Tattoo Redo (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Boos and Tattoos

Oh, hey there!
What happens when the person you love
has a tattoo you hate?
You bring 'em here and we cover it up!
Mirror, mirror on the wall ♪
Said, "You look like sh" ♪
It happened ♪
[Jessimae] Behind every tragic tattoo,
there's always a ridiculous story.
Blake lost a bet.
I got it when I was 14.
I was at a friend's house
and he had a tattoo gun.
I just thought I was in love, y'all.
Lucky for them, five of the most talented
tattoo artists in the business
are standing by to give them
a tattoo redo!
Honestly, girl, I don't know what
that was on your back before.
But clearly, these people cannot be
trusted with their own skin.
So the person that brought them in,
is going to choose the cover-up.
Dun-dun-duhhhh! ♪
Oh, my God, no!
You better not mess me up, bro!
Welcome to the best day of your life!
- Please be kind.
- [both laughing]
Will they love it? Will they hate it?
Grab your grandma and some popcorn.
We're gonna find out together.
[Jessimae] All right, here we go.
I am so excited.
Are you excited? You better be ready!
Ooh, I know Matty B is ready to go.
You'd never know it by looking at him,
but baby-faced Matt
has got over 20 years of experience.
And massive Japanese tattoos are his jam.
I'm used to doing large-scale tattoos.
The way that it flows over the body,
and the power of the imagery.
It really can engulf you.
[Jessimae] Well, Matt,
I'm glad you like to go big.
Because you're about to get engulfed
in your next client's tattoo.
So, Danny, what brings you here today?
That ugly tramp stamp she has.
- Whoa! Wow.
- [woman] Yeah.
- I'm hoping we can work some magic here.
- Uh-oh! Okay.
- [Jessimae] You're married?
- [both] Yeah.
[woman] Danny has been
my light in the dark.
- He was one of my better choices.
- [Danny laughs]
- Was I? You could've married rich.
- Yeah! You were a great choice.
- Should have married rich.
- I did marry rich.
- Yeah, you did marry rich.
- Yeah.
At what point in all this
did you get the tattoo?
Oh, I got it when I was 14.
Who's tattooing 14-year-olds?
Excuse my prudeness, but
I ended up in a hotel room
with some friends
and one of my friends brought a guy
that knew how to tattoo.
I don't know if you'd call him
a tattoo artist. It was my birthday.
He thought, you know, it's my birthday,
he would give me a free tattoo.
So, it very much says "free tattoo."
That's what it says?
- I don't doubt that.
- No.
- This is far worse than that.
- Yeah.
- Far worse.
- But you can tell it was a free tattoo.
I need to see the 14-year-old you.
Can we see it?
- You sure? It's pretty bad.
- [Jessimae] Show us. 100 percent.
[Julie] It's a little embarrassing. Okay.
[Jessimae] Life has its moments
of embarrassment.
Shall I apologize now?
I can't You're being shy and
[Julie laughs]
- [Matt] Oh, all right.
- [Julie] There it is.
They didn't even spell out the whole
"you," but it definitely says "Fuck U."
I tend to make irresponsible decisions.
I'm trying to be better, you know,
with my decision-making.
- I'm always aware of what I teach my kids.
- I do all the swearing for both of us.
That's true. And I get mad at him.
"Do not say curse words
- around my children."
- Hmm.
But then I have
this giant, horrible tattoo on my back.
We'll make it better, but
Can't possibly be any worse.
I'm gonna make it worse.
Oh, great.
You're not picking the tattoo, Danny is.
- [laughs]
- Oh, my God.
- I don't know about that.
- I'm gonna put
- I don't know about that idea.
- I wanna Yeah.
You can't tell her anything.
- There's no conversing on this.
- [Danny] Ohhh.
[Jessimae] You don't get to know.
- You're picking my tattoo?
- He's picking the tattoo. You have no say.
Okay. You better start thinking
about something good.
USDA Choice.
- Oh, shit.
- [Julie laughing]
[Jessimae] You call your wife
a piece of meat?
- Piece of meat!
- I'd never say that.
I'm very nervous to make sure
I pick out something she does like.
'Cause, you know, my wife can fight.
But I I think I can take her.
- [punching]
- [glass smashes]
[Jessimae] Man up, Danny!
You can do this!
Now get in there and pick that tattoo.
[Matt] Is there any styles that you like,
or you know she likes?
She would want something
to represent the kids.
