Talentless Nana (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Talented vs. Talentless Part 2

So, I snapped these visions
the day you transferred here.
Insane, right?
Now I know what he wants.
Now I know why he didn't share these
photos with everyone and make a fuss.
Our new leader is a serial
killer. Frickin' insane, right?
Please, listen to me!
Let me clear my name. I'll do anything!
If you share these photos with
the class, you'll just scare them!
I know, right? So you'll do anything, right?
I knew it. He wanted to
blackmail me with these photos.
This island is just so boring.
He probably has no friends.
If he tried to expose Nakajima's murder,
no one would believe him.
But, like, enemies of humanity
have never shown up in my photos.
So, like, what are we even doing on this island?
The whole "leader" thing is hilarious, tho.
Kyoya would just love to hear
about this development.
Wait, what? Are you saying
Nana is, like, an enemy of humanity?
Is that why she's trying to kill me?
I can still salvage this.
I'll kill him, then destroy the photos.
I'm sorry.
But I'm not an enemy of humanity.
And there's still a lot about these
photos that I don't understand.
How can I make you believe me?
You know I don't have a girlfriend.
"Talentless Nana"
Ooh, that's the stuff.
Episode 5: 'Talented vs. Talentless Part 2'
isn't there some way you could use
your talent for the good of humanity?
I just hate overachievers, you know?
I mean, no matter how hard you try,
you can't change the future.
But couldn't you warn someone
if they were in danger?
Yeah, brilliant! People love it when
you tell 'em they're about to die.
Get it? It's like, when a doctor
has to tell a patient it's terminal.
Whoa, sick! I just dropped
a frickin' insane line!
No sympathy for the sleazebag.
I think I'll have you clean
my ears in the nude tomorrow.
I could kill him right now.
Hey. Nana! I felt a little pain just now.
Sorry, was I too hard?
Listen. The photo prophecies always come true.
I was still alive in that photo, remember?
So that means, no matter what happens,
I'm gonna survive until ten PM.
We're slaves to destiny, man.
If I try to kill him now, will the hands
of fate intervene and cause me to fail?
It is awfully late right now.
And these dorm walls are thin.
Causing a ruckus would be unwise.
Oh, but wait. We don't know
what happens after she attacks me.
Am I gonna fight back?
Or am I gonna let Nana kill me?
Dang it. Guess we'd better
hunker down at home until it happens.
Well, I'd better get going.
I said we're hunkering down! Are ya deaf?!
Don't you remember? I'm blackmailing you.
Starting tomorrow,
you're gonna be my girlfriend.
You'd better gimme some fun times , too.
Understood. I'll stay here.
'Kay. Good night.
Is that the camera?
So his premonitions come in his dreams.
He doesn't have any control
over which future events he sees.
If he could consciously search the future,
then he would try to foresee
what I do to him after the attack.
This's bad.
I thought this was a magic item,
but it's just an instant camera.
This means the ability to see the
future comes entirely from Tsunekichi.
If this is just a normal camera,
my incriminating murder photos
are probably saved in the data.
I must destroy the camera itself.
Is it really impossible to change the future?
I've never been a fan of destiny.
Good morning, Nana.
Guess you didn't try to murder me in my sleep.
Please, that's not funny.
Well, not like you could anyway.
Until this scene happens,
your boy is gonna be untouchable.
Has the content of your
photos ever not come to pass?
What's that? Are you getting scared?
Aw, you'll be fine. Let's just
both stay away from that P.E. shed.
But if the future can't be changed,
then it's inevitable that
we'll wind up like that photo
Yeah, which's why we need
to have some fun until then.
There's no telling when it'll happen.
Judging by the shape of the moon,
it could happen as early as tonight.
'Kay. I wonder if my girlfriend
could clean my room for me.
What should I do?
If Kyoya were to witness that scene
Hey, Nana. I know you're
hiding something from me.
Hiding something?
You see, I always have
five premonitions at night.
Sometimes I get some really damning ones.
Like the Nakajima one.
Five premonitions?
That's right.
You know how we all have limits to
our powers? I can only take five photos.
But when I woke up this morning,
there were only four photos.
And they were all pretty boring ones.
It's body-check time!
I totes understand why
you'd want to hide this gem!
There must be some mistake.
Then why were you hiding it?
I didn't want to push the
misunderstanding further. Please believe me!
I don't want to die either!
Why would I attack you
when I know I'm going to die?
The future is absolute! Who cares about logic?
I think if we try, we can change the future!
