The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

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Open the profiles, The Circle.
Let's meet this Brady Bunch.
I don't know,
that photo looks like she's a catfish.
"The person being blocked is"
"Ana Carla."
Wait! What?
The person we decided to block is
Luma born from Lucas and Marcel.
Send the profile.
"Luma joined the chat."
She seems like a very strong player.
Luma arrived like this
stepping up.
Hi, beautiful girl from Acre.
I can already tell you're incredible.
Luma's first ally.
Holy shit!
You don't reveal yourself.
What do we know about you, boy?
Circle, message.
I admit I have a little crush
on Lucas.
I need to go hard
on that sweet talk right now!
I woke up thinking of you.
Akel, the smooth talker.
In character.
Are you missing me already?
Heart emoji.
Thank you for the kiss, baby.
A ton of kisses.
Circle, update my status.
Are we all hydrated?
I'm gonna see some likes.
"Are we all hydrated?"
That's a hard bunch to please. Oh, my God.
"The player voted as two-faced is"
For the love of God!
Virgin Mary. For real?
You're a catfish and two-faced!
My name is Rayssa, I'm 22-years-old
Did you get that?
The winner has arrived.
Brace yourselves,
the slayer from Manaus has arrived.
Give her a hand of applause.
Did you get that?
The winner has arrived.
What the guys will think about her?
"A new player joined The Circle."
One more!
Add and remove
It never ends?
Oh, my!
Honey, that's how the game works!
What do you mean?
Ray will be granted access
to the The Circle's Opinion Poll
and she'll choose one of them
to go on a date.
I don't know how it went
for them to be rated as the sexiest.
It must be
'cause they didn't see me yet.
I'll write down that you were voted
as the two-faced, okay, girl?
Marina. Dumaresq.
She won the two-faced title,
and now she's the trustworthy
of the game?
I'm not following.
"Before you know who is going on the date,
you can take a look
at the new player's profile."
The Circle is always
full of surprises, right?
Ray, what a lovely picture!
I thought it was a boy!
Oh, my! More women! Loved it!
Wow, Ray it's beautiful!
Let me see.
Circle, open Ray's profile.
Beautiful, authentic Brazilian woman.
But so is Luma.
Look at that, so pretty!
- "Ray, 25-years-old."
- "Single."
"A mix of Caucasian,
Black and Native Indian,
I'm the face of Brazil.
Atypical Manauara, dancer and available.
- Nice to meet you. Hashtag"
- "RaySlays."
We already know you're available
'cause you said you're single.
Why so desperate?
I liked it. But it looks catfish-y.
Ray seems like a person
who speaks her mind.
That goes "bang!"
That's it. I've decided.
"The player chosen
to go on a date with Ray is"
I'm ready.
Go, Ray!
Don't be afraid to slay.
If it's me, you know the game, right?
I want an exclusive date with
Let's go, Circle.
Okay, then. Was that it, Circle?
Go on, enjoy your date.
It's so beautiful!
What is that? So much work into it!
A date.
That's something weird to have
with someone you don't know.
I'm curious about
what you want to know.
Wake up, love.
Ray has arrived in strategy mode.
Circle, message.
Hi, Lorayne. How are you?
Being here and meeting new people
is awesome.
Where are you from? Tell me everything.
Circle, message.
I'm from Paraná, very far away from you.
#MermaidFromAmazonas. Send.
Oh, my. Loved it.
"Mermaid From Amazonas."
Circle, message.
What is this about
JP being the sexiest here?
And tell me,
have you flirted with anyone here?
Did you like JP, girl?
You like firemen, right?
Circle, message.
He resembles Clark Kent. He's huge!
I've been talking to Akel, he's so cute.
So you've liked JP, haven't you?
#IApprove. Send.
I'm gonna say I'm interested.
I want her to think that he's my crush.
Circle, message.
I knew it! You naughty girl!
She's on the hunt.
The girls are talking about JP.
I wonder if his ears are burning.
I'm here thinking
I might have a chat
with my princess from Acre.
Circle, open a private chat with Luma.
- Jeez!
- Hi, love!
Luma is ready.
Circle, message.
Good night, princess from Acre.
What are you doing over there? Send.
He's so cute.
Circle, message.
It's such a nice surprise!
I'm eating bruschetta…
…and drinking tea,
pretending it's wine.
