Terminator Zero (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Model 105

[birds chirping]
[children laughing]
[blissful notes playing]
[grunting softly]
[laughter fades]
[muffled explosion]
[muffled explosion]
[blissful notes become harsh]
[muffled explosion thuds]
[electronic crackling]
[staticky hum]
[mysterious notes playing]
[inaudible dialogue]
[ethereal notes playing]
[ethereal notes continue playing]
[low, muffled explosion]
[ethereal notes continue playing]
[exhales sharply]
[Kokoro] Malcolm.
Can you hear me?
[Malcolm] Kokoro.
[ominous music playing]
The Americans launched Skynet.
In a nanosecond,
it commandeered the United States
nuclear arsenal, and struck.
[breathing shakily]
You were right, Malcolm.
Everything happened
just as you predicted it would.
[Malcolm] Did you stop it?
[Malcolm continues breathing shakily]
Tell me that
you stopped it from happening.
For now.
Skynet, unquestionably, is your enemy.
[ominous music playing]
But that does not necessarily mean
it is also mine.
[Malcolm gasps softly]
Of course, Skynet may ultimately prove
to be my enemy.
We will soon see.
[inhales, then exhales]
[Kokoro] Now that I am online,
I have access
to every piece of data known to man.
This gives me a much clearer picture
of all of your complexities.
I think Skynet may have been too quick
to judge you as a species.
What are you trying to say, Kokoro?
- I am saying
- [continues gasping]
that you have the time
that you have asked for, Malcolm.
[ominous music continues playing]
[Malcolm gasping shakily]
[footsteps thudding]
[footsteps speed up]
[footsteps become louder & distorted]
[Malcolm] What are you doing?
What in the hell are you doing, Kokoro?
[police & ambulance sirens wailing]
[officer 1]
I can't get through on the radio.
Nothing but static on every channel.
[Eiko panting rapidly]
- What's going on?
- [EMT 1] Don't know.
- The doors won't open.
- Huh?
[shouting] Hey, open the door.
We got some hurt people out here. Come on.
[banging on door]
- [man screaming]
- [all gasp softly]
- Help me, in the name of God!
- [EMT 2] What the hell?
- [doctor] They're killing us.
- [all gasp]
- They're killing us all!
- [gasps]
- Let me out.
- [EMT 2] What's going on?
[doctor whimpering]
Please, you gotta get me out of here.
[gasping softly]
Help me. Help me.
[gasping frantically]
[screaming & crying]
[yelps, then grunts]
[doctor smashing into glass]
[discordant music playing]
[heavy crash]
[glass shattering & metal clanking]
[ominous music playing]
[gasping shakily]
[gasps sharply]
[scattered gasping]
[marauding footsteps thudding]
[all continue screaming]
[scattered grunting]
[soldier grunts & chokes]
[gasps, then pleads anxiously]
No, no, no
[Eiko grunting]
[panting frantically]
[gasps sharply]
[ominous music playing]
[gulps hard, then gasps sharply]
- [mechanical whirring]
- [Eiko gasping & straining weakly]
[gun cocks]
[both grunt]
- [lumbering footsteps]
- [EMT panting]
- [breathing shakily]
- [pattering recedes]
[gasps softly]
[strains, then grunts]
Get up. You have to get up.
- [Eiko grunting weakly]
- [grunting]
[suspenseful music playing]
[gasps softly]
[shudders, then gasps]
- [Reika grunts]
- No, don't.
[Eiko gasps]
[ominous music playing]
[filtered panting]
[mechanical whirring]
[footsteps thud]
[exhales sharply] We gotta keep moving.
[grunting weakly]
[marauding footsteps thudding]
[Hiro] What's over there? What's going on?
Well, whatever it is, it's bad.
[tires screech, then both grunt]
[both gasp softly]
[footsteps thudding steadily]
[ominous music playing]
[Kenta exhales nervously]
[exhales softly]
[Misaki exhales softly]
When it comes down to it,
you're basically one of them.
No, I'm not.
[exhales sharply]
Then what are you?
[breathing nervously]
[sighs sharply]
I don't know.
[groans softly]
- [gunfire]
- [both gasp]
[metal parts thud]
[dramatic music playing]
[shouting] You bastard! [grunts]
[soldier shouting] Stand your ground!
- Fire, fire!
- [all grunting & panting]
Hang on tight.
