The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Parental Stridence

So you wanna go with Eep to a slime cave?
‐ Yeah. It's supposed to be
slimy and wet and stinky.
I can't wait!
‐ Dawn, you're not a cave girl.
We're evolved.
And we don't visit slime caves
or talk with our mouths full.
And we don't reach for food
when we're eating a meal
like human beings!
‐ Crowverine?
Try no‐verine.
Not today, wolfspider.
I don't have as many eyes as you,
but I have‐‐
Thanks, Sandy.
Oh. Hope.
You're lucky.
For a second, I thought
you were a bearacuda.
‐ Do I look like a bearacuda?
‐ How was the crowverine that time?
Fast enough for you?
‐ Perfect, Guy.
You've really outdone yourself
with this invention.
Hey, Hope, you wanna try
Guy's new survival course?
‐ I can set it to easy mode
since it's your first time.
‐ No.
I wanna talk to Ugga about Sandy.
She and that, whatever Douglas is,
were running wild
and ruined breakfast.
And my flowers.
‐ Oh. Then I'll just‐‐
Sorry about the flowers.
But she wasn't running wild.
She was practicing
her survival skills with Douglas.
You never know
when a wild animal might attack.
‐ Right.
But she doesn't have to worry
about animal attacks anymore.
Because she lives here, on the farm.
So it might be time
for her to start evolving?
‐ Oh, yeah, I'm definitely gonna, um‐‐
‐ Are you telling me how to raise my kid?
‐ Oh, no.
‐ What?
No. I would never.
But, if you'd like,
I can give Sandy some tips.
Look how I've helped Dawn evolve.
Dawn, you'll get a peel cut.
‐ Seriously, Mom?
‐ You know the banana rules.
You're right. My banana bad.
‐ Smaller bites.
And chew and chew and chew
and swallow.
‐ Mom!
‐ Dawn, there's banana in your mouth.
Banana bad.
Now go take a post‐banana shower
and put on a clean robe.
See? Evolved.
And, with my help, Sandy can be too.
Think about it.
‐ Why didn't I leave so much earlier?
‐ Guy? Could I have a word?
‐ Yes! Yes! All the words. All of them.
‐ Guy, today is your lucky day.
I'm going to invent
a revolutionary innovation,
dining without reaching.
Because Hope told me to.
And I need your help.
‐ So, you saw my survival course.
Pretty great, huh?
‐ I'm sure your rudimentary tinkering
was received with great wonderment
by the Croods.
But I am a Betterman.
And this is civilization, Guy,
not the primordial ooze.
‐ I've got it! What if you just‐‐
No time for your amateur pondering.
‐ Then what do you need me for?
‐ I need a test subject
and your head will fit the helmet.
Can you make your head smaller?
Let's go, Dawn.
Before the slime
in the slime cave gets too slimy.
‐ Hey, Eep!
‐ You're being eaten by a moss monster!
‐ It's not a moss monster.
It's my Progress Pod.
My mom gave it to me when I was little
to help me "evolve and realize
my full human potential."
Her words, not mine.
It protects me from everything
by stopping me from doing anything.
‐ Oh. My mom gave me that ax.
‐ But now I just like hanging out in here.
It is so soft.
‐ Did you seriously not feel the ax?
I threw it really hard.
‐ Nope.
Mom was also worried
about me getting dirty and hurty,
so it's extra sturdy.
Again, her words.
‐ Do you feel this?
‐ Nothing.
‐ Wanna see what else you can't feel?
‐ Ooh, I sure do.
‐ Then let's tuck and roll, baby.
‐ Breathe in the light,
breathe out the light.
Breathe in the light‐‐
Ugh. Why does the light
smell like a dead crowverine?
Sorry, Sandy, you just startled me.
Are you looking for your Mom?
‐ Nuh‐uh.
‐ Food?
‐ Nuh‐uh.
‐ Do you wanna know what I'm doing?
It's called yoga.
It's great for relieving tension
and calming your mind.
And not scratching.
It's something you do when you're evolved.
Would you like to evolve?
‐ Oh. Huh.
‐ Wonderful!
And when we're done,
you'll be a whole new girl.
‐ Huh?
‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ Ooh.
‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ Huh?
‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ Ready to realize your potential
with a little chicken seal bowling?
‐ I've never been more ready.
How many do you think we can get?
Half of 'em?
‐ Oh, no.
You have more potential than that.
‐ You sound like my mom.
But you're right.
It's all or nothing.
Now let's bowl!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
‐ Cock‐a‐doodle‐down.
