Ten Percent (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

No, I'm fine.
I just didn't want to wake you.
I just thought I'd get in early.
It's like it's your first day.
No, of course not. I'm fine.
-This is a good day.
-Yes. No, I know.
It's where you set out your stall.
Yes, the sky is blue,
the birds are singing and so on.
Not here, obviously, but somewhere.
Definitely. Yeah.
How bad can it actually be?
That is a stupid question.
It could be terrible.
But she might be really nice.
I've met with some normal Americans.
At least with Jonathan
you know where you stand with him.
I can read him like a book.
-Can you?
-Yeah, of course.
It's not exactly War and Peace.
- Hi.
-So today is the day?
Look, it's just another day, okay?
We carry on as normal.
She can observe if she wants to.
That is up to her.
-Exactly. Yeah.
-Julia, hi.
- Jonathan.
I got in today
No, Julia, slow down.
You're not making sense.
Julia, are you all right?
What's happened?
No, because
Outside my office, please.
I tried to tell her.
Hey, Jonathan.
It's so great to meet you.
This is so exciting.
Yes, uh, great.
-This is unbelievable.
And predictable.
Are they gonna have this every morning?
They can't, surely. It's impossible.
Hey, guys. So sorry to keep you waiting.
Oh, no, please, take a seat.
Oh, my God, did I just take
your seat, Jonathan?
-It's fine.
- I'm so sorry.
No, no, it's okay. I'll just
Right. Okay.
-No, no, no, no!
-Oh, my God, what?
He's not supposed
to sit down there. This is wrong.
Oh. Shit.
-Oh, no.
-Really, it's nothing.
-What is it?
-You have the same birthday
-as Tuppence Middleton?
-Do I?
-Yes. And Robert Mugabe apparently.
-Oh. Right.
Oh, wow! Uh
A bracelet!
Well, you know.
Ollie, that's really I mean, it's so
Oh, right, Kate Winslet.
-You got this from the gift cupboard.
I just thought if she doesn't want it,
-then happy birthday, Misha.
-It's lovely. Thank you.
Before we begin, I just want to say
I know this may feel odd to you guys.
A new face at the table,
a new voice in the room, if you will,
but you should know
that's not what this is.
-Thank you.
-My job is to help and support you
-in any way I can, in any way you need.
I'm going to have to learn how to do that.
Exactly, yes.
Perhaps, if I could speak
from our perspective
Sure. We had something
we wanted to share with you
that we thought might be a terrific way
to celebrate this new beginning.
-All right.
-So what we were thinking is
-Phoebe Dynevor.
-Phoebe Dynevor?
- That's it?
-That's the whole thought?
- Absolutely.
What better way to mark this moment
than to recruit the star of Bridgerton
into our new family?
Yeah, okay, the problem with that
is that, she already has a family.
They're called Dean Street Management.
Right. Kevin, you maybe
want to speak to that.
Sure. Our understanding, Jonathan
-I'm sorry, forgive me, but
-Oh, I'm sorry, yes.
So, everyone, this is Kevin.
-Kevin is currently the best assistant
-working anywhere.
-That's probably not true.
Everyone should have a Kevin.
Our understanding is that Phoebe
may actually be unhappy at Dean Street.
Let me just get this clear.
Phoebe is looking for a new agent.
-She could be.
-Maybe she should be.
-Okay, but the point is that
-The point is this is irrelevant.
It really doesn't matter
if she is happy or miserable.
We do not go out and steal clients.
-We don't do that.
Right. But our goal here
is to grow this beautiful thing
you guys have built together, right?
-Not to end up having to downscale
-To downscale?
Right. So this could be
a pretty cool solve for one of you.
-We're on a journey here
and, one way or another,
we're going to get to the starting line.
-The starting line?
We are so excited about this.
We so are.
Brilliant, love. Thank you, Cece.
Marcus, this is Zoe Spencer.
Zoe, good to see you.
-Yes. But can I just say before we start?
- Hmm.
Clara is the most incredible character.
-Yes, isn't she?
-I love her.
Yeah, me too.
She was actually based
on my great grandmother.
-Oh, my God, really?
-She was in the actual war?
-Oh, yes. Radar control mostly.
Wow. God, I love her even more now.
-I mean, the character.
Not that I wouldn't love her as well.
-Is she still alive?
-I'm afraid not.
No, of course. Sorry.
Well, how do you feel about
just doing one?
