Swallow the Sun (2009) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Episode 5
Where is she right now?
She died long ago.
Around the time you were five.
What about the woman who just passed away?
She's your grandmother
on your mother's side.
I heard I was abandoned
when I was born.
But now, you tell me of my mother
and grandmother
Why did they abandon me?
Why you were abandoned
Who your father is
Why I know those people
This is not a good time to talk
about all I know.
It's too much to tell you.
I will tell you when the time is right.
One moment, please.
Can he, the grandson, arrange the funeral?
It's a difficult situation right now
It won't be easy.
As she wished, please cremate her body.
Jung Woo!
Jung Woo!
Kim Jung Woo!
Hello? Hello?
In Jeju Island there are 8 casinos
that are allowed to do business.
In this small space, there are 8 casinos.
We're just skinning each other.
In 3 or 4 places, they can't even pay
their employees.
How about this place?
We're barely functioning.
With your facilities here, there's a limit
to how many tourists you can attract.
On top of that, being off limits to the citizens,
it doesn't attract the foreign investments.
so it's hard to attract foreign investment.
That's my point. We need to do
something different.
This is the only way that
I can top Director Chang.
You must help me.
Yes. I understand, sir.
Then, I will take my leave.
Where to?
To Ban Hotel.
Yes, sir.
Why are you alone? Where is Kim Jung Woo?
You handed him over?
- He ran away.
- What?
Then we must catch him.
Did you send out a notice?
If he does not show up at the airport,
then we need to search the ports.
Leave him be.
I will take responsibility.
- Did you see my friends?
- Hyung, I heard you went to jail!
Just hurry and answer the question,
did you see them or not?
I heard they were heading to Bang Po.
we're here.
What the?
I brought you here, so that you
could get a bit of fresh air
Who are you guys?
What will you do if you don't know?
Do you know who I am?
There's no need to know who you are.
Since you don't know me, you act foolishly.
He's good at teasing.
Let's hurry and finish up.
What are you doing, you punks?
Oh, he's no ordinary guy.
Do we just stand and watch him?
Get him!
That's enough!
Good work.
Use that to treat your people.
Keep hidden for a couple of days.
Yes, Hyungnim.
What are we going to do?
Do what?
We have to put a stop to his breathing
and get rid of him.
Throw him in the ocean.
Throw him in the ocean, you punk!
There's not much time, so let me talk.
As soon as you feel better,
quietly leave Jeju Island.
If people find out that you're alive,
it'll put me in an uncomfortable position.
Who was the one who tried to kill me?
If it was you, would you be able
to leave quietly?
Those who attacked me
must have been hired
But what I'm more curious about is you.
You're the one that saved my life, so
shouldn't I at least know who you are?
I was the one that was
originally going to kill you,
so there's no need to thank me.
Then why did you save me?
I didn't want to see my
friends become murderers.
By chance, if you do something stupid,
and I hear that my friends got hurt,
then I will kill you with my own hands.
You look pretty young.
You talk about saving and
killing people too easily.
I've heard a little bit about what you do.
A mercenary, isn't that
where you kill people?
Those who are victims don't
mean anything to you, correct?
I've hit rock bottom in this life,
so I have nothing to be scared of.
I'm warning you again,
leave Jeju Island quickly.
Hey, what are you doing
so early in the morning?
I have someone that I need to meet.
Because of your escape,
the detective must be in disarray.
Take a boat.
You can just escape to China.
Jung Woo!
Make sure you don't stand out!
Don't get me locked up!
Miss, what are you doing?
I'll make you breakfast.
As it is, I'm embarrassed I'm meeting you
in this run down place.
What are you saying?
Go inside and sleep a little bit more.
I'm going for a short hike.
Ok, I'll make your favorite.
- Goodbye.
- Ok.
Jung Woo?
Let's go!
Did you do what you needed to do?
Let's go.
Let's go, let's go!
