The Broken News (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Apne Dum Par

Are you busy?
-Not much.
Should I do something else for you?
No, you sit and relax.
I get it now.
Today you want the wife experience.
So, how was your day, baby?
It was okay.
-How was yours?
Hmm, suddenly wine?
Are we celebrating something?
My resignation.
-Come on.
No, Amina.
Done and dusted! I've recommended
your name in the letter. Cheers.
Amina, take the resignation back, please.
I can't take your place.
You're the boss of Awaaz Bharati
and you will remain.
Why? You are friendly with everyone.
The team loves you.
Yeah, but team respects you.
You are smart and intelligent.
You are the team's moral compass, Amina.
And most importantly, you know the
difference between right and wrong.
Is this right?
You are married, middle of the night
you are at my house, is this right?
Why don't you understand, Pankaj?
I don't want to be moral
compass of anyone.
Enough of being responsible.
I want to live life freely.
Not stealthily.
I want to break free. I want to live.
I want to..
-Okay, okay, Amina, okay.
What happened?
At this moment you are weak.
You are vulnerable.
Weak, vulnerable Amina,
doesn't look sexy?
Only strong and resilient
Amina, looks sexy. Isn't it?
Is that what turns you on?
Tell me.
-I think I should leave.
I think so, too.
Hello, Mr Bansal, sorry I
am calling so late at night
I wanted to talk to you.
You can go in, ma'am.
I am here to meet Mr. Kapoor.
What's your name?
-Radha Bharghav.
Radha Bhargava, let me check.
Sorry ma'am, your name is
in not in the guest list.
He is expecting me. I have come for
his work. He has interview tomorrow.
Sorry, ma'am.
-Oh, ask somebody inside.
-Francis sir, come in.
Some Radha Bhargava ma'am has come,
shall I let her come inside?
Okay, sir.
Let her go inside.
Ma'am, do you have mobile, Ipad, Laptop?
Nothing is allowed inside.
I've come here for work, I
will need those things.
Ma'am, rules are rules.
Keep it carefully.
Can I go inside now?
Thank you.
Radha Bharghav, Pooja Kakkar's friend.
You are the one who created this scandal.
Scandal? Out here, there is a party.
In superstar's life all this is normal.
Tomorrow, Josh is going to do one hour
special program on you with 16 victims.
In counter Awaaz Bharati
is also doing a soft voluntary with me.
Aren't you ashamed, you
have exploited so many girls.
Mend your statement, Ms. Radha.
Whatever the girls say
Akhil Kapoor does use force for the first time
But from later gives lots of pleasure also.
So you are admitting that
you exploited those girls.
Yes indeed. Not only them but you also.
Excuse me?
Yeah, how did you come here?
Because of me.
Give the bag to Khalid.
You are not the first girl who has
come here to make the video.
You are here because I wanted.
And in this party I can
do anything with you.
And you can't harm me in
any way.
This is called power.
That I have and you don't.
Give the bag to Khalid.
Ms Radha, go in an auto which has music.
the Party must continue.
You are here because I wanted.
Not only them but you also.
In this party I can do anything with
you and you can't harm me in any way.
I have cooked dinner. Potato
and peas vegetable with some bread.
All okay?
Really very sorry for what happened.
-You need to leave. Now!
-You can't stay here anymore.
But in the evening you
-I was wrong.
This is my house. I work here.
Do personal work!
What happened with last story
rather what you did
I can't take that risk.
I just don't trust you.
Listen Pooja, if you know
anything about Akhil Kapoor..
however insignificant please tell me.
No buddy, whatever I remembered
I have said it.
I understand.
You will expose him tonight, right?
If like that day?
Okay take care.
Take care.
I have changed refill of all the pens.
Okay, thank you.
How are you?
-I am fine. How are you?
I am good.
-And how was your weekend?
It was good.
Mr Bittu, you can go now.
-But bus has still not come.
Bus will come, don't worry, you go.
-Okay. Take this.
Hi, my child.
How are you?
-I am good, dad.
Nice. Let's go.
My God, how fast you
are growing, do you know?
And I am really sorry, dear. I couldn't
come for your swimming competition.
For my Piano recital and
for my science exhibition
Okay, okay. Now you are
sounding like your mom.
Okay, I'm really sorry.
Then prove it.
Okay, is it fine if I prove
it on 10th December?
What happened dear?
Dad, if you are planning
something for my birthday then
talk to mom about it, she and Xerxes
are also planning something.
Xerxes is okay?
-He is okay.
Well, till then I have something
for my little angle.
A warm up gift.
It's so cool. Thanks dad.
Most welcome, dear.
Did you find anything?
You left in a hurry yesterday.
I thought you were working
on the Akhil Kapoor story.
I will call you back.
Good afternoon.