-Shall we?
-Yes. No, absolutely.
Okay, great. I will read in David.
If you want to direct your lines to me,
-that would be great.
All right, and make it your own.
-Yes. Thanks.
- Okay, great.
I'm sorry.
I want to do this.
I have to do it. If you love me,
you'd know that. Look, look at me.
David, please, don't turn away.
Look at me.
-Well, of course, it's a threat.
-It's a test.
Who can bring me Phoebe?
Or else someone gets shot.
-Look, this is ridiculous.
-I wish she'd stop fucking smiling.
-Freaks me out.
No one is getting fired. Trust me.
Trust you? I'm afraid the truth is
you don't have the authority anymore.
-We'll see about that, shall we?
-Yes, we shall.
We need to discuss how we respond.
How we respond?
There's nothing to discuss.
We stick together, otherwise,
we might as well give up now.
Okay, if that's the general view
Excuse me. Do you guys have rice milk?
-Rice milk?
-For Kirsten, yes.
-I couldn't find any earlier.
-Rice milk?
-Uh, no.
-Of course not.
-That's great.
Thanks, guys.
Rice milk?
Okay, to be clear, no one's going to be
approaching Phoebe.
-You're going to tell her.
-Of course. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Uh, sorry. What's happening?
I need to be able to see Kirsten.
-It's crucial for me.
-This is my desk.
-Maybe if you could
That's where David lives.
-He lives there.
You shouldn't touch that.
No, you shouldn't.
Right hand down a bit.
No. Too much, back, yeah, back a bit.
-There. Great.
How's the shift to father's office?
-It's more you somehow.
-I've forgotten something, I'll be back.
- Yes?
I just wanted to ask Jonathan something.
-Jonathan's busy at the moment.
-Right, I mean, he's right there.
-Have you got a moment?
-Uh, I've got a lot going on.
Yes. Yes, I know.
-It's just I just have this script.
-A script?
It's not by me. Could you read it?
-I mean, it's really good.
I'd love to know what you think,
-'cause actually
-Not now, okay?
I'm sorry. Maybe some other time.
I mean, today of all days.
-Right. Yeah.
-I mean, is this Anything else?
No. Uh No, that's fine.
Okay, good.
-He's actually very busy.
-I forgot this, I'm sorry.
Right, yeah, great.
Perhaps, you'll get to light it one day.
Yes. Yes.
Ooh. Stapler. Fantastic.
She'd never do it.
-Anyone who smiles that much.
It's just marking territory.
Arrive, make a statement.
I'll tell you one thing,
if she was going to let someone go.
-I know,
but if that's what this is about,
it's not gonna be Jonathan or Stella.
-So, really,
it's gonna be either you or me.
Which means it's probably gonna be you.
Yes, exactly. Or you.
Hello, it's Stella Hart here.
Uh, I'd like to make an appointment
to see Dr. Winterslow, please.
Yes, I mean, I can make that.
You couldn't make it sooner?
No, it's nothing urgent.
At least I'm sure it's nothing urgent.
I'd just like her opinion
on something, that's all.
Thank you.
Oh, thank you. Yeah, I just got here.
Hi, it's Phoebe Dynevor.
I'm here for the photo shoot.
Upstairs in the drawing room.
-Drawing room. Thank you.
That's hilarious. He didn't.
There's a few changes
to the schedule.
-I had to bring a few things forward.
- Okay.
Lot of people
This evening, you're checking
in with the LA office at 6:00.
That takes you
to your call with Universal,
which I've allocated 30 minutes for.
Then you have a tea break
which takes you to your call
with Shonda Rhimes.
I don't need 30 minutes to drink tea.
I can put something there.
-Yes, you can.
-Hi, there.
I was wondering if we could chat.
-Perhaps, just the two of us?
Right. Um, I should probably
just come out and say it.
No, please do.
So, uh, we've discussed it as a team,
and the thing is, uh,
we're not going to be pursuing
Phoebe Dynevor as a client.
-For the reasons we mentioned at the time.
No, sure.
You know what you're doing, right?
Well, yeah.
We would love it
if you guys thought about it.
-We have thought about it.
-That was us thinking about it.
-Absolutely. It's so exciting.
I'm putting a flag
in everyone's calendar for a debrief
with Kirsten, end of day Friday.
-Debrief? Wait a minute.
How the fuck did you do that?
You hadn't checked
"global calendar sharing" on your network.
