Ten Pound Poms (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Ron, Ron, what you doing?!
What you doing?
You were in that car with Dean.
We ran over a kid.
The boy didn't die.
From now on, you stay away from me.
You need to live
with what you've done.
BILL: You need my signature,
and I'm not signing.
It's a trap, this two-year business.
- Oops.
ANNIE: You are a liar.
And you are drunk.
How am I ever
going to trust you again?
Hey, Annie.
When I look at you, I see a woman
that really knows what she wants.
ANNIE: She'll get all the chances
I didn't have.
We came here to make a new start.
I'm having a baby.
What the bloody hell have you done?!
- Don't come near me.
- Annie
Want you to get out of my sight now.
Get out of my sight, Terry.
I'm at Corburn Local Hospital.
I heard Kate called you.
Where is she?
KATE: Michael Thorne, he's my son.
He got taken away from me.
No! Michael!
It's beautiful.
Looks good on you.
You OK?
Look, if we're going to get married,
there's something
I haven't told you.
Like what?
Before I met you
I had a child.
And, one day soon,
I will get him back.
A great place for families.
Australia is an exciting new land.
A country in the modern world.
Create a real home for your family.
A good place to grow.
There's a bright future.
Come over to the sunny side.
The cost of the journey
halfway round the world is £10.
Look for a new start.
On your way to Australia.
Sister Mulligan to paediatrics, please.
Sister Mulligan to paediatrics.
- Thorne?
What are you doing in my office?
What's that in your hand?
Just needed to get
Whatever is in your hand,
give it to me right now.
Sister, let me explain.
Let me explain.
- Have you lost your mind, woman?
- Please!
Bob! Bob, call the wardsman.
No, Bob, please don't call. Please.
- Paper!
- Look, I
I just need an address, that's all.
- You come with me
- No, I need this!
- I need this!
- BOB: Geoffrey!
Please, sister! Please!
- Give
- No!
- Stop it!
- No! No!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry! I'm so sorry.
BOB: Kate.
- Bob I didn't mean to
- I don't want to know.
But you're a good woman,
so you obviously have your reasons.
Thank you.
Good luck, Your Majesty.
We'll check the urine,
but, er I don't see any symptoms
of venereal disease.
Which is lucky, considering the
circumstances, isn't it, young lady?
Well, she's a good girl.
Ha! Well, the evidence
says differently, doesn't it?
we can't turn back the clock.
You're into your third trimester.
Although the baby is small,
all seems fine.
- The main thing now
is to prepare
what happens after the birth.
The child will be taken away
the day it's born.
No-one will ever know you had one.
Go on!
KYLIE: Oi, back off now, all right?
Or I'll give all of this
to the Italians, hm?
How was today, then?
It was fine.
All sorted, isn't it?
What about school?
I want to find a cane toad.
Apparently, their urine can
tell if lady is pregnant.
(ANGRY WHISPER) Shut your face!
It's just science.
And I can't test the theory
on anybody else.
Peter, eat your tea.
Bloody hell!
What's the matter?
(SHOUTING) Cockroaches!
Right, up!
Come on, we're not eating this.
Peter, up.
Go on.
The wheel of fortune
Goes spinning around
Will the arrow point my way?
Will this be my day? ♪
Oh, Bill, help me find JJ.
There's there's cockroaches
all over the canteen.
Oh, yes, marvellous. I caught
the early bus for cockroaches.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down.
Where's Mummy?
Oh, sh!
- Listen, mate
- J, don't.
Leave my hut. Now.
You are turning people into animals!
I tell you about these bugs -
look here!
This is all over canteen.
VERONICA: You have to do something, JJ.
Right, if you just let me through,
I'll deal with it.
Oh, like how you deal with my hut
window or the C-block showers?
My son hasn't had wash in weeks!
No, he's a 15-year-old boy, Maria.
Dingoes are more hygienic.
He doesn't care.
I'm being ganged up on
by a German and an Italian -
it's the Axis all over again.
Cockroaches JJ, really?
How long are you planning
on keeping this closed?
Oh, I dunno. Couple of years, maybe.
You can forage for food.
You have a responsibility
to provide food.
