Taxi Driver (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

The Evil Businessman

Hey, pretty lady.
-I'll pay.
Let me ring you up.
You had tofu with kimchi
and three bottles of soju.
-It's 20,000 won.
-I can do this alone, dear.
You have to concentrate on your studies.
You have a wonderful son.
Thank you. Come again.
You should focus on studying.
There are tables and chairs here,
so I don't have to go to a study room.
If you suddenly get lots of customers,
I can wait tables,
so you don't need a part-timer.
-It's a win-win situation.
-You have a smooth tongue.
I got a call from your teacher.
She said you need to decide on
which college to go to.
I've already decided on it.
Remember how I wanted
to study Theater and Film?
I decided to go here instead.
Korea Military Academy?
It turns out
that I'm more ambitious than I thought.
Are you sure
you want to go to this school?
Of course.
It's really cool.
Is this because of your tuition?
I can sort that out.
I really want to be a commander.
Once I become a general,
they'll give me
a big, expensive military car.
I don't think it's allowed,
but once I get that car,
I'll secretly take you for a drive in it.
Attention! Get in line!
You have the eyes of a murderer too.
Mom. Mom, you have to run away.
Hurry. Hurry up and run away.
-You always help me out so much.
Why? Do you think this was my first?
My son, I love you.
Mom. Mom, you have to run away.
I'm not sure if your turn will ever come.
I will kill you with my own hands.
Mom. Mom, run away!
Mom, no!
Go home and study.
Mom. Mom, you have to run away!
You're up. Are you all right?
Take your medicine.
-The doctor said you must take this first.
Have some water too.
You'll get sick. Have water.
Nitro pills aren't effective with water.
There are pills you take without water?
What happened?
Prosecutor Kang Ha-na called our office.
She had to go back to work,
but you didn't have a guardian.
She said
you suddenly collapsed on the street.
You can't come this way! Go the other way!
-My gosh.
-Go the other way!
Since you're in the hospital,
get some rest.
Make sure to get examined too.
I'm fine.
You should at least get some IV fluids.
I'll be fine once I eat.
All right, then.
Want to eat near the office?
-I heard you passed out on the street.
I was tired, so I took a quick nap.
No need to worry.
You were tired,
so you slept on the street?
Are you homeless or something?
Goodness, it looks like
Go-eun was very
concerned about you, Do-gi.
She ran over here at once.
He's fine.
Now that we're all here,
why don't we all go out to eat?
I'll get him discharged first.
-How could you say that to him?
Is it so hard to tell him
to take a few days off to rest?
-I told him to do that, but he refused.
You made him drink
instead of getting the rest he needs.
You got him drunk, then he even fainted.
-I didn't get him drunk.
-He didn't.
That's an abuse of power!
There's nothing to it.
-Please lower your voice…
I'm sorry.
-What's the matter?
-Apologize to him now.
I didn't do anything to apologize.
Mr. Kim Do-gi.
You should be resting some more,
but it seems I abused my power.
-I'm sorry.
Don't say that, Mr. Jang.
I'll continue to work hard.
Don't do everything you're told to do,
but make sure
you look after yourself, okay?
How annoying.
Out of everyone we work with,
she scares me the most.
-Right there.
-One second. It just flashed by.
It looks like the same model.
It does, doesn't it?
We need further analysis,
but I think that's the same deluxe taxi.
A mysterious deluxe taxi driver
took Cho Do-cheol
and hit a corrupt officer's car.
Isn't this…
Isn't this something Batman does?
Are you feeling okay?
You know those people.
People who show up
in front of bad guys to take them down.
Put out an APB.
-This was already burnt to ash.
-It could've been burnt or not.
I have an appointment. Excuse me.
Once the footage is fully restored,
text me a copy too.
You seem to be in a hurry.
Are you going on a date?
This is more important than that.
Are you going on a blind date?
The deluxe taxi…
What could it be?
He still appears in my dreams and says,
"Mom, it's me, Seung-u."
Then he'd hold my hand and come up to me.
I try to stay asleep to keep dreaming.
When I wake up,
I can feel his hand on mine all day long.
That's a heart-warming story.