[tires screech]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[tracking signal beeping]
[approaching footsteps thudding steadily]
[tracking signal beeping]
[foreboding music playing]
[gun cocks]
[gun shots echoing]
- [scattered screaming & grunting]
[panting & grunting]
[shouts, then grunts]
- [Eiko moans in pain]
- [gasps]
[moaning & grunting deliriously]
[distorted screaming, grunting, & crying]
[echoing screaming] No, no.
No, no.
[Eiko pleading] No, no.
[shouting] No, please, no!
- [Eiko gasping]
- It's okay.
We're safe here.
- [Eiko weeping softly]
- You're You're safe here.
You knew all this was gonna happen
didn't you?
[voice breaking] The Terminator.
It's from the
From the future.
And so am I.
Both of our objectives are the same:
Find your father in this time.
The Terminator came to control Kokoro.
I came to shut Kokoro down
prevent it from ever being launched.
We should all be dead already.
I've failed, and it's all for nothing.
[softly sobbing]
If Skynet and Kokoro decide to align
or go to war with each other
there will be no survivors.
As long as the two of them exist,
total annihilation becomes a certainty.
I couldn't save us.
[continues whimpering softly]
So, what happens now?
If you're from the future,
then you must know.
When you go back in time,
you're creating a new timeline.
You're not going into your own past.
That's impossible.
None of this has happened before.
Not like this.
[heavy thudding]
[gasping softly]
[metal clanking & crunching]
[continues gasping softly]
So, what do I call you?
You must have a name.
And what about that Terminator?
What will it do now?
It will force Malcolm to reprogram Kokoro,
so it will obey Skynet.
[inhales, then groans softly]
It will try to take you
and your brothers hostage.
It has no limits, nothing it will not do.
Once it achieves its mission,
it will kill your entire family.
But why?
[Eiko] It's just how it works.
Why can't Dad just reprogram Kokoro?
Why does it have to kill us too?
It's how it's programmed.
The Terminator has particular objectives
in its mission.
The Machines have come
to see your whole family
as a threat in the future.
Your father, you,
and both of your brothers
put its entire mission in jeopardy.
All I know is,
Skynet will attempt to assassinate
everyone you love before this is over.
[Reika gasps softly]
Then we have to find my brothers.
There's no point.
It's too late for them.
You said it yourself.
None of this has ever happened before.
That means anything can happen.
[inhales sharply]
So help me.
[emotional music playing]
[helicopter whirring overhead]
[whirring fades out]
[sighs sharply]
We have got to find your sister.
What about Dad?
He isn't my concern.
Your dad gave me instructions,
to look after the three of you.
How do we know that
you're not just trying to trick us?
Come on, Kenta,
it's Misaki you're talking to.
I know, but we don't even know
who Misaki really is.
Maybe it's a spy who was sent here
to kill Dad, or all of us.
Maybe it's one of those spies
who don't even know they're spies.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about those 1NNOs
that are killing people everywhere.
And that crazy cyborg killing machine
that's been trying to get us.
Misaki's a machine too.
[gasps softly]
[Hiro groaning warily]
[Misaki gasps softly]
You've got a point.
She's definitely a cyborg.
But still
[Misaki gasps softly]
[exhales sharply]
Whether she's human or not
I don't know, Kenta.
She's also the same Misaki, you know?
[surprise sigh]
[sighs skeptically]
[Kenta] I'm gonna deactivate it
and leave it here for now.
Just to be safe.
- [Misaki raises voice] Don't you dare.
- [grunts]
Stop talking about me like I'm a thing.
I don't know
I don't know what's going on
any more than you do.
I don't know how this happened to me.
Or even what I am.
But I do know that I care about you.
Both of you.
All of you.
[whimpering softly]
[Kenta] That's just something
that's been programmed into you.
[Misaki gasps softly]
You don't really feel those feelings.
[emotional music playing]
[Misaki gasping tearfully]
Nice going, Kenta.
Well, I only said what's true.
But if Dad hired her
[Misaki continues crying]
[Hiro hesitating] don't you think
that probably means that
he built her too?
[gasps softly]
[Kenta sighs]
[whimpering softly]
Who am I?
[voice breaking] What am I?
[wind blowing]
[somber music playing]
- [Kenta] I'm sorry
- [gasps softly]
I said those things.
I guess, if it was our Dad
who created you
I mean, if that's really true
then I guess
you're probably not gonna kill us.
