Suburrterna (2023) s01e05 Episode Script


Ange, she just needs some time
to figure out why we did it.
We, Damia?
It was your sister.
Only Nadia and I lost something.
What do I tell her?
You two did good with Santenocito.
Just make her understand
she has to look forward, not backwards.
I can't make her listen to me now.
You care about each other.
She'll listen.
I know it's been hard for you
to be on our side.
I know.
Thank you.
I promise I'll fix everything.
I brought croissants.
- Hi, Dad.
- Hey, bud.
- One chocolate and one plain, right?
- Mm-hmm.
Hey, hey! What are you doing?
- Wait, what's going on?
- You can't be here.
- Dad?
- It's nothing. Nothing happened.
- Leave!
- Asshole.
- Yeah, yeah, whatever.
- Jesus.
I'll be taking them both to school.
Go with Grandpa.
I'll call I'll call you later.
What the fuck are you doing
in front of the kids?
You pull guns for that shit?
I'm sorry
I haven't called in a while.
No, no. No problem. You okay?
Yeah. You doing good?
Yeah, I'm good.
I'm calling about something else.
I'm with Lia and Ali.
They told me they're not sure
that they wanna play for us anymore.
All of a sudden?
When we booked them three months ago,
they said everything was fine.
I don't understand.
They said that when you booked them,
they let you know
that they didn't wanna play in a club,
and you agreed.
You even promised them
that you'd come up with an idea
for an event.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right.
I did promise them that.
Since then, so much has been happening.
You do understand
that if we lose this event date,
it's gonna be a problem.
You're gonna have to come up
with something else.
Teufelsberg. Teufelsberg!
That's an amazing place.
You have to take them there. Check it out.
Wow. That is good.
I'll take them now.
Where are you going?
You forget your sheep or what?
Nope. Today you're gonna be
staying at home.
Yesterday I got you out
of a bunch of shit.
I don't want you to get beat up.
Well, if you don't want me to get beat up,
you should teach me the job.
Let's go.
In the end, you came here.
They're fixing up my new home.
It's game on today in city hall.
Why? I'm giving my first speech
to city council.
We'll get this stadium built in no time.
That's cool, but first, you gotta help me
straighten something out in my area.
Hmm. What's happening?
The tenants have been protesting
outside their buildings.
The ones the squatters are living in.
They've been trying for days,
but no one is listening.
What do you plan to do?
Just kick them out of there?
My family
will take care of it later. Soon.
We don't want anybody in the way.
Especially the cops.
You gotta make sure for us.
Don't worry. I'll handle the cops.
Why bother?
Why do you even care about this?
They get the houses,
they're gonna be really grateful.
You wanna be king of Ostia?
Wanna win people's hearts?
Good idea.
See ya later, "people's hearts."
I knew we had something
in common, you and I.
Oh yeah? What?
Well, it's not the way we dress.
That's too bad.
Be good, bromo.
- Later.
- See you later, gator.
Everything's going south,
or haven't you realized?
I have. You do realize I was the one
getting humiliated up there
at the press conference?
We've got to get ahead of him.
He's only reached the top
because of Tronto.
If Tronto falls, so does Bonatesta.
I'll keep an eye on him.
Any screwups on his part and I'll step in.
I will never forget
just how far we've come together, Miria.
Neither will I.
Have you seen Nadia?
Yeah. She's sleeping in her car
at the beach.
100% I had nothing to do
with this.
Tried my best to stop it,
but the Lucianis want it all.
Your beach club. My gym.
But that's not what you thought
up until the other day, did you?
I did.
What's also fucked-up
is the protection money.
Why now?
It's because they screwed you over
like they screwed us.
It cleared up
any of the doubts I had in mind.
I don't wanna be under them.
As far as I know, neither do you.
So what are you proposing?
You made a plan?
I'm gonna wipe 'em out.
Ostia is gonna belong to all of us.
Like before.
Do you hear
what you're fucking saying?
They took out the Anacletis
and the Sicilian mobster.
There's only three of us here.
Yeah, but we don't need an army to do it.
We ask to meet
to talk about the protection money.
I show up and do what I gotta do.
You in?
I'm in.
But I'm the one who's gonna
set up the meeting for us.
Let's go.
We'll speak later.
Na. I was looking for you.
What do you want?
What were you doing with them?
They wanna renegotiate
protection terms with Damiano.
But I told 'em I'm done with the Lucianis.
With everybody.
What do you mean you're done?
Does that mean you're done
with our friendship too?
- I'm not the one who stomped all over it.
- What the fuck did I do?
What are you saying?
I get you. I do. But enough's enough.
Get back on your feet. Start a new life.
Why the fuck would I want to do that?
Please don't end up like Aureliano.
I couldn't handle it.
I can help you start over.
Just trust me.
You and me. We can fix everything.
No, Ange.
Give me some time alone.
So what's up
with all these shady shenanigans
you're doing with Cinaglia?
What's up is we're meeting
with Flaminia's junkie boyfriend.
Is that dangerous?
'Cause I'm shitting myself here.
These glasses are cool. Let me try 'em.
Oh man. I look badass.
Why are you always so serious?
Jesus! Lighten up a bit, bro.
Whoa. Hey. What do we have here?
Hey! I brought you along,
so don't be an asshole, huh?
I'm not. Calm down. Be cool, man.
Sorry I'm late.
I was going over the documents
in the feasibility study
before we send them out to the bidders.
Pironte, please schedule
a meeting with everyone
once they've had a chance
to read the documents.
The urban planning team
will read over everything and set a date.
You've just been appointed,
and you're already so far ahead?
We've already lost so much precious time.
You're in charge of security.
Shouldn't you be the happiest
out of everyone here?
Isn't it better to stop the unrest
sooner than later?
I'm pleasantly surprised.
But I would like to be sure
that we are talking about concrete steps,
not just good intentions.
I'll simplify everything
so we don't waste any more of your time.
We lock in the site with archaeological
and environmental appraisals
within six months.
In the meantime,
we open bids for the projects.
Appropriation and compensation
take place once the area is chosen.
Concrete enough for you,
Councilor Dominici?
We will involve
the Ministry of Culture and Interior
and, of course, all the public service
utility companies as well.
For every action you take, though,
you must first run it by yours truly.
I have to admit I'm impressed, Ercole.
It's a fantastic opportunity.
Thank you.
Why don't we avoid
games and envy among us?
Let's do our best
to work together as one team.
Things are going to change in Rome.
The hotheads will stop coming for us,
and everyone will start to love us.
I hope you'll love me a bit too.
We have to scare 'em off!
We're coming for you!
Get all your belongings,
and get out right now!
If you don't come out in five minutes,
we're gonna have to come in there
and bring you out!
If you come out on your own,
we won't hurt you!
These houses are not your houses.
They're assigned to these people.
Understand? So get out!
Party's over!
Hey, Ce.
Nah, I can't right now.
I'm busy. What's going on?
This is your last chance for you all
to come out on your own!
I'll finish up and head over.
If the Mollanones come, tell 'em to wait.
Let's get it!
Guys, over here!
Where the fuck you going? Hey!
Open up! Come out of there!
All right, then!
Hey! Out! We told you to get out!
- Out!
- Hey!
You have to get out! Go, get out!
- Come on, walk!
- Don't push me!
Walk! Get the fuck out!
Come on! Move it!
- Oh! You're still here?
- Hey! Let's go!
- Jesus!
- Move it! Move it!
- You're still here?
- Go on! Get out of here! Move!
Come on! Come on!
- Get out!
- Hey, hey! Come on! Hey
- Come on! Get your family. Hurry up!
- Stop! I don't wanna go.
Your wife's gotta do everything?
Do something to help her.
Come on. Let's go.
Good boy.
Wait a sec.
You're right. They totally love it.
I thought it was cool
when I saw it for the first time.
It reminds me a lot of a pretty dope place
in Rome called La Vela.
There isn't a lot of time to set it up,
but, you know, I can do it.
Are you coming back?
Yeah, soon.
But listen, I gotta go now.
All I know is
I'm looking forward to getting back.
I hope it's worth it.
I owe it to them.
Anyway, the location is top.
The concert's gonna be massive.
No doubt.
You made it, Cina.
You stay here. No one gets by you.
Ma'am, I'm sorry,
but the church is closing right now.
The church isn't a bakery
that closes for the night.
Don't worry.
I'll say a little prayer for you.
We need you to help us out.
Me? You're looking for the priest.
I'm the sacristan.
We're looking for Flaminia.
- Don't know who that is.
- Ex-girlfriend ring a bell?
Though people say
you didn't treat her very well.
You were a bad influence on Flaminia.
Please leave now.
Where is she now?
No idea. It's been 20 years.
Ah. And her brother
never told you anything?
I don't know anything.
Erminio, I don't believe you.
Do you know
what people have been telling us?
She was about to be arrested,
but then she vanishes,
and her brother makes you a sacristan.
That's why we don't believe
anything you're saying.
I know nothing about Flaminia.
If you don't leave, I'll call the police.
- Call who?
- No! No!
I'm not telling anyone anything!
You assholes can go fuck yourselves!
Mmm, you'd be better off talking.
Stop. Don't touch my family. Stop it!
Good job. Right on.
Thanks. Thanks.
What's going on?
Excuse me. Everyone.
I need you to clear the area.
What does that mean?
What the fuck did Ercole do?
It's legal, you understand?
What's going on?
Why are you here right now?
You and the demonstration
are not authorized to be here.
- Listen. No, no.
- We're authorized to be here.
- It's authorized by city hall.
- No, no. Listen.
If you continue to be here,
we start arrests. Now clear out.
Arrests? These people,
they're not the squatters.
- It's their legal apartments.
- It's not authorized.
- Didn't Bonatesta take care of it?
- The fuck do I know, Jules?
Fucking what the hell, huh?
I'm out of here.
Where the fuck? Come here.
Cesare's got problems with the turf.
He called me.
I'm gonna go over there and help him out.
You gotta fix it no matter what happens.
- I'm on it.
- Okay.
Erminio, if you don't talk,
you'll force him to do something very bad.
I told myself
I'd never do anything bad again.
Maybe you can relate to that.
You spent 20 years
cleaning up your reputation.
Don't let them find you
with a needle in your arm now.
Is Flaminia in South America,
yes or no?
- No, no, no, no, no. Stop! Stop it!
- What's up?
Erminio, tell us everything you know,
or this will end badly for you.
I have no problem
giving you a hit.
Flaminia isn't alive.
How did she die?
We were really high.
She brought me into her brother's church
to steal.
But then she slipped and hit her head.
I swear it was just an accident.
- Really?
- Yes.
If it was an accident,
why didn't you call an ambulance?
Because there was nothing to do.
She already passed away.
- Are you sure?
- Armando, Armando, Armando was also there.
Armando caught us,
but we tried to get away.
That's when she slipped on something,
and she hit her head.
Armando had absolutely nothing
to do with it.
Then why didn't he call the police?
I had a record.
I would've ended up in jail.
Armando wanted me to have
another chance at life.
You both cleared your conscience
pretty good.
You made up your own law
to clear your guilt.
It killed me.
That night in this church,
I died with Flaminia, and so did he.
He really loved Flaminia
more than anything.
Tell us where she is now.
She's under us.
Wait, what do you mean?
You're saying
Nadia asked you to take us out?
Why are you telling us this?
Your beach club's still burning.
You could've gotten revenge with her
and teamed up.
May I?
We're not fucking stupid.
Your message to us made it loud and clear.
You run Ostia now.
It would be an honor for us
to participate in your trades.
We'll be deciding how we feel about that
and if we can even trust you.
Nadia doesn't have any support,
and we don't want more problems.
We fucked up by underestimating you
and not listening to Damiano.
He's been clearing out the buildings.
You're trying to turn this place around.
And to show you we're sorry,
we came to tell you the information.
We'll pretend to agree with Nadia,
but we'll serve her on a platter to you.
We'll tell her we're going to attack you
tonight at the Maggiolino,
but the surprise attack will be for her.
We'll leave it up to you after that.
- I just want one thing in exchange.
- Here we go.
We respect you. I promise.
It's a reasonable ask.
The damage from the fire is enormous.
I don't need to tell you two
about that, obviously.
If you increase our share
by 10% compared to the others
and spare us
from protection money for a year,
we'll be the best allies to you.
It'll help us get back on our feet.
Sound fair?
- Did you tell Damia?
- No.
I warned him so many times
about what a bitch she is.
You were right, Jules.
Are you going to tell him?
Nah. Gonna think about
how to organize the Maggiolino.
Tonight, we get rid of Nadia for good.
Everyone, everyone,
please calm it down, all right?
- Calm down? Calm down, my asshole!
- Please, please.
You won't stop them from getting in,
you understand me?
- Thank you.
- And I'm here helping them out.
Calm down. Thank you. Calm down.
Please calm down.
Thank you.
I'm here working my ass off.
What the fuck happened?
They made all of them go back in.
You were supposed to make it easy.
Don't you worry, Damiano.
I'll fix everything.
You're telling me not to worry?
Hurry up and fix it.
'Cause if I go down, you go down with me.
You remember that.
She's down here.
- Hey! No! Open this door!
- Erminio!
Open this fucking door!
You open this fucking door now!
I don't believe this.
How'd this happen?
There's no signal either.
He'll call Tronto.
Probably doing it right now.
What the fuck is this?
- A way out?
- Yeah, but there's a lock.
Can you hear me? Victor!
What the fuck?
Open the door, you stupid fuck.
Open right now. I'll fuck you up, asshole!
Open the door, you motherfucker!
Wait, you over here?
Hey! He locked us in!
He locked me out. What do we do?
For fuck's sake.
Listen, uh,
try to find a wire, something thin.
We need to open
this fucking lock down here!
Hurry, we don't have a lot of time!
Maybe we start as kids,
just to try.
Or maybe keep bad company
and are peer pressured.
No one judges you here.
You showed up.
There's a reason why you came here.
What about you, Angelo? Why are you here?
So my wife doesn't throw me
in the garbage.
Excuse me. 'Scuse me.
I would say
that's pretty good motivation.
The main thing,
whatever the reason may be,
is that we're all here.
Armando, there's trouble here.
Some guys came,
and they knew about Flaminia.
Calm down. What are you saying?
Um, I I locked them in the basement.
I can't handle them by myself!
I'm not in Rome.
It'll take a while to get there.
Well, please hurry.
What's taking so fucking long?
I found something!
Hurry it the fuck up!
- Did you get it?
- Did I get what?
I just threw you down
a metal stick.
You stupid or something?
You need to open the grate and climb in.
I can't reach it
if you just throw it from out there.
I'll give it a shot.
Well, hurry the fuck up!
I can't do it.
Try. It's all we got.
It'll be fine. Just do it.
Okay, I got it.
I can't reach you.
I can't climb in. It's too small.
It'll be fine. Just climb to us.
Stay calm and get closer.
No. How the fuck can I stay calm?
It's too tight.
I can't move. I can't do it.
- I'm going back. I'm going back.
- No, no. You can't go back, Victor!
I wanna get out!
I can't breathe in here. I'm sorry.
I can't do it. It's too narrow for me.
Why are you freaking out?
No. Albe, do not get mad at him.
- You have to calm him down.
- Him being trapped isn't gonna help.
Don't you see how he looks at you?
He's in there because you told him to.
He trusts you.
Hey, Victor!
Don't worry. It'll be fine. Okay?
I'm really scared.
Remember when you were a kid?
We went to Luna Park
and took you into the tunnel of horrors?
And we were jealous
because we shat ourselves, but you didn't.
You didn't even blink once.
And then, when we got out,
we grabbed two sticks and went back in.
Bah! Bah! We wrecked everything!
Then you started to cry,
so I bought you some candies.
You remember?
The little black licorice fish candy.
You ate the whole bag before we got home.
You shit black for two days.
You did it!
Here. Here. I'll let you out.
Take this.
- Nice work.
- Come on. Give me your hand.
Take my hand. You did good.
Can you please explain to me
why all this happened?
We're simply reestablishing order.
That's all.
The demonstration today
wasn't authorized by
They're protesting the illegal occupation
that's been going on for months.
