The Assassins (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Abbasid Caliph

Anyone who enters the Sultan's
house of secrets, leave with none.
Hassan Al-Sabbah was
exiled to Morocco.
But knowledge,
boldness, and luck
saved him.
He ordered the ship's
captain to head to Acre
And from Acre, he
returned to Isfahan
to renew his call for the absent
Imam who would return.
Imam Nizar.
- Back to Isfahan again, Hassan?
- I must meet Nizam Al-Mulk.
An enemy state to us and
our school of thought, Hassan.
There is no school of thought
I'll despise it.
I'll despise it.
And for the call
He returned to renew
his friendship once again.
The promise between him,
Nizam Al-Mulk, and Omar Khayyam.
What guarantees that King
Nizam Al-Mulk welcome you?
- The promise between us.
- He might deny it
or forget it.
He's not like that.
Nizam Al-Mulk kept his promise
and appointed Hassan in the palace
in charge of summarising
the secret correspondences.
Want me to accept the presence of
two in this position in the Sultan's Court
One, from a different school of thought,
wants to entrust him with state secrets.
One, from a different school of thought,
wants to entrust him with state secrets.
and the other handles its money?
Hassan found the most dangerous
place within the Seljuk Empire.
You will find here
everything you can
think of, Hassan.
He began leaking letters, correspondences,
and information about the state.
From the Abbasid Caliph,
caliph of the Muslims
to Malik-Shah.
I write to you to warn you
of the impending danger.
Until he found a grand opportunity
that was worth the risk.
Episode Five
"The Abbasid Caliph"
Episode Five
"The Abbasid Caliph"
What did yesterday teach you?
By the way
I went through similar
darkness and loneliness long ago.
But it was inside a well
and out of it came Hassan Al-Sabbah.
What did you learn, Hussein?
I learned that
I will never forgive you.
We are in training, Yahya.
Tyfoor, come.
Tomorrow, you three join the Sultan's army.
This was your
last day of training.
Get up, you coward
Look out for the knight!
Sulaiman has become a knight!
- The Seljuk Empire's fall begins.
- Ibrahim, come.
You're saying something?
What's up, Suleiman
Iam talking about, I mean
I was talking about Tyfoor.
My lord, the Sultan.
Can summarize our state correspondences
so it's not tonnes of letters?
In less than one small volume.
- How?
- By abbreviating, My Lord.
Abbreviating by replacing
letters with numbers
achieves two crucial things.
The first is secrecy
because few know this way of writing.
Second, it reduces
the volume of correspondence.
Imagine, My Lord
Imagine, My Lord
The injustice of the people
,the army commander's orders
News from the courts
and reports about enemies.
all on very few pages.
I need an example.
A and C mean Army Commander.
If we replace letters with numbers
This implies the commander's orders.
And so on in everything, My Lord.
Great, Hassan.
How long to make a yearly
calendar for all state affairs?
How long to make a yearly
calendar for all state affairs?
No less than a year, My Lord.
A month.
What is the big
difference in this estimate?
I've told you before, My Lord.
Hassan has a complex mentality.
And I'm waiting, Hassan.
My Lord.
What are you doing Hassan?
The first place I would
be watched is definitely my home.
Sure, my home
is full of holes.
Sure, my home
is full of holes.
And certainly, my neighbors
are the Nizam Al-Mulk's men.
So it's not a shame
to watch those who watch me.
Is Nizam Al-Mulk
going to watch you
only through the neighbors?
Of course, not.
That's just one possibility
out of a thousand.
As soon as I walk out my door.
I'm under constant surveillance.
What to do?
That all my actions have to be correct
From home
From home
to work court
to the mosque
to the Sultan's court
to home.
You impressed me
and you impressed our Sultan.
Then, thank God.
So he knows you didn't bring
your friend without a reason
but brought someone who
can really be useful.
But I don't want you to be
in the Sultan's court, Hassan
except in the narrowest limits.
Meaning don't be present
unless it's really important.
- How would I know if it's important or..
- I'll know.
I'll be the one to know
and tell you, Hassan.
But we have some sort of upcoming meeting.
After the meeting
You're not allowed in the Sultan's
court without my permission, Hassan.
Hassan Al Sabbah goes against the tide.
My lord's face is not
as cheerful as usual.
Our lord, the Caliph of the Muslims?
- What's with him?
- Caliph over whom?
His Caliphate is meaningless.
No, my lord.
Your legitimacy
and the legitimacy of your father
Alp Arslan and before him Tughril
all are derived from
our allegiance to him.
I am Sultan Malik-Shah.
A Sultan over Muslim
lands, from Jerusalem to India.
He sends me his orders?
He sits in his palace indulging
in eating, drinking, and the courtesans.
We are the ones fighting
conquering lands with our
lives on the line.
and then, he sends me his orders?
In a flash, I could remove
him from his position.
- There's nothing stopping me.