Jung Woo! Jung Woo!
Shall I dock again?
No. Just keep going.
Why are you leaving like this?
You didn't come to see me?
How long are you going to wait?
Ah, this punk, annoying me.
Shut your mouth and go do your work.
My work is to find and arrest Kim Jung Woo.
Just stay still.
You bastard! Are you crazy?
Did you eat breakfast?
Let's go eat breakfast.
This is Han Suk Tae.
How did it go?
It has been taken care of.
Good work.
Sleep a little more.
What happened to Jung Woo oppa?
Don't worry about Jung Woo.
I would like it if you didn't
say his name anymore.
What happened to you?
Shouldn't you stop by the hospital first?
I'm fine, don't worry about it.
Who was it? Who did it?
Probably Director Moon Sang Chul.
For the past 3 years,
he's been coming after me.
Is it because of his daughter?
He thinks that I ruined her life.
Even for that, how could he try to kill you?
If I were him, I'd have done the same thing.
He does not have anything to say.
If I stay here, it will become
troublesome for you.
It doesn't matter to me.
Director Moon's money is pouring
into Director Chang.
In that case, he is my enemy as well.
He is too big for you to handle, Director.
For now, it seems that I should step aside.
I understand.
It's been taken care of.
What was his name?
Han Suk Tae.
If we train him well,
he will be a loyal dog.
Let's have dinner together.
Tell Tae Hyuk to come out.
Yes, sir.
If he comes out, show him the land
we have purchased so far
and the resorts that we are building.
He does not have any idea of
the size of my business.
Why do you suddenly have
a reason to show him?
All this time, he's lived as he wanted.
Now, it's time for him to
live as I want him to.
Get out.
Do you know the name of this highway?
Route 51.
Do you know why they named it that?
I don't know.
When President Park took over,
he gathered all thugs in the country.
He used the thugs to build the highway
and sent the worst ones to Jeju Island.
This highway was built by them.
Why are you telling me the story?
Your father was one of them.
His name was Kim Il Hwan,
he escaped from his place.
He met your mother,
he took your mother hostage,
he got caught by the searching army
and they took him away to the island.
During that short period of time,
you were conceived.
She was not married and was
impregnated by the worst thug,
so your grandmother hid your
mother until she gave birth.
Your mother didn't know that
you were alive until her death.
She thought you were dead.
Your grandmother couldn't take you
since you were the one who
ruined her daughter's life.
She abandoned you.
But don't blame her.
My dirty blood
Who should I blame?
Are you going to see him?
Forget it.
Let's go.
we looked around the hotels and resorts.
How did you feel after seeing them?
It's not related to me.
I started it It's your job to finish it.
- I'm not interested.
- From now on
you will be interested.
No, it won't happen.
In my heart, I don't have
a place for my father.
Tae Hyuk!
Shall I continue?
Until I was 14 years old,
I didn't even know my father existed.
Do you know how I lived during that time?
We barely made a living, begging for food.
Mother died in a cold room
and couldn't afford a funeral.
And I spent that winter lying next to her.
One day, a man called Kim Hyun Soo appeared
and told me to forget about my past.
From that moment, I became Jang Tae Hyuk,
the son of a rich man.
But do you know?
As I learn more about your wealth,
my heart chokes more.
I feel much colder than when
I had many days of hunger,
I can do anything I want,
but not for one moment,
was I ever happy.
Tell me more.
If you have something to say,
spit it all out now!
So, what are you going to do?
Shall I tell you what I was doing
while you knew nothing of me?
Shall I tell you how I lived?
I overcame death numerous times,
as much as my body could bear.
Those I killed with my bare hands
are dozens and dozens.
Why do you think I made it my goal
to make so much money?
The reason I've lived the
way I have, is for you.
How much longer are you going to live
a life of resentment and ignorance?
Now I no longer have the desire
to wait for your approval.
