The Absent Voice (2024) s01e05 Episode Script


- Rivera.
- What's up?
What do we have?
We found signs of a struggle here.
- Hmm. He resisted.
- Yes.
He was definitely pushed.
- Okay, take him. Thanks.
- Okay.
- PABLO: Nobody saw you when you arrived?
- MAN: No, nobody saw me.
- Yes, I talked to the guard.
- Leave us alone, please.
It's exactly what we thought.
The monster's taking revenge
on other monsters.
What are you doing?
Mansilla raped Dante.
Look, it's clear in his drawings.
It's a drawing of Mansilla
cornering Dante.
What are you doing, Rouviot?
You can't just come alone.
- You're a collaborator, that's all.
- Yes, clearly.
I tried to warn you. You didn't pick up.
If I don't pick up, you sit and wait.
OLMOS: Girl.
You can come in now.
But you can't talk to my witnesses, okay?
And now you have to wait.
OLMOS: Kid, look what I found.
The historic benefactors of the institute.
What does it say here?
Hontou Foundation.
- You owe me half your salary.
OLMOS: What, you play chess?
My dad taught me,
but I haven't played in a long time.
The king.
The king's exposed.
PABLO: "I shall ascend
my funeral pyre triumphantly,
"and exult in the agony
of the torturing flames."
CECILIA: Raúl Hontou.
"He knew he was in front of the body
of a self-destroyer. 'We're too late.'"
CECILIA: José Rouviot.
"I shrieked as I saw it shear
through the vampire's throat.
"Whilst Mr. Morris's bowie knife
plunged in the heart."
CECILIA: Francisco Mansilla.
It's crazy.
The author of the crimes is recreating
the death of the literary monsters.
So, we know how the other deaths may go.
What we don't know is
who the next victims will be.
And in what order.
Fuck everyone.
Fuck you and you.
You too, for getting me into this.
- You can't talk like that.
- Fuck off, Oscar.
Getting me into this shitty situation
at my age is unforgivable.
You were right.
Another monster.
The vampire gets into your head.
To keep himself young,
he has to drink blood from his victims.
Their essence, their being.
Why did Hontou put that much money
into Lemos Institute?
Was he hiding something?
- Maybe his own abuse.
CECILIA: More than a charitable action,
it seems--
Like a membership?
Child abuse.
Dante was the star.
The guy was obsessed with him.
Dante wasn't just pointing
at a way to kill his victims,
but the link he had with them.
He's taking revenge on his abusers.
And what does that theory have to do
with my brother's death?
I will leave you for a moment.
There's something I didn't tell you.
Your brother worked
at the Lemos Institute.
PABLO: Since when?
March 2004 to February 2005.
He treated several kids,
including Dante Santana.
What are you trying to tell me?
Well, that
This is a hypothesis,
let's keep an open mind.
My brother wasn't a pedophile.
Dante left your brother a book
about a guy with two faces.
Jekyll and Hyde,
the doctor and the monster.
Just because he had contact with him,
he's a molester?
Will you accuse every person
who worked at the institute?
I'm not accusing anyone.
Let's just keep the option open--
You're wasting your time
with these speculations.
Will you tell me how to do my job?
I have, for a while.
I'm sorry.
But you can't link my brother
to a pedophilia network.
I can. You can't.
So, until we clear this up,
it's best if you stay out of the case.
Don't do this to me.
It's for your own good.
JOSÉ: How are you, brother?
I did something terrible.
- PABLO: And? You want to tell me?
- JOSÉ: Yes.
Because you're the only one
who can tell me if I'm a monster.
MAN: Thank you, Alicia.
The topic Alicia brings is
very interesting.
The topic of ghosts.
What's left with the ones
that are still living.
I always say that donate their clothes,
their books, their records.
- Get rid of everything.
- WOMAN: Yes.
But it's not about cutting ties
with the past, or something like that.
It's about being able to leave that room
that Alicia describes so well.
Because, if we don't leave,
we will never be able to get to know
the other parts of the huge house
that is our story.
I told you the other day.
I came in two years ago.
I didn't get to know him well.
But he was the principal.
You had contact with him.
Yes, sure. Yes.
He was very polite, yes.
CECILIA: Does the name Raúl Hontou
ring a bell?
FEMALE TEACHER 1: No, it doesn't.
I have been working
at the institute for years.
Many people have come and gone.
FEMALE TEACHER 2: I have worked there
for many years. More than 30.
Sometimes, you hear things,
even if you don't want to.
Let me tell you,
that kid had a rough time.
Did Mansilla have a preference for him?
I don't know about preference,
but he was always keeping an eye on him.
Were there other victims?
Many, yes.
CECILIA: Ernesto, they told me
you and Dante were very close.
We shared some traumas.
He always got the worst part.
I'm glad he did it.
I'm glad Dante killed that son of a bitch.
CECILIA: Do you remember Dr. José Rouviot?
Did he behave that way too?
Never with me.
- And with Dante?
- He would spend more time with Dante.
He would get frustrated with me.
I never told any truths about myself.
That's what a molester does.
He makes you disappear.
You have no face, you have no name.
You have no history.
So, you have to make up
an identity for yourself.
And you lie.
Because lying is a way of surviving.
Lucas, pick up. What are you up to?
Do you have what I need?
Are you okay?
I'm good, and you?
Your mom?
She's not here.
She's doing group therapy for grief.
- She's there.
- I see.
I didn't know about the therapy.
I have the gun
Do you mind if I take some files
from your dad's office?
What did you do with your dad's stuff?
Dante Santana.