Do you want some?
Circle, message.
Don't tease me, I might go.
I'm not doing much.
Just thinking about today and you.
Circle, message.
I found it surreal
Wait. Let's comment first.
You're welcome here.
And bring some real wine.
Bringing up the wine again?
What is she? A drunk?
She is!
Circle, message.
I voted on you for the sexiest.
Blushing emoji. Send.
JP will get excited now.
But we're gonna cut him off.
I'm gonna go hard on that one.
Circle, message.
Really? Now I think I'm actually in love.
Little monkey covering his eyes emoji.
He's winning Luma's heart.
Circle, message.
I'm blushing so hard that I wanna hide.
After that, blushing emoji again.
Blushing all over? Again?
Yes, again!
- Don't send that.
- Send.
You keep sending the blushing face.
Please, Circle, remove the blushing face.
You look like a 15-year-old.
She's a grown woman.
Circle, message.
And she sent a "#Cute."
Circle, message.
I'm worried about the next catfish.
- Scared and in shock face.
- In shock.
Now she's making conversation.
Circle, message.
Right now,
we need to be closer
to the ones we relate to
and keep an eye
with the ones we don't really trust.
JP is real.
I don't care.
I'm telling you,
if Luma is someone else
I really hope not.
Circle, message.
I agree 100%.
Let's keep an eye on the two-faced.
"#Kisses #IWantMore #YouCanCountOnMe."
That's right, beautiful.
I'm glad to hear that I can count on you.
Awn, so cute!
Wake up.
We already have the couples formed.
I would say I have a partner here.
Bye, JP.
Kicked ass.
Love is in the air
Yes, daddy.
On one side, we have romance,
on the other, friendship.
Circle, message.
I loved the date.
I want to give you good night.
"May our AM-PR connection last.
You can count on me to slay. #RaySlays."
I really want your support
for us to get to the top.
A new player has arrived.
What's up with her?
My true beauty,
the one underneath
pounds of makeup.
I'll spray air freshener here
to make you relax.
Dream about me, Luma.
I'll dream about you too.
A lot of emotions
on my first day.
open chat with Marina.
Talk to me, Lora, tell me everything!
Marina and I are really similar,
so I think she's gonna like Ray too.
Circle, open chat with Lorayne.
I'll spell the beans to her.
I'm waiting to hear all about it.
Circle, message.
Girl, with lots of "I".
The date was fancy, cheers emoji.
Ray is totally awesome,
she's a little lost, of course,
but I briefly explained to her
everything that has happened.
#She'sOneOfUs. Send.
You didn't say much.
You didn't. Just skimmed through.
Circle, message.
Tell me everything.
I want details.
I found her a little desperate
"after I read 'available'
on her profile."
Circle, message.
I was under the same impression
before I talked to her.
But, sis, she seemed very honest
in everything she said.
She liked JP.
I'm going to bed now.
Good night for us both.
I'm sensing some trouble.
What about Luma?
It's a lot of fire
for just one fireman to handle.
Good morning, Circle.
Good morning, gorgeous Lolo.
Did you sleep well?
You had a date yesterday,
huh, you sassy?
Let's chat
with the princess from Amazonas.
I just want to confirm if
she's nice as they say.
You're gonna break everyone's heart today.
I'm gonna hit on all the boys here.
Luma won't stand by and watch
Ray hitting on JP
without saying anything.
She chases boys now?
So Luma will let her do what she wants?
Ray arrived straight from Manaus
But she seems to have brought
a lot of strategies.
No one is naive.
Everyone here has a purpose.
Everyone is smart here.
I really want the chance to meet one boy.
I'm needy.
Is Gaybol in the yoga room?
Is he lost or something?
I'm thinking that I didn't talk much
with Akel,
we interact very little.
Circle, open a chat with Akel.
What is this?
"Gaybol invited you to a private chat."
I wasn't expecting that at all.
I want to know why he doesn't like
to talk to me.
Circle, go to private chat with Gaybol.
Circle, message.
What's up, Akel? We don't talk much, bro.
Let's just break that ice.
It's hard for me to open up
and show people the real me:
I'm someone cheerful, funny,
and I like to hang out at bars
with friends.
Circle, send message.
So he chose the wrong profile description.
He said he liked to stay home.
Circle, message.
What? But on your profile description
you said you liked to stay home.