Four daughters and one son.
[Matt] Any imagery choices?
- Like, anything
- A duck.
- A duck?
- Yeah.
- For real?
- Yeah.
- Ducklings.
- Okay.
- All right.
- Mom duck with her little babies.
The duck is just
It's a beautiful animal.
It's just not a very dynamic animal.
- Are you open to different animals?
- Yeah.
I'll look up some symbolism
with different plants, animals.
- I'll throw different options at you.
- Okay.
- You can pick one you wanna look at.
- Yeah.
- What you think she'd be stoked on.
- Let's hope she likes it.
Do you have all the faith in the world
that he's gonna choose something
- No. No.
- [laughing]
The hardest part about this tattoo
is the placement.
It's gonna be super hard
to get this to flow
so it doesn't look like
another tramp stamp.
I did a little bit of research into,
sort of, the meanings of things,
and, basically, the swallow symbolizes
love and affection for family.
- We got five here.
- [Danny] Yeah.
[Matt] As far as the rest of the cover-up,
maybe some flowers in there,
something feminine.
My wife isn't so girly-girly
when it comes to her tattoos.
We're gonna have these flowers here,
and usually those are, like,
a pretty bright, like, red or pink.
- Will she be opposed?
- I think more red.
More red than pink?
- Than pink. Yeah.
- Yeah, okay.
- For sure. Yeah.
- I get it.
- Not so girly and foo-foo-y.
- Yeah.
- A little more just strong.
- Yeah.
[Jessimae] I'm in Danny's corner
on this one.
I really hope she likes it.
For his sake.
It's not like a normal tattoo
where you can just slap it on there.
I gotta go, like,
exactly over these lines.
[Jessimae] This tattoo is so big,
and in such a difficult place,
that a stencil doesn't always work,
because the body, you know, curves.
Paper doesn't.
So, Matt has to draw
the rest of the stencil on by hand.
Like the Sistine Chapel or something.
All right. This is where I would normally
say, "Go check it out in the mirror."
[Julie] All right.
- [Matt] We're gonna skip that.
- [Danny] I'm your mirror.
[Matt] You like that, mirror?
- Looks great. [chuckles]
- [Matt] All right. Cool.
[Jessimae] Aww, Danny,
you make a good mirror.
But there's only one way to make sure
Julie doesn't see this tattoo
until the end.
- Hey, kids. I brought you a present.
- Hi.
- [Julie] Are you gonna stick me in there?
- Well, yes.
- Through a woodchipper, so you can't see.
- I like it. Okay.
You don't have eyes on the back of your
head, but we're covering our bases.
Don't worry. It's not on.
It's not on yet.
[Jessimae] Oh, yeah, there it is.
There's the woodchipper.
Let's shred that tattoo, Matty B.
[Matt] Here we go.
I don't claim to be an expert,
but it looks like Matt
has got his hands full.
And so do we,
because we've got more tattoos to fix.
This next one is for Twig Sparks.
This dude has a crazy imagination.
Seriously, the coolest creative stuff
comes out of his head.
Creativity is something that
I've been blessed with.
Inside, I'm always bright and happy,
and everything is really wondrous to me.
I think I see life
through a child-like perspective.
Oh, Twiggy. You're gonna need
all that creativity for this one.
What brings you here?
It's our anniversary. We've been
together for a year and a month,
and I wanted to give her this opportunity
to cover her tattoo.
To me, honestly,
it looks like a dog's penis.
- Oh, okay. All right.
- It's a lipstick.
I was gonna say, a lipstick?
- A lipstick.
- To a dog, that wouldn't be embarrassing.
- That would be flattering.
- It'd be flirting.
I don't wanna impress a dog,
- I wanna impress him.
- [Twig] True.
[both] Aww!
I'm just very happy, you know.
My heart is filled with love.
She's the one
that I wanna be with every day.
- [Genevieve] Aww, I love you.
- I love you, too.
I love the hand holding.
- Awesome.
- [Jessimae] It's a grip.
- [Lyno] Appreciate it.
- I haven't in a long time.
- Come here. We can do this.
- [Genevieve] Oh, my God!
- I can make you feel safe.
- Oh!
Aww, you guys are cute.
- Can we see this?
- Do you wanna see it now?
- I I
- I would love to see it.
I would love to see it.
[Jessimae] I see the penis.
- I can believe you can see the penis.
- That's my gift. That's my superpower.
