The Boy's Word: Blood on the Asphalt (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Honest business

- Be bold. Come on, be bold.
- Please, be careful.
- Do you have any relatives?
- There's a little kid left at your place.
Our aunt from Almetyevsk is coming,
I've already called her.
Well, look. The juvenile
inspector will come to check.
We'll take him to Volkov,
there's a good psychiatric hospital there.
It's alright, alright. Why
are you standing here?
Do you want to listen to a record?
- Yes.
- Let's go.
- Why are you crying?
- Good evening.
What's your name?
Wendy Moira Angela Darling. And yours?
Peter Pan.
- Is that all?
- Yes.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Nonsense!
- Say hi to dad. -Sure.
- And don't worry.
- Today they will transfer your athlete
- Ravil Isakov.
- Ravil Isakov to another ward.
- Thank you. Here, a little something
Thank you.
- Oh!
- So, we know each other, it seems.
- My name is Volodya.
- I know, I filled out your card.
- Don't be so modest - a card.
- You saved a life.
It's a hospital, that's the job -
everyone saves everyone.
And your name?
We don't get acquainted here.
This isn't a dance or a library.
Then may I invite you to the library?
- Go ahead.
- What should I dictate?
- Your phone number.
- We don't have a phone.
I live in a dorm on Energetikov.
Well, that's all I needed to know.
Where are you rushing to?
Let's talk, Aigul!
- Can't we discuss it like civilized people?
- I can't hear you.
- Okay, then I'll talk.
- Pretend you don't hear.
- I don't hear.
- You're talking about relationships.
Yes, I disappeared, but I had
a valid reason.
- Can you stop following me?
- It's public land. I walk where I want.
- Actually, this is our territory.
- And whose territory is the school?
The school is neutral ground.
How about you stay on your turf, and
I'll go to the neutral one. Without you.
So people don't think
I'm hanging out with just anyone.
What are you talking about?
- Young man!
- We're having a private conversation, excuse us.
I've never seen this thug before.
- Go back to your school!
- There are plenty of Aiguls in town.
Donât whistle, it's bad luck.
- Hey. -Oh, hey.
- Did you do your math homework?
Nope, fell asleep.
Fancy a ride?
I'm talking to you, green eyes.
- Honk at yourself.
- Why so sassy?
Come on, get in. Weâve got vodka, snacks.
We'll head to Kordon.
Get in, silly, it'll be fun.
- I'm with Universamovskie.
- Oh really!
And who are you seeing?
- With Junior Adidas.
- Never heard of him.
But I know you. You live around here.
- How old are you?
- None of your business.
- Well, I'll wait, I'll wait.
- When you turn 16
Where are you off to?
Svetlana Mikhailovna, you have a visitor.
Please come in.
About the hat
I found out.
The guys bought it at a second-hand store.
It was snatched from Filyura Gabdullovna.
And the guys
were just thinking of how to help.
They saw it
and thought it would be right
to gift it to you.
Really, mom, honestly, I mean it.
Andrey, that's enough.
- Andrey, that's enough.
- I'm talking to mom.
- Mom
- Let's go, let's go.
- Mom!
- Let's go.
- She can't hear you.
- Mom!
She can't hear you right now.
When can I talk to her?
That's something no one can tell you yet.
Wait here.
A guy is here, asking for the seniors.
What's up?
I'm Adidas from "Universam".
I spoke with the chief doctor this morning
about Ravil.
They'll move him to another ward,
he'll be looked after there.
Basically, everything will be alright.
Right. Why didn't Kashchey come himself?
Kashchey is no longer with the street.
And he has no close ones.
You killed Yeralash, we almost did Ravil.
Consider it even.
No common boundaries.
What's there to divide?
We owe you nothing, you owe us nothing.
Bobr's jacket got
torn. Compensate for it.
We'll compensate.
Alright, agreed.
We don't drink now.
We're starting a business.
Come on. Let's go, let's go.
Milya, I'm calling the police!
There's no need for that.
Say hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I know these young men
caused you some financial damage.
They are under my supervision now,
and the guys want to make amends. Guys?
Also from me
a small surprise, a "Fairy Tale" cake.
As a sign of my respect.
And I'd like to make you a
business proposal
that will fully compensate
for your moral damages.
As far as I know,
you have a vacant space over there?
Great! We'll take it!
Thank you. Guys, let's go!
- Come on.
- What are you standing here for? Get to work.
- Palto, you too.
