T.P BON (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Witch Hunt

[bells jingle]
[chimes tinkling]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
[upbeat retrowave music playing]
[music fades out]
[funky adventurous music continues]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
Come on ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
- Come on ♪
- [music fades out]
- Ta-da!
- [fanfare plays]
I made an account.
And look here.
I'm already starting to get responses.
That sounds like fun.
Wanna take a look, Bon?
I'll pass. I have to get home.
I'll see you tomorrow.
- [panting]
- [cheerful string music playing]
- [door opens]
- [Bon] I'm back! Welcome home!
[hurried footsteps]
Come on out!
- [hatch clanks]
- [whirring]
Woo-hoo-hoo. My beloved boat.
I'll just load these in
and attach this right here.
- Uh.
- [whirring]
And now it's time to learn
everything I need to know.
[Time Boat whirs]
Tomorrow morning, 7:30 a.m.
- Mm.
- [snoring softly]
Hey. Wake up, lazy.
[continues snoring]
- [Bon 1] Wake up!
- Aah!
- Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!
- [Bon 2 yelling]
[garbled] I was sleeping! [whines]
Snap out of it, bonehead. It's me.
- [mother] Bon? Are you all right?
- [Bon 2] Hmm?
[groans groggily]
Do I have to be such a dork every morning?
- [door opens]
- [Bon 2] I'm up.
- [mother] Good morning, Bon.
- Hmm.
[mother] You've been getting up
so early lately.
- My studying today is done.
- [Time Boat whirs]
And now I'm free to do whatever I want!
First, I need to make me some tea.
Guess I put in too much water.
Just gonna wipe this up.
- [stove clicking]
- [gas whooshes]
All right.
Let's go see if Mom left me some food.
[plastic rustling]
Ooh. Looks good.
- [humming]
- [sizzling, cracking in background]
Hmm? Hmm?
- [dramatic sting]
- Wah!
The dishcloth, it's on fire!
- Hot! Hot, hot, hot, hot!
- [flame whooshes]
- [splash]
- [whoosh]
So you messed up again, huh?
My pee has
fire-extinguishing capabilities.
You're lucky I showed up when I did.
[Bon] You can pee?
Needless to say,
you've created quite a mess here.
Mm-hmm. I made a bigger mess of my hand.
[sobs] It feels like it's on fire!
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!
- Here we go again.
- [Bon] Can't you do anything?
I guess we're gonna have to do a rewind.
[Buyoyon] Just for the record,
I don't approve.
[Bon whines] It hurts so bad!
- [whoosh]
- [inaudible soundscape]
Did we
Feel better?
I took us back to five minutes ago.
Five minutes ago?
Oh! My hand's not on fire anymore!
Man, this rewind ability is pretty useful.
But remember,
it's really only meant for emergencies.
Going back to the same time
over and over again can be dangerous.
- [Buyoyon] Mm-hmm.
- There you go, talking about rules again.
Well, they're important to our job.
So did we receive new orders?
Who are we supposed to save this time?
- [Bon hums]
- [Ream] A girl named Celine.
She was executed by immolation
roughly 350 years ago.
What does "immolation" mean?
- [Buyoyon] She got burned at the stake!
- [alarmed murmur]
So then, you're saying
Celine was burned alive.
[Time Boats whirring]
So why was this Celine woman
executed by immolation?
The court declared her guilty
of being a witch.
And they believed that using magic
was a sin against God.
So was she?
Not at all.
Celine was no more a witch than I am.
However, witch trials
were far from being fair.
People were falsely accused
of being witches,
based on fake evidence,
testimonies, and brutal torture.
It's said that as many as 200,000 people
were found guilty and died.
Celine was one of them.
She was just a poor victim
who got caught up
in the storm of witch-hunting
that raged in Europe
between the 15th and 17th centuries.
I can't believe people back then
could be so cruel.
It's called mass hysteria.
It's frightening
when people lose all sense of reason.
[solemn violin music playing]
[Time Boats whoosh]
[Bon] I can't imagine being burned alive.
The heat must have been excruciating.
We have to save Celine, no matter what.
[Ream] Look.
There's a cemetery over there.
- [both] Huh?
- [hooves galloping]
- [Buyoyon] Huh?
- [Bon] I wonder why it's in such a hurry.
- [Ream grunts]
- Oh no! Ream!
- [Bon gasps]
- [Ream groans]
- [Buyoyon shrieks]
- [Bon groans]
- [both scream]
- [Buyoyon] Aah!
Huh? [grumbles]
- I think I got it. Huh?
- [rustling]
Oh, damn it!
Well, I know I hit something over here.
- [music continues]
- [woman sobbing]
Please, you have to stop crying, Celine.
