The Days (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Our Company Has Lost Its Mind

[footsteps pattering]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Yoshida] Where are Kinoshita and Tateno?
They were already headed in.
Maejima left to bring them back.
[Maejima] Kinoshita!
[suspenseful music continues]
[Maejima] Hey!
[suspenseful music builds]
[Maejima] Kinoshita! Tateno!
[music stops]
[Maejima] Both of you!
You gotta head back!
- [Kinoshita] Huh?
- [Maejima] Just head back.
[liquid trickling]
- [Kinoshita] But why? What is it?
- [Maejima] Just do it.
Head back!
[footsteps clattering]
[Maejima] Head back, Kinoshita!
Do it. Turn around!
White smoke from the exhaust stack?
I mean, what could that be?
We're not sure.
We might not be able
to reach the reactor building.
Mr. Maejima, it's dropping!
Sir! It keeps going down.
What does?
- The pressure in the vessel.
- What?
[operator] As of 2:30 p.m.,
it's at 610 kilopascals and falling.
The white smoke,
it's water vapor from the nuclear reactor.
The compressor worked.
Mr. Yoshida said
he'd try to open it from the outside
by connecting a compressor
to the AO valve.
Yeah. That's what I heard.
Was the venting successful then?
I guess it was, yeah.
[chuckles] So then we did it.
[Kinoshita chuckles]
You really think it's all right?
[Kinoshita sighs]
[Kinoshita chuckles]
[sighs] What a relief that is.
Really. It's great.
Yeah. It's fine for now.
[Kinoshita chuckles]
[Kinoshita sighs]
[operators chuckle]
[somber music playing]
[workers shout indistinctly]
[man 1] Trade places.
[man 2] When you're done over there,
can you help us next?
- [man 3] Got it!
- [man 2] Over here.
[man 3] Can you measure
the radiation here too?
[somber music continues]
[man 1] If the diagram's accurate, the
water supply outlet should be near here.
[man 2] All right, let's try
to move the debris a little further away.
- [man 1] Sounds good.
- [man 2] Watabe, help him.
- [Watabe] Yes, sir.
- [man 4] I'll help too.
[man 2] Okay.
- Careful over there!
- [man 4] Is here good?
[man 5] Go slowly. Please be careful.
[man 6] Take your time.
[somber music continues]
[man 7] Make sure the hose doesn't bend.
Switch with me. Okay.
[man 5] I can see it!
- [man 2] Get help with the excavator.
- [Watabe] Yes, sir.
Motoyama plus four more reporting.
We've got the fire truck here.
[man 2] We're searching
for the water supply outlet.
Sergeant Motoyama,
prepare for water injection.
[Motoyama] Yes, sir!
[somber music continues]
[man 5 grunts] Okay. It's turning. Hurry!
- [man 6] It's in.
- [man 5] Copy.
[man 7] One, two, three! [strains]
- Take it away.
- [man 8] Okay.
[man 7] There you go. Careful. Got it.
[somber music continues]
[man 7] There it is!
I've found the water supply inlet!
[man 2] They located
the water supply outlet.
- 20 meters from the truck.
- [man 3] All right.
[somber music continues]
[man 2] There's no need to rush.
Be careful.
[somber music continues]
[man 7] It's connected. Send the water in.
[man 2] Copy.
Send in the water!
[somber music continues]
[mechanism revving]
[water rushing]
[music fades]
We just got word from TOEPCO
saying the venting was a success.
Consequently, the primary
containment vessel should cool down
with only a trace
of radioactive substance being released,
which will not affect
anyone's health immediately.
This being the case,
we would like to reassure the public
that, for now, it's best to remain calm.
- Well, that's good news for now.
- Yeah.
I'm counting on you.
[Yoshida] Sergeant Hayami!
Oh, Mr. Yoshida.
We can't be reached
by the local fire department.
So we can't begin to express
how very grateful we are
that you could assist us now.
It's nothing.
The thing is
we are running low on fresh water.
Yeah. I was just thinking that.
What's next?
Now we're thinking
of injecting seawater in parallel.
Are you able to secure
a pathway to the ocean?
Getting the water
to a building ten meters above sea level
is physically impossible.
To reach the landing,
you have to take the coast down.
Um, you know where I mean?
Oh, that's the pier
that's located over by the sea, right?
[Yoshida] Yes. The work
would have to be completed down there.
I understand.
If we're hit by a tsunami again,
the whole fire engine
could be taken by the tides.
Well, we also have
family members in Fukushima
and I promise we'll do all that we can.
Don't hesitate to give us orders.
Thank you. Best of luck.