Look guys, I know our last
two days were extremely difficult.
we have I have taken
some editorial decisions
to which some of you don't agree.
Some feels because of these decisions,
our news channel
image has been tarnished.
Whether your opinions
are right or my decisions?
We will together decide
this and that too quickly.
Not today.
Right, today we will
do PR for Akhil Kapoor.
I heard that Kamal.
Did you prep Akhil?
Good, we are going ahead
with the Akhil Kapoor interview.
We have already cut the
promos, and in fact they are on air.
Let's get to work please.
Innocent women's exploiter
or the saviour of poor,
what is the reality of Akhil Kapoor.
You will get answer to all these questions
when Akhil Kapoor will break his silence,
Tonight at 9.00pm with Amina Qureshi,
only on Awaaz Bharati.
Why is Awaaz Bharati doing this
interview and not we?
Smitha, I am asking you.
You were working on this story.
Did you contact Akhil Kapoor?
Sir, I thought we must focus
on victim angel
You thought!
If you were thinking only then
you should have thought this also
16 unknown women and
country's biggest superstar,
Who is public likely to watch?
What is going on here?
We have power, money, connections
and I am there Dipankal Sanyal.
In spite of that they are beating us?
Everyone up your game or else
your time will be up.
And I need some big options
for tonight, think of something.
Sir, on Gargi rape murder case,
#justiceforgargi is trending
and we can take a follow up from Rizwaan.
I have neighbour's
interviews as you wanted.
If they are running an interview,
even we will run an interview tonight.
Home minister's interview!
Atul Shinde versus Akhil Kapoor.
Tonight special talks
with the home minister.
Today morning some Jason D'souza
tried to extract data from Julia's laptop.
We stopped him.
After that in afternoon at 2.30 pm
Jason went to Victoria tower.
Where did he go?
Victoria tower.
Josh 24/7's office in
Victoria tower, right?
Yes sir.
Hello ma'am.
-It will be done, okay I will call back.
Ma'am, he is Jason. I gave him
your laptop to retrieve the data.
Radha. Would you like something?
No, I am good.
-So, is it done?
No, it got f'''''.
I mean I had four firewalls
and an advanced vpn but still
they broke through all of it
they wiped out everything
in front of me in seconds.
Wait, one second. Tell me clearly,
who is this 'they'? Who did all this?
I don't know. I f'''''' don't
know. But whoever they are
they know their shit very well.
It means entire data from
Julia's laptop is missing?
I mean no. It's all corrupted. Scrambled.
When I was retrieving
it, the attack happened.
And I was 60% done, when
I had to pull it offline.
Okay, it means 60% data
can be retrieved, right?
There is 60% data but it's all raw data
means no files names, no folders, nothing.
We need to search by keywords.
and if any data related to those
keyword is there in this laptop
it might show up.
I am really sorry, guys.
-Thank you.
Yeah. I am sorry.
Thank you, so much.
-Thank you.
Well, guess what?
Josh has dropped it's one
hour special on the victims.
So many girls courageously
called up
spoke about their incidents
and what did we do?
We just betrayed them.
Just betrayed them.
I spoke to two of them myself.
Radha, you also talked to one.
Yes. A girl had called.
Nidhi, I am really sorry.
but Awaaz Bharati is not covering
Akhil Kapoor scandal so you..
Ma'am listen to me. My
story is not like other victims.
No. It doesn't matter.
Whatever is your story.
You please contact Josh 24/7 they
will help you, yeah. okay, thanks. Bye.
Nidhi? Hi this is Radha from Awaaz Bharati.
You had called me. I am sorry, we
couldn't speak. Can I see you today?
Thank you so much. Just send
me your address. Thank you.
What happened? Where are you going?
Excuse me. I am Radha Bhargava..
-Hi, I am Nidhi.
-Room no. 202.
Ma'am, you go, I am coming.
This side.
Are you comfortable?
Shall we begin?
It's recording.
I played Akhil Kapoor's younger
sister's role in 'Aao Love Karein' film.
You have instructed Amina?
-Yes. Yes.
All set. You don't have to
worry about that. This way.
Ms Amina. Ms Radha is not be seen?
Yesterday night she came to me and
we had a long chat.
No matter, will meet her next time.
Mr. Raghav.
Questions for today's interview.
I have my own questions.
-Your questions later.
I have brought the script
for today's story.
And I have memorized my
lines very well. You also memorize it.
Amina, you called me?
Yeah. Show Mr. Akhil
the way to green room
-Hi. Hello dear. How are you?
I am fine, thank you.
Not you Juhi, send Kamal to
show Mr. Akhil the green room.
First we will do some stories.
Then you are our main story.
Ms. Amina, you are my boss.
Whatever you say.
Don't completely beep Shinde's abuses.