I've heard of it,
but I've never seen it in person.
I'm here to learn.
This is a file of the victims
supported by Bluebird Foundation.
-Refer to it.
-Thank you.
Is he all right?
Who? Do-gi?
I should've stayed at the hospital.
It's okay.
He was fine,
so he got discharged right away.
I'll tell him you were worried
when I see him.
You don't have to do that.
There's something I'd like to discuss
with you after this.
-If it's urgent, we can leave now--
-No, it's all right.
I'll tell you after this is over.
All right, then.
My name is Choi Gyeong-gu.
I had a brother
who was five years younger than me.
One day, he called me out of the blue.
He was in love.
He apologized
for getting married before me.
"Hey, kiddo!"
"Will I get to have some wedding cake?"
His girlfriend was the sister of Mr. Park,
who works with me now.
I always told him
that I probably wouldn't get married
in this lifetime.
So if he falls in love,
he shouldn't worry about me
and get married.
My brother and his wife
didn't have much money.
They started their lives together
in a small apartment,
and they invited us over
to have a housewarming party.
I still don't get it.
Someone set fire
to the apartment for no reason.
Then he stabbed
everyone and anyone who ran out to safety.
He wanted to protest to the country
about his overdue wages.
He was previously convicted
for attempted arson and assault.
Even his own family wanted
to put him in a mental hospital.
But legally, they couldn't do anything.
There were victims like us,
but that was it.
There were many chances to stop him.
He still says
he's being wrongfully charged.
When both of their bodies were retrieved
from the burnt building,
their hands couldn't be separated.
They must've held onto each other hard.
I had a dream.
I saw the two of them
walking down a sunny trail in a forest.
It was as if they came
to tell me they're doing okay.
I'm sure
they're doing well,
and they are happy.
Let's give a big hand
to Mr. Choi Gyeong-gu
and Mr. Park Jin-eon
for having the courage to share.
We have to share what's in our hearts
in order to overcome this.
Let us remember to be
a support for one another,
and we'll wrap up the session now.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming
despite your busy schedule.
Don't mention it, Mr. Jang.
I learned a lot of new things today.
Right. You said you wanted
to discuss something.
What is it?
I'm not sure if I'd be of any help.
That won't be necessary.
When I really need help,
I'll let you know again.
I see, okay.
Feel free to ask me any time.
-It's hot.
-What is all this?
In-u's father
sent this over for us to share.
Have a drink, Mr. Kim.
So? Let's all make a toast.
-Sure, Mr. Jang.
-Great job at the counseling session.
Good work, everyone.
-Great work.
-Great work.
Great work.
This is great.
Eat up.
That melted in my mouth.
This is why we eat Korean beef.
-Mr. Jang.
-Let's eat Korean beef more often.
-All right.
I heard it's really great for people
like us who need a lot of strength.
You never do anything
that requires strength, Mr. Choi.
You must mean Mr. Kim.
Mr. Choi, you should have a bite too.
Don't even think about it. Eat up.
Don't you dare collapse again.
You break my heart.
Look at how happy you are.
I should've treated you to it sooner.
Back in the day, we always ate
Korean beef when we met up.
On Parents' Day, Children's Day…
Whenever we met,
we'd always have some good beef…
What I mean is…
Korean beef is a special food
that we have on special days.
You're right.
We don't get together
as often as we used to.
The emptiness hits harder
on the good days.
All right, then. Cheers.
-All right.
-Keep your spirits up, everyone.
Keep your spirits up.
Yes, all right.
There is an APB out for that car.
And we'll receive
the restored video within the day.
Prosecutor Kang.
What are you reading?
It's nothing.
Have you been having
a tough time emotionally?
My hardships were nothing.
As I watched the counseling session
at Bluebird Foundation,
I came to wonder,
"What would I have done
if I had gone through that?"
"Could I have lived through it?"
What would you have done?
I would've killed everyone who did that.
It's just a figure of speech.
Nothing like that should ever happen.
Of course not.
I have a delivery.
Okay, thank you.
Like you said.
To prevent that from happening,
I should get back to work.
Let's see.
What do we have here?
