kids saved the Jellyfruit Festival.
Thank you!
To the Jellyfruit Festival heroes!
[festivalgoers] To our heroes!
[both] Mmm.
This is amazing!
Mmm. So good.
I told you jellyfruit is the best.
Just like the jelly jingle says.
Juicy and jiggly ♪
Soft and sweet ♪
Crazily colorful ♪
[singing in Poobian]
-You bet they're fun to eat.
-[Kai, Lys laugh]
Now, who wants seconds?
-[all laugh]
-[Lys] I do! I do!
Good afternoon, creature lovers.
Broadcasting across the galaxy,
it's me, Aree,
from the Galactic Society
of Creature Enthusiasts.
And, as always, I'm here to learn
about creatures across the galaxy.
Today, we're joined
by some special Jedi friends,
-Kai, Lys and Nubs.
[speaking Poobian]
We're on the planet Yamradi,
home to the critters known as Chylaroo.
Not much is known about Chylaroo,
so there's a lot to learn indeed.
I think we got it, Cam.
[Cam beeps]
Thanks for letting us
be in your recording,
and for letting us come with you
to Yamradi.
Lys is a little excited.
I couldn't wait to meet you both.
I love the Galactic Creature Guide.
The section on the Gedonian Ground Weevil
is my favorite.
Or the exogorth. Wait, no. Charhounds.
Really? [chuckles] That's wonderful.
Cam and I are quite proud of it.
And with any luck, we'll learn lots
of new facts about the Chylaroo
to enter into the Creature Guide today.
[squeals] So official!
Who's ready to gather
some creature knowledge?
I was born ready.
Then off we go.
[Cam chirps]
[creatures chittering]
-[chittering continues]
-[speaking Poobian]
-[chitters, shrieks]
[groans, speaks Poobian]
This is so much fun.
When do you think
we'll find the Chylaroo?
[creature chittering]
-Could that be…
-[Nubs gasp]
I think it's a…
[chittering continues]
[Lys, Aree gasp] Chylaroo!
We found them.
Careful, let's not scare--
-[chittering continues]
I think they wanna say hello.
Huh. Amazing.
How'd she get them
to come over to her so easily?
[chuckles] That's our Lys.
She's great with creatures.
I've never been this close
to a Chylaroo before.
This is perfect.
[chittering, chirps]
It has a frill. Oh! Fascinating.
[Lys] And the frill seems
to puff up when you pet it.
[Nubs speaking Poobian]
[Kai] It does look like the coosta mice
we've seen in the Temple garden.
-[Nubs speaks Poobian]
[Aree] Good question, Nubs.
I wonder if it likes to…
-[Cam whirring]
[beeps, whirring]
[clucking, shrieks]
-[chuckles] Mmm.
-[Nubs coos]
-[creature shrieking]
-[Kai] Hmm?
Is that…
-[shrieking continues]
-[Lys, Kai, Aree gasp] Cam!
-[speaks Poobian]
We gotta get him back. Hurry!
-[creature shrieks]
-[all panting]
Drop that droid!
[panting continues]
-[Kai, Lys grunt]
-[speaking Poobian]
Come back here with our friend!
[Aree grunts]
I'm okay.
-[creature shrieks]
-[Lys] There!
[Kai gasps]
[Lys panting]
[all panting]
[panting] Where'd they go?
[speaking Poobian]
We've lost sight of Cam
and the thing that grabbed him.
Didn't even see which way they went.
What was that?
Never seen anything like it before.
You mean it's a new creature?
[gasps] Exciting!
-[Nubs groans]
-Oh, uh, I mean,
not exciting that Cam was taken.
Small and friendly creatures
are one thing,
but whatever that was is big and scary,
and it has my friend.
What if it's going to eat him?
[Lys] Eat him?
I don't know any creature
that eats droids.
I'm sure he's safe.
We'll get Cam back. We promise.
[speaking Poobian]
[Nubs groans]
Hmm. This feather looks like
it came from the creature.
-I know where we can start looking.
[grunts] You really think that creature
might be up here in the trees?
[grunts] Well, birds make nests in trees.
And that creature sort of looked
like a bird to me.
[grunts] Maybe that means
it has a nest up here somewhere.
[Aree strains, grunts]
D-Don't worry about me.
[chuckles] I got it.
[speaking Poobian]
[both] Nubs!
[Force rumbling]
[speaks Poobian, coos]
-[both grunt]
Nubs! Are you okay?
-Okay! [speaks Poobian]
Whoa! [grunts]
Oh, we're all down here now?