We pay rent here. What's the point
in us paying rent?
Right, stop. Right? Just stop.
I want to speak to your boss - now.
Be my guest, she lives
all the way over in Farnbrook.
Thanks for the support, Terry,
as per usual.
Looks like you're digging holes
even when you're not at work, pal.
Something like that, mate, yeah.
Peter! What you doing?
KATE: Annie?
What's wrong?
Annie, have I done something
to upset you?
I'm her bloody mother, Kate!
I'm her mum!
She bloody told you first.
Look, Annie I don't know
what's been said, right?
But I told Pattie to tell her friend
to tell her mother.
Why didn't she tell me first?
Because sometimes it's hard to
tell the people you love the truth.
It's hard to see
the disappointment on their faces.
Look, Annie, I'm sorry,
I've really got to go.
Is it Michael?
- Yeah.
- OK.
Sorry. Don't worry about me.
- Yeah.
- Go on.
- Shh!
Don't wake the children.
- You didn't
- No, you don't get to speak.
I have decided
that I will give you permission.
You can leave,
if that's what you want.
If that's what you need.
I know I've been cold.
And perhaps
in my want for success
I failed you.
But you have failed me too, Sheila.
You knew what you were marrying.
And I would rather be a lonely
bachelor than a betrayed husband.
So you can go.
At least I know that, if you leave,
you'll be leaving him too.
At least I know that
he did not win
and I did not lose.
You're not going to talk to me
today, then, either?
For God's sake, Annie.
What do you want me to say, Terry?
If you want to talk, fine. You talk.
I've got to go.
I can't be late for work.
Do you know, I
I don't even know
why you bothered
getting on the boat with us.
I really don't.
- ANNIE: Oh!
Er morning, Mrs Roberts.
Pattie in?
She is in, yeah.
And she's staying in, Stevie,
I'm sorry.
So off you pop. Go on.
What the hell does he want?
We're friends dad, that's all.
There we are.
My wigs, they're in! Divine.
Look at this.
- Oh, gorgeous.
- Beautiful.
Oh! Honestly, a white dress and
a subway grate and I'd be Marilyn.
Frank Sinatra should be lighting
my cigarette right about now.
So go on, then.
What's happening with "Terreh"?
We're not really speaking.
So, what? He's still sulking, is he?
Not that he should be,
after the scene he caused my place.
I know it's not very British
to talk about your marriage,
but, unless you're a Royal,
you just seem like a prude.
It's fine, I'm fine.
"I'm fine"? (LAUGHS)
The mantra
for sad housewives everywhere.
"I'm fine" says "I'm disappointed" -
everybody knows that.
God, couldn't think of
anything worse. Honestly, you Brits.
A life of "I'm fine".
God, I think I break out in hives,
even if I had to said once.
Right, well, some of us
just have to be just fine,
though, Marlene, don't we?
And I'm sorry if that is too boring
or too pathetic
or too bloody British for you,
but that's the way it is.
Not all of us have the luxury
of being so bloody happy
every minute of every day.
Let me out!
- Let me out!
Let me out!
Get back to work, Pom.
What are you looking at?
Sorry, I-I was just
- It's got nothing to do with him.
- I say who it's to do with.
I'm docking both of you a day's pay.
- What?
- That's not fair. He was just
Two days. You want to keep arguing?
Then get on with it.
Not flamin' bush week.
Get going!
ARTY: Oi! Oi! Leading man!
Arty, what are you doing here?
Got something to show you. Jump in.
- I should get back.
- Come on, won't take long.
Doghouse will still be there
when you get back, pal.
ARTY: How'd you get your hands
on fireworks?
TERRY: Dad had them for Guy Fawkes
Night. Thought she'd love it.
What girl wouldn't want fireworks
in their own street, private show?
I lit the first one - bam! -
no problem.
And, as I lit the second one,
I wasn't as steady
as I should have been.
And as I lit it, it fell.
Ffft! Straight through
her bedroom window.
Her dad chased me down three streets
and then his hair
smelled like smoke for a week.
Oh, why does she
put up with you, eh?
I don't know. Why do any of 'em?
How is it going with ze German?
