The Atypical Family (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Even then,
registering the marriage first
doesn't seem right.
Let's take it one step at a time.
What do you mean?
Love has to come first
for us to reach
the future you talked about.
Let's see if we actually end up
falling in love.
He bought it.
He denied holding my hand
and giving me flowers.
None of that had happened to him yet.
Then what if
I told him his future self
stamped the form with his seal?
Am I really going to
go back in time
to save Do Da-hae from the fire?
But I don't know when I'll get found out.
They're no ordinary people.
What the hell?
They have superpowers.
They'll always be one step ahead of me.
They might even find out about my past.
Just a second.
Who is it?
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't be bothering you,
but I can't seem to fall asleep.
Would you like some tea?
How does your head feel?
Much better now.
You must be shocked.
I heard he told you about our family.
I guess
it's a bit confusing.
It's hard to believe
that such powers even exist.
Let alone
that they run in the family.
Don't be afraid.
It's like a talent
that runs in the family.
Just like how there are families
of teachers, doctors, or artists.
On top of that,
we can't even use our powers
properly right now.
But you predicted that I'd get hurt.
How far ahead and in how much detail
can you see the future?
I have no control over what I dream of.
I just see what I'm shown.
I see.
But I've only been
dreaming about you lately.
I actually just dreamed about you.
You did?
What exactly
did you see?
I only dozed off for a bit,
so I couldn't see much.
I had the same dream the other day,
but I couldn't see anything clearly.
It was all so hazy.
But if I can get some quality sleep
with the help of your special tea,
I might be able to get a good look.
- Sorry?
- I saw it.
I saw something
when I looked at your hand.
There's a ring that's been passed down
in our family for generations,
and you were wearing it.
Everything else was blurry,
but that was for sure.
I'm sure you know what that means.
I can't just blindly follow
what I think is the future.
Marrying a woman
because I'm going to anyway?
That's nonsense.
I can't fall in love with her
just because I will one day.
As I expected,
I felt no love from that kiss.
What the hell?
Let's see if we actually end up
falling in love.
I just happened to recall that moment
when I closed my eyes to sleep.
The kiss didn't mean anything to me.
Let's see if we actually end up
falling in love.
There's a ring that's been passed down
in our family for generations,
and you were wearing it.
The precious family ring must be in here.
You seem very interested in this room.
Sorry? Could you say that one more time?
Did you just say
you were interested in me?
I think that's what I heard.
Let's take a walk.
It's nice to be on a walk together.
Isn't it?
When should we tell the family?
About last night?
I mean,
about the marriage registration.
Shouldn't we let
your family know about it?
Not yet.
Especially not my mother.
She doesn't seem to know
about the changes you're going through.
If she finds out,
she'll try to rush things.
It's my decision.
Not my mother's or my future self's.
Falling in love and getting married
just because I will one day?
That makes no sense.
Let's take it one step at a time.
Does this count as a date then?
By your books?
Or are we not ready to lock arms yet?
But wait.
Let's think about this.
Why do you think you gave me
the marriage registration?
You probably didn't want us
to worry about the order of things
and make that future happen sooner.
What if that future is fake?
Only you know the truth
about the marriage registration.
When I go back in time,
you're the only one who can see me
or touch me.
Do you not believe me?
Tell me about the fire at your school.
Where exactly were you
at the time of the fire?
I'd like some details on what happened
and how I saved you that day.
Are you sure I'm the one
who saved you?
This isn't the next step I was expecting.
We even kissed.
Don't you know what comes after that?
I'm afraid we'll have to take a step back.
To before the kiss.
Like it never happened?
I kissed you to see
if I could feel anything.
So what's the verdict?
I see.
Where are you going?
Back to cleaning.
You're going the wrong way.
Where did it go?
Good grief.
Where could it be?
I can't find it anywhere.
Hey, what's up?
Have you seen my watch?
Which one?
The golden one
with the brown leather strap.
I have no idea.
What are you hiding? Show me.
I didn't take it.
It's too old-fashioned for me.
All your watches look the same.
How can you remember?
No wonder you have trouble sleeping.
Just let it go.
It's no big deal.
So you did take it.
Give it back.
It wasn't me.
- Give it here.
- I said it wasn't me!
- Come on.
- What's wrong with you? It wasn't me.
It wasn't me, I swear!
I told you it wasn't me.
Who else could it be?
Ms. Do.
I'm coming in, Ms. Do.
Where did she go?
Do Da-hae
Forget it. There's no way she took it.
How dare she steal from my house?
It reeks of alcohol in here.
What are you doing here?
