The Barbarian and the Troll (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

My Sharon-ah

1- And then I said,
"The dual-bladed demon chopper
forged in the seventh
lower level of Haargmord."
- Haargmord forever!
- This quest has been
a lot of fun.
- Congratulations
on all your quests, Brendar.
- Thanks, Kyle.
- You're really going places.
I'm going to keep
an eye on you.
- That joke never gets old.
Unlike this bread.
- Cooled in dragons' tears.
Demons beware
because you're getting chopped!
Offer valid in 49 kingdoms,
some restrictions apply.
Thank you.
- Let me get a quick sketch.
- Be sure
to get my good side.
- Hey Brendar,
looks like you got a fan.
- Yeah?
- Excuse me, Brendar.
Can you crush this rock for me?
- Why?
- Oh, wow, something
to remember you by
'cause now you're popular.
- Fine.
- Thanks, Brendar.
I want to be just like you
when I grow up.
- Wow, she's gonna
remember that forever.
- Speaking of memories,
I have a present for you.
- Oh, my gosh.
Is this a lute carved
from the wood
of the evil tree you defeated?
- No, it's a lute carved
from the wood
of the evil tree we defeated.
- Aw, I love it. Thank you.
I'm going to call it
Luteous the Third.
Hmm. Such a dulcet tone.

- Yes.
Now I, General Skelly,
will rise up
and take my revenge
on that barbarian.
Are we ready, soldiers?
Huh? Linda?
Michael? Where are you?
- Oh, that's great.
- Hey. Hey.
- It's corny, but it's good.
You, you two. Out here. Now.
- Oh, Michael,
we're in trouble.
I've got to get a new army.
- A troll burned
his bridge ♪
A warrior lost her crown ♪
I'm not being poetic ♪
That's literally
what went down ♪
Together their journey
has begun ♪
Combining might and melody ♪
To quest and smite a demon ♪
And find their true family ♪
Yeah ♪
"The Barbarian
and the Troll" ♪
Ooh, ooh ♪
"The Barbarian
and the Troll" ♪
- How does it feel,
- How does what feel?
- Being beloved.
- Stop it.
I'm not beloved.
- Yeah, you are.
Little girls want you
to crush their rocks.
- Newspapers want
to sketch you.
You're important, Brendar.
- Yeah.
- I'm not important.
The quest is.
The quest is the only thing
that matters.
- Well, sure, but right now,
we're not questing,
so have fun.
Enjoy the moment.
- Time for revenge.
- Oh, oh.
- How do I look?
- Well, a bit thin,
if I'm to be honest.
No, but still terrifying.
- Yes, your eyes
have never been redder.
- Good one.
- But not tired red?
- No, terrifying red.
- You, cadavers.
Is this the Queen's Goiter?
- It is, but you might not
want to go in there.
I'm on a revenge rampage,
and it might not be appropriate
for a lady.
- I think I'll be fine.
- When respect
is lacking,
my sword starts hacking.
- No, no, no, no.
What are you doing?
- They're demanding things
in an angry tone.
- No, Brendar,
they're not angry.
They're just excited.
They want to hear
all about our adventure.
- Why?
- You just--
I got this.
Hey, everybody.
As Brendar's self-appointed
hype man and musical troll,
allow me to regale thee.
- Hmm.
- You all want
to hear a speech ♪
From my violent friend ♪
Well, I promise you
she'd rather quest than trend ♪
She's Brendar ♪
Feared and revered ♪
She's Brendar ♪
Feared and revered ♪
She's Bren-- ♪
- Ah-ha! ♪
Oh, sorry.
Was I interrupting something?
- Uh, now that
you mention it--
- My name is Kevin.
I'm the musical goblin
of Gothmoria.
- What? Whoa! No way!
I'm Evan, the musical troll
of Gothmoria.
Want to do a duet?
- Sorry, no can do.
I'm here with my boss.
Besides, I only shred solo.
- Wow. Who is your boss?
- Thought you'd never ask.
Listen up, ya scuzzy butts ♪
Prepare your hearts
to throb ♪
Over a goddess
that needs no intro ♪
But I must.
'Cause that's
kind of my job ♪
Sharon, Sharon ♪
Mischief and mayhem ♪
Even her beauty
will slay them ♪
Sharon, Sharon ♪
Gothmoria's fave ♪
So get your stare on ♪
Sharon ♪
Avert your eyes or eye ♪
Give her a big old hand ♪
The number one warrior
in the land ♪
And I'm proud to say,
my platonic friend ♪
Sharon ♪
- Wow, his guitar
playing's fine,
but his vocals
lack authenticity.
- What are you
doing here, Sharon?
- Nice to see you too,
- At least turn my head
so I can see what's happening.
- Uh, sorry, pal.
No shirt, no skin, no service.
- Oh, don't--no--oh, ah, no--
wait, I want to see
what happens.
- Not sure
what's going on.
Is it my age,
or is Brendar's backstory
just too complicated
for me to follow?
- Dad, Sharon and Brendar
were in the same
warrior princess court.
- Yeah, rumor has it,
Sharon was the one
who blabbed to the queen
about all the secret quests
Brendar was going on,
and that got her kicked out.
- Oh.
- What do you want, Sharon?
You already got me
kicked out of the royal order
for going on secret quests.
- Nailed it!
Did I not nail that?
- Good one, Kyle.
- I did, didn't I?
- Fun fact.
Yesterday, a Stygian Toad-man
hopped by and splashed mud
on one of my wicked cool boots.
- Guess what I did?
- What?
- Good question, Cyclops.
"Good question, Cyclops."
She's talking to me.
I slaughtered
the entire Toad-man army.
- Classic Sharon ♪
- Tomorrow, I am thinking
of traveling
to the Stygian swamps.
I might behead their king.
- Heads up, your Highness.
- Whoop-dee-do.
- Maybe I'll use his crown
to make a holiday wreath.
Fancy it up with berries,
branches, and glitter.
- Crafty!
- Anyway, what are you
doing here, Sharon?
- The Queen is furious over
hearing about you all the time.
Feared and revered this.
Feared and revered that.
We're all sick of you,
and you're not even here.
- Hey, kids.
Take pride in your work,
and one day you might
make the Queen tinkle
her tunic in anger.
- How dare you!
The Queen demands you stop
your pointless quests.
- Tell the Queen
that I don't have
to listen to her anymore.
- Than listen to me, barbarian.
- Don't pull out a weapon
unless you're prepared
to use it.
- I challenge you
to a challenge.
- Ooh