‐ Hey, Hope. I felt bad about the flowers
so I got you some more.
‐ Great. You can put them next to Sandy.
Doesn't she look amazing?
And just wait till you see her use a fork.
So evolved.
‐ I can't believe you did this.
‐ You don't have to thank me.
Mothering is my pleasure.
‐ Wait, so, first my kids need to evolve
and now I'm a bad mom?
‐ Your words, not mine.
‐ Hmm. Will you excuse me?
I'm sorry. You were saying?
‐ Uh is something wrong?
‐ Oh, you tell me.
You took my daughter
and turned her into some kind of mini you.
‐ She came to me for help.
‐ She doesn't need help.
And she doesn't need to evolve.
She's been surviving in the wild
since birth.
This isn't the wild.
This is a farm.
‐ Do me a favor.
Instead of trying to fix my children,
fix your own.
‐ How could I fix Dawn? She's perfect.
‐ Is she?
What happens when you're not there
to peel her banana?
Or chew her banana?
Or deal with non‐banana problems?
Sandy, we're leaving. Lose the dress.
‐ But you didn't see her use a fork.
You can see it later.
‐ So, about my idea to stop people
from reaching across the table,
I actually drew a sketch of it and‐‐
‐ Irrelevant.
Because I have forged a solution.
Reach for the bowl.
‐ Holy‐‐
Why‐‐ Was that a misfire?
‐ No. But, upon review,
perhaps a slightly less severe approach
is in order.
‐ Call me a bad mother.
I'd like to see
Hope mother three kids in the wild.
You know, there's no peel cuts
and chew‐chew‐chew
and flowers in your hair.
It's eat or be eaten.
And don't even get me started
on volcanoes.
Don't worry, Sandy.
I won't let Hope try to turn you
into something that you're not.
Ugh. Or am I holding on to the past?
Maybe survival
isn't all that matters anymore.
‐ Ah.
‐ Or maybe I need to teach Hope
a little something about survival.
‐ Ah.
‐ Hey, Hope.
Stay back!
Stay back or I'll use these.
‐ To make me sneeze?
‐ Yes. Good idea.
‐ Hope, I'm here to apologize.
‐ I was just trying to help‐‐
Wait, apologize?
I mean, yes. As you should.
For what again?
‐ For coming in so hot.
I'm sorry. You were just trying to help.
‐ Thank you, Ugga.
And I'm impressed.
You probably didn't do a whole lot
of apologizing out in the wild.
‐ True, but that's because
I'm always right.
The point is,
we're not in the wild anymore.
I can learn from you. So can my kids.
‐ Exactly.
I'm a resource. Use me.
‐ I was hoping you'd say that.
Because I'd like you to help me again.
‐ With Eep? Yeah.
My pleasure.
She's so smart and‐‐
‐ Not Eep.
‐ Sandy again? Of course.
We were really starting
to make some progress
before you almost killed me.
‐ Not Sandy.
‐ Hey, uh, the water in the outhouse,
heh, it's okay to drink, right?
‐ Oh! Thunk.
Of course.
Yeah, I'd be happy to‐to help him.
In fact, he'll be a changed man by dinner.
‐ Oh, dinner?
Great, because I am starving.
‐ Ugh.
How many points for hitting a bounceberry?
‐ Bounceberries are ten points.
Dragumberries are 20.
And, if you hit Gran, it's 100.
‐ Get to it.
‐ Oh. And Gran's okay with this?
‐ Oh, yeah. It was her idea.
‐ What are you waiting for?
Take your best drop.
‐ Ha, ha. Pods away!
‐ Ha. You're way off.
Not even close‐‐
Is that all you've got?
I've been hit harder by rain.
‐ Hello, Thunk. Watching window, I see.
‐ Yeah. Right now I'm watching a cloud
that looks like another cloud.
It's hilarious.
‐ Oh, that's a thing.
So what did you do
before you watched window?
‐ Eh, I just sat in the cave
and stared at the wall.
It was a different world.
‐ Don't remind me. Caves are the worst.
That's why we built the farm.
And things are very different here.
So your mom asked me
to help you evolve into a‐‐
‐ Gah! Foot itch.
Good thing I found
this foot scratcher though.
‐ Not a foot scratcher!
It's my hair brush.
If you're going to evolve,
you have to learn
how to take care of yourself,
your home, the people you live with.
How does that sound?
‐ Sounds great. Let me know if I can help.
‐ Well, you can start
by getting off the couch.
