The Couple Next Door (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Morning, babe.
OK, well, look, I, er
I have to get going.
Have a nice day.
So, you're pregnant.
Your sister spilled the news
on the phone.
Presumably she didn't realise
you hadn't even told me.
I think I can work out why.
No, Pete, no. Look, I just
I wanted to have some tests first,
just to be sure.
Just before I put us through any
more heartbreak. Is it mine?
Of course, it is!
How can you even ask that?
Look, babe, I am so sorry that
you had to find out like that.
It was never my intention.
I just wantedto
find the right moment.
I need to go.
Danny. Hey.
Can I talk to you?
I'm late for work.
Another time, yeah?
I had it blown up.
It's information about
a safe deposit box.
We think he's looking
for the gang's stolen goods.
Possibly diamonds.
Diamonds, eh? The plot thickens.
And you think these cops are working
for Spencer?
Yeah, we're pretty certain
they are.
I'm impressed.
This story has legs.
All Sophie's work.
Your job's at risk, I reckon.
Knew that already.
Well, not quite
a smoking gun yet.
But you're getting there. Agree.
But if we can confirm
the link to the cops,
then we confirm the corruption
You get me that and we publish.
Mr Leeds is about to take a fall.
Nice work, guys.
Well, this is gonna be awkward
over the garden fence now,
if we end up implicating
your neighbour.
PC Whitwell.
'All right, Danny, yeah,
'we've located the owner
of the blog, mate.'
Oh, great, yeah. Thanks.
'Do you want the postcode?'
Er, yeah, hit me with the address.
'Lima Sierra three eight'
'..nine Juliet Mike, number 37.
'Is that OK?'
Yeah, no, that's fine, thanks.
I know exactly where that is.
Hey, babe.
'Becks, I found out
who was behind the blog.
'That guy from number 37, Alan.
'I knew he was a creep!
'I swear, if he hadn't had a stroke,
I'd break his fucking legs.
Let me call you back.
Where are you?
Do you have copies?
You know, it was Danny
that wanted to move here.
He said it'd be a safe place
to raise our son.
I told him I didn't like it.
Suburban streets like this,
they creep me out,
I feel like there's always somebody
watching you, someone judging you.
I didn't realise there was
a pervert right across the road,
who had nothing better to do
than stealing
personal intimate videos,
meant only for us,
and then posting them online.
I will make you account
for how and why you did that.
You broke into our house, Alan.
That's a criminal offence.
Are you jealous of me?
Is that why you wanted
to humiliate me?
What, you can't cope with a woman
having the sexual freedom
to do as she wishes?
Do you think I need punishing?
Well, guess what?
I will continue
to do whatever I want.
That's nobody else's business.
Not now, not ever,
and I will not be shamed
by the creepiest fucking nobody
that I have ever encountered.
I am not a nobody.
Yes, you are.
What do you think your wife
will say when I tell her?
You think she'll leave you?
I would.
I've got the CCTV footage
from the bank.
There's always two pick-ups a day.
I reckon we pretend to be
the two o'clock.
So, we need to get there
just before,
but obviously not too close.
We don't want to bump into
the original van.
We're not really gonna do this.
Mate, we need to realise
this could be our last chance.
I've found us a van we can borrow.
Let's just get it done.
Guys, that report on the A61 crash?
Yes! Oh, sorry.
Totally slipped my mind.
I'll have it with you tomorrow.
What's that?
Just following up on an enquiry.
Missing security van.
Right, well, get that report
on my desk ASAP.
Don't care who does it.
Yes, boss.
So, your last test was,
what, two years ago?
And I think we'd established
that you had low sperm count.
I'm afraid
that's now become more acute.
How acute?
There are no viable sperm
in your sample.
Absolutely none?
I'm afraid not.
Mum? Yeah?
Can I go to Roddy's house?
Yeah, of course.
Hiya. Hey.
Haven't seen you for ages?
Yeah, sorry. We've just
We've been really busy.
Mm. You both been working a lot?
Danny's been on
a lot of night shifts.
Is he working tonight? Yeah.
Oh, that's a shame.
I was gonna invite you over.
Oh, that would have been nice.
Another time.
How nice is this place?
Well, we've been talking about
coming here for ages.
We have.
You look beautiful.
Glowing even.
There's a good reason for that.
Well, I suppose we've got
something to, er, celebrate.
We do.
Well, you do.
I don't.
You see,
I had this funny feeling
about why you hadn't told me.
Not like you.
So, I thought I'd better check.
Check what?