If you keep making me angry,
even though you are my son,
I won't forgive you.
Hey, Sun Young!
Come out, let's talk.
What do you want to say?
You I heard that you're sharing
one room with Baek Sil Jang.
Is it true?
Whether I am or not, what
does it matter to you?
Wow, look at how this bitch is talking.
What are you getting by selling your body?
- This bitch wants to die!
- You, go away.
Yea, you're right.
It doesn't matter to us what you're doing.
But, on behalf of Jung Woo,
who grew up with us,
I feel like I have something to say.
Don't live like that.
Don't you feel uneasy towards Jung Woo,
the man you love?
Let's go.
This was the first time I've been
hit by a girl, alright.
Mi Yeon!
What did we do to deserve this?
Stop! Please stop!
Shall I make some spicy stew?
No, it's alright.
Why are you drinking?
Just because. I want to drink.
I think I understand
what you're going through, just a little.
What are you talking about?
About hyung. You said earlier
He's cheating with someone
that's not living, but dead.
I can understand what you meant by that.
The fact that there's someone
that understands my feelings,
I'm starting to tear up.
By chance, just by chance,
if you're lonely, come lean on me.
I'll lend you my shoulder.
Look at this, look at what I'm hearing.
When there's no one to go to,
do you think I'd come to find you?
Even if I was lonely,
I'd rather meet my own needs
so don't worry about me.
My, my, my
Worrying about the most useless things.
I just offered my shoulders,
what's up with her thighs?
Hold on.
Hey, it's Tae Hyuk!
I'm sorry, but she doesn't really
feel like answering the phone.
he's trying so hard.
If it was me, I'd accept it just
because of his effort.
I heard you guys met on Jeju Island.
What's the reason that you're
suddenly avoiding him?
Did something happen?
No, nothing happened.
Hey, do I not know you?
You're not the type to avoid
someone for no reason.
What is it? Why are you pushing away
a good looking, well-off guy?
I just don't think that we're
a good match, that's all.
Mi Ran is here.
I understand.
What's wrong?
Did I come to a place
that I wasn't supposed to?
I just heard about Han Seung's accident.
You should have contacted me.
It's not like it was a good thing.
I heard it was because of
that friend who lived with you.
That person I didn't have a
good feeling about him.
Before, I never cared about
what you did or who you met,
but now, I feel like I have to.
When I see you, I get nervous,
like seeing a kid by the water.
No, don't worry about me.
Since we're talking,
let's make things clear.
What do you think about putting an
end to our sexual encounters?
Truthfully, I don't have
any feelings for you.
Do you think I'm doing this because
I have feelings for you?
We both need each other.
That is the major reason why we
should continue this relationship.
This conversation
pretend that it never happened.
I paid for the cheapest.
The cheapest?
I'll go first.
Because of what happened that day,
you must have felt badly.
But I can't understand why you won't
see me now because of it.
- It's not like that.
- If not, then what's the reason?
I'm the type of person that likes living
day to day towards my dreams.
After meeting you, I just don't have
the time to be dating.
I said that I would create
that opportunity for you.
Why would you?
I don't have any desire to depend on a man
to accomplish any of my dreams or goals.
And, I'm going overseas soon.
It's a year earlier than planned,
but I decided to go anyways.
The time that I've spent with you,
I'll take with me as good memories.
Kim Jung Woo has been sentenced.
For how long?
One year and six months.
But after a year he'll be eligible for parole.
Continue to look after him, making sure
that he's not uncomfortable.
That person that was taken away that day,
what happened to him?
Kim Il Hwan
He ruined your mom's life.
and stepped on my own dreams.
I wanted revenge.
But after being sentenced to prison for
escaping and then released, he disappeared.
No matter how hard I looked,
I couldn't find him.
Why are you just leaving?
Didn't you come to see me?
Su Hyun!
Ah, sorry for being late,
the class was late today.
I won't let it happen again.
