Tales from the Loop (2020) s01e05 Episode Script


I'm hungry.
Say goodbye.
Talk to him.
Keep it up to protect yourself.
Double jab. Right hand.
Two more.
I will never let anything bad
happen to you. Okay?
- Ed.
- I know.
You got to fix this.
It's not cheap.
We could talk to Henry.
- No.
- He wants to. He's offering.
- Why? -We're not borrowing
money from your brother.
You need to ask
for an advance, then.
- Well, would you just?
- Just what?
I'll do what I want
on this front, all right?
See? All better.
- Morning.
- Morning.
Nice day outside.
Any left?
Yeah, I just put a fresh pot on.
Beautiful day.
I saw.
I was wondering if
Yeah, you were wondering?
Service office.
Yeah, that-that should have
been filed already.
Is this important?
- Mm-mm.
- Okay.
Oh, wait. You know
I've got it right here.
Yeah, must have got through.
Hey, kid!
Hey, kid, I'm talking to you!
I heard someone broke
into Munro's house.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I wonder if it's the same guy
that broke into my place.
What? When?
Little while ago.
I didn't tell you?
- No.
- I thought I did.
I was even home at the time.
Did they take anything?
Not really.
Wonder what they wanted.
I don't know.
Messed up, right?
Can't believe you didn't tell me
about this.
- I thought I did.
- You didn't.
I changed the locks,
but it's freaky.
You know?
Not feeling safe
in your own home.
talking about your neighbors,
your friends, your coworkers.
These are the people
that need to think about
how they're going to
take care of themselves
and their families
when a disaster happens
and they are without resources.
- You want to make it through
- what is coming.
- Hey!
- Come on, let's go!
Okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Hey. Hey, hey.
What happened?
Those shitheads took my toy.
I'll get you another.
No. My brother gave me that one.
Let's go home.
Why weren't you with her?
I can't be with her
every single second.
Why not?!
It's not safe!
My God.
Don't you dare blame me.
This is not my fault.
Then whose is it?
I can't control everything.
You know that?
This is
Bad things happen.
But they don't have to!
Not to us.
Not anymore.
Come on.
Who's there?
I saw you.
No! Hey!
Who was it?
Was there somebody?
They were, uh
He was right here.
Who was outside?
What did he look like?
I won't let anything bad happen.
You already did.
He was here,
and then he hopped the fence.
Did you get a good look at him?
No, not really.
I hear there's been
a few break-ins recently.
Were they attempting
to get inside the house?
I, uh
The front door was open.
Do you think they'd been inside?
I don't know. Maybe.
Are any possessions missing
- He was watching our daughter.
- Kate.
Please, lower your voice.
I'm not gonna lower my voice.
- Ma'am.
- Oh, don't "ma'am" me.
They're trying to help.
Yeah, I don't want them to help.
I want them to fix it.
What are you going to do?
We'll ask the neighbors
if they saw anyone.
That's not good enough.
What would you have us do?
- Catch him.
- Kate.
We'll start by talking
to your neighbors.
Your daughter
didn't recognize him?
No. He was standing
right out there.
Yeah, you told us that.
What are we supposed to do,
then, tonight?
Try to get some sleep.
But I don't feel safe here.
We'll do what we can.
I can keep you safe.
Did you hear me?
I heard you.
There's a
I have an issue.
An issue?
At home. A bit of a
I wanted to know
if I could get an advance.
I see.
To take care of
At-at home. Of course, right.
Yeah, should be fine.
Happy to help.
Here you go.
What's it for?
I can keep you safe.
Were you out there all night?
There anything?
- Did you sleep?
- Mm-hmm.
Ed for office. Over.
Phil here. Over.
Yeah, I'm at, uh,
Field Hat, Apple,
Cleveland, zero, three, seven.
Yeah. Over.
Malfunction sent in error.
False alarm. Over.
Error noted.
You know, my son's pretty good
on the guitar.