What are you doing?
Have you gone crazy?
Park Yang-jin of Udata.
That's the number one
online file storage service in Korea.
-They're number one in Korea?
They have all kinds of movies and dramas.
That's where I download things.
I'm a member too.
Sounds like a pretty big deal.
Yes, it's huge.
It's the number one storage service.
Set up a meeting with the plaintiff
as soon as possible.
I'll set it up
for the middle of next month.
That's way too late.
-Can we squeeze him in before?
Your schedule is already full,
so we can't even catch a breath…
All right. I guess
I'll catch my breath in my next life.
You should stay longer.
I have work to do too.
If I'm always with you,
how will I get any work done?
If my eyes were a bit younger,
what I'm seeing right now
would be more enjoyable.
How old do you want those eyes to be?
This is exactly why I love you.
Corneas are pretty easy to get
compared to other organs.
Plus, you're the one who wants it.
I should take special care of you.
I don't care how old they are.
Just make sure they're fresh.
Don't worry about the money.
I hope to find someone with sharp eyes,
so no one would even dare
to look you in the eyes.
I'll take this, then.
I hope you aren't hungry.
If it's okay with you,
let's finish up the rest.
I'm innocent.
I already paid for everything I did.
Do you want some advice?
Kill me while you have the chance.
That is, if you want to live.
You haven't been reformed.
What a load of bullshit.
If you hadn't dragged me here,
I would've killed those brats who sued me.
Don't forget. The day I get out,
I will tear you, that taxi driver jerk,
and everyone who sued me to pieces.
Let's change the subject.
You have a daughter.
Her name is Cho Seon-min.
Unlike her father,
she grew up to be a wonderful person.
-While you were in prison,
your daughter, Seon-min,
lied that her father died,
and she got married.
Her husband is very handsome.
And he teaches at a middle school.
They even have cute twin daughters.
Don't they look like a happy family?
You just need to talk about me.
What are you talking about?
Do you think your son-in-law
knows his father-in-law is Cho Do-cheol?
He probably has no idea.
If he found out, it'd be horrifying.
Why else would your daughter, Seon-min,
say her perfectly healthy father was dead?
I'm okay with everything,
but don't touch my family, asshole!
I'll kill you!
Don't worry. I'll tell him everything.
I'll tell him
who the father of his beloved wife is,
and what his father-in-law did.
I'll tell your son-in-law everything.
I'll also tell the school he works at
and the day care center
where your twin granddaughters attend.
I'll tell them every little detail.
Don't do that.
My daughter did nothing wrong.
Please, I beg of you.
I'll… I'll do anything.
My family did nothing wrong.
Please. I'm on my knees.
Please. Please, I'm sorry!
-I'm sorry!
-Your daughter is innocent?
Then what was the family
you ruined guilty of?
Everyone else may forget,
but you must never forget.
Don't forget what you did to that girl,
and how much that girl
and her family are struggling
to return to living their everyday life.
You have to stay here
and remember that until the day you die.
Stop. Stop this.
You need to stop, you jerk!
I'll kill you.
No. Please, sir. I'm sorry.
Mister. Sir.
I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Just this once. Please show me mercy!
Please, I beg you.
-Are you done?
-Yes, sir.
-I'm sorry!
-Take him out.
-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!
If you forgive me,
I'll be good from now on!
I'll be really good!
Please, I beg you.
I'll be a good man.
Sir, please. Just this once.
I beg you! I really beg you.
Those people live such a tiring life.
I'm sorry.
This was the only space available.
It's a bit too rigid, isn't it?
No, it's all right.
I read everything on your lawsuit.
I wanted to hear the story from you
to verify the facts of the matter.
I see.
If it's too hard, you can refuse.
It's okay.
I'll tell you everything from the start.
Can we record this
to document your statement?
Your diary said
that your dream was to become an officer.
So I took the test instead of you.
Aren't you proud of me?
Do I think I'll make it?
You know as well as I do
that I'm awfully bad at taking tests.
Where are you going at this hour?
Can you take me on a drive?
Aren't you cold?
I'm fine.
My heart feels colder.
Do you want to go anywhere?
