Suicide Squad Isekai (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Hey, where's this gate thing?
- Up there.
- Huh?
How the hell
are we supposed to reach it?
Hey, Nanaue!
Let me climb up on you!
The back of all your necks
are flashing.
- Is that a bad sign?
- What?
Don't just stand there!
You gotta stop these things!
I can't!
I have no control over
whether they get reset or not.
Friggin' hell!
How are we supposed
to reset the timer, then?
You pray.
Pray that the reset signal is making
its way here from the other side.
No goddamn way!
You've gotta be kidding!
- Calm down.
- Huh?
Based on my estimate
we've only got a few seconds left
until all our heads go kaboom.
I see.
So, if our heads are still intact
after waiting a few seconds
it's proof that
the signal is being sent.
Okay, how much longer we got?
Six, five
- Tell us this shit earlier!
- Four, three
Two, one
Guess they didn't just
leave us for dead.
Yeah, assuming you actually know
how to count!
Well, that means
we're good for now, huh?
Hey, anybody feeling hungry?
I'm craving an egg salad sandwich!
Well, la dee friggin' da.
Stay sharp, people.
That timer needs to be reset
every 72 hours, right?
Don't let it go down
to the wire again.
Huh? Like you're one to talk!
The fact they didn't kill you
means that you're expected
to finish the mission.
Are we clear?
Huh? I dunno what you mean.
The mission to establish
and protect bridgeheads
that are meant to serve
as the framework
for resource acquisition
and research on this world.
Keep in mind
that's the only reason why
your heads are still attached
to your necks.
Anyway, for the time being,
our top priority is to establish
a good relationship
with the people of this kingdom.
We'll start by helping
to end the war.
If you're saying that
we're on a mission for peace
then consider it done.
Fair enough.
There's nothing worse than a movie
that just ends halfway through.
I guess I'll have to play along.
I don't roll over like a dog
for anyone.
But I'm willing to blow off some
steam by kicking the Empire's ass.
Shall we get crackin'?
Batter up!
Hey! What the hell, man?
That won't make more bullets
magically appear, you know.
No friggin' duh!
I've been frugal with 'em so far,
but nothing lasts forever.
"Frugal," you say?
Ah, look! I made a heart!
Ain't it cute?
I'm actually relieved you won't have
access to your dirty weapons anymore.
Huh? Come say that to my face.
Using a gun is dirty?
What are you, a friggin' caveman?
If you wanna fight fair and square
then challenge 'em to a duel
with a glove slap or some shit!
- Huh?
- Cut it out, Deadshot.
Sorry. This guy's just an asshole
through and through.
And there's no fixing him.
However, guns are Peacemaker
and Harley's weapon of choice, too.
So this problem affects us all.
Worst-case scenario
we can just arm ourselves
with frying pans or something.
- That'll do the trick.
- Whaddya mean?
Whoever's got the frying pan
is always the strongest
in zombie movies.
I'm not seeing
any zombies around here.
All I'm saying is that if it can
beat zombies, it can beat anything!
Good grief.
This grand council of idiots won't be
solving our problem anytime soon.
We might be doomed.
Come again?
Well, I have an idea.
- For real?
- Yeah.
I was originally sent here as part
of an advanced team, remember?
You were?
It wasn't important enough
for me to commit to memory.
Well, my advance team didn't crash
when we first arrived here.
Which means our helicopter and gear
should still be in one piece.
Then let's get this show on the road.
I can't do jack shit
without any ammo.
Hurry and replenish your supplies.
We'll go ahead without you.
The only problem is
our helicopter landed
on a mountain
that's over on the west side.
So we'll have to go back
to the fort first.
Even if we leave now,
we won't get there until nightfall.
Who the hell cares. I need bullets.
So I'm going
whether you like it or not.
Hey, can it wait
until after I take a bath?
Nobody told me the baths
were so damn far away!
Well, good news. We're almost there.
We'll have to wait until tomorrow
morning to head for the chopper.
This is where we'll stay the night.
I'm going to need
my own cottage, please.
And a massage after my bath, too.
Out of the question.
Huh? You guys came back?
For a bit.
Anyways, I'm freakin' starving!
We're just about to throw
a dinner party.
Come and join us.
Dinner party?
What's the occasion?
That loud and obnoxious knight
gave us some booze
as a reward for fighting.
Oh? How generous of him.
What the hell brought that on?
Who knows? But booze is booze.
No sense letting it go to waste.
C'mon, boss babe.
Have a drink with us.
But, like, doesn't it suck
to catch such a raw deal?
They just dragged you all out here
to fight a war.
Well, it definitely sucked at first,
but not anymore.
In exchange for fighting
on the frontlines
they said we could have
free reign of this place.
They don't care as long as
the Empire doesn't control it.
I figured us villains
would just stay villains
but it don't feel half-bad to have
the Kingdom depend on us.
Huh? What are you talking about?
Villains are always villains.
Did you guys drink yourselves
stupid or what?
All this just because the Kingdom
showed you a little kindness.
Ignorance really is bliss.
What are you laughing about?
Nothing. It just figures
you guys would feel that way.
Whaddya mean?
You're all strong as hell.
That's why you can't relate
to how these other guys feel.
That means you're something special.
No duh, we're special.
Who do you think you're talking to?
Are you sure this is what you want?