I can't bear the thought
of returning to Lyon
knowing that I'm leaving you
in such a state of anguish.
[Celine] I'm sorry, Jean.
Yes, you're right.
It was time Grandpa joined God in heaven.
I just wasn't ready for him to go.
[Jean] Mm.
But without your grandfather,
you're here all alone now.
[Celine] Mm.
Don't worry. I'll be fine.
I'll continue helping people
with the medicines
Grandpa taught me to make.
I've learned the secrets of all the herbs.
I can help people.
[Jean] If I were a full-fledged merchant,
I would take you with me
without a second thought, but
[Celine] I'll wait for you at my home
in the forest for as long as it takes.
[cat meowing]
[Jean] Hmm?
- [cat meows]
- Yes, Lurquin?
[Celine] What is it?
Do you see something over the cliff?
- [music fades out]
- [water sloshing]
[Bon groans wearily]
[water trickling]
[Bon] Hmm?
[sloshing continues]
[gasps] You're awake!
Grandpa's secret ointment
really does work wonders.
[Ream murmurs]
[dazedly] Where
- [groans]
- You should rest.
You'll have to stay in bed
until your wounds heal.
- [flame crackles softly]
- [soft music playing]
You were hit with arrows.
It must have been a poacher.
[water sloshes]
But you're safe
and welcome to stay until you recover.
Call me if you need anything.
[door closes]
[Buyoyon] Buyo.
She has a heart of pure gold.
I wonder what kind of ointment
she applied to our wounds.
I'm feeling much better now.
I don't know if you noticed.
We just got here, but we're already stuck.
We'll be in better shape tomorrow.
Then we'll go look for Celine.
But my Timeceiver and Forgetter
stopped working properly
after we all fell down that cliff.
Looks like mine aren't working either.
Maybe we can still find her
with our Time Boats.
Hey, Buyoyon, can you go
summon our boats for us?
[Buyoyon] Time Boats only react
to their owners' voices.
This is day-one stuff!
[Ream] Celine will be arrested
in the next few days.
[Bon] What are we gonna do?
[crickets chirping]
[men chattering indistinctly]
[man 1] Hey. Did you hear?
Celine's grandfather
finally kicked the bucket.
That old geezer she lived with?
Everyone in the village
is totally relieved.
He lived cooped up in the forest alone
with that granddaughter of his.
The old man was creepy.
Hey, Fernand.
You got a thing for Celine, don't ya?
Bring her back here
to live in the village.
That bastard Jean keeps cozying up to her.
He's always in my way.
Who cares about that loser?
Now that the troublesome nutcase is gone,
it's your chance.
A nice girl like Celine
should be no problem.
Be forceful with her.
- [man 1] Show her who's boss!
- [man 2] Just go for it!
- [all, animatedly] Yeah!
- [gulps]
[birds chirping]
[man 3] Thank you.
My mother's cough gets really bad.
Without this medicine,
she'd never get a break.
Your grandfather will be truly missed.
He did a great deal for us all.
Please come back again anytime.
My daughter's rash
has completely gone away,
all thanks to that special
herb-infused water.
It was really a miracle.
I'm so glad that it helped.
Come visit us sometime
in the village, Celine.
[Ream and Bon screaming]
[Bon] Help us!
- [whimpering]
- [dramatic music playing]
[both whimpering in terror]
- [door opens]
- [Celine] Marron! Stop that!
[Marron growls]
- Marron, you know better.
- [growls]
Scaring my guests like that.
Bad bear.
[Bon] Uh
Are you friends with that thing?
Since I live here in the forest,
I'm friends with most of the animals
that live here too.
- [harmonious music playing]
- [boar snorts]
[birds chirping]
[hare squeaks]
[twig snaps]
[Celine] Lurquin, let me know
when you find some herbs.
[Lurquin hisses]
- [snarling]
- Uh
- [Lurquin snarling]
- [gasps]
Out poaching again?
You know if they catch you,
you'll get hanged, Fernand.
[Fernand scoffs]
Who said I was here to hunt?
I've been waiting for you.
- [Celine grunts]
- Beautiful Celine.
You're the only thing
I want to poach today.
- Let go! [whimpers]
- Oh, come on, honey. Don't be so cold.
I've had feelings for you
for a long time now.
You know that Jean and I are in love
and plan to be married.
Forget about
that scrawny-looking beanpole!
- You're going to become my woman.
- [Celine whimpers]
And you're going to be my beautiful wife.
- You're hurting me.
- [tense music playing]
- [Lurquin meows, snarls]
- [gasps]
- [yelps, grunting]
- [Lurquin snarling]
- [Celine gasps, pants]
- [Fernand grunts]
Hey! Get back here!