I'm-I'm gonna
I'm gonna get another coffee.
You want anything?
I'm good. Thanks, though.
If this guy comes back
what will you do with him?
What do you mean?
If he comes back again.
Do you think you'd grab him?
Do you think you'd kill him?
What would you do?
I wouldn't do anything.
I didn't.
Well, you don't have a family.
But what if he's not violent?
He might just want money.
He was watching my daughter.
I just speaking for myself
I couldn't handle
killing someone.
In reality.
Then we're different.
You don't have a family.
- I know.
- No, you don't!
- I meant the
- You don't have
a single idea of what
it's like the responsibility.
- Ed. Ed. -The weight
when something happens,
something awful
to one of your very own
I'm gonna put a few songs in.
Should be getting back to it.
One, then.
Good. Now step back.
Now forward.
See? Not so hard.
It's good to feel strong.
Ed, is everything okay?
Oh, my
I told you.
Oh, not now.
This is really dangerous.
You need to fix this, all right?
You think I don't know that?
Hey, where's Beth?
Rip it off fast.
It will hurt.
Hurts longer if you go slow.
You do it.
Can you be strong?
See? All better.
And after the hospital bills?
We're short.
On what?
We need the lights back on.
I'll do it.
Couple days work.
With what money?
I'll ask Henry.
I'll figure it out.
What about the Scrapper?
What about it?
No one's been back out there.
Yeah, because of the Scrapper.
Okay, you're barely sleeping.
The Scrapper stays.
Look, Kate.
- I need it.
- So, you're just gonna
be outside every night?
For how long?
I don't know. Look
- Oh, Ed
- I'll sell the car.
- I'll What?
- This is not all on you.
Well, of course it is.
We should see
your brother today.
I don't want to.
That's not my brother.
It's just his body.
That's an awful thing to say.
You're wrong.
No, I'm not.
Hi, there.
Anything on those break-ins?
We're here
because we got some calls.
People are concerned.
- Yeah?
- About this.
What about it?
I'm not doing anything illegal.
No. You're not.
Then what is there
to talk about?
There are issues.
Safety issues.
For you and your neighbors.
People have concerns.
Yeah, you said that.
No one mentioned
anything to me.
Look, you can understand why
they might be a little afraid.
This thing is keeping
the neighborhood safe.
They have nothing
to worry about.
Be that as it may
So, we came to tell you
that we're gonna
be monitoring the situation.
Moving forward.
By all means, monitor.
We're not hurting anyone.
Not yet.
We told you what we told you.
And I heard you.
Why don't you come inside?
Because I can't.
Mom and Dad. They miss you.
I got your toy back.
Did you beat them up?
You should have.
Don't make noise.
Dad will hear me again.
I'll leave it in the garage.
Are you going to stop visiting?
No. But it's getting harder.
Why are the lights off?
No money.
It's in the garage.
I can hear you.
Come out! Now!
- What is it?
- Shh!
- Did you get him?
- I don't know.
- What is wrong with you?
- I didn't know.
- You could have killed her.
- She I didn't
What's she doing?
She's supposed to be inside.
I didn't know!
What the hell's she
doing out here?!
A lot's going wrong.
More than usual.
Guess these things happen.
Henry, hi.
Is Kate there?
Yeah, is she
Can she hear?
It Uh-huh.
Well, she knows.
She knows I called.
Hey, Danny. It's Dad.
I don't know if you can hear me
right now, but if, um
I fix things.
That's what I do.
Done it my whole life.
If I have a purpose,
that's what it is, so
But I can't fix this.
I thought I was gonna
keep you safe forever,
but I can't.
And I'm so sorry.
Mm. I'm so sorry
I let you down. Okay?
How are you?
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
And Beth?
Good. Good.
Is, uh
Will will you come home?
I-I I want to sh
Uh, there's something
I want to show you.
Let me show you.
You fixed it.
It was easy.
Come on.
Where's the Scrapper?
It's gone.
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