Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Vigilante of Seoul

[bird screeches]
[theme music playing]
[equipment beeping]
[door clonks, rattles]
[Sun-kyu] All power will go out
in three, two, one.
Time limit is five minutes.
After that, the emergency power comes on.
[power surges]
Whoa, she even has night vision?
Who is this woman?
[thrilling music playing]
[whispers] Over here, brother.
The masks are there. Look.
[running footsteps]
[box clattering]
-[romantic music playing]
-[device beeps]
Uh, um
What is that sound?
-[radio static scratching]
You have two minutes. Get moving.
We have to move.
[Hee-sik] This is not like
virtual reality or anything, is it?
I do still exist in reality, right?
Hurry. Hand me that box now.
-[Nam-soon sighs]
[romantic music playing]
-Are you hurt?
Well, not exactly.
-Let me see.
-It's okay. It's okay.
Hee-sik, what are you doing?
You've got 50 seconds left.
[grunts] Let's get out of here.
[Hee-sik groaning]
Got this. Ow.
[deep sigh]
I told you Nam-soon
shouldn't have went in there.
Is she hurt or something?
[gasps] Whoa!
[approaching footsteps]
[comical music playing]
-Just drive now.
-Oh, uh, sure.
Seriously? This can't be real.
I was carried by a girl.
You're hurt because of me, right?
I had to do it.
I heard you were strong, you know,
that ger incident and all.
But seeing it in person, it's wild!
So awesome.
Well, he's super light like a feather.
Reduced to a feather. Jeez.
-Can you please drive?
-Oh, sure.
[engine revs]
[dark music playing]
[exhales sharply]
[exhales deeply]
[tires screeching]
[Daniel] Please come
to Incheon Port immediately.
We are preparing dinner for you.
[tense music playing]
[engine revs]
[tires screech]
[tires screech]
[engine roars]
[engine clicks off]
You're that guy from the Heritage Club.
You gave me your card.
Are you following me?
Why would you do that?
I introduced you to Opulentia, remember?
That's why I needed to follow you.
[Daniel] Wait.
Follow me.
[Geum-ju] Wait.
[playful music]
Hi, Ms. Gold. I'm McGovern.
He's the vice chairman of Opulentia.
[McGovern chuckles]
Why is the vice chairman out here
cosplaying as a street Gordon Ramsey?
I'm cooking dakttongjip.
Best you've ever had.
[McGovern cackles]
Have some chicken feet.
[awkward chuckle]
[McGovern] My great-great-grandmother
founded Opulentia
after earning lots of money
in the fish market.
I guess she wanted
to build a better world.
Currently, my older sister
is running the family business.
She's the chairman now.
I'm the vice chairman.
We have no intentions
of earning money to live lavishly.
I think life is just
eating good food with good people,
and use whatever money is left
to do good deeds.
Punish those who use money
to do bad things.
Try the dakttongjip.
It'll change your life.
[delighted moan]
-My life is changed.
[stove sizzles]
Um, I admire your purpose, sir.
I don't meet folks
who think like me every day.
So I guess I was right about my hunch.
Opulentia benefits
from top-secret information.
We have summoned retired agents
from the CIA, FBI,
the Russian Special Services, the MI6,
all sorts of powerful organizations,
both lawful and unlawful.
You wanted to know
what kind of person I am, right?
And you did a background check.
We've been looking for someone
who allocates their money
towards the right cause,
and you fit the criteria, of course.
Well, you found the right woman.
And I'm happy to join the team.
[Geum-ju] Mr. McGovern.
Cheers, everyone.
[McGovern] Drink up!
-[all] Cheers!
-[McGovern] Cheers!
[heroic music playing]
-Thanks a lot. Get some rest, ma'am.
-Mm-hmm. You go rest, dude.
-[seatbelt clicks]
See ya!
[door opens]
I think I, uh, should walk her home.
It's too dark and dangerous right now.
You go ahead.
[door opens]
-[door closes]
I don't think my man gets the picture.
You know, who's walking who home?
[Hee-sik] Nam-soon.
I'll walk you home.
No need. I'm good. My place is right here.
Yeah, well, still,
it's pretty dangerous here.
There are wolves and, uh, foxes too.
Go. Go.
Thanks, you were a big help.
I had fun.
If I can do anything to help you
and help the world, then I'll do it.
You're doing it.
Later, brother.
Try adding sir or miss to the end.
It's more formal.
-"Farewell, sir."
-Farewell, yo.