- Your manners will stop you, my lord.
your religion
your ethics
- and your gratitude.
- Nizam Al-Mulk, don't make me more angry.
My lord's anger may ease if he hears the
solution from his servant, Nizam Al-Mulk.
This matter, my lord,
have only one solution.
This matter, my lord,
have only one solution.
The allegiance of the Turkish
Sultan to the Abbasid Caliph.
Its solution
is to arrange a marriage
between our lord, the Sultan
and the Abbasid Caliph.
that my lord Sultan Malik
Shah's daughter should marry
the Abbasid Caliph
and thus
The son of my lord, with Turkish mother,
language, identity, and passion
The son of my lord, with Turkish mother,
language, identity, and passion
will be the twenty-ninth Abbasid Caliph.
Having a Turkish Abbasid Caliph
will mark a new era.
"Al-Ghazali's Setting"
Questions are what
reshape the universe.
Tell me, gentlemen
Does anyone have any questions?
- Ask.
- How can these Esoterics be wrong
- Ask.
- How can these Esoterics be wrong
and they have spread
ominously as a school of thought?
Even Satan has many followers.
But they are not Satan.
They are dressed like
scholars, the poor, and ascetics.
Do you know all
the forms of Satan?
It can appear
in the form of an ascetic,
a scholar, a poor person or anyone.
- I've bound myself to God's covenant.
- To know his school of thought
I've bound myself to God's covenant
- Know his followers.
- and all prophets.
Some of them crave fame
Some of them crave fame
- And well-known reputation.
- My inner, outer and thoughts
- He will find himself with the Esoterics
- My wealth and what I possess
They have dazzling promises.
They'll tell you
that you're the Imam.
You're the proof.
And there's a third type
who is in dire straits
and he wants wealth, so he'll
find his desire with the Esoterics .
Because they know the
moment they join them
- I give you my soul, mind, and body
- They will unlock the door of wealth
- Everything about me
- And the most dangerous among them all
is half ignorant.
- There's no such thing as half knowledge
- My inner, outer and my thoughts
- This Half ignorant
- My wealth and what I possess
is the one who takes
the first steps in knowledge
Then gets tired, lazy
- and bored.
- You weren't sent but for us
So he decides to enter
the Esoterics to take a shortcut
for the sake of
what he has learned.
He never actually was learning
for the sake of knowledge.
He was doing it
to stand out among people.
He was doing it
to stand out among people.
And indeed he will find
his desires in the Esoterics
because it's filled with myths
that will satisfy his ignorance.
And the last thing
He is not religious at all.
he, God forbid, just loves the pleasures
and the Esoterics will grant him that
because they will lift
all responsibilities from him.
And in the end
They will all be tied
by a devilish bond.
To possess their bodies
their souls and hearts.
I understood, Master.
I understand.
See you in the
next lesson, God willing.
Don't be late.
Al-Ghazali is more dangerous than
the Sultan and Nizam Al-Mulk.
He has a strong proof and is ascetic
and, unfortunately, his
reputation is good.
Should we kill him?
Or show people that he is
fixated to the Sultan and the power
and his loyalty is to
the deceivers, not God.
Isn't it like killing him?
What's this?
Hassan Al-Sabah's surveillance report.
Either you're underestimating
the minister Nizam Al-Mulk
or you must be drunk.
or you must be drunk.
My lord, great Minister
Just as I am observing him.
he's watching me as well.
Did you read what you've written?
To be punished
for drinking alcohol.
- But I didn't taste wine, my lord.
- Fine then, behead him.
No, I'm ready to bear
the punishment for drinking, my lord!
No, I'm ready to bear
the punishment for drinking, my lord!
He'll remain in prison for a week after
the punishment until we look into his case.
De - lus - ion!
What's wrong?
Always silent
Always sorrowful
What's wrong wiht you?
I feel like I'm not free.
I want to leave
I want to leave
When does your uncertainty end?
What am I doing?
- Nothing.
- Oh, Come on!
So, writing poetry
that enchants people
and making a calendar
that astonishes the Sultan
and achieving what nobody else has,
but in the end, it's nothing?
And ultimately?
A poet who will be forgotten
and a knowledge that
someone else will perfect.
And Omar Khayyam
will die, descend beneath
the earth and become nothing.
A meaningless handful of dust.
Every step forward
takes me closer to my grave.
Can you write the
word grave by yourself?
Do you know that grave
is spelled like near?
Let's stick to the near.
I like your style.
One reads the report with a
smile for your concise and coded language.
Secrecy is crucial, my lord.
Did Nizam Al-Mulk see this report?
Don't ever sidestep
Nizam Al-Mulk
because stepping over Nizam Al-Mulk
means you're crossing a line into danger.
Not stepping over, my lord.
I know the value
of Nizam Al-Mulk
and I truly deeply appreciate it.
He is really, like people
say, the Sultan's most trusted source.
