Stella Blomkvist (2017) s01e05 Episode Script

Murder at Harpa - Part 1

Good evening. Protests continue
against the building of a Chinese port in Grímsey.
The port will be a logistic centre
for Chinese shippings through the Arctic Ocean.
People's opinions appear to be conflicting.
Some very strong criticism of the Parliament
for allowing the building of a port in Grímsey island.
According to the opposition,
this will also implicate the building of a military base.
Some on the other hand see it as a positive thing
on the grounds that Icelandic economy will benefit from huge incomes.
The Chinese PM is gonna come to Iceland
to meet with the Negotiation Committee.
Analysts see this visit as evidence of the pressure
China is putting on our government to complete this project.
The PM is very optimistic although according to our sources
the Parties are in disagreement.
Sverrir Kristjánsson
I have the whole day off if you want
I have to go.
Always busy.
- Someone needs to look after those men.
While Iceland and China go at it,
Stella's life goes on.
Look an interview with the grieving sister.
- They got what they deserved.
I saw you get in.
A woman asked about you.
- Sexy?
I don't know I don't think so.
- Then I'm not interested.
She says it's important.
She's waiting upstairs.
Let's go.
Xi Feng, assistant to the Chinese Minister
of Cultural Affairs.
We've met before.
What can I do for you?
- You can speak Icelandic to me
but I'm sorry I understand more than I can say
so I'll have to speak to you in English.
I was sent here by my employer, Mr. Guo Dai,
the cultural attache at the embassy.
He wants your advice on a particular matter.
- Ok.
But I must add discretion is of utter most importance to him.
No, thanks.
- There's a considerable fee.
Spread your arms out, please.
Turn around, please.
You came!
Have you got the decorations?
She's with me.
We're here to see Mr. Guo Dai.
So Icelanders are in charge of decorations here.
I thought you were more into feng shui.
She's the wife of the ambassador.
- Icelandic?
Yes, they met in China
and they moved here together.
Please, have a seat.
Nice to see you again.
He says we're having a bit of a problem
and we are hoping you'd help us.
You probably have heard delicate negotiations
are now going on between Iceland and China.
We have heard you have got hold of
some sensitive recordings.
The blue bag with the videos of Sverrir's orgies
recorded by his dead assistant. Ho do they know about it?
What are you talking about?
We have also heard some of our people
are probably involved.
So understandably we would like to have these recordings.
Yes I see your problem
but unfortunately I can't help you.
We would of course reward you handsomely
for what should we say your crisis of loyalty to your country.
Never accept money from middle-aged, arrogant men
especially it that involves treason.
Although with this kind of money
I could retire by the age of 30.
We'll expect an answer by the end of the day.
Hi, how's going with the blue bag files?
- Why you're asking now?
'Cause they'll make me rich.
- I'm working on it!
What's the big problem?
- They're encrypted and the password is probably 50 or 60 characters.
It could be anything.
- When's it gonna be ready?
In a week, a year, 100 years who knows?
The supercomputer is at work.
Don't let the word "super" deceive you.
It's a bunch of old computers plugged together down at the docks.
Can't you make it quicker?
If you could find me 50.000 more computers, that would help.
- 50.000?
We need to open the windows here you're kidding, right?
A virus could get me access to any computer
but that's not exactly legal.
Can you do that?
- It's expensive. - How expensive?
Ok, keep thinking.
- What you gonna do with it?
Sell it.
- It's got something to do with the Chinese?
You're smart.
- There was a scandal in China 20 years ago.
A young bureaucrat was sent to Hong Kong
as a secret service agent.
He managed to erase the evidence
of all the atrocities he had committed.
Kidnappings, torture, executions
the man was a real sadist.
He liked to torture and humiliate his victims.
The entire story was put to silence.
His name was erased from the archives.
Then, suddenly, he turns up in Iceland as Cultural Affairs attache.
It seems he's the one pulling the strings,
not the ambassador.
Smoke outside!
Time to update the "10 worst sons of bitches" list.
He wants to impress his bosses back in China
but he's a piece of shit and he's dangerous.
- It's Stella. Tell your boss I'm not gonna help you.
He will not be pleased.
- You can't always get what you want.
Check out "Let It Bleed" from the Stones.
I advise you to accept our offer.
Mr. Guo Dai is a serious man.
Mrs. Xi Feng, it's not worth it.
This story stinks and money won't get it cleaned.
You do not know Mr. Guo Dai.
He will not take this lightly.
Dagbjört is the only minister against the Chinese deal.
She's also the only one sending me ambiguous messages.
You said it was important
Stella not here
Take a short break.
Not here.
Stella it's prohibited.
- Everything's prohibited.
I've been to the Chinese embassy.
Mr. Guo Dai is very interested in the blue bag.
He offered me a fortune for it.
What did you do?
- I still haven't answered him.
Don't do it.
Sverrir's orgies with all his buddies?
He wants to keep the videos!
- I thought as much.
You're on very thin ice.
Is it really that dangerous?
We're in Iceland after all.
Don't underestimate the situation.
He's under diplomatic immunity
and since it's all connected to the deal with China,
he'll do what he wants.
You saw those people with me?
They're the part of the committee
that's still fighting.
We gotta meet every single day.
Guo Dai might use those videos against us
and destroy the committee.
Can't we expose him to the press?
- Nobody would back me up.
Sverrir would seize the opportunity to kick me out.
Unless you give me those videos.
I'll think about it.
Stella be careful.
Get your hands off me!
Nice to see you again.
Is this kind of visit customary in China?
What do you want?
- Isn't that obvious? We want the video files.
She was very helpful.
She told us the files were encrypted.