- Guys, what--what's so
"ooh" about that?
- Well, according
to princess warrior law,
no princess warrior
can deny another
princess warrior a challenge,
even if one
of the princess warriors
is no longer
a princess warrior.
- Ooh
- What are the terms
of this challenge?
- If I lose, then you'll never
hear from me
or the Queen again,
and you can go on
with your pathetic little life.
- Promise?
- But if you lose
- Not gonna happen, lady.
- If you lose,
then I get your axe.
You know,
the one dipped in dragon tears?
- Whoa, did not
see that coming.
- Huh, wait, hold it.
Well, no, hold it--ha--what?
- Has anyone seen Axe?
- Wha--wait a minute.
You're not really thinking
about doing this.
- Well, barbarian?
- Challenge accepted, princess.
- Ladies and gentlemen,
we have
A challenge ♪
- Come on, everybody. Let's go.
We got ourselves a challenge.
- Brr-ribbit.
- What are you doing?
- I'm having fun
like you told me to.
- No, I meant sit and have
a stein of milk with somebody
or laugh heartily
when Horus trips over his robe,
not lose our friend Axe.
- Axe isn't going anywhere.
Sharon has never beat me
in a challenge.
- This is gonna be fun.
- Uh-huh. I hope so.
- Welcome
to the warrior challenge
between Princess Sharon
and Brendar the Barbarian.
Our warriors will participate
in three rounds.
- Yay!
- I like threes!
- Let the games begin!
- Whoo! Yes!
Oh, so exciting!
I cannot contain myself!
- Hmm-hmm-hmm.
Whatcha hiding from?
- Ah!
Some restrictions apply.
- Yeah, that doesn't
really answer my question.
Why are you hiding?
- Because Sharon knows
exactly what
restrictions apply.
Don't tell anyone you saw me.
- Cool.
Thanks for that
super normal conversation.
- Wow, this is exciting
and scary at the same time.
Where are they shooting
their arrows from?
- A couple of furlongs
up the hill.
- Wow, that's far.
I can't even see them.
Oh, good, I thought
they were gonna use
the teeny, tiny pumpkins.
Heh. Huh? What? Oh.
- Ah, there you go.
- Well, this seems unfair
to Brendar and me.
Mostly me.
- Oh, Brendar picked it.
She said it'd be harder to hit,
but if she can do it,
it'll be a crowd-pleaser.
- "If" she can do it?
- Booyah!
- Tie. One point each.
- Yeah. That's right.

