Tabbar (2021) s01e05 Episode Script


Mahajan sir, you can keep my scooter.
You can keep all the money
in my account.
But leave my family and kids alone.
What's happened to your hand?
Got burnt.
Want a drink?
It's okay, you can pay me later.
It's not like the
money's going anywhere.
But the pistol
Don't spoil my mood
talking about the pistol.
I've another arrangement.
You see, Tanu paid for
Palak's entire education.
And I was thinking
Palak's dowry should
be my responsibility.
You know your brother better than me.
You didn't know?
Lucky will take good care of Palak.
Mahajan Sir
Palak will be family now.
We're all one big family.
My dear in-laws, go upstairs,
and fetch some cashews from the kitchen.
Mahajan sir
Where's Tanu and Palak?
Tanu is visiting her family.
Palak's gone with her.
There must be another bottle
of alcohol there. Fetch that too.
This one is empty.
"Your eyes are so intoxicating that
I don't need to go to the bar."
"Your eyes are so intoxicating that
I don't need to go to the bar."
Mahajan sir, bottoms up.
"I need your love, Billo"
"My life is now in your hands"
Bottoms up!
"Do not let your love disappoint me
as I am standing at your doorstep."
"Your eyes are so intoxicating"
- Drink it
- Finish it. Finish it.
How much dowry did
my brother ask for?
No one calls it a dowry anymore.
It's called a gift.
And your brother has
asked for dozens of gifts.
Call it a gift.
But do you have any idea how
much the gift is going to cost you?
I've worked up a rough figure.
Mahajan sir, you're always asking prices
for every little thing at the shop.
But you're being
so careless about this.
Great just great!
Mahajan sir, make a list of things
so sister-in-law is convinced you're
serious about the wedding and dowry.
You know you're right.
- Okay, fine. Where's the paper?
- Come with me.
One sedan, 800,000
What's it called?
Gold chains will cost nearly 700,000
Marriage palace, honeymoon trip.
This is too much work
Where's the calculator?
Stay seated, Mahajan sir.
3.5 million.
Sardar Omkar Singh.
You've become so good with numbers
since you started running the shop
that you've become
a real businessman.
- Open the door.
- Papa!
He isn't listening.
- Where are you? Open the door!
- Papa!
Call someone
- Wait, wait, wait
- Go call someone!
- Open the door, dear!
- Papa!
Break the door down.
Open the door.
Open the door, dear!
Harder, son.
The latch is here.
Over here.
Hit harder, son.
Break down the door.
No problem.
You will be fine. Here?
Where were you all night?
Why didn't you come home?
Look, Sunil knows everything.
Don't look at him.
You should have told yourself.
We should tell Lucky.
We should tell everything to him.
- No, child. Please.
- Please, please
Please, please
Please, someone
No, child. Please.
Get him down.
What are you doing?
"Black are my clothes,
black is my garb."
Yes, doctor.
"Black are my clothes,
black is my garb."
"Full of failings am I"
"Full of failings am I,
people call me sage."
Where are you going, Happy?
Happy, where are you
"Black are my clothes,
black is my garb."
Where are you
I was planning to marry Palak.
How can I bring
her to this house now?
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
What is it?
- Ma'am, please.
- It's an ongoing investigation.
You cannot go inside.
Ma'am, please.
Please, Ma'am.
Ma'am, please.
Where is Mr. Lucky?
He hasn't arrived yet.
What business did you have?
I wanted to file a report.
Go on.
I feel terrible
About what?
Papa's demise or for the dowry.
Be quiet.
Dear, it's
- It's not what you think, dear.
- Please don't take their side, aunty.
Speak Lucky
Lucky. Lucky.
I'll show you.
Get up! Get up!
Get up!
Tell me! Tell me!
They had yellow stuff.
Great. Just great.
You knew
and yet they made a fool out of you
Happy, I don't think
papa committed suicide.
Papa was not good with numbers,
he always needed a calculator
And I heard some
alarm going off.
I found this on
the stairway upstairs.
Someone was in the house who
was trying to escape by the roof
and dropped this.
But maybe this was lying
there for a while.
And you never noticed.
Come with me.
Police Station.
They will know whose card is it.
Come on.