-[Na-young] You're back, Nam-soon.
-[Nam-soon] Yep.
Where is my mom right now, Miss?
She's in a meeting right now.
But I don't think she'll be long.
She's, uh, in Incheon, so.
I'll get going, then, Miss.
Good night, Miss.
Good night.
[man 1] Where do you live?
-[man 2] You're so beautiful.
-[man 3] Wanna go for a drive?
Today's match.
No! Hwang Geum-dong.
Oh, my god.
[groans in disgust]
Uh, wait, wait.
Hey, wait.
[Nam-soon] I'm not as interested
in you guys as I was before.
That's weird.
It's almost like
you've become less attractive.
I wonder why.
[deep inhale]
Do you know the reason, guys?
[Hee-sik] You touched the masks.
Don't forget to wash your hands well.
Good night.
I know
the reason, guys.
[tires screech]
[engine clicks off]
[Young-tak] Send these to forensics.
Hee-sik got them from Doogo.
Wow, they brought one of each kind.
Could these really be the drugs?
I don't know. It's kind of crazy, right?
You know that girl,
Gang Nam-soon from the gers?
-From Mongolia.
-Yeah, the strong girl.
My god, her strength
is seriously unbelievable.
She took Hee-sik into her arms
and lifted him like a feather.
The guys at Gangnam Police Station
were saying
that during the hagwon fire,
a girl jumped from the fourth floor
to the ground, then climbed back up.
Nah! Come on! That's a Marvel movie, dude.
I'm not lying.
They even showed me a photo.
The photo isn't real.
Anyone can fabricate photos.
It's real, all right? Just listen.
That girl's mother is incredibly rich.
Her name is Geum-ju,
owner of Geumju Daily.
She's a trillionaire. Anyway, the mother
told them they couldn't write anything
about her daughter.
Wait, so, um, the girl who flew up
to the sky, is it the mother or daughter?
Both. The girl and the mother.
Ah, Wonder Woman and Wonder Mom, then.
Do you believe it, though?
Does it make sense?
Man, come on, Chamma.
The mother was looking for her daughter
for like 20 years, right?
And, in the meantime,
a fake daughter showed up.
-Hey, we're back.
-Good afternoon.
[office phone rings]
[Ji-hyeon] Ganghan Police Precinct.
[Jeong-ho] Hello.
I'd like to report a sighting.
The wanted one, Ri Hwa-ja.
[uneasy music playing]
Yes, I'm sure.
Ri Hwa-ja, fraud and embezzlement.
She had the guts to come here
and work as a delivery girl.
How much money do I get for this report?
Where did you see the suspect?
Oh, this is at Doogo Distri
[Ji-hyeon] Hello?
You know, I've decided to come work here
even though I'm wanted by the cops.
So it's obvious, isn't it?
I have got nothing left
to lose at this point.
So I will not show mercy
to anyone who dare stand in my way.
All this time, you've been
staring at me, haven't you?
Think I didn't notice?
If you do anything stupid, anything,
I will remove your bowels,
your organs, your eyes, everything.
No, no, no, no, no.
I'll put them in an icebox
'cause they need to stay fresh, right?
When I'm done
I'll sell all of it.
[Nam-soon] Hi!
[tense music playing]
[line dials, rings]
Hey, it's me.
The masks, can you give me a call
once the forensic results
come through later, please?
-I'll come in when I'm done here.
-[Young-tak] All right, will do.
[phone vibrates]
-Kang Hee-sik speaking.
-[Ji-hyeon] Inspector Kang.
This is Yeo Ji-hyeon.
About Myung-hee, the fake Gang Nam-soon.
We just got a call. Someone saw her.
Is it so?
Let's make sure it's true,
so we can bust that lady.
Unfortunately, the call got cut off.
But the man who called
said he was at Doogo, sir.
-[Ji-hyeon] Yeah.
[deep sigh]
Why does it seem like everything
is happening around that place?
Officer Yeo.
It'd be great if you could do
some research on her.
I requested some info
from Inspector Oh Yeong-su,
Investigation Unit 3.
[Ji-hyeon] No problem.
You focus on the drug case, sir.
Actually, I've been looking into it
with my own sources.
Great, thank you so much.
I'll go back to the precinct
once I'm done. Let's talk then.
[whispers] Good luck.
[line ends]
[sharp inhale]
Does that mean she's following Nam-soon?
Why else would she be working there?
Doberman, it's me.
Gang Nam-soon is at Doogo.
I'm not lying.