Global calendar sharing?
-Yes. We fixed that.
-This is my calendar.
It's mine. It's for me.
Now everybody else can see it, too.
-That other thing we talked about?
- Sure.
Other thing?
It's UWT policy that we don't carry
any dead weight when it comes to clients.
Dead weight?
We thought it would be great
to get into the list
All right. Okay. Thank you.
Um, with the greatest respect,
we've been doing this a long time
and who we choose to represent as clients
is a matter of choice.
It's not something that can be
got into by anybody else.
-Absolutely. Oh, my gosh,
I love where your head is
with this, Jonathan.
Totally. 100%.
Okay, speak soon. Yeah, bye.
Uh, Hugo, right?
-Sorry. I just had to nip to the bathroom.
-Yes, so
-Lovely to meet you.
-Yes, you too.
-This all looks exciting.
-Yes, the thing is
-I've been looking at these.
-Oh, uh, right.
-I really like them.
-Yes. They're nice.
Do you want to talk me through
what you're thinking?
Sure. Uh, so
-Well, this is a red jumper.
And, um
I like it because it's It's red.
Compared to other kinds
of jumpers all over, this is a knitwear
that you might end up with. Uh, Valentino.
- Yes?
I'm so sorry.
It's chaos on the Northern Line.
-Uh, so
Stylist. I am so sorry
if I kept you waiting.
-Oh. So, you're the stylist?
I mean, who am I then?
Yeah, I suppose I have the same question.
- Hi.
Is this a good moment?
-Is this
Close the door!
-For fuck's sake.
I'm sorry, yes.
It's okay, though, I haven't told anyone.
No. So?
I did some asking around.
-I didn't say who I was.
So, apparently,
Phoebe is really unhappy at Dean Street.
She's unhappy with their projects.
-Ugh. Honestly.
-Like cashing in, basically.
-I mean, fuckwits.
-Yeah. So?
But one thing I did find out
is that she goes running
-every morning on Hampstead Heath.
-Oh, shit.
-For Christ's sake,
why do they always have to run?
-Yes, hey.
Shit! Yes, the audition, how did it go?
-So, well, I think.
-No, of course, it did. I mean, it's you.
Marcus is great. He's so nice.
-He took me out to lunch
and we talked about the part.
-He took you out to lunch?
Lunch as in the two of you or
No, just us.
They've got some people to see,
but he was serious.
-He's going to call you tomorrow.
That's great.
Will he call?
It's not just a thing directors say?
-No, he'll call.
-He took me to lunch.
-Yes, you said, yes.
-I know.
I'm sorry. I always do this.
-Look, didn't I tell you you'd be great?
-You did. Yes.
Thank you, Dan.
-Thank you. Thank you.
Sorry, when did this arrive?
Uh, I'm not sure. I changed them
when I got back from my audition.
-It went really well, by the way.
With respect,
your soap opera is nothing
without Jordan O'Connor.
This is not good.
They can't kill off Ryan Swan.
My mom loves him.
She's going to be gutted.
He was in the original cast.
She is obsessed with Greenfield Road.
He does not need this now.
He is in a fragile place.
-He's leaving.
-No. Jonathan.
Yes. Sorry, what am I like?
-This is so typical of him.
-Of Jonathan?
-No. Jordan.
-Jordan, yes.
Everything is always about him.
Okay, Jordan O'Connor has, like, issues.
-Yeah, he threw a coffee at a runner once.
-It was cold.
-Oh, right.
-That's why he threw it.
-But then,
he threw another coffee
at another runner, but it was hot.
-I don't know why he threw that one.
Dream the fuck on! Goodbye!
Poor Jonathan.
No, I understand.
Right, but Ryan,
he's spending at that exact
moment so, that's a perfect
-Yes, I completely agree with that.
Well, let's do this then.
How about I call Ryan,
give him a quick talk
-This is ridiculous.
I know it is.
It's nearly nine o'clock.
There's nothing to stop you going.
And have my card marked
as the one that leaves first?
Sorry, I've got another call.
No, Jonathan
Dan, hi.
-How will we ever get out?
-For God's sake!
-Oh. Hi. Yes.
-Good night, Dan.
Right, good night.
You're just leaving then?
That's how I intend to get home.
-Right. Yeah.
-Come on, Mathias. See you tomorrow, Dan.
Yeah. See you in the morning. Yeah.
Uh, we'll probably be here for another
three hours. Yeah.
