The Apothecary Diaries (2023) s01e05 Episode Script


I accept my loss.
- You've improved, Basen.
- No.
I merely push through with force.
I'm still no match for you, Sir Jinshi.
But that is a great force you have.
As expected from the Ma clan.
So how is she, Gaoshun?
The apothecary, I mean.
How do you mean?
Has she gained a little weight?
She's slowly gaining it back.
I see. However
Do you even know why this was forbidden?
I'm saying it's poison, damn it!
I never imagined she had such
a side to her.
Are you all right?
- What? Why?
- You worry about her quite a lot.
No, it's nothing.
I knew it was here!
All right!
Another one!
Here too?
Where should I eat this? In the kitchen?
But it'd be troublesome if they ask
where I got this
Oh, before that
Wow, it looks so good!
Thanks for doing this again, Maomao!
The other attendants are so kind
to share dim sum
each time we have tea together!
Eat more!
You need to get more fat.
Don't be shy!
- Oh, did you hear?
- Huh?
An Imperial Court palace woman
succeeded in seducing a eunuch
who's famous for hating women!
I see.
- How do you think she did it?
- I have no idea.
She used a stimulant potion!
Stimulant potion?
It's that one.
What's wrong, Maomao?
Oh, it's nothing.
It's probably unrelated. I think
Good morning.
Hey, miss! What do you need today?
I have something to ask you in confidence.
What is it?
- It's this.
- Wow!
It's the first matsutake mushroom
of the year!
I'm glad you seem to like these.
We need coal!
I'll also bring some soy paste and salt!
All in all,
I've built a good relationship
with the quack doctor.
This is the stuff!
It looks ready now.
Drizzle some soy paste, add a little salt
Here you are.
It's so good!
Now, we're partners in crime.
So delicious!
Could you?
Make something to cure my curse?
A curse?
- What is this about?
- It's this.
That's a pretty bad rash.
Maybe some ointment first?
Will you make me some?
So, what is this curse?
This happened in the evening
two nights ago.
The trash produced
in the rear palace is burned in the fire
on the west.
I was working that night
like always, then
What is it?
A woman's clothing? The sleeves are burnt.
And is this a wood tablet?
It bothered me a little,
but I threw them in the fire as is.
But then
It's a curse!
That's why my hands are like this
Was the flame you saw this color?
If not this, then this.
I can make this one too.
Miss, what is this?
It works the same way as fireworks.
Some things can change
the color of the flame when it burns.
So what about this hand?
My guess is something was attached
to the wood tablet.
The rash came from
coming into contact with that.
Apply this ointment and see if it works.
Thank you very much.
Her medicine always works well!
You'll get better in no time!
Wonderful. As expected of the apothecary.
Sir Jinshi!
I'll prepare some tea right away.
How do you do, Sir Jinshi?
Did you need something?
Are you saying I can't talk to you
if I don't need something?
No, not at all.
Come with me.
Here you are, Sir Jinshi
How many colors are there?
I don't know the exact number.
How do you apply the color, then?
With salt, you can apply color
by dissolving it in water.
I know there are certain dyes
that dissolve with things like oil,
not water.
But this isn't my area of expertise,
so I don't know.
I see.
If we're finished here, I'll be off.
What is it?
I love mushrooms too.
I'm expecting good work, Apothecary.
So he knew
I'll go out tomorrow To look for them
Search for those who've suffered
a burn to their arm recently.
Understood, sir.
A colored wood tablet is probably a code
Do they go through the trouble
of making a code
because the information can't be
made public?
But what could that be?
It's not my business, really.
It's nothing a poison tester should
meddle in.
Thank you.
That one goes there.
I'm back.
Welcome home
Maomao! Perfect timing.
Can you put this on?
I have a bad feeling
What is this?
The costume for the garden party,
The garden party?
Twice a year, the Emperor
and the higher-ups gather
at the court garden to enjoy
performances and a meal.
The Emperor isn't married yet,
so he has no consort.
In that case,
He is to take
the highest status concubines.
Highest status concubine
The most likely candidates for the
next consort, the high-ranking concubines.
The highest ranking concubines
The four high-ranking concubines.
The Precious Concubine,
Concubine Gyokuyou.
The Wise Concubine, Concubine Lihua.
The Virtuous Concubine, Concubine Lishu.
The Pure Concubine, Concubine Ah-Duo.
At the last party,
Ladies Gyokuyou and Lihua
were absent because they were
heavily pregnant.
