TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority- (2024) s01e05 Episode Script


It's because we're
from the same detention camp.
Detention camp?
It's like in the sci-fi movies.
We were used as guinea pigs
for the special rights tests.
Guinea pigs?
What are you saying?
Special rights are not of this world.
They are the manifestation
of human desires.
And we are the failures of that desire.
We were forced to obtain
special rights by various means.
Is that easier to understand?
Come to think of it,
Omi lost the hearing in his right ear,
and the professor lost his right eye.
I see!
The reason they gave up a body part
that would cause so much inconvenience
was because they were forced to.
The ones who had special rights
prior to the Majority Vote
are those from the detention camp.
We are the failures
who didn't produce
the results that they wanted.
The Emperor was the only success.
Success? Failure?
Detention camp?
Why were Omi and Iruga
in a place like that?
It looks like you have
a ton of questions you want to ask.
So let's make a trade.
I'll give you some intel
if you hand over Omi.
No way!
Sane, just do it.
If we hand over Omi,
we can get information, right?
Hand him over.
What are you saying, Ryuta?!
Don't worry about me.
Okay then.
We have a deal.
Is there a way to defeat the Emperor?
Yes. And it'll be easier if you have Omi.
But that's all
I'm going to tell you for now.
Why not find someone
with the Command Right?
It's the most powerful one, isn't it?
The one who had it died.
Omi is the most powerful
of the remaining survivors.
He died?
Do you know the Emperor's location?
I'll find it eventually.
That's about all I can tell you for now.
You're lucky that you ran into me
and not Mido.
Is he that dangerous?
Let's just say
our ultimate goals are different.
Ultimate goals?
Mido's ultimate goal is
to annihilate all of humanity,
excluding himself.
And my ultimate goal is to annihilate
all of humanity, including myself.
Zero and one are infinitely close
but also tremendously far apart.
Including yourself?
What's the point of living?
It's meaningless.
Everything in this world is meaningless.
What do you guys plan to do
if you survive?
Survive, reproduce, die,
and then what?
Develop a culture and civilization?
Pursue art?
Produce offspring?
Preserve the species?
What is the meaning of all of that?
"Love lasts forever."
"Make great memories."
"The soul never dies."
Why should we put our hopes
in intangible things
that have no guarantee?
When humans perish, the Earth perishes,
and the sun swallows us up,
and the universe runs out of life,
what'll happen?
Whether you live or die,
it's all meaningless!
This guy
Some people say, "Just enjoy the moment."
Nothing can arise from meaningless things.
Even murder is meaningless.
But the world is full of idiots
who don't realize
that some things are meaningless,
and they try to find value in it.
Humans are the most troublesome
because of their useless wisdom,
so they all need to be eliminated.
Everything is meaningless to him.
That's why he doesn't hesitate to kill.
You're gonna kill the Emperor too, right?
It's more convenient
if you kill him before I do,
so I'll let you live for now.
All right. I told you everything.
Now hand over Omi.
Let me give you some advice.
In these kinds of situations,
just say "Yes" and pretend
like you don't know anything.
Play dumb.
Leave it to me and just get out of here.
I've always wanted to say that!
I'll leave it up to you
how we'll meet up, okay?
I'll protect Omi,
so promise me you'll meet us there.
Let's go then.
If you get a tummy ache,
tell an adult, okay?
You're not my mom!
I was trying my best to make
this situation tense and nervous.
Don't you dare say
in front of Sane that life is meaningless
regardless of whether you live or die.
I won't let you get to them.
I will protect them.
Promise me that you won't come after us,
that you won't harm us,
that you won't get involved with us
in any way in the future.
If you can't promise that, I'll have
to kill you right here, right now.
I have an idea what his special right is.
My sword broke in a split second.
So it's likely
a Transformation-type Privilege,
Cutting Rights.
Let's see if I'm right.
Just as I thought.
As long as I don't touch him
You've got pretty good coordination.
Do you play sports?
Generate springs.
Then separate.
Let's just place this over here
for now.
No way
Is this guy a monster?
It's not a Cutting Right?
What is it then?
Do you understand your position
a little better now?
If I were a small fry,
there's no way Mido
would have joined forces with me.
Mido is the brain,
and I'm the one who makes things happen,
which means I'm strong. Get it?
Shall I tell you my Privilege
as a gift to take to the underworld?
It's a Transformation-type Privilege,
the Division Right.
