Such Brave Girls (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Such Friendly Girls

Oh, hi, guys! We help women in need.
Would you be interested?
What do you mean, "in need"?
We help raise money for women
who've experienced debt,
financial coercion,
mental health problems,
abusive relationships,
that sort of thing.
Well, that sounds great.
Do I just fill in my details now?
Yes! Absolutely.
And when do we get the money?
Oh Er
What about what's in there?
Er, can you let go, please?
Give it back!
Fucking hell.
It stinks of death in here.
Like the Grim Reaper's
right behind us.
Here I am, sorry.
Promise you're not going to
leave me with her?
She always says really traumatic
stuff to me whenever we're alone.
Yes, yes, promise.
We're going to go in there
and tell that dying old lady
how great her bastard son is
because if she dies soon,
which I suspect she will,
we might be able to get
the car back.
Josie! Billie!
'Ello, my darlings.
Oh, I'm sorry. I have to take this.
Hello? This is she Mm-hm.
Is this real gold?
Yeah. Can I try it?
You went to Costa?
Your daddy was just here.
It's still warm.
WHISPERED: Don't Don't you dare.
Just going topee.
Billie, the ring?
Excuse me, have you seen my Daddy?
Have you seen mine?!
So, have you made any friends?
They're beating me in here.
They take me out at night
and beat me.
There's no way out.
I've got terminal cancer.
I tell you, Josie,
I am so afraid to die.
I've done everything right!
I did everything everyone wanted me
to and I'm still going to die.
Everything in my life's
been a waste.
Do you have any idea
what that feels like?
Now thisis living.
Co-Op two-for-one pizza,
mini bag of Twirls.
I hope we do this
for the rest of our lives.
Everything in my life
has been a waste.
Are you upset about your nan?
You can talk to me, you know.
I am your boyfriend.
Well, she's going to die.
She seemed so scared.
She's worried her life's been
I don't think I was very helpful.
Well, I'm sure whatever you wanted
to say to her, she already knows.
That's quite comforting, actually.
You're welcome.
Oh, how was your nan?
She'll be fine. Fuss over nothing.
Er, she's got terminal cancer.
It's fine. But we might have
to see him. Who?
Dad! We can't keep burying our
Darling? Dad's dead, remember?
Oh, God!
She's not very good
at processing death.
I do think it's worth
sending her to therapy.
Otherwise, these things have
a habit of getting to you.
She doesn't need therapy.
She just needs a stable
male figure in her life.
But without professional help,
grief can eat you up inside.
It can do strange things
even to the best of us.
There's plenty of alternatives
to therapy.
Oh, yes? What did you have in mind?
We're going fucking clubbing.
Why do you reckon we get
dressed up in times of crisis?
Why did the string quartet keep
playing when the Titanic went down?
Because Nicky might be there.
What time's the bus?
You're not coming, Seb. Go home.
I AM home.
Why won't you take Seb? We're going
out to get away from him.
I don't know why he's still here.
Well, he's got just as much of
a right to be here as you do.
In fact, a lot of this could be
fixed by him being here more.
Which is why he's moved in.
Has he? I thought you'd noticed.
It's for your own good.
Why didn't you tell me?
I've been easing you in.
It's boiling frog theory.
You don't just chuck it into
boiling water -
it'll jump straight out again.
You have to heat it up slowly
so it doesn't know it's dying.
He is the solution to
your mental health problems.
He's also paying our water bill.
Well, he's not coming clubbing.
All right, all right,
then hurry the fuck up and get out.
I need you out of the house so I can
try and convince Dev
that you're fine. Is he worried?
He thinks you should both be going
to therapy. Really?!
Yeah. Waste of time.
Therapy is for celebrities.
Get your fucking acts together or
don't bother coming back at all.
I mean it.
Have a lovely evening, girls!
And if you need anything at all,
you just let me know.
He hugged us.
Is he trying to be our dad?
I think he's trying to fuck us.
It's REALLY hard to tell the
difference. It's not, Josie.
Of course he wants to fuck us.
The problem is, is I can't
work out whether I'm into it. Mm.
Your nipples have gone hard.
