The Challenge: All Stars (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Nuthin' but an OG Thang

Previously on The Challenge
Somebody lashed out.
Welcome to On the Ropes.
Just jump.
Pull it!
Pull it! Pull it!
Mark, you were the captain
of the winning team.
I have the lifesaver.
And it's about to get weird.
Beth, you were the captain
of the losing team.
I'll see you in the Arena.
Don't stress, girl.
she's gonna always
protect my interests,
and I would do the same for her.
Imagine how sweeter
it would be being able
to have a $500,000 smile.
I was too scared, and I have
no problem admitting it.
I'll go in.
you control the lifesaver.
Gonna use it tonight or what?
I am not gonna let Katie
compete tonight.
Now you got to vote.
How about Arissa?
My vote's for Arissa.
All right, Arissa.
you're coming down. Let's go.
All y'all look me
in the face and tell me
something completely different
than what happened.
Fuck you. I'm done.
All right.
Hope to see you never.
I get to live another day.
This ain't
the goddamn Brady Bunch.
This is The Challenge.
People are gonna backstab.
It's the name of the game.
Like any hot-blooded woman
Oh. God.
I have simply wanted
An object to crave
Dominating performance.
I wasn't trying
to intimidate her in any way.
I just wanted
to compete with her,
and I was excited
about doing that, and-and
Well, no one thinks
you did anything wrong.
I didn't. No. Yeah.
Like, she got blindsided.
It happens on every season.
She got
she got blindsided.
Shit happens.
Everyone plays their own game,
but in this game,
most of the people
who knew they were going in
had some type of heads-up,
except for her.
I'm glad she left.
We came here to compete.
If your ass just not even
gonna fight,
you don't deserve to be here.
The diplomacy's
kind of going out the window,
and it's really time to evolve
and adapt to the new situation,
which is, who's your biggest
threat, and who do you want
in the finals with you?
Who can you count on?
In the great words of TJ,
if any of y'all are thinking
about quitting
You can leave fucking now.
Do it right now.
Right now.
Don't waste anybody's time.
But this is not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate
I'm gonna fight
for you, for you.
Thank you so very much.
I got to fight
for me, too, tomorrow.
It's got to happen.
'Cause-'cause I need you
to be here, Syrus.
Yes, of course.
Look at me.
Yes, of course.
Look at me.
That is the plan.
I need you to be here with me.
And I need me to be here, too.
Of course.
My last appearance on
The Challenge,
I went out like a sucker.
Sy, you got this!
Undo your arms, Sy!
I look like a chump.
Makes me so mad!
It's taken 11 years,
but I'm here,
and I want to compete.
Life today for me is phenomenal.
I have a hand
in several different businesses,
from alcohol to clothing,
and I have a beautiful fiancée.
Stacy's amazing.
So if I win this,
the wedding's gonna be sweeter.
It's 500K. Damn!
You know what? Whatever it is,
we'll do well.
That's the attitude to have.
Oh, God.
Got to make things work.
I'm going up.
Okay, all the way. All the way.
All right, thank you.
Peel him off.
There's no hand holes.
I can't do that.
Do you want to see the strategy?
Look at his hands, man.
Look at his hands.
Just a
That's why you got 'em
in grip strength.
This shit again?
Alton looks the same,
ain't changed.
The boy's shredded
from head to toe.
Look like he could scale
any goddamn thing around here--
mountains, trees.
Go ahead and do your thing.
I hope y'all fall
and bust y'all goddamn head
so I could win this money.
It's a dyno.
I'm like a big kid.
If there's a wall around,
I'm gonna try to climb it.
Everyone's watching,
and I'm not worried
about anybody, quite frankly.
I feel like I can beat 'em all.
I want to do it.
Alton and I were both
on Gauntlet 2 together.
Who did you guys choose
to battle you
today in the Gauntlet?
Uh, Jisela.
All right, Jisela!
However, I have
absolutely no memory of him.
But he is
a very good-looking man.
He has a good heart.
Alton's great at everything.
So, this is almost like
brand-new Alton for me.
All right, Mr. Solo.
Game face.
All right, everyone,
welcome to your next challenge.
Let's go!
What's the matter, Jemmye?
Okay, there it is.
Making sure you're not mad.
Sorry. I was in the zone.
Today's challenge
is called "Connect 'Em All."
This is a mini final challenge,
and I really hope
that all of you are prepared
to work.
First things first. I'm gonna
break you off into teams of six.
And when I say "go," you will
race to the first checkpoint.
