The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Welcome to My Off-the-Charts Mansion

is a map of the mansion and its key.
Thank you!
His Majesty was meeting with someone,
but when he heard you were coming
We're playing Reversi!
Wait, Your Majesty!
It was quite difficult to talk him out of it.
Sounds like I'll be able
to go home early today.
Hello! Is Cain here?
Oh, good. I got here in time.
Duke Eric?
I wanted a chance to challenge you.
Would you mind?
Sure I'll play.
I'm next, then!
And me next!
Me, too!
Me, too!
They say the strong will always be targets,
and I'm a reincarnated noble
who's a little too strong.
But that's a secret to everyone!
The Aristocrat's
Otherworldly Adventure:
Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
"Welcome to My Off-the-Charts Mansion"
Let's see
It should be around here
Whoa, it's pretty run-down.
Don't let anything pop out at me
I'm coming in
The lights are out.
I guess the magic stones
are out of magic, too.
Light Ball!
Coming in
Oh, boy. There's nothing in the living room.
I mean, the simplicity is nice, but
How many people do they want me
to cook for?! This isn't a hotel!
Is this room for parties?
Such is the nobility
Ugh, but it's so filthy.
I guess I should do a little cleaning.
All Clean! All Repair!
Looking good! Let's keep this going!
This is my house.
Even without Mom, Dad, or Grandpa here
Master Cain!
It's my house, and everyone's here.
I appreciate you coming here.
Of course! When you asked me to come,
I was so happy, I found myself crying!
From now on, I'll work my hardest with
the maids here in your exclusive service!
Master Cain.
I am your new butler. My name is Colan.
Oh, yeah. Sebas has told me about you.
Sebas has told me a great
deal about you, as well.
Such as how you annihilated
an orc army alone,
how you blew away an
entire forest with magic,
and how you turn all who look
sideways at you into stone.
Uh, I never did that!
All right, we'll get started
cleaning right away.
You two, over there!
You, over there!
Um, Sylvia
There's not a speck of dust anywhere.
Oh Sorry. I cleaned it all up with magic.
I thought so!
Huh?! She just accepts everything
Master Cain does without question?!
In that case, Master Cain
We'll prepare to receive all of your things!
I appreciate it, Sylvia.
Of course!
Master Cain.
We will take care of things here.
You should return to Lord Garm's mansion now.
Today is—
Oh, I forgot! Today's the day
my older brothers come home!
I never thought you'd be granted a
peerage and receive a mansion before us.
Cain really is a little
brother we can be proud of.
I can't wait to see Cain's mansion!
Reine, I hear it's quite a
run-down mansion. Are you sure?
Scary things might show up.
I-I'll be fine! Cain will protect me!
Sister Reine, I don't think anything
scary is going to show up.
But they're saying it's really run-down!
It's not run-down at all! It's sparkling!
It looks like a brand-new house!
What's this about?
It was dilapidated and falling apart
when I came here a few years ago.
Cain, it was you, wasn't it?
I just did a little remodeling
and cleaning with magic.
That's my son for you.
It's beautiful inside, too!
There are no works of art, though.
Does it need those?
Yes. Nobles are fond of artworks
and decorate their mansions with
them as a matter of course.
Paintings, vases, armor in some
cases, even mounted monsters.
Mounted monsters would work? In that case
I put one up!
What is it? An enemy attack?
I'll check first!
Is everything all right?!
Oh, man! I forgot to explain it to them!
Cain! What is this?!
It's a mounted red dragon.
I can see that! I'm asking you
why you have such a thing here!
Because I defeated it.
You defeated it?! When?! Where?!
A while ago when I went into that forest.
A red dragon is a calamity-class monster!
Even a party of A-rank adventurers
can barely take it down,
and not without losing a few!
And you
Explain it to the maids before
something like this happens again.
I-I will explain it to them.
That said, a mounted red dragon is
worth a thousand platinum coins.
Maybe it's better to have this
than some random decoration.
A thousand platinum coins is
Ten billion yen?!
What now?!
C-Cain! What is this toilet?!
It shoots water at you!
What is it?!
I used magic to make it shoot water out.
Do that to ours, too!
Really, now. You two are being
so dramatic over a mere toilet.
Why don't you try it yourself, then?
What is that thing?!
Oh, very well. If you want that, Sarah,
I suppose we can have him do it.
I guess he likes it.
Really likes it.
Cain, visitors you invite here will
be pleased with this, as well.
Visitors I invite?
Yes. Nobles who come into
ownership of a mansion
must host a party to debut it.
That's the rule.
What?! Another debut party?!