And what are you hiding?
It's nothing.
It's just trash.
- Let's see it.
- What?
Let me have a look.
- My goodness!
- What are you doing?
I'm getting your watch back.
And clearing my name.
What's this all about?
Mom's watch is missing.
Who in our family could have stolen it?
She was snooping around the vault
in the middle of the night.
No, it wasn't me.
I wish you wouldn't look at it.
Oh no.
This can't be.
Oh my goodness.
This is great news!
When did this happen?
This can't be happening.
Hold on.
Why is this
I'm sorry.
I found it on your desk,
and I was going to hide it
in case someone saw it.
Bok Gwi-ju. Is that really your seal?
Did you stamp it?
No, I didn't.
Well, I did.
I mean, I may have.
I mean, I might.
But I haven't yet.
What's that supposed to mean?
The thing is
Have you been drinking in broad daylight?
Why are you rambling?
Let me think.
Where should we begin?
Should we book a venue first?
We should at least
have a small celebration.
No, we should go
straight to the district office.
Make it official.
Let's meet her family first.
This is insane!
It only seems appropriate.
But she doesn't have any family.
Yes, she does.
She calls her Mom.
She took me in
when I had no one to turn to
after my father passed away
in high school.
I do call her Mom,
but we're not actually related.
So don't mind her.
What is she like?
The sauna I saw in my dream?
I have a bad feeling about this.
Do you ever not have a bad feeling?
Maybe my dream was a warning.
We better do some digging.
Should I do some digging too, Mom?
Just put my watch back.
What is this?
Your birthday's coming up.
I wanted a vintage watch
just like this one.
With a gold frame
and a brown leather strap.
This is amazing.
Thanks, I-na.
This is the first time I had a friend
who totally gets me.
The first time?
It's so pretty.
You're my first friend ever.
This is the best birthday present
I've ever gotten.
- See you.
- Bye. See you tomorrow.
Hey, I-na.
I said see you.
See you.
I talked to Jun-woo for you.
I told him you're just a bit awkward.
By the way, I love your sneakers.
You know
Would it be too much
if I asked to borrow them?
- Do you want to borrow them?
- What?
I mean
I guess I could try them on.
I don't know if they'll
No way.
They fit perfectly.
- So cute.
- You can borrow them.
Are you sure?
Thanks, I-na.
We're so perfect for each other.
Don't you think so?
I love them.
Hello, sir. It's been a while.
I could use some help.
Could you look into something urgently?
Right now?
Yes, I'll be right over.
Right. Thank you.
Just a quick look should suffice.
A quick look at her eating out
or having coffee won't lead to anything.
I'll catch her entering a motel
or getting intimate in a car.
Let me catch some bigger fish for you.
That won't be necessary.
Come on.
It may be more painful,
but it'll help you move on.
- Plus, it'll get you alimony.
- What?
- Isn't this woman your cheating wife?
- No way.
She's going to be
my son's mother-in-law, sort of.
I wanted to make sure she didn't have
debt from gambling or anything.
My wife is no cheater,
but she tends to be a worrywart.
I'm sorry for wasting your time.
Baek Il-hong.
Hold on a second.
Baek Il-hong.
The name rings a bell.
Could it be that Baek Il-hong?
Who is it?
Honey, this may be shocking,
but you have to hear this.
I looked into the woman
Do Da-hae calls her mother,
Baek Il-hong.
And she's an ex-convict.
What did you say?
This retired detective said
she was a fraud and a loan shark.
She was notorious
for always collecting what she's owed.
She has never failed
to get her money back.
Anyone who didn't pay up wound up dead.
I'm with her right now.
At the house.
Why would she
I'm sorry I showed up unannounced.
I was hoping we could talk.
I'll leave you to it.
I thought I should pay you a visit.
I hear my daughter
has been causing you trouble.
Not at all.
She's been of great help to us.
She is quite good with her hands.
That's why the spa was
so desperate to keep her too.
But she quit her well-paying job
to move in with strangers
to do chores for them
before she's even married.
I consider her family.
Employers say that all the time
about their employees.
If this were a workplace,
at least she'd be paid and have insurance.
But as things stand,
there's no guarantee for her future.
Would you like her
to get officially married?
That is important.
If she wants to inherit my building.
Your building?
Didn't you know?
You were talking with such confidence
that I assumed you had us all figured out.
Given my line of work,
I do pick up a lot of information.
But your family remains a mystery.
All I know is that you stay home
without ever interacting
with your neighbors.
Are you hiding a toad
that lays golden eggs in the house?
I think you mean a goose.
You're more coherent
than people say you are.