You're all gonna
solve that checkpoint.
Once completed, you will then
pick up a very heavy log
and race to checkpoint two.
Each checkpoint,
your team will get smaller,
until, eventually,
you'll be solo,
and you'll be carrying a log
by yourself
all the way to the finish line.
And since this is
a men's elimination challenge,
first man will be safe
from elimination.
I feel pretty good
because it seems like
it's gonna be
something that's based
off of endurance,
and we're going to get to see
where a lot of these people
stand physically.
And I think it's going
to be a good sign,
how well people potentially
could do in the final.
As far as the lifesaver goes,
we're just gonna cancel that.
There's no more lifesaver.
And I'm sure your game's
a bit flipped upside down.
If I was you, I would win.
Whenever TJ is vague
with his words,
you have to pay extra attention,
because some shit is always
about to pop off.
First things first--
we're gonna choose the teams.
First team is the Copper Team.
Big Easy, Katie, Ruthie,
Darrell, Aneesa and Mark.
Kendal, Derrick, Jisela,
Laterrian, Kellyanne
and Nehemiah.
The Silver Team is Syrus, Yes,
Jemmye, Jonna, Beth and Alton.
I'm walking out the place
the other day,
and I trip and hurt my ankle.
I'm still gonna compete,
but I'm not gonna be
the Sy 5.0 that I need to be.
Mentally, I will be there.
I'm gonna make it work.
All right,
let's get ready to go.
Good luck.
Yeah. Let's go.
You guys are fucking training
for that final.
Yeah. Yeah! Let's go.
Don't worry about them.
Guys, let's do this.
Ready? Go!
Everyone's watching
to see what you will do
I see the checkpoint.
Checkpoint one. "Using
the letter and number key, solve
"each math equation
to reveal a number
"that corresponds to a letter.
"When you complete all
of the math equations,
"you will uncover your phrase
and race
to the checkpoint number two
as a team."
You wanna be in the show
Guys, let's do this.
Come on, guys!
No, let's go.
Come on, baby, let's go!
99 and 46.
We'll get 99 and 46.
Everybody's working
for the weekend
Everybody wants
a new romance
Hey, hey
Everybody's goin'
off the deep end
So 99 is close.
Okay. 99 is "T-H."
"T-H-E." Got it.
You wanna be in the show
Come on, baby, let's go
"M." 21.
21 is "M."
The game?
The game never?
Do it right now.
I love these fucking things.
Yes, yes, yes.
My man Big Easy is so smart,
right away,
he knows that it says,
"The game never stops."
That boy must have been watching
goddamn Wheel of Fortune
his whole life.
Check. Check.
"The game never stops."
That's correct. Go.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter. Go, go, go.
Wait, wait, wait.
The past is haunting.
The past is haunting.
Turn around.
We're the other way.
Up the hill.
Other way.
Let's go up the hill.
Everyone on?
Check, check, check, check!
"The past is haunting."
That's right. Go.
Go, go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go!
Yeah, perfect, perfect.
All right, I'm in the front.
I'm in the front.
One, two, three.
Two, three.
All right.
Oh, yeah. This ain't shit.
This ain't shit.
Left! Left. Left.
65 is 42.
There's a "D"
and an "I" actually.
Guys, check.
Come on, y'all!
Everything that could go wrong
for my team goes wrong.
It is complete chaos.
Hold on. We got to go
every other one.
Darrell, go underneath.
I got you.
There's a lot on the line
being a male elimination today.
So I'm gonna take the brunt
of this log,
and if anyone is gonna have
the weight of the game
on their shoulders today,
it's gonna be me.
Little steps, but quick.
Slow down. We got to slow down
a little bit.
Slow down.
I can't.
The only thing
I know about running
is, if an alligator is
following you, run in zigzag.
I'm from Florida.
And we got to fix this.
47 minus 29-we need 18.
We need a 18.
Yup. "N."
So it's "never."
"N." So "N"
is 18.
"Your past never dies."
Just put it in.
"Your past"
"Your past never dies."
That is correct. Go ahead.
Oh, thank God.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Go, Jemmye.
All right, let's go.
you guys got to scoot up some.
Oh, my God.
Scooting up, scooting up.
We are last
to finish the puzzle,
and we have watched
every other team
go flying up the hill,
and we are getting smoked.
Got to keep our hands on it.
I got no room back here, guys.
You guys got to scoot up.
Scoot up a little.
Should I go on the other side?
There you go. Perfect.