She's also a delivery girl.
Come on. That crazy girl lives
with her rich mom now, right?
Why would she be working there?
That's what I'm trying to find out.
What on earth
is that little bitch doing here?
What if she also got the boot?
Maybe she's also a fake.
Or is there some other story?
Anyway, I don't care
if you offer me money.
I'm not messing with that bitch.
[Doberman] Gang Nam-soon
is not a normal person.
I wanna murder her so goddamn bad.
I really do.
Everything would be mine
if that bitch didn't exist.
I'm so pissed.
[sighs] All right.
Some jerk recognized me
and called the cops.
[Doberman] I told you it was a bad idea.
You shouldn't be working there.
You're gonna get arrested!
Get out of there right now!
Not until I kill everybody.
Starting with Gang Nam-soon.
[phone chimes]
-Uh, Tsetseg.
What is it?
Kim Jun-seok's not here yet.
He's on his way.
What if he's taking advantage of you
just because you're strong?
What if you're taking advantage of us
because you've been here longer?
Hey, don't be like that.
I just want to get on
well with you. Come on.
What if
we became friends?
Fine with me.
If you want.
Hey. Hey, uh, Tsetseg. Uh
What did you eat in Mongolia
to get super strong like that?
[cheeky music playing]
It's top secret.
I will keep it to myself.
A hundred
eggs per day.
-"A hundred per day"?
A hundred eggs per day?
And you have to eat them raw, okay? Raw.
Not fried. Not boiled.
-A hundred raw eggs per day.
To be honest, all I eat is always raw.
Raw chicken. Even pork, raw.
That's your big secret?
Mm-hmm. [shushes]
Don't tell anyone, man.
Well, no one would believe you,
so don't bother, dude.
I wouldn't tell anyone.
Of course not. This is top secret.
It's almost too much to bear.
[upbeat music playing]
[car door closes]
[Nam-gil] Ms. Hwang,
Ms. Cho of Seowon is waiting for you.
What brings Ms. Cho here?
Oh, you're right.
I'm pretty sure she doesn't need money.
[door opens]
[Geum-ju] Ms. Cho, what a surprise.
It's been a while, hasn't it?
I suppose it has.
I saw you at the Heritage Club, right?
Oh, you're right. That's true.
[Ms. Cho] This
is a ten-carat blue diamond.
Yes. What about it?
It's collateral for a few billion won.
[Ms. Cho] It's a custom-made
Rothermere diamond.
In fact, my husband bought it
for me for our 30th anniversary
for five billion won at the time.
But why do you suddenly need
the money now?
I mean, if you're coming to me,
then it must be an urgent matter.
Or maybe you don't want
your husband to know what it is,
so you're keeping it a secret?
Do you really need to know?
Of course.
Gold Blue has a vision, you know.
"Any loan must be used
for meaningful matters only."
You're not using it for drugs, are you?
What kind of a ludicrous question is that?
I need to know how the money will be used.
If you want it from me.
[deep breath]
[mysterious music playing]
We got a tip-off juts now.
What tip-off?
Ri Hwa-ja works here.
The woman who tried to kill you
was spotted here.
Awesome. I hope I can
meet her around here soon.
What, are you old friends? Old buddies?
I really wanna catch her
soon enough, I hope.
What happens when you catch her?
She'll be arrested?
Of course. She's a dangerous criminal.
My mom's not gonna like that.
My mom was just saying
how people can change, you know.
I think people like that don't change.
My mom says that it's not unheard of.
[Bong-go] This girl stole
your watches and took off.
She also tried to kill our daughter.
I'll never forgive her.
If she really tried to kill Nam-soon,
then I'll deal with her myself.
I left the watches in her room
on purpose for her to take.
You left them on purpose?
Are you saying that you made her steal?
Why on earth would you even do that, huh?
Sometimes, when people are desperate,
they end up doing something they regret.
I just wanted to prevent that.
Prevent her from stealing
by making her steal? Are you crazy?
That makes no sense at all.
Hwang Geum-ju.
Your name is right.
You're too materialistic.
What? So, Gang Bong-go.
Are you a bongo played by a gang?
Oh, you're so childish when you argue.
Stop it! That's enough!
I'm sick of you trying
to control everyone around here.
Using money like you always do.
You're so obnoxious!
Who cares if you're sick of it, Bong-go?
That's why we got divorced!
You think money's everything, don't you?
Why do you two always argue?
Are you still in love or something?
[both] Of course not!
