The Animatrix (2003) s01e05 Episode Script


Your favorite simulation.
Just killing time.
You want to spar?
As you wish.
That was too easy. What's the problem?
Where's your concentration?
Maybe you regret taking the red pill.
It crosses everyone's mind at least once.
The wish to return to an ordinary life.
A carefree life in the country.
The life we had
before knowing all this.
Even if that life was just an illusion?
It's ironic that one could be
more at peace in the virtual world.
Finally starting to warm up.
Listen to me. I have something
I want to talk to you about.
It's all right. I've blocked the signal
so no one else can hear us.
So, what? You gonna propose?
I'm going back to the Matrix
and I want you to come with me.
Come on, be serious, Duo.
Stop teasing me.
I am serious, and you know it.
I really thought you'd be with me on this.
Anyway, it's done
and it's all been settled with them.
What do you mean,
it's all been settled?
This is the only way.
It's just a matter of time before Zion
is wiped out. Come with me.
Stop it.
Please do not do this to me, Duo.
-We can't.
-We can!
I've come to my senses.
You should do the same.
I took the red pill because
I wanted to know the truth.
But I don't care about
the truth anymore.
What's real doesn't matter.
What's important
is how we live our lives.
Are you listening to me?
You know I'm right.
But we can't go back, Duo.
We know the truth now.
-We can forget all of this.
I know how. Trust me.
Don't be afraid to look into your heart.
Say what you're really feeling.
-Tell me.
-I can't. I don't know.
Running away won't change anything!
You're the one that's running away!
Stop pretending!
Enough, Duo. I've had enough!
There's no time.
They're on their way.
You betrayed us, didn't you?
Operator, please!
Get me out of here right now.
Operator, I need an exit!
It's no use. I told you.
I've blocked your signal.
You won't stop me.
This is your last chance.
The choice isn't that hard.
Come with me.
You can forget about it, Duo.
I won't look away from the truth. I can't.
That's too bad. I'm sorry.
I wanted to go back with you.
-I love you.
Relax, you're okay.
Easy, Cis, settle down.
He was just part of the training program.
He's just a simulation. It's over.
It was a test.
Judgment. Concentration. Technique.
High scores on everything.
Now, get some rest.
You okay?
I feel a lot better now.
Except for that last part
I'd say she passed.
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