People will take my arm
and they'll do this.
- I know he doesn't like that.
- [Genevieve] "Oh, so clever."
It's worse when I'm doing this.
It looks like there's
a dog penis on my mouth.
That's not good, bro.
No more dog penis.
It's gonna be great.
There's something I wanna let you know.
You're not gonna be doing this yourself.
He is going to be choosing
what goes on you.
- [Twig] Hey, hey!
- No way. What a surprise.
- [Twig laughs]
- I didn't know.
[Twig] What? Wait a minute,
hold on, hold on.
Do you feel you know her well enough
to pick something to be on her
for the rest of her life?
[drum roll]
- [cymbal rimshot]
- Yes.
- I'm convinced.
- You are? I'm not.
- I'm excited.
- I believe this tattoo
is gonna be the perfect tattoo for her.
Happy anniversary, babe.
- Let's do it.
- Happy anniversary, I love you.
[Jessimae] Get a room!
Or, actually, don't.
Because Lyno's gotta pick your cover-up.
All right, what are your ideas?
Like, alien head with three eyes.
An alien head with three eyes.
With a mandala pattern in color.
Put up the emergency brake. Hard right.
- [brakes screech]
- Hrrr!
- [crashing]
- He's picking a tattoo for someone else.
So I gotta really make sure that
this guy knows what he's talking about.
The mandala, I think is awesome.
But when you throw the alien head,
it's like a guy photobombing the picture.
- Yeah, I see.
- You got something cool,
- then outta nowhere, you throw this in.
- Let's see.
I have to think about this one. Um
You could talk to me.
Yeah, I have a strong feeling
with the alien head, with three eyes.
And with three eyes.
As a artist, sometimes you think you know,
but sometimes, you have to back up
and understand this person
knows more than you.
Let's do the alien.
So, check this guy out.
[Lyno] That's actually pretty cool.
I like that.
- [Twig] You dig that?
- Yeah.
Now, if she doesn't like it,
I'm gonna blame it all on you.
- Yeah.
- [laughs]
[Jessimae] Damn, Twig ain't playin'.
And neither are we.
- [Lyno] What?
- Whoa! What is this?
I brought you an emotional support cat.
Put your arm through
so you can't see what's happening.
Maintain the element of surprise.
And also, like, I feel like
this is who you can evolve into.
- Envision that.
- I will.
[Jessimae] We gotta get tattooing
if we're gonna cover up
all that dog-da-dong-dong-dong.
Let's make it happen.
[Lyno] Phew. If it hurts,
just squeeze my hand, okay?
- I love you.
- Hey, I love you, too.
[Twig] Oh, my God! Ewww!
Young and in love.
I don't wanna see none of that.
Let's sit back and calm down.
[Jessimae] Calm down? Never!
Let's keep cranking with Rose Hardy.
Her tattoos are so dynamic,
they're elegant and also tough.
Delicate but also bold.
Dark but also bright?
It's hard to put in a nutshell
what my style is.
I don't see myself on this pedestal
of doing these great tattoos for people.
I just wanna do a good tattoo on them.
[Jessimae] You know what else
is hard to put in a nutshell?
Your next client's relationship.
And what exactly his tattoo is.
What brings you here, Janet?
I came with my husband Fernando to get
this funky mess of a tattoo covered.
It's been an eyesore in our family
for a long time.
We're just boyfriend and girlfriend now.
[record slows]
She said husband.
- Yeah. I heard husband.
- I heard Did you hear
- I
- But then I was looking for the
- The ring.
- Not yet. We're working on that.
- We'll get there.
- He's working on it.
Rude, Fernando.
She's the love of my life.
She'll always be my angel.
[Janet] In his eyes, I do no wrong.
And I feel excited that I get to
actually be in this cover-up with him,
because maybe I was
Well, I was the reason to begin with.
I was a youngster.
She lived on my block.
So I wanted to win her over.
As soon as I got it,
I'm like, "Check it out!"
"This symbolizes me,
this symbolizes you."
You could've just sent her flowers.
I'd hit on her. She never took it.
He called once and said,
"I like you." I hung up on him.
- Oh, wow.
- [dialing tone]
That's my girl.
This tattoo was to win her over?
- It's the base of the relationship?
- [Fernando] Yes.
Through the years, we were just like,
"You know, something's really wrong."
It's not that strong of a tattoo.
- I'm not sure. [laughing]
- [Jessimae] Yeah.