- No? Yes?

- Time.
- Who won?
- Tie. One point each.
Tie. One point each.
- Yay, everyone's a winner!
Uh-oh. Look out!
- Yeah, stick her on there.
- All right, here you go.
- Boom.
- Okay.
- Mm, ah, yes,
that is much better.
Wait, what the--
- Yeah!
Linda, Michael, how bad is it?
- Umwell
- Well
- Positive note.
- Yeah.
Where's the silver lining?
This is--this is coming--
- You're still able to talk.
- There you go.
- Okay.
- Well then.
- You're better than a rock.
- Ooh, I hate that barbarian.
- The final supersecret
death match tiebreaker is
Thumb wrestling.
- You know,
my father perished
in a thumb wrestling accident.
We buried him with a hook
for a thumb.
- Hurry up. Come on, then.
- Save me a seat.
- Wait up, wait up.
- Hey, Brendar.
- Have you seen Axe?
- No, she's gone missing.
Listen, thumb wrestling
is really difficult.
- Not against old Princess
Weak Thumbs over there.
- Well, have you seen
her thumb lately?
That looks like a six-pack.
Are you sure you got this?
- I'm fine.
- Whatcha you doing there?
- Uh, just thumb crunches.
Totally normal.
- Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the Destroyer
in the Goiter.
In this corner,
dressed in white and rocking
super awesome boots
- Show her some love!
Show her some love ♪
- Give it up for Sharon!
The warrior princess
of your nightmares.
- Yeah, yeah ♪
- Look at those calluses!
- And in this corner,
dressed in barbarian brown
and appropriate footwear,
the one, the only,
feared and revered,
Brendar the Barbarian.
- Okay, ow.
Ow. I'm tangled. Ow.
- Evan, get it together.
- I'm trying, I'm trying.

- Okay, I want a clean fight.
No hits below the knuckle,
no interference
from other digits.
And first who pins, wins.
One, two, three, four.
I declare a thumb war.
- Yeah! Come on, Brendar.
You got this.
- Come on, Sharon.
Sharon! ♪
Yeah! Yeah!
- Yeah. That's it.
- Come on!
- Whoo-hoo! Yeah, Brendar.
Ha ha!

- Hey, hey, hey, hey!
- Is she allowed to do that?
- No slapping the ref!
- Come on!
- There's no possible way
you can be defeated!
- It's too dark
to sketch in here.
Help me out, ladies.
- Ah! Ah!
- Oh! Sharon wins!
We have a winner.
- Yeah! Yeah, that's right!
Sharon ♪
The number one thumb.
Let's hear it. Let's hear it.
I can't hear you.

- Psst. Evan.
- Huh?
- Down here.
- Huh?
- It's me, Axe.
- Axe!
Where you been, pal?
Hey, guys, I found Axe.
- Was she missing?
- Pay attention, Dad.
- Oh, boy, Brendar's been
looking for you everywhere.
She's really upset.
- I know, but she's about
to get even more upset.
- Wha--what are you
talking about?
- I wasn't honest
about who I am.
Are you actually a shovel?
- No, it's worse.
- And Sharon would've known
the second she saw me.
So I hid all day
because I want to be the one
to tell Brendar.
- Ooh, tell her what?
- That I'm--
- Axe. My friend. I'm so sorry.
I put myself
before the quest, and I lost.
- You don't know
the whole story.
- I promise you
I will not forget you.
I will find a way for us
to be together again.
- But Brendar,
I'm trying to tell--
- For you are a friend
of Brendar,
and Brendar doesn't
take friendship lightly.
A friend of Brendar
is a friend for life.
- Yeah, about that. See--
- Yeah!
Sharon! ♪
Yeah! Let's hear it.
- Okay, Bren-durr.
Where's my new axe?