-Okay, sir.
Let people hear his dirty language.
And when he runs then keep the
video running on for 5-10 seconds..
let people think that he is trying to
scuttle away from me.
Okay, sir.
Come, sir.
Show is about to begin.
I have come here to stop that.
Show won't stop. Awaaz Bharati
cannot beat me.
This is the question of my prestige.
-It is question of your job.
I told you that interview will
not play on Josh 24/7.
You also said that on Josh 24/7
right and perfect journalism will happen.
Well that's what it looks like?
Dipankar, my business is big and
home minister's ego is bigger than that.
Even my ego is also very big.
On the single tipoff from home minister
and my subsidies, tax rebates
bad loan pardons,
everything will be stopped.
In one blow I will lose millions.
Mr Ketan, I felt money gives courage.
But I think, lots of money
makes a person meek.
You have earned millions.
What's the harm if you lose some money.
One can earn lost money but not respect.
Listen Dipankar.
I knock and enter your room
that doesn't mean that you are my boss.
I own this office.
I own this channel and I
own everyone who works in it.
And that includes you, Dipankar Sanyal.
So keep your this ego on side and
do whatever I am saying.
I am not joking Dipankar.
-Yes, sir.
Cancel Shinde's interview.
And line up profile of
Akhil Kapoor's victims.
Okay, sir.
Happy now?
16 women have given statement
against you. Are they all lying?
Hmm. I had many affairs before my marriage.
But till date I have never abused or
did anything wrong with anyone.
Now why these women are
making such statements?
Ms Amina, your question
itself has the answer.
Elections are coming and
people know what is the truth.
Mr Akhil, do you know Nidhi Shukla?
Nidhi Shukla?
I have heard this name but now I
don't remember anything.
You forgot Nidhi Shukla.
But Nidhi Shukla couldn't forget you.
I didn't get you..
-She has sent a video message for you.
Would you like to watch it?
Let's watch it.
If you insist, show me.
-Play, please.
I played Akhil Kapoor's younger
sister role in 'Aao love karein' film.
Shooting was in Ooty in
September and October.
Shooting went on for two months.
And in those two months, Akhil Kapoor
raped me many a time.
I was then only 15 years.
-Didn't you complain to anyone?
I complained to film director Kuki Gill
and to producer Vicky Dhanua.
And at that time I was just 15 years.
I was alone. I came to Mumbai running
away from home to become a heroine.
Akhil Kapoor, a super star.
Now, will Kuki Gill and Vicky Dhanua
confirm this?
Don't know.
May be they won't do it.
But I don't need their
support to prove my truth.
Please explain.
In January 2008 after 3 months of
shooting I came to know that I' m pregnant.
You are trying to ambush me.
This girl is lying. Did you
call me here for this..
Did you call me here for this..
One second.
-What did Akhil Kapoor say?
He gave me 10,000 rupees and
mobile number of Dr. Sunil Awasthi.
He said don't worry all my
abortions are handled by Dr. Awasthi.
He is a very good doctor.
I am telling you again
this girl is lying.
And I have nothing to do with her.
And I had explained you everything.
-Why are you getting scared?
I am not scared.
I just wanted to say that..
By the way Nidhi Shukla
didn't go to Dr. Awasthi in 2008.
She became a mother on 6th August 2008.
And today her daughter is 13 years old.
Is Nidhi Shukla lying?
Is Akhil Kapoor a
awful, paedophile and a rapist?
This can be decided by a simple DNA test.
Will Akhil Kapoor conduct this
test willingly or on court order?
Only time will tell.
For now I am Amina Qureshi, and
you are watching today's Awaaz Bharati.
I had come here to build my image but you
all have tarnished it completely.
I have come here at my own will.
Oh Radha, I was just going to come to you.
-To thank you. For helping me out.
Helping you out?
Did you ask me to
investigate Mr Akhil Kapoor?
In fact had I listened to you then..
today we wouldn't be exposing a rapist,
paedophile but would be rehabilitating him.
Look Radha, I am sorry.
I heard you are resigning?
Is that true?
Not sure.
Okay, good. Because I
have decided I am resigning.
Look Radha I know last weeks have been
stressful but you take 2 week holidays.
No. No.
-Come on.
I wanna leave now.
But, why Radha?
Because it just not worth it.
We just feel that we are not like
Josh but no. In fact we are worse.
Dipankar has money, position and viewers.
We will be finished in
just 6 months or a year.
No. You are doing a mistake.
See we just brought down.
Oh, come on. We didn't bring down anybody.
He will again come up tomorrow, put
pressure and we will again apologize.
I mean that's how things
work here. Right?
You guys don't get it.
We have no fucking power.
You have decided.
Okay then.
Amina, stop her. Stop her.
Dipankar make me an offer.
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