The Bad Kids (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Ma Ma

My condolences
It'll be okay
Let go of me
Let's go home first
Stop making a scene here okay?
Isn't it clear
Why was he in the Children's Palace
It can't prove anything
There were hundreds of children there that day
Are they all murderers
We will keep investigating
with the leads you've provided
Go back now
You asked me here to watch the tape
I did
And I found the murderer for you
Why aren't you arresting him
We need evidence for our case
We can't arrest whomever we want
Isn't it obvious Look
Jingjing just died
and he was there
Isn't it an open-and-shut case
It can't prove anything
Don't put the police on the spot okay?
That is not evidence
Let the police investigate it
Mr Zhu
May I have a word
It's fine
I understand your frustration
but your wife
acting like this
is not helping solve the problem
and it also delays our work
Before you watched the surveillance tape
we knew that Zhu Chaoyang
was in the Children's Palace
and he has already been questioned
Mr Ye
What did Chaoyang say
Don't worry
We are still investigating
I know my son
He can't be the murderer
I beg you
She was only six years old
She can't
just died like this
You must arrest the murder
You have to trust Mr Ye
Of course they want to find the murderer
Mrs Zhu
We'll definitely find the murderer
Take your wife back to rest
We'll let you know when we find anything
Let's go back first
Criminals are easier to deal with than her
When you become a parent
you will understand
Take this to the forensic lab
-Mom -Come here for a sec
What's wrong
Go buy a bottle of soy sauce for me
Take the trash out
-Alright -Hurry
Mrs Wang
I'm here today
to ask you something
Were you
in the Children's Palace last Saturday?
I went to the Children's Palace last Saturday
for the Math Olympiad trial class
I didn't know what happened to Jingjing
until later
Don't be afraid
I just want to ask
if you know anything
Are you hiding something from me
You can tell me the truth
It wasn't me
It wasn't you?
What do you mean
I need to go to the store
See you Mrs Wang
Zhu Chaoyang
Did you kill Jingjing
It wasn't me I didn't
It wasn't me
No I didn't kill her
Was it you
Come here
I had nothing to do with what happened to her
Then why are you running
Let go of me
Let go of me
Get up
Get up
Get up now
Come on Let's go to the police
Stand up
Chunhong open the door now
Go downstairs now
Your son is getting beaten
I beg your pardon
Let's go to the police
Do you hear me
-What's going on -Mom
What are you doing
You're crazy
Chaoyang are you all right
Get up now
What do you want
Zhou Chunhong
Your son is a murderer
Don't throw mud at him
How could you call him a murderer
He was at the Children's Palace that day
He said he didn't see Jingjing
He lied
There were so many kids there
Are they all murderers
I asked him to go
I signed him up for the math class
So you instigated him
You instigated him didn't you
No wonder you pretended to care
and brought your son to the hospital
You felt guilty didn't you
You told your son to kill my daughter
didn't you?
You're nuts
Let's go
You are not allowed to leave
Zhou Chunhong
Where were you that day
If I'm guilty
the police will question me
Not you
You can't answer it
I was at work
Get out of the way
-Get up You little bastard -Let me go
Get up
-Stop fighting -Stop it
Stop it Stop
Stop fighting
Or I'll call the police
She's a murderer
They killed my daughter
Stop it or I'll call the police
Leave now
Who is she
I'll make sure you two pay for it
Okay Thank you
Does it still hurt
You're bleeding too
I'm fine
I'm sorry
It's all because
It's not your fault
I failed to protect you
What if
she comes to me again
We aren't guilty so don't be afraid
I don't want to work at the resort next year
I want to get a job closer to home
so I can take care of you
I can take care of myself
Hurry and go
Go upstairs now
I need some time to myself
Jingjing had never been away from me
Do you think she's scared now
You're thinking too much
Chaoyang had something to do with it
Wang Yao
Let's not talk about him anymore alright?
I can't
I can't help thinking about it
The way he looked at me
He was avoiding eye contact with me
you know?
Why couldn't he look me in the eye
It means he was feeling guilty
He must be hiding something
Then tell me
Why would Chaoyang kill his sister
He was jealous
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Nightmare again?
I dreamed of the Liufeng Mountain
I think Zhu Jingjing was there too
If it's on your mind all day
it'll find you in your dreams
Stop thinking about it
Yan Liang
I think we failed them
My father
used to take me to my mom's grave every year
When I was burning joss paper
my dad would ask me to talk to her
He said my mom could hear me then
Let's go to the Liufeng Mountain in a few days
Burn joss paper
and talk to them
Go back to sleep
I'll keep watch
Come on
Didn't you eat
Mr Zhu
I'm not afraid to tell you
I'm the only one who's willing
to buy these goods from you
They're starting to smell
Thank you
I've been tied up at home
I know
My condolences
By the way where are your workers
There's no business lately
so I gave them a few days off
Do you have a cigarette
This is a good deal for you
Chunhong is here
I'll go back to work
My condolences
Wang Yao is going through a lot lately
Please bear with her
You don't care about your son's feelings?