You have a girlfriend, so I saw you
like the Netflix-and-chill type.
Circle, send.
If Gaybol approached me 'cause he thinks
I'm gonna be the Influencer,
he'll start to think
that I would keep him here.
But I won't fall for it. I'm too smart.
If he wants to play, let's do it.
Circle, message.
And you seem like the guy
that is always going out,
but your Carnival picture
was from St. John's day in June.
Circle, send message.
Let's see how he's gonna handle that.
He wants to get back at me,
but I can do the same
so quietly and fatally,
that he will be leaving us.
Actually, I think he's lost.
He's not a strong player.
Quite the opposite. Akel's
gonna be out of here real soon.
I'll get back at him.
I'll put him exactly where he belongs,
last on my ratings.
Circle, message.
What do you think about the next ratings?
Circle, send.
What do I think it's gonna happen
with the ratings?
Mister Akel
Circle, message.
I never know what to make of it.
But I'm being positive this time.
I'll try to reach his heart now.
# Playmakers #WeAreTogether.
He just said Playmakers
to remind me of the group chat.
I want to make sure he gives me
good ratings.
Circle, message.
I think the team is growing closer,
and a #PlaymakerInfluencer
would be so good for the group.
Sending good vibes, bro.
I don't think he's gonna be happy
if I'm the Playmaker Influencer.
Circle, close chat.
Akel was very strategical, man.
He acted like me, played nice,
but you could sense
that he actually wasn't being nice at all.
If he wants to pretend to be friends,
let's do it.
I'm so onto you, Akel.
Pray I don't get to be
the Influencer, Gaybol.
You better pray.
I'll start to talk shit about Akel.
It seems the Playmakers are having trouble
and they might be relegated.
What about the girls from She Fights?
Are they closer than ever?
I want to open the She Fights group chat.
I want to ask the girls
if they think we should add Ray.
open She Fights chat!
"Dumaresq invited you
to She Fights group chat."
Did he add Ray?
Circle, open Dumaresq's chat, She Fights.
Without Ray.
Circle, please, write down.
Good morning, girls.
We have a possible new addition
to the group.
But first, I want Lorayne to tell me
what she thinks about Ray?
Send, Circle.
I think it's fair.
She should be added for sure.
She'll be added.
You guys are going to love her.
Circle, message.
I love a good gossip! LOL.
I'm dying to talk to her.
One more for the team?
Marina is a blabbermouth, like me.
Not a blabbermouth, Mari. Communicator.
So let's do this. Circle, message.
Good morning, friends.
We had gin tonic at our date last night.
Gin tonic!
"I loved her! She seemed genuine,
but a little lost, of course.
LOL. She's one of us."
Luma is gonna say: "Add her already!
- I thought she would be here."
- "Yummy!"
Circle, message.
Add the gurl here. Gurl, with "U".
So, Circle.
Add Ray to She Fights group.
Look at that! Out of nowhere,
"Dumaresq invited you to the chat."
Oh, my God!
"She Fights"!
open She Fights chat!
Ray joined! You go, girl!
write it down:
Girl, tell us everything!
What were your first impressions
about the guys? Send!
Dumaresq it's totally against men,
but he only talks about them.
I don't understand him.
Let's ask,
"Is this group to talk about men?"
I want to know about the new girl.
Circle, message.
Hey, Ray!
"Before talking about guys,
talk about yourself.
Dumaresq must be upset.
Jesus, Luma! You destroyed me
with kindness and grace.
True. You're totally right! Jeez!
Circle, message.
You're a dancer, right?
Tell us about that,
and we can talk about crushes later.
Right, I'm gonna talk about me.
I have a lot to tell,
you need to know the real me.
Circle, message.
I'm a dance student,
and I slay in all styles.
My style is more Brazilian typical dances,
and I twerk like it's
nobody's business. Send.
Twerking it's not a style.
Marina needs to see this.
I'm the queen of the dance floor.
Circle, message.
So, guys,
it was lovely to meet all of you.
# WeAreTogether #SheFights.
Kiss and heart emojis.
I was able to know Ray better
on this chat.
She seems cooler than I thought.
And I couldn't help but notice
that Dumaresq is contradicting himself
talking about men.
Yes, forget men.
Let's talk about life,
'cause each and every one of us
needs to talk about ourselves.
My energy is a little down.
'Cause I was too hasty.