I heard your insomnia
was messing with your head.
Rumors are just rumors.
There's another rumor I heard.
It's about your late daughter-in-law.
You were quite harsh to her.
You never considered her family
until she died.
May I ask why?
That's enough, Mom.
I apologize on her behalf.
I'm sorry.
I'm sure you won't treat
Da-hae the same way,
but she's such a softie.
She ended up getting hurt
by some jerks in the past,
not once but twice.
And I don't want her to waste her time
only to get hurt again.
I won't let that happen.
I heard a rumor myself.
I now see
that it's not completely groundless.
I heard you had an interesting past.
I'm not proud of it,
but you're right.
I'm an ex-convict.
I used to have a daughter,
and she was sick.
She died while I was in prison.
As I was grieving,
I decided to turn over a new leaf.
I chose my current occupation
to atone for my crimes
by helping others get clean.
And with the money I make,
I take care of kids like Da-hae
like they're my own.
I guess you never know
when you'll find your calling.
Some wealthy ladies
spread the word about my business,
and now I make enough money
to let Da-hae live a comfortable life.
I can contribute a generous amount
when they get married.
You must really consider her your own.
You must have
very high expectations for her.
I only expect one thing from her.
And it's for her
to get married by the books.
It's the only way she won't get
pushed around in your family.
You two were really hitting it off.
Now that you've met her,
should I register my marriage?
Just like you wanted?
Gosh, my head.
My head.
A heads-up would have been nice.
They were digging up dirt on me,
so I had to get the drop on them.
I wanted to speed things up
before the allegedly supernatural family
lost all their money.
I was almost there.
Did you use your signature move?
Did you play
the school fire survivor card?
- I don't want to.
- Why not?
Didn't you want this to be your last job?
- Do you want to keep working for me?
- Come on.
Hi, I-na.
So you're I-na.
I'm going to be your grandma soon.
You're so cute.
You're absolutely adorable!
- Let me give you some pocket money.
- You don't have to.
Grandma's rich.
I'll be right with you, I-na.
- Go on.
- Just do your job.
Where are your sneakers?
I forgot to change my shoes.
I wonder what she got today.
It stinks!
They reek of milk.
Come on, it's not the milk that stinks.
That smell's coming from her,
not the milk.
Isn't that right, Da-hae?
Let's go, guys.
- Cheese feet!
- Come on.
Why won't she ever say anything?
- Say something!
- Say something!
Does she not have shoes?
Something stinks in here.
Someone get her some shoes.
Let's go to the theme park on my birthday.
I'm in.
That sounds fun.
- Nice!
- What about you, I-na?
I guess you didn't hear me knock.
What's up?
I have a question.
Did something happen at school?
Wait, are you hurt?
Let me see.
It's an old scar.
You're being bullied, aren't you?
I have friends.
I do.
Can I go back to texting my friends?
I knew it. You hold the key.
You mean the key
to the 50-billion-won building?
It's a spider. A huge one.
It's enormous.
You have a spider in your hair, I-na.
- What are you doing?
- What?
Have fun.
- Where did she go?
- Hello?
- Where'd you go, Bok?
- You ignoring us?
This is frustrating.
I'm in.
Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
This hurts my shoulders.
How do I fix this?
Promise me you won't hurt yourself again.
I promise.
I feel fine already.
Ready for another set?
- Another one?
- Grab this.
Let's do it together. Squeeze.
- Squeeze.
- Squeeze.
- I'm squeezing.
- You're doing great. Keep going.
Want to grab a drink?
I'm on a diet.
You need protein after working out.
How about some barbecue?
You can count it as a training session.
Hang out with me for three hours,
and count it as three sessions.
Actually, I have 12 sessions left.
You could stay with me all night.
Can you even last that long?
Let's be real. You're hardly a trainer.
If I get injured at the gym,
it might cost you big-time.
Can you afford that?
What are you grabbing me for?
You can't even lift pink dumbbells.
You little
- What the hell?
- I'll give you a refund.
You were so busy staring at her
that it seemed impossible
for you to focus on your workout.
I'm worried you'll actually hurt yourself.
Well, she dresses like--
We're not responsible for any accidents
that weren't caused by defective equipment
but by your own carelessness.
Transferring your membership
will cost you 200,000 won,
and canceling it will incur a fee of 10%.
And guess what?
VAT is not included.
Want some barbecue?
No, thanks.
You could use some studying.
Don't you want to be more professional?
This is just a side job.
My passion is acting.
You're an actress?
But I only get indecent roles.
Apparently, I don't look like a lead.