Big rocks here.
Come on. Come on.
Keep pushing, guys.
I am.
Get in the club
We're not putting it down.
Come on. You got to have
one hand on at all times.
I got a shoulder on it.
Let's go.
Let's get up this hill.
Let's go.
I look at Jisela,
and she's definitely having
a harder time
dealing with it
than the rest of us, and
ugh, this is really annoying.
Following the leader
Follow the leader,
Rakim'll say
Follow the leader
Rakim'll say
Follow the leader
Carry the log.
Keep following the leader
Follow the leader,
Rakim'll say
Follow the leader,
Can we take a little break
for a second?
How about we just slow
a little?
We're all tired.
I'm breathing like
a farm animal.
Aneesa's panting. But
we just don't want to give up.
You're good.
I got to take a break.
No. Deep breaths.
You're killing me, big dog.
Alton, come on, man.
Alton, no!
Alton, just keep your hand
on the log behind us.
35, 36
Oh, my God, don't hold on to me.
Oh, my God.
Alton cannot catch
his breath, and
I don't understand why Alton
is starting to lean on me.
Get off me, Alton.
Rest. Rest.
Come on, Alton.
I need you, man.
Down. Down.
Come on, guys.
Put it on your leg.
On-on your thighs.
Down, please.
Something's going on.
There's no way
that this perfect
physical specimen
is on his frickin' knees,
and here I am
damn near 50 years old doing it.
I'm concerned for him a little
bit, but I'm more concerned
with keeping myself
in the game.
Come on, it's a guys' day.
Break! Now!
Some of us are carrying a lot
more weight than others.
Syrus, you okay?
I'm always okay.
Syrus is carrying
a lot of weight.
Alton, put your hand up.
Fucking get to the checkpoint
and drop these motherfuckers.
I don't know
what's going on with Alton,
but this man is gassing out.
Shout-out to Syrus,
who is going complete beast mode
with his bum ankle.
Syrus is not one to fuck with,
and he's proving it
right here, right now.
Dig deep.
I'm going on my left.
Dig deep.
I need to go on my right.
Alton, pull.
Good job, everybody.
We're good, baby.
We're at the top now, guys.
Let's pick up the speed
a little bit.
All right.
Oh, that's the end.
That's what I like to hear.
Let her break. Down.
Put it down, put it down.
This is a lot of money,
you guys.
Let's stop fucking around.
Pick it up.
We're good, we're good.
All right.
"Divide your log into pairs."
You got it, Ruthie? Are you good
with this, puzzle-wise?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right, I'll do it with you.
Katie, we got
We're breaking up
into teams of two.
I don't mind being
Katie's partner
on this challenge anytime,
so Katie and myself
just jumped together,
Mark and Ruthie jumped together,
and that leaves Aneesa
and Darrell together.
Sing 'em.
I'm going to the board,
you go to the puzzle.
three, two, one.
Let's go.
Everybody up.
Let's fucking go. Let's just
Ah, let's go.
One, two, three,
You're almost there. Push it.
Drop it now.
Partner? All right.
Let's go.
I don't care, let's go.
We've reached
the second checkpoint, and
Derrick has grabbed KellyAnne,
Laterrian has grabbed Kendal,
and now I'm partnered
with Jisela.
Even though Jisela has
been struggling to this point,
I do not feel bad
being partnered with her,
because she's good at puzzles.
I grabbed
Kendal's hand so fucking fast.
Shit. I know what kind of
monster Kendal is.
You're not gonna sit there
and tell me
that a woman that does yoga
eight hours a day
is soft.
She's a fuckin' beast.
Green, blue. Green, blue.
Which one are you doing?
No, that's right.
There's a lot of colors
that look the same.
There's a shade of blue
and then there's purple,
then there's navy blue.
These colors
are looking like rainbows,
and my mind's starting
to get dizzy.
Go, go, go, go, go,
move, move, move, move!
Me and Yes run off,
leaving the other four
to figure out
who's gonna be on whose team.
We are back in this competition
if we're together.
I'm gonna go with Beth.
Syrus grabs me
right away, and believe me,
I'm super happy,
because I am not interested
in being partners with Alton
right now.
So I'm stuck with Alton,
so, cool.
No, wait, wait.
You're in the wrong one.
You're not with me.
Oh. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Where'd you go?
Yellow. Yellow.
I think you're getting them
all mixed up. Fuck.
I know. I-I don't know, I don't
get your pattern thought shit.