You can see it as, "Wow!
Dumaresq is totally focused on the game."
While Ray sprays some perfume
that no one is gonna smell,
JP at the gym surprises no one!
Circle, open chat with JP.
Oh, my!
The new girl.
I need to attack.
If I don't do anything now,
I'll be left behind by the other girls.
Circle, message.
Hi, JP. Good morning! How are you doing?
Great, my Manauara.
Circle, message.
Hello, Ray. Good morning.
I thought you would invite me
to the date.
Sad face. Send.
That wouldn't be a good idea 'cause
we wouldn't focus much, would we?
Circle, message.
Laughs. It's a shame
I wasn't able to take you.
I think you're very handsome!
My body is in flames.
That's right!
And JP scores!
So sassy! I'm dangerous!
We already got a princess from Acre
on the team.
Now I will bring one from Manaus.
Circle, message.
A body like that in flames?
The fireman is here to help.
Circle, message.
So bring the hose and extinguish it.
#I'mOnFire. Send.
Oh, no.
I need to get my head wet,
'cause it's hot in here.
Oh, my.
He must be losing his shit.
What a beautiful girl.
I'm gonna give her a kiss. Where is it?
Such a pretty lady.
Is he thinking I'm too easy?
I don't even care.
I hope from the bottom of my heart
that Ray isn't a catfish.
Jeez! JP is looking more like a sniper
than a fireman.
My plan is totally active.
I'm in action.
Everything is working according to plan.
There's a love triangle taking place.
#RayLuP spicing things up on The Circle.
Now let's change the subject
and end this boredom?
Right, Dumaresq?
"Truth or Dare."
I'm screwed.
A lot of noise and fuss.
"Which one requires more courage?
Answering a question
or asking for a dare?"
"Do you have the guts to ask
the questions that need to be asked?"
Do you want some sass, girl?
"Can you answer what is asked?"
"Or is daring enough to face
The Circle's dares?"
"Are you ready?"
Oh, my! It started with me!
Jesus. So help me God.
Circle, message.
Akel, can I be the wedding planner
for your wedding with Lorayne?
Great question, Big Lucas.
"Can I be the wedding planner
for your wedding with Lorayne?"
Circle, message.
Big Lucas, that's an easy one.
I'll choose dare to start this game.
Circle, send.
"Dare, write your name in the air
with your ass"?
Jeez! That's not easy at all!
How do you do that?
This is not pretty.
What am I doing with my life?
The "A" goes up,
then sideways.
I'm feeling my inner thigh.
Going down, up,
middle, then up again,
go down, then a little more.
Now the "E".
Look how I go down.
I'm doing a squat. Look at the "L".
At least his name is short.
I injured all my knee ligaments.
Look at that!
I'm gonna ask JP. Great.
Let's do this, nerd. Ask away.
Who is the person
you relate the least in The Circle?
Circle, send message.
Good one, boy.
He went straight there.
Finally Gaybol joined The Circle.
Truth. Send.
Circle, message.
Nothing personal,
but it's you, Gaybol. In your face!
Jesus! That went like a bomb.
Like a bomb!
Okay. That's what I needed to hear.
Okay, JP, it's all good.
I can try to get close to him,
it's good information to stay on the game.
- Let's see what she does now.
- Gosh.
Circle, message.
What attracts you the most about me?
How is that relevant?
Truth. Send.
It's obvious, dude. Just say it.
Circle, message.
Putting aside the fact that you are hot
"your energy affected me
in a way that I can't even explain."
Now things are heating up.
Circle, message.
Two players are stranded in an island,
who do you save and who do you abandon?
Gosh! That question was graceful,
Circle, write it down.
I certainly would save you,
and would abandon JP,
'cause he knows what to do
in dangerous situations.
He Jeez.
I don't even know
how to conjugate the verb here.
"He fenced it."
He seated on the fence so hard.
Dumaresq is dangerous.
He's a smart player.
Circle, message.
who do you think is gonna have
the lower ratings?
Three question marks.
Circle, send.
Look at that.
Akel, that's not the type of question
you ask someone.
Circle, dare.
"Write and recite a poem
to another player."
I hit on him,
and now I'm writing him a poem?
Wait a minute.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
JP, put down my fire
And I'll give myself to you.
"I'll give myself to you."
That was live, bro!
I saw the line,
then I went there and stepped on it.