How far can you take me?
Let's see.
Until we run out of gas.
What are you saying?
When you miss someone,
what do you do?
I think about them.
What if you still miss them?
I think about them again.
What if you keep missing them?
Something other than thinking.
I talk about them.
I talk about the memories
I shared with them.
What was the most memorable moment
with the person you miss so much?
With my sister?
Let's see.
There was this one time.
Did you know sisters fight
way more often than brothers do?
She would always hit me,
but I guess she couldn't let
others hit her sister.
Do you know what she said?
"Whenever you bully my sister,
I'll pull out a handful of your hair."
"Keep bullying her
if you want to go bald."
There was another time
when our mom got mad at us
and kicked us out without shoes at night.
We should've been really scared,
but my sister and I ran around barefoot
and had a lot of fun.
We had so much fun that day.
It sounds like your sister
adored her younger sister very much.
Do you miss her a lot?
I do.
Very much so.
You wanted to see me?
The charges against Udata were dropped.
-His name is Kim Yeong-tak.
He was my direct senior.
He retired as a chief district attorney
and began working at a law firm.
He contacted me and said
the Udata Case was his first case.
Is this a professional courtesy?
A professional courtesy?
Both parties came to an agreement,
so they decided to drop the case.
In any case,
this is the first case
our senior took up after he retired,
so we should keep our duty as juniors.
They came to an agreement,
so don't dig into it
and cause more trouble.
You can do that much for him.
Okay. I understand.
Hey, you!
This is just wrong!
I knew you'd be like this.
Were you even listening to me?
Who turned in the case withdrawal?
-Was it that attorney you mentioned?
That man who used to be
a chief district attorney.
I know exactly what he did
to make him drop the case.
I bet he filed all kinds of lawsuits
against him.
He threatened
a weak and powerless individual,
then gave him a petty compensation.
Do you really think this is fair?
What about it?
Is that illegal?
You didn't even look at the case file!
If we turn away from cases like these,
who will help them resolve
their unfair treatment?
Mr. Cho!
Work hard…
when it's the right time for you to do so.
What would happen if soccer players ran
at full speed throughout the game?
That's what you're doing.
Don't waste your energy
on useless matters.
Start running at full speed
when you can put your talent to use.
This is all for your sake.
Are you sure it's not for the sake
of the former prosecutor, Kim Yeong-tak?
You may leave.
Things seem tenser than usual.
I have no idea what I'm doing either.
I have to use the restroom.
Okay, sure. Don't mind me. Go ahead.
I'll be right here.
-Prosecutor Kang.
-Let me go.
I understand how you feel.
I agree with everything you're saying.
You may be younger than me,
but I respect you.
Is it because you graduated from
a top university and passed the bar exam?
Not at all.
You have the courage to stand up
for unfortunate people like Seo Yeong-min,
and I'm grateful for that.
That's why I respect you.
I'm not in the mood for flattery, so stop.
I hope
you stay in this organization
for a long time.
I hope you won't chase after money
or go anywhere else.
Please hold out to the end.
If you want to stay here for a long time,
you cannot be broken.
Bamboo trees are too upright,
so it breaks with a gust of wind.
But no matter how windy it is,
the grass always gets back up.
You could act upright like the bamboo,
but you need to get back up
like the grass.
Please endure this.
Do not be broken.
You should go out and get some air.
Let me go cool down.
I'll get some ice cream.
Prosecutor Kang, I'll come with you.
I want some ice cream too.
What is this?
Someone threw it away.
You decide whether or not
to throw it away again.
What are you doing here?
It's a habit.
Are you feeling better?
I am.
Thank you for the other day.
-Did you see Mr. Jang?
That's a lot of ice cream.
I was burning up with rage.
-Do you want one?
-No, I'm good.
I'll be off, then.
Can we record this
to document your statement?
It started after I was hired
on the day of our orientation.
Welcome to Udata,
the best cloud storage service company
in the world.
-Were you dozing off?
-Pardon me?
I asked if you were dozing off
during his introduction.
No. My eye was stinging, so I was--
Right, of course. You're tired.
That's it.
Mr. Oh.
Have their contracts been signed?
