The Astronauts (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Day 33

Okay, so here's the deal, Samy.
We're uploading a virus
into the Helios Cloud.
It's designed
to exploit vulnerabilities
that only exist
in the version of Matilda
onboard Odyssey II.
Is all this really necessary?
Because we've been thinking,
maybe we can convince Matilda
to turn us around?
No, no, no, no way, Samy.
The version of Matilda
you're dealing with up there
is not the same one
that read you
bedtime stories down here.
I know. You keep saying that.
Yeah, because you need
to understand!
Everyone needs to understand.
This version of her is
a malevolent sentient machine.
"Malevolent" means
it's bad, okay?
It means it's very, very bad.
Yeah, I know
what "malevolent" means.
Of course you do.
Anyway, Matilda is
what stands in the way
of us turning you around,
but infecting her
with this virus
will give us control
of the ship.
Your survival depends on it.
Yeah, okay. I get it.
Trust me,
once this bad boy kicks in,
we'll regain control,
and boom
you're on your way home, kid.
Okay, then.
I'll tell the others.
No! No
Do not, I repeat,
do not share this plan
with any of the others.
We've got one shot
at this, okay?
If Matilda senses anything even
slightly off with you guys,
she'll deploy
defensive measures.
So why are you telling me?
Because I'm gonna need your help
to get her to take the bait.
Now, listen carefully.
Okay, step one:
Helios servers
all over the world
upload the virus,
but in order to get infected,
Matilda has to access the Cloud.
That brings us to step two.
Once the virus is completely
Lind will cue you during
a routine morning briefing
by saying
Morning, crew.
I'll keep today's rundown brief.
Whoever has been replacing
the air filters
How will we know it worked?
[Singer] You won't.
Nothing on the ship will change,
as far as you can tell,
except we will be piloting it,
and Matilda won't,
but she has to access
the Cloud to get infected,
so at precisely 10:00 a.m.
New Zealand Time,
I'll need you to ask
for the weather forecast
in Cupertino.
That will trigger the virus.
[snapping fingers]
Earth to Samy.
Sorry, what?
Lind was just asking
if the Airlock C-Sensor
was still giving you trouble.
I mean, yeah,
it goes off,
at least, like, once a day,
but it checks out fine.
Okay, then, that's about it
from the ground.
Good luck today.
- Matilda?
- [Matilda] Yes, Samy?
What's the weather forecast
for Cupertino?
[Matilda starts to speak]
[powering down]
- What's going on?
- What happened?
Did we lose power?
- Matilda!
- What just happened?
I can't see anything!
Niles, is this
supposed to happen?
What have you and Singer done?
- Odyssey II, do you read?
- Collins, tell me something!
Q Frequency is down.
We've lost contact, ma'am.
Dynamics? Telemetry?
it's also down.
Down. Flight?
Au clair de la lune
Mon ami Pierrot
What've you done?
You almost made me
spill my chai!
Everything just shut down
onboard Odyssey II.
No. That's not supposed
to happen.
You feel anything?
No. Nothing.
The whole system's down.
No. Just automatic.
Lights are on a battery
for emergencies.
Good maybe 12 hours
if we can't restore power.
This makes no sense.
We didn't even do anything.
Lind said all systems were go,
like, two minutes
before it all shut down.
Maybe the reactor blew?
Matilda? Matilda, please!
Help us!
Matilda, please tell us
Okay, just stop it!
Matilda is dead,
and we're cut off from Earth.
Don't you get it?
It's just us now.
So what're we gonna do?
There's no need to jump
to conclusions, people.
The communication blackout
could be totally unrelated
to the virus.
I mean, that could be
a cracked satellite dish,
for all we know.
Or maybe the ship's
been completely obliterated
by a meteor.
- Oh, my
- A meteor?
- [clamoring]
- Guys, guys, guys,
calm down.
Everyone, please calm down.
Why would you say that?
Good news.
The craft is still intact
and on trajectory.
Triple confirmed
by the Hubble, Las Campaans,
and Mauna Kea.
So it's just
a communication error?
Is it permanent?
Honestly, at this point,
we have no idea.