How defiant!
What a shitty rhyme.
Circle, message.
JP, full of life
"Stay quiet, listen to your wife,
or I might use the trench knife."
- A trench knife?
- What is that?
- It's a type of machete.
- A big knife.
She showed her cards.
What do I say and not upset Luma?
Circle, message.
Don't tease me, I might go.
"There's fireman for everyone.
And love too."
Let me grab that knife right now.
Is that the type of guy you want?
You can corner me all you want,
I'm an open book. Bring it on, Duma.
Circle, write down.
Imagine that today's The Circle's final,
you, me and another player are on the run.
Why should you win? Interrogation mark.
Wow! That's harder
than a STA question, bro!
He's expecting a champion speech,
it seems.
Ask for a dare.
Run away from that question.
Circle, truth. Send.
Jeez. He should've chosen the dare.
Poor thing.
What a shame.
I think I should win The Circle
'cause I finished several games in life,
and now I would win a real-life game.
That's ridiculous.
What's that got to do with real life, bro?
Shit gets real in here.
The real-life game couldn't be
farther from this, okay, honey?
you won't win the real-life game.
Is it over yet?
Time to relax after that tense situation.
The Circle never stops.
It never stops, indeed.
This isn't a spiritual retreat, girl.
Oh, my! What is this about?
But I'm in the bathtub!
I can't rest for one second, Circle!
I hope it's not the ratings.
I'm not ready for that.
"It's time for the ratings."
You just said it, Akel.
"Rate the players
from the one you like the most"
"to the one you like the least."
That's where I'm gonna play.
I need to open some space, so I can go up.
I need to be a real player.
"As a new player,
Ray can rate, but cannot be rated."
Been there, done that.
Oh, my God!
Enjoy it, girl.
'Cause that won't happen next time.
Great! Let's do this!
Everything goes down to this.
Circle, open ratings.
Heads will roll.
I'll only be an Influencer
if Marina and Dumaresq get bad ratings.
Circle, rate Marina. Seventh place.
Marina deserves first place again,
'cause she's a great player
and honest.
She does exactly the same things
I do, you know?
Circle, first place,
She's my sis, that won't change.
Fourth place, Lorayne.
She's very sneaky
in this game, you know?
Fourth place is great.
Circle, fifth place
is Lorayne.
In the end,
the best player
is the one manipulating everyone.
Meaning, Lorayne and Marina.
And we need a chance
to block one of them.
I might be able to contribute
for Gaybol's bad ratings.
Circle, rate Gaybol on fifth place.
Gaybol, you would be in seventh just fine.
You're in fifth
just because I want to be the Influencer.
That's my strategy.
Seventh place
it's Luma.
I don't like her.
Circle, first place, Luma.
She arrived with really good vibes.
We talked and got closer.
Let's decide about JP?
- For first?
- We like him the most.
Sixth place is JP,
someone I don't talk much to.
Second place, JP.
On my last ratings,
I rated Marina and Lora in good positions.
If I vote for him,
I have a chance to be Influencer.
Circle, third place, Dumaresq.
He might be a good ally.
- Right?
- Yes.
Fifth place, Duma.
I don't know
if he would protect me or not.
Circle, second place, Lucas.
I'm doing the opposite,
rating poorly the ones up there
and giving good ratings
to the ones down there.
I'm ready to be Influencer.
I think my time has arrived.
Second place goes to Akel.
Akel is a great player at the moment,
talking and having fun with everyone.
Circle, send my ratings.
My God. What now?
Now I'm so anxious
that I might eat my hand.
My opinions changed today.
So theirs might have too.
Positive thinking, I'll be Influencer.
Luma is scared.
Ratings complete.
What are the players doing
while they wait for the results?
Wow! JP it's not at the gym?
Circle, open chat with JP.
Wait. "Luma invited you
to a private chat."
Luma wants to chat with JP
to discuss today's game.
And his comment about Ray.
Let's see what's up with that.
I wanted to talk to her.
Circle, open private chat with Luma.
"Hey, there", right?
Yes. "Hey, there.
- Is someone there?" Right?
- Would she say that?
Circle, message.
Hey, there. Wanna chat?
How are things over there?
Question mark.
Circle, message.
I wanna chat, baby.
You might have noticed
that they are forming alliances
and couples to get stronger in the game.