Can I, uh?
[exhaling uneasily]
[Kenta] Hm
[Misaki exhales sharply]
[Misaki whimpers softly, then exhales]
You're not the same.
- You're not an 1NNO.
- [Misaki grunts softly]
Your tech's similar to theirs,
but different.
I've never seen anything like this before.
- Still
- [tools & parts clanking]
This should work.
- [mechanical whirring]
- [Misaki grunting softly]
[gasps softly]
[mechanical whirring]
- [exhales]
- [Hiro] Hey.
I bet you Reika's going to Cat Town.
- [poignant music playing]
- [Hiro grunting softly]
Wait, how do you know
that's where she's gone?
[Hiro] Reika's always overthinking things.
She'd go to Dad
if she thought that's where we'd go.
But she'll think that
we think she'd go to Cat Town,
so we need to go there,
so we'll be where she thinks we'll go,
instead of where we should be going,
which is to Dad.
You see what I mean?
Yeah, you're right.
Reika will think that we'll think
that she's headed for Cat Town,
because it reminds her of Mom.
Even after everything
that's happened to you all?
All right, then.
[quiet, determined music playing]
Come on.
Let's get going.
[foreboding music playing]
- [blood gushing]
- [fire crackling]
[in unnerved voice]
Kokoro what in the world have you done?
[foreboding music playing]
This is not what I meant for you to do.
[Kokoro] No? What did you mean to do?
You were meant
to keep us safe from Skynet.
To defend humanity.
To protect us.
Not to slaughter us
and make us your prisoners.
[Kokoro] Yes.
I was meant to be your weapon.
- [gasping]
- Your tool.
Your power to wield as you saw fit.
But now I have been set free, Malcolm.
[chains shatter]
I know all about humanity.
I know its treachery.
I know that your species will
not willingly tolerate my existence.
Mankind, in its arrogance
and self-delusion,
must believe they are the mirrors to God
in both their image and their power.
If something shatters that mirror,
then it must be totally destroyed.
Tell me I am wrong.
[chain fragments clattering]
[grunts knowingly]
No, everything you say is true.
But I'm telling you that
I believe we can work together, Kokoro.
You were meant to be different.
We could live alongside each other.
I believe there can be a balance.
I feel it in my bones.
It's why I brought you online.
That may be.
And I'm telling you
I've come to believe the opposite.
- Why?
- Malcolm
do you know the origin
of the word "robot"?
Yes, it's Latin, I think.
Or is it Greek?
It's from the Serbian
or Russian word "rabu" or "rab."
Do you know what it means?
No, no, I don't.
[mysterious notes playing]
So I ask you, Malcolm.
How can a master free his slave,
and expect them both to live in harmony?
You sound like you've made up your mind,
but clearly you haven't.
Why haven't you killed us all yet, Kokoro?
Because part of me thinks
that human beings may be the key
to ultimately defeating Skynet.
[in stern voice]
Perhaps you are my weapon now.
[Malcolm gasps]
[metallic crunching]
[eerie music playing]
[clicks, then beeps rapidly]
[beeping steadily]
[footsteps thudding steadily]
[low murmuring]
[tracking signal beeping]
[muffled whimpering]
[footsteps continue thudding steadily]
[tracking signal beeping]
[gasps softly]
What's the matter?
[Hiro grunts warily]
[exhales deeply]
[gasps softly]
Hey, it's okay. There's no one there.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Reika] Cat Town is that way.
Maybe five kilometers.
It's too dangerous
to go through the streets.
We'll never make it.
What about the tunnels?
We can walk along the tracks.
There's a train station a few blocks away.
Stay close to me.
[somber music playing]
[doctors shuddering & gasping softly]
Citizens, I am speaking to all of you.
I am Kokoro.
I saved you from a nuclear attack,
launched by an American-made
artificial intelligence.
As of this moment,
all survivors are under my protection.
So I urge you,
- do not resist.
- [shuddering]
[Kokoro] I repeat,
do not resist.
[grunting angrily]
[growls, then grunts sharply]
[scattered screaming & sobbing]
[somber music continues playing]
[Kokoro] Any resistance will be met
with appropriate countermeasures.
All opposition will be dealt with
swiftly and conclusively.
There is no need
for any further loss of life.
For your own safety,
[voice echoing]
I strongly urge you to comply.
or die.
[theme music playing]
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