No. Not yet, sir.
Let's take him out.
Sir, it's not that. I--
We don't need people like you,
so get out.
I'm sorry, sir. I'll be careful.
I apologize.
This applies to all of you.
If you came to work here
with such a weak mindset,
you should all just quit now.
Because my résumé is rather unimpressive,
it was terrifying to be told to quit.
It's okay.
Please get out.
Hello, Chairman Park.
Hello, Chairman Park.
What's going on here?
We were watching your introduction,
and he dozed off.
It's okay to doze off
while watching the video.
It's no big deal.
-They're the future of Udata.
Don't intimidate them right off the bat.
-It's okay.
-Yes, sir.
Even I get bored watching that video.
There's nothing catchy about it.
Let's have another great day. Let's do it!
Let's do it!
It didn't take long to find out the truth
behind Chairman Park's kind demeanor.
You punks!
-Yes, sir.
Whether you're a dude or a chick,
you need to drink up!
This is what good teamwork is.
Drink up.
Our newbies should have a drink!
-Number three!
-What are you doing?
Drink up and have another!
-Hold on a second!
What are you doing?
Did you see that?
I can't really drink--
I'm buying you guys drinks
with Udata's precious money,
and you spat it out?
Are you insane?
Hold on. No, wait. Who hired her?
I'm sorry!
-I'm sorry, sir.
-Get lost.
You messed up, you idiot.
Yes. I'm sorry, sir.
-You jerk.
-Yes, sir.
You're not even worth it.
Hey, you. Pretty boy at the end.
-Come here.
-Number four.
-Number four, let's go!
-You punk.
-Hey! Run!
-Slap Mr. Lee in the face.
-I'm so jealous.
-Do it!
-So jealous!
-Do it!
-I'll demonstrate.
Director Jung.
Yes, sir!
Watch and learn.
Nice one, sir!
Hey, you!
-It's an honor, sir!
-My gosh.
-You saw that, right?
Slap him.
If you can't do it, you're really fired.
-I love it!
-Ready. Set.
-I love it!
-How exciting!
Go for it!
-Are you insane?
-I'm sorry, sir.
Hey, you. Get over here.
You saw what I did, right?
-Yes, sir.
-If your slap is quieter than his,
you're dead. You're fired!
Get ready!
Go, number five!
-Go for it!
-I'm really sorry.
-Good job!
-I love it!
-Are you all right?
-Sit down. Have a seat.
Did you see that?
If you can't do it, you're really fired.
Ready. Set.
You have to do it anyway,
so just get it over with.
Gosh, sir!
I was determined to stay,
so I endured it all.
That is one grueling hazing ritual.
-But one day…
-Who was it?
Who's number 14?
Show your face, you idiot!
That incident happened
when I started handling customer service.
Come here.
I really couldn't understand
why Chairman Park assaulted me.
Goddamn it!
What the hell is this?
"Thank you for your inquiry.
We, at Udata, deeply apologize for…"
Damn it!
What? A refund?
Did you really write this?
Yes, sir.
There was an error with the account--
I can't believe this. Get over here.
You idiot.
Who are you
to apologize on behalf of Udata?
Look at this arrogant punk.
Is this your company?
Are you the chairman?
-I'm sorry, sir.
-Saying sorry doesn't cut it, you punk!
What will you do about this?
Your boss, the owner of the company,
has to bow to some no-name loser
because of you. But what? You're sorry?
-Are you drunk?
-No, sir.
You screwed me over
when you're not even drunk?
Damn you!
Not a single person tried to stop him.
I felt like
they were all slapping me.
Are you still at work?
-Why are you working late on a weekend?
Are you that busy?
Don't wait up for me.
All right.
I love you.
I ended up quitting after half a year.
I couldn't go on like that.
Evil employer Park Yang-jin.
Employees are human too.
I wanted to vent.
Honey. Come help me.
I'll be right there.
That was all.
That was all I did.
All right.
Yeong-min, long time no see.
How have you been?
You're looking great.
-Go around.
-Let's go eat.
Let's get some fresh air.
Great timing. Director Lee Chang-dong
got famous like this.