Believe me, please.
I don't give a damn about your school.
If you're late again one more time,
you're fired, you got that?
Now get to work, now.
Okay, I see.
You fat bitch.
You called me a bad name, didn't you?
No, I didn't swear at you.
I swear.
Hey, how are you? Absolutely beautiful
as always.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Call me later. Alright, baby.
- I'll see you soon, okay?
- See you later, bye bye.
Flirting as usual?
How is he? He's good looking, isn't he?
He lives in San Francisco,
but he's fallen for me, so he always
comes here looking for me.
What about Chul Soo?
Don't even mention him. I think he's
cheating with some other girl.
That bastard.
You want me to go ahead.
No, I'm almost done. Wait a second.
If you want to go watch, go look.
Why do you hold yourself back?
If I'm going to finish my studies
by next month,
I have no spare time.
What's going on? What's going on?
What's happening here in this place?
Can you say something?
What's going on?
Jung Hae!
Yoon Jung Hae!
Jung Hae!
Jung Hae!
That girl.
Is she Korean?
How do you know? Have you talked with her?
Just occasionally, as I walked past
her door, I would smell Kim Chi.
I wanted to knock and ask for some.
What happened?
She tried to kill herself. I don't know what happened
but I mean, it's so sad.
1231- Kim Jung Woo
Although you've killed someone, after only one year,
you get released.
That means that man took a huge
interest in your case.
now you owe him big.
I have a request.
What is it?
Tell me.
Do you know about it?
Isn't that the thing about all the gangsters
getting rounded up and made into a group
during the presidency of Park Jung Hee?
In Jeju, they made Route 51.
The army officer responsible
for overseeing them,
was Lee Soo Chang.
That guy,
please find out where he is.
Lee Soo Chan?
Director Sung.
What brought you here?
I have something to tell you privately.
I went over to visit him and
he asked me to find out something for him.
What is it?
He asked me to look for someone.
Is he looking for Kim Il Hwan?
Lee Soo Chan.
He was in charge of building
that highway in Jeju.
He was a soldier.
He begged me to find out about him.
I looked hard for him,
but I couldn't find him.
Could you find him?
If you spend a little time
looking for him,
it shouldn't be a big deal.
This is a good sport, too
Pisses me off
Think of it as spiritual training,
and try once again.
Nice shot!
Good job. If you try a little harder,
we can play with a bet.
How much should I bet to make it fun?
Hey, Yoo Kwang Soo.
Yes, Director.
put up your casino.
Let's bet.
It's $20 million won.
Is that ok?
Hey, why not?
There's nothing impossible.
I am going to bet on you.
That's good.
You and I,
let's get his casino.
What are you going to do with the casino?
Do what?
I heard from Director Chang,
that's where money is.
I invest in Director Chang
and get all the casinos in Jeju.
Who's that?
You rascal!
Did you think I had died?
Since I know that you didn't die,
I will kill you now!
For Jung Hae,
I will take her in.
Who the hell are you that
you'll take her in?
will make sure to kill you off.
I couldn't die even if I wanted to.
If I live
Jung Hae will be happy.
Don't walk away.
Please, give me one more chance!
I will take care of that.
There is no second chance.
Get lost, bastard.
There's a special visitor to see you.
Stay seated.
Did you ask Jo Chi Gook to find a man?
I haven't thought about him,
you are smarter than me.
Did you find him?
Lee Soo Chan
he is jailed here with no name.
Main Translator: jenniferoc
Spot Translator: songbird
Timer: Makutake29
Editor/QC: evanelric
Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl
~ Swallow the Sun ~
Demolish everything that my dad built.
I will build my own kingdom.
If I make up my mind,
I can be a queen in your kingdom,
is that what you're saying?
Thank you.
I love you.
Las Vegas
What kind of work are we doing?
Be bodyguards for the hotel's VIPs.
Please spread the word to get High Quality
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