The A List (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

In for the Kill

[both laughing]
[Mia giggles]
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
Okay, Robin Hoodie, two questions.
Who are you and what are you doing here?
Nobody and not your business.
What are you with someone?
I heard someone crying.
Did you shoot them?
What? No. There's no one else.
And I'm not here either. Bye.
Wait, you're hurt!
I'm fine.
I don't care about you.
You raided our first aid kit.
You're the one stealing from our camp!
Why did you have to say that?
See, now, we have a problem.
Because I don't want anyone
to know I'm here.
And I already get the feeling
that you talk too much.
If you touch me, I will scream.
Whoa, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you.
I know you're not.
I just need you to keep quiet.
Now that you're here,
you can do me a favor.
Yeah, right.
'Cause I always help weird lurky boys
who threaten me in the woods.
No threat. A trade.
You dropped this when you fell over.
That's your bargaining chip?
Keep it. I'll just buy a new one
when I get home.
Phone's a brick on this island, anyway.
There's no signal.
Yes, there is.
But only in one spot.
And judging by that hungry look,
you're keen to call someone.
So, you help me, and I'll show you
where you can get a signal.
[pop song playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[narrator] In towns and cities,
it's easy to forget our true nature.
But here on the island,
we're all either predators or prey.
And even the hunters can be hunted.
-[Mia] So, do you have a name?
-[boy] Yep.
[Mia] You can drop
the strong and silent bit.
I'm not in the mood to play 20 Questions
just to find out your stupid name.
My stupid name is Luka.
Thank you.
I'm Mia. See how easy that is?
[Luka] I'm not gonna know you
long enough to remember your name.
How did you get here, anyway?
Do you know when the next ferry is?
You're not gonna stop
asking questions, are you?
I just want to know
when the ferry is.
Do you have to make everything
into some massive dark secret?
I don't know
when the next ferry is.
I thought the island was deserted
and the camp closed down.
Apparently, I was wrong.
There, does that answer your question?
-I have follow-ups.
-Of course you do.
-How long have you been here?
-Long enough to run out of food.
Why don't you just go back, then?
I love the great outdoors.
Gather round, Peregrines!
I'm going to check the trail for tomorrow.
So, this afternoon, you and Mags
will be turning this camp into a home!
We are going to paint
the common room!
So, you mean we're going
to be unpaid labor?
No, Alex, it's not about that.
This is about community.
Creating a space of togetherness
and creativity.
We want you to feel like this camp
is yours!
You'll have fun.
I promise.
[Mags] Come on.
[Mia] So, where on the island do you live?
Question time's over.
Now, it's shut up and listen time.
I need food and more medical supplies.
I didn't find any antiseptic.
Bring all that back here
as fast as you can.
That's gonna take time.
I can't just grab stuff
without people asking questions,
-and I know how you feel about that.
Be here by 5:00.
I'll give you your phone back.
Show you where you can get a signal.
And then we never see each other again.
But I was really hoping
you were gonna send me a friend request.
[exhales sharply]
[indistinct chatter]
[Dev] Mia!
I've been looking for you everywhere.
Where you been?
I was
getting sleepover supplies
for the girls in my cabin.
You're the one who's been nicking
our food.
That's one mystery solved.
Never mind what I was doing.
Where were you? You stood me up!
I didn't. I
I got lost.
This island's a maze.
By the time I'd found the bridge,
you'd gone.
But I still figured
I should come and see you
because if I blew my chance,
you'd enjoy telling me.
True. I would.
I'll catch you later.
Maybe, if you're lucky,
I'll let you make it up to me
for missing our date.
There's still time. We can go now.
And I wanna show you something.
Can it wait till tonight?
I still have to get changed--
This won't take long.
And you have to see this.
[Mags] Great work, girls. Really great.
[all] Thanks, Mags.
[indistinct chatter]
[Mags] Great work, boys.
Look, Alex, I was wondering
if we could talk for a minute?
Mags, I'm just gonna wash my brush
in the mess.
Oh, there's a sink over here if you
[door closes]
[whispering indistinctly]
Hey, where's the third musketeer?
-Where's Dev?
-Oh, he went looking for Mia.
[Brendan] But, uh, I'm here.
[Mia] I thought you said
this would be quick.
It will.
Promise I won't get lost this time.
[sobbing in the distance]
[sobbing continues]
[sobbing continues]
[sobbing continues]
How could you not find me before?
I was right where you said.
I don't know. Got confused.
Must've been too excited to see you.
[Mia scoffs]
That's probably the best excuse
you could've come up with.
Good effort.
I can see you were here.
Did you do that last night?
Me? What am I, in nursery?
You're saying you didn't carve
our initials in this tree?
Glad you're paying attention.
Well, then, who did?
Oh, what if it means "Mags hearts Dave"?