Hey, Yeong-min. Let's get famous.
Give me a smile.
Let's go.
Nice mise-en-scène. It's great.
Chairman Park.
No. I'm not a chairman.
An evil… What?
Evil employer.
Right, the evil employer Park Yang-jin.
I'm not a chairman.
Did you think I wouldn't know?
I'm sorry, sir.
But I deleted it immediately.
You did.
But it's stuck in my head.
How… How will you delete this?
Hey, asshole!
I feel so humiliated, asshole!
After all I've done for you guys…
Man up and take responsibility
for what you did.
Hey, what exactly did he write?
"Evil employer Park Yang-jin."
"Employees are human too!"
Yes, you guys are human too.
How many characters is that?
That would be 15, sir.
Then how about three hits per character?
-How many is that in total?
-What are you doing?
It's 45, sir.
It's the bottom
of the ninth with two outs.
-Bases loaded!
-Are you insane?
Finally, Park Yang-jin takes the plate.
The sky is clear.
All eyes are on him.
All right, here he goes!
Get up, asshole!
-Hey, get up.
Get him up.
Don't be such a crybaby.
He fainted just after one hit?
-Get up.
-Open your eyes.
We're not done yet. Open your eyes.
Why are you overreacting?
-You punk.
Here we go.
What's with this rotten attitude?
-You need to work on your attitude.
-Four, five.
I'm from the countryside,
so I've seen them butcher dogs.
It's really horrifying.
It's so sad.
Six, seven,
Why don't you take a break, sir?
Was it good?
I'm not a thug like these guys, you punk!
Gosh. My hands.
Why don't you have a go?
It's this unit here.
Can I help you?
Hello. We're here to see Mr. Seo.
Is he home?
The man who lives here?
Then you should go to the hospital.
Mr. Seo is in the hospital now?
I don't know the details.
I live next door,
but I heard he was hospitalized recently.
His wife is probably there too.
Could you give us his wife's number?
I'm not sure if I can just give it out.
We're from
the Northern District Prosecutors' Office.
Here you go.
Thank you.
No problem.
Gosh, I wonder what's going on.
A man came by
and asked the same thing earlier.
The severe injuries
resulted in physical and mental shock.
We'll observe him
for a few days and decide.
Hello, we're looking
for Mr. Seo Yeong-min…
I'm Kang Ha-na. I called you.
What happened?
I heard he fell off a bridge.
They think he jumped.
What? He jumped?
He jumped?
Thank you.
I know he put up with a lot
while working there because of the money.
But how could they beat him up like this
when he no longer works there?
When he got home
after being beaten by Park Yang-jin,
I told him to file a lawsuit.
I was with him
when he filed the complaint.
He said
that he didn't want
to be a coward anymore.
That he wanted to
make me proud as my husband.
So why would he suddenly drop the charges,
have a drink, and jump off a bridge?
Does it make sense to you?
There's no way.
No way.
I'll leave these inside.
Thank you.
-Take care.
It's a bit far
to say he jumped on his own.
All right, let's go.
Your hair looks nice like that.
Please make your choice.
You've made your choice.
Now, let's get on the deluxe taxi
to get your revenge.
-The railing looks pretty high.
-I was thinking the same thing.
It's a bit high to say
that he jumped off drunk.
What happened at his job
that he felt compelled
to jump from a bridge?
We don't know if he jumped
or if he was thrown off.
Unfortunately, there are no CCTV cameras
near this bridge.
There are two things we have to find out.
First, why did he drop the charges
as soon as he left the company?
Second, why was he found under the bridge
after leaving the company?
The answers to those questions
lie inside the company.
Then it's easy.
-Go-eun has access to every CCTV.
-No, there are some that I can't access.
Like what?
If the cameras are offline,
I can't access them.
Just like that bridge.
And that's exactly the type of CCTV system
that Udata uses.
Then how can we see it?
How would I know?
I'm not an employee there.
An employee?
So you worked at VNware in Silicon Valley?
Mr. Kim Do-gi.
Yes. I'm sorry.
I'm still a little jet-lagged.
My, what an impressive résumé.
You can definitely get a job
at any major company you want.