Did you scream at me?
Sit down! Sit down!
When she called me mother,
she was vulnerable.
She really thought of me as her mom
when she spoke those words.
Her eyes were telling me the truth.
I'm not gonna forsake that child.
For a short period of time,
she was my daughter.
I'm going to forgive her
and help her turn her life around.
I trust my mother on this.
So, um, Home-sik.
The masks, were they tested yet?
[funky music playing]
Hee-sik's really done it this time, huh?
Missed the mark by a long shot.
I thought he knew what he was doing.
He has some impressive police awards.
This whole thing was based around
an anonymous tip-off.
A single call or a single tip-off,
we're all fools.
Tell Hee-sik to pull the plug on it.
I found every person
who's gotten drugs from Baldy.
Hee-sik found the supply wallet.
I traced the cash and it checked out.
[phone vibrates]
Hey, it's me. Are the mask results out?
The masks have absolutely nothing.
Now get over here. Captain's orders.
No traces of drugs at all?
[Young-tak] Nope.
Look, we have a lot of eyes
on us right now, all right?
Come back quietly
or our team will look like clowns
for making a fuss over a text message.
So get back here.
So the masks weren't it?
[Young-tak] No, man. I already told you.
Young-tak, I was researching
and I found there's no record of Ryu Si-o
being in the country
for his recent adult life.
We need to figure out how he got the money
to start a business like that here.
That's a job for the IRS, not us.
The mission has to keep going.
I'm onto something here.
No trace of drugs?
No. Nothing.
[Hee-sik sighs]
[Ms. Cho] Apparently, he was the only
Korean fund manager on Wall Street
to have weekend lunches
with Warren Buffett.
He's a high stakes investor
and he launders slush funds
for the upper class.
He also builds out shell companies
depending on the situation.
I wouldn't tell this
to anybody else, Hwang.
I know you. You must have your money
stuffed in a mattress somewhere.
But us, chaebols, we don't, truth be told.
We don't sit on any cash.
[Ms. Cho] It's all in stocks
which are too transparent.
Bread Song is his name?
More like Macaroni Song.
I'll be doing some research.
I don't trust this guy.
[phone vibrates]
-Kang Hee-sik
-[Dong-seok] Get back over here!
That's an order.
I'm not joking around here.
All right, sir.
[crate clonks]
-I need to get back.
Hey, hey, wait.
Don't leave these here
at the entrance like this.
Move them all into the kitchen.
Uh, sir, that's our company's
delivery policy, you know.
And moving deliveries into the kitchen
is your responsibility, sir.
You're pretty clever and brazen.
I didn't ask you to be clever.
I asked you to move them, didn't I?
If I called Doogo right now
and filed a complaint about the delivery,
you're done.
The customer is king.
-Don't you know how things work?
All right, sir.
We'll do it, okay?
Jesus Christ. Why would a woman
even bother to do delivery work?
[Nam-soon grunts]
Uh, sir, um, give me
a hand, sir, could you?
Why would I give you a hand?
You're the delivery girl.
Jeez, it's such a stupid question.
No wonder you're a delivery girl.
[upbeat music playing]
[Hee-sik sighs] All done. Let's go.
[Nam-soon] You go ahead, Home-sik.
This is the last delivery.
I'll just finish up here
and then I'll leave.
Look, I'm begging you here.
Don't cause trouble.
Don't worry. I won't.
Now go. Okay? Now go.
I'm pretty busy, so I'll go.
I'll call you later.
Sure. Take care.
Hey, hey, hey!
What's wrong with you people?
These obviously need to go
into the kitchen storage, you moron!
Listen, why don't you carry
these yourself, buddy?
What did you say?
How dare you, you little
Uh, sir, please.
She's from Mongolia.
Her Korean isn't perfect.
[exhales] I can't believe this.
Hey, you. You've been looking
at me weird from the start.
I don't like it. It's creepy.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Move these right now!
[man] God, this girl.
You're pissing me off here! Really!
Let's move these.
[crates thud]
Yes, I'm on my way.
Go ahead. I'm hungry now.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
[door closes]
Oh, no. I wouldn't wanna be that guy.
He's a jerk, for sure.
[magical music playing]
I've come to eat.
Why are you sitting here?
How many are joining?
Just me, actually.
Why? Have a problem?
This is a group table, hmm?
Get out of here.
Bring me some bone soup
and a glass of water.
-Move it!
I'm hungry.
You're damn crazy.
What's so crazy
about me sitting here, huh?
