Survive (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

You Can Die Here Alone

[plane creaks]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[wind howling]
[intense music]
[breathing heavily]
- Jane!
What are you--
Who was that? Do you know her?
Is this someone you know?
- She should be digging my grave.
- Jesus Christ!
- Jane, look, she she's dead!
She's gone. She died
and we lived, OK? That's it.
- Her name's Margaret.
She's getting married on a mountain.
- OK.
- She has a fiancé,
I don't know his name, but
She really wanted to live.
- Look, so do-- so do I.
OK? So do you.
But the fact is
Margaret is dead, Jane.
All right?
There's nothing we can do about it.
she'll be under a foot or two of snow.
OK? There is nothing
we can do to change that.
- OK, so just go.
- No, we have to stay together.
- I'm OK dying here.
- Jesus Christ,
Did you just-- Cut this shit?
Please! Listen, I have one rule, OK?
It's-- it's no drama that's not drama.
We can't cry
because our feelings are hurt.
We can't cry 'cause some stranger died
and we lived!
We can't cry
because we're stuck on a fucking mountain.
OK? And we may never see our family again.
Look, maybe she was a--
she was a better person than you.
OK? Maybe she wasn't. I don't know.
And honestly,
right now, I'm here with you.
We're here together
and I need you to survive, OK?
And you need me too.
You need me too, OK?
Leave her.
Just leave her, Jane, go back
to your plane and get warm, OK?
Oh, shit! Oh, shit!
You should put these on.
[breathing heavily]
[pill container clatters]
[breathing heavily]
[wind howling]
[footsteps approaching]
We can't stay here.
We gotta move through these mountains.
Snow is coming,
and we're gonna get buried.
- Go.
- Look, we we're way too exposed here.
You know that, right?
And it could be days before they come
and find us, it could be weeks.
Maybe never, OK? We could die here.
- I'm fine with that.
I'm fine with that,
I don't mind dying here.
Really, it sounds like paradise.
- I'm sorry, what?
- Are you stupid?
Didn't you hear what I said?
I said I'm fine dying here, go!
- No, I heard, you know what?
Get your stuff and let's go, OK?
- Back off, dude.
- Let's go!
- Back off!
- Are you kidding?
Is this some kind of, like
attention-getting thing?
What, you want me to beg you or something?
Because if so,
you're betting on the wrong dude.
- OK, just--
- OK?
No, no, no, no, get your shit
- Just--
- and let's go!
- Stop talking! Just go!
- You know what?
There's only one sleeping bag, OK?
- I don't care, take it.
I really don't care, just get out!
- Are you serious?
- Please, just stop being an asshole.
- Wow. You know what?
[wind howling]
Suit yourself.
You can die here alone.
[breathing heavily]
[wind howling]
[breathing heavily]
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