- Veronica?
- Mm.
Four winks and a nod, mate.
You've winked at her four times?
I spread them out.
Every time I've seen her,
I've winked.
Two in the showers,
one in the canteen
and one when she was
helping an old woman move out.
They love all that.
It's like the movies.
Where the hell we going, Arty?
I have finally put my money
where my mouth is.
Nearly there.
That wall needs taking down,
but then we'll have tables
all round here.
The counter will run along here,
and this is where we'll serve
the fish and chips -
proper batter, wrapped in newspaper.
Then I was thinking
for the kiddies, over here,
might have an ice cream stall.
It's a boat shed, Arty.
It's a boat shed in very bad shape.
It's an opportunity.
The girl said the pipes are perfect,
we've already got running water.
And, once we've spruced up a bit
Er sorry, "we"?
Well, WE - me and thee.
Terry, it's 1956.
A new world. One we fought for.
You come all this way
for a new life,
only to fill it with the same
rainy days you had back home?
Might help with Annie,
make her proud.
Think of it. (CHUCKLES)
Our very own fish and chip shop,
on a beach.
I wouldn't be able
to do it on my own.
I'd need an extra pair of hands.
All right.
Do you have anyone in mind?
I'm really sorry
about this morning.
I'm having a rough couple of days
at home, so
Well, you're not the first friend
to snap like a band at me.
It's fine.
Oh, "it's fine", is it?
Yeah, it's just been rough
with Terry and the kids, so
Well, I can't imagine it's easy
to raise a family in those huts.
And yet it were my idea
to move us all the way over here,
so that shows what a daft cow I am.
Annie, you're not daft to want more.
More what, Marlene?
More problems?
More silence from him? More
him embarrassing me
in front of strangers?
Oh, doll.
This is the only thing
I haven't messed up, this place.
- Oh, that's not true.
- Yes, it is.
Annie, this is your work.
Here, you get to be Annie Roberts,
not their mum or his wife.
No! No! No!
Two wooden circles?
It's all in the hips.
You have to kind of (GRUNTS)
keep it moving
by rotating your belly.
I'm not doing it.
- Come on, try.
- No.
Where did you even get these?
- Ooh, look at this!
- Yeah!
- That's amazing!
- I've got it!
- Oh, that's amazing.
Here, I'll help you.
- Er start with it about here
- Yeah.
- and let go here.
- Yeah.
Twist in the same direction
you want the hoop to go.
- Right.
- OK?
What do you want?
Do you like fish and chips?
I know me offering you a job
isn't going to change anything.
You're a good worker,
and and a good man and
I lost you money today,
and I'm just trying to offer a
a thingy branch.
- Olive branch.
- Yeah.
And it'd be extra cash.
Is this you try to save the day?
I couldn't save the day
if I caught it with both hands.
If I say yes,
this doesn't make us pals.
It's a lot of work.
But it's got potential, right?
Well, you live in hope.
So how much?
I'll pay you both pound a day.
Including today?
The day's nearly over.
Including today.
And, if you're both on board,
I'll let you into a little secret -
fish and chips is the front
for my backroom contraband.
But if I'm walking through
this door to work,
I'll be walking through it
to drink too.
And no going
to the back of the line.
Don't see why not.
RON: So all three of them,
at the same time?
ARTY: At the same time.
Well, they weren't English.
That's all I cared about.
Didn't even look back to see
if I hit 'em.
RON: You got lucky.
I guess we both did.
ARTY: Is it me or
- Let me out!
Don't move!
Don't move.
Don't move!
Terry. Here.
You you with me?
Sugar will help. Trust me.
Is it what you saw or what you did?
What I did.
It's what I did.
What I did. (SOBS)
- WOMAN: No. Absolutely not.
No, you can't bring that inside.
MICHAEL: Come on! Please, Mum.
WOMAN: Just leave it on the porch.
MICHAEL: OK, then.
WOMAN: Come inside.
You can do some reading.
901 is coming in for landing.
WOMAN: Ready, darling?
- Help Mum set the table.
- Where's the oranges?
Huh. I don't remember.
There's more.
- Is there chocolate milk?