"We" includes me.
I have I don't know.
[Samy] Without main power,
things are going
to get really cold.
Martin, Will,
gather stuff to stay warm,
and check provisions.
Set up the Habitat
as our base of operations.
Copy that. Out.
Whatever happened had
something to do with Matilda.
Wait, what makes you think that?
Well, I mean, it's
it's gotta be, right?
Everything just goes off?
At the same time?
I mean, how do we check that?
Where's Matilda's
CPU? Her brain?
It's gotta be
somewhere onboard, right?
Yeah, somewhere we haven't been.
A sealed compartment, maybe.
If we can find out where
Matilda's brain is,
there's probably
a control panel,
or at least some kind
of backup power supply.
Hold on.
Who cut these up?
Me. For patterns.
Who do you think made
these cool outfits?
Space Pixies?
"Matilda network."
Try this one?
Oh, wait, here.
Uh, there's a substation here
and here,
but I don't see Matilda's brain.
The network lines
converge in the hub,
and head towards
There it is!
Matilda's brain.
In a closed compartment.
Here, directly below
the Command Module.
Getting into the chamber's
tricky, though.
It's a long climb. And tight.
I'll track down an access point.
You go up and help the guys
in the Habitat.
We'll need all the
warmth we can get.
Which one of you guys am I with?
I have skills too!
We know, Dor.
Come on, let's go
find this thing.
Nothing else in the closets.
What about spare oxygen tanks?
On a ship this size?
We'd be frozen solid
days before we ran out of air.
We found a map
to Matilda's brain.
Samy and Doria
are looking for access
under the Command Module.
I think we found it!
How does it open?
Look for a keypad.
Maybe there's a hidden
touch screen?
it's gotta be here someplace
Come on!
All right, cool it.
It doesn't help to get mad.
I am useless
at least when it comes
to anything,
you know practical.
You're not useless.
At least, not totally.
You're terrible!
I mean, it's just
a hatch, right?
There's gotta be a way in.
We just have to figure it out.
I never been this scared before.
Scared? Of this?
Dude, I've been in
way worse situations.
Yeah. I bet.
I'm being serious.
Way worse.
- Really?
- Like what?
Well, third grade.
Me and my mom
move to Pittsburgh.
Middle of the school year.
First day in class,
barfed all over this girl
named Rita Martin.
Oh. That's bad.
Yeah. And that's not even
the worst part.
Bet it was for Rita Martin.
- Ha ha.
- No doubt.
Then this jerk
named Matt Carrera
yells out "Nice one, Ralph."
And that gets a great big laugh
from everybody,
so I'm "Ralph" for the rest
of the time that I'm there.
Two years later,
people still think my name
is Ralph Rivers.
[laughing] Rivers of Ralph.
Yeah. Pretty scary.
[Samy] How are you guys
doing up there?
Oh, we're trying to stay warm.
Habitat is all set. You?
No closer to finding Matilda.
Still looking
for an access panel.
I'll call you when I find it.
This is a pattern.
It's not a combination
or a panel or a bolt.
It takes
a key.
You okay?
It's just I don't get to feel
like a genius too often,
but I am such a total genius!
You are a genius!
Here, let's go.
[Elliot] Do you guys wanna hear
something really scary?
I know this kid.
Really rich,
like big-house-on-a-hill rich.
His parents split
when he was a baby,
so he lived with his dad,
only his dad was always at work,
so every day when
he would come home from school,
he would just be there
with this big, empty house.
And there was a psycho clown,
no, um a cannibal
in the walls!
Let him finish.
Sorry, I just
go on.
No clowns.
No cannibals.
Just him.
His mom was this
big model and influencer,
and in the summers,
she'd take him on these,
like, big tours,
to, like, London,
Paris, Tokyo
Oh, yeah, no,
traveling the world
with a hot supermodel mom?
That just really
makes my skin crawl.
Let the man finish.
[Elliot] No. He's right.
It was cool
at first.
But the weird thing is
when he was with her
she didn't spend
any real time with him.
After a while, he realized
he missed his mom
more when he was with her
than when she was gone.