It's been a whole lot easier
since the bitch left town
It's been a whole lot happier
without her face around
Let's check.
Check, check, check.
Check? Fuck.
Gonna need blue-purple
like this.
Can we just check this? Fuck.
Little Miss, Little Miss,
Little Miss Can't Be Wrong
Incorrect? Fuck. Okay.
You just told me to move those.
I know,
but you got to help me,
like, find the answer.
We have to do this in order
so we don't get messed up.
You're skipping rows,
and you're confusing me now.
It's just a mess.
It's a total mess.
This is going south
really, really fast.
I think this is wrong.
No, it's not. Katie,
you got to help me out here.
Oh, you can't be wrong
Ah, ah, ah
Orange, yellow.
Orange, yellow, blue.
That's it.
Yeah? You got those?
Can we have a check?
Can we have a check?
We're good!
Kendal keeps beating
me at little things. Like, gosh,
I feel like there's nothing
that she can't beat me in
at this point.
I said it from day one--
Kendal's the girl
to look out for.
"Once complete,
race back down the hill
to the finish line."
Finish line?!
We complete our board, and
Laterrian and I are
no longer team members.
Now it's an individual game.
I'm feeling
a little burst of energy,
thinking that I'm almost done.
I just swapped these.
I just swapped these two.
Go double-check this one.
You just went there.
Are those right?
I know,
and I keep forgetting
now that we come back.
Fuck, this is killing me.
Okay, I'm going from now on.
Yeah, yeah.
Did we fuck it up?
Let's go from here again.
Go from here again.
Light blue, green,
yellow, purple.
Light blue, green.
These two right here?
Yeah, in the middle.
Okay, all right, so
Green, red.
Can we get a check?
Yes! Fuck yeah!
Me and KellyAnne finished
the puzzle,
and we're off
to chasing Laterrian and Kendal
for this top spot,
and hopefully,
not going
in tonight's elimination.
It's right now.
Tear it down. Tear it down.
Tear it down
if we have to tear it down.
Take 'em out.
Check, check.
Oh. Oh! Bitch, come on.
The cockroaches are scattering.
We came here first, and we look
like we're about to be last.
We have to pick it up.
Keep going. Just keep going.
And-and so, what am I?
Do the color,
I'll do the letters.
Nice! Hot. Nice.
I'm first? Oh!
I'm coming
This is
the first challenge that I won
in 18 years,
and I am super stoked.
You don't believe
in Harlem World, double up
We don't play around,
it's a bet, lay it down
Didn't know me '91
There you go, guys.
What's up? You first today?
Can't no PhD
hold me down
I fully expect
KellyAnne to come
tearing around the corner
with her laser beam eyes
and pass me,
dust flying everywhere.
I don't know
what they want from me
And I'm waiting,
and she's not coming.
Road Rules is not dead!
Yeah, Kendal!
All the ballin' stops,
you never home
Gotta call me
on the yacht
I thought I told you
that we won't stop
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
In order to make sure
that Eric stays out
of the elimination, we're hoping
we can at least beat
Beth and Syrus.
Here's blue-orange.
and the next one's yellow-blue.
I don't know
what they want from me
It's like the more money
we come across
Hell yeah!
Dunk that shit!
You got this!
Come on, we got this.
Is this the red and yellow
you were talking about?
Check, please.
Okay, so, row two.
Fuck yeah.
Green with blue, blue with pink.
Can we get a check?
Row what? Five and six.
Five and six.
Row one, five and six.
Okay, Syrus. We're not gonna
get upset about this.
We just got to shake it off
and move forward.
I just want to think positive.
So many fucking bees.
Finish strong!
Come on, Katie!
Come on, Katie!
Let's go!
Go, Katie!
Let him through,
let him through.
Good job, Easy.
There you go!
Were they still at the puzzle?
We need to send
a search party out
for Beth and Syrus.
They are still missing.
Has anyone checked
Syrus's Life Alert?
Is he okay?
Congratulations, you guys.
Great challenge today.
Head and shoulders the best,
Dominating performance.
Hell yeah, LT.
And Kendal. Wow.
Road Rules!
Killing it. Now you're safe
from elimination.
You guys dominated. Great job.
Now, Syrus and Beth
you guys got last.
So, Syrus, I'll be seeing you
in the Arena.
I'm really sad for Syrus.
This is a male elimination,
and he's gonna have to go in.
I'm worried that he's
already feeling defeated.
As for the rest of you,
I need you
to go back to the villa
and nominate one man
to send into the Arena
to go against Syrus.