Okay, Misha Virani,
it is your special night,
and so you can choose where we go next.
-Oh, I don't know.
-We should do karaoke!
-Do they not call it that in Scotland?
-Okay, I will hook it up.
-Okay. Good!
Hi. How are you?
Good. Thanks. Well, I'm a bit drunk.
Whoa. Okay. Happy birthday.
-Oh, thanks.
-Oh, is this a party?
I don't know if you'd call it that.
I get it, don't worry.
Um Is Beardy here?
-Your boyfriend. Is he one of them?
What do you mean?
-I don't have one.
-I don't know what you're saying.
-I'm gonna let
Why don't I call you
and we can catch up about
Yeah, okay. You call me.
Have a nice birthday party.
Happy birthday, Misha.
-Hi, Luke.
Okay, ultimate karaoke song, go.
Oh. We're still doing that?
I booked us a booth at Vocal Chord.
"I Want To Dance With Somebody"?
Oh, my God.
We are so doing that as a duet, okay?
Come on, let's go!
If it's gonna be like this,
I'm gonna sleep in the afternoons.
-When does she even eat?
Maybe she goes home and powers down.
-Should we talk about something else?
-Okay. Yeah.
-Whoa. What's happened to you?
Usually, that's my cue to get my coat.
Nothing's happened to me.
-Holy shit.
-Margaux Martorana.
-What about her?
-No, it's great, really.
I'm happy for you, that's all.
Well, thanks a lot.
She's gone to Paris now.
She's gone, so
Relationships are a trade-off.
You lose the excitement of not knowing
where you're gonna wake up,
but you get to stay at home
and watch Bake Off
and choose someone
you can both hate together.
-What did you do last Saturday?
Margaux made a Quiche Florentine
and I watched.
Right. And how was that?
-It was unbelievable.
-Well, there you go.
-So, it's excitement or quiche?
-Uh, well, yeah, pretty much.
I'm gonna need another one. Same again?
Well, obviously, yes.
Please try, for me.
Mom, I can't. How can I save him?
I don't know.
-I'm just an assistant.
There must be a way. You're brilliant.
It won't be the same without him.
Mom, I need to go to bed.
It's not my birthday anymore.
Good night, Misha. Sleep well.
Hydrate or you're going to
wake up with a headache.
Yes, Mom.
-I love you.
-Love you, too.
-Morning. Hi. So
-Watch out!
-I'm so sorry about this.
-No, don't be.
It's not a big deal.
-Thanks for calling the ambulance.
-Of course.
If you're okay now,
I should probably be
Uh, I just wanted to say
You see, this is such a weird coincidence.
-Do you believe in fate?
-No, not really.
-I feel like this is a sign.
You have also just run
into a tree, though.
No, I mean, I'm not sure how to put this,
-but, I'm an agent.
-An agent?
-What, like a secret agent?
No, no, like an "agent" agent.
Wait, sorry. Were you following me?
-No, no, no. I was just behind a tree.
Just give me 30 seconds
of you life, alright?
You're a once-in-a-lifetime talent.
You should be happy.
You should be doing what you want to.
You're Phoebe Dynevor.
No, I know I am.
-I wouldn't be able to
-Wait. Sorry, this is a bit weird.
- Jesus.
No, no, no, no.
-Are you okay?
-What are you doing here?
I'm your emergency contact.
-Which is fine. I had no idea that
It was me who actually phoned you.
Oh, right.
-I mean, what the fuck?
-You two know each other?
-You know each other?
You two know each other?
Look, this is a coincidence.
Wow. Okay, that's a lot of
coincidences going on.
So you two are from the same agency?
-What are the chances?
-I don't believe this.
-I know.
-I don't believe either.
-Which one?
-Uh, which one?
Yes. So I can make sure
I never go anywhere near it.
I think maybe we shouldn't
Nightingale Hart.
Right. Okay. Yeah, fine.
-Nightingale Hart?
"Nightingale" as in
"Jonathan Nightingale"?
-Yes. Why?
-Thanks, Julia. Great.
Wow! What the hell is that?
Viennese Strudel Surprise.
-Thought you might like it.
-Yeah, well, thank you, Julia.
-Oh. Simon Gould phoned.
-Simon Gould?
He missed the Casualty audition
because he thinks
he went to the wrong hospital.
The wrong hospital?
Yes, I know. He sounded in quite a state.
Anyway, he said he'd love to talk to you.