MARCH 12, 3:36 P.M.
Did the head office
agree to injecting seawater?
There's no running water.
That toilet's a disaster.
[chuckles] We'll have to get on that.
Never mind that.
- What did the head office say?
- [Yoshida sighs]
This is an emergency. They can't say no.
Yeah, you're right.
[people gasp and groan]
[tense music playing]
[Furuya] What happened?
[dosimeter beeps]
Full masks on. Everyone, face masks!
[operator 1] Yes, sir!
Get the masks. Hurry!
[operator 2] Let's go.
- [operator 3] Get 'em on!
- Here they are.
- Here, sir.
- [operator 4] Over here!
Thank you.
[tense music continues]
An earthquake?
Something's not right.
I'll find out from Control.
[tense music continues]
[telephone ringing]
Emergency Operations.
- [Maejima] What happened?
- [Kinoshita] Mr. Maejima?
What is it? What's the deal?
[Maejima] Huh?
[Yoshida] I thought
something happened over there.
[Maejima] No. Sorry.
We have no idea either.
We just heard a loud bang.
What was the cause?
[Maejima] I'm sorry. I don't know.
We'll check on it right away.
Wait, hold on!
You stay safe in there.
Priority is to keep the operators secure.
We'll figure out the cause later.
[Maejima] Okay.
[running footsteps approaching]
The the fifth floor
of the reactor building's gone!
[workers murmuring]
[tense music continues]
[Kinoshita] Wait, sir!
Where are you going?
- You can't breathe that air!
- I have to see it myself.
What's going on?
- [man 1] Hey, you okay?
- [man 2] Push down harder there.
[tense music continues]
- [man 3] Are you okay?
- [man 4] This is bad.
- We're really in trouble here.
- [man 5 groans]
[monitor beeping rapidly]
- [man 4] Hang on.
- [man 5 groans]
[man 6] I'll stop the bleeding.
Just bear with.
Bring me water and some towels.
[man 4] On it.
- Hang on.
- What does the meter say?
[man 7] This reads up to 100,000
and it was off the scale.
The outside air penetrated
the seismic isolated building.
- So it's the same in here as out there.
- Got it.
Get that door closed and have it sealed
with some duct tape immediately.
[man 1] Hang in there.
Cover that back door with anything
you can. Keep the outside air out.
- And make sure everyone's okay. Hurry!
- [man 7] Yes, sir!
[tense music continues]
[man 1] Hang in there.
- [man 2] Excuse me.
- Thanks.
[tense music continues]
[man 3] Are you okay?
- [man 8] This way!
- [man 9] It exploded!
The power station blew up!
[man 10] We're getting out of here ASAP!
[man 11] Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Are you okay? Are you
[man 12] The reactor building.
It just exploded.
[man 13] Hurry up! Get him inside!
[tense music continues]
[man 14] Keep your mask on.
[music fades]
[somber music playing]
There's white smoke
coming out of Unit 1 reportedly.
What's the meaning of that?
Well, we still haven't heard back yet
from TOEPCO's guys.
I'm sure it has to be volatile.
Volatile? How so?
Be more specific.
What is it? Explain it in detail.
Well, you know,
you're really asking the wrong person.
It's not a fire or explosion,
or anything like that, right?
Oh, no, sir, of course not.
The primary containment vessel couldn't
possibly just have exploded as it is.
[door opens]
Put the TV on! Quick!
[reporter] What you're seeing now is the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
at 3:40 p.m.
In Fuku[clears throat]
White smoke is rising from Unit 1
of the Fukushima Daiichi
Nuclear Power Station.
A big cloud of smoke
is rising from the power station
and it appears to be
blowing toward the north.
Could you see that?
What you're witnessing is the Fukushima
[Azuma] What is this, Mr. Minegishi?
They're saying it's exploded.
[Minegishi groaning]
What's this now? Didn't you just say
that it couldn't explode?
- [Minegishi gasps]
- [man] Chief Wakiya, what's going on!
Yes, sir, I I'll confirm it right away.
Get me TOEPCO!
Vice President Murakami.
An explosion's occurred.
Is it the reactor?
[Murakami] I'm sorry, but we're still
trying to figure that out ourselves.
Are you kidding?!
It's live on television right now!
Just ask the workers at the station.
It's pretty chaotic over there.
- They don't know what
- [Azuma] How can you be so calm?
An explosion has happened here!
- [Murakami] I do.
- Goddamn it.
I'll get more info.
What the hell is happening over there?
[tense music playing]
[music fades]
[somber music playing]
[man 1] We've almost made it.
Hang in there.