Case closed. You'd better not
go home at 8pm like last time.
Oh, I can't go home.
My boyfriend's moved in. Good.
Tonight, we're going fucking feral.
Still blocked?
It might be an issue
with his contract.
I've called EE just to check.
Do you want a drink?
Yeah, can I get a Roman coke?
What? A Roman coke.
Do you mean "rum and coke"?
Don't think so.
Shit, that's Bianca!
Who? Bianca! The home wrecker
with the horrible eyebrows.
Oh, Nicky's Bianca! The one you
bleached your hair to look like?
Erm, she copied me, actually.
Shit, let's go.
OK, what's the plan?
Right, I'm thinking, I'm thinking
Where did you get that baggie from?
Nicky. It's all I have left of him.
I know, but, like, where just now?
Oh! My bum.
Have you got anything
we can roll up? Erm
How do you feel?
Yeah, I feel OK actually!
You must be really sad.
Maybe hold on to that.
I really think
we should get therapy.
Nah, therapy's a scam.
You don't need to pay someone
70 quid to tell you
your childhood was shit.
I can do that for you.
I could go back on the NHS
waiting list, but the wait time's,
like, two years. Wow,
with a wait time like that,
the service must be really good.
Hold on, I'm coming up.
I'm coming up!
I'm going to shit myself!
Look at me, Josie, look at me.
Not here.
Hold it in.
Brace yourself.
We're going over to her.
So, what are we actually
going to do? Oh, it's simple.
I'm going to kill her.
There can only be one.
Come on, I've got that rage that
mothers get
when they lift cars off babies.
Shall we take this outside?
To the smoking area, I mean.
OK, meet you there in a sec.
If I die, box my tits up
and send them to Nicky's, yeah?
But remember to send them
to his parents,
because he's living with them right
now, but, obviously, we're saving up
for Billie Bar in Manchester
OK, yeah, yeah, yeah. If I die
Fucking hell, I've done nothing!
I've got nothing!
I think I should do this alone.
You look a bit oversimulised
OK, but what should I do?
I can't go home, Seb's moved in.
Josie, you need to stop letting
people who don't understand you
decide what's best for you.
There's only one person
who knows what's best for you,
and who you are. Oh, yeah.
And I know exactly who that is.
Josie! I've figured it out.
What? I've figured out who I am.
Oh, yeah? And who are you?
Whoever you want me to be.
He's not here, if that's
what you're wondering.
I already checked. Oh.
And don't even dare asking me
to break up with him
because it's not going to happen.
We're endgame. You'll never love him
as much as I do.
Why isn't he here then?
Er, because I'm too fit for him.
He said I can't be tamed.
Well, he said things to me
that he'd never say to anyone else.
Really? Mm-hm.
Did he tell you
you had a perfect pussy?
Has he changed his phone contract,
do you know?
Er, no.
No, same number.
I heard from him yesterday.
We're notover,
we're justtaking a little break
while he works on some of his stuff.
You can tell me.
SOFTLY: No, it's just
TEARFULLY: He's just got a lot
going on at the moment,
and he said he would let me know
when he's ready to talk.
It's OK, baby. It's OK.
Let it out
I like your hair.
It's my natural colour.
TV: ..their remarkable
cliffside nests
which provide safety
from predators
I do just think Bloody hell, it's
like you're in a pyramid scheme.
There's nobody more fucked-up
than therapists, Dev.
What kind of sick freak decides to
cash in on someone's misfortune?
What are they doing in those little
rooms asking questions like that?
Nosy bastards!
..ensuring the survival
of the next generation
Shall we go and see
what Seb's up to? Yeah.
Shecan't be having
a good time without me.
She'll be overstimulated.
She can barely handle
five minutes in Lush.
Why wouldn't she want me there?!
Do you think she could be
kissing a girl?
Right, where's the rest of your
stuff? No, that's it.
What, this is everything you own?
Well, your underwear
is already in here.
No, that's all Josie's.
I just I actually don't think
I'd like it if she kisses girls.
If she does it in a room
and I'm not there,
it doesn't really feel
like it's for me, you know?