Or about me being hungry?
Don't want your business. Get out.
What are you saying, dude?
You're discriminating a customer.
And the customer is the king.
You said that yourself, didn't you?
Don't stand here. Move it along.
Bone soup and a glass of water.
Switch tables and I'll go get it.
No, I like this one.
Oh, is that so? Fine.
Okay. Then get out! Now! Get out!
Now I'm hungry and angry too!
-[all gasp]
[customers clamoring]
This table is defective.
How is that?
Small table for one.
Go get it.
[upbeat music playing]
Debone it.
Help me out here.
I took all those crates you had
all the way to the kitchen storage.
Want me to call your franchiser
or post about you on social media?
What? Don't tell me
you're the only customer who's the king
while the rest of us
can be treated like peasants.
[clears throat]
For the food.
The rest of it should be enough
for you to fix this up.
[chair scrapes]
Don't abuse your position, you big dummy!
This is not a Chinese restaurant.
[keyboard clacking]
[Ji-hye] What brings you here, ma'am?
[vehicle honking]
Bread Song.
Like food in music, right?
Well, I'm here to see Bread Song, please.
I'm sorry. You need
an appointment to see him.
Well, show this to him, then.
This Statement of Account
could change his mind, don't you think?
[Ji-hye] Just a second.
Please give me a moment to speak with him.
Your life is about to change.
[quirky music playing]
32, 26, 18.
32, 26, 18.
32, 20 8
You weren't flirting, were you?
The numbers, what are they?
Today's humidity, air quality index,
and temperature.
-Humidity? Temperature?
-This is a little joke I thought
would help put a smile
on the faces of our customers
who are always worried
about other numbers.
A little humor.
[softly] What a dork.
Go ahead, please.
96, 42, 70.
96, 42, 70.
What is that?
[sensual music playing]
Oh, yeah ♪
So good ♪
Oh, macaroni song ♪
Oh, macaroni song ♪
[door opens]
The way you move ♪
It makes me wild ♪
May I sit down?
Lie down, if you like.
Oh, macaroni song ♪
I need some asset management advice.
Can you help me, Mr. Song?
-[phone rings]
Mm, yes?
[Bread clears throat]
Put me through.
[sensual exhale]
[in Russian] Hodor, don't worry.
I'll just transfer
100 billion rubles for now.
The Russian government is keeping
a close watch due to tax issues.
Patience is key.
[Bread] Trust me!
[Bread chuckles]
[in English] Forgive me.
Having seen your bank balance,
I'm assuming increasing
your assets isn't your goal.
All right, Mr. Song.
I'll get straight to the point now.
You saw my balance.
You know I'm sitting on liquid assets.
And I've heard that black money
is something you could handle.
"Black money"?
[Bread laughs]
You got an overseas account?
Yes, Amsterdam Bank
got about 50 million dollars.
[loud clap]
Instead of leaving that money
in your bank account,
buying real estate is your best call.
Either in Amsterdam or Almere, whatever.
I'll put together a list of undervalued
real estate in The Netherlands.
That's the way to go.
Just move your assets to real estate.
Before they track your cash.
Holding that much cash
is going to trigger an audit.
Take the Chicago Mafia, for example.
Not even the FBI
could catch their boss, right?
But the IRS got him arrested.
[Bread] Big money, big eyes.
I get it. But I thought they could
track real estate too, can they not?
No, real estate is safe.
Only the Dutch government can investigate.
The Korean government can't do anything
if the Dutch don't cooperate
with the investigation process.
Of course, the Dutch government
won't cooperate at all.
Is that so?
Anything you or any client does
is strictly confidential.
You can trust me.
Always, Ms. Hwang.
[awkward chuckle]
So, you're a Wall Street hotshot
who went to an Ivy League university,
and you flirt with a client
you don't even know.
[in Spanish] Nunca olvido mi originalidad.
Nunca olvido mi originalidad.
"I never forget my roots and origin."
[Bread] That's what it means.
Let's set up our next appointment.
is all for today.
Yeah, sure.
[sucks teeth]
Bread Song, huh?
Quite a name. You must really love bread.
I go crazy for it.
So I'm Bread.
[Bread] Thank you. Ciao. Thank you.
[groans in disgust]
Please set up the next appointment
and give me a call.
[Hong-do] 96, 42, 70.
Before you go,
please tell me what they are.
My IQ, my son's waist size,
and my dad's age
when he left home ten years back.
This is all I could find on Ri Hwa-ja.