- BRUNO: Uncle, wait. Listen.
- PABLO: This doesn't concern you, really.
BRUNO: You're making things worse.
Calm down.
PABLO: Stay out of it!
What's going on?
What are you doing?
Are you just going to erase my brother?
What are you saying?
You're not okay.
I don't want you to touch my stuff.
PABLO: Show a little gratitude. Hmm?
Protect his memory.
I don't want you to touch them.
I'm asking you, please,
don't touch those things.
Leave them where I put them. Really.
I asked you not to touch them!
Don't touch them!
I want you to get out of my house!
- PABLO: Stop!
- No!
- Pablo!
- Calm down! Calm down.
Look at your state.
Hello, I'm Darío.
I have the information you requested.
The Piranhas
have been operating for five years.
Human trafficking,
small-scale drug dealing.
They run three clubs in the south side.
Can you write this down?
WOMAN: They didn't find any elements
to suspect a crime.
What did his colleagues say
and what does the autopsy say?
LAURA: This is my son Hernán.
He has been missing for several weeks.
The police has only shown
their ineffectiveness.
- Fuck, she knows.
- What does she know?
The blood at Dante's house
is Hernán Hontou's.
I ask you please, if anyone has--
She will push until we burst.
Why would Dante put his sight on Hernán?
He's taking revenge.
What I don't get is
where Hernán fits into this.
What does the psychologist say?
No, he's out of the case.
Because everything was
too personal for him, so
How did he take it?
Great. (SCOFFS)
why don't you invite him for dinner?
Yes, what's wrong with that?
I want to meet him.
Can we go back to what matters?
In each death, the killer recreates
the death of the monster in the book.
And, in each monster,
he points out his link to the victim.
Yes, but it's wrong.
Because, in Frankenstein,
the monster doesn't die, his creator dies.
So, I don't understand
why Dante killed Hontou
and not Cipriano, his father.
Bad time to not have a psychologist.
When did the donations
from the Hontou Foundation to Lemos start?
Let's see. Why?
Because Rouviot said something
about serial killers.
He said everything was about them,
their beliefs and even their biography.
- Here it is. In 2000.
- But when?
The first donation
was November 21st, 2000.
The day Dante Santana was born.
- CECILIA: Cipriano Santana?
MAURO: In Frankenstein,
the monster doesn't die, his creator dies.
OSCAR: Why did Hontou put that much money
into Lemos Institute?
Was he hiding something?
PABLO: So, I don't understand
why Dante killed Hontou
and not Cipriano, his father.
Cipriano wasn't his father.
CECILIA: What can you say
about the donations
from your foundation to Lemos Institute?
LAURA: Dante Santana was an intern
in the institution. He was raised there.
From what I know,
it's an upstanding institution.
I don't really remember the details.
My husband dealt with charities.
Well, let me remind you
of the details, then.
Dante Santana is your husband's son.
The donations were
to silence his paternity.
The same way he bought
Cipriano Santana's involvement.
Did you know?
Me choosing to look the other way
doesn't make me stupid.
Hernán and Dante have the same blood.
And Hernán had the parents
Dante never had.
Are you telling me my son's next?
FIOLO: Come, right over here.
We have all colors here.
Brunette, blonde and ginger.
Do you like big tits?
Fat tits, pointy tits.
An amazing ass.
A skinny ass.
A voluptuous ass.
Cellulite ass.
PABLO: I like her.
That one over there is Estrella.
She looks a little tired,
but that bitch will fuck you dry.
Go. Thank me later.
Get comfortable.
Oral and vaginal is 6,000.
Additional stuff is 2,000.
That could be kissing my boobs,
a blow job without a condom, anal.
Looks like you went out to party.
May I help you?
PABLO: Is that part of a song?
ESTRELLA: My boyfriend tells me that.
Don't worry, he's not jealous.
Before or after hitting you?
ESTRELLA: Want to fuck or not?
Come on, baby. Play with me a little.
What? Don't you like me?
Did he give you this after beating you?
He went too far, regretted it,
and wanted to make up for it.
Sure, in your head, you think,
"Is this what I'm worth?"
No, right?
Honestly, I don't think it's valuable.
It is to him.
PABLO: I'll buy it from you.
You're too drunk, man.
Why don't you lie down?
My girlfriend loves turtles.
And she's not jealous.
I should ask him.
Is he here?
Wait a minute.
Weren't you with the cop the other day?
The police can't have a little fun?
- WOMAN 1: What do we do?
- FIOLO: Get out!
- MAN 1: Run!
- Get out!
- Come on!
- Run!
- MAN 2: Run!
- The girls!
Get out!
MAN 3: Come on, hurry!
Come on, get out!
Stop, where are you going?
You didn't like Estrella?
I liked her, but I have to go.
You know what?
We'll sell you the necklace you chose.
MAN: Get out of here!
I can't right now.
You see, you already made an offer.
And we're business people.
So go. She's at the end of the hall.
Come on, go. Come on.
How did you find me?
Don't do stupid shit, Víctor.
There's people who know I'm here.
I've been missing for 20 years.
I've been hiding like a rat for 20 years.
My mother died of cancer, you know?
Did you know?
I couldn't say goodbye.
I think I paid my dues.
I swam too much to die on the shore.
I'm not going back to jail. Kneel.
Your crime is about to expire.
On your fucking knees!
You'll start over.
On your knees, motherfucker.
- Calm down.
- On your knees!
MAN: Víctor!
You lost your chance, Doc.
I'm not going back to jail.
WOMAN: 911, what's your emergency?
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