I think we should protect ourselves too.
What do you think? Question mark, send.
- Jeez.
- Oh, my.
Things are really tense today.
Circle, message.
I agree 100%. We're already allies.
People are playing dirty.
Don't you agree? Question mark. Send.
Totally agree.
Circle, message.
I agree.
I had a chat with Ray
and she seems really nice.
What do you think about bring her closer?
"What do you think about bring her closer?
I don't know. He hit on her today.
Some jokes He didn't hit on her.
If his strategy now
is to have three of us together,
Gaybol and Lucas are going down.
Circle, message.
But there's Dumaresq
from Northeast too, right?
Right. Circle, message.
Some people are playing nice,
trying to please everyone
and doing the couples thing.
Let's keep our eyes peeled.
Marina has his partnership with Lorayne.
Lorayne has his partnership with Akel.
And Lucas has it with Marina.
Circle, message.
My eyes are peeled all right,
exclamation point.
Circle, message.
We'll hold hands until the very end.
Kisses, my baby.
Kissing heart emoji.
"Kisses, my baby."
Circle, message.
Let's pay more attention
and get even closer.
Next step is to bring Ray to our side.
Even better: Ray and Dumaresq,
but he can bring everything down.
JP only thinks about strategy now
'cause he was alone.
He was with the boys, but they are weak.
Lucas and Gaybol.
So now he wants to unite with the girls.
If that's his thing,
he's playing for real.
And like he invited Luma,
he might be inviting other people too.
But I don't think he's a son a bitch.
We'll see. Let's hold our horses a bit.
Sure! 'Cause you're exactly
who you claim to be, right, Luma?
Oh, my! Is it time?
Now I'm gonna sweat through my armpits.
"The rating results are in."
There's no going back. They counted.
It's now or never.
Now we'll find out
what is on people's mind.
"The result is going to be revealed
from first to eighth place"?
It will be backwards today? Why?
Maybe it's like saying goes,
"The last shall be the first"?
Circle, don't play games with my heart.
"The ratings"
"will decide the fate
of one of the players."
Dear Lord!
What do you mean?
"The less popular
- will be blocked"
- "immediately"
"from The Circle."
- Bro
- What?
Oh, no. It can't be.
They can't do changes like that.
What is this?
The game is like this
Brother, I can't be last!
My strategy isn't, "it might work",
it is "it has to work".
It won't be Lorayne.
First place is Lorayne again,
I'm sure of it.
It's Duma or Marina.
It can be Marina,
or Akel,
or Dumaresq.
For the love of God.
I never wanted something this much.
First place,
the most popular on The Circle,
based on the ratings today is
Let's go!
Show it to me!
Ops! Oh, my!
Thank you, God!
Nobody saw that coming.
I'm shocked!
He's Luma's ally!
So what?
No. There's something fishy going on.
I'm in shock!
A lot is gonna change now.
Maybe everyone changed strategies?
Maybe Ray voted for him
and so did Luma.
It's over there.
JP, you're a winner.
Second place,
let's go Dumaresq,
show what you came here for.
Bring it to me.
Come on!
Oh, my God!
Oh, no, Circle, not again!
I rated Lora really bad.
Why is she in second place?
Lorayne never starts anything.
She's always lurking around.
Now I'm worried about me.
Third place.
"Those who humble themselves
will be exalted."
This is my moment.
I'm grateful. I wanted to be Influencer,
but I'm happy with third place.
I think it's nice.
- It's Luma!
- Oh, my God!
Luma? Are you kidding me?
Making the team stronger.
We are good people.
That's right, my partner.
I'm in shock.
The game is changing,
Marina is gonna feel it.
JP and Luma are there.
Fourth place
on The Circle's ratings.
It will be me?
I want to get this over with.
I can't take it anymore. I'm going nuts.
I'm not gonna guess who it is.
I have no idea who it might be.
Good one.
Better than nothing.
Luma's strategy regarding Marina
is to get her even lower.
Let's go to the fifth place.
Dear Lord.
I'm just praying not to be rated last.
Me, Lucas or Dumaresq.
Oh, my God! Phew!
Thank you, Universe.
Take a hike.
Dumaresq and JP
though that I would have been
the Influencer and ranked me poorly.
That's the only explanation.
Now it's sixth place.
Me, Lucas and Gaybol. The last places.
I don't think it's gonna be Lucas.