[Celine panting]
[sinister music playing]
[Fernand laughs menacingly]
Stupid woman!
Hiding inside your house?
There's no one there to rescue you.
Mighty hunter Fernand
always gets what he wants.
I'm coming in!
[terrified murmuring]
[Marron growling]
[murmurs in terror]
- [roars]
- [screams]
[panicked murmuring, grunting]
[distancing] You're going to
pay for this, Celine!
- [Bon gasps]
- Huh?
[both] She's Celine?
[Celine giggling]
I'll be burned at the stake
for being a witch?
[Bon] We're telling the truth.
Why would they ever want to do that?
I'm just a common village girl.
No, wait. I live in the forest,
so that would make me a forest girl.
This is no joke. You have to run away.
Why would I be sentenced to death?
I've done nothing wrong.
You must trust in God.
He would never do something so cruel.
Celine, wait!
[grunts, groans]
We gotta save her.
[man 1] Hey, have you heard the latest?
They arrested a witch in the town
on the other side of the mountain.
Another one?
Wow. It's getting dangerous
to live around here.
[Fernand gulping]
[exhales sharply]
Damn her.
She's gonna regret not listening to me
when she had the chance.
[man 2] Hey there, Fernand.
So when are you
and Celine getting married?
[scoffs] I never wanna see her face again.
That crazy woman gives me the creeps.
- [all] Huh?
- [man 3] What are you talking about?
[man 2] Is there something
you're not telling us?
[exhales, grumbles]
Would I lie to you?
- [woman 1] Who did you say was a witch?
- [crows cawing]
[man 4] The girl who lives in the forest?
[woman 2] Yeah. She always seemed so nice.
[man 5] Looks are deceiving.
There was something odd
about her grandfather too.
I heard she always attended
a weekly witches' sabbath.
She'd use her black magic
to seduce young, unsuspecting men.
Do you have any proof
that the girl we put on trial today
is indeed a witch?
Yes, I do have some proof.
I saw it with my own two eyes.
It happened yesterday.
I saw that woman straddle a broomstick
and fly off into the clouds.
I heard she goes deep into the woods
and collects poisonous herbs
for her medicines.
[man 6] I bet she lives in the forest
so that she can do evil things
without attracting any attention.
- It's true! It's true!
- [man 7] You're wrong!
- She isn't like that.
- [men] Huh?
- [men grumble]
- [man 7 gasps]
Her medicines are really good,
and I've seen them cure people.
Is this guy actually defending a witch?
Sounds like it.
I bet she promised herself to you.
[man 6] She must have him under her spell.
No! She's nothing like that! Tell them!
Hmm. [grumbles]
Mm. All I know is the last time I saw her,
she recommended me some suspicious water.
- What are you saying?
- [villagers chattering]
[woman 3] Word has it,
she's keeping a man-eating bear as a pet.
- That woman is scary!
- [man 7 murmurs nervously]
[woman 4] She even has a black cat!
I saw it!
- [man 3] That's proof she's a witch!
- I've heard enough! Everyone settle down!
So it's finally happened.
The devil has reached out his hand
for this village.
We must quickly send a messenger
to the Chief Judge.
Then we shall decide this in court!
[birds calling]
This looks familiar.
I think we got off our boats
somewhere around here.
Hey. Can't you float faster?
The sun's going down.
[Buyoyon] You're seriously
complaining right now?
You're lucky to even get help.
"Piggyback ride" is not
in my job description.
You call this a piggyback ride?
- [Buyoyon gasps]
- [Bon] Wah-ah-ah!
[both grunt]
[Buyoyon] Also not in my job description.
- [Buyoyon whizzes]
- [Bon] Wah!
[yelps] Ow! Aah!
You want it faster? This is faster!
Oh! Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!
- [gasps] We found it!
- [Buyoyon] Huh?
[Bon] I have an urgent message
for headquarters.
"We're both injured, and we need help."
"Please send us
an instant healing medicine."
"And please send any other information
you have on Celine."
- Ream!
- [Ream gasps]
I got the healing medicine!
Thank you, Bon.
Now I'll be able to move again.
[Time Boats whir]
After reviewing the new data
sent to us by headquarters,
I learned that Celine's boyfriend,
Jean, lives in Lyon.
We have to go there
and let him know her life is in danger.
[street dog barking]
[Bon] I hope he agrees to help us.
[Buyoyon] We're running out of time,
so this might be our last resort.
Point the X-Ray Flashlight here.
- [flashlight clicks]
- [whirring]
So that man is Jean, huh?
[Ream] Yes.
I hope we make it in time.
[snoring softly]
[Fernand] There's no mistake.
I gave you proof. This girl is a witch.
He's lying. That's ridiculous.
I have never used magic.
Ha! All will become clear
when we try you in court.
[sobs] I swear, I'm telling you the truth.
I'm not a witch. It's a misunderstanding.
Please, believe me!
[judge] You stubborn woman.
Based on the evidence we already have,
you shall be further interrogated.
[Celine gasps]
[Celine whimpering in agony]
Please, forgive me. [gasps]
I haven't done anything, I swear.
God knows I'm telling the truth.
Sinful woman. She still will not repent.
- [Celine sobs]
- [guard 1] She refuses to save herself.
This would end
if she would just tell the truth.
[softly] I have never used magic.
[whimpers] I have nev
- [groans softly]
- [guard 1] She passed out.
[guard 2] Keep her awake!
Douse her with water until she fesses up.
[somber music playing]
[woman] You're a fool, child.
God, truth, fairness,
do you really believe such things exist?
If you're accused of being a witch,
there's no way you can fight against that.
You may as well just give in
and confess to it, like I did.
[softly] I can't. I can't lie.
We're both doomed.
I'll be facing my punishment tomorrow.
No one is coming to save you,
so you may as well try
to shorten your suffering.
It's better than letting them
torture you for hours and hours.
I can't wait to bid farewell
to this dreadful world.
[scoffing] Good riddance!
[wearily] I will never
I will never [grunts]
[Celine grunting, gasping]
[guard 1] You're going too easy on her.
Force water into her stomach
until it bursts.
[guard 2] Yes, sir!
[wearily] I am a
[guard 1] Hold on!
She's muttering something.
[breath trembling]
[whispers] Yes, I am
I'm a witch.
I'm a witch.
[ominous music playing]
[judge] Pray for your soul,
for you're a great sinner.
[wearily] I am innocent.
I am innocent.
I did nothing.
Destroy the witch!
- [villagers gasping, murmuring]
- [Celine coughing]
[shallow inhale]
[softly] Jean.
[whimpers softly]
[fire crackling]
[shrieks] Jean!
[gasps] Celine!
[breathing heavily]
What an ominous dream.
No. It was worse than that.
It felt too real for a dream.
I'll save you, Celine.
- [hooves clopping]
- [epic music playing]
Whatever you did, I think it worked.
I sent the recording
from Time Television into Jean's dream.
Now he's off to save her.
[Bon] Dreams can be pretty handy.
You can show people events spanning
several days in just a couple of minutes.
[Ream] Now it's just a question
of whether he can get to her
before she gets apprehended.
[Bon] He's gonna have to ride his horse
for ten hours straight
to reach her in time.
[Ream] If he doesn't make it,
Celine will be executed,
just like in the recording.
Let's fly on ahead to the village.
[Time Boats whirring]
[epic music continues]
[scanner whizzing]
[music fades out]
[dramatic music playing]
[Bon] Look, on the bridge.
[scanner whizzing, trills]
[Bon] Oh no!
[Bon] They're on their way
to arrest Celine!
[music continues]
[Ream grunts]
I'm gonna use the Time Controller.
[clicks, thrums]
[soft whirring]
- [slow footsteps echo]
- [Bon] They've slowed down.
A little old trick of mine.
I've made their time flow
slower than ours.
And now
[Jean] Faster! Faster!
[galloping quickens]
How is
Whoa. Look at him go.
I used the opposite Time Control on Jean.
Now he'll travel much farther
than he normally would in the same time.
[Jean] This speed.
Have the heavens answered my prayers?
[gasps softly]
- [whoosh]
- [horse whinnies]
Celine, darling!
- Jean!
- [Jean grunts]
What are you doing here, Jean?
- [breathless] I'm glad you're all right.
- Huh?
I can't help it.
I feel so anxious when we're apart.
Always stay by my side,
so I can protect you.
[Celine gasps]
Come away with me now.
I love you, and I want to marry you.
[tender string music playing]
[Jean] Mm.
[Celine] I'm so happy.
[music continues]
- [Buyoyon] Another happy ending.
- [Ream] Hmm.
[Time Boats whoosh]
- [Tetsuo whines]
- [Bon] Hi, guys!
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Huh? Something wrong?
[whimsical sting]
[Bon] You're getting flamed?
I was trying to be nice,
but then it got all twisted around,
and people started ganging up on me.
Are you sure you didn't
accidentally say something stupid?
People with no internet literacy
need to be careful about what they post.
Social media can be a scary place.
Well, if they try
to burn you at the stake,
don't worry, I'll come to rescue you.
- [gasps] Burn him at the stake?!
- [flames whoosh, crackle]
Why in the world would you say
such a horrible thing to him, Bon?
[Bon] What?
["Tears in the Sky" by Lena Leon playing]
[music fades out]
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