- This is Axe.
Axe, this is Sharon.
- Hey.
- Wha--
- Oh, come on.
Stop playing games.
Where's the tear-dipped axe
I won?
- What are you talking about?
This is the demon-chopping axe.
"Forged in the seventh level"--
- Lies.
It's silver, not gold.
- What?
- The Haargmord dual-bladed axe
turns gold when dipped
in dragons' tears.
Your axe, this silver one,
is good for nothing
but chopping wood.
If you're up against Alvin,
you might as well have
a licorice whip.
- Ah, then we're all set.
- Is this true?
- Yeah.
- She didn't even know.
Ah, do you see
what we had to deal with
when she was in the kingdom?
Someone fell asleep
through weapons class.
- The nerve.
- Well, I won,
and I want my prize.
Kevin, tell them
I want my prize.
And it better be good.
- Okay, listen up.
The princess is not happy.
The axe is out.
But I know something that
would look great on Sharon.
Your slogan ♪
- Good one, Kev.
From now on,
I am to be known as Sharon,
the feared and revered
princess warrior.
- That's fierce.
- No, no, no, wait.
You can't take
Brendar's slogan.
- Take it.
- Time to go.
Nice meeting you all.
- Oh, thanks, Sharon.
Come back any time now.
- Not cool, Kyle.
- What?
- Play me out, Kev-Kev.
- Who's the barbarian ♪
With awesome
might and brawn? ♪
Feared and revered ♪
Her name is Sharon! ♪
Axe. You lied.
- Uh, technically, I said,
"Restrictions apply," so
- Are those restrictions
that you don't have
dragons' tears?
- Yikes.
- I'm sorry, Brendar.
I shouldn't have bought Axe
off the back of a carriage.
- It's not your fault.
- Well, you can still get
the demon Alvin though, right?
- Not without an axe
dipped in dragons' tears.
- Huh, well, uh,
we can just get another one.
- They don't sell them
in the marketplace, Evan.
They're rare.
Apparently so rare
that I don't even know
what one looks like.
- Okay, yeah, but we'll find
a depressed dragon
and collect its tears.
Come on, Brendar.
We can fix this.
- No, we can't fix this.
There is no fixing this
because I don't even know
where to start.
- I'm sorry.
I just--I just had to get out
of that castle.
- What's wrong with my castle?
- And then I loved
being on the quests
and around you and everyone.
I was afraid
that if I told the truth,
you'd leave me behind.
- Brendar? Are you okay?
- You know what? I think I am.
- You sure?
You can tell us if you're not.
- No, there's nothing to tell.
Really. I'm good.
Thank you all. I'm going home.

- Oh, no.
What have I done?
- So that's it?
No more quests?
- I was hoping
for one more great adventure.
- What--what are you guys
talking about?
- You heard her. She's done.
- Okay, I don't know
what you heard.
But what I heard
was a barbarian
with a broken heart
crying out for help.
And after all
she's been through,
she deserves to have us
help her out
'cause, well,
she's helped us out a lot.
And you know what, guys?
We're quest friends.
And we never leave
anyone behind.
- Where is she?
At long last, Brendar is mine!
- What is Skelly doing here?
- Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
Is, uh, Brendar here?
- She left, like,
five minutes ago.
- Gah!
- Do you maybe want
to leave a message?
- Oh, yeah, uh, tell her
that Generally Skelly,
that's S-K--
- What are you doing?
This is a surprise attack.
- Ooh, yeah, tell her
it's a surprise attack.
- Wha--no, just go.
Back to the castle.
Wha--are you leaving a tip?
You didn't order anything!
You don't leave a tip
when you don't order.
- I wanted to get a milkshake.
- You can get
a froyo at home.
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