It involves physical division,
concept division,
and property division.
I can control
these three types of divisions.
To sever your sword,
I used physical division.
The debris stopped on my head
because I divided the existence of space.
It couldn't touch me
because the space was divided.
There's an effective range for that,
but I'm not gonna tell you.
How can I crush this guy?
This is what happens
when you don't pay attention.
I'm not gonna survive this!
Yo! I've been dying to meet you.
I've come to avenge Ishiki!
Hey, aren't you the girl
from Ms. Ishiki's place?
It's Rika Suzuki.
Don't forget my name,
you head-slicing psychopath.
That's funny I thought I
crushed you with debris from the building
when I found you back at Ishiki's place,
just like I did now.
Hate to break it to you
but you cannot kill me.
I have the Privilege
to completely avoid physical damage,
the Right to Evade.
As you can see,
the cause of the damage was "evaded".
As long as he's with me,
no damage can be done to him either.
I see
So whatever I do, I can't kill you then.
What are you doing here?
I went to the ward office,
but then I was directed here.
I did as the display said.
The display?
Someone must've used their Display Right.
Gobo probably directed her here.
I lost my right leg
in exchange for gaining a Privilege.
It's true that I resented Ishiki for that.
But thanks to her, I am alive right now.
Above all,
she had a good heart.
I won't forgive you for killing her!
It's a little too late for that.
Well, congratulations for now.
You made it out alive.
I'm counting on you guys
to kill the Emperor before I do.
Why don't you hand over
some more intel then,
-I had him throw me
over to where you were.
What? Thrown over?
I would especially like information
on how to locate the Emperor,
how to defeat him,
and the strategies
relating to the Majority Vote.
I want information on these three things.
All right then
To be honest, it's all a bit of a puzzle.
I think the Emperor is in Tokyo.
Well, that's obvious since there are
survivors only in the 23 wards.
Am I right?
You knew the answer,
but you still asked, huh?
I'm not sure how to defeat him,
but it's probably better
if you kill him in an instant
when his guard is down.
Also, regarding the strategy
for the Majority Vote,
I guess one way is
to not let him take a Majority Vote.
In the second stage,
if you don't put in a question,
there's no Majority Vote.
Also, you can try holding onto the laptop
by entering the password daily
and preventing it from being collected.
That way, the Majority Vote
can be avoided.
In any case,
you first need to get your hands
on a laptop.
Why does he seem so confident?
I get it now.
The increased freedom
will result in more fights and killings.
And you're waiting for the moment
when the player who finds the laptop
gets it taken from him,
the moment when he loses ownership of it.
Mido's special right is
the Right of Inheritance, isn't it?
Oh, you figured it out?
You're right.
That is exactly how I'll get
the laptop and hold onto it,
but I'm not going to put in any questions,
since that's what
the Emperor wants us to do.
What do you mean?
To begin with, if you write
the location and time
where the majority of people are at,
a winner will automatically be born.
What is the point of a Majority Vote
that has so many flaws?
From here on out,
figure it out for yourselves.
You can also control the population
by having everyone
compete for the laptops.
Annihilating all of humanity
is your goal, right?
Why go through all of this?
Don't underestimate the Emperor.
If you don't choose your moves carefully,
you'll be in a jam
before you know it.
I'll tell my people that the kid
with the Right to Veto is dead.
I gave you a hint.
I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out
once you think it over.
Why don't you ask someone to help you?
I suggest you should ask someone
who is clever.
I was right to be on the lookout.
Why are there others in Nerima Ward
even though it's not today's area?
And why is Sudo one of them?
On top of that, I got separated from Soma.
Congrats, you are the chosen ones!
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I am the Emperor.
What did he say?!
This is nonsense.
The fact that he didn't go
to the designated area
means that he's either given up
or has a different motive.
But what he just said was to taunt us.
He's an enemy, and a troublesome one.
I will kill anyone who gets in my way.
I will kill you first then.
You're strong.
I may not look it,
but I'm a black belt in karate.
Shall I call you Professor Shinozaki?
Why are you here in Nerima Ward?
Yesterday afternoon,
when I was pursuing Jin,
I received an order from the Emperor
telling me to stop pursuing Jin
and to go to Nerima Ward,
or else, I would be executed.
The Emperor gave such an order?
That's impossible.
I was looking for a safe place
where I could hide,
and that's when I saw
this school building.
You felt fear, sought comfort,
and found this place, huh?
You are a teacher after all.
