Suspect (2022) s01e05 Episode Script


Daniel. Susannah.
Richard said you've seen her.
This morning.
Our little girl.
You need to investigate this.
I'll ask Mike Pickerskill
to take a look,
make sure it's all
been handled by the book.
What are these?
She was into cryptocurrency.
It's just bitcoin.
I don't have those answers that
you're looking for.
Well, then, who does?
You should try Maia.
Did you get her into this?
She was dealing before we met.
Novel psychoactive substances.
You really didn't know your daughter
at all did you?
She just kept saying she'd done
something terrible.
She wouldn't say what.
Does the name
Harriet Carr ring any bells?
There was nothing at all
to indicate that it wasn't suicide.
Look, Christina was my friend.
I had nothing to do with whatever it
was that happened to her.
But I saw her on the cameras.
This programme contains
scenes of violence,
strong language and scenes some
viewers may find distressing.
So senseless.
What was she thinking?
Can we go for a drive?
I'm due back.
Jonas called in sick.
I've gotta cover for him.
The world could be ending and you'd
still be in the bloody gym.
Ha. I was with Susannah most of
the morning.
You should go see her.
How is she?
In a state of shock. We all are.
She's hoping you'll go with her
for the viewing.
I said I'd keep her company if you
weren't up for it.
You haven't seen her, then?
When she was brought in? No.
But before that.
Alive and well a few days back.
Go on, you dickhead, don't mind me.
Thanks, Danny.
Gonna go a few more sets.
A few days back, you say?
Can you be more specific?
Don't do this, Danny.
Go and comfort your ex-wife.
You've still got it, then?
Your lucky horseshoe.
Like the one you gave Christina.
She kept it?
It was amongst her possessions.
At the morgue.
I give them to my favourite girls.
It didn't bring her much luck.
Well, what are you saying?
I should have done more
to protect her?
I don't know, should you?
Wasn't that her father's job?
I'm sorry, but I don't deserve that.
Forget it.
I always kept an eye out
for her, Danny.
Let Susannah know she was all right.
You must have known, then, what she
got herself involved in.
Knew she was running with
a fast crowd.
Did you tell Susannah?
No, she was worried enough already.
Rightly so it turns out.
That time at Christmas, when you and
Christina were supposed to meet
..she went on a bender.
No-one knew where she was for days.
Susannah asked me if
I could find her.
Karen was furious.
Told me not to bother coming home.
I went anyway.
Susannah, me we both thought,
you know,
she might have harmed herself.
Well, had she?
She was in a right old state.
I'll take your word for it.
Where have you been all day?
Richard's doing his nut.
Yeah, he keeps calling me.
You go to the flat?
What do you think?
And? I thought she lived out west.
Not for a while now. You knew?
Yeah. She had a house-warming.
When was that?
A while back.
Then you've been there?
And you knew about Nicola?
Were you invited to the wedding?
No. Well, you are her godfather!
I sent her a cheque.
You didn't think to mention it?
Figured if Christina wanted you
to know, she'd tell you.
How did Christina seem to you
the last time you saw her?
What? It's a simple question.
She seemed preoccupied.
I can imagine.
What about physically?
Notice anything out of the ordinary?
Like what?
Bleeding, maybe? Marks on her face?
Where are you going with this?
I bumped into Jake Batra earlier.
Bumped into?
Yeah, that weird
warehouse place he owns.
Can't imagine you and Jake having
much to say to one another.
He's Jaisal now.
But you know that, right?
And what's he been saying?
Not much.
We reminisced.
Chewed the fat
about the good old days.
That was quite the debt he paid
off for you back then, wasn't it?
You must owe him.
He saved your skin.
You saved my skin, Danny.
I'd have found the way to raise
the money without Jake,
but it was you who convinced
Karen to take me back.
It was you who spoke up
for me at the misconduct hearing.
You were my partner.
What else was I going to do?
All the same, I owe you everything.
Oh, you did more than enough.
You've gotta get over that.
Some of us dip a hand now and then.
No-one else spends their entire life
being eaten up over a few grand.
What else has that shyster been
saying for himself?
He was telling me about the shit
that Christina had got herself into.
It was news to me, of course, but
I'm guessing you knew all about it.
That's the second time you've
implied that.
Jake was adamant
she must have had a friend in
the force who could cover up
the link between her merchandise
and a student's death.
I can't think who else
fits the bill.
It was an accident.
No suspicious circumstance.
The girl was pissed. She slipped.
Nothing else showed up in
the postmortem.
Who oversaw that?
A doctor at St Josephine's.
Was it Jackie Sowden?
Don't go sticking your nose
into things
that are best left well alone.
You've gotta trust me.
I'm your friend, not your enemy.
Then why aren't you telling
me the truth?!