Why did you choose us?
That's because
it's close to my house.
The US is huge, you know.
The commute was very stressful.
You were at the top of your class
in high school.
What's this? You were at the top
of your class in engineering school too?
For real?
Did I go a bit overboard?
He even submitted his transcript.
Tell us, Mr. Kim.
What is the real reason
you want to work here?
Don't say it's close to your house.
Tell us the real reason.
You see…
I was the top student
when I was in high school
as well as when I was in college.
It bothers me when someone beats me.
That's why I have to work at a company
that is number one in its field.
Otherwise, I'll feel uncomfortable.
So I did my research
and heard Udata was the number one
online file storage company
in the country.
So I'm going to work here.
No, I would like to work here.
I will work here.
Nice, I like that.
I like your reason for applying.
Great. Welcome to Udata, Mr. Kim.
No, hold on.
-Manager Kim.
-Me? I'm a manager?
-That's right.
My gosh, thank you.
I'll work hard.
-I'll do my very best.
-That's a given.
We'll be keeping an eye on you.
Yes, sir.
-Are you a good drinker?
-Me? I drink a little.
Do you know how to catch a chicken?
-A chicken?
Well, I've never done it.
-But I can do it.
-That's right!
I can catch anything.
Nice, that's great.
Actually, there isn't much we can do.
It's not even a security company,
but everything's sealed.
Here. I think I found something.
There was a similar case in the past.
Do you know where he is now?
No, I don't.
My goodness.
I'm okay.
Why does he live in such a remote place?
He's not even from here.
Hello. May I ask you something?
Do you know a man named Jeon Jin-won?
The young man from Seoul?
Go that way.
Thank you.
Are you Mr. Jeon Jin-won?
Who are you?
I'm Prosecutor Kang Ha-na from Seoul.
May I ask you a few questions?
No. I have nothing to say. Please leave.
We came all the way here to talk to you.
Please spare us a moment.
-No, I can't.
-Do you know Chairman Park Yang-jin?
What happened between the two of you?
I don't know anything.
Please leave.
I… I know nothing, so just leave!
Leave at once. I really…
-I did nothing wrong.
-What are you doing?
Let's go back for now.
We should reinvestigate the case.
Without telling Mr. Cho, of course.
He said we can't charge someone
once the charges are dropped.
According to the rules,
that is correct too.
I didn't say we'd indict him
for assaulting Seo Yeong-min.
-Then what?
-It seems like
-that company has a lot of problems.
-Like what?
We haven't found anything on them yet.
Why else would they cover their asses?
It means they have a lot to hide.
They have a lot of problems.
If we investigate those issues,
it may lead us to evidence
on the Seo Yeong-min Case.
Sure. Maybe, but…
Yes, that's it!
We just have to find something.
Like corruption. Just one thing!
Anything. Whatever. It's all good.
Seriously, why are you doing this to me?
It's not like I work for that company.
I'm just saying.
Do you know anyone at Udata?
No! I don't know…
Excuse me.
What are you doing here?
That's what I want to ask.
Why are you here?
Do you work here?
How are you sleeping these days?
Do you have difficulty sleeping?
Or have you been sleeping too much?
I'm just…
What do you enjoy the most these days?
Nothing really.
What kind of food do you like the most?
That too. Nothing really.
Remember what I always tell you?
What was it?
Will you tell me?
Today, I'd like to hear you say it.
It's not my fault.
It's not my fault.
I want you to say it like that
at our next session.
But, doctor…
Then whose fault is it?
Who is at fault?
Where are they?
Did Mr. Kim go into the office
or a revival?
What will you do now?
I need to switch departments.
To Strategic Planning.
-I want to join the most important team.
-You're one of the key players of Udata.
Please tell the chairman
that I'm sad I didn't get to see him.
This is all my fault.
I'm going to do something to this company.
Which department are you in?
That lunatic is with my employee.
-Let's do this!
-What is going on?
I think we overlooked something.
I saw on the news
that someone takes care
of bullies for five million won.
Do you have money?
No, I don't.
Right. Of course you don't.
What are you doing? Let's go.
Right. Let's go.
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