Good work.
She's, um, an orphan.
[Ji-hyeon] She's part
of a small group of gangsters
whose leader is famous for training
and summoning orphans he finds useful.
She's the only girl among them.
Apparently, she has exceptional skills.
[Ji-hyeon] Anyone at the age of 20
who joins the gang,
gets a mark on their foot.
-So it's not too visible.
[gang members groan]
I guess that helps tell them apart
if they're killed in a fight.
It's a tradition of sorts.
-Hee-sik, let's go.
Thank you.
Shall we send a unit to Doogo?
No. Not for now. I can deal with it later.
-[Ji-hyeon] Okay.
[heels clacking]
[muffled] Grandma, I didn't know donuts
went so well with bone soup.
This is perfect.
I take food pairing
very seriously, you know.
How on earth can that be?
That's disgusting, Nam-in.
You're wrong. It's delicious.
Melts in the mouth.
[Joong-gan groans]
Anything's delicious to you.
It's all my fault anyway.
Please forgive your grandma.
-Ms. Gil.
Has the Royal Family invited you
to their wedding today
or something like that?
Truth is I have a huge crush
on that handsome barista
and I'm dreaming of a future for us.
But I'm gonna need you two
to help me out there, can you?
Just help out the world
by leading a quiet life.
Why do you wanna start dating now?
You're not even
officially divorced from your ex.
[Bong-go] You don't even know
if he's alive or not.
Ugh, that's the thing
that keeps me up at night.
Really? You worry
about Grandpa too, Granny?
I'll have to get him
on Interpol's wanted list.
[Nam-in] According to the tarot cards,
-he's in the east right now.
-You're saying he's alive?
Of course, he's alive. Why wouldn't he be?
Where the hell is he? Oh, my goodness.
-[Jun-hee] Ms. Gil.
Yes, Mr. Seo?
Now that we've found Nam-soon,
-we should try to find your ex, and
-Find that jerk and kill him, right?
I need to get Mr. Seo in bed.
That's the final mission of my life.
Ms. Gil, stop!
In front of Nam-in, are you crazy?
You're really going overboard.
[Nam-in] She really is.
I get the feeling that Mom
and Grandma don't treat me with respect.
Who says that to their grandson?
"Get him in bed"?
Well, you two have no romance
and you have no sense of humor either.
Anyway, point is it's my mission
and I'm ready to destroy anyone
who gets in my way, hmm?
Don't come crying later.
I gave you my warning.
[clears throat]
Mr. Seo.
You're still eating, Nam-in?
You have an appetite after that?
Well, food is sacred.
[light music playing]
[satisfied exhale]
Oh, Mr. Seo, I think you must
have been born to pour
I mean, to make coffee,
it's your vocation.
I never knew coffee could actually be
such a tasty and delicious drink.
[both chuckling]
Thank you so much.
You always make people feel good.
[Jun-hee] You have a knack for that.
Your compliments for my coffee
are really encouraging.
It's true.
And I'm not just flattering you.
Mr. Seo.
This life is pretty short, isn't it?
I don't think so, ma'am.
These days, I've been researching
genomes diligently, you know.
Why would you bother studying
about genomes?
What's there to research on that?
-Oh, boy.
-[both chuckle]
You're so funny.
Anyway, the Human Genome Project
has some articles
that say that making it to 100
is now a reality.
Life is really becoming long.
You like that, don't you?
[phone vibrates]
[slurps, gulps]
-[exhales sharply]
-It's my daughter. May I take this?
Hi, sweetheart.
Hello, Yun-jin?
[Yun-jin] Dad, something awful happened.
What is it, honey?
[Yun-jin] I've hit someone with my car.
[Jun-hee] Where are you now?
I'm at the Gangnam Police Station.
Look. You should switch to a video call.
You need to see her face.
It could be
a voice phishing scam, you know.
Yun-jin, can we please
switch over to a video call?
Did you really get into an accident?
Daddy, what do I do?
I have to pay a 20 million won settlement
or else I'll have to go to jail.
[Yun-jin] They're gonna keep me locked up.
What do I do, Dad?
I'll send you the money.
Don't worry about it.
-Send me the account number.
-Sure. Just hurry, please.
Excuse me, Ms. Gil.
I need to transfer some money right now.
Wait, um, Gangnam Police Station?
I know a detective there. Let's go.
Come on, let's go.
[indistinct chatter]
-Oh, Ms. Gil, hello.
-Oh, hello, Ms. Gil. How can we help you?