‐ Sounds great. Let me know if I can help.
‐ You can. By getting off the couch.
Are you listening to me?
‐ Sounds great. Let me know if I can help.
‐ Okay, Hope, find your peace.
You've raised a daughter. And a Phil.
You can do this.
‐ Ooh, a leg ride.
‐ If you'd just let me show you my idea.
In fact, I built a prototype.
‐ Good one, Guy.
Now, steady yourself while I take aim.
Little to the left,
allowing for cave wind resistance,
and done.
Are you ready to make history, Guy?
‐ Phil, you and I both know the fruit
is just gonna hit me in the‐‐
face. See?
‐ Yes, I do see.
I'm getting warmer!
‐ Cleaning up your home
is one critical thing
that separates humans from wild animals.
‐ You might wanna tell that
to whoever left all this garbage here.
Can I go now?
‐ You left it here.
This is your garbage.
‐ I'm glad we cleared that up.
Can I go now?
‐ No. Because you're going to clean it up.
‐ Why?
‐ Because you're not an animal!
And I'll give you a banana if you do.
Just be careful of peel cuts.
‐ Oh, heh, I don't peel 'em.
Can I go now?
‐ No! You have to clean up the garbage.
‐ Sure thing.
If you give me a banana.
‐ Ugh!
‐ Hey, I know this place.
‐ Right. It's my room.
‐ No, no. It's where I take a nap.
See? That's my pillow.
‐ No, that's my pillow.
Those are my clothes.
And those are pictures of my family
hanging on the wall.
‐ Oh, yeah. Look at that.
It's you.
‐ Right. Because this is my room
and your room is your room.
Does that make sense?
‐ You know what it is?
I lived in a cave for so long,
all rooms kinda look the same.
Ha! I guess I'm just room blind.
‐ I want you to stay out of my room.
‐ You got it. Right after I take a nap.
Could you close the blinds?
‐ Taking care of yourself
is the easiest part of being evolved.
That's why you're taking a shower.
Remember, wash your entire body.
And here's the key, use the soap.
That's the thing I handed you
when I said, "This is soap."
Is that clear?
‐ Uh, is what clear?
‐ Thunk!
What are you doing out here?
You're supposed to be taking a shower.
‐ Oh. That's what you meant when you said,
"Thunk, take a shower"?
‐ What else would I have meant?
And how did you get out here?
I've been standing here the whole time.
‐ Don't ask the question
if you don't want the answer.
‐ I do want the answer.
That's why I asked the question. Ugh!
I don't understand why this is so hard.
I just want you to take a shower
so you'll look nice for dinner.
‐ Okay.
‐ Really?
‐ Sure.
‐ Okay. That's progress. Thank you.
‐ No problem.
So, should I shower
before dinner or after?
‐ Before!
‐ Got it.
‐ The shower is right here.
This is the best!
‐ But it could be better.
‐ What? What's better than the best?
‐ Progress Pod for two.
You think there's room in there
for both of us?
‐ Only one way to find out.
‐ These ants haven't
moved the bowl at all.
I'll have to start over with new ants.
‐ Or you could finally listen to my idea.
‐ Ugh.
Very well. Be quick about it.
‐ Okay, what if you put the food
on this round board and make it go round?
Like this.
See? No more reaching.
How? Th‐‐ It wasn't even loaded.
‐ Genius.
‐ Oh, thanks.
You know, I have another idea‐‐
‐ No, no. I mean I'm a genius.
And I'll call it
the Betterman Dinner Go Round.
‐ But it was my idea.
‐ Guy, why are you wearing a helmet?
‐ Because I can't take it off. It's stuck.
‐ Well, we'll wait
until everyone's here to start dinner.
But, while we're waiting, you may nibble
on these roasted mangotatoes.
‐ Ooh. Outta my way.
‐ Grug. No reaching.
‐ But the mangotatoes are over there
and I'm over here.
Reaching is the only way.
Wrong again, Grug.
Reaching was the only way until now.
Because instead of reaching,
you can use
the Betterman Dinner Go Round.
And voila!
‐ Eh, not for me.
But the Dinner Go Round?
I hate to say it, Phil,
but this is a great idea.
‐ Yeah.
It is a great idea.
‐ Don't feel bad, Guy.
You'll have a good idea
like this someday. Probably.
‐ How'd it go with Thunk, Hope?
‐ Piece of cake.
‐ Piece of cake?
Courtesy of the Dinner Go Round.
My idea, of course.
‐ So where is this evolved Thunk?