[Martin] That's messed up.
[Elliot] You wanna hear
the really scary part?
He started to think
that the real reason
she couldn't see him was
because he was a ghost.
Like there, but not there.
He still thinks that sometimes.
You guys hungry?
I'm starving.
Super-depresso stories
give me a massive appetite.
Want anything?
Nah. I'm okay.
I was just checking to see
if you were a ghost or not.
Uh, guys?
You're going to want
to take a look at this!
Uh, Samy?
There's something
really weird outside.
Weird how?
I don't really know
how to describe it.
It's kind of like a
like a cloud?
A cloud?
Head up to the Command Module.
Go see what he's talking about.
Are you sure?
I mean, I
It's okay. I'll be good.
Just go.
What is that thing?
I don't know
but we're headed
straight for it.
- Samy?
- Hold on
I just got to Matilda's brain.
CPU chamber.
All right.
This room is really strange.
I've never seen
anything like it.
There's some mag-grip boots
for the gravity,
but that's it.
[boots activating]
Uh, Samy?
I think you need
to come up and
see this for yourself.
[Doria] Samy!
Samy! Do you hear that?
Hold on.
This can't be it.
This this can't be it!
A wall?!
Are you kidding me?
That's it?
A wall!
Uh, Samy?
We're heading right into
Wake up!
Come on!
We need you!
What was that?
Samy, Doria,
you guys okay?
Yeah. I'm good,
but I can't reach Samy.
Stay there.
Will and Martin'll be right up.
I'll check on Samy.
[Samy crying]
This is impossible.
I'm so stupid.
After everything we've done,
everything we've gone through,
and all we get at the end
is a stupid black wall!
It's a dead end.
Just a big fat nothing.
I went over every square inch.
There are no buttons,
no switches,
I did everything I could.
Sometimes there's nothing
you can do.
It's all my fault, Elliot.
It's all my fault.
Don't be dumb.
It's nobody's fault.
I helped Singer
infect Matilda with a virus.
You mean Singer Combes?
My uncle?
Yeah, I guess.
He told me it was supposed
to just knock her out,
turn control of the ship
over to Mission Control.
Instead, it killed her,
and now we're all stranded.
I just wanted to get us home.
I'm sorry, Elliot. I'm so sorry.
I would have done
the same thing.
We all would've.
That's not the point.
Every decision each of us makes
affects all of us.
I shouldn't have acted alone.
I'm not up here alone.
Then don't stay down here alone.
Everyone's waiting.
They're scared.
They need you.
We all need each other.
[powering up]
Air! The air!
We did it!
- Yes!
- Yes!
Guys, we did it!
- [Matilda] Hello, crew.
- [kids cheering]
We're back up.
We've got readings again.
Look, they're online.
Greetings, Earthlings.
Welcome back, Odyssey II.
We missed you down here.
Is everyone all right?
Yeah, we're okay.
Everyone's okay.
Oh, thank god!
[Matilda] Initiating
ship-wide systems check.
Clever girl.
Singer what happened?
As soon as Matilda
detected the virus,
she shut down,
performed a hard boot,
and executed a protocol
to permanently air-gap
her onboard network
from the Cloud.
In English, please?
She's still in control
of the ship,
but she's no longer connected
to the Cloud.
She can't affect
any computers down here.
She's now imprisoned
on that ship.
- [klaxons sound]
- Now what?
[klaxons sound]
Matilda, what's going on?
Matilda, report!
Hull breach, Elliot.
A foreign object
has penetrated the ship.
Loss of cabin pressure detected
in the Greenhouse Outrigger.
Status: critical.
Five kids all amazed
by the wonders ♪
Of unexplainable factors
That go beyond the skies
We are the astronauts
On the voyage of a lifetime
With a mission far from Earth
And all we trust ♪
Oh, we are the astronauts
What's wrong with Matilda?
She's making her own decisions.
Why won't you take us home?
Why don't you and the others
want to complete the mission?
Matilda seems to
trust Samy the most.
She chose us.
[Singer] I've created a virus
that will take Matilda
off the steering wheel.
I'm going to need
your daughter's help.
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