Oh, hi. I'm here
because of a car accident.
Where do I go for that?
Oh, traffic. I'll take you there. Yeah.
-[cop 1] Follow me.
-Let's go.
I don't see a Seo Yun-jin in our system.
The person you are trying to reach
-is currently available.
-But I I had a video call with her.
It was my daughter.
It must have been a deepfake, sir.
-[cop 1] Yes.
They faked your daughter's face.
Did you transfer any money?
I transferred some money
for the settlement.
Oh, no. You'll have to file a report, sir.
So, um, they used
my daughter's face to scam me?
-Then can you please file that report now?
The Cybercrime Section upstairs
handles that.
I'll take you there.
Why is this so complicated?
That's a lot of departments.
There are so many types
of incidents, you know. Lots of them.
[cop 1] Oh, like me, right?
-Lots of cuts
-What are you on about?
Oh, Mr. Seo! Mr. Seo!
-Is he your husband?
-No. Hopefully, someday.
[Joong-gan] Mr. Seo.
That guy from the car who passed out
when you hit him, remember,
we can't get in touch with him.
Oh, boy. Is he dead?
No, I don't think so.
We didn't get any death reports.
We just can't get a hold of him.
Oh, my god. Mr. Seo is very angry.
If it was me, I would be too. Mr. Seo.
[serious music playing]
[man] He was a great swimming instructor.
Everybody liked him.
But he was acting strange
before he died and missing lessons.
Was there anything in particular
that stood out?
One thing definitely stood out.
He was drinking tons of water.
[man] He was even drinking water
from the swimming pool.
Swimming pool water? Are you sure?
[man] Yeah, he did that a few times.
Even today, he was leaving after a lesson
and came back and put his head
right in the pool and drank it.
[phone vibrates]
[Young-tak] Yes, Chief.
Yes. What?
[tense music playing]
-[shutter clicking]
Hey, y'all!
-[all cheering]
-Hey, girl!
Oh, my gosh. What are you doing?
[woman] What? What's happening?
-[all screaming]
[bottles clink]
Jesus, look at this place.
What a big mess this is.
I know, right?
[Sun-kyu] Oh, man. That's crazy.
[tense music playing]
[music stops]
Mr. Seo, why are you crying now?
Is it because of the 20 million won?
Yun-jin has been very sick.
She's not even working.
She just had a big surgery.
Oh, no. That's so sad.
[Jun-hee] I can't bear the thought
that those thugs knowing her face.
Life has just been so very tough
ever since my wife passed away.
Oh, Mr. Seo, those punks are busy.
I'm sure they won't remember
Yun-jin's face, I promise you.
They'll scam other people.
They'll be busy searching
for their next victim, all right?
They won't remember Yun-jin's face.
They won't hurt her,
so please don't worry.
Do you think so, ma'am?
Of course I do.
If anything happens, I'll deal with it.
I will crush their bones,
dig out their meat. I'll take care of it.
Oh, don't be scared.
They're just butcher's knives.
I wanted to show you I care.
[light chuckle]
Uh, you know what, my humor's
not meant for Korean audience.
Look, I don't need the knives.
I really don't.
My bare hands are enough, actually.
You don't have to know the details.
Uh, we'll be getting to know
each other gradually, right?
So I'll leave it at that.
But I saw you sobbing
and my heart just, oh, my.
It breaks my heart.
Shall we go get something nice to eat?
Does siraegi soup sound nice?
Siraegi soup or whatever you like.
Oh, wait.
I should at least
give Nam-in a call to let him know.
Hey, Mr. Seo. Yeah, sure.
No problem. Don't worry about it.
See you tomorrow.
Oh, sir. Don't go.
Please don't quit the café
because of my grandma's behavior.
Okay. Goodbye, Mr. Seo.
-[heels clacking]
[dark music playing]
You wanna lose weight, don't you?
[woman] I couldn't do it
without that pill.
You are like a diamond in the rough.
You'd look amazing
if you just lost weight.
Who the heck is that?
[foreboding music playing]
I'll go in alone. I'm fine on my own.
You keep working the case.
[distant exhale]
[uneasy music playing]
[man breathing heavily]
Are you all right?
Are you feeling bad?
Do you need help?
-[boxes clatter]
[keyboard clacking]
I really think
there's something off about this guy.
But the real problem is this guy.
Ms. Jung, can you come in?
Could you type something for me?
The translator's been acting up lately.
Sure, Ms. Hwang.