- That one.
Marat! Do some work for once.
Lamp! Here.
- What about the cartoons?
- Just for a couple of days.
We'll earn money - buy a new one.
Be careful with it!
Your colors are sad, no one will come.
- So smart - do it yourself.
- Why are you picking on me?
Complete nonsense.
Listen, I need to make a gift
for a beautiful girl.
- There. There.
- There. No, there.
- There!
- No, I'm telling you, there.
- There!
- Just do it
I'm telling myself that! Do it! Do it!
- Bam! - Gunshot.
- Bam! - Bullet whizzes by.
If you have two left hands!
You come here!
I don't get it!
Get out of here!
- I'm bored, let's play tag.
- No.
Hello, our mom was taken to the hospital.
What happened?
They say it's psychosis.
The doctor said the juvenile inspector would come.
You didnât show up. So, I decided to come myself.
- So, who are you staying with now?
- With my aunt.
She's cleaning the house right now.
I see. Well, come in.
Kir, can you handle mine?
Their mother's in the hospital.
We need to contact them,
find out her condition,
and decide what to do with the girl.
This guy again? The glass
installer just left. And it's all on me.
Alright, since it's that
kind of day. Sit down.
- I thought we'd sort everything out with you.
- I can't, sorry.
Thanks again for the gift.
I'll tell the girls tomorrow too.
Go ahead, go celebrate.
- Happy birthday!
- Thank you.
- You're Vasilyev, right?
- Yeah.
There's an inspection
scheduled for you tomorrow.
Why did you come without your aunt? Am I supposed
to take your word for it and write her down?
I'll go get her, we'll
be right back. Let's go.
Go get her? Do you think my
workday is flexible or something?
What does PDN mean?
"Promoting Children's Mood." Let's go.
You're going the wrong way!
This way. Please be quiet for a minute.
You can't say "be quiet"!
- You're standing there dripping! What's so hard?
- Go out, dry off, come back in like a human.
I'll bring a mop, you fill it with water
and clean up after yourself, smarty.
With pleasure.
- Oh!
- And who might this be for.
This isn't a waiting room,
no need to bring people here.
- I'm not bringing anyone.
- It's my personal initiative.
Shall we go for a walk?
I just got off my shift.
Yes, sorry.
It's okay, don't
We can do it another day. Tomorrow.
We can go to a cafe, here and there.
No, no need for a cafe.
No, you rest, rest.
We can decide tomorrow.
Morning is wiser than the evening.
Here, a small present.
Yeah, it's a good thing.
Not sure about the size, though
- Tights? I won't take them.
- Why not? They're hard to get.
No, I can't. Such a thing
- I've only seen you twice in my life.
- Third time.
No, still no.
Okay, then this lot will go to a dorm
worker. Will you take it for the dirty floors?
Yes, I will.
Well, great, wear them in good health,
have a nice evening everyone.
You're wrong, Natasha, he's a good guy.
- And what does "Yuldyz" mean?
- Star.
- Like Shatunov?
- Better.
I'm tired of walking.
But you wanted to eat. Here, eat
at the restaurant like a fancy person.
Is this where you can ask for anything,
and they'll bring it?
- Well, not anything, of course.
- Whatever you can afford.
Whatever you can afford? Do
you have money for ice cream?
Are you coughing? If not, then yes.
Never coughed, ever.
Where are you going? We
have an evening program until 16.
I'm 16.
Our mom just left, and
it's the girl's birthday.
We just want some ice cream.
- Just ice cream!
- Shh, quiet.
Alright. Sit at the far end, I'll bring it out.
- And no dawdling, got it?
- Also, a request.
Sky and earth, stars and flowers.
Just so you could find me.
Just so you could find me.
Friends, that was a song
for Konstantin and his friends,
who have come to us
from Naberezhnye Chelny.
We'll take a short break
and return soon to our
concert program. Thank you.
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
Order whatever you want,
it's all on me today.
And I have a surprise. Just a moment.
- We didn't order this.
- It was sent from that table.
- Which one?
- A boy was there.
Where is he?
I'd like to wish a happy birthday
to a law enforcement officer,
who's sitting with us in the hall today
and protecting our peace.
The fleeting age of love.
Vanished like melted snow.
Quiet, like an autumn garden.
Can't bring it back,
Can't bring it back.
Maybe, don't rush the night.
And repeat everything again,
To repeat everything again?
Oh, what should I do?
Maybe, start it all over again?/I.