Is Chaoyang okay
How could he be okay
His head was injured
Zhu Yongping
Ever since our divorce
I've never bothered you haven't I
Your child is gone
I'm upset too
I hope you remember
that you still have a son
Chaoyang is my son
I will not leave him
I'll see him in a few days
Give me an exact date
Wang Yao has been unstable every night
I have to keep an eye on her
I'll come when she's better
I'll call you
Everyone else is more important than your son
Thank god you didn't have the custody
Tell Wang Yao
If she keeps harassing my son
I'll do anything to stop her
There are five or six more in the back
You can have them
Go to the Children's Palace this afternoon
Focus on the females there that day
Every class Every floor
Ask them again
Got it
Mr Ye
I'm sorry to bother you
Is the DNA test result
coming out today?
Mrs Zhu here's the thing
Once we find anything new
we will let you know
You don't have to come here all the time
Thank you
It's Zhu Chaoyang isn't it
Is it him
The DNA test result shows it's female
We eliminated Zhu Chaoyang as a suspect
Then it's Zhou Chunhong
It must be her
Why aren't you investigating her
You're in my way
Why are you on this page all morning
This is 9th-grade math
Can you do it
Show me
There's no way I can't
Let's wait till the 9th grade alright?
Why aren't you forward thinking
If I don't study now
I'm gonna lose the 2nd place when school begins
You're totally right
Is Zhu Chaoyang the top student
in your class?
You already know the answer
Didn't you attend the PTA meeting
Let me ask you a question
If you can't solve a problem
will you ask Zhu Chaoyang
None of the girls in our class speak to him
He is always studying at his desk
He doesn't hang out with others
He hasn't even watched My Fair Princess
Are you kidding me
Does Zhu Chaoyang
have a best friend or something?
No idea
He doesn't seem
to have any friend
Forget it
Let's go
What took you so long
I thought you weren't home
I didn't hear you
Don't stay mad
I'll give you my apology okay?
Please forgive him
He didn't mean to lose the camera
I'm not mad at you
How is it All clean?
All clean
Don't worry
Let's go out and play
Where should we go
Press this and then that
That's the special move
One more
Think of that as Wang Yao
Well done
What if Wang Yao comes to you again
Don't be afraid of her
If she comes again
we'll blow her head off
Here the last piece
Who wants it
Give it to Yan Liang
Last time I said it wrong
Take it as an apology
Give it to Chaoyang
I was wrong too
You two
half and half
Yan Liang
Let's get the camera back together
Who are you
I got lost
Could you please help me
Where's your mom and dad
I was with them just now
then they're gone
It's okay It's okay
Don't cry
Let's look for them okay?
Don't cry
Let's go
Is it ahead
Open the door
What're you doing Chen
He's not here
Hold on I'll get you the toy
Honey why are you crying
Here it is
I'm here
Alright Let's go See
Okay Let's get out and play
I think I know where my home is
Where is it
It's over there
Didn't we just pass by the place
I just remembered
Yue Pu
Are you her brother
I've been looking for her
I went to the wrong road
The grandpa took me here
Thank you grandpa
Thank you grandpa
All right
Take her home then
-Bye grandpa -Bye
-Be careful next time -Okay
-Don't get lost again -Bye grandpa
Here Try this
No I can't
I'm already overweight
I can't eat that Vegetable is good
Don't worry
Did you see the two tourists yesterday
The two sitting at the pavilion
The woman was also overweight
but the man
was hugging and kissing her
treating her like a princess
You don't know
They were cheating
You don't care whom you're cheating with
Here's the schedule for next week
Shouldn't it be Chunhong's shift next Saturday
How come it's mine now
I'll switch it with you
I'll talk to Ma later
Come on
She's a widow with an orphan
You can fill in for her
Don't overreact
I'm a widow
but my son is not an orphan
Excuse me where is the shuttle bus
Go in and the shuttle bus is on your left
On your right is the cable car
Thank you
What are you doing now
Zhou Chunhong
I'm here to inform you
Walk inside please
The police has found the evidence
They detected your DNA
on Jingjing
You can't get away with it
What do you want
Stop interfering with my work
What are you hiding from
Feeling guilty?
I'm sorry that you lost your daughter
If you suspect me
you can go to the police
I have nothing to say to you
Hi I'm the director here
We can do this at my office
Zhou Chunhong
Last Saturday
when Jingjing fell off
where were you
She was on duty here last Saturday
I can prove it
Go back I'll handle this
-Zhou -If you keep interfering with our work
we'll call the police
Zhou Chunhong
You won't get away with it
I'll get to the bottom of this
You're here alone?