I'm just so angry still.
I wanted more. I expected more.
You never know what you're
gonna get for elimination,
but I'm hoping they can give me
the right to choose
who I want to choose
to go against.
Everything hurts
on my body right now.
Sup, roomie?
It's about to go down, man.
I know, man.
It's fucked up.
Who do you want?
Think it's gonna be us.
Me and you?
Well, I'm not gonna
vote for myself.
I know you're not.
It is what it is,
but I have to weigh
things up.
Physically, I look up to you
like I always have.
You and Easy
are gonna be the ones.
It's gonna be
you and Easy.
If that's what it is,
that's what it is,
but my choice is you.
Bottom two.
The log thing threw me off.
I mean, if that's what
set you back. You know
Yeah. It totally did.
It's the puzzle
that set you back, actually.
'Cause we were there
with everybody else.
Mm, the puzzle
The puzzle was rough.
Me struggling for a half a mile
is what set you back.
Yeah. I get it.
But I didn't let us
not get to the puzzle.
Everybody was still there.
I tried my hardest.
This dude's a sore loser.
I'm not the reason
why Syrus and Beth did not
complete their puzzle.
He quit mentally.
Had nothing to do with me.
At the end of the day,
this'll be the two bottom dogs,
but, um
No disrespect.
I'm going off what I saw today,
and that shit had me fucked up.
It felt like you were
sabotaging me
for a while there.
Hell no.
I was like, "Fuck,
is he doing this
to me purposefully?"
Why would I do that
with you? I'm
It's a men's day.
I mean, I don't know.
It's a men's day.
But I'm telling you
what it felt like,
'cause to me
Point is I don't want to have
to eliminate you.
I don't want to do that.
Whatever happens
Whatever happens happens.
It is what it is.
Like I said, I'm not gonna
vote myself in, man.
I understand what you want,
but I'm not gonna give that
to you, bro.
It's just not gonna happen.
I'm not that person thinking
he's bad or tough or bigger
and all that. No. I enjoy
being an underdog and competing
to beat and take down
the person
that's supposed to win.
I get a thrill out of that.
So it's gonna be Alton.
Are you sure?
Yeah. I mean,
if it goes differently over
there, I'm not gonna flip out.
Then it's Alton.
Then let's do it.
Let's go.
Okay, then let's do it.
I mean, we've been doing that
the whole time.
Yeah, let's do it.
Let's go.
I'll start.
I've known Syrus for 20 years,
so I told him I would
deliver his message.
He said today he felt
like he was a strong leader
in the beginning a-and didn't
have the support he needed,
which affected his later stages
of his game.
So, he said, by his wishes,
that he would like
to go against Alton.
At this point, I could care less
who Syrus wants
as long as it's not Big Easy.
I've got to keep my
self-preservation in this game,
so if you want to go with Alton,
Syrus, let's ride with Alton.
Syrus, I've always
looked up to him.
But unfortunately,
he came in last.
He didn't come up with the log.
He has to go in. From there,
there's a bottom two.
Big Easy
should be going in,
no matter what, hands down.
If we're doing it
on performance,
he bottomed out.
And it's a better chance
for Syrus.
As a team, yes, at first,
you weren't doing the greatest,
but we got to the second point,
and we did great,
And Yes and I
still ended up in third.
So, I get what Syrus
is saying. Yes.
He did a lot in the first point.
But there was still a second
and a third point.
The individual
is only as strong as the group.
Group performance does matter.
I'm thankful for Syrus.
That dude had a busted ankle
and pushed us up that mountain.
He is the reason,
and everyone else
carrying that log,
that we got to place
where we did
and why you got to place
where you did.
It's great
to try and give the person
that's going in what they want.
But I also don't agree
with picking the wrong person
because you're emotionally hurt.
I feel like I need
to defend Alton because
Syrus is hurt
that he didn't complete
the challenge,
and he wants to blame someone
for his own shortcomings.
But I'm also not going
to set Syrus up, either.
Syrus is my boy,
and that's why I'm torn,
because I know
right now, he's upset.
Syrus, he wants to go against
Alton because he may have had
to work harder going up
the mountain because of him.
But the issue with that is that
Alton is a beast.
Do I give Syrus what he wants
even though what he wants
is going to ultimately be
and lead to his death?
Or do I
give him someone
who he probably has
a good chance of beating?
I think we should start voting.
Do y'all think?
My vote is for Easy.
My vote is for Alton.
My vote is for Easy.