So, are we gonna be able to see this?
You ready to see?
I mean, the whole meaning is great,
but just this little thing that
I got going on here
- You're gonna see
- Oh, my God.
[Fernando] We got some horns goin' on.
[Janet] I've never seen
a demon with three horns.
- She looks like she's dead.
- No, she's dead!
[Jessimae] Is he coming out of a window?
Is that a drape?
It's his wing.
Are you sure?
[Rose] He looks like he's killing her
- or having his way with her.
- [Jessimae] Licking her chin.
He's supposed to be just caressing,
biting her neck.
You saw this and you were like,
"That's my dude"?
Actually Well, that
When I first seen it, I'm like, "Oh, wow."
- Girl. Girl
- Look at his arm, you know.
It was the bicep. Maybe it was the bicep,
I'm not sure, that got me.
I feel like crap
with this thing on my arm.
Especially when people look at it and say,
"That's supposed to be Janet?"
"Yes, it is."
"But it looks nothing like her."
So, I'm excited you two are here.
But, the best part of today is that you
don't get to choose the tattoo.
Janet does.
- Whoa!
- [Rose and Jessimae laughing]
- [Rose] Yes! Look at his face.
- Are you sure we'll do that?
- Are you sure?
- That's what's happening.
Now, she really owns me
if she's here to do this to me.
She is loving this.
She's, like, "Bring it on."
- Husband who?
- I'm used to making choices for him.
I'm scared now.
[Jessimae] You know
what they say, Fernando.
If you can't trust your wife,
who can you trust?
Wait, she's not your wife.
Oh, boy. Pick something good, Janet.
What do you think, just as far as
what would suit him, what he loves?
- Kissing skulls.
- Kissing skulls?
Yeah, like, till death do us part.
Something like that.
The only thing with cover-ups,
you're kind of limited
because you cannot lighten a dark color.
It has to be dense.
The black Something like black mamba.
It has a deadly bite.
That would work.
Like, a snake with some other imagery.
Like, roses.
- Something that I can change the lines
- He loves roses.
The placement
makes this design really difficult.
You want the focal point to be
on this upper muscle group.
But that's where the cover-up is.
It's gonna be really hard
to design a tattoo that flows
and that your eye can travel through.
So, I've got the initial design
laid over the cover-up.
[Janet] I'm not sure if this rose
is gonna be good for him.
He likes sharp rose petals.
- [Rose] Tough crowd.
- [Janet] How about this tail?
Is there something
else that we can do with that tail?
The way it hangs,
I don't want the deadly black mamba
It's not relaxed.
The tail coming forward just
flows better with the shape of the snake.
But I'm gonna change it for her,
'cause that's what she wants.
And I might get
my ass kicked if I don't. [laughs]
[Jessimae] Wow, Rose.
I was a little worried about you,
'cause Janet is not playin'!
Now we just gotta make sure Fernando
can't see this tattoo until it's done.
- Oh, shit. What's really happening? Damn!
- She's just snipping
That's the collar for a dog
who get their balls cut off.
- See? No, no, no.
- Remember? Yeah.
I'm about to make you feel
like a labradoodle.
We need to put this on
so you can't see your tattoo.
Be careful. I might bite.
- Good boy, good boy. Don't worry.
- [Janet] Yeah!
How does that feel?
I'm not comfortable.
You'll have to sit like this for hours.
- Yes.
- Bye!
Take me with you!
[Rose and Janet laugh]
- Please!
- No!
[Jessimae] Now, this is love.
Picking a new tattoo for your boo.
Covering their mistakes.
If they like it, that is.
Are you starting to feel
the insecurity dissipate?
- Yeah. Yeah, the lion is doing its job.
- That's good.
- This lion is doing his job holding you.
- Yeah.
- Exactly.
- [Lyno] Yeah.
What about dancing?
Have you been entertaining her
with a little dance?
Um, here and there.
You want me to show you what I've got?
What about a little bit of this?
[both] Whoa!
No, she got moves.
She got moves.
What about this?
All right, y'all! I'll see you later!
- [both] See you!
- Think I got a new career!
- [laughs]
- That's awesome.
So, how long were you guys together
before you had your first kid?
Six months.
Oh, well, before I got pregnant.
Would you say that your kids are the most
important thing in your life?
- Oh, absolutely. Yes.
- [Danny] For sure.
[Julie] Being a mother
is everything to me.