I'd like you to open them, please.
I can't.
This is nerd's stuff I don't do nerd's stuff.
We will see about that.
Ok no
There's clearly been some misunderstanding
you really don't have to do this!
We can work something out!
You have until morning to deliver.
Next time I'll want more than a finger.
Contact Xi Feng when you are ready.
Fuck Gunna, can you hear me?!
She's alright
but she has a concussion from the hit.
Can I see her?
- She's sleeping.
Yes but
- It takes time.
No hugs, Raggi!
- Sorry!
You took your time.
- I've been to the embassy.
There are 10 witnesses willing to testify
that Guo Dai has been there all day.
That's hardly a surprise, is it?
Despite his diplomatic immunity
he told me something.
He says you went to him two weeks ago, blind drunk,
and told him you wanted to fuck.
Fuck him?
Is Dagbjört in?
- Yes.
It's alright, darling.
What are you doing here?
- We have to talk.
You gotta press on with the police.
- Of course
Pressure them to do an investigation.
- It can't be done.
Stella why were you willing to give him the videos?
Give them to me.
I can protect you.
The Chinese are gonna use them to blackmail Sverrir.
I can't get them without Gunna's help anyway.
They're encrypted.
Even if I had them, I couldn't open them.
Ok so you don't have the blue bag either.
Not yet.
What are you gonna do?
- I don't know.
Even if I wanted to give the videos
to the Chinese
they're floating in cyberspace
and only Gunna can get them out.
I need to buy me time.
This is not what we talked about.
Mr. Guo Dai was very clear.
Let me talk to him and explain.
- It's too late for that.
Then tell him it's his own fucking fault!
Only Gunna can decrypt those files!
Free Tibet!
Hi, it's Stella.
Are you working for the Chinese PM's visit?
So they don't know you're a former drug dealer?
What if someone told them?
This is the last time!
- Ok.
Your nose is bleeding.
Try not to get blood on me.
Over there.
I gotta go now.
What are you doing here?
- Guo Dai gave me one day. Time's up.
What you plan to do?
Sverrir, would you mind
My savior it's ok.
What brings you here?
Are you investigating another murder?
Please tell me it's not that.
- No there's a full moon, you know how it works.
Will you introduce me to the Prime Minister?
- No, enjoy your evening.
How's your friend?
You got the files?
I can't access them without my friend
which you put in a hospital.
She's unconscious.
- Still?
Icelanders are such pussies.
I just need a little more time.
If you attack us again, I will bury you!
I will uncover the blackmail
and you will pay for Gunna!
One more day if you suck my cock now.
Time's up.
Get out.
You got anything else besides Champagne?
- No.
You have to come with us.
- I didn't do anything.
Let's go.
- I'll go but don't touch me.
My God!
Those who wonder about God's existence
have never been to a party at the Harpa Centre.
If anyone wanted Guo Dai's death
it's that girl over there.
And her what's she saying to the ambassador?
You're in trouble.
- Nice start.
First of all, you weren't on the guest list.
Then lots of witnesses saw you
follow Guo Dai in the bathroom.
After which he came back out in really bad shape.
He was fine when I left him.
- Your friend here disagrees.
The Chinese are convinced he's been poisoned
and that you did it.
I don't know what happened in there.
Perhaps he attacked you
Raggi, I didn't do it!
- Who did then?
Someone knocked on the door while I was in.
There is a back door.
He sent me out when he heard knocking.
You need to explain everything to me.
Show me what happened.
Give them the bottle.
- Good idea, they better not stay sober.
Please, stop there.
We have everything under control.
She's the murderer! I know she's the murderer!
I saw her following Guo Dai!
Why have you not arrested her?
- Yes. Ok.
Sit down.
Yes interesting evening, don't you think?
How are you? Still rotten?
- Shut up!
The Chinese are pissed as hell.
I won't be surprised if they put you on a plane soon.
Say hello to the firing squad for me.
- Say hello to the plastic surgeon.
You got a light?
- You can't smoke in here.
Hey how lucky!
I need the bathroom.
- Not possible. Sit down and shut up.
Then I'll have to do it here.
You explain it to Raggi.
Would you mind?
Tolli, are you free?
Keep driving!
Be careful, Stella.
- Thanks, Tolli.
Wake up!
This place isn't safe anymore!
Get up!
It's gonna be alright.
Gunna, I need you to make me a copy of the blue bag files.
Can you do that?
Yes I'm talking to someone.
- What?
People friends of mine
Can I have pizza?
Just sleep now.
What's Sverrir doing here?
Alright Agatha Christie time.
Who killed Guo?
The Colonel with the candlestick?
Miss Scarlet with the knife?
The ambitious secretary
in complicity with the priest?
Perhaps the sleepy-looking girl?
The ambassador's wife?
What's she got to do with this?
Was it her?
Excuse me, my name is Stella Blómkvist.
- Yes?
I wanted to ask you about Guo Dai.
- She didn't do it!
I know, I'm the main suspect.
They're looking for me.
Were you at the party when he fell?
My husband says it was good to get rid of Guo Dai.
Thank you.
Better not explain the misunderstanding.
The girl isn't a suspect, otherwise she wouldn't have been sent home.
That brings me to Xi Feng.
She and the ambassador got together after Guo's death.
If anyone knows anything, it's her.
What can you tell me about Xi Feng?
- Everything was wrong ever since Guo Dai came!
He had us to sit and stand according to his demand
and Xi Feng did all his dirty job.
We never suspected that
they would try to take our daughter away from us.
And was Xi Feng involved in everything Guo was doing?
- Yes.
Do you know where she is?
- No.
Xi Feng.
- Thank you!
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