-Right. Yeah, thank you.
And as you begin
to sage your space,
repeat after me,
"The past does not define me,
-"this is a new beginning."
-The past does not define me.
This is a new beginning.
Hi. Yeah, sure.
No. Fuck!
-No, no, no, no, no.
-What's happened?
-I was only messing about.
Oh, my God.
-What am I gonna do?
No, this is, like, amazing.
Jonathan's going to be furious.
I know he will.
He does not need this.
-I was just trying to help him.
-That's what I do.
It's my job.
So there's a dog in this office?
-I don't want to know.
I'll deal with it.
Great, great, great.
Simon, hi. It's Jonathan.
Jonathan, hello.
-How lovely to hear from you.
-How are you?
-I'm okay. Thanks.
I know what you're calling about.
-I'm so sorry.
-The truth is I hadn't slept.
I really wanted this one, you know,
and I literally
couldn't read the directions.
-Do you ever get that,
when your eyes won't work?
Yeah. So, it wasn't just Casualty
I was calling about.
Don't tell me you got me another audition.
-I honestly don't deserve it.
Okay, right.
The thing is The reason
I wanted to talk to you,
and this isn't
an easy conversation to have.
Oh, darling boy.
But I think it's probably
the right time to have it.
Um, there comes a time with the client
when you have to ask yourself
whether or not you've done
everything you can for them.
And if that happens,
I think you owe it to them to
Well, give them a chance
to make a fresh start somewhere else.
As I say, not an easy
conversation to have.
-The thing is, I've been so lucky.
So lucky. I can't begin to tell you.
-Or to thank you.
-Well, I mean, look
And your dear Dad, of course,
-lovely Richard.
Promise you'll take care of yourself.
Promise me that.
Uh, yep. Uh, I mean, I will.
Uh, Jon Uh, Jonathan Nightingale.
Right. Okay. Sorry?
What do you mean? What petition?
I'm sorry. I was just trying to help.
-To help?
Do you know what you've done?
Me and Ollie were talking about it.
-Well, that's
-I thought that if they could see
what the character means to people,
they might change their minds.
You are Rebecca's assistant, not mine.
-It's my name above the door still.
I will not be forced to defend something
-I know nothing about.
-It won't happen again.
Well, no, it will not.
I'll take it down.
-Huh, no.
Well, not yet.
Let's just see where it goes.
But we cannot go on like this.
-Oh, my God.
He was this close to firing her.
I could smell it in his eyes.
Well, you know why he didn't?
-I can't. I shouldn't.
-What? Okay, no, you so should.
-You mustn't tell anyone.
-I know. What?
It's because of who her father is.
-Her father?
-Yes. He's a client of Jonathan's.
Why hasn't she said?
-Because she can't. She
-She can't?
Oh, my God, no. Oh, my God, a love child.
-You promise
I promise. Just tell me who.
David Tennant.
-David Tennant.
-Have you got a minute?
Christ. What the hell happened to you?
Let me get this straight.
We agreed
we weren't going to approach her.
All of us collectively.
And, then, both of you separately
Well, mine was just a fluke.
-Yeah, I just ran into her.
-You ran into a tree.
Yes. The thing is that when we told her
-where we were from, something happened.
-What's this?
She said
she'd only be prepared to talk to you.
Okay. Well
-Oh. No, please don't do that face.
-What face?
That face you do
when everything's going your way.
I think that's just his face. Isn't it?
No. Uh
That's still gonna be a no.
Oh, I like the direction
you went that time,
but that one's an absolutely not, so
-Hey, Stella?
-Yes, good night.
-Before you go
So, about the dog
"The dog"?
Kirsten really doesn't do dogs.
-She doesn't do them?
-Forget the details,
but she cannot be in the same space.
-I thought you should know.
Yes. Well, it's going to be an interesting
time for her then, isn't it?
-Hi. You're off then?
All right, well, okay.
This is ridiculous.
-I still got a few things to do.
-Life's too short.
-It's too short.
Oh, my God.
It's okay, it's just a drill.
-It's just a drill.
-I know. Frustrating. This way.
What is that?
So, with Phoebe Dynevor,
I'm gonna have lunch with her tomorrow.
- I said,
I'm gonna be having lunch
with Phoebe tomorrow.
-That's great news, Jonathan.
That's great news, Jonathan.
It might be best to keep it
between ourselves for now.
-It might what?