Remember last time we were
at the fertility clinic,
when we found out
I had a low sperm count?
I went back today, and I'm
afraid the news is quite bad.
I don't have any.
I'm 100% incapable
of giving you a baby.
Or anyone else for that matter.
So, you see must have fucked him.
And he must have come inside you
and, I don't know,
maybe that was always your plan.
I think the condom split.
Look, I get that this is really
hard for you. I do, but
But we can
We can
We can what? Hmm?
Do you think we're just gonna
go ahead like this is normal?
Like I'm gonna have
that man's child?
But this is all we've ever wanted!
Are you unwell?
Do you hear yourself?
I am not having anything
to do with that.
If you don't want this baby,
then Danny and I will.
Oh, yeah!
You think he'd actually want it?
Ha! You try telling him,
he'll run a fucking mile.
Our friendship with those two
is done.
And as for that get rid of it.
No. Mm-hm.
No way.
I'm giving you two days. Hmm?
Two days or we're done.
You know what?
I'm not actually that hungry.
So, I'll just leave you to it.
Danny. Hi, what's up?
Becka said you were working late.
Yeah, why?
I really need to see you.
Look, we discussed this.
It's not a good idea.
Look, trust me.
I need to talk to you right now.
Evie, listen to me.
I think you let your imagination
run away with you a little.
Me and you are
not meant to be together.
I have to get back to work.
Let's talk another time, yeah?
I hope you don't mind
me gate-crashing?
Oh, God. My God. Oh, my God!
I thought you said
you couldn't make it!
Changed my mind.
They're good.
Yeah, my friend is the guitarist.
Ah. Cool.
Cheers, yeah, G&T, yeah, please.
Mm. And a shot chaser?
Oh, OK.
Go on. Go on.
Um, yeah, thank you
Thank you for coming.
My pleasure.
Night. Night.
You work too hard.
What are you?
How'd you get in?
Told the bloke at the desk
I'm a relative.
Well, you should not be here.
I had to see you, Danny.
Look, there's something
you need to know.
No, you should go home.
We both know
that's not gonna happen.
Evie. I know you want me.
So, you're gonna have me.
How about
..I make all the decisions?
And then you don't have
to make any.
This is a bad idea.
This is a public office.
Anyone could walk in.
So, why don't you stop me
..if it's so fucking dangerous?
No, we shouldn't. Um
Yeah. No
Just, we're colleagues.
That could make it, you know
No, that's, um
I'm sorry, that's
That's totally my fault.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Listen, come on.
Come on, it takes
two to tango.
Look, I I do like you, Pete,
I just, you know, you're with Evie
and that makes Yeah, yeah.
Hmm, yeah.
Um, do you want, er
I'm gonna get another drink.
We can't do that again.
I'm pregnant.
It's yours.
What, are you not happy?
Are you crazy?
Surely you're not gonna
go through with this?
It could destroy us all.
Danny, we We?!
Evie, there is no "we".
I love Becks.
I love my wife.
And I'm gonna go home to her.
But it's not only
you and Becka any more.
I guess I'll see you soon, then.
Hi. Hi, Jean.
I'm really sorry to bother you
so late,
but I was a little bit concerned
about the message you left,
saying Alan is not
the man I think he is.
Yeah, I can imagine.
And, I just thought, you know,
maybe we could discuss it?
Yeah. Look,
I'm sorry to tell you this,
but your husband
has been spying on me.
I've just come to realise
that for myself.
Did you know that he's stolen
a private video of ours?
I guessed as much.
What, you knew?
Do you know how he got that?
By breaking into our house.
Now, you told me
that there was an intruder.
So, you've been lying to me,
and it was him all along.
Do you know what he did
with that video?
Jean, he posted it online
to try and shame and humiliate me
and I lost every client that I had.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, why would he
do such a thing to you?
If there's anything
I can do to help
I would just be worried about
being married to a man like that.
He just disgusts me, you know?
My marriage has been over for years.
I've never been
able to admit it, though.
I should never have lied to you.
Sorry. Erm, Becka,
I was just thinking,
I've gota group of friends
who do yoga every week
and their teacher
is on maternity leave.
You know, maybe you could step in?
Hey, babe.
How you doing?
I love you.
Do you?
Of course.
I'm going up to bed.
Becks, I I'll be up in a bit.
Here you go.
I wonder what you'd do
if I wasn't here.
Oh, I bet you are,
but I'm not sure I can forgive you.
I don't know if
I want to even be with you.
I need time to think.
Oh, hello, Gloria.
Oh, hello, love.
I was just passing
and I thought I should see
how he's getting on.
That's very kind of you. Come on in.
Look, Alan.
Look who's come to see you.
Hello, Alan.
I bet you can't wait to hear about
all the gossip on the street,
can you, Alan? Oh, more than
happy to fill you in, Alan.
Won't we, Mr Snuffles?
I know what you were doing
in that locker!
Are you working for Robbie Spencer?
Jesus Christ. Keep it down!
If you want to talk to me,
don't shout at me in the street.
I'm on the verge of the story
of my crappy little career,
and we both know you're involved.
Come on, mate.
I'm not your mate. You think you're
such a fucking big man, don't you?
You give me one
piece of hard evidence
that links Robbie Spencer
to those stolen goods,
or I'll call your superiors
at the station right now
and tell them everything.
There's no need for empty threats.
These threats aren't empty.
I will fuck you.
Hmm? So, give me what I want, now!
OK, OK. Just just give me
till the end of day
and I'll get you something.
Why the wait?
Just believe me.
You'll get your story.
If it's not in my inbox by three,
I'm calling your boss.
Stay the fuck away from me.
Where did you get van and gear?
Do you want to know?
Not really, no.
Let's go over this one more time.
What's the password?
Yeah, all right. And the code?
Got the key, haven't you?
Course. All right,
the scheduled van's only gonna
be about 15 minutes behind us,
mate, so you cannot hang about.
I'm aware of the plan, mate.
Let's go.
Is your phone on vibrate?
If I call you, it means you've got
to get the fuck out of dodge.
I got it.
Who are you?
What happened to Laurence?
He's off sick.
You're early.
Traffic was better than usual.
This way.
Boss, I've just got
a security alert from the bank.
Someone's accessing the box.
What? How the fuck?
Fuck. Let's go.
Thanks for seeing me again.
Have you got your head
around it yet?
Getting there.
I'm fucking fuming, to be honest.
Not with you, sorry.
No, God, don't apologise.
You have every right to be.
He should have told me
a very long time ago.
To be fair,
we weren't in touch
until very recently.
And it was me who contacted him.
I just felt that Ethan needed
a relationship with his dad.
Andwe needed the support.
That doesn't excuse
his secrecy though.
He knew he had a son.
Just sticks his head in the sand
though, doesn't he?
Yeah, yeah. He really does.
You've not said anything to him yet?
I wasn't ready, and I'd like
us to decide what to do next.
Well, Ethan's just next door.
Your key?
Oh, shit.
Thank you.
'Hey, it's Danny,
leave me a message.'
Guys, hey.
What do you want? Sorry
You just can't park there.
Mate, go!
Just go!
Ethan, this is Becka.
She's your dad's wife.
Hi, Ethan.
Becka has something
quite important to tell you.
I have a son whose name is Ollie.
And he's a little bit
younger than you.
He's your half-brother.
Would you like to meet him?
'Hey, it's Danny,
leave a message.'
I have to admit,
I didn't think you guys
had it in you.
Nice one.
What happened to Gary?
Don't know.
But if something's
happened to him
That's his problem.
Are we done?
Have a nice life.
Bloody hell.
Eddie Smallwood owns
Colossus Building Supplies.
He also owns the offshore accounts.
..he doesn't exist.
Eddie Smallwood is Robbie Spencer.
How quickly can you get this
on the front page?
'Hi, this is Gary,
you know what to do.'
It's my first front page.
Yeah. You earned it.
You don't sound too excited though.
Oh, I am, yeah.
Honestly. Yeah?
Is this about last night?
Oh, I I was totally out of order.
You mean a lot to me,
and Iacted like a prick.
No, no, it wasn't It wasn't.
You weren't. I, um
I wanted it as much as you did.
I just think maybe we're better off
as colleagues, you know?
Yeah. Yeah.
And friends, obviously.
A little bird on the force tells me
they're bringing him
in for questioning.
If you want to get there first,
then you might wanna
Yeah. Yeah.
Robbie Spencer.
He's not very happy
with what you wrote, mate.
Oi! Fuck off.
Easy feller.
It's not you I'm here to see,
is it?
I live on this street. So, hop it.
I don't need your help.
Yeah, why don't you
listen to him, hey?
It's got fuck all to do with you.
Oh, yeah? You reckon?
Who'd you think my source was, eh?
You fucking idiot!
You just put a target on my back.
Shit, where's the gun?
He took it.
Fuck, no.
I don't think he'll come back
but lock your door.
And don't open it till morning.
Lock your door.
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