What am I supposed to do?
I didn't know about this!
Master Cain, I had a feeling
it would come to this,
so I made a list of the people you should
invite and the things you'll need.
Thank you, Colan!
You are most welcome.
Duke Eric, Prime Minister Magna
And Marquis Corgino
Do I have to invite him?
Yes. It is common sense, I fear,
that high-ranking nobles should be invited.
He and I don't get along so well, though
Oh, I don't need to invite the king?
Only those ranked as a count or higher
can invite royalty to their mansions.
Even just sending an invitation
would be a breach of etiquette?
And let's see The things I'll need
Alcoholic drinks, food, and gifts.
What would a noble even
want to get as a gift?!
Master Cain, instead of
adhering to formalities,
why don't you give them your
own brand of hospitality?
My own brand of hospitality?
Yes, your own unique brand of hospitality.
All right!
Hospitality! Hospitality!
How lovely!
It sparkles like a star!
Everyone here uses porcelain tableware,
so I thought they might like these as gifts.
I know they'll love it!
Okay, then, I'll make enough for everyone.
I'll show my hospitality with glasses!
There there and there!
Next up, the drinks and food!
I followed the recipe you
gave me, but I'm not sure
Master Cain, you called?
Sylvia, I'd like you to taste
the food I'll be serving.
It's called a Hamburg steak.
The juices from the tender meat burst
into my mouth the moment I take a bite!
And this brown sauce is a
perfect match! Master Cain!
It's delicious!
And how about this drink?
It's so fizzy and bubbly,
and it goes perfectly with the meat!
What is this beverage?!
Sparkling wine.
I used magic to make regular wine fizzy.
I can't drink alcohol yet,
so you'll have to tell me honestly if the
bubbles are too strong or anything.
I don't know.
I'll need another glass to be sure.
She's quite the drinker
She sure is. Maybe the bubbles
are too strong, in a way.
Master Cain, a messenger has
come from the royal palace.
It seems like the whole gang's here
And they don't look happy.
Cain, I have not received an invitation
to your mansion's debut party.
Why is this?
Why?! You sent invitations to Eric and Magna!
Why didn't I get one?!
I'm the one who gave you that mansion!
Now, now, Your Majesty.
Only high-ranking nobles can
invite you to their mansions.
And more importantly, I'm your father!
You would neglect your future father?!
Eric was shoving his invitation
in my face and bragging about it!
Can you comprehend how vexing that is?!
The truth is
I had planned to give you your invitation
in person the next time we met.
But I realize how busy you are,
so I was delayed while waiting
for the right opportunity.
I sincerely apologize.
I thought that must be it!
See, Eric?! Didn't I tell you?!
He had one for me, too!
I'm glad I followed Colan's advice
and brought an invitation!
Cain, I will bring Telestia, as well.
I look forward to the party.
And I will bring Silk, as well.
The king will be attending?!
But why?
I guess I never told you.
The third princess, Telestia,
is actually my fiancée.
What?! The princess is your fiancée?!
All right, girls, calm down.
No matter who attends, we maids need only
provide the best possible hospitality.
Let's welcome him with all we have.
Right, Master Cain?
I'm counting on you all to
make him feel welcome.
Yes, Master Cain! We'll do our best!
Announcing the arrival of Baron Gam.
Announcing the arrival of Viscount Maki.
Duke Eric.
Miss Silk.
Thank you for inviting us.
I'll show you inside.
A r-red dragon!
I've heard stories about them,
but I never thought I'd see one up close.
Surprising us from the very
first hall we enter, I see.
Wow! I'll be living here one day!
You're getting a bit ahead of yourself.
Master Cain.
It is nearly time.
Please offer your greetings.
Thank you all for taking the time out
of your busy schedules to attend today.
While it is a meager offering,
I've arranged food and drinks.
I hope you all enjoy them.
Now, if you'll all join me
What is this beverage?!
It's full of bubbles that pop in my mouth!
I love it!
And it's so ice-cold and yummy!
I used water magic to chill it.
And this glass!
It shines so brilliantly!
Just like a treasure chest!
The glasses are my gifts for all attendees.
Please take them home with you.
Oh! I do appreciate that!
The food is fantastic, as well.
Look over there.
Only ten years old, and you've grasped
the ladies by their stomachs.
Still a philanderer, aren't you, Cain?
It's the king!
The king is here!
I apologize for interrupting the
pleasant chats you were having.
Pay us no mind. Continue to enjoy yourselves.
What is this?
Between the transparency and the pattern
on it, I've never seen such beauty!
