Tandav (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Jeevan aur Mrityu

Political science is
the study of politics.
The root word of "Politics"
is the Greek term "Polis"
which means a city-state.
So, political science is concerned…
…that the ancient Greeks made no
difference between the states and cities.
A friend of mine had
a really nasty accident.
His family cannot afford the surgery.
Can you help?
-I'll return the money as soon as I can.
-How much do you need?
-Well, two lakhs.
-Two lakhs?
That's a lot.
I'll have to talk to my dad.
Will that be alright?
-Yeah, please.
-Okay, see you.
Azhar, where have you been?
I've been waiting for you all morning.
Azhar, what's wrong?
Azhar, are you okay?
Open the door.
Please, open the door!
Open the door!
Azhar, open the door!
Why are the cops here?
Was the guy a terrorist?
What the hell is wrong with these people?
Ada, what's happening?
Sana, I didn't do anything!
Let me go.
She's my sister.
She's my sister.
Ma'am! Ada!
I've been watching you…
on the TV.
You're hot property these days.
-We don't have the money, Kishan.
-Ten lakhs!
Have you lost your mind?
How can we get ten lakhs
at such short notice?
I had told her!
Ten lakhs?
Kishan, please let us be.
We don't have money!
You've already extorted
everything you could.
And for what?
Shut up!
I hate it when women yell.
This friendly little chat we're having,
could've very easily been a raid!
She was the only one in the room when her
"revolutionary" boyfriend shot himself.
It's a suicide case.
It could very easily be a homicide.
You guys are from
an intelligent community.
You must be used to this, right?
I want ten lakh rupees in the
next ten days. I don't give a fuck!
-Give us our piece of the pie!
This is the only premier
institute of our nation
which doesn't care about the amount
of money your father has in his wallet!
And this institute
is the only option we poor
kids from backward areas have!
And that is exactly why,
I, Chetan Kranti
as the presidential candidate of SAI
would like to assure you
that if SAI wins this election
we will not let the institute
implement the fee hike.
Pash had once said
if the government is against you
Amit, you dumbfuck!
We cannot be seen together.
We'll be screwed if we're caught.
Meet me at India Gate.
Go on.
Take my bike.
Sir, we've been waiting for you.
Get in.
Did you get the stuff?
Of course, I did.
There's a blindfold back there.
Use it.
There's a burger as well.
Have it.
Sir, this feels really shady.
may I take the blindfold off?
Are we there?
Get down.
To your right.
Come here.
Come on.
Come on.
-Sir, can I take it off?
-You will, soon.
-Do you have your phone?
-Yes, sir.
Give it to me.
-Come on.
Come on, keep walking straight.
Go on.
Sir, this feels like a scene straight
out of the movies back in the 70's.
May I please take this off?
Take it off.
Where am I, sir?
Will you be able to sleep?
Of course, sir.
This is just a temporary arrangement.
I'll do it for you.
What I mean is
will you be able to sleep
if you betray your friends?
"Betrayal" is a big word, sir.
My lower back is all messed up,
thanks to that shitty bike I ride.
I'm wasting the best time
of my life on that shitty bike.
What am I supposed to do?
So, you need a car?
Sir, you've an ability
to read people's minds!
Which one would you like?
The car worth 1.5 lakhs
would be fine, I guess.
A car that small is exactly what
you jokers from VNU can dream of.
You'll get it.
Let me accept
that I am weak.
But this "Advisory Committee"
You'll never pull off
a stunt like that again.
Please be careful.
Ma'am, the pest control guys are here.
We had asked them to be here by 9:00.
Yes, I know.
But, Mr. Samar is here uninvited.
-Please give us a couple of minutes.
So, you wanted to talk
about the advisory committee?
You need me as well.
I have many people supporting me.
Please be graceful
and I'll be easier to handle.
Fuck you, Samar.
Devki and I had been
together for thirty years.
Yes, we never got married
but he was a husband to me.
You've killed your father
and my husband!
Thank your lucky stars, Samar
that I'm an ambitious woman.
Had I not been one
you would have been in a prison cell,
writing an open letter.
So, remember
be easy to handle
and I'll be graceful.
Yes, we're done here.
Please send them in.