My vote is for Easy.
I'm voting for Derrick.
Go fuck yourself.
Don't burn your vote.
I'm gonna shoot, uh,
fucking Nehemiah
with a vote.
Don't burn your vote.
Obviously, it's no secret
I'm friends with Derrick.
So, I just want to be loyal
to my friend, so
Alton. Sorry.
I've known Syrus
for a long time,
so I'm really sorry,
but I'm gonna vote Alton.
I looked Syrus in the face
and shook his hand,
so, unfortunately
I love you, man.
All right.
You and I roll,
but I vote for Alton.
My vote is for Alton.
My vote is for Alton.
I'm gonna go with Alton.
I'm so sorry, buddy.
Syrus did say he wanted you.
I owe that man a lot.
I've done
many challenges with him before.
Please don't hold this
against me.
Alton. Yeah, you-I know you
gonna come fucking back though.
Yeah, you got it.
I know that these guys
want me out of here.
Not only am I not in their group
but I'm a threat.
All right, boys,
I'll see you in the Arena.
I'm sending your friend home
and I'm coming back,
so I'm gonna send one of you
home, too.
I'll see you in the Arena,
Oh, hell yeah.
Let's get it.
May the best man win.
Let's get it.
Okay. Yeah.
I can't wait.
I'm ready to go, always.
After the nomination,
Syrus goes to shake Alton's hand
and he doesn't.
Can't shake the wrist
I'm gonna break.
I'm sorry,
you don't like
the way it went down,
okay, cool.
But don't be disrespectful.
I'm ready to go.
Now we come to the payoff
It's such a good vibration
Yep! Oh!
It's such a sweet
Go, Katie!
If you ain't in it to win it,
then get the hell out
I command you to dance
I want to see motivation
Come on,
now feel the vibration.
How are you doing?
I'm good.
You're a boss.
It's such a sweet
I like to command
the-the mood of the room.
Man, don't you?
No one can say no to Jisela.
I wish.
Jisela is a cool girl. She has
that really sweet side. She's
the one I think I relate to
just the most, you know?
Witty, smart, hard worker.
Definitely someone that I enjoy.
I found, like, scratches
all over my arm,
and then there's, like,
one on my elbow.
Why? Did you fall down?
I have no idea.
I'm confident in you, bro.
I think you're gonna have
a super great chance at winning,
and you know how to turn on
the fucking dog
when you need to turn it on.
I can't show
that my ankle hurts.
I just got to move
and do my thing.
Let that adrenaline kick in.
And when it kicks in,
the pain goes away.
So even if you have
some minor-Yeah.
Trust me, I know. Today.
It's interesting
because you said
Alton really slowed up the pack
and made you work doubly.
Like, I couldn't believe.
He made us stop
at least five times.
And I can't let that go,
and I won't let it go.
Dude, I love it.
Syrus wanting Alton
in the elimination
is probably one
of the ballsiest moves yet.
If we can get Alton out
of the game now,
that's one step further
to the final
and getting that $500,000.
I've seen this guy.
He's a physical beast.
So if we can get him out now,
I'm-a go in there
and get after it.
I think
you're gonna do very well.
I don't get intimidated.
I treat everything
like basketball.
When I show up at the gym,
I don't care if the best player
is six-eight.
I want him.
That's what I want.
I don't trip on that shit.
What's the worst
that could happen?
I'm scared of no one.
Alton, I don't hate the guy,
but, for what he did to me,
we got to go at this.
If I lose, I go home.
If I win, I'm the man.
So let the games begin.
I'm ready for war.
Welcome home!
I have to pee
so bad.
Home sweet home.
It's time to get
into my pajamas.
We've reached
that point in the game
where people need to start being
their authentic self.
What do you authentically feel?
I don't give a fuck
about nobody here.
I'm talking about me.
Boy, you should know that
I've got you on my mind
Alton and I,
we're both attractive people.
Attractive people
are going to gravitate
to each other.
At night, I think of you
Am I sleeping with Jisela?
I'm not going into that.
If your game is on,
give me a call, boo
If your lovin's strong,
gonna give my all to you.
He thinks
he's gonna come out here
and dominate. He don't
know you like I know you.
Okay? Let him think
that he's gonna outpower you,
which he's not.
Syrus is my man.
So I'm obviously rooting for him
to come back, but you got
to remind him
of what kind of boss he is
and what he's capable of doing.
So when you think
that he's tiring out,
boom, burst
and break his fucking spirit.