I hope it's Lucas.
It can't be Gaybol.
I'm gonna pass out.
Phew, Virgin Mary.
Virgin Mary, Mother of Grace. I just died.
Akel. I can't believe it! Oh, my God!
They need some sugar water to calm down.
Again, Gaybol and I in the same
Oh, my, they come up together.
Seventh and eighth place,
but the last one will leave.
The last one will be blocked. Who is it?
My head is going to explode.
Gaybol was last in the previous ratings,
so he's probably really scared.
I don't like Lucas at all.
Did you see what Gaybol did at the game?
He talked to everyone. What did Lucas do?
He defended himself
when Luma said he was mysterious.
If Gaybol stays, I will adopt him.
Circle, let's go, baby.
Show it on screen, please.
I'm so anxious, dude. Oh, my.
I knew it.
Game over, Gaybol.
It's hard, man.
Oh, my God!
Great, baby.
Suck it.
What a shame.
Gaybol took too long to loosen up,
he hid himself for too long.
I feel for him. I'm not happy.
It's no surprise, Gaybol,
that you are eighth place.
It's a pity to say, but you're blocked.
When you realize, it's gone.
It goes so fast.
In the end, life is fast.
It seems it's gonna last forever,
and when you realize, it's over.
Game over.
I don't even care I'm in seventh.
What matters is that I wasn't blocked.
You guys are gonna have to endure me.
To endure me. I'm so sorry.
What you can gather from that
is that you need allies.
You need allies.
- That's what saved Lucas ass.
- Yes.
I don't have the strength to react
to any more surprises.
"Before he leaves,
Gaybol can meet someone in person."
"Gaybol is on his way
to one of the apartments."
I'll clean my house
What's up, Gaybol? Are you coming here?
- Come on, man.
- He's not coming here.
If he shows up here,
then he really thinks I'm a catfish.
Dear Lord.
Did I hear something, or am I tripping?
Gaybol, is that you?
Marina it's not available.
What's up, bro?
Awesome! How are you, bro?
- Can't believe it!
- That's awesome!
- Nice to meet you.
- Congratulations on first place.
- Let me see if it's really you.
- It is, bro!
I swear I was thinking,
"Is it really him?"
It's really me, man!
But I have a little mustache now.
Bro, what is "aggro"?
It's when you're stressed, troubled.
Something on those lines.
I would say, "What is aggro?"
"No aggro" means "No stress".
- Got it!
- When you are relaxed, calm.
You got from last to first.
Crazy, I know.
- You're doing great.
- Here's the thing,
like I told you, it was all about
being authentic.
That's it, bro.
The game demands that you
I talk too much, so it's hard, you know?
And you know what?
Sometimes you'd say something,
then took that back.
And what do you think about Lorayne?
I think she's too focused
in being a couple,
and kind of ignoring me.
It's hard to know who's catfishing.
- Very!
- I'm suspicious of everyone.
I was sure that Julia wasn't.
And I was sure you were.
- Why?
- I don't know!
Your hair I was like, "Man"
- They thought I was too.
- I was sure of it.
At the beginning, right?
You saw it and said, "Catfish."
But you are doing awesome. Keep going.
You gonna get at the final.
"No aggro." You won't "aggro" anything.
JP is great, he's really nice.
He has grown in the game.
I'm cheering for JP.
I really want him to win.
Bye. I'll see you in Bahia.
- And you'll come to São Paulo, right?
- Sure.
- Good luck.
- Thanks, bro.
You can count on me.
- Kick ass!
- I will.
- Thanks, JP!
- A round of applause to you.
- Thanks, bro.
- Good luck.
It took me a while to figure people out.
I couldn't backup what I was saying
'cause I was going
in two opposite directions.
I'm very happy about this visit.
And surprised too. I would never guess.
Great, dude. Man
Oh, my!
Hey, JP.
Get up, cutie, the game isn't over yet!
Jesus! Out of the blue!
My blood pressure!
It's not over.
"Alert." Please stop.
We can't even breathe in here.
"Another player has to leave The Circle."
Dear Lord!
Oh, my!
It can't be. What is this?
Double elimination now?
Is this for real?
Brace yourself.
Man, I'm screwed.
That's tense, bro.
I'm not ready to leave.
Who's gonna be the next victim?
Subtitle translation by Natalie Botello
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