Taali (2023) s01e05 Episode Script


Come quick.
Send it to the festival team.
Okay, sir.
- And you have to prepare the whole list.
- Fine, I'll sit down.
Sir, I will update you about it.
You scared me with your urgent summons.
I left the idlis half cooked.
Let's first order Idli-sambar then!
No no, first just tell me
what has happened.
See this.
What's this?
You're invited to the USA.
It's an invitation
from Arts and Humanity College.
They want to felicitate you!
Yes, felicitate.
You'll be the first one
to go there from here.
Check that thoroughly.
I think it's Nigerian fraud.
- We got a message couple of days ago.
- Yes.
About diamonds worth 20 million.
This is genuine.
People around the world
will see you there.
listen to you
and understand you.
Once that happens,
thousands like you living here
will be understood.
The book that holds this letter
is written by Swami Vivekanand.
He gave his speech too in Chicago
and won everyone's heart.
It's your turn now, Gauri.
- Hello, ma'am. Welcome.
- Hi.
Ma'am, boarding pass.
Second row, straight.
It's not a window seat, right?
- No, ma'am.
- Okay.
Ma'am, this way.
- Hello.
- Sir, that bag.
- Sure, I'll keep it.
- Yeah.
- No bag?
- No.
Where do I keep it?
Should I keep it here?
Yeah, okay.
- This
- Yes.
How do I unlock it?
Like this.
- Okay.
- Right?
Do I have to keep
it fastened for 16 hours?
No, ma'am.
Only during take off and landing.
Good. Long hours
I never sat in one place for so long.
Oh, okay.
Nice lipstick.
Does it last for 16 hours?
Yes, it does.
Do you serve hot food?
- Surely you will get it.
- Toilet?
That way.
Straight ahead.
Everyone uses that.
No discrimination here?
- No. - Ladies/gents?
- No.
- Okay?
- Awesome plane.
May I go?
Where are you going?
- I've to attend to other passengers.
- No!
Okay, go.
Come closer.
Bless you.
I have blood pressure and sugar.
in case of an emergency.
Okay, call me if there's an emergency.
Watch out for me.
You know, Guru, Gauri went abroad.
Will she be settling down.
No, she'll be back.
- Sis?
- Yes.
Please introduce me to her.
No, I
I want to learn from her.
You wait, I'll introduce you to her.
One of her aides went
to the village, right?
- Yes.
- Hold this.
Must've missed eating this.
Look, there's Gauri amma.
The only way to move forward
in our community
is by education (shiksha).
Don't get me wrong.
In Marathi, 'shiksha' means retribution
or punishment.
The society was anyway punishing us.
But in Hindi it means education.
Something we had to strive for.
Thus, we ventured on our
educational endeavour.
Like I said before,
I didn't see anyone clapping
and begging in USA.
But, Amma,
this is a tradition of our lineage.
Our lineage also speaks of Shikhandi,
a king from Mahabharat
- who was exactly like us.
- That's right.
He dared to fight and won.
We too have to win this battle.
- How will we win?
- No idea.
- Through education.
- Education?
Don't worry,
you won't have to wear uniform!
You'll have to study
So we get jobs, people respect us
and nobody can fool us.
She has been fooling us only
all this while
Night schools are opening
so are computer classes.
Just enroll yourselves.
What after that?
You can get jobs.
DTP operator, customer care,
insurance, accounts and a lot more.
Worth how much?
You can get around 6-8,000.
I make 9,000 easily.
You want us to study and work
and earn 3,000 less!
Keep this rubbish to yourself.
- What did you say?
- You heard me.
She's fighting for our sake.
- So?
- For our good.
- You people
- Calm down.
You don't want to study?
- Okay.
- Don't mess with me.
- My name is Chabili. Understand?
- Okay, all right!
- Go.
- To hell with your cold drink.
Big deal!
She's preaching to us.
- Amma
- It's okay.
It was a tiring day.
Night school tomorrow as well?
Of course.
We'll educate as many as we can.
Perhaps more will join tomorrow.
- How are you?
- Good.
Come here.
Why weren't you in class today?
I was at work.
- Do come tomorrow.
- Okay.
Why didn't Nargis come?
She's on couples duty.
Her boyfriend is here.
When will she return?
She said it'll be late.
And the other aide
who went to the village?
Munna? She'll take a month.
A month!
Amma, you go ahead.
I'll get you 'paan'.