So this time,
all four ladies are to gather!
So what are we doing there?
Nothing, really.
We're the guests invited to this party,
so we just have to stay with the Emperor.
Sometimes, the officials come to greet us.
So don't forget to smile.
Is everyone to attend?
Of course!
The first showing of Princess Lingli,
the four ladies gathering
This year is important!
This is a war! We have to take this on!
Let's do this!
Lady Gyokuyou already has
very few attendants.
A newcomer can't be absent
And if there are meals,
the poison tester needs to be there.
We should stuff your chest area.
I'll also add a bit to your hips.
Is that okay?
I'll let you decide.
The makeup will be impeccable too!
We have to hide those freckles sometimes.
Watching performances outdoors
where it's windy, eating meals,
smiling at the officials who come our way
My bladder will need to be
as strong as iron.
In that case
This should work.
It smells so good!
What are you making?
- I'm making ginger and orange candy.
- Candy?
Orange peels improve blood flow
and ginger can warm the body.
Is this for the garden party?
Yes. I also made this.
I sewed a pocket to my undershirt.
If I place warming stones inside,
I won't get as cold.
- Maomao!
- Huh?
Please, will you make that for everyone?
Yes, ma'am
Once you get used to customs,
I guess you don't think about
these small things.
A little creativity can go a long way.
- Come in.
- Please make one for me too.
- Me too
- Yes, sir.
Can you show me how to make that?
The seamstress in charge of
the Emperor's clothes and His chef
Wow, so cold!
I'm finally finished!
Tomorrow's the big day.
I'll make that just in case.
About the search for those with
burns on their arm
You haven't found them yet?
I'm sorry.
The garden party
I hope nothing happens there
You're so beautiful, Lady Gyokuyou!
Red suits you so well!
How beautiful she is
So it's true that she looks the best
in red in this whole country.
You're more beautiful than anyone.
Thank you, everyone.
And these are for you.
I need to leave my mark
so that no one unsavory targets you.
Listen, Maomao.
You're my attendant, okay?
Thank you so much, my lady.
Got you!
Um, well
Let's do your makeup!
Go be your cutest self.
I'll wipe your face and apply perfume oil.
And those freckles of yours
Here we go!
- Huh?
- Maomao?
- No way!
- Why?
Maomao, you
Dang. They know now.
All right. Let's go.
All right, then, Concubine Lishu.
See you later.
Sir Jinshi
Last up is the Precious Concubine,
Concubine Gyokuyou.
Is his commitment to
Concubine Gyokuyou strong
because he found a toy he likes?
What can I do with him?
Maomao, you helped us out a lot.
I'm happy to be of use.
How do you do, Concubine Gyokuyou?
How do you do?
You look beautiful in red as always,
Concubine Gyokuyou.
While decorative,
you look somewhat mystical.
It's probably due to your beautiful
green eyes, Concubine Gyokuyou.
Thank you.
All right, so how is the princess doing?
How do you do, Sir Jinshi?
Oh, oh It's you, Apothecary.
You're wearing foundation?
No, I'm not.
But your freckles are gone.
Because I got rid of them.
With makeup, right?
They went away
because I removed my makeup.
You're not making any sense.
You're contradicting yourself.
Oh, this is a pain.
I should've just said yes.
I was applying makeup daily,
using dried clay to draw the freckles on.
What you've been seeing every day
is my face with makeup.
Makeup isn't simply for
making someone beautiful.
Why do such a thing?
You really want to know?
It's so that I'm not dragged away
to a back alley.
Even in the pleasure district,
there are men starving for women.
Broke men, violent men,
and men with venereal diseases.
A small, scraggy and ugly woman
would rarely be a target.
Has that happened to you?
It was just an attempt.
I was carried off by kidnappers instead.
My makeup was falling off.
They thought that maybe I could be sold.
I see
I apologize for my poor management.
It doesn't matter.
Whether it's illegal kidnapping,
or legally selling off children,
it's all the same to those who buy.
This doesn't infuriate you?
Of course it does.
But it's not your fault, Sir Jinshi.
I'm sorry
He's being meek. That's rare.
That hurts.
I see. It's for you.
I'll see you at the party.
A man's hair clip?
But why?
- So cool!
- I'm so jealous!
I want one too!
I don't mind giving it,
but how can I share it?
You already broke my promise?
You're not just my attendant anymore.
What does that mean?
It's time.
The garden party is about to start.
Next episode, "The Garden Party."
Subtitle translation by: Yukimi Ohashi
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