It feels, it feels more like
Deb? Er, why don't you leave me
to speak with Seb? Mano-a-mano.
All right, I'll leave you to it.
But I think we all just need to
trust her.
I'll go and crack this open.
I'm sure there's lots of lovely
things about Seb in here
that'll make him feel better.
Thanks for letting me talk about
this. I just
I guess II'm just a bit worried
about what Josie could be doing.
But people People don't cheat in
real life, do they?
That's just something that
happens on Strictly.
I need to tell you something.
I cheated on Deb last night.
Oh, dear
Last night when I got in,
I had a large glass of merlot
and got a little reflective.
Before I knew it, I was watching
me and Lisa's first dance
at our wedding.
I was completely overcome
with emotion
..but then I looked down
and I realised
..I'd started masturbating.
I'm just
I'm not sure enjoying a memory of
your late wife counts as cheating.
Oh-ho-ho, I think it does.
Do you think Josie's cheating on me?
No No.
No, I'm sure she's not.
She loves you.
You are fulfilling all her needs,
aren't you?
We don't havemuch sex,
to be honest.
Well Well, how often are you
having sex?
Well, don't, don't get me wrong
We we do other stuff, OK?
So much stuff
Loads of stuff. Right!
Like, for starters,
I get a hand job
on Mondays AND Wednesdays.
Well, that's good news.
All right, Dev. I'm a virgin.
S S Sex makes me
a bit nervous.
Of course,
I can't tell Josie that though.
I'm a man.
We show these women no fear.
Not Deb, not Josie Not Deb
You said "Deb" twice.
Right, what are we drinking?
Maybe we shouldn't have any more,
I can't really see.
What is in those Roman cokes?
Well, what do you want to do then?
I don't know.
I feel like we need to be like
cleansed or something.
What, like wash Nicky
off our bodies?
Well, OK, yeah. Why not?
Do you want me to likewash
you or something?
Fuck Nicky. We don't need him.
Yeah, exactly.
We have each other.
You know who I am.
You're the only person
in the world who understands me,
because of all your trauma. Yeah
You understand me, because of what
happened with your mum and your dad
being toxic. Nobody knows pain like
we do. I saw my nan this morning.
She's going to die,
it's only a matter of days
Ugh, keep fucking talking.
I do feel quite cleansed. Yeah.
Nicky who?
You look like me.
You look like me.
I can't believe this is happening.
I'm almost not dissociating.
What do you ermwant to do to me?
Erm, smell your hair?
Move to Hebden Bridge
and get a three-legged rescue cat
called Edgar?
Sorry, darling.
Just popping in for my book.
You're right, Sid, it's gripping.
Dad, please! So insensitive.
I'm off to bed, then.
Have a lovely night, girls.
If you need anything at all,
you just let me know, OK? Aw
Oh, my God! Er, I know.
He's so annoying.
Annoying? It's disgusting.
Your dad wants to fuck you.
What? He was all over you.
A hug? Yeah, and a kiss.
Oh, that's fucked up.
I've got to go.
What? It's just my dad.
He's just being affectionate.
Er, I think I can tell
the difference, Sid.
UNDER HER BREATH: Fucking hell
Josie thinking she's a lesbian is
a bit of a spanner in the works.
I read online
that sexuality is a spectrum.
I just assumed wherever she was on
that spectrum included me watching.
Right, Seb, you're going to be
a bit shocked about this,
but there's not a single mention
of your name in this diary.
Not even on her birthday?
There's my name!
Right Well, there we go.
Lovely. See? We just have to trust
each other.
I masturbated to my old
wedding footage last night.
I couldn't help it. It was
an accident. I'm so sorry.
Deb? Please.
Say something. I promise it won't
ever happen again.
Look, every relationship
has its problems.
What the women in this family need
is stable men that prove
they're going to stick
around forever.
No more of this therapy nonsense.
It is commitment that we need.
Howhow can I be more committed?
I've already moved in
and that wasn't enough.
She's insatiable!
Josie doesn't know what she wants.
So you have to tell her.
Almost force her
into making decisions.
She's like a deer in headlights,
but, deep down,
I think she wants the car
to hit her.
