The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[Amaia breathing deeply]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Amaia tries to scream]
[drowned out screams] Help!
You Bastard!
[sinister music]
[Prior] "It takes
the most beautiful forms.
It gives us sight and senses.
Exalts our most primal instincts."
[Prior] "The devil is everywhere."
No one is going to hurt you again.
[Prior] "Evil knows how to get us
to let our guard down."
[alluring music]
[Prior] "Although the land
is fertile"
[Prior on audio recording]
"the water crystal clear,
and the plants can heal
like they do in paradise,
evil hides in these mountains."
[woman crying in distance]
[woman wails]
[Amaia breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[Ines, low voice] Amaia.
-[hearing aid static]
-[Ines] Amaia, what's wrong?
[Amaia groans]
[Ines, barely audible]
What is it?
Leave me alone.
[diabolical laugh]
You get out, too!
[Prior] "Unexplained visions,
[opening theme]
[birds chirping]
[Gregorian chants]
[Prior] "For centuries,
the inhabitants of these mountains
have given themselves to sin
and lust."
[Prior] "Always lust."
[pleasureful sigh]
[birds chirping]
[Elvira] "Look, Mr. Arturo,
this is beyond me."
Beyond romanticism,
beyond literature,
beyond allegories and analogies.
What's left?
I'm a botanist,
that's what interests me,
the science behind the metaphor.
Don't limit your idea of alchemy
with such an analytical viewpoint.
I try to be reasonable.
Darling Elvira,
one who lives within reason,
lives without the spirit.
Brother Angel, this glass?
Someone got into
the tower last night.
It may be the same person.
I would warn the Prior.
[Elias] Thank you.
[Angel] See you at Mass, brother Elias.
[Arturo] "The appearance of things
is determined
by how they are observed.
Maybe that will make you understand
that when the gates of hell are open,
roams free."
[sinister music]
[hearing aids beep]
Did you find Manu?
[Arturo] "The important thing
is finding truth.
is the real philosopher's
stone that every alchemist seeks."
[Elias] Ok.
Can someone tell me
the meaning of this phrase?
"Souls of the dead
will fall into hell".
Very good, Paul.
You got it.
Where were you, dude?
I was worried.
[Paul] I'll tell you later.
You don't look so good, are you ok?
I've been better.
Honestly, I'm not feeling great.
But anyway.
[Paul] Anyone ask for me?
Having fun with your new friends?
The last person who beat me up,
was on the wrong end of a shotgun.
It was my dad.
-[Adele groans]
-You! Stop!
Let her go!
Your sister is viper.
I'll handle her.
Oh, yeah? What're you gonna do?
She said she was gonna shoot me.
You're not gonna do anything.
You always choose her over me.
What? You like her that much?
[door slams]
[Amaia panting]
You've lost it.
Get it together.
I don't want to.
If Elias took Manuel
in that absurd mask,
why don't we do something?
What do we do?
We beat him up?
Yes, we beat him up.
Needles in his nails,
pull his teeth out.
So, he'll tell us where
the fuck Manuel is.
Amaia, I don't like
contradicting you,
but it's not your best idea.
You're afraid.
Of course I'm afraid.
In that painting
there are more masks.
Elias is one of many, understand?
What do we do then?
I'm racking my brain,
trying to find a way to help you.
But I need you on my side.
You haven't noticed anything
from the treatments?
Nothing at all.
Shall I come tomorrow?
[piano melody]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[piano melody]
[bell rings]
Did you not hear the bell?
Would you stay a moment?
I'm glad you came.
Sit here, please.
I have a class now.
Just a minute.
I can't play.
I don't want you to.
Just run your fingers over it.
Get a feel for the keys.
[piano melody]
[dissonant note]
[breathing heavily]
I really must go.
[piano melody]
[dissonant note]
That's enough!
Leave me alone!
What would Mara say
about you locking me in your room?
-And you won't stop.
-I didn't lock you in.
Didn't want anyone to see you like that.
Listen to me.
I'm gonna get my dad to fire you.
Don't come near me again.
[high pitched frequency]
[whisper] Amaia.
[Amaia] What we looking for?
[Paul] Light.
I don't know.
Something of Elias'
that could lead us to Manu.
Yes, of course, like a map
with an arrow on it
that says: "Manuel's here".
Better yet, let's go mess him up.
[footsteps approaching]
[door opens]
[table creaks]
[whispers] The lighter.
Did you see that box?
[door closes]
The mask is in there.
Let's follow him.
All right, quick thinking.
[high pitched frequency]
Why not get your tambourine out
for all to hear?
Your sister's friends
broke my hearing aids.
[whispers] Quietly.
-[whispers] He's left the box.
-Yes, in the library.
Let's follow him.
[mysterious music]
-He's left
[Amaia groans]
[hinge creaks]
[lighter clicks]
[Paul mumbles]
He's back there.
[footsteps nearby]
He's gone.
What if Manuel is in there?
I don't know, get off
of me and let's check.
[Paul] He must be this way.
There's nowhere else.
[lock opens]
[object falls]
[Amaia] Careful.