-Keep it between ourselves.
-Sure, whatever you prefer.
You need to make a stand.
You've hardly been back
before ten all week.
-It's just a transition.
-You've got a life.
-It'll be fine.
-Or I have anyway,
-even if you haven't.
- Ha ha.
Yeah, it'll be normal soon.
You're all right for tonight anyway.
-Of course. Yes.
-Oh, for God's sake.
-This is what I mean.
How many times am I going to
have an ex-student opening as Giselle?
Yes, Giselle.
Even Luke's coming and he hates ballet.
It'll be the perfect excuse.
So you can be back by 06:00 then?
-Yes, fine, 06:00. Great.
Your phone's ringing.
Anything from Marcus?
-No. Nothing.
-I told you.
-I knew this would happen.
-So I called him.
You called him?
Told him you had other offers
and we needed to know.
-What do you mean, "And?"
I got it?
'Course you got it.
You're brilliant, remember?
Thank you.
- Hi.
Jonathan. Sorry I'm a bit late.
-Oh, no, I was early.
It's good to meet you finally.
I can't begin to tell you
how exciting this is for me.
I know this is work
and I don't know what you like,
but the Bellinis here
are out of this world.
I'm sure lots of people
are saying this to you,
but it's not going to stop me saying it.
It's so exciting when a talent like yours
just explodes into the public
consciousness, it's so deserved.
-Well, that's very kind of you.
It's what reminds us why we wanted
to be in this business.
-Ah, well
-And you won't remember this,
I actually came to your showcase
at the Guildhall.
Yes. No, I remember.
It was obvious then
the journey you were going to go on.
-You thought that?
-Oh, absolutely.
And not to get ahead of ourselves,
but, um, for the idea that I might have
some part to play in in that journey.
That is just thrilling beyond belief.
So, cheers.
-Okay, well
-What's this?
It's my headshot
from my Guildhall showcase.
Sorry, I can't quite make out the
Oh, it says, "Phone. Garage.
Haircut. Shoes. Cheese?" Which I think
means you might have needed cheese.
Unless, you were questioning the concept.
Oh, and there's a name at the top.
Sorry, who gave this to you?
No one did.
I found it under your seat after the show.
-I knew where you were sitting.
I cried when I read it.
-Phoebe, I'm
-I am not here for revenge,
but, um, I wanted you to know.
I wanted to tell you how it made me feel.
Maybe so you won't make anyone else,
you know, some other young girl
with a heart full of hope
feel like that.
The people you have the power
to hurt the most
are the ones
who want to please you the most.
Who just want you
to notice them, like I did.
Well, I know that now.
And I wanted to make sure
you knew it, too.
Hmm And you're right,
that really is amazing.
Okay, well, this has been good.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for meeting me.
I feel so much better now.
I'm sorry.
Do you mind if I hold onto this?
Sure. Yeah, I won't be needing it anymore.
Here you go. Here, boy.
What's this? What's this?
No, it's fine. Honestly.
Sorry. He said he had to see you.
I should never have appeared like this.
No. Not with that amount of whiskey
on your breath, you shouldn't.
-I wanted to bring this in.
-What is it?
Do you remember? Savoy Grill, 1987.
-Richard took us for a meal
-after my Cherry Orchard at the Haymarket.
-Yes. I remember.
I'll never forget it, the three of us.
I got you both to sign it.
I thought you might like it.
-It was all ahead of us then.
"It was a time full of the promise
of happiness,
"which you subsequently realize
is happiness itself."
F. Scott Fitzgerald. I think.
-You're better now?
-Well, you were ill.
Aha. Yes. I mean, you know, touch wood.
I was lucky. God knows why.
For God's sake, be better then.
-Live the life you've got.
-Darling Stella
-Look, Simon
-Are you all right?
-I'm fine.
-I don't think I could bear it if
This isn't about me, this is about you.
And about Richard.
And about the faith he had in you.
I'm so sorry.
Things are a bit difficult
just at the moment.
Anyway, as I say,
thought you might like it.
You're the only one of us left here now.
What on Earth are you talking about?
Yeah, yeah,
I can do it for him. Sure.
Excuse me. Jordan. I
-Where's Jonathan?
-He's out, I'm afraid, Jordan. Can I help?
Who started that fucking petition?
Somebody must know.
How dare you post the photo
of Ryan Swan without his approval?
-Well, I was trying to help.
-Jordan, hi.