"M made me feel like shit again
"I want to run away.
"Sometimes I think she'd rather me
be dead.
"She's a bully."
Wow. I know
Who is M?
BIANCA: I still don't really
understand how us kissing is revenge
if Nicky's not here to see us.
Trust me, he's devastated.
He'll know.
Can I ask you a question?
Is it to kiss again? No.
Did he ever, like, borrow money
off you and just not pay you back?
Yes! And did he ever ask you
to come over,
but really, he just wanted
to play Far Cry 5
while you cleaned his room?
No. No neither.
We should get revenge.
By kissing again? No.
We should tell his parents.
That is such a good idea.
Like, go round to his house
or something
Yeah, let's do it!
One more kiss first though.
I still can't believe he said
we both had perfect pussies.
You do, though.
He was all over her.
Fucking disgusting.
The one person in the world
who I thought understood me.
And I can't go home
because Mum's moved Seb in.
I've wasted my life too.
I really feel like
I've got nothing left.
Wow, I feel loads better actually.
I just needed someone to talk to.
Also, while I'm here,
your son isn't very nice.
Oh! Sorry, you shouldn't be in here.
I don't think you should see her
like this. What do you mean?
Er, she died about an hour ago.
We're just waiting for the coroner.
Fucking hell!
She looks very peaceful,
if that helps.
It doesn't, actually.
This is actually so feminist of us.
I'm feeling so feminist right now.
I can't tell you how feminist
we're being.
I can't wait to go in there
and tell his parents
how much of a dickhead their son is.
How shall we do this?
OK, I'll go in and talk to them
first, then I'll give you the signal
to come in, but I think it should
come from me. OK.
I'll be here.
All right, I'll be right back.
Can I just tell you, I think you're
the best friend I've ever had.
I love you. Thank you.
Perfect Pussy Club?
Perfect Pussy Club.
Hello, you're through to the
Crisis Line. I'm feeling really bad.
Oh, no, have you tried
your coping mechanisms?
I don't think having a cup
of tea and a bath
is going to stop this one. Right
What about a cup of tea IN the bath?
Oh, yeah. OK, thanks,
I feel loads better. Really?
No, obviously not!
Have you tried deep breathing?
I want to prove to you that
I can be here for you, forever.
I'm in this for the long haul,
Josie. Till the end.
I'm willing to put the work in.
You You can't accept love,
real love, undying love.
But I'm here and I'm unconditional.
Are you still there? So
..will you marry me?
Are you having suicidal thoughts?
Yeah Yes? Right Er
Stay on the line. I'm just going
to go and grab a colleague.
Go on, then. Get in!
Yes, of course, yes! She said yes!
Really? You heard her.
Look at her, she's in shock.
Well, kiss, then! OK.
Oh, she likes that. Ooh
I just wish I had a ring.
Er I've got one.
There we go.
Everybody's happy. Job's a good 'un.
70 quid for therapy!
I just did that for free. Mm-hm.
I just wish Billie was here
to see this. And her father, too.
And Nan.
WHISPERED: She's dead by the way.
Been a while, Miss.
Yeah, just wait a minute.
She's coming.
Trust me, she's the best friend
I've ever had.
She's coming.
Josie, I'm really proud of you.
And I want you to know that you
have my blessing to marry Seb.
Aren't you supposed
to give Seb your blessing?
Er, no.
Doesn't feel right.
You know, Josie, death is just
another stage of life.
Your nan's with your dad.
Now, I don't know much
about that situation,
but it sounds like a rather
lovely place to be.
If you ever need to talk,
I'm here for you.
Thank you. Mm.
And then my mum came upstairs,
andnow I'm here.
Which makes me think maybe I can't
actually tell the difference.
Do you think this is about my dad?
Well, that's the hour up.
It's good to get the background
information down
before we get started.
What, that's it?
Yeah. I mean, you know,
it's our first session.
We were never going
to cover everything.
Well? Did it work?
Er I'm not sure.
I probably need a few more sessions
to find out.
Seems a bit excessive.
Just remember what they said to
you in that one, it's not hard.
But they have to! Waste of time!
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