Why are we going this way?
That route has become one-way now.
But that's the usual route.
It's one-way now like I said.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I have to pee.
I'll be back in a minute.
- You can go later.
- I can't control it anymore.
I'll be right back.
Parking fee, ma'am. 10 rupees.
Stop him! Someone stop him!
Hey, what are you doing?
Palak, where were you?
Where were you?
You wouldn't be dead if you
had controlled it for a while.
But what happened?
My bag was stolen.
It had my phone and the card.
Okay, relax, relax.
Happy, the card has been stolen.
Someone doesn't want papa's
case to be reopened again.
Palak, if you'll calm
down and think about it
you will realise that
it is clearly a case of suicide.
The Police are saying this,
the family's saying this
everyone's saying it's a case of
suicide and they have a reason for it.
You're getting confused
because you're emotional.
But think about it
Uncle had no source of income.
And there were financial problems.
So probably
Someone hit me on the
head from behind. Asshole!
He even took my bike and helmet.
Give it
Take it.
Give me
- Give me some water.
- Yes I'm giving.
Take away this glass
"Get up man and awaken
the lion inside you"
"Get up man and hide your pain."
"Get up man and
fulfill your dreams."
"Get up man and show the world."
"Get up man"
"They said you cannot do this,
you cannot do that."
"Now show everyone
what you can do."
"You can do this.
You can do that."
"Get up man"
"I awakened the lion in me."
"I made it understand
that you are alone."
"I am the king of the jungle.
I move around fearlessly."
"And people follow me
But I am alone."
"The lion has tasted blood."
"And is not bothered
whether he lives or dies."
"The lion has tasted blood."
"I teach living to those who fear death."
"Get up man and awaken
the lion in you."
"Get up man and hide your pain."
"Get up man and
fulfill your dreams."
"They said you cannot do this,
you cannot do that."
"Now show everyone
what you can do."
"You can do this.
You can do that."
"Get up man"
Maheep loved to travel.
London, Tokyo, Berlin
He would come home
and tell me stories.
And I
I used to get upset.
Lookout! What are you doing?
You would've run over that dog.
Whether it's your brother or mine
the pain is similar.
And the punishment
will also be the same.
Whether it's the murderer
of your brother or mine
Once I get my hands on him.
Sir, I found Maheep's--
In the latest news, Ajeet Sodhi's bodyguard
Multan was attacked brutally.
He's undergone surgery at the Sodhi
Healthcare Hospital in Jalandhar
and currently, he's in a coma.
The doctor's claim it will take several
days for him to regain consciousness.
A couple of days ago,
Ajeet Sodhi's brother
Maheep Sodhi was also found murdered.
We suspect that the same
person is behind both the crimes.
And whoever he is,
he will be arrested soon.
When this event occurred
people were out in thousands
for the candle march
in the memory of Maheep Sodhi
this proves that people
are supporting Ajeet Sodhi
You can stay here for
four days or four months.
But it's not right
to fight with your family.
Yes, Palak.
I was waiting here
and the biker came
swiftly and stole my purse.
Do you remember the card's number?
The numbers were faded.
But it belonged to PTB.
But why did you come this way?
The other route has become one way.
Says who?
The rickshaw guy
who brought me here
he said the other road is closed.
Excuse me, come here.
- Yes.
- Were you on duty today?
This madam's purse was stolen.
And a bike was stolen too
but it was found later
lying in the next alley.
-Did you note down the
motorcycle's number? -Yes.
Note it down.
Don't worry.
Iqbal, where is Sunil uncle's body?
Don't release it.
This could be murder and not suicide.
Go to the hospital.
I am coming too.
Don't release the body at any cost.
Go personally.
Did you meet Palak?
How is she?
What do you expect?
Sorry, buddy.
No. Don't cry. Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Look Happy
this is a very high profile case.
The Police won't let go of it easily.
Before the Police gets to us
we'll have to close this case.
And the case can be closed
only when the Police
arrest the murderer.
What happened, madam?
Did your car break down?
If you want
shall I first open
the bonnet or the boot?
- Leave
- Hey Dukki No. No!
Was this necessary?
Was this necessary.
Should I have opened boot instead.
They have Sirji's Yellow stuff.
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