The Baxters (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

In the Heat of

-You're kidding me.
-[cup shatters]
-I hate you.
Are you, uh
Do you Are you
No. No, I'm single.
I'm not trying
to come between you and Tim.
I just want
to really understand
where we went wrong.
[Elizabeth] Tim?
I'm sorry about
the last time
we saw each other.
I'll tell her
that you called.
And tell her
I'm waiting for her.
At home.
God gave me
another chance, Kari.
With everything
going on right now with you,
I can't help but wonder
if it wasn't for a reason.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
What are you doing here?
Hey, maybe I should go.
No, stay.
Clearly I'm the one
who isn't welcome here.
I never said that.
You didn't have to.
Tim, we are old friends.
Come on, Kari.
People with your history
can never just be friends.
Why did you come back?
Because I realize,
I made a mistake.
So many mistakes.
And now I want what you want.
To save our marriage.
If it's still what you want.
[sighs deeply]
[car door opens and closes]
[car engine starts
then recedes]
You okay?
I'm fine.
I'm sorry, I got
I gotta go.
[door opens]
Whatcha doing?
Taking preventative measures.
What are we preventing?
-Heat stroke.
Little heavy on the drama,
don't you think, Pops?
You obviously have not seen
the weather channel.
Because we're having
a heat wave.
And it kills old people who
take down their kids
in basketball.
Ah, so, not you.
Sounds like an excellent day
for a swim.
-Oh, good, let's do it.
-No, no.
Luke has Reagan coming over
this afternoon for a pool date.
Promise me
that someday you
will have your
own house with your own pool
to entertain your friends.
Someday, can't guaranty
how soon.
If your mom and I may be want
to take a dip, to cool off
a little later
The pool will be available
again after 4:00 p.m.
-After 4:00 p.m.?
-My pool?
-Your pool.
-You're the best, love you!
I don't recall my parents
ever lending me their
pool, while I was wooing you.
Your parents didn't have
a pool.
Oh, yeah.
But I did woo you, that's
That I remember.
Only your air conditioner
would break on the day of the
weirdest heat wave
this state has ever seen.
Further proof that
there are no coincidences,
just moments of poor timing
-designed by the universe.
No coincidences, huh?
Oh, hi, Erika.
Pretend I'm not here.
It feels like it's
been forever.
Yeah, kinda has.
So, what's new? What have
you been up to?
Just, same old, same old.
I bought a house.
Just a single mom life.
What about you?
How's firefighting?
Ah, you know, lots of
cats in trees.
Anyways, looks like
it was a heck of a sale.
Yeah, my air conditioner's
And the soonest the guy can
come out is Monday, so
in the mean time
Well, I'll be happy to take
a look at it if you want.
-Oh, she wants.
-How's now?
Perfect, you know, I just
got off work, so
Please ignore, you do not
have to come.
No, I want to. And
It will give us a chance
to catch up.
I'm at 153 Oak Grove.
Cool, then uh, I'll see you
in a little bit.
-Bye, Erika.
Please, I'd give an appendage
to have a guy look at me
like that.
A way, by the way, he's been
looking at you since
fifth grade.
Yeah, and he's probably
ten times
more straight-laced and
God-fearing than he was then.
But with arms like that,
he can be whatever he wants.
[doorbell chimes]
Wow, yeah, you, you look
Ridiculously charming.
Well, is your pool
home to aquatic life?
No, but we do have a big duck.
Well, well, well.
I can't believe we're hiding
up here.
You never gave me space
when I had boyfriends over.
Maybe I'm just trying
to encourage
your brother's new romance.
Reagan is sweet.
She's been amazing
at the show room.
She's going to fit in
really nicely around here.
Do you remember when you told
us you were pregnant
with Ashley?
I remember you went running
out of the restaurant crying.
I do that a lot, don't I?
Only when you are
genuinely upset.
You don't have to stay
with him, honey.
Mom, you don't understand.
Your marriage has never been
challenged like this.
No, not like this.
But help me understand.
-What's in your heart?
I'm pregnant, Mom.
Oh, a baby's always a blessing,
no matter the circumstances.
Something else?
There's more.
Um, I kissed Ryan.
Yesterday, at the lake.
It just
Does Tim know?
He knows
I was with him
and that upset him enough.
Now he wants to work on
our marriage and he's worried
I don't.
-Do you want to?
-I don't know.
I just want what God wants.
Why won't he let me know?
Give me a sign.
Maybe he already has.
God wants what's best
for you, Kari.
I know it's hard,
but you have to start
trying to listen
to what your own
heart is telling you.
It may take time
but I know that
you'll figure out
what's best for you.
And for your baby.
Can you keep this
a secret for now?
Of course.
Honey, a baby.
It's gonna be okay.
Gonna be okay.
[phone ringing]
-[telephone operator] The party
you have dialed is unavailable.
-[message beep]
Hey, Angela, it's Dirk.
Just, trying you again to
make sure you're all right.
I know you were pretty upset
leaving your apartment
the other day.
Was it because of
Professor Jacobs?
Just, uh,
just call me back.
I really want to help you.
You are quite the host,
Luke Baxter, I must say.
Yeah, having four older sisters
will do that to you.
Well, how many other girls
have you,
you know, entertained
at this pool?
Zero, since I was like 16,
but those don't count.
Ok, okay, really?
I don't know,
I, I don't feel comfortable
telling just anybody that I
still live at home
with my parents.
But, you're in law school.
I know, exactly, I'm only
doing this
so that I can save money and
afford an amazing pool
of my own someday.
But, I worry that some
people judge.
It's funny.
The second I moved
away from home,
all I could think about was
having my family around.