I have five children,
and I just don't feel like
I can set a great example
when I have this giant tattoo on my back
that's really a bad example.
She definitely is the ballsy one here.
So, I follow suit.
She's got girl balls.
Those are our ovaries. [laughing]
I like it. I love her.
- [clears throat]
- So, tell me.
- Hey.
- What's up with this relationship?
- All right.
- Oh, shit. Here we go.
I need to know.
I've been thinking about it all day long.
The relationship is good.
- Girl, is it?
- Yes, it is.
- You know
- I'm dubious.
When you're from the 'hood,
you're not thinking, "Oh, marriage."
- [Jessimae] So, there's a lot of drama?
- [Janet] But this is
You know, five, six, seven years,
so now we're at 16 and we're like,
"Okay, I think we're good to go."
Is he still alive?
- [Rose] No.
- Right?
- [Fernando sighs]
- Is he dead?
- He has a muzzle now.
- I'm surrounded here.
- [Rose] Don't talk.
- I'm like
- You're not allowed to talk. Sh!
- Literally trapped.
[Twig] Genevieve
- We're done! ♪
- [Genevieve] Thanks!
- I'm nervous.
- That makes two of us.
[Jessimae] That makes three of us.
Because there's a very visible alien,
and that is a very bold choice,
to say the least.
Do we really think
Genevieve's gonna like this
better than her dog-dong
lipstick thing?
How are you feeling?
I'm nervous. I'm excited.
I can't wait to see it.
Well, it's now or never.
You ready, guys?
- Oh, my God, oh, my God!
- The unveiling.
Let's see what's happening here.
You look like you're hoping you love it.
I hope I love it. [laughs]
Pray to God.
The free Brazilian wax I'm giving you
taking the tape off,
- I'm not even gonna charge you for that.
- [laughs]
All right, man, here goes nothing.
- Damn.
- I want you to have a look at it
and tell me what you think.
Oh, my
- Oh-ho-ho!
- [Twig laughs]
[Genevieve] I love that! Holy shit!
I mean, literally out of this world.
- Wow.
- You like it, honey?
- I love it.
- Happy anniversary.
Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much.
Thank you for picking this out.
[Lyno] Inside and out,
I know you very well.
I feel so amazing! It's crazy.
Where was the lipstick?
- [Jessimae] It's gone, girl!
- [Lyno] What lipstick?
What are you talking about?
- [Jessimae] There's no lipstick.
- [Genevieve] Like, what?
Oh, my God!
You thought we were messin' around?
It's gone! I put it in my makeup bag.
I wanna know what's the deal
with the alien? You're into that?
I like, like, crazy things, I don't know.
I just think it's, like, a cool concept.
You wanna show it off?
- [Genevieve] Yeah.
- Come on. Let's go.
- Let me see that.
- You did great.
- [Twig] Yeah, I know.
- [Genevieve] I love it!
[Danny] Trouper, babe, trouper.
Tattooed facing a woodchipper?
[Matt] I think we are done.
- [Julie] What? I did it!
- It says "Fack U" now.
- Oh, my.
- [Danny] Nice.
[Jessimae] You better
calm down there, Danny.
Or you'll be the one
who ends up in the woodchipper.
Are you really that confident
Julie's gonna like this tattoo?
Because honestly, I'm scared.
She's a tough lady.
[Julie] Oh, my God. I can't wait.
- This is it.
- Okay. I'm ready.
Yeah, I'm nervous.
- Danny boy.
- Yeah.
- I'm very anxious.
- Keep her away.
- I don't want a slap.
- Very anxious.
Do you think she's gonna like it?
Uh yes.
- That was not convincing.
- Yes!
- That was the most
- [Julie] He's scared. Don't scare me.
You're scaring me right now.
You're all scaring us now.
- You guys ready?
- Yes.
- Let's take a look.
- Wanna get started?
- All right.
- [Jessimae] Your face is purple.
- I'm nervous.
- So you're not confident.
I'm very confident that I'm nervous.
[Matt] I think we're ready.
Wow, okay.
- [Jessimae sighs]
- I waited a long time for this.
[Jessimae] Danny, do you wanna
do a countdown for the reveal?
Three, two, one?
- Jeez! Give me a second.
- Oh, sorry.
- I gave you three!
- We need some tension.
Three, two, one.
[gasps] Ohh
Can you get closer?
[gasps] Oh, my gosh.
- Gorgeous. Oh, my God. I love it.