I am!
I know you were there last night,
you lying bastard.
Who have you been talking to?
I told you.
Jake would never grass me up to you.
Maybe he's cutting you from
the payroll?
You're becoming a liability.
Shut the fuck up.
I saw you on CCTV!
She got in your car.
Is everything all right?
Everything's fine, mate.
Look, I was there, all right.
I didn't tell you cos I knew you'd
put two and two together
and come up with the wrong answer.
You were with my daughter
an hour or two before she died.
Mike Pickerskill would consider
you a person of interest.
Mate, he couldn't investigate his
way out of a paper bag.
I could give him a few pointers.
He'd only have your word for it.
And the CCTV footage.
No chance.
Still more valuable
to Jake than you are.
Much more.
You're rotten to the core, Ryan.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
One time!
So I could buy my daughter
a fuckin' horse.
I've been texting every two minutes,
you dickhead. We've gotta go.
Sorry, Johnno, I'm with Danny.
You're on speaker.
Shit. Danny, mate.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I just heard about Christina.
All right, well,
call me when you're finished.
He seems to have made
a miraculous recovery.
We're supposed to meet someone.
Must have thought
it was too important to miss.
I've gotta get back to the station.
We can carry on talking in the car.
What are you doing?
What does it look like?
Come on, Ryan. Don't be daft.
So this bloke you're supposed to be
meeting, where's it happening?
Dunno. He's texting the address.
Why don't you just tell me what
happened? Put my mind at rest.
She looked like she'd
been caning it.
Was worried about her.
So I offered to give her a lift.
You took her home?
She said she felt sick.
Wanted to get out and walk around.
Clear her head.
Where was this?
Northern ring road.
Near the big roundabout.
And you just let her?
Christina could look after herself.
And that was the last
you saw of her?
Yes. Honestly?
I'm just trying to get
a picture of her last movements.
Maybe you should have worried more
about her when she was still alive.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means you forfeited the right to
lecture me when you kicked her out.
I didn't kick her out.
Supposed to come live
with you after the divorce.
It was undecided.
Christina had decided.
I need some smokes.
I always told you,
you should give it up.
But I never minded, you know?
It was the smell of you.
Are you sure you didn't take
Christina home?
For fuck's sake,
what did I just say?
Trouble is, I don't believe you.
You're a fuckin' junkie, Ryan.
You're a gambling addict.
Every word that comes
out of your mouth is a lie.
For all I know, you're up
to your neck in debt again.
So you take Christina
back to the flat.
You're gonna rough her up.
Get her to cough up again.
You put the squeeze on her,
quite literally,
but you go too far.
So you have to cover it up,
make it look like suicide. Huh?
You're unbelievable, you are.
Who's that?
It's DS Urshaw. DC Finn around?
Do me a favour, Finney,
what time did I book in
that guy last night?
The one I nicked for curb crawling.
Er, hold on.
OK, here it is. 12:26am.
And what time did we let him go?
3:43am. Why are you asking?
I'm just trying to jog my memory.
Oh, yeah, that girl's suicide,
what time was that called in?
5:39am according to the log, boss.
And what does the report say
about time of death?
Well, a neighbour said she heard
noises between 0100 hours
and 0200 hours, it says here.
Thanks, Finney.
I was at the station.
The whole friggin' night.
How convenient.
What? He was there right in front
of me when I let Christina out.
Bold as brass. Some rich prick.
You make me sick.
You're one of the last people
to see my daughter alive
and I have to drag
the information out of you!
Look, I'm sorry.
Didn't occur to me it was relevant.
So what's his name,
this rich prick, huh?
What does it matter?
Well, he might be able
to back up your story for a start.
I don't remember. Come on, Ryan.
I don't.
So call Finney back. Call him!
What was the guy's name?
I'll get the client report.
Erm, weird one, this.
It doesn't say.
Er, no worries, Finney. My fuck up.
I'll I'll chase it up.
What are you not telling me?!
Nothing. It was a genuine mistake.
You fuckin' degenerate!
Oh, fuck you, Danny.
Jake told me Christina wanted to get
out of the drug dealing business,
but someone was holding her back.
It was you, wasn't it?
You were extorting money off her
to pay off your gambling debts
but Christina stopped playing ball!
Slow down. Slow down!
You had to give her a beating
to make her see sense.
Sounds more like you than me.
I know your MO, Ryan.
Read the postmortem.
It was suicide.
Ears and eyes, just like Maia said!
I didn't kill Christina.
I can't be in two places at
the same time!
But you know who did. Slow down!
Who are you protecting?
I'm not protecting anyone!
Give me a name, Ryan.
Slow down! A name, Ryan.
You're gonna kill us.
I'm not afraid to die.
Ryan. Ryan. Ryan!
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