That's the plan. I have no plans
of leaving this motherfucker.
Hell no.
Good. I like it. I love it.
Let's get it.
The feeling of the Arena.
Under the lights.
Everybody's watching. Yeah.
In front of
In front of a bunch of maniacs.
If I go into this elimination
and win,
when I come home, there will be
a little bit
of a different Alton.
I'm excited to, like,
be ferocious.
I don't want people to feel like
they're gonna be skating in down
to a $500,000 footrace for free.
We kind of come here to see
how far we can push ourselves,
and you got to push yourself
past someone
that you've known for so long.
Yeah. It's like
I'm definitely--
That's-It's definitely out
of my comfort zone.
But he wanted it.
He wanted it. And he's getting
what he wants, you know?
Yeah. Yeah.
All right, everyone,
welcome back to the Arena!
Now, Beth, Syrus,
you lost
the Connect 'Em All challenge,
so, Syrus, come on down.
Good luck. Go on.
This is what I live for.
I live to compete.
Injured or not, I'm ready.
If you're really
an O.G., let's get it.
As for the rest of you,
I told you to go back
and nominate
one man to go against Syrus,
and you chose Alton.
That's me!
So, Alton, come on down.
Go, Alton!
I need Alton to keep
his head in the game.
I want him to go in
and be a beast
and remind everyone
who the fuck he is.
Now, before I tell you guys
about this game,
you know how I said
there was no lifesaver?
Well, I think
it's time for a twist.
You all know how I like twists.
Laterrian, not only
are you safe from elimination
but, Kendal,
you are safe as well.
Because, from here on out,
every elimination
is a double elimination.
Oh, my God.
The only way to stay safe
in this game
is to win the challenges.
Beth, since you were
the other loser,
come on down.
What the fuck?
What? This is, like,
a total sneak attack.
This is not gonna work out well.
You are now Syrus's teammate
for tonight's elimination round.
I don't have my tennis shoes.
Alton, we need to get you
a teammate.
You could choose
any female except for Kendal.
Just choose wisely, because
you lose,
they go home.
You could be costing somebody
a half a million dollars.
Make no mistake
about it. Relationships
both past and present
matter more than ever.
So who do you want to be
your teammate tonight?
I'm trying to hide right now,
and I can't.
Please don't pick me.
Mm-mm, baby. Don't do this.
Don't pick me.
Don't do this. Uh-uh.
I'm gonna choose Aneesa.
All right, Aneesa,
come on down.
Go, girl!
It's a good bet.
She's real good in eliminations.
It's out of love.
I'm kind of honored.
It's really out of love.
Well, tonight,
you guys are playing
Over and Under.
You're gonna start
on this giant rope.
And, as you can see, you
each have four massive walls.
When I say go,
you're gonna use that big rope
to pull your four walls
across this track till it stops.
Go over to your box, get one
of those heavy balls,
launch it over the wall.
Then one of you
has to go over the wall,
while the other one
punches through the wall.
You're gonna continue this
all the way to the other side,
then deposit your ball
into the box.
Run around
the whole entire unit.
Get another ball.
Continue this process
five times.
First one to five will win
tonight's elimination round.
Loser goes home empty-handed.
Good luck to all of you.
Yes, sir.
All right, Aneesa!
All right!
Big twist here. Big twist.
You know what?
If it's not my fiancée Stacy,
it's my girl Beth.
I'm happy to do this with Syrus.
If we win, we get to stay
in the house together.
You guys got to let me stretch
for a minute, though.
I'm an old lady.
I have to stretch.
I have to stretch.
You can scale
this fucking thing.
Oh, fuck yeah.
When I looked up there,
I just thought of Aneesa.
Someone I know
and someone I trust
that, you know, is here
for the for the long haul.
Thank you. That made me kind of
a little emotional.
Let me get
It's true.
It's true.
You guys ready?
Come on! Come on!
Let's go! Let's go!
Come on, Aneesa! Let's go!
Push, push, push!
Breathe, breathe, breathe!
Grab the first ball.
You got it, Aneesa! Let's go!
I'm over.
Let's go, Aneesa!
When your adrenaline
is this high,
you don't feel anything.
Punching through this
is the difference
between me winning $500,000
or me going home,
so I'm fighting for my life.
You got it, baby! You got it!
Beth has her rhythm down,
Aneesa has her rhythm down.
The boys are getting after it.
These all-stars
came to play tonight.
Come on. Come on, Alton!
Let's go, mountain man!
That's my mountain man!