The one who can competently
manage state affairs
when the Sultan is
busy with his conquests.
He is also the voice of
wisdom that our lord relies on.
And is the only one
of the subjects who make swift
decisions without consulting the Sultan.
Because he always prioritizes
the nation and the Sultan.
I can't step over him.
This is public's opinion?
and it's noted
briefly with my lord.
Every time I come to
the court, you are here.
Don't you ever go home?
My home is my work.
Your home is your work.
Your home is your work.
Or can you be in two places
at the same time?
Exoteric school
suggests that is impossible.
But what about the Esoteric?
That requires faith
and spiritual practices
that I cannot do.
- What have you done?
- I am almost done.
Even the Caliph's message to
the Sultan is summarized.
It is shameful to summarize a message from
the Caliph of the Muslims to our Sultan?
- Yes.
- You didn't tell me about the message.
My job is just reading and summarizing.
But didn't you notice
the Caliph's marriage
to the Sultan's daughter?
Didn't you notice his
honor to visit Isfahan?
Is all this normal to you?
Should I speak to
you formally or as friends?
We are in the court
We are in the court
but friendship is prior.
Talk to me as a friend.
Tusi, honestly, the Caliph's
affair doesn't concern me.
As you know
He is a Caliph over the
Muslims who pledge to him.
Whether my lord Sultan
visits him or not
Marry into Caliph's family or not
I don't care.
I like your honesty, Hassan.
But it concerns me
and it concerns me that
this visit should be legendary.
Most importantly
It should pass safely.
Whether it passes safely or
not, that's your job, Tusi.
My lord minister is very clever.
"I loved you, Omar"
"But I knew I
couldn't stay with you."
Finally, Jihan learned to write.
I'm bored.
Ibrahim, take the honor
- and stitch this.
- Stitch?
- I'm a chemist, Sulaiman.
- What's a chemist?
You can't stitch?
- Are you showing off, Sulaiman?
- Yes, I am showing off.
- Are you showing off, Sulaiman?
- Yes, I am showing off.
If you're the
muscles, I'm the brain.
Who wins, a brain resister or muscles?
What's on your mind, Yehia?
- He's in love.
- In love!
Tell me, Shakon
Have you ever been in love?
Of course, I have been.
Is there anyone who didn't, Sulaiman?
I've wasted my life in love.
You've wasted your life in love?
Roasting goat meat in front of you
The duck while it's in your hands
The lentil soup that warms
your chest in the winter.
And you, Ibrahim,
have you loved before?
I loved a Palestinian girl while
on a journey with the Sennar people.
I wrote a song about her.
Why not sing it to us?
I don't want to disturb
you, the song has emotions.
We're your brothers, Ibrahim.
Go on.
I hold my heart
in my hand and gamble
with my life and sword
for the sake of life with death
I let my spear go into the clouds
and leave my fate to
passion, praying not to be defeated.
I have believed in
the unknown when I dreamed
I have believed in
the unknown when I dreamed
that it hides a forthcoming lover meeting
Oh, war comes into
the arms of my storm
For I am drawn to freedom
Don't mourn me, mom, if I
die I would die loving her
If I live, I will live as her lover.
If I live, I will live as her lover.
Oh, the beloved of my
soul is like an Imam
My life is a small price for her.
I hold my heart
in my hand and gamble
With my life and sword
for the sake of life with death.
Securing the entrance
of Isfahan is critical.
Your presence
will be outside Isfahan,
a day's journey away.
As soon as the Caliph's
convoy arrives at your location
you will escort
him safely to Isfahan.
This day is unprecedented in history.
Each house and rooftop must
have one of our soldiers.
Each house and rooftop must
have one of our soldiers.
Understood, my lord.
Anyone on foot
or on horseback
or on his camel
is to be thoroughly searched.
The commoners
will be largely separated
from the caliph's convoy.
If you find in his pocket
or in his bag
a piece of stale bread
He must be immediately arrested.
This piece of stale
bread could be a weapon.
There's no margin for error.
Absolutely none.
Whoever commits an
error has no excuse.
He will pay the
price with his life.
I had to pay a
large sum for this house
Though just a usual house
because of this basement.
I knew from the first moment
I saw you going into it.
But every time you go into
it, I worry you will not return.
You will leave after me.
And leave Hussein and Atiya alone?
They're men, they'll handle it.
I'll try to stick around.
Nour Bareq's wife must see your tears
and accept your money, Donia.
I've committed.
Congratulations on becoming a
proclaimer of the truth.
Congratulations on becoming a
proclaimer of the truth.
Praise be to Allah.
Oral praises are not enough.
You are a clever Turkish boy, Nour.
The task ahead is the most honorable ever.
Ever since I started my call.
A task history will remember.
You will kill the greatest devil
their Commander of the believers,
their Muslims' caliphate.
You will kill the Abbasid caliph.
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