It's cruel for us to be shackled by fate.
Come on, we both know you
don't really want to kill me, right?
'Kay, let's make a deal.
Since I'll live through the day no matter
what I do, I'll be in that P.E. shed tonight.
If nothing happens at 10 PM,
then I'll trust you.
And nothing will happen!
At ten PM, at least.
Well, I'm going to tidy up.
Go take a bath if you'd like.
Oh, really? Thanks, babe.
The future changes right now.
Idiot! The enemies of humanity ain't my enemy!
True story.
Right on!
Could you possibly have worse timing?
If I attack Tsunekichi now,
the boys in the hall might overhear it.
So, I had a thought in the bath.
I was thinking, like, I wouldn't be
able to forgive myself if I killed you.
So maybe it was, like, self-defense?
But my clothes are falling off in that photo.
It looks like you roughed me up.
I probably did that for flare!
You are a cutie, after all.
No way am I letting scum like this kill me.
So anyway, now I'm totes excited for tonight.
So, can I leave now?
I want to take a bath, too.
Gotta get your body ready for me, eh?
I'll see you at ten, then.
If you stand me up, I just might
show everyone those photos.
Tsunekichi Hatadaira
Potential Kill Count:
Tsunekichi Hatadaira
Potential Kill Count:
Tsunekichi Hatadaira
Potential Kill Count:
Tsunekichi Hatadaira
Potential Kill Count:
Tsunekichi Hatadaira
Potential Kill Count:
Tsunekichi Hatadaira
Potential Kill Count:
Tsunekichi Hatadaira
Potential Kill Count:
Tsunekichi Hatadaira
Potential Kill Count:
It's almost time.
You can't change the future.
Tsunekichi believes he won't
be attacked before ten PM.
But I moved his watch ten minutes behind.
Wait aren't you early?
Just kidding.
No matter how hard you try
you can't change the future!
Hey no!
I already reset my watch.
You must think I'm really stupid.
But of course I'm hyper-aware of the time.
I mean, dang, even if I hadn't noticed, it still
would've gone down just like that photo.
It doesn't matter what time it actually is.
The murder starts when
my watch says it's ten PM.
You surprised me.
Now that I know you tried to tamper with things,
it's clear you somehow really want to kill me.
So now I don't have to feel guilty!
You're mine now, baby!
I really am surprised.
First, I didn't expect I'd drop
my poisoned needle case.
But I didn't expect that you, an idiot,
would notice I tampered with your watch.
Okay, I believe you.
It was all inevitable.
No matter how hard I tried, our future
would always wind up like the photos.
What did you do?
I did it when you grabbed me just now.
You pushed me down right where
I happened to drop my needle case.
I hate that it all seems so contrived.
But if the future can't be changed,
I guess it was all inevitable.
Why do I have to die?
In the photo you were dead
You enemies of humanity wouldn't understand.
But fate is already within humanity's grasp.
So I wanted to resist the defeatist idea
that the future couldn't be
changed as long as I could.
When you decided to
"hunker down" at home for safety,
my first hurdle was to figure out
how to lure you to a deserted place.
Because as someone who can see the future,
you wouldn't let your guard down
until you thought you'd won.
Th-That's right. You can't change the future.
That photo isn't--
I took that photo myself last night
with your camera. It's just a selfie.
It was bait to lure you into my trap.
Since it wasn't one of your premonition
photos, I thought you might notice.
So I was waiting for the
right timing to let you find it.
But you surprised me with a "body-check."
Since I acted so flustered, did you
believe the photo was genuine?
This is the real photo you took.
But the real ordeal begins now.
How do I get out of this?
Hiiragi What are you doing?
I haven't seen you since last n-night
I was going to give you the files I collected,
about everyone's talents
Wh-When you weren't in your room
again tonight, I was worried and
So I asked Kyoya for help and
I'll explain later!
Michiru, save Tsunekichi!
I'll have to play off whatever they say.
We had to ask everyone in your dorm
what might have happened to you.
When we did,
we learned that Tsunekichi Hatadaira
was saying some strange things today.
Nana's my girlfriend now.
What bull will this loser
say next? Don't even listen.
We went to Tsunekichi's room, thinking something
might have happened between you two.
Did they see the photo?
Is that what brought them here?
Tsunekichi has precognitive powers, right?
Oh, no
By the way, what's this all about?
If he saw that one photo
Wh-What is it?
Th That's the photo he saw?
I still have a way out of this.
It didn't work.