Leave it open
Give these to Chaoyang
Thank you
Want a glass of water
I'm good
That woman was crazy
If she comes here again
I won't go easy on her
Next Saturday
should we go see the circus
Performed by foreigners
It's a great show
A few of my friends' kids went to see it
It interested them
Have you talked to Chaoyang
The circus
Not yet
Stop buying him fruits
He doesn't like them
Did I do something wrong
We shouldn't see each other anymore
Aren't we getting on well
Someone needs to take care of you and Chaoyang
Don't talk about him like that
I can take care of him
We don't need anyone else
I think we can make our relationship public
Before he turns 18
I don't want to think about it
Where did you get the phone
I borrowed it
I want to see
if there's any lead for my dad
I'll return it to him when I find my dad
It's on
What's the first line of lyrics
Under the blue sky and the galaxy
The video is here
Chen probably didn't see it
otherwise the police would've arrested him
That's it Pupu
or you'll have nightmares again
Let's go to the Liufeng Mountain tomorrow
Pupu has been having nightmares
I want to burn joss paper
and tell them not to haunt Pupu anymore
How can I help you
When I was here hiking
I lost my purse
and one of your staff here
found it for me
I'm here to thank her in person
Do you know her name
Sorry I forgot
I didn't ask her name
Do you remember when you lost your purse
Last Saturday
I was on duty last Saturday
I didn't know someone found a purse
It was her
Is she here today
Chunhong's isn't on duty this Saturday
Are you sure it was last Saturday
I'm sure
You probably got it confused
She doesn't have shifts on Saturday this month
Sorry for bothering you
No problem
Who's that
Here to say thanks
Grandpa and grandma
Don't worry
We won't let the murderer get away
Please don't haunt Pupu anymore
She needs money for her brother's treatment
When her brother recovers
I promise we'll avenge you
Excuse me
Where is the broadcasting room
Go straight ahead to the end
Attention please
A murderer
is hidden here at this site
Her name is Zhou Chunhong
Last Saturday
in the Children's Palace
she brutally murdered my daughter Zhu Jingjing
She's a liar
She's unworthy of being a mother
She conspired with her son
They are denying their crime
Zhou Chunhong
-had an unhappy marriage -Who are you
Put the microphone down
Abandoned by her ex-husband years ago
she was resentful
so she brutally…
-pushed my daughter… -How'd she get inside
I didn't see
Wang Yao what do you want
off from the 5th floor
Didn't I tell you she was at work that day
My daughter died right there
Why is she being unreasonable
-Forget it Call the police -Call the cops
Wang Yao we'll call the police
Do it
Do it
We'll see if they arrest you or me
And you
Why are you covering for her
Don't you know it's a crime
Don't you dare slander me Get out
Director Ma at the management
is covering for the murderer…
Don't just stand there Find the spare key
so she's able to stay unpunished
Wang Yao Wang Yao
What on earth do you want
What do you want
I want you to die for killing my daughter
Can you do that
You can't decide if I killed your daughter
The police can
I won't allow you to tarnish my name
at where I work
in broad daylight
Your name?
My daughter was murdered
How dare you say I'm tarnishing your name
Today I'll let everyone know
what you and your son are like
Is he good enough with the best scores
So you can be proud of him?
He's just like you
A murderer
rotten to the core
I am proud of my son
He is good enough
I'm proud of him
He's not a murderer
Get out
Don't you want me dead
Get out
Get out and kill me
-Get out -You think I'm afraid?
You think I'm afraid?
But I'm not like you
I'm not as vicious as you
Will killing you
bring back my daughter?
I'll make your life a living hell
Here The key
Zhou Chunhong…
-Hurry -Quick
-is morally corrupt… -Open the door
and cold-blooded
She's not worthy of being a mother
or being a human being
She's lying
She's a liar
She's a liar
You want the truth
Last Saturday
the day your daughter died
I wasn't at work here
because I was with Director Ma
at the Liufeng Hotel
I've told the police about this
If you still don't believe it
you can check the records at the hotel
And the surveillance footage
What now
You want more details
♫ We're waiting for the oncoming strom ♫
♫ And we see it come and go ♫
♫ It sounds like ♫
♫ it happened in another world ♫
♫ And you start stammering ♫
♫ stumbling to find an exit for your soul ♫
♫ It sounds like ♫
♫ it happened in another world ♫
♫ I've never had so much imagination ♫
♫ News flash past in the television ♫
♫ It sounds like ♫
♫ it happened in another world ♫
♫ Then I look down at my palms ♫
♫ but I see another person's fate ♫
♫ It seems like ♫
♫ it happened in another world ♫
♫ The dark secrets that no one can see ♫
♫ and the deep breath in a narrow space ♫
♫ When we mention your name ♫
♫ it seems like we're talking about ♫
♫ what happened in another world ♫
♫ The plane flies north and won't come back ♫
♫ The missed promise is never seen again ♫
♫ When we mention your name ♫
♫ it seems like we're talking about ♫
♫ what happened in another world ♫
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