You remember the painting?
Somebody with a mask
buried a man in the ground.
It's crooked.
Elias has moved this tombstone.
What if he locked Manu
down there?
I hope it's him,
otherwise it's a corpse.
[Amaia] One,
-[Paul] Three.
[Paul] No Manu here.
We should leave the dead alone.
You don't think Manu's inside?
We have to make sure.
We can't leave without checking.
Grab it there.
One, two
[Paul coughs]
I present to you, Yolanda Pascual.
[Amaia] She's buried face down.
[both scream]
-Fucking nasty!
-Ok, Amaia, enough.
[Arturo] "The desire for immortality
is a trap used by the devil.
Local alchemists sought
to defeat death with their potions."
[knocks on door]
[bell tolls]
[bell tolls]
[shower running]
[bell tolls]
[bell tolls]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[intercom] "We remind you
of the importance
of respect so please keep
all electronic devices switched off."
-You're crazy.
-This suit turns me on.
[Paz laughs]
Should we get Julio?
It's more fun that way.
Dude, just forget it, Eric.
You like him too, right?
Oh, no. Wait, wait.
You like me?
In your dreams, pal.
You miss me when we're not together?
We both live here.
When would I miss you?
While changing my pad?
-For example.
-Hey, listen.
I'd rather stick pins in my balls
than make you mad.
Forget about Julio.
I mean, no need to be so radical.
Besides, you and I have fun alone.
[Paz] No. Eric, no, no, no.
Eric! Eric, what's wrong?
What's up?
I don't want you hanging around Rita
or her friends.
-Don't give me orders, let me go.
If you promise me
you'll get over Rita.
I can't promise you that.
Cause we're together.
Together how?
Don't get involved with that thug.
She's not a thug.
What about what she did to Amaia?
Adele, I know you.
You don't like her.
I know you don't like her.
What do you know?
You have no idea.
Adele, what's the matter?
Why are you doing this?
Cause I'm sick of being your lapdog.
That's the matter.
[bell rings]
You lot, pick up
the balls left in the yard.
[door closes]
[alluring music]
This change affects
the budgets for the year.
Why did you do it, Dario?
I don't get it.
Because we needed those machines.
Could I have foreseen it?
Perhaps, but I didn't.
You can't turn the school
into a center
to cure your daughter.
-Of course.
-You can't.
[tense music]
Hey darling, everything ok?
Something to tell me?
I just wanted to say hi.
I talked with Fran.
I'm all good.
[door opens]
[footsteps approaching]
If you'd left a 20
on the nightstand,
I wouldn't have felt any worse.
I'm sorry.
I understand all this
isn't easy for you,
but you have no right
to jump in and out
of my bed whenever you feel like it.
-[hinge creaks]
-[door closes]
Yolanda Pascual.
A former student.
[Amaia] Then what?
Why is she buried there?
Tripi was in her class.
Yeah, she was in my class.
She was crazy.
-I was with her a lot.
Because she was hot.
But that's not the only reason.
Why do you say she was crazy?
Cause she never
got along with anyone.
She'd get on everybody's nerves.
One day she went out
in the yard naked.
It was amazing.
How did she die?
[Eduardo puffs] No idea, dude.
One day she disappeared
and then they said she was dead.
No one cared much.
Thanks, kid.
Rita, open your locker.
My locker, why?
Open your locker, Rita.
I didn't expect this from you.
Come here.
[Rita breathing heavily]
It wasn't me.
[Paul] Rita.
You got time?
Oh, you look great.
Did you get a haircut?
Stay away from my sister.
Is that clear?
[students] No way.
[high pitch beep]
[indistinct conversation]
[indistinct conversation]
[indistinct voice]
-[mouths] You hear me?
-I can hear you.
Let's see
Thank you.
For the clip?
Yeah, that too.
Look what I found.
[melancholic music]
What you doing?
[Amaia laughs]
Check this out.
I made a little drawing.
I'm the hot one
and you, the ugly one.
In your dreams.
[Paz] "It's Manu's, right?"
Where was this?
We had to clean
the lost and found storage
They won't let us
catch our breath today.
Take us there.
To the storage?
-[Paul] Yes.
Let's go.
You look good, Rita.
Why did you steal it?
As a gift to you.
Come with me.
I want you to
burn this.
-Why burn it?
-For me.
I can't, he's my brother.
You said it yourself.
He ditches you,
he's always with Amaia.
I don't want to.
[tense music]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Amaia] Nothing belonging to Yolanda.
[Eric] Fuck.
Look at this underwear.
Who leaves this here?
One day, all that will be left
of our time here
will be a pair of boxers
and some panties.
Well, I'll leave filthy ones then.
[Paz laughs]
[Paz] Me too.
Here it is.
Yolanda Pascual.
This is really cute.
[Paul] Nothing else?
How's it look?
-A little big.
-[Paz laughs]
Something here.
[Eric] What is it?
A letter?
It's like a diary entry.
"May 23rd.
Today's been awful.
The teachers
wouldn't let me stay in bed
despite the cold sweats
and the tremors.
I hate them, I wish they were dead.