Is he leading
a roundtable discussion on fire?
‐ Oh, he probably just wants
to look his best.
I'll go check on him.
Thunk! What are you doing?
Why aren't you at dinner?
Everyone is waiting to see
the evolved you.
‐ Sounds great. Let me know if I can help.
‐ The least you could do is
put this clean robe on.
I can't tell where the peels end
and the you begins.
‐ Clean robe? Sorry. I don't do clean.
Or robe.
Or putting on.
Plus, things are
really getting good with leaf.
‐ If you don't put it on,
I will put it on you!
‐ Okay. If it's that important to you,
I'll wear the robe.
‐ It is. Thank you.
‐ My pleasure. Least I can do.
‐ Okay, then. Good talk.
I'll leave this here
and see you shortly.
Yes! There's no escaping Hope.
‐ Where are we?
‐ On top of a mountain.
It doesn't get more
reaching your potential than this.
‐ I'm not sure
this is what my mom had in mind.
She wants me evolving, not revolving.
‐ Yeah, what's her deal?
Why is evolving so important to her?
‐ Who knows? She wasn't always like this.
She never cared about rules
or soap or forks before we built the farm.
‐ So why do you care?
‐ About doing what she wants me to do?
She's my mom.
‐ Yeah. Moms are always right.
Even when they're wrong.
Oh. The sun's setting.
And I can't be late for dinner.
Only animals are late for dinner.
My mom's words, not mine.
‐ We're not gonna be late.
Because it's all downhill from here.
‐ Can we eat now?
‐ No. We have to wait
until everyone is seated.
Hope's words, not mine.
‐ Hmm.
‐ Grug, stop making
the Dinner Go Round go round.
‐ If I can't eat, I'm gonna go round.
‐ Thunk will be here soon.
He wanted to make an entrance.
‐ Hey, what's for dinner?
‐ Thunk, where's your robe?
‐ What robe?
‐ What?
The robe I just gave you
that you said you were gonna put on.
‐ I did?
Are you sure that was me?
Why am I not going anywhere?
‐ Because you're on
the Betterman Dinner Go Round.
My idea.
‐ Was it, Phil? Was it really?
‐ Having trouble with Thunk?
‐ What? Trouble?
He's just performing the, um,
dinner show we rehearsed.
‐ No, he's not!
‐ Thunk, stop going round
and get down here.
‐ I can't. I'm too dizzy.
‐ I guess the lesson here is
evolving isn't more important
than surviving.
‐ Are you kidding me? Wrong!
Everyone here needs to evolve.
That's why we have rules and plates and‐‐
‐ Huh?
‐ The Progress Pod!
Why didn't we make it a Progress Cube?
Dawn, are you in there?
Or a Progress Pyramid?
Or a Progress anything‐that‐doesn't‐roll?
Dawn, answer me!
‐ Was that my mom?
‐ Uh, nah, that was a chicken seal.
Ugh! Nothing is going my way today.
Even the Progress Pod turned on me.
And how is it rolling uphill?
I think I finally lost it.
‐ Lost what? What is that thing?
‐ It's Dawn's Progress Pod.
I had Phil make it to help Dawn evolve.
‐ Yes, it's a safe, quiet place
to reflect and‐‐
Grug, are you eating the cake?
‐ What cake?
Oh, no!
It found me!
‐ See? I told you we'd make it.
‐ Hi, Mom. What's for dinner?
‐ Whatever you can find on the floor.
Thanks for the save, Sandy.
You knew Thunk wouldn't listen to me,
didn't you?
‐ I sure did.
‐ So you were teaching me a lesson?
‐ Yes, mind your own mom business.
Because survival is important.
I mean, the only reason you're here
and not under that moss ball
is Sandy knows how to survive.
‐ I know survival's important.
But I hate it.
All the running
and the trying not to be killed.
And the dirt‐‐ Ugh!
So much dirt.
Phil and I built this farm
to put that life behind us.
I never wanna go back.
The thought of it wakes me up at night.
‐ I thought that was you.
‐ But you were right.
Evolving isn't for everyone.
‐ Sure it is.
But some of us just evolve
more slowly than others.
‐ Go, go round faster. Faster.
‐ So we're both right.
‐ Yup. Because moms are never wrong.
It's not all bad.
You got Thunk off the couch.
‐ And I taught Sandy
how to eat with a fork.
‐ Actually, she's using it as a weapon.
‐ So how should we
get this thing out of here?
‐ Huh.
Think there's enough room in there
for the two of us?
‐ Only one way to find out.
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