I don't want to lose you,
- I can't lose you.
- For you.
Oh, what should I do?
Get your hands off the instrument.
You sing terribly, by the way.
Guys! Guys!
Get your hands off me! Whippersnapper!
Alright, alright, calm down.
That's enough.
Okay, okay. Little brat!
Couldn't you have washed the dishes?
- I didn't expect guests.
- "Guests".
Don't think. I had to come tomorrow.
To check if the living conditions
are suitable for the child.
I'm not a child.
To check on Yulia, my God.
Where are the groceries for your sister?
She ate at the restaurant.
Ice cream is not food.
What food do you have?
Potatoes. Left by Ildar.
Let's sit down and peel them.
Okay, Yulia fell asleep.
- Are you leaving already?
- Andrey, it's late at night.
Then come tomorrow.
To visit Yulia.
You understand - I
have to take her with me.
- Why?
- Because you lied to me again.
You have no close relatives,
no one will come.
So what? I'm here.
- I'm not under supervision anymore.
- You yourself need legal guardianship.
I can do nothing for a day, but the
day after tomorrow, Kira will be at work.
She's obliged to process
the documents for removal.
Alright, go to bed.
I'll call tomorrow to
check on you. Good night.
Good night.
You came after all? You're persistent.
I'm not here for you. I
came to submit documents.
I got kicked out of a good school,
now I have to transfer to a weaker one.
Why "weaker"? We are the best.
Alright, let me show you around.
Are you going to the principal?
- I can find it myself.
- You'll get lost, our layout is unique.
Got it. Much obliged.
- You're so gallant.
- Not for you.
- Are you upset?
- I waited for you here for 30 minutes.
I've been watching
out for you for two days.
- Good day!
- What?
I wanted to ask you,
why did you block the entrance?
Take notice, little children
have to navigate through the snowdrifts.
Who are you?
- Adidas Junior, from "Universam."
- Who am I speaking to?
- Well, come closer, lean in.
- I have something to say.
I have a suspicion that you want
to say something unpleasant to me.
Yes, yes. I want to tell you to go to hell.
Not very nice, young man.
Get lost. Through the snowdrift.
Damn it!
Stop it! What are you doing!
He broke my mirror, the bastard!
Get away from the kid!
We'll meet again.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Now you can walk around in peace.
Akhmerova, there's a medical
room in the school, take him.
I don't need it.
Do you know how to draw?
Long live labor! I
brought kneaded erasers.
You're supposed to like them.
I don't owe anyone anything.
- How?
- Not bad.
Just "Robocop".
I thought, about slaves.
- No. It's about a guy who died.
- An American cop.
His mind was transferred
into a robot's body.
Then he went around killing everyone.
Nobody could do anything to him.
In essence, he's cop.
And then?
Well, then he killed everyone.
We could take a look, actually.
Some great moments to fast-forward to.
What great moments to fast-forward?
Well Ahem The very
best moments, we can.
I see, work's bubbling over here.
- Vova, this is Aigul, we're drawing a poster together.
- Yeah, I get it.
Well, hello there. Greetings.
Vova Adidas. Nice to meet you.
- Turbo.
- Well, well, well!
They promised me "Commando" in exchange
for a blank tape and "Enter the Dragon".
So you guys can start drawing this.
And hurry up,
the show starts in 15 minutes.
Okay, you finish up.
I'm gonna go then.
- It's O, not A.
- I know.
Ma'am, I apologize!
In this room, we have opened
a comfortable video salon!
- Madam! Give your grandson a good mood!
- Go do your homework, speculator.
So, Maratik, how's it going?
Pessimism. But I'm trying.
You're not trying hard
enough. We need results.
Stop! Got a ruble?
- Me?
- Who else? I don't have any.
Just asking the kind folks here.
And where are you
rushing off to with that bag?
Went to the store without
money? It's bad to lie.
Guys, my mom only gave me
money for butter and bread.
- And for entertainment?
- You'll eat plenty of bread in your life.
But a cartoon about mice and a cat,
you might watch only once.
- I've already seen it.
- That's that crappy Leopold you saw.
This one's American. Come on, get going.
Tell them Zima sent you to buy a ticket.
Learn while I'm still alive.
Got a ruble?
Plus 1, plus 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 13.
- Plus 13 rubles - how much?
- 73 rubles.
73 rubles, there you go.
All right, now the main question, guys.
How do we split it?
We'll split it like this.
So, the eldest gets half.