[man 2 groans]
[Watabe] We're better off leaving it in.
It'll stop the bleeding as it is.
It's gonna hurt, but you'll be okay.
[man 2 screams in pain]
[man 3] Are you okay?
[man 4] Radiation check. Right over here.
[woman] Here. Can I get a radiation check?
[man 5] Just lift your hands up.
[somber music continues]
- [man 1] We'll clear the path.
- [groaning]
[man 1] Give me that piece of wood.
The thin one.
And I think there was a towel
in the truck. Bring it over.
[Hayami] Zero One, Zero One.
This is Zero Zero. Over.
[man 1] Zero Zero,
this is Zero One. Go ahead.
[Hayami] Zero One, are you okay?
[man 1] Yes, sir.
Are you safe, Sergeant Major?
[Hayami] Yes, I'm fine.
What's the situation?
[man1] Well, we're all alive, thankfully.
I got a badly injured TOEPCO envoy.
The hoses are destroyed.
We won't be able to pump water.
[Hayami] I've just got to the seismic
isolated building. You should head back.
We'll stop pumping for now.
We need a new plan.
[man 1] Roger that.
Gather up!
[somber music continues]
[Yoshida sighs]
[Kinoshita] The Self-Defense Force team
is back.
One of our workers was severely injured,
but it's nothing life-threatening.
Everyone else is safe
with only minor injuries.
That's good.
I'm glad.
[chuckling] Thank goodness.
[Yoshida sighs]
Oh, I'm so glad.
What was it?
Was it hydrogen that exploded?
[sighs] I believe that it was.
The workers that returned
had six millisievert readings.
If the containment vessel
had actually exploded,
the readings would have been much higher.
Although now the containment vessel's
in open air.
And if that gets damaged,
radiation will leak out,
spreading through the atmosphere.
We need to cool it down.
Can the water injection go on?
Uh, it cannot.
The hoses took ten hours to put down
and they were all destroyed in the blast.
They're completely useless.
- [Hayami] We'll lay the hoses again.
- Sergeant Hayami.
What? You'll lay them again?
There should be hoses
in the fire hydrants outside.
We'll collect them
and we'll lay new lines down,
so we can pump fresh water and seawater.
And the fire engine?
Is it even still operating?
[Hayami] We can't be sure.
If it isn't, then we will use
the one from this station.
The one that was left behind
by Units 5 and 6.
Yes, but But these roads,
you can't get through.
We'll get rid of all the debris.
- Thank you, Sergeant.
- [Hayami] Not at all.
We're here to offer our support
to you and your whole team.
All of that debris
is likely to be contaminated.
So I'll send our guys.
They'll handle moving it.
That would be great.
Hayami, sir!
As for the fresh water,
if there is any more,
I don't know how much there'll be.
But for the freshwater line,
let's forget it.
Just lay down the one from the sea.
Okay, copy that.
- Probably just water vapor.
- [man on TV] Yes.
It's likely it was released by them
somewhat, uh, intentionally,
uh, in order to release
some of the pressure on the vessel.
[man on TV] We've just received an update.
According to TOEPCO,
the level of radiation at the nuclear
reactor is normal at the moment.
[Azuma] So, the reactor
didn't cause the explosion?
Right. It looks like the blast
only affected the outside of the building.
Uh, the radiation level was only high
at the time of the explosion.
It subsequently lowered and is now stable.
Uh, given this information,
we can assume
that only the outer building exploded
and it was not a nuclear explosion.
Thus, the most likely scenario
is that it was a hydrogen explosion
And what's the story with the other units?
Are they still pumping water in?
at the moment,
there's still a great deal of confusion.
We're still awaiting new intel.
Anything. Whatever you do know.
Well, I haven't
actually heard from them yet.
- Whatever. Get some intel quickly.
- [Ishizuka] Of course.
[cell phone beeping]
I I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
[phone beeps]
Uh-huh. Ah, yes. What's
Huh. I understand.
I'll let them know.
What's going on?
Well, we've just received confirmation
it seems Tokyo
is running out of electricity.
And because of that,
TOEPCO would now like
to carry out
a planned outage of electricity.
A power outage?
They're struggling, as we expected.
It'll take them a while
to re-lay that line.
Given the distance to the sea
and the danger of tsunamis occurring,
it makes sense.
[somber music playing]
What's the quantity
of working fire trucks?
I think I heard three were working.
[somber music continues]
[man 1] There's no way.
We can't move this stuff here!
- Let's clean up the wall side.
- [all] Yes, sir!
[man 1] Move all the debris over there.
[man 2] Wall side. We're on it. Let's go!
Hey, let's grