The Convict (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

- Business is booming.
- You'll get it, chill out, okay?
Yeah, just like we agreed. Right?
- Strzelecka is pregnant.
- Shiv?
Do you want it?
- Be glad I didn't say who the father was.
- Don't you dare.
I made a proposal. Think it through.
Sara was stabbed.
An investigation is underway. I can help.
- What are these addresses?
- Places where they stay on pass.
8 Garażowa Street each time. The others
spend the night where Sarah did?
Hania isn't picking up.
Can you bring her tomorrow?
- I'd like to throw her a birthday party.
- Don't worry. She'll come.
You were right, he's lying to me.
I want you to work for me.
What's on 8 Garażowa Street?
Leave the cheesecake.
Pati put a lot of work into it.
- And up.
- Yes, you over here.
- Marika goes out on furlough?
- Why, are you jealous?
Wait here.
Can you get me a phone?
Just one phone call.
I beg you.
- I'll see what I can do.
- Okay.
Hold it.
- Fifteen minutes is all I ask from you.
- I don't have it.
- Tell it to my client then.
- Are you a proxy of Alicja Mazur?
As of yesterday.
Fifteen minutes.
All of these women served their time
in the same prison last year.
Maybe not all of them, but that one?
Found a job as a waitress
at Amnesia club during her furlough.
- The same one owned by Mazur's husband?
- Yes, exactly.
And all of them had their prison letters
written by the same lawyer.
A guy named Bednarek.
Besides, all of them were staying
at the same address, 8 Garażowa Street.
Six months ago, the owner of a flat
on Garażowa Street, Horst Richter,
although his real name
is Franciszek Sędziński,
doused a girl with acid.
- Is he a gangster?
- He was a drug dealer.
Moonlighting as a pimp.
Officially, there's nothing on him.
- What about that girl he attacked?
- Natalia Dolecka.
She didn't identify him.
Said she did than herself accidentally.
And Richter vanished.
That's right.
I saw her outside the prison
with an infant.
You don't want to be a father?
- Yes, but not like that.
- We've already tried seven times.
I no longer have the strength,
the health, or the time.
I think Shiv's offer
might be our last chance.
- We can try to adopt.
- An infant?
No one's gonna give us an infant.
So you're saying we should buy it?
Watch out!
Fucking shit!
- Have you lost your mind?
- And are you blind?
You walked straight in front of me!
Does this look like a crosswalk to you?
Sure, it's my fault now!
You should be more careful
for yourself and the baby.
It's okay, it's okay.
Easy. Hello there.
Thank you, but I can do it myself.
Can I?
Hi, listen. Marika Lisiecka
went out on a pass today.
Are you sure? She would've told me that.
Maybe she's upset with you.
Check if she's staying on Garażowa Street.
All right.
- Have you seen Cedro?
- Yeah, we just talked.
He's interested,
but I'm not sure he'll help us.
How's Hania?
- I haven't talked with her yet.
- Are you insane?
Serafin, she's in danger.
Don't you get it?
Maybe you should talk to her.
She doesn't trust me.
How am I supposed to do that?!
Her phone's always off.
How am I supposed to talk to her?
Tell me, how can I talk to
- Just a moment. You have to
- Your time is up.
One more minute!
Ala? Hello?
Fucking hell.
- Come in.
- Sorry to interrupt, boss.
The inmate insisted. She says it's urgent.
What do you want, Mazur?
I'm not in the mood.
I can see that.
Please arrange a meet up with my daughter.
How about a spa retreat?
If you really love your wife,
you'll do it.
We're done with this.
You're not gonna blackmail me.
Are you willing to risk your marriage?
You know why you won't tell Basia?
Because you're a decent human being.
Prison changes people
If you dare say a word to her,
I swear that as long as you're in here,
you won't be seeing
your daughter ever again.
I wanted to talk, but
it can wait for later.
- Doctor?
- Yes?
I found out about something.
That concerns your husband.
Go on.
The deadline for filling out applications
for EU grants is due this month.
There is some funding to be raked u
from outside the prison department.
Wow, that's great.
You'll be able to get
that X-ray machine at last, right?
- That would be great.
- Yup.
I really owe you one, Mazur.
So can I go?
- What're you doing here?
- As your attorney, I should know.
- You know, about the pass.
- Well, you would've known.
But you screwed me over.
I couldn't arrange an early release.
No one could do it anyway.
So I have drawn up a claim
for the revocation of alimony.
So, are we good?
We should celebrate, then.
Stop it.
You're gonna have so much stuff,
there won't be enough diapers in town.
Hey, take it.
I always knew you were up for it.
Don't worry about the dough.
I'll sort it out. I'm on it.
- They won't give me anything on credit.
- Hey.
I need you to calm down, and trust me.
If I say you'll get the money,
you will get the money.
You're very lucky that I like you.
Thank you.
- Whose apartment is this?
- It's a friend of a friend's.
Do you have any plans?
Going for a walk, or to the movies?
I like you, you know?
And that friend of a friend has fixed you
with some job for the evening or what?
No, Marika.
What are you doing?
What's the matter, you don't like me?
- I'm not good enough for you?
- That's not it.
But you know you're my client.
Come on.
But you would gladly fuck Mazur, right?
Fuck, why did you even come here?
I'm worried about you.
- Yeah, right.
- A girl was doused with acid in here.
- That's terrible.
- Sara was staying here, too.
And she also worked
as a waitress at Amnesia.
But apparently you know all of this.
What are you doing?
- Get the fuck out, Serafin!
- Marika.
- Get out!
- Marika, stop.
- Don't get yourself killed, okay?
- Get the fuck outta here, Serafin!
Leave it. Just go!
- It's not a request. It's madness.
- Tell me, doctor
What would you do
to protect your own daughter?
I'd love to help you.
But I am not a miracle worker.
I'm begging you.
Hanka is in serious danger.
- I have to go warn her about it.
- Maybe call her?
No, that won't work.
I need to talk to her face to face.
But maybe she won't
be at the hospital today.
She will.
She's been on desensitization
for two years and hasn't missed a visit.
Because, like me,
she finishes what she starts.
I can't do it.
I didn't do anything.
- I just wanna talk.
- We don't have anything to talk about.
Want me to get a search warrant?
- Possession of dust isn't illegal.
- But renting your own kid for money is.
Aren't you ashamed?
He can't even walk is already a mule.
So that's how they smuggle drugs?
In your son's diapers?
You don't have any proof.
I can get them.
You can go back to jail.
And the kid goes into foster care.
Is that what you want? Come on, answer me.
I'm just trying to make ends meet.
I love my child. I can't go back to jail.
And you won't
If you cooperate.
It's not you I'm after, it's her.
The renovation of the cells damaged
by the explosion will be completed soon.
- And then we go back to closed cells?
- No, you'll continue the scout camp.
Very funny.
- We'll squeeze you back into cells.
- But there's so little fucking space.
- Watch your mouth, inmate.
- I'm so sorry, I too value comfort.
- You can go file a complain.
- To whom?
To Pope.
And your officer Swieta Palamarczuk
will put up a list.
From which you will find out your cells
and your cellmates.
As for inmate Strzelecka
- Where is she?
- In your ass.
- You're coming to my office.
- Why? I didn't do anything.
This is an order!
- Now!
- Move faster, Strzelecka.
I'm waiting, inmate.
Go, chop-chop-chop.
- Take care!
- Here's a list with the cell numbers.
- Wait, wait.
- I've already talked to Swieta.
She told me that we're with Marika.
- Yo, what's wrong?
- Nothing.
Don't lie to me that nothing's wrong
when I can see somethin's bothering you.
You can tell me. We're cellmates.
I know who set me up. My husband.
But, hey, wasn't this fucker
the one looking after your daughter
- Oh fuck
- That's why I need you to help me.
- Sure thing What do you want me to do?
- Shout.
Hey officer! Help me!
My mate has fainted!
Mazur! She's lying on the ground!
Mazur passed out!
All right, move back! Move back right now!
- What? You want some?
- Listen Stop it.
- Stop it.
- What do you mean, stop it?
- You don't wanna fuck? Then what?
- Stop it!
What's going on?
Is your offer still on the table?
I see. So you want this baby?
- Not here, there!
- Okay, okay.
She wants it.
And I want Basia to be happy.
Oh, that's why you're fucking me?
To make your wife happy?
I will never touch you again.
I'll pay you.
But if you screw me over,
or someone finds out the truth
Then what? Are you threatening me?
I'm warning you.
And starting today, you'll be
taking care of the baby for real.
And I'll take care of you.
What about my belly?
It'll start to grow.
People will ask questions.
That's why we'll find you a daddy.
From outside.
Boss? Mazur, day room, urgent.
You may leave.
Move away, please.
Didn't you hear the doctor?
Two steps back, now.
- Help me, please.
- Make some room!
Make a room.
What's going on?
Possible heart attack. Call an ambulance.
- Bravo!
- Awesome.
They're amazing, aren't they?
Super, really, wow!
My name is Ludmiła Mielnik.
I'm scared for my life.
If something was to happen to me,
the police must see this video.
I know too much and Paweł
always gets what he wants.
He told me to keep my mouth shut,
but I can't do that.
Alicja must know the truth.
Paweł Witkowski is not
the person he claims to be. He
Sorry, they want something all the time.
Got a call from the club.
They constantly need something. I'm sorry.
If they need you, then go.
- I can handle it. I'm not a child anymore.
- You always come here with your mother.
I know I'm a poor fill-in,
but I'm doing my best.
The club can wait a while.
What are you listening to?
What are you listening to?
In my opinion, this singer here
Should be inter-galactically banned
from this profession.
She's a great feminine pop
with a feminist message.
And I took you to the opera.
That was a waste of time!
But I really enjoyed it.
You're just too old
to appreciate both styles.
I'm not too old. My biological age is
well, 29 and a half, at most.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Would you guess how old I am?
You could be wrong by ten years.
That's how women feel about me.
They're afraid of you.
More like intimidated.
- I don't really get it.
- Then I feel sorry for you.
Wanna hear more?
Maybe next year.
We have a dilated ST segment,
no ventricular tachycardia.
No heart attack.
ECG only detects it when it is extensive.
When it doesn't cover the entire wall,
it may not even leave a trace.
I don't feel well.
Take us downtown
to my patient's cardiologist.
- You want her to die here?
- Fine.
- I'll notify the ward. Get ready.
- My husband knows. Let's go.
I've now been assigned to work out here.
You can go help your mates.
I've always been turned on
by construction workers.
Do you know what's the most distressing
for girls about being in prison?
- No.
- Loneliness.
Everyone needs a little bit of cuddle.
So cuddle up to the mixer.
What's wrong with him?
Is he a fag or something?
No one ever fucking turns me down.
What fag, are you crazy?
Your tits. They're too small.
- My tits are too small?
- Yes.
Yours are too small.
Okay, I have tiny tits, but, hey.
Look at her.
Now that's what I'm talking about.
- Frill?
- Yup.
- Sorry.
- Fucking prick
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Tough day, huh?
- Nah, like any other.
That's the job.
- Are you okay? Can I help you?
- No. I can't stand this hospital stench.
This is the only memory
of my shitty childhood, you know?
I see.
Let's go outside, we'll take a walk.
I can't go.
What will the warden say if I do?
Come on. And who's gonna tell him?
Alicja Mazur just had a heart attack
and I doubt she's planning an escape.
- Come on.
- OK, let's go cause I'm about to throw up.
And why doesn't it
smell bad in your infirmary?
- What are you doing here?
- Hania.
- Did you run away?
- No.
It doesn't matter. Listen to me.
Paweł murdered Ludmiła.
- What? What are you talking about?
- He set me up.
And now he wants to separate us.
- Mom, go or you'll get caught.
- Wait. Listen, you cannot trust him.
He's dangerous, you hear me?
- Promise me that you won't trust him!
- Mom, listen
- He wants to separate us. Don't trust him!
- Mom!
I'm scared of you.
I'm sorry. No Wait.
Did you find out anything?
- They're fucking after work.
- But where?
I don't know. Frill won't say a word.
We'll have to put the squeeze on her.
Hey there, Frill.
We should stay at the hospital
30 minutes after the vaccination.
I know.
Is something wrong? Are you unwell?
What if mom really did it after all?
What if my mom really did murder Ludmiła?
Why are you talking about this now?
You wanted to dump her
on your wedding day.
You wanted to dump her,
but didn't have balls to tell her,
so Ludmiła did it instead, is that right?
Ludmiła didn't mean anything to me.
We slept together a few times
because we were both lonely.
I never, ever, promised her anything
and I didn't have any feelings for her.
But she loves you, right?
When I noticed,
I broke off all contact with her.
That made her so furious,
and she didn't want to let me go.
She wrote to me, she was bothering me.
It took a while,
but eventually she got bored.
I was free from her.
- And then I met your mom.
- Why did she come back?
She found out about our wedding
and wanted to punish us.
Both me and Alicja.
She wanted us to suffer.
She made her talk to her,
she talked bullshit.
She provoked her.
Your mother was riven by strong emotions.
And it just happened.
It didn't go as planned?
I'm losing her.
I know.
I had to. One phone call.
Don't tell me. I don't wanna know.
Serafin, wait outside the prison
in 20 minutes, it's urgent.
- Okay, but what is it about?
- Just be there.
Happy singing, huh?
I know the food sucked,
but I'll do better!
The food was fucking terrible,
but that's not the point.
I wanna know where you get screwed.
By Bob the Builder.
Ha, you wish. He's a real man, not a dog.
He doesn't lick bones!
Don't fuck with us, Frill!
He won't run out of jizz!
Share him, you bitch!
He's just mine!
Speak up, bitch! Quickly.
- Speak!
- I won't tell you.
- Then we will drown you.
- You won't talk? Then watch this!
Did something happen?
- No, we went for a check-up.
- In here, Mazur.
I need to speak to my lawyer
This is urgent.
- It's not visiting time.
- Come on, be a human.
I am a human and I don't smoke.
You have only one minute.
Listen, you need to get Hanka
away from Paweł as soon as possible.
She won't go with me.
What should I tell her?
Just tell her that I sent you.
I know that you're worried, but
We'll issue you a power of attorney
to look after her later.
Piotrek, you have to do this.
Do you hear me? You have to.
- Done?
- Done.
This way, Mrs. Mazur.. Have a good day.
Have a good day.
Are you here?
I am.
And where's Frill?
She's indisposed today.
- Did you hurt her?
- Me? Never.
I love fatties. They're so adorable.
Listen, you can get pissed off
or take advantage of the situation.
I may not be your type,
you may not even like me,
but I know some really cool tricks.
You won't regret it, sir.
Gentlemen, if you need anything,
you can go ask Marcin.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
It's me.
- Hi, darling. How are you doing?
- You know, it's boring here.
How long can you sunbathe by the pool?
Did you take Hanka for desensitization?
Yeah, I took her to the hospital.
And how was her birthday?
I took her to the opera.
I thought you'd take her there, too.
- And did she like it?
- I think so.
Ala, listen.
Hania wanted to visit you yesterday.
But she changed her mind
at the last minute.
You know, the prison, the procedures,
all those horrible people.
I think it's probably too hard for her.
- I understand.
- I'm looking after her, so don't worry.
She's safe with me.
- I hope you'll be able to see her soon.
- Paweł?
I miss you so much. I miss your touch.
- I miss you too.
- I was thinking, you know.
I don't have any notes, so
Maybe if I went and asked the warden for
unsupervised visitation,
he would probably agree.
Excuse me.
That way we could have
a moment for ourselves.
Definitely. Ask him. It'd be wonderful.
I've got to go.
You mean the world to me, remember.
I'm Shiv's friend.
I was to report for work today.
The girls will tell you what to do.
- Julia?
- Yes?
- Will you help your workmate?
- Sure thing. Come with me.
How's Mazur?
Just a false alarm..
Turned out it's not a heart attack.
It's only arrhythmia.
You're not a very good liar.
Who do you think I am?
You think I didn't check?
She was taken to the hospital her daughter
was getting a test that same day.
She just wanted to talk to her.
Do you know you're helping the killer?
And she could've done it again.
- No, she wouldn't have.
- You don't know that.
You should be disciplinary removed.
And Mazur should get a penalty.
I know I'm sorry.
Don't ever do that again.
Don't keep secrets from me.
No more secrets from now on.
I also wanted to tell you something.
We're having a baby.
You'll be a great mother.
And I have no right
to take that away from you.
I love you.
Sir, we got a tip.
So, apparently, Shiva
That is, inmate Strzelecka,
is behaving in an unrestrained manner.
What is she doing specifically?
Well getting laid.
What's going on here?
You were supposed to patch the roof,
not play the gyn!
- Tomorrow morning, my office!
- I'm sorry
Well, he wasn't bad.
But don't worry.
The orgasm was fake.
The first one.
Get dressed.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I was just leaving.
Pack up.
Take only the most necessary things.
- Are you drunk?
- No, I'm not. Why?
You sound drunk.
Your mother asked me to do this.
You're not safe in here.
Serafin, this is my home
and I'm not going anywhere.
- I am trying to protect you too.
- From what?
Oh, yeah, from Paweł, right?
You're young and naive,
and your stepfather
Serafin, I'm not five years old.
I'm not a child anymore.
He'll be here soon anyway.
Why don't we ask him for his opinion?
I'm going.
Are you going to stay here or leaving?
Hania, Hania
I'm telling you.
I may not have graduated
from any university like you,
but I do have
a fucking habilitation in life.
The less your daughter knows,
the better it is.
I have to get her out of that house!
There she goes again.
- Well?
- Tell us.
- What?
- How was he like?
Like this, only half the size.
Where are you going, Frill?
Come back here, Frill!
You got something here.
- Bring me a drink.
- I haven't finished this one yet.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
- I'm so happy to see you here.
- Good evening.
Come on, Paweł.
How could we miss this?
I appreciate everything that you're doing
for the police community.
Supporting families of officers killed
in the line of duty is our responsibility.
The money from the auction
will be of great use for them.
I'll see to everything
in terms of formality.
- How about some champagne?
- I'll take a glass, please.
I'm really hoping that Cedro
didn't bother you again?
He's a good cop but he's been suffering
from this unpleasant disease
What's it called? Restless legs syndrome.
Ladies and gentleman,
I would like to welcome you all
to enjoy this wonderful evening together.
And I truly hope that,
along with your good moods,
you have brought your fat wallets.
Would you like to have
some champagne, chief?
With pleasure.
I'd like to introduce some works
we'll be auctioning today
as well as our good cause.
You and Bednarek are together, right?
Me and Benji? Well, sort of. Why?
- I'm not judging, I'm just asking.
- Well, you know
He's nice.
He arranged for me to go to school.
He buys me nice things.
So he didn't say anything about his job?
He doesn't really confide in me.
So he didn't say anything about my mom?
Wiki? I asked you a question.
Sometimes it's better not to know.
I want to know.
OK, fine.
When he started defending your mom,
I asked him directly
whether she was the one
who killed this Ukrainian woman.
And what did he say?
- Wiki, what did he say?
- He said that she confessed.
No, I don't believe it.
She didn't plan any of this.
She acted under strong emotions.
It happens.
- Fuck me, you're defending a murderer!
- No one can find out about this.
- Do you hear me, Wiki?
- Yes.
Oh my God
What's up?
Well, I've just played
our audio play to the little one.
Very good.
- Oh, sorry.
- Well, hello there.
- Leave me alone!
- Let's go dance.
- Don't touch me!
- Come on.
- Stop it!
- Get the fuck away from her!
Paweł. Just leave him.
- Paweł, just leave him be.
- Get the fuck away from her!
Paweł, stop! I told you to
Let's just go home
I wanna go home. Paweł!
I wanna go home! Don you hear me?
Come on.
Paweł, please stop it!
Okay, fine.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
I can't do this anymore. I'm all alone.
You've got me.
I know.
Are you sure you wanna do this?
I don't know.
Holy fuck.
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