Good job!
I'm still trying
to figure out how the hell
am I getting over this
contraption with this bum ankle.
I have to come down on the other
side, too. I can't just go up.
Let's go!
I've see Syrus compete
in all kinds of situations.
But when he jumps off
that second wall,
thought his ankle was done.
You got it!
Come on!
I see Alton jumping around
like he's Spider-Man.
And right now,
he's the biggest threat
in the game.
Good job, Aneesa!
Come on, Aneesa!
Let's go, Alton!
Beth. Beth, come help him up.
Help him up!
Work together as a team!
I thought Syrus was keeping up,
and he's just, like, way behind.
I hear people screaming,
"You need to help him!"
Like, what am I supposed to do?
Go. Move, move, move.
All right.
Don't jump like that!
Hang on the side!
You're gonna fucking
hurt yourself!
There you go! There you go!
Watch your head!
Watch your head!
Come on.
We are in pain watching
Syrus's bones crush
every time
he jumps off the top.
I am so impressed
at his mental grit.
Come on.
Get it over.
Where have all
The good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Let's go!
Where's the street-wise
To fight the rising odds?
There you go!
Fight it, fight it!
Isn't there
Get up there.
Get up there.
and Alton are doing great.
They've literally lapped
Beth and Syrus, and now,
Syrus is stuck on a wall
like an old man
putting up Christmas lights.
I need a hero
Till the end of the night
You got it.
He's got to be strong
And he's got to be fast
Come on.
This is real.
This is painful.
I'm like, "Damn, how many times
I got to do this shit?"
I'm holding out
for a hero
Come on.
He's got to be strong,
he's got to be soon
And he's got to be larger
than life
You got it.
Go, go, go.
Go up. Come on. Come on.
Put your arm down.
Beth is on
all fours,
and saying step on her.
What more can you do?
Like, she will not give up.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
You're gonna break my back.
No. That's too much.
I need a hero
All right, Aneesa and Alton win.
completely demolishes
today's elimination
and shows all of us
she is the ultimate
elimination queen.
Good job, guys.
Good job, guys.
Beth, that was amazing.
To all the challengers
that voted me in,
you can't get rid of me. That's
not how I'm gonna go home.
I'll see you guys in the Arena.
That was great.
Good job, Alton!
Good job, Aneesa!
It's all right.
You couldn't climb.
Shake it off.
They beat us.
They did beat us.
They did beat us.
Good job. Good job.
Good job.
I'm really proud of myself.
I survived a long way
through this,
and I got to get back together
with people from my past.
I got to mend
some relationships, and
I had a great time.
This was awesome.
Syrus, Beth, this ends
your time here
on The Challenge for now.
But I am positive
we will see both
of you legends soon.
Take care.
Game is cool, all that
shit is cool, but fuck that.
I want to get vindicated.
I need my one-on-one.
I don't give a fuck.
Give me my fucking one-on-one.
When I come back,
I'm coming back with vengeance.
This ain't over.
I need a physical fucking event
next fucking time,
me and that motherfucker.
I don't give a fuck.
I ain't done with this shit.
I'm ready to go.
Fuck that.
Anyway, I had so much fun.
Aneesa, Aneesa.
I think your record
is 11 and 11 now.
That's a lot
of fucking eliminations.
That's a lot of eliminations.
You and Alton continuing on
for $500,000.
Well done.
Go ahead and rejoin the group.
Welcome back.
Get it.
All right,
ladies and gentlemen,
it's time to find out
if these relationships,
both past and present, will
stand the test of The Challenge.
I'll see you guys very soon.
Take care.
Get out of here.
TJ just brought
the wrath with him.
When he made this
a double elimination,
not only are you going
to be afraid during a challenge,
but now, you're gonna be afraid
all the way
until you get to the Arena.
'Cause you just never know
if you're gonna get pulled in
with someone else.
Now everyone's scared.
Captioned by
I feel like a complete dirtbag.
I don't have alliances
with anybody,
and I don't shake hands.
I'm going to say "yes."
Whoever wins, you'll be
taking home $500,000.
If I get in the ring,
I'll unleash the dog.
You think I'm scared
about going against you?
You should have been.
Don't do me no favors, bitch.
I'm not your friend no more.
Baby, swing and a miss
You won't take me down
like this
This is about relationships.
And I'm ready to go,
You got to focus.
Oh, God! Watch out!
On fire
Whoa! Whoa, whoa!
Come on, pull it up!
The hard part starts now.
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