- Don't spoil it.
ARTY: When I got back
I spent the first nine months
sleeping outside,
in case a bomb caved the roof in.
Noises used to set me off.
Cars. Fights in the street.
Anything and everything.
You're not on your own, pal.
You are not on your own.
I'll kill him.
Wouldn't you if you saw what he saw?
Strike a woman?
- Never.
- It doesn't matter
cos he said I could leave.
Go home.
What about us?
It's what I need.
Sheila, what you need
is someone who cares for you.
I'm booking mine
and the girls' tickets tomorrow.
But I
- We
- No, we're not.
And I'm going.
You knew from the beginning
what this was.
John Joseph, we have a meeting.
I was just leaving.
I'll get this one, June.
Is this the place where
I can purchase a Madam Buxom wig?
How did you know that?
All the sales girls
are talking about it
at such a pitch,
I heard it from outside.
What are you doing here?
I'm going to be
at the Bellflower tonight.
Perhaps I can buy you a drink.
They've got a new cocktail that's
supposed to send you to the moon.
Uh Well, I don't
We'll have fun.
Five o'clock?
Give up. There ain't no cane toads
around here.
Or no-one's found them yet.
What's that?
Yeah! (LAUGHS)
Gotcha. I've gotcha!
Hey! Come with me.
I, um
need money.
Came the endless request.
What is it this time?
Well, there's been
another infestation.
This time, it's worse.
I've had to shut the canteen.
Food's going rotten.
I just want to do right
by these people.
I just want to fix
what needs to be fixed.
Your budget was raised last month.
Well, most of that's gone.
Well, that's your mismanagement.
Mother, I just
They don't respect you,
you know that.
I mean, just look
at the state of this place.
I bet they run rings around you.
You're a pushover, John,
you always have been.
Especially that one
that was just in here now.
Soft on her, are you?
Wouldn't be the first.
Always showing their legs
in the hope that they can get
a month's free rent.
It isn't like that!
You know,
every time I come down here,
I always hope that I will find
the man that I thought you'd be.
And I never do.
I should call the girls
for supper.
You let those children run wild.
Oh, let them enjoy it.
It'll soon be English rain
when we're back.
When you're back.
did I not make that clear?
You can leave.
But the girls stay with me.
If you go
you go alone.
You said you'd bring truth
to my dreams ♪
So glad you came.
Well, I thought I could school you
on the actual benefits
of a Madam Buxom wig.
- Drink?
- Yes, please.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
You said that you
Would love me ♪
Mambo boogie
Mambo boogie
Oh, what a boogie
Mambo boogie
Mambo boogie
Mambo boogie
It was down to Havana
where the music's swinging
They came out with a mambo
with a boogie beat
Played it all day
They played it all night
Everybody in town
was doin' it up right
It's the mambo boogie
Latest thing in town
Yeah, they played it all day
They played it all night
Everyone in town
was doing it up right
Up, down, swing it around
Do a little step
and then you cut around
It's the mambo boogie
Latest thing in town
Mambo! ♪
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Wait, we got beaten by Uruguay
last time, Stevie. Uruguay.
I'm not saying it'll be easy,
I'm saying it'll be possible.
'58's our year.
We've got The Busby Babes,
we've got Winterbottom
- We've got Duncan Edwards.
- Oh, you and Duncan Edwards!
He's not as good as Charlton.
You just like him cos he's 19.
It takes more than being 19
from me to fancy someone, Stevie.
All right, what does it take, then?
Nothing. I mean
Why do you care who I fancy?
I don't.
Not everyone knows me, you know.
No-one knows what I want
more than me.
What do you want, then?
don't now.
What are you doing?
I was just Nothing.
- Inside.
- It's nothing, we were just
Inside now.
And you, I told you
she was staying in, didn't I?
- Oh. Sorry, I
- Yeah.
You have a baby inside you, Pattie,
in case you'd forgotten.
We were just talking. We're friends.
Well, there's a word for girls
who hang out
with their friends too much.
However nice that is, Pattie,
these things have consequences.
Where's your brother?
- Annie, what's wrong?
- Can't find Peter.
- What?
- We can't find him.