- [Jessimae] How do you feel?
- You're very quiet, and stressing me out.
- I feel renewed.
- [Jessimae] "Fuck U" is gone!
- [Julie] That's what I was looking for.
- [Danny] You can't see it.
- [Julie] Oh, my God.
[Jessimae] Girl, it left the building.
[Matt] We have five birds.
The one with the orange belly is the boy.
[Danny] For our son.
- [Julie] Oh, my baby.
- [Matt] The other four are the girls.
[Jessimae] I thought there were four.
- "You forgot a kid."
- I hope we got the right number.
- I was thinking that!
- Yeah.
- You did that?
- I love it.
- You helped.
- It was my idea.
- He did it, but you helped.
- No, it was all his.
- We put our brains together.
- [Danny] Yeah.
This tattoo is a life-changer,
I mean, I just feel like
Really like a completely different person.
And it really is gone.
I love the new tattoo.
And you can start wearing the tube tops.
- Soon.
- Oh, I love it.
- Yeah.
- Tomorrow.
- [laughs]
- Yeah. Let's do it. I'm down.
Yeah. Let's do it.
- We're done.
- Woof, woof! Yeah.
[Jessimae] Seems like Fernando
is all bark and no bite.
- Woof!
- Oooh!
Watch out, girl. Watch out.
I'm free now.
I hope he sees what
an upgrade this tattoo is
from the one he got
for Janet in the first place.
She is a queen!
If he doesn't like it,
he does not deserve her.
- [sighs] Do you think he's gonna like it?
- Fernando is my greatest love,
and I hope, through this tattoo,
he feels it, and I hope you love it.
Oh, my God.
Now the pressure is really on.
Yeah! Phew.
[sighs] Are you ready?
Nervous. Nervous.
Okay, let's get it off.
Makes my heart skip a beat. [laughs]
Are you ready?
Oh, shit.
Damn! That's a piece, baby!
- Have a close look. Look at the detail.
- Hold on.
Is that what I think it is there?
Is that a black mamba?
- [Rose] Yes!
- Whoa!
[Fernando] That's sick!
I love it with the tongue out.
- [Rose] Okay, good, good!
- [Fernando] I love it.
- Oh, I'm friggin' happy. I'm thrilled.
- [Rose] Yes!
- The angel's gone.
- [Fernando] Yeah.
Those nasty wings are gone.
You can't even see it.
You know what? I started this off
with a mist
It wasn't a mistake, 'cause I got you.
- I know.
- We're still here, 16 years later.
Thank you for the journey.
- I'm glad I decided to join you.
- This is awesome.
- Are you sure?
- [Janet] Yes!
- [Rose laughs]
- So, I wanted to know
if you'll marry me.
[Rose] Oh, my God.
- Yes.
- [Rose] Oh!
- Yes, I will. Yes.
- [Rose] He's gonna cry!
- Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God!
- I love you.
- I love you too, baby.
Oh, my goodness.
- No, you didn't.
- Yes, I did.
- And see? That's why
- Oh, my God.
I love you.
- [Rose] You guys!
- I can't believe you.
- I love you, baby.
- Yes!
- [Rose] Did you see that?
- There's love in the air!
- [Rose] Congratulations!
- [Jessimae] Yes!
- Whoo!
- [Rose] I'm so glad you did that.
- Oh, my God.
- Thank you for everything.
- [Rose] No, thank you!
- [Janet] Fill it up, girl.
- Congratulations.
- [Fernando] Thank you.
- I mean
- Look at that.
[Jessimae] Oh! Rose!
- [Rose] It's gone.
- [Fernando] Rose got down on the rose.
She has exorcised the demon!
- Oh, yeah, baby!
- This tattoo is clear.
- Yes!
- The demon turned into a black mamba! Yes!
[Rose] Yeah!
Couldn't ask for anything better.
I pulled you in with the old one.
This new one has a new meaning.
That rose just stands out,
beautiful like you.
He put a ring on it.
[Jessimae] Why don't we take a walk
down the future wedding aisle?
- Let's practice.
- Right.
- Do you wanna be mine?
- I will be yours.
[Jessimae sings "Wedding March"]
[Fernando] Oh, that's what
See, that's what I'm talking about.
[Jessimae humming]
[Jessimae] Another happy ending!
As long as people keep making mistakes,
we'll keep covering them up.
And that's, like, forever.
So, stay right there
and let's see some more disasters.
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