We are about legality here.
Give your men the order
to clear out the squatters.
What we're dealing with
isn't a matter of public order.
It's a political decision.
A political command is what I received.
- What's that?
- It came from Ms. Murtas.
This office doesn't take commands
from Ms. Murtas.
- Or from you.
- Exactly.
I'm aware you take them directly
from Stefania Dominici, head of security.
I spoke to her
while I was waiting for you.
Why don't we give her a ring?
You can clear this up
by talking to her directly.
Stefania? Sorry to bother.
I know you're pretty busy there.
I'm sitting with
the local police chief of Ostia.
Mind speaking with him?
Oh, that's great. Thank you.
Yes, I'm aware.
Yes, Councilwoman,
but I had different orders.
I'm not sure that at this hour
But a request like that
Very well.
Yes, I understand.
- Let's go. Tronto's coming.
- Wait a sec.
- Flaminia's grave.
- We don't have time.
You actually believe the coffin's here?
He just made up some bullshit.
He was terrified.
There's no way he made all of this up.
There's a lot more to this
than anyone's been letting on.
If your sister accidentally slips
and falls because she's high,
what do you do?
You and her junkie boyfriend
hide her body to cover your ass?
It doesn't make sense.
We find the grave so we can nail him.
We're already fucking here.
We should at least check it out.
All right, but let's hurry.
Albe? Look.
Who would bring flowers down here?
"Cardinal Giuseppe Torrebianca."
We gotta open it.
Got it, thanks.
They said to go ahead with the evacuation.
Let me through, please.
Approval came through.
Everyone, I received
an order from Command.
Tomorrow morning,
we will begin the evacuation
of the occupied apartment buildings.
By 11:00 a.m.,
if illegal occupants refuse to leave,
they will be forced out,
and their belongings
will be confiscated as well.
- It's our home!
- It's ours!
So, to be clear,
starting tomorrow,
- legitimate tenants can go to city hall
- Good job. Good job, everyone.
to finalize their apartment lease.
- Good job, man.
- Thank you!
So glad you're here.
You deserve it.
You have a right to your home.
- Thanks.
- Don't thank me.
Enjoy your house.
Enjoy your life.
Hey, Damiano!
That doesn't look like
a cardinal to me.
Don't touch.
Let's close her up and get out of here.
There's not much time.
Never in my life did I think
I'd end up being a gravedigger.
I think it suits you.
Just be thankful
I got this hearse so fast.
Why did you try to get in my way, Miria?
It didn't take me very long
to turn it around.
Isn't it time for you
to dump that walking worm feast?
I don't see what's in it for me
if I did that.
Oh my. What a smart-ass.
Turn off the light when you leave.
See ya.
I've gotta see a guy about a thing.
- Bye, Cero.
- Later.
Now we got that asshole by the balls.
- How about a celebration drink?
- Go ahead.
- Come here. To the stadium!
- No. Your fucking hands!
- Bro, I'm freezing my ass off!
- It's good luck!
I'm not somebody
who ever gave a shit about soccer.
I loved it. You missed out.
What did you like doing as a kid?
It didn't matter what I liked
if my family didn't like it.
Hell of a day today. Shit.
- Yeah, but we got 'em by the cojones.
- Exactly.
I'm heading out.
We were celebrating.
Where are you going? Albe?
What were you doing in Berlin?
Becoming Alberto.
Who the fuck are you guys?
Damiano fucking sent ya?
If it was him,
you'd be dead already.
It was Angelica.
You should be thanking her, you know?
Where are you taking me?
Far away from Ostia.
You can't go back there.
What the fuck? Take me back now!
You stop being a stupid bitch, huh?
It will never end.
You promised you'd stop stealing!
Armando, no.
This is a sign, Felipe.
The Lord is reminding me of that night.
Leave her alone!
Flaminia. Hurry up. Hurry.
Take everything.
that can never be erased.
It's why peace will never find me.
Armando, let him go!
Armando! No!
That's enough!
But it was a mistake.
No, no.
It wasn't a mistake.
It was much worse.
Don't think about it.
We have to find Flaminia.
Oh my God!
What did you do?
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