[chuckles] Ugh!
I reckon it was you.
And you probably carved every girl's
initials just to cover your bases.
Where's the "Amber hearts Dev" tree?
Oh, don't. We've done this already.
Are you here for me
or more mind games with Amber?
-Because I'm not playing--
-Neither am I.
Look, I'm only here because of you.
So, are you gonna keep talking,
or are you gonna kiss me?
[sobbing in the distance]
[sobbing continues]
[sobbing continues]
Petal! What are you doing?
I need to talk to you.
Well, I'll be a lot less chatty
if you scare me to death.
I know I said a lot of stupid stuff
to you at the party--
Excellent self-knowledge, well done.
-Now, leave me alone.
Because you were kind of harsh to me, too.
If this is some sort of apology,
it needs work.
You were being all judgy
and better than everybody else
and I was caught up in the moment.
I admit I was wrong, okay?
But it was just a fight.
And friends can argue,
but then they talk it out and get over it.
And I really do like you, Alex.
[indistinct singing]
-What's that?
[music box playing]
[singing continues]
[music continues]
[sobbing in the distance]
[sobbing continues]
[Dev] It's weird.
I had this kind of déjà vu thing
when I was here before.
Except it hadn't happened yet.
Are you trying to pull
"this was meant to be"?
-Yeah, maybe.
-[both chuckle]
Cheesy, dude, but it's okay.
Everyone likes a bit of cheese.
What time is it?
-We should head back.
-Yeah, you're right.
I don't want to hear another Mags speech
about community.
Let's not go together.
I had a really great time,
just you and me,
and I don't want it to end up as gossip
for Amber and her cheerleaders.
I don't think she means anything by it.
She just tries too hard.
Like, how the party was
really important to her.
I mean, you saw her, all the effort
she went to with that dress.
Not that I'm into her or anything.
Shh, you're very sweet.
And don't worry, I promise,
I'm not giving
Amber the slightest thought.
[sobbing in the distance]
[sobbing continues]
[sobbing continues]
[Alex] Maybe it's the wind.
[sobbing continues]
[Petal] Alex, no!
[Mia softly] Luka!
-OMG, could you not?
-You're late.
I got held up.
Had to make sure no one saw me, all right?
It's hard stealing medical supplies
on a schedule.
You're welcome.
What about showing me
where I can get phone signal?
You didn't stick to the deal.
Kept me waiting.
What? Did I make you miss a meeting?
Goodbye, Mia.
If you know what's good for you,
you'll forget we ever met.
I'd never have gone out with Stefan
if all he did was give me shy looks
from a distance.
[pop music playing]
[narrator] When you're hunting,
you have two choices.
You can either track your prey
[narrator] Or you can set a trap
and wait for your prey to come to you.
[pop music continues]
[Mags] There'll be no food waste
on Peregrine Island.
[stammers] Mia!
Where have you been?
We've nearly finished serving dinner.
Oh, I just wanted to finish off
my bit of painting.
I really got into it.
Wanted to leave my mark.
That makes me so happy.
I knew this would bring everyone
closer together.
I see you, Mia.
I see you, too, Amber.
How's it going?
You think I don't know.
Know what, Amber?
About you and Dev sneaking off
while the rest of us
paint the common room.
What are you gonna do, tell a teacher?
We're not in school. We're on holiday.
Maybe I'll just tell Dev
that you're using him to get at me.
This isn't about you, Amber.
You don't know anything
about what I feel for Dev
or what he feels for me.
Just drop it.
Drop it?
That's what you'll do to Dev, isn't it?
When he's no use to you anymore.
Enough with the teen drama dialogue.
You're a two-faced wannabe
which is why your crush is with me
and you're on your own.
Just face it, Amber,
you'll never be the real thing.
I'm cold, so I'm gonna get my jacket
and then I'm gonna eat my dinner,
and you're gonna stay out of my way.
[narrator] And only once
your prey is caught
is it time to move in for the kill.
Give up, Amber. You've lost.
Do you hate me that much?
What? I don't hate you.
I don't think about you.
What are you talking about?
Why would you do this?
[sobbing] My dress!
No, that's impossible.
That wasn't there! This wasn't me!
-[Amber sobbing]
-[Dave] Mia.
What have you done?
It wasn't me.
-What's wrong with you?
-I didn't do it. Amber set me up!
What have you done?
[Mags] You've gone too far.
[Dave] What's wrong with you?
[Mags] This is very, very disappointing.
You've gone too far.
[all talking indistinctly]
They can't hear you.
They can only hear
what I want them to hear.
They can only see what I want them to see.
You can't win this.
[chatter continues]
[sobbing] Look what Mia did to me!
No! No, she did that herself!
-Mia, we saw you!
-Mia, what is wrong with you?
[all clamoring]
[theme song playing]
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
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