That leaves 50 percent.
Take 20 percent of that - how much?
- Er 14.60.
- Let's round up, make it 15.
- For the middle and the youngest. Here, Turbo.
- Yeah.
Another 20 percent for heating
for those in need.
Zima, take this, fifteen.
That leaves 10 percent - how much is that?
- 7 rubles.
- We give 7 rubles to Palto
for finding the VCR.
So, are we hanging out, guys?
- Hooray.
- Hooray!
Okay, middle and super guys, come to me.
Tomorrow's my dad's birthday.
Grandma is coming over. They're
celebrating in a restaurant next week.
Can you be the cashier tomorrow
without me? If you're not scared.
Scared of what? Your thugs?
That's it?
I'm going?
That's it, I have to go.
Otherwise, I'll be late
for the video lounge.
Alright, see you tomorrow.
Aigul! Aigul!
- When will I go to mom's?
- When she feels better, then you'll go.
Oh, Uncle Ildar!
Oh, you're here?
Well, let me talk to you at least.
She doesn't open the
door, doesn't answer calls.
That's not right.
That's wrong.
Mom's in the hospital.
Which hospital?
On Volkova.
That's the mental hospital.
Hey, what are you saying?
- They want to take Yulia away.
- Where to?
Everything will be alright. I'm telling you.
We'll win over everyone.
What? No one's taking anyone away.
Screw them all.
What are you doing,
don't you see it's crooked?
Got it, I'll fix it now!
- Don't you start nibbling at me!
- I'll quickly teach you a lesson.
What, we're educating Skorlupa?
- Oh, hey guys.
- Hi.
Opened a salon? Nice, nice.
What, come in, guys.
Stop, don't shoot
One ruble per person.
Well, okay, okay.
What brand is the VCR?
"Sharp", model 779.
- Nice. A brand name.
- Yep.
- Did you buy the VCR?
- No, we took it from the Haniga.
Guys, let's keep it down,
let's not disturb the viewers.
Anyway, we don't carry
that much money with us.
Go ask the guys for a loan.
- Then we should be asking for two rubles.
- Two is too much.
- Give it here.
- Let go! Let me go!
- Shut your mouth!
- Take her with you!
- Don't touch!
- Shut your mouth.
Let go! Get your hands off!
- Give it here!
- Just shut up!
- Help!
- Hurry, hurry!
Hand it over!
- What's this?
- Well, you know.
Decided to take the girl too, as a set.
They'll definitely come for her.
What's your name?
I'm with the "Universam" guys.
Aigul, nobody here
will do anything bad to you.
We're just restoring justice.
This video recorder belongs to our friend.
And you're siding with people
who did something dishonorable.
- She's hanging out with one of them.
- Who asked you?
Alright. Sit down.
Sit, think about it.
We'll resolve the issue - you'll go home.
- Pour some tea for the guest.
- Right away.
A familiar house, a green
garden, and a tender gaze.
A beloved city.
Fading in the blue haze
They finally found out!
A familiar house, a green garden
And a tender gaze
Quiet, quiet. Hello. May I speak to Vova?
- Volodya! What happened?
- Hooligans.
- Hello.
- Hello. Come in.
- What's going on?
- Dilyara, get the first aid kit, quickly, hydrogen peroxide.
Oh, hey. Let's go.
Dad, it's all right, no need
for the first aid kit, I'll handle it.
- We need to check for cuts
- We'll figure it out. It's all right, don't worry.
- We need to provide first aid.
- Give us a minute alone.
He'll wash up, and we'll take
care of it. Everything's fine.
- What happened?
- Our VCR was taken.
I recognized one, they're from Dombitovsky,
the ones who hang out at the "Snowflake" cafe.
We need to smash them to the ground!
I'll give those bastards a good morning!
- Dilyar, help him.
- Yes.
- We should call the police.
- I'm already calling.
- No need to call anywhere, Dad.
- Why?
I have a friend at the UVD.
I'll call him now,
and we'll track them down.
Zima, find me the "Snowflake" cafe.
Close the door.
Yeah. Dialing?
Who's their leader?
- And where's Aigul?
- I don't know, only Turbo was there.
- On the phone.
- Hello, Snowflake cafe?
This is Vova Adidas from "Universam".
Call Zheltiy.
One moment, please wait.
Zheltiy, you're wanted by
someone from "Universam".
- Listening. Carefully.
- This is Vova Adidas.
- Who are you?
- Zheltiy.