The boys said
he wasn't at school today.
- They said he's barely been in.
- What?
When did you last see him?
I saw him this morning
when he went to school.
- Hey.
- Bloody hell.
- Let's split up.
- You two, come with me.
- Peter?
- Peter!
- Peter!
- Peter!
What if he's been bitten
by something horrible out here?
He's a smart lad,
he knows the dangers.
He's just a kid, Terry.
He's my baby.
I should've been at home.
I should've been there for him.
Annie, we can't do that, all right?
We're going to find him.
And what if we don't?
- (IN DISTANCE) - Peter!
- Peter?
Where were you anyway?
I was still in town.
Where were you?
I was happy helping Arty.
Helping Arty do what?
- Empty a bottle?
- No!
I was working.
- Oh, you were working, were you?
- Yeah.
Like that night
that you ran over a kid.
Let's not do this, Annie.
Right as rain you were, Terry,
out working with the lads.
You must have thought I was stupid
for falling for it.
You didn't need to know.
I didn't need to know?
That's the bloody theme
of this family, isn't it?
Her pregnancy. Him skipping school.
It's you that they get it from, Terry.
You're lying and you're drinking!
I wasn't drinking, OK?
I wasn't bloody drinking!
How many times?!
It doesn't matter
where any of us were,
Peter's missing!
All that matters is finding him.
You brought us here.
And you did the right thing.
You did, you did.
But we've brought
our problems with us.
I've brought my problems with us.
I have.
I'm sorry.
I am. I'm sorry.
I'll find him.
Or I'll die trying.
He's our son.
What have you decided?
I still have the marks on my body
from when they came out.
I've sacrificed so much
and so wanted to try
and be the best mother
I could possibly be.
But they don't need me
the way they used to need me.
You're their mother.
I don't feel like it.
I don't feel anything anymore.
- ANNIE: Peter!
- TERRY: Peter?
- Peter!
- Peter!
(FAINTLY) Peter?
- Peter?
- Peter!
- Peter?
- Peter!
- Peter?
- Peter!
- Peter?
- Annie, he's here. He's here!
- Peter!
- Oh, come here!
- Peter!
- Oh, my boy!
- I'm so sorry
- Come here!
- It's OK.
- Come here!
- It's all right, we've got you.
- It's OK. It's OK.
I'm so sorry.
- It's OK.
- It's OK. Are you all right?
- (SOBS)
- We've got you, we've got you.
Let me look at you.
- It's all right. We've got you.
- We've got you.
- What are you doing out here?
- I'm so sorry.
It's OK. Stop that, stop that,
you're OK.
- It's OK.
- We've got you.
- OK? It's OK.
- It's OK.
It's OK, sweetheart. It's OK.
Yeah, lad.
(SIGHS) Yeah.
There goes tomorrow's tea.
Thanks for coming.
I've spent this whole time
thinking he's waiting for me,
thinking he needed saving.
And then I saw that house.
I got in there and
there were no pieces missing.
He's got everything he ever needs.
I just don't know who I am
if I'm not his mother.
(GASPS). Stevie!
- What are you doing?
- Stop talking, brainbox.
I can't wait to tell Mum.
What's so exciting, girls?
We've got something to show you.
I've got a taxi waiting.
So, what do we think? Come on.
Come on!
What this?
What's this about?
Girls, Why didn't you go
show Mummy your new rooms?
Unless she doesn't want to see them.
I don't know if Mummy wants
to live with us anymore.
I don't think she loves us anymore.
I think she wants to go back to
England and leave us all here.
Your daddy is just joking.
Why don't you go and explore?
Show me which room
you're going to have.
So, you would actually abandon
your children
in another country?
What were you going to do,
leave them a note?
I would deal with it
at the right time,
in the right way.
The thing is, Sheila, you can't
be trusted with your own mind!
I tried to be fair
and give you a choice,
but you picked the wrong one,
didn't you?
- No!
- Like whoring with that man.
It's what you do, isn't it?
Bad choices from a bad mind.
But don't worry,
I know what's best for you.
I'm going to give you
no choices at all.
What? No, no!
Everything's in order.
Know what bus you're looking for?
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