They'll be fumigating the room.
You're welcome to sit through it.
-Give us our piece of the pie!
-Give us our piece of the pie!
Where's Vishal?
-I don't know.
-He had called me last evening.
I told him I'd call back.
But his phone has been switched off.
Listen, get Vishal here.
We're campaigning.
This isn't a fucking joke.
Give us our piece of the pie!
-Richa, can you get the money?
Sorry, I won't be able to.
-Give us our piece of the pie!
-Give us our piece of the pie!
-Give us our piece of the pie!
-Give us our piece of the pie!
-Give us our piece of the pie!
I'm told you had a great "talk" with her.
People are lying to you.
And you think I'll take your word for it?
So innocent.
The irony is that I took a stand for you,
against your father.
That's strange.
When my father was alive
I used to think you're my friend.
But now that he's not here
I'm starting to think of you as my father.
Drop the act, Samar.
There's no one watching you right now.
I'm aware of what's happening.
I'm not stupid.
I've been a politician all my life.
One whiff, and I can tell
which way the wind is blowing.
Trusting me right now
would be a rookie mistake.
It would be something
a mediocre politician would do.
And you're not one.
All I want to say is
attack me.
But don't attack me so
passionately that you forget that
the person standing behind
you is holding a dagger as well.
A dagger she won't mind using
for the chair at Raisina Hill.
We need to get our people in there.
Because if the Mother-Son
duo get hold of this party
kicking them out won't be easy
for either of us.
Did you hear about Shekhawat?
I've been told he isn't happy with Samar.
He lost his son.
He has the sympathies of the whole party.
At this point
if he were to get a strong profile,
something like an HRD
we'll have the party rooting for us.
And, Aditi
she's Samar's confidante.
We've to bring her to our side, ma'am.
And giving her
Women and Child Welfare won't help.
Let me think about it.
have we managed to trace the caller?
He's gone.
We have no clue.
He flushed 99 crore rupees
down the drain.
All we have is 0.1% of the evidence.
How the hell can I frame Samar with that?
I need more evidence, Maithili.
I need more evidence if we have to
goddamn prove anything at all.
If the word gets out,
that all we have is
the name of the proof
but not the actual proof
it will all be over.
Yes, ma'am.
where's Chhote Lal?
Chhote Lal!
What did you ask her?
"Where's Chhote Lal?"
Have you lost your fucking mind?
I had warned you against
showing up here, right?
Why the fuck are you here?
If the word gets out,
my life will be fucked!
Here, take it!
Where the fuck did you pull it out from?
Why do you care?
Take it and shove it anywhere you like.
The data is in terabytes.
12 TB.
Is it the entire hospital?
Yes, there are so many
cameras in the hospital.
Were all the cameras working that night?
Well, not all of them.
It's your government.
You should know better.
I need some money.
My mom took out a mortgage
in order to buy the house.
We haven't paid the installments
for the past two years.
If we don't repay them
we'll lose our home.
How much do you need?
Ten lakhs.
Ten lakhs?
Well, I just have
two lakhs with me now.
When do you need the money?
By Friday
I can get the money.
But you'll have to do something for me.
Something immoral.
Will we get the money?
Yes, we will, by Friday.
I hope you don't want me to kill someone.
Do I look like a murderer?
Vishal's parents had called me as well.
They don't know where he is either.
You were the last one
to speak to him, right?
Yes, I guess,
I was the last person he spoke to.
His WhatsApp last seen reads
the previous evening as well.
I think these CJLD
fuckers must be involved.
They're capable of doing these things,
we know them!
-Especially, that asshole, Amit Mewani.
Let's check the campus once.
Vishal, where are you?
Vishal! Vishal!
I think we have a problem.
We must go to the police.
He's been missing for more than 24 hours.
Let's wait until the morning.
You never know.
Why am I here?
You know
my relationship with Devki
was an extremely mature one.
All the ups and downs
we went through
it never affected our friendship.
Many times,
I took a stand against him
but that didn't affect
our relationship either.
But as long as Devki lived
I was a nobody.
I was a "Senior Party Worker", that's it.
In this game of politics
all you have is one move.
The timing of that move decides your fate.
Today, I'm the PM.