Haven't you heard?
Frying pans are the ultimate weapon!
We'll hold down the fort here.
Yes, see to it, my minions!
Villains never bow down to anyone.
Ain't that right?
And we're villains,
just like you guys.
Well, off we go!
What is that?
- Shut up. Don't say anything.
- Whoa, whoa. Calm down.
- There's the mountain.
- Screw you!
No, screw you! Stop talking.
Is that a bird?
Let's head for the summit.
Shit, is this for real?
There's a friggin' dragon
using the helicopter for a nest.
So that flying thing was a dragon?
I thought it was a bird.
Of all the places you could've landed
why would you choose a dragon's nest?
I didn't! I had no idea
there would be dragons here!
And there wasn't enough time
to check!
Christ. You've gotta be kidding me.
Well, we've got a team
of weaklings with crappy gear.
Not exactly ideal for dragon slaying.
Hold up, isn't slaying the dragon
supposed to happen
at the climax of the story?
Like a final boss or whatever.
Hey, somebody grab me
a huge-ass crossbow.
I saw them use one to kill a dragon
in Game of Thrones.
At any rate, the chopper's fully
loaded with weapons and ammo.
We can't just give up
and go back now.
Quit telling us what to do.
Look, nobody's chickening out.
- Wittle baby!
- Fine, then.
Looks like I have to step up
to the plate.
What are you gonna do?
Just stand back and watch.
Wuzzat? A cat?
Gotta be a dog.
Guess we don't have good chemistry.
Some big-shot actor you are.
Can't even win over a dragon.
You bastard!
Are you implying I'm some kind of
wannabe who's just hamming it up?
- Damn straight! Glad you get it!
- Your broccoli hair can get bent!
- You got dumb crinkly hair yourself!
- Listen up! I'm well known
for my natural acting performances!
- Oh, shaddup!
- You wouldn't know
Hey, guys? Now's probably
not the best time to argue.
- Shut the hell up already!
- Why don't you
Now this is an Isekai!
No time for your bullshit! Move it!
It's breathing fire at us!
What do we do now?
Wait, I'll figure out a plan.
That's different.
Never seen a dragon
go for fish over meat.
Everyone's so health conscious
these days.
I can't imagine sharks
are part of a good diet, though.
Stop clowning around!
We gotta save him!
Oh, jeez.
Use this chance to get the weapons!
Let's move!
You still have ammo?
Just one shot.
That shark's tenacious as hell.
What the?
Is Nana okay?
Oh, thank goodness!
How is he still okay
after getting hit by all that fire?
Looks like he found a way
to avoid becoming a shark steak.
Uh, hey? I think we're in trouble.
Did those flames dry out the mud?
Eat this!
What'd I tell you?
Frying pans for the win!
- Huh?
- Huh?
Hey! Quit dragging your feet!
Give us those damn weapons!
I'm gonna go take a look!
And touchdown!
She's friggin' nuts.
Check it out.
Seems nothing got damaged.
Grab whatever we can use.
This could come in handy.
Hey! Shit's getting crazy down there.
That's what I'm talking about!
Get off my ass already!
What the hell's taking them so long?
- Yoo-hoo!
- Huh?
Here, special delivery!
Hey, lizard face!
Now this is how you kill a dragon.
You do very good job.
Me appreciate it.
What a haul! This is great!
Hey, Peacemaker.
How did you get the dragon to stop?
Oh, I used this.
Is that?
It's her egg, I'd assume.
I see. No wonder that dragon
was so desperate.
You took her baby as a hostage?
I'll make an omelet next time.
Gimme that frying pan.
I've never tasted dragon egg before.
In your freakin' dreams!
I can't believe you!
That's just cruel!
- What are you so mad about?
- Sorry, little eggie.
You're okay now.
Omigosh! So adorbs!
Well, it obviously thinks Harley
is its mom now.
Aw, who's a good boy?
Are newborn dragons
really like baby chicks?
I mean,
they're basically birds. Right?
You think I'm your mommy?
- Aww, too cute.
- Don't you dare.
- I'm gonna take you home.
- It's gonna get huge like its mom.
But it's just
a cute little guy for now.
- Who's a good boy?
- Whatever.
Don't come crying to me later.
We gotta give it a name.
How about Arthur?
You like that? Then Arthur it is!
My cute, wittle Arthur!
What do baby dragons even eat?
Gotta be fish, right?
Director, this is Rick Flag speaking.
Do you copy?
You're still alive, Flag?
Yeah, somehow.
And what about them?
Proceeding with the mission.
I'm currently accompanying Harley
and her group.
As it stands, we've established
an amicable relationship
with the kingdom.
All right. That's good news.
Then let's continue with the plan.
What is the status
of the advance team?
They've all joined the enemy ranks.
I see.
Then get rid of them.
Copy that.
Well? Can you get it running?
This thing's not going anywhere.
That dragon made
a real goddamn mess of it.
Guess we're going back on foot.
Let's pack up what we need and leave.
We can just come back
for the rest again later.
We won't have to worry about
running out of ammo for a while.
Don't let it make you trigger happy
or you'll be sorry later.
I'll feed you when we get back, okay?
Hey, did you guys burn some toast?
It smells kinda funny.
That's not good!
What the hell?
No way. What happened?
Where's Beanstalk and the others?
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