-Everything okay?
-This petition was started
by one of your stupid interns.
-Did you know?
- She's not an intern,
and she's not stupid.
Let's talk in my office.
Have you seen the photo?
-Yes, I have.
-I'm a laughing stock.
Makes me look desperate.
As if I need Greenfield Road.
That's debatable.
Now I've got some useless girl
making me look like a fool.
-"Useless young girl?"
-What are you doing?
Thanks to her,
you might have any career left.
-You should be thanking her.
You can't do this, I'm Ryan Swan.
No, you're Jordan O'Connor.
That's the problem.
Now, get out.
- Fuck!
You're gonna be hearing
from Ryan Swan's lawyers.
Just fuck off, Jordan, for God's sake.
-Are you all right?
-I believe you fired Simon Gould.
-Jesus Christ, Stella.
-How dare you?
-Not now.
What's going on?
-How'd it go with Phoebe?
-Ooh. No, shit.
-Look, wait a minute
-No. Not even you.
-I was just trying to clean up their mess.
I hope that you are disappointed
in yourselves.
-Are you afraid of her?
-Is that what this is?
"Debrief with Kirsten"?
-I didn't put this in here.
-Yeah, I was going to say
-That's it.
-I've had enough.
-Wait, Stella.
Oh, I do like that.
-Hey, guys.
- Hello.
Don't stand up.
Oh. Great to see you.
It would be good
if we cleared up some things.
So Kirsten's actually
-I'm not talking to you.
-Look, I'm going to say this.
If you don't want to hear it, leave.
-You wanted a debrief?
Right. Firstly,
Mathias has been with me all his life.
He has as much right to be here
as anybody else.
Secondly, we are not going to be
staying late.
You can, but we work on
Greenwich Mean Time
and some of us have lives to live.
-I haven't finished.
When Richard and I started this company,
we had two tables and one chair.
We couldn't have meetings
at the same time.
But we had something else.
We were loyal to our clients
through the good times
and through the bad
and in return they were loyal to us.
And as long as I am here,
I shall continue to serve
in their best interests and not in yours
or those of your spreadsheet.
-Okay, well, uh
- I just want to say
how wonderful it is
to hear you talk like that, Stella.
-Yes, it must be.
-I can't tell you, but know
that I so appreciate you sharing with us.
Yes, thank you, Stella. That's great.
-Yeah, hi.
Oh. What happened to your face?
Oh. Nothing. It's just It's fine.
Uh So you're here?
Yes. I thought I'd make another quiche,
but this time it's going to be perfect.
I thought you were in Paris.
We finished early, so, I changed my train.
Oh, right, yeah. You couldn't have phoned?
I could have, yes.
I had the keys
from when I went to the shop, so,
I thought I'd surprise you.
You can have them back if you want.
I thought you liked quiche.
I do.
I just I'm going to take a shower.
It's just been a really long day.
-I can go if you
-Sorry. No. Stay.
I just I wasn't
Um, I just wanted to say
I've taken the petition down.
Right. Yeah, well,
I think we've probably made our point.
Also, thanks for sticking up for me.
-It was just
-That was really nice of you.
I'm sorry I forgot your birthday.
Oh. That's okay.
I'm kind of used to it.
Look, that script you wanted me to read?
-If you've still got it
-Leave it on my desk.
Right. Okay.
I was just having a drink if you want one.
It has been quite a day.
-Did you actually do that?
-It was the most boring production
-I have ever
-Yeah, I thought so.
It keeps going to voicemail.
Try Julia. She always knows where he is.
Poor bloody woman.
Yes, hi. No, he's still in the office.
I don't know, he didn't say.
Anyway, that's where he is.
I couldn't believe it when you ended up
on the floor with him.
I don't think he could either.
So, you don't get into fights
that often then?
I have an orange belt in judo, which
Oh, shit.
-Yes, hi.
We're not disturbing anything, are we?
No. I was just leaving.
-Yeah, me too.
-Hello, Misha.
You're not answering your phone.
I've had it on meeting mode
all day, sorry.
I was literally just about to text you
-to say I'd meet you there.
I should probably go.
I mean, like, what the fuck?
It's not what you think.
-No, no, it really isn't.
So what is it then?
So what time are we actually due
-I'm not stupid, Jonathan.
What is this? What's going on here?
All right, okay.
No, no, it's time.
Charlotte, um, there's something
I need to tell you.
Creative Supervisor
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