They say my body is too distracting.
I can be romantic, damn it.
People always judge a book by its cover.
My brother's the same way.
He fell for this innocent-looking minx,
and he's about to marry her.
Mr. Bok is getting married?
She's marrying him for the money.
She's already nibbling away
at my family's fortune like a rat.
What exactly did she do?
She stole my mom's watch.
And everyone thinks I did it.
It's so dumb.
No way.
Why would she take such a risk
for some measly watch?
She'll get a 50-billion-won building
once she's married.
Fifty billion won?
How do you know that?
Well, that's the market price
for the gym building.
And it belongs to your mother.
Everyone at the gym knows.
Do you still not want to work out with me?
A spot just opened up.
I'll give you a discount.
Hold on.
Why are you being so friendly?
I have to make a living.
Are you already done eating?
You should have some tea.
Is it possible to develop
a tolerance to tea?
It doesn't seem to do the trick anymore.
I'm home.
Come have a seat.
Go and get some rest.
Close the door.
An ex-convict?
She's gone straight now.
Are you trying to destroy our family?
How could you let a criminal
into our family?
Let's get this straight.
Do Da-hae isn't a criminal.
She may as well be.
We thought she was on her own,
but a crook's been
watching her back the whole time.
Mom, we have to kick her out.
But I saw it clearly in my dream.
You mean her wearing our family ring?
What if she stole that too?
The dream you had
wasn't telling you
that she'd be a part of our family.
It was telling you
that she'd steal from us.
It was a warning.
Good grief.
- It wasn't me, was it?
- What do you mean?
The one who saved you
from the fire 13 years ago.
What makes you think that?
I-na was born that day.
For me to have saved you,
I'd have to return to that moment.
But I can't do that
no matter how hard I try.
Is it true
that I saved you?
You said you didn't want to follow
the path that was laid out
by the future anyway.
What matters is the present.
How does Bok Gwi-ju
feel about me in the present?
You're evading the question again.
Do you know what that moment means to me?
Do you know what it took from me
and what it'd mean for me
to save someone at that moment?
I was desperate to save everyone.
But even after all the years
I was stuck in it,
I couldn't save anyone.
I couldn't save anyone
I desperately wanted to.
So how could I have saved you?
you love me.
If you were lying, just come clean to me.
I understand your doubt.
If there's only one person you can save,
why would it be
someone like me?
Do you think I'm not worth saving?
Because my mom's a criminal?
Then don't bother.
Stop evading the question.
You did that at the park too.
Who the hell are you?
Why you, of all people?
I don't know either.
How should I know?
I can hardly believe it myself.
Do you think it's easy for me to believe
that you'll go back in time to save me?
Well, it's--
It's not.
She evaded my question then.
Tell me about the fire at your school.
She must be hiding something from me.
Where exactly were you
at the time of the fire?
I'd like some details on what happened
and how I saved you that day.
Are you sure I'm the one
who saved you?
Why won't she say anything?
Where are you going?
Back to cleaning.
Could it be that she's in pain
just from thinking about it?
I thought you'd left.
Where have you been?
Did you go back to me again?
What did you see?
What was I doing?
When was it?
I mean
Fine, don't tell me.
But know this.
That moment from 13 years ago
wasn't easy for me either.
I know.
At least, now I do.
Tie up those shoelaces nice and tight.
If you're going to run away.
Why would I run away?
What's that?
I'm bringing I-na her school shoes.
I think I'll wear
something without shoelaces today.
I don't see Ms. Do anywhere.
Did she step out?
I was also quite shocked at first
after finding out
about the woman she calls her mom.
But if you think about it,
she's striving to redeem herself.
Even though she can't change her past,
she's trying to make changes
in the present.
I'd say she's better than some of us.
Be honest with me.
You want to trust Da-hae, don't you?
You want to save her.
So what's holding you back?
What if
I mess up again?
I can assure you
that you're going to mess up again.
But whatever happens with Da-hae
can be undone.
You can go back in time and fix it.
You can make a belated apology
and make things right.
With Da-hae, you can mess up
and make a fool of yourself
as much as you want.
Mistakes can be undone.
All you have to do is love her.
But think about it.
I can't even go back
to my moments with I-na.
How can I save Da-hae?
Da-hae might lead you back to I-na.
Try calling her.
Let's see if we actually end up
falling in love.
Will I be able to love again?
Do I deserve that?
So it was you, I-na?
Why would you do this?
You could've just asked me to buy it.
You're not even into those things.
I hope she likes it.
Don't tell me
you're being bullied.
Why do you never tell me anything?
Excuse me.