You do a lot for me.
You're always thinking about others.
Somebody should do that for you too!
Bless you.
- Get it.
- Do you need anything else?
No, thanks. Just "paan".
Gunjan is all grown up!
I asked her if she wanted anything
and she said she wants a brother!
She's self reliant already.
She applied a lipstick yesterday.
Bhola, keep her away from these things.
She shouldn't follow her
mother's footsteps.
Do you understand?
- Yes.
- Promise me.
I promise.
Take this.
Have this 'paan'.
Wow! What did you add in it?
Your favourite condiments.
Is that all?
Oh my! When did you come?
Just now.
You're eating that all alone?
How could you?
Have it. There's more.
Get more.
- Yes.
- Stop, Bhola.
Are you sure I can eat this?
Will do?
You F
What are you doing?
- What's the matter?
- Hold on.
Wait, Gauri.
- Nargis
- What did you add to this?
Tell me.
Let me feed it to you.
Speak up.
- Flavoured spices.
- And?
Sliced areca.
Saffron, cardammom,
rose essence and
- What else did you eat?
- And Mercury
Heard that?
Stop! You F
Why are you running away!
Stop, scoundrel!
Good I saw her at the medical store.
She turned up at the airport suddenly,
then entered the house
and started looking after your needs.
- God!
- She won your trust.
The rogue came to kill you!
But why, Nargis?
Her guru is jealous of you.
Guru wants to kill you.
she doesn't want you to progress.
I used to leave Gunjan
with her everyday.
I won't let any harm you.
I'm your bodyguard.
That's how I learnt
people change
and betrayal
is common.
How do I thank you?
If it weren't for you, I'd be dead.
Need massage?
No thanks.
Need massage?
- Body massage.
- Gauri, may I say something?
You should first think about yourself
then about others.
You're surrounded by people
wishing for your death.
Go some place far.
I am leaving too.
Tamil Nadu.
Will you work in movies there?
Oh no, dear.
- You know my boyfriend Muthu.
- Coffee, ma'am?
He said he will marry me.
You know, for the first time in life
my heart skipped a beat.
We booked a hotel room,
discussed all details and made a plan.
For those 1.5 days,
I forgot everything
Whatever I went through.
You're also leaving me!
What rubbish!
You're my life.
But he's my heart.
- When will you introduce us?
- Water?
We don't want water.
Please go.
Everybody is disturbing here!
A guy holding a water bottle
with a goggle hanging from his shirt
Then you should understand
it's my Muthu!
- My boyfriend.
- Hello.
Listen, you have to dance at my wedding!
remember three things about her.
Be home on time,
get her 'paan' regularly
and don't make her sleep on the floor.
Take care of yourself.
I'm leaving.
Don't go.
Shall we?
- Take care.
- Yes.
Help me up.
A certificate can make someone
a doctor or engineer
and it can make me a wife
and you a mother too!
We've struggled a lot for that, right?
I found my support, Gauri.
Now it's your turn.
Take care of yourself.
Mister, where's Amma?
Mine passed away.
I miss her dearly.
I don't mean your mom.
The woman everyone calls Amma.
The one who saved a girl.
- Oh that!
- Yes.
That way on the first floor.
Gunjan, pay attention.
What have you brought?
- Why keep it here? It's leaking.
- Amma, I'll wipe it.
I'll wipe it.
Dear god!
Amma, this baby was
abandoned at seashore.
There was a high tide.
Luckily I reached in time
or this baby would have been swept away.
You did good.
You may leave.
Okay, Amma.
You really got me a brother!
"Whether from the earth or the sky."
"Where do these birds come from?"
"They built me a,"
"a beautiful home."
"Beautiful home."
"Beautiful home."
"From dusk and from dawn."
"From the rains and from the storms."
"They built me a,"
"a beautiful home."
"Beautiful home."
"Beautiful home."
How are you, Gunjan?
I'm fine, and you?
Hey Who's that?
My little brother.
"I want to open all the windows today."
"Add some butterflies to this surreal."
"My courtyard's full."
"The trees are lush green."
"Beautiful home."
"The millions of tears
that turned into stars."
"The unlimited dreams."
"They built me a,"
"a beautiful home."
"Beautiful home."
How many babies will you save, Amma?
I started with you only!
Didn't you think at that time?
Yes, baby.
I'm not saving them
but it's the other way around.
Every baby adds 5 years to my life.