Well, you're always welcome
to come over here and be
a part of mine.
Thank you.
Right, hang out
with them and me,
not, uh
-I'm sorry, that was
-I get it.
-It's, yeah.
-Cheers, yeah.
Carolyn, hi.
It's Kari Jacobs.
I'm okay. I'm actually calling
because I can't find Tim and
I'm starting to get
really worried.
He hasn't been himself lately
and I was just wondering
if he's mentioned
going anywhere
to clear his mind or something.
Thank you, so much.
Will do. Bye.
[music playing]
And the crowd goes wild.
Rack 'em.
[man] Let me grab a quick
smoke, be right back.
Say, can I get another shot.
Last one for a while, bud.
What are you talkin' about?
That's your fourth
in under an hour.
Just lookin' out
for a new customer.
-Hey, bud. Hey.
You get me one,
I'll get you one.
So then, when I was little,
I used to think that
if I didn't get out of the tub
when my fingers started
to get pruney
that I would just shrivel up
and turn into an old lady.
I used to think there were
little people
inside the traffic lights
who pushed the buttons.
Okay, and the only reason
that the lights flash yellow
late at night
is because the little people
are all at home with their
little families.
-It makes perfect sense.
It really does.
We should do this
again sometime.
I don't know, Luke. Not really
sure if I'm your type.
Try me.
Well, for starters, I have
a terrible singing voice.
All good, I'm totally
tone deaf.
-I dance like a grandma.
-Who doesn't love grandmas.
And I might be really obsessed
with cheesy rom coms, so
Have I mentioned
that I have four sisters?
I don't know Luke, you just
seem a little too good
to be true.
Okay, fine.
I lied.
I'm not tone deaf,
I actually kill at karaoke.
Oh, okay, so we're already
lying to each other?
Is this our first fight?
No, it's cool.
I actually lied, too.
I have a phenomenal
singing voice so
it kinda looks like we might
have some karaoke battles
in our future.
-Prepare to go down.
-Oh, really?
Oh, my God, you're the worst.
You are such a butt head.
[Landon] How about now?
One second.
Try that.
[motor starts humming]
Oh, it's working.
-You did it.
Wow, how'd you get
so handy anyway?
Ah, you know.
A lot of Friday nights at home
with Dad in school.
Oh, we all have our routine.
Yours was to say no to me
every weekend.
And mine was to drown
myself in my sorrows.
You're a lot more
self-deprecating than
you used to be.
Oh, well, rejection
will do that to you.
Hm, something tells me you
don't get rejected at lot
these days.
You know, that might be
the nicest thing you've ever
said to me.
-Do you want something
to drink?
I have water,
some questionable
chocolate milk
and a variety of juice boxes.
Mom life.
I'll do a juice box.
Good choice.
Cool, so,
what else have you been up to?
Taking some online classes.
You know me, not the
traditional four year
college type.
Well, what about
your paintings?
You were always winning awards
in school for your stuff.
I don't really paint anymore.
Wow, why not?
You know,
Ah, yes, life.
The great hindrance of talent.
[both scoff]
To functioning cooling systems.
So, you still play?
Or you gave that up, too?
Yes, I play every now and then.
Well, how about now?
What are you doing?
I gave you the gift of air,
the least you can do
is play me a song.
I'm not leaving till you do.
-Come on.
But you have to
close your eyes.
Okay, deal, I'll close my eyes.
[strumming guitar]
I don't need someone
To make me feel ♪
Like I'm worthy ♪
Yeah I know they do ♪
Wrote a song you sing
Over me ♪
And I'm tired of placing
Who I am ♪
And careless hands that
Don't know how to hold me ♪
Hold me ♪
'Cause I've got dreams
And I've got plans ♪
Might be more independent
Than the rest ♪
Gotta fly too high ♪
Yeah they say we might
Want to let you fly ♪
Be the safest place ♪
You can land on ♪
That was awesome.
-I had fun today.
-Me, too.
I guess I owe Kari
a thank you gift
for hiring me and then
setting us up.
Actually, she didn't.
I asked about you that day.
After prayer circle,
so technically,
I set us up.
Well then, technically,
I owe you a thank you gift.
[slow instrumental
music playing]
Kari Baxter in a bar.
Guess miracles really do exist.
How'd you find me?
Carolyn Bailey saw you come in
here a few days ago.
So now the whole
University staff knows
I'm a drunk.
I came here to take you home.
Yes, really.
I don't have a home anymore.
Don't do this.
Not here.
We were happy once, weren't we?
Of course we were.
We had issues.
And you were right.
It wasn't just you.
But I'm the one
who destroyed it.
I'm the one who
ruined everything.
And now I'm going to
be a father.
You deserve better.
Is better.
You can be better.
We can both be better.
It was wrong
of me to spend the day
with Ryan.
You are my husband.
And we are having a baby.
And we are going to fight
for our marriage.
Because we made a vow?
And because it's what I want.
We have to find a way
to forgive each other.
Let's go home.
[groans] Okay.
Ugh, okay.
Lord, forgive me. Please.
Lord, forgive me.
[Elizabeth] Next time on
The Baxters
For this marriage to succeed,
we're gonna have to set
some ground rules
around your fears.
-And everything
that's happened.
-Everything okay?
[Ryan] I got a call from
The Giants.
"The Giants," Giants?
Yeah, they want to offer me
a coaching job.
I went to my first AA meeting.
The first step is to admit
that my life
has become unmanageable.
And that I need help
to move forward.
I think we need to go back
to the way things were.
That's why I came here today.
So that you can tell me
that you love your husband?
So I could tell you
[theme music playing]
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