Do you know a girl called Bok I-na?
- No.
- No.
I don't know which class she's in.
Hey, girls.
Do you know a seventh grader
called Bok I-na?
- No.
- No.
Excuse me.
Do you know Bok I-na?
- Bok I-na?
- I don't think so.
- Who's that?
- We have no idea.
Bok I-na?
Isn't she Hye-rim's lackey?
Is that her name?
She's invisible.
- No wonder they don't know her.
- Exactly.
You didn't have to.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Is she your mom?
She's so pretty.
- She's not my mom.
- What?
Then who is she?
Can we talk for a second?
It was for her, wasn't it?
Goh Hye-rim.
You stole the watch for her.
- No.
- She took your sneakers too.
I'm trying to help you.
You know nothing.
- Would you rather talk to your dad?
- Don't tell him.
He needs to know what you're--
If you tell him,
I'll tell everyone you're a fraud.
You want to marry him
so you can become our guardian.
Who told you that?
I'm the only one who knows.
For now.
I've been keeping quiet
to see how things play out.
I wanted Grandma to get what she deserved
for her obsession with powers.
Plus, I got to see a real-life con artist.
I also kind of felt sorry for you.
You said you'd been married twice.
Were those marriages fake too?
You married your first husband
to get back at your mom,
who left you to be with her lover.
And the second time was
to get back at your alcoholic dad
who neglected you.
What are you?
But the third time isn't
going as you planned, is it?
Your feelings are getting in the way.
How did you do that?
Keep your mouth shut,
and I'll keep mine shut.
Have you been hiding your power?
Excuse me.
The visitor parking is through the gate
and around the corner.
Mom might not believe me,
but you have to, Uncle.
We messed with the wrong people.
We never should have
gotten involved with the Bok family.
I got busted.
They know everything.
They know what I'm up to,
no matter when and where.
The past, the future
They even know
things that I've never said out loud.
I'm freaking out.
They see right through me.
You have to believe me!
- I mean
- Ms. Do?
Ms. Do!
- Don't follow me.
- Ms. Do!
Ms. Do!
Ms. Do!
Yes, hello?
I'm locking up the gym storage now.
I might be late for
the seventh-grade safety training.
Okay, thank you.
What the hell?
Hey, it's me.
Can you come pick me up?
I'm at I-na's school.
Just let her be.
Hello? Is anybody there?
I'm locked in.
Can you please open the door?
I'm bored to death.
Where do you think you're going?
I'm bored. Let's play a game.
Come with us.
Let's go.
Come on.
Let's hurry.
Cool spot, right?
What are you doing?
Let's call it hide-and-seek.
If anyone notices
that you're missing and asks,
"Where's Da-hae?"
the game is over.
That means you win, and I'll let you out.
But what if no one looks for her?
Then the game goes on.
Where are you going?
Come on.
The whole world can be a seeker.
I'm sure someone will look for you.
See you.
Let's go.
Attention. Bow.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
He has no idea.
It's acting up again.
When will they have it fixed?
The fire alarm, the doors
They're always fixing something.
I smell something burning.
Me too. What could it be?
There's smoke in the hallway!
Stay in your seats.
Guys, there's a fire! Everyone out!
Head to the main entrance!
Don't run! No, hurry!
What are you waiting for?
Hello? Is anybody there?
I'm locked in here.
Please open the door.
Please open the door!
Hurry! Head to the main entrance!
Hurry up!
To the main entrance!
This way! Hurry!
Please help me!
Help me!
Damn it. Whatever.
Please help me!
Help me.
No one came looking for me.
I was alone until the end.
It was a fitting end to my miserable life.
Or so I thought.
Do Da-hae.
Try to breathe.
How did you find me?
No one
No one came looking for me.
I thought
nobody would ever come.
It's just like the last time.
There was a fire.
And I was locked in the storage.
Sir, there's someone
in the fifth-floor storage.
No. Don't go.
Fifth-floor storage?
- Please help.
- Please.
Seonjae Girls' High School?
Fifth-floor storage?
How do you know that?
It seems like
I'll have to be the one
to have saved you.
I'll save you.
At that moment
a hope that I didn't deserve
quietly emerged in my heart.
I sincerely wished
that this man
was the one who saved me.
Something's wrong with Gwi-ju.
He's working out.
Ms. Do must be helping him
recover from depression.
What do I have to do for you to leave?
I'm absolutely sure this time.
I saw everything clearly.
If he loses his hope again,
he might not be able to recover.
I have to see this through myself.
There's something I have to see.
Subtitle translation by: Min-jin Kim
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