You're such a good girl, Inukai.
She bolted out of the room
the moment she saw this.
I didn't know where to go, but Kyoya helped me.
Which means that just maybe
Um, were there others?
Other what?
Were there any other photos
besides the one of me being killed?
Though I think I caught a glimpse of
a photo of you wearing soba on your head.
So I was right.
Why do you ask?
Is there another photo you
don't want people to see?
Good. I can use this.
Actually, he was blackmailing me.
He asked for help, claiming he had a premonition
where he was attacked by an enemy of humanity.
He showed me many photos.
Like what?
Photos of the future, maybe?
They were, um, photos of me
in the bath and stuff.
He said if I didn't do as
he said, he'd show everyone.
How horrible.
So, you asked if I'd seen any other photos
because you were worried I saw you in the bath?
Not only have I thrown him off, I'm certain
that he won't try to find more photos now.
So, he attacked you and you killed him?
P-Please, stop being so cavalier about this!
I haven't done anything wrong!
Yeah, she's innocent!
I don't even see a stab wound.
Tsunekichi might have had
some sort of underlying illness.
It might have been an enemy of humanity.
I did sense a presence near us.
But he has no external injuries.
Don't the enemies of humanity
use spears or gimlets?
I think the textbooks said
something about cursing people, too.
Anyway, thank you both for coming to save me.
I'll tell everyone about Tsunekichi tomorrow.
Also could you please not blame him?
Oh, Nana- shan !
They appear and disappear suddenly
without a sound or trace of presence.
They kill with spears one day,
then curse mysteriously the next.
These freaks can do anything.
A time traveler,
an immortal,
and a precog
Can you freaks really talk?
I think I'll check over the body a bit more.
There's something I want to try.
Right now, my top priority
is retrieving those photos.
It was dumb luck that Kyoya didn't see these.
Or I guess it was Tsunekichi's
"destiny" after all.
Oh, Hiiragi.
I thought you went to your room to lie down.
I stayed here with Tsunekichi last night,
so I was just grabbing my things.
What are you doing here?
Don't worry. I didn't come to steal your nudes.
I saw something on the body
that piqued my curiosity.
Argh, can't find it.
Can't find what?
Oh, pardon.
Remember the theory
about Tsunekichi being sick?
I thought he might have meds or something.
You think his death wasn't
caused by an enemy of humanity.
It's the opposite.
I want to eliminate all the other possibilities
besides an enemy of humanity.
Shameless liar.
While I'm here, I might as well ask you
This is a premonition photo
Tsunekichi took, right?
I think so, yes.
But he was the one who wound up dead.
Isn't that strange?
Oh. Is that all you've got?
Tsunekichi bragged constantly about
how his psychic dreams always came true.
"Destiny is frickin' insane.
That's my life's punchline," like that
What's a punchline?
It's a hip-hop term used to
describe a verse's signature phrase.
Oh, intriguing.
I only listen to enka and pop.
Do you now?
Maybe this means Tsunekichi was
wrong and the future can be changed.
I think so, too.
Heroes in manga have always defied fate.
I knew you and I were
meant to be friends, Kyoya.
But there's another possibility.
This photo wasn't taken by Tsunekichi.
Just a theory.
How did you get there?!
Something about this photo is off.
It looks like someone strangled
you to death with a rope.
But if you look closely,
the rope is doubled over.
Suicide is another matter, but for a murder,
the rope is usually wrapped around once.
It takes too long to wrap it around twice,
and the victim has a better chance to escape.
But a murderer could
still double the rope, right?
Yeah, it just strikes me as odd.
He's just grasping at straws,
but he's still a threat.
He'll latch on to even my smallest mistakes.
If this wasn't a premonition photo
then it's possible that Hiiragi
took that photo herself.
But what for?
To kill Tsunekichi, I suppose.
If a person who believes fate is fixed
saw that picture, he'd let his guard down.
Um, where's Michiru?
She was inspired by your selflessness
and wanted to work on the body a little more.
Oh, really?
Maybe I should check on her later.
I wonder what really happened
between her and Tsunekichi?
If I could look at the other photos,
I'd have a more complete
understanding but I was too late.
Besides, I don't know what
the weapon was this time.
I'm missing one.
Is it in Tsunekichi's room?
No. I checked every inch of that room.
Which means
Oh, my God!
I guess it didn't work.
I need to hone my abilities so I can
help more people like Nana- shan .
Huh wha?
Did you see something?
Next episode, 'Necromancer'
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