I don't understand.
The creature must have been here.
But we didn't see any nests up in--
Another feather!
Huh. It looks like the creature
might have gone into this burrow.
[speaking Poobian]
A burrow is a hole in the ground where
creatures can live, including some birds.
Maybe this creature lives in there.
It's worth checking out.
We were wrong about it making
its home in the trees.
Maybe we really don't know much
about this creature.
Except that it's a droid-eater.
I'm sure Cam is fine, Aree.
Maybe the creature took him
for another reason.
We don't know.
But what I do know is
that we need to learn more about it.
That's what being a Galactic
Creature Enthusiast is all about.
I-- I guess you're right.
Come on. Let's check out this burrow
and see what we can learn.
[Nubs coos]
[Lys gasps]
-We found a nest.
-[Cam beeping]
-[Kai] Uh…
-And that's Cam.
I'm coming for you, buddy!
Aree, wait!
Cam? It's me. Aree.
-He's okay.
[speaking Poobian]
-[shrieks, clucks]
-[Aree gasps]
Uh, aren't you a big bird?
-[all scream]
-Whoa! [grunts]
[all grunt]
-[Aree gasps]
-[Aree groans] No!
Let go! [screams]
-Aree! Cam!
-Don't let it eat me!
[all screaming]
[Lys screams] Aree!
-[all scream]
[screams, grunts]
I don't know how to get back in there
with that creature guarding the nest.
[speaking Poobian]
[sighs] I can't believe it.
First it took Cam, then Aree.
Maybe it really is a droid-eater.
No, of course it's not.
If it were a droid-eater,
it would've eaten Cam a long time ago.
So, what's it up to?
Why did it take the droids?
[speaking Poobian]
-It's okay, Nubs.
I know that look.
That's Lys's thinking face.
Even though we don't know much
about the creature,
we can still rescue Aree and Cam.
We just have to think about
what we know so far.
Many bird-like creatures eat berries,
and the berries on this planet
are super shiny.
[gasps] Just like Cam.
Cam must've looked like its food,
which means it's not a droid-eater.
It was just confused, and hungry.
So how do we get Cam and Aree back?
I've got an idea.
But we're gonna need more berries.
Well, I can honestly say
I've never worn berries before.
[speaking Poobian]
-[Lys, Kai laugh]
All you have to do is get
the creature to chase you away.
Then I'll go in there
and rescue Aree and Cam.
[Aree] I need to get back to my friends.
-[sighs] Okay, Nubs.
Here we go.
Yoo-hoo! Over here!
[speaking Poobian]
[shrieking, clucking]
[speaking Poobian]
[shrieking, clucking]
Uh, run, Nubs!
[Nubs screams]
Your turn, Lys! Go!
-[speaking Poobian]
[Aree] It seems the creature
is native to this planet…
-Psst. Aree, Cam?
-…and has not traveled very far
-outside of its natural habitat.
-Are you there?
-[Cam beeps]
Well, well, creature lovers.
-Look who decided to join us.
Aree? Cam? You're okay!
Of course we are.
Aren't you going to say hello
to our new friends?
[squeals] Babies.
Aw, they're so cute.
Cute and, uh, not droid-eaters at all.
[chuckles] I guess that creature
was just looking for food
to bring back to feed its babies.
-[chirping continues]
Yep, and Cam looks a lot like a berry.
[creature shrieks, clucking]
[chuckles] Hi.
-It got us.
[speaking Poobian]
[both scream, grunt]
-[Nubs groans]
-[Kai screams] What?
-[Nubs groans]
-[laughs] It tickles.
-[speaking Poobian]
[all laugh]
-[creatures chirping]
-[chuckles] Aw.
-[Nubs laughs, exclaims]
-[Kai, Lys chuckle]
[Aree] Thanks for your help today, Jedi.
-Especially you, Lys.
I know I didn't exactly keep calm,
and I got a little, um…
-Terrified when Cam went missing.
But my job as a member of the Galactic
Society of Creature Enthusiasts is
to learn about all kinds of creatures.
-And thanks to you…
…we've discovered a whole new creature
to add into the Galactic Creature Guide.
Lys, because of your help today,
I'd like you to officially name
this newly discovered creature.
[gasps] Really?
Wow! What are you gonna call it, Lys?
Well, it liked berries,
and it lived in a burrow.
I'll call it a burrowberry bird.
You heard it here first.
This is our new burrowberry bird friend,
and some little
burrowberry bird babies too.
-Oh, so cute.
Until next time, creature lovers!
-[all laughing]
-[babies chirping]
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