I've forged this path myself.
Samar used to be a
strong member of the party.
Decide, which side
would you like to be on.
Now's the time.
Make your move.
Ms. Aditi is in a meeting with the PM.
They seem to be having a ball.
I've known Anuradha for 20 years.
I've seen her having a ball
with my father all my life.
I know her inside out.
She's trying to poach my people.
So obvious, man.
Hello, sir.
Let's go.
Hello, sir.
The SAI lads have walked
into the police station.
They were looking for him all night.
Now they're here at Mahant Kunj.
Okay. Okay.
How long has he been missing?
For a day.
Did he have a girlfriend?
Any chances of him running away with her?
What about drugs?
No, sir.
Sir, he was a decent kid.
He's the joint secretary of our party.
We suspect the guys from CJLD.
They could have kidnapped
him because of the election.
What do you want me to do?
File a report?
Is that what you want?
All we want is for you to
find him and get him home.
Excuse me.
-Hello, sir.
Yes, sir?
Whatever these kids say to you,
none of it should be on record.
Of course, sir.
I'll definitely come see you.
Come on, sir!
I will bring.
Okay, sir.
Bye, sir.
Is everything alright?
It will soon be, sir.
Well, so what we'll be doing is
Please give us some details
about how the boy looks.
Kasturi, get all the details you can.
Please stop worrying. We'll get
your boy home as soon as possible.
What is it, ma'am?
Why are we here for an urgent meeting?
Well, Mr. Gopal Das
we're looking after the
world's largest democracy.
I'm here to inform you about
the allocation of the portfolios.
So, we're here to discuss portfolios?
I'm here to inform you.
Vijay Shekhawat
HRD Minister.
Vikram Singh
Railway Minister.
Aditi Mishra
Defence Minister.
Kailash Kumar
Home Minister.
What is she doing?
Mr. Gopal Das
you were right.
"Let's take this forward as a team."
I'll need your support.
What is it, Sana?
You know
the library where we study,
we have a drawer that
Chetan and I use.
Well, this morning
I was looking for my papers in there.
I found
I found this.
This is Vishal's phone.
I know.
I don't know how it got there.
I hope Chetan is not involved in all this.
I don't know.
I seriously don't know.
But I don't have a
good feeling about this.
How dare you touch me?
Why are you using Vishal's bike?
-Where is Vishal?
-I don't know.
-I've been trying to call him.
-Why do you have his bike?
He gave me his bike!
He gave it to me.
I've had it for the past two days!
-Stop lying you piece of shit!
-Mind your language!
-Tell me what's going on?
-What is it, Shiva?
We've found Vishal's phone in his drawer.
Why don't you ask him?
-What drawer are you talking about?
-The one in the library!
Why are you doing this here?
Let's talk somewhere else.
You're all involved!
And you're trying to pin the blame on me!
-He was a close friend--
-Shut the fuck up!
Shiva, where did you get the phone?
Sana found the phone in his drawer.
What the fuck is he talking about, Sana?
Chetan, please tell us what
the hell is happening here.
Have you lost your fucking mind?
Let's look for him.
We've found his phone.
This asshole has his bike.
I made you the fucking Vice President.
I've been looking for him all night.
And you fuckers suspect me?
I, Anuradha Kishore
do solemnly affirm that
I will bear
true faith and allegiance
to the Constitution of India
as established by law.
I will bear
true faith and allegiance
to the Constitution of India
as established by law.
That I will uphold
the sovereignty and integrity of India.
That I will, without fear or favor,
affection or ill-will,
do right by all the people
in accordance with the
Constitution and the law.
Anuradha Kishore has proved
that she's a different leader.
Today, the nation has
a Dalit home minister.
And a 34-year-old female defence minister.
This truly is a new India.
"You make my heart soar."
"You're what my heart beats for."
Hey, Mohan!
Did you get it all out of your system?
-Don't forget to wash your hands!
Death is the only truth.
Death is the ultimate reality
of this universe.
You can try all you like
all your life
you will never be able to escape death.
The modern man struggles all his life
for iPhones, for bungalows,
for cars, for women, for money.
That is all he does all his life.
But the day
you finally meet death
all these struggles seem trivial.
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