There was a situation today.
- We need to resolve it.
- Well, if you want to resolve it, come to Peski.
In two hours. Let's talk.
- How many of you will be there?
- Just you and me. A couple of people with me.
Just a talk.
Looks like they're making
a case over the VCR.
-Let's apply some ice,
-It's okay, thank you.
So, what's the situation?
Where's Aigul?
They took her. Threw her in a car,
took her away with them.
Vov, we need to go.
These Dombitovsky guys have lost it.
- You're not going.
- Why?
You're too impulsive, you'll start a fight.
I've heard about Zheltiy - he seems
alright, fair. We'll sort it out. You go.
- I'm going too!
- No, Skorlupa has no business there.
Adults will talk.
- How will you get there?
- What do you mean?
- It's not proper to go on foot.
- They'll definitely come by car.
Maybe we should take Kashchey's?
- Have you seen his car? It's crap.
- You won't gain any respect with that.
- Let's go by bus.
- Vova, I want to go too.
- No, entertain the relatives.
- It's Dad's birthday after all.
Thanks a lot again, goodbye.
Dad, happy birthday, I love you. We're
taking Valerka to the police with Vakhit.
- Thank you.
- Come on, let's go.
- Are you crazy or what?
- What?
And do you often drive around in
Dad's car like this? Take her home!
Vov, it's really awkward
to go to the meeting by bus.
Okay, get in.
Hey, don't think wrong, I'm a decent guy.
I have a little sister, almost like you.
Hold on. Just a sec.
Here, eat.
We have a whole can
in the fridge. Want some?
Why are we sitting like this? It's boring.
We could watch something.
We also have tapes.
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit".
Let's do this.
I give you a boy's word
everything will be alright with you.
You gave me a boy's word.
Of course.
Stay here.
- Where's Kashchey?
- Kashchey is no longer with the street.
I'm Vova Adidas.
You talk to me.
Was it you who pushed Kashchey out?
We did. The street did.
You're an interesting person. Deciding
who's with the street and who's not.
Who's the eldest here?
You're nothing but trash.
Alright. Get on your knees.
That's enough, stop.
How could you allow such chaos?
The guy was running an
honest business, sharing.
Isn't that right?
That's not how real guys do things.
It's not written on him.
Then watch. Watch how it will be now.
Our guy, our VCR,
so the spot is now ours too.
You owe 300 rubles for the trouble.
And we'll take your car,
until you pay. Alright?
Alright, now get on your knees.
To hell with you, bastards.
Now apologize.
Say "forgive me."
Go to hell.
Say it!
Say it!
- Hey, his brother's here too.
- His brother? Bring him here.
Put him on his knees.
Come on, do it.
What are you doing, you bastards?
That's enough.
- I'm sorry.
- Okay, guys, stop.
I didn't hear you.
Forgive me.
Guys don't apologize.
Show me. Marat, show me.
Just a sec.
Come on, drink up.
Turn it off.
Watch, you might learn something.
Let me go!
Release me!
Let me go!
Release me!
What have you done?
She agreed to it herself, guys!
You're no longer with us.
Take him away.
Guys, bandages, bandages!
Come on, hurry up.
So, was there a fight?
So, didn't have a talk, Vova?
No, we didn't talk.
- Should have taken them all out from the start!
- Yeah?
And why didn't you take
them out then, Marat?
After all, I have to answer
to the relatives for you.
And if they were fascists,
would you also kneel and apologize?
Who apologized there?
- Where are you going?
- To get Aigul!
Come back here!
Let go!
Sit down. Tie his hands.
- Let go! Let go!
- Sit down.
Come here, get the first aid kit.
We'll clean the wound. Hurry up.
Hold his hands!
If he moves from here, I'll personally
hold each of you responsible, got it?
Hold this.
- Vov, where are you going?
- I'll be back in half an hour.
- Is Zheltiy there?
- What do you want with Zheltiy?
Bring here what you've got.
You can't carry it.
Let's do this.
There was an incident here.
We acknowledge our fault. Definitely.
So no need for the money.
Bring the girl.
Listen, just for your information.
Kolik, who mistreated her,
is out.
Give him the keys.
All right. Leave.
What are you doing, stop it.
"Apologize to me."
Go to hell.
Say it.
Say it!
Come on.
Come on, shoot.
Come on, come on! Coward, do it!
Shoot, come on!
Come on, shoot!
Come on, shoot!
Let's go home, little sister.
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