Can we really believe that there are drugs
inside the Doogo facilities?
"I was recently informed that
the Russian mafia is connected to Doogo.
The Russian mafia is in Korea right now."
Tell him I also need information
on Ryu Si-o and his company.
"The money he used to found Doogo
comes from undetermined sources.
We're currently trying to find out
where it came from."
"Money that comes
from undetermined sources"?
Must be drugs. Case closed.
[alarm chimes]
[recorded voice]
Ms. Nam-soon has entered the house.
I'll go welcome her.
Tell her to come see me here, will you?
Yes, ma'am.
-[door opens]
Mr. Hwang?
What is it?
You're on a dating app, aren't you?
Me too.
Pretend you don't know.
So, Ms. Jung, you're lonely too.
[Na-young] Of course.
[sighs] So alone.
-Aren't we all anyway?
-[door opens]
I think everyone feels alone.
Everyone has felt
-You're home.
-Evening, Ms. Jung.
-Evening, Uncle.
-Evening, Niece.
Your mother wants to see you in her study.
[Nam-soon] Mom.
-Oh, my Nam-soon. My Nam-soon.
-[both chuckle]
So, sweetheart,
tell me all about your date.
You and your police friend.
Mm-hmm. And I was just about to.
So tell me.
So, Mom.
were undercover at a place called Doogo.
He said there are drugs there.
He said that he's supposed to find
the drugs that are hidden there,
and I'm helping him do it.
Of course, he would involve
my daughter in this.
We thought they used the masks
to hide the drugs, but we didn't find any.
So now, Home-sik can't work
at Doogo undercover anymore.
His boss said
he had to pull the plug on it.
It was a bad tip-off.
So now I
[tense music playing]
What's his name, Ryu Si-o?
Have you seen him?
Mm-hmm, in the warehouse.
Nam-soon, I have a feeling
that all of this is fate.
You being separated from us,
growing up like Genghis Khan
in the vast land of Mongolia on your own,
and then coming back to me now.
That was all pre-determined.
It's your destiny.
You are not an ordinary person.
Let's save the world together.
You and I.
Okay, Ma. Yeah, I can do that.
Let's save the world.
[uplifting music playing]
Young-tak, have you tried
calling this place?
I get stuck at the Dericoins.
Now that Baldy's dead,
it's way harder to find the supplier.
The person who gave him the mask in prison
-also had a fake ID.
-[Sun-kyu] Right.
He broke into a state prison
with a fake ID.
We couldn't find the bosses
but you did catch some workers though.
It's a pretty serious fatality rate.
I've never seen
a manufactured drug so strong.
What is the life cycle
of this thing anyway?
That's what I can't figure out.
Sometimes, it's two. Others, three days.
The only thing in common
is that people drink water like crazy.
[tense music playing]
It's the water!
It reacts to water.
It becomes a drug
when it reacts with water.
The more water you drink,
the stronger the drug gets.
And then it suddenly kills you, sir.
[Hee-sik] You have to stop drinking water.
[dark music playing]
I checked with the chief supervisor.
Apparently, the warehouse staff
had already left for the day.
-And the cameras?
-The lights have been turned off.
It's impossible to pinpoint who it is.
[Sang-cheol] Oh, Mr. Heo,
the manager, posted this video
on our company's bulletin board, sir.
It's an incredibly strong woman.
Apparently, she's from Mongolia.
[boxes thud on video]
Stop filming me
or I'll report you for goofing around.
Are you feeling bad?
Do you need help?
[sirens blaring]
-[knocks on door]
-[indistinct chatter]
[Ji-hyeon] Hello.
Okay, I'll take a look.
Inspector Kang,
someone's downstairs to see you.
The person who gave you
the intel about Doogo
was me.
[dramatic music playing]
You investigate Doogo, Inspector.
I will investigate Ryu Si-o.
[closing theme music]
[Nam-soon] They found out
that I stole those things.
Watch her every move
and report back to me, please.
Gang Nam-soon, put your faith in her.
[Hee-sik] I can't put my faith in her.
She gets too cocky
because of her strength.
I think she's in a relationship.
[Geum-ju] Are you so desperate
for romance at your age?
Even when you get old,
your heart still beats.
[Nam-in] I want out of this house!
I'm going to live with Dad.
[Gi-tae] Using it without an antidote
is basically self-destruction.
[Si-o] Still, you get what you want
even if temporarily.
Isn't that worth dying for?
[Hee-sik] Sir, please snap out of it.
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