They laugh at me
ever since they found me naked.
I have no idea how I got there.
I zone out completely at times.
It's like I stop existing
and then I come back.
Nothing reassures me anymore,
not even
my blue amulet.
I want this hell to end.
I never believed in God,
but now I believe in the devil.
When they come to get me,
I'll go with them".
But who was coming to get her?
I don't know.
She said, "my blue amulet".
In Elias' box, with the mask,
was a blue amulet.
That box must be
somewhere in the library.
[Eric] It's the same.
The tremors,
the cold sweats,
the memory loss
You saw me before.
It was like
like I ceased
to exist.
That urge to kill someone who
Am I going crazy?
[Rita laughs]
-"How funny."
-What's this?
[boy] Get lost, Adele.
[Rita laughs]
-[Rita] They got us.
But not on four
-[Adele] Rita!
Rita, please,
tell them to let me in.
[boy] Go away, now.
[Rita] Got caught
little chic face.
[Rita laughs]
[Rita] Really.
[lighter clicks]
[breathing heavily]
[birds tweeting]
It always ends up here.
Thank you.
By the way, they're bringing
the new machine tomorrow.
So please, talk to Fran,
get it installed immediately.
When will we see each other again?
Don't spoil this.
It was a nice moment, huh?
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Elvira] "It's a rough draft.
But I've made findings in my lab
related to
vegetation native to this area."
[bell tolls]
[Elvira] "I think it could
clearly reflect
the point of my thesis."
[Elvira] It's a response
to the strange
phenomena you talked about.
Explaining the folklore
and the local esoteric literature.
What do you think?
I'm not sure you want
to know what I think.
It's barely scratched the surface,
dear Elvira.
I'm sorry, Mr. Arturo.
You're a man of faith,
I understand your point of view.
But understand my work is scientific.
You speak of mysticism
as if it were
nothing more than quack science.
-I did not use those terms.
-Because they're too big.
Until you understand
the enormous influence
evil has on people,
your thesis won't get beyond
a collection of recipes
from Grandma's apothecary.
I apologize
I belong to the Dominican Order.
Do you know Latin?
We're the dogs of the Lord.
We're his army.
This congregation,
brother Elias and myself,
we have a mission:
to fight against the devil.
He'll always have me
and my men in front of him.
[Amaia] psst.
No box here, just books.
[librarian] Silence.
You don't come here to talk.
Want to be reported?
[Amaia] What's it?
[Paul] The Church Archive.
Here it is.
Here, turn it on.
[Amaia] Ok.
This is it.
Yolanda's notebook.
The rest of her diary.
"May 24th.
I'm afraid but I'm going
to the monastery.
It's the only way.
I'm going to free myself
from the demon inside me.
Brother Elias is
the only one I can trust.
He'll know what to do.
He said he's done other
That's why she was buried face down.
She was possessed.
Here, here.
Exorcism records
for members of the Raven's Nest.
I don't understand,
Yolanda was a member?
If these are her things,
so was the mask.
It's not the monks,
they've fought if for centuries.
But if it's not them, then who?
[mysterious music]
[hinge creaks]
[Leon] Thanks for coming.
It's okay.
-What do you want?
What do you have to say?
Come with me.
I wanna show you a place.
I'll tell you everything.
I'm not going anywhere.
-Let me go.
[Ines gasps]
I'm sorry.
[suspenseful music]
[knock on door]
[Elias] I'd like to apologize again.
I behaved like an idiot.
Honestly, yes you did.
You're full of surprises.
You're a strict teacher,
but committed to the students.
A monk that doubts God.
A man hidden
underneath that habit.
And now, my thesis director.
They tell me
you're an exorcist.
I quit a long time ago.
Something terrible happened,
I'll never forgive myself.
[Elias] "Yolanda Pascual.
She was
a girl from the valley."
[Elias] "She suffered greatly
and inexplicably."
[sinister music]
[Elias] "Strange occurrences."
[sinister music]
[Elias] I had many doubts.
But the Prior insisted
that we file a report.
There was definite evidence.
And she was convinced
she had a demon inside her.
She couldn't take it.
[Elias gasps]
[Elias] You'll come to God with love,
prince of demons!
-Say your name.
-[girl] No!
[Elias] Jesus Christ himself
commands you!
-Tell me your name, demon!
-[girl screams]
Jesus Christ commands you,
he who sacrificed himself!
-[girl] No!
-[Elias] And resurrected after death!
-[Yolanda rages]
[sinister music]
[hinges creak]
[requiem songs in Latin]
[Elias] I lost my faith that day,
I lost myself.
She was just a kid who needed help.
I've seen Yolanda's
symptoms in other students.
[Elvira] What do you mean?
Something is going on.
And it's not
the air in these mountains
or the smoke from these lands.
No, there's always
a rational explanation, Elias.
[breathing heavily]
# There's a place near here
# If I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# Appears constantly
# Running through my dreams
# And I don't know, don't know
# If I should continue this way
# Should I go
# And never return
# Leave this place
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run, run
# There's a place near here
# If I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# Appearing constantly
# Running through my dreams
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run #
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