It's so fizzy and bubbly!
The bubbles are popping in my mouth!
And what is this?
It's a dish called Hamburg steak.
Hmm. Hamburg steak, you say?
It's made with meat that's been
processed to make it tender.
The rich juices that pour out
from every crack in the meat!
And what is this mysterious
substance oozing out?!
This is cheese?!
The meat juices and the
mellow aroma of the cheese
play an exquisite harmony in my mouth!
Teles, what do you think?
Yes, it is quite delicious!
Baron Cain! Baron Cain!
What in the world is that in there?!
Water spouted up from the toilet!
My Queen, that is
It's revolutionary! You must put
one in the palace right away!
What's this about the toilet?
Go and see for yourself!
You will be most surprised!
Unforgivable! Simply unforgivable!
Why didn't you tell me sooner
that you had such a fine thing?!
Cain! Put one of those in the
palace at once! Tomorrow!
Your consideration shows not only in
the food, but in everything thereafter!
I am deeply moved by your spirit!
This is the ultimate hospitality!
Wow! The king gave him
the ultimate compliment!
Your Majesty
I'm glad I did all this.
Excuse me, Master Cain. May I have a moment?
Marquis Corgino
Well, well, Baron Cain!
Thank you for the invitation!
What a small mansion it is, though.
More like a dog house!
Marquis Corgi—
But we must warn him about
the mounted monster.
It's a dra-dra-dra-dragon!
Please forgive me. It's a mounted red dragon.
T-Tell me that sooner, you fool!
Your taste is as poor as
I expected, Baron. And
What a deplorable lineup of attendees!
How vile.
What an attitude for someone
who showed up after the king.
Just look at him.
Ugh, it's so noisy in here.
Here you are.
It's the drink we used for the toast.
Hmph! I'm sure a drink offered by
the baron is of no consequence,
but I'll sample it.
Do you like it?
This is Hamburg steak.
Ugh, such a ridiculous-looking dish
I mean, disgusting!
Yum! I mean, disgusting!
Hey! Someone bring me some sauce!
Give me that!
This rotten
Master Cain, he is a marquis.
You mustn't make a fuss.
Just stand firm.
Yeah, but
It's fine as long as
I don't make a fuss, right?
Marquis Corgino, it is a meager offering,
but please take this as a token
of my thanks for your attendance.
Oh, yes, it's a meager offering, all right!
But I like it!
Give all of the glasses and drink to me!
And have the recipe for this dish
ready for me by the time I leave!
I can't do that.
What was that, you lowly baron?!
I'll be giving these glasses to
everyone in attendance today.
It would look better for you to have a
marquis using these than any of that rabble!
Give me fifty! No, a hundred!
I'm very sorry.
I cannot grant such a request,
even if it comes from you.
Oh, but if you'd accept the
kingdom's biggest instead
The kingdom's biggest what?! A jewel?!
Oh, it's even more amazing than a jewel.
What?! Even more amazing?! Give it to me!
Two more meters One more meter
Of course. Please accept
this kingdom's biggest
Your Majesty!
Wh-What are you doing in the home
of such a low-ranking noble?!
Well, he's the one who saved
my daughter, Telestia.
Of course I'd come.
What about you, Marquis?
When did you get here?
Surely you didn't arrive later than
the king and the rest of us, did you?
N-No! Of course not!
That aside, Corgino,
if the tyrannical behavior I just
witnessed is your typical attitude,
then I will have to rethink
certain future events.
I-It was no such thing!
I was just so impressed by the glasses and
the meal that I asked how they were made!
That is all well and good, but, Corgino
A marquis must conduct himself in a way
that sets an example for other nobles!
I-I understand!
I saw that.
You set that up, didn't you?
You're such a little trickster, Cain.
Does that mean you used us, then?
Yep! I thought I might as well use the
biggest weight in the kingdom to—
Hello. I'm the biggest
weight in this kingdom.
Oh, crap! I'm in trouble again!
I'm sorry!
Feel this weight!
An ordinary child would
be crying right now
Oh, my stomach hurts!
I can't believe my future son used me!
I bet you intend to keep using me
like that from now on, don't you?!
No, not at all!
But I couldn't defy
Marquis Corgino to his face,
so it was no more than a last resort
I knew it! You enjoyed every moment of it!
I was just kidding! I'm sorry! Forgive me!
Just who do you think I am, anyway?!
I am the king of this nation!
He continued to lecture me for two hours.
Next time, "A Date with the
Strongest Captain of the Knights."
"A Date with the Strongest Captain of the Knights"
Garm, your son is a serious playboy!
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