I thought you were scum,
but I take that back.
Actually, you're a coward.
You genuinely wanted to survive,
but as a result, you made a mistake.
Calm down and think it over.
You and Narita are both alive,
but he has his friends by his side.
You are all alone.
I have a companion too.
Soma was only cooperating
because he feels a debt of gratitude
to me?
I guess
I am alone.
If you can't make up your mind,
here's a piece of advice.
Work with them,
survive as a team to the end
and if you can't find a way out,
then betray them.
If that happens,
you'll end up fighting amongst yourselves.
Nobody will blame you.
Are you telling me to go back to Narita?
Unless you really are scum.
How can I?
After what I did,
they will never accept me.
A stun grenade!
Cover your eyes and ears!
You have more brains than him,
so you'll die first.
Come at me!
I will use my Visibility Right
to see your next move! Come and get me!
I'm bleeding badly
I don't have much time.
He made me his target
because of my ability to think.
Does he know my purpose
for coming to Nerima Ward?
Then perhaps
his purpose is the same as mine.
Sudo, are you okay?
We need to stop the bleeding.
Fool! Don't let your guard down!
We need to go somewhere safe.
How can you with that injury?
It's a blessing in disguise.
This is my turf.
A mic?
Cover your ears!
Sorry to break it to you
but this is farewell.
Let's go before he gets to us.
Oh well. That injury is going
to kill him sooner or later.
What just happened?
I put an old speaker in the school.
It picked up the sound from the mic,
the meter moved, and it detonated.
I used an ignition agent
that magicians use.
A good friend of mine with a bizarre hobby
gave it to me a long time ago.
Never mind that. I've got
something important to tell you.
In the school's library,
I stored multiple documents
-relating to the Majority Vote.
You can probably locate
the Emperor with those.
Show them to
-Don't say another word.
We need to treat your wound.
Ryohei, look at the sky.
I heard Mr. Sudo died in an accident.
And his oldest child too.
What a pity.
The sky that is above us now
is the same sky
that your father
and Kohei were looking at.
The sky will never disappear.
As long as that sky exists,
we will always be connected.
The sky that day was
so blue and bright.
It provided me with color and light
that pierced the depths of my heart.
For my dad and my brother,
I wanted to do my best
to make my mother's life more comfortable.
And in order to do that,
I did all that I could.
I begged my mom to let me
go to cram school.
That's where I met
Hey, Yagihashi!
What the hell are you doing?
What is this commotion about?
The monthly tuition!
I heard that you paid my monthly tuition.
Did you do it out of pity?
Or do you think that you're helping me?!
The other day,
a fortune teller told me that
if I didn't pay the monthly tuition
on your behalf,
my parents will explode.
Do you think I'm stupid?
I should be saying that to you.
You're not smarter than me,
so how can you tell me that I'm wrong?
I think they are going to explode.
I've got a better brain than you,
and I figured that out.
So that makes me right and you wrong.
A leek?
That Yagihashi!
Trying to make a fool out of me.
please stop studying.
Mom, why are you saying that?
When was the last time
that I took a good look at my mom's face?
It's all my fault.
I was doing this all for Mom.
That's what I thought, but
Yagihashi, what are you doing here?
Did that leek come in handy?
Huh, leek?
I see! So you knew this
would happen to me, didn't you?
You win, hands down.
Leeks are good for colds.
You can wrap it around your neck
or stick it in your butt.
You have a strange sense of humor.
Did you pay my tuition
so you could get close to me?
You're half-right.
I truly respect your efforts.
I want to see your potential,
as a competitor and as someone I respect.
Actually, my family and I
will be moving to Saitama soon.
That's why I wanted to challenge you
to a game,
a game to see who can get
the highest grades.
Whoever gets the highest score
in the national mock exam
at the start of high school
will be the winner.
So the tuition fee was
your entrance fee to play this game, huh?
I'm in.
It's decided then.
I knew it. So you were the top student.
No wonder I couldn't get
the highest score.
Thanks, Yagihashi.
Thanks to you, I now have what it takes
to make my mom happy.
I promise to make her happy,
for both my dad and my big brother.
I promise.
You happen to be alive.
Nice to meet you. I am the Emperor.
I wonder why
Even though I'm dying in vain,
why is it that
my heart is filled with light?
Oh, that's why.
This sky
is the same sky as on that day
the sky that I saw by your side.
Subtitle translation by: Mel Nishi
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