Is it? You'll turn 500 years old
till next year then.
Give that fast.
What, little baby?
I'm here.
What should we do now?
The number of kids and your
responsibilities will increase.
I want to make a home for rescued
kids and sex worker's children.
A nice one.
You're at the wrong place.
Consult an architect.
No That's not possible.
Send them to remand home.
The case is valid but it lacks glamour.
You can't do this.
Trans people don't have that right.
- Why?
- "Why" means?
There's no such provision.
Why not?
You don't exist for this country.
Well, explain it to me like
you would to a 10 year old child.
Okay, let me simplify.
Look, you can't get married,
you can't adopt kids,
you can't avail any Government schemes
meant for males or females
you can't drive, you can't buy a house,
you can't avail medical facilities,
you can't demand for education
or jobs
I can only have biscuits!
That's it.
You're saying if you're not a man or woman,
you don't exist in this country!
That's the rule.
And I can't change that.
What's wrong has to be changed.
How do we change these rules?
Protest, letter, hunger strike.
Petition to the supreme court.
You have to convince the court
this is wrong.
But that will require
a lot of time and money.
If it gets rejected,
you will loose your time and money.
Nobody will care.
In fact, if the court
doesn't approve this,
it'll be a huge embarrassment
for the entire community.
I'll say
it's a huge risk.
These three also took a risk.
The first one got us self-respect
the other got us respect
and the third one got us freedom.
I want all three.
Will you help?
Look, India is a masculine word
but we call it motherland.
I don't think a mother discriminates.
What? Did I say something profound?
See you in the court.
Dividing genders into male and female,
those who don't conform to it
lose out on Right
to equality(article 14),
right to life
and personal liberty (article 21)
and right to freedom
of expression (article 19).
Your honour, this isn't
just a case but an opportunity
for all transgenders
who want to change and progress.
This is a chance to propel a wave of
self-respect, equality and freedom.
Your honour, our transgender friends
need to get a chance to
rewrite their fate at least once.
No, they can't.
See, whatever you do,
I really appreciate that.
But do you think trans people
who beg on the roads
and get involved in illegal activities
will change with education?
I don't think so.
- Do you think
- I do think that.
But you people don't.
Neither do they!
That is my struggle.
Tell me why shouldn't we.
How will people accept them?
Independence wasn't achieved overnight.
It took us 200 years of lathi charge!
But they indulge in crime,
criminal activities,
prostitutions, rackets
What about that?
Look madam,
when it comes to gender of thieves,
76% are men, 23.5% are women
and transgenders are 0.5%
Lend a hand and they'll stop.
Hire them and they'll give up crime.
At a traffic signal,
don't just roll up your windows.
Ask them about their
well-being for once.
I mean, that's not very hard.
And then they'll touch us anytime,
I'm sorry but this is very scary.
I will Stop!
No clapping!
I will tell you what is scary.
Someone who doesn't understand
the angst within
someone who gets abandoned by the same
dear ones who loved him as a kid
someone who has a family
yet that person is a complete orphan
someone who is lonely for months
To end a battle within,
someone who risks their own life
and gets rid of an organ
someone who has to pluck
every hair from the beard,
someone who is not allowed
to use public toilets.
This country that has census for dogs
but not for transgenders!
Living in such a country
with people like you
that is scary!
Are you blaming us normal people?
Good you said it yourself.
You think we are different, acceptable.
But you think we are abnormal?
That's not acceptable.
You see, when your mind is filthy,
your thoughts stink.
it gives me great pleasure to inform you
with the help of NALSA,
we have unitedly
filed a petition in the supreme court
for transgender equality.
So a small battle has
finally reached the capital!
Now you may clap.
- Gauri.
- Yes.
I just don't want to criticise you.
Remove on
In fact I want to
initiate some change too.
You were being a villain back there
now you've changed!
From today onwards I will keep
two seats reserved in my company
for two eligible transgenders.
Please send your best people
and keep my card with you.
(people cheering)
Ma'am, autograph please.
Ma'am, we have questions for you.
Thank you, ma'am.
What's your next move?
Next time.
Good initiative, ma'am.
Just a minute.
Yes, Munna.
Amma, come back quick.
- What?
- Muthu
- He ran away before the wedding.
- What
And Nargis has committed suicide.
Amma, just come back.
Nargis is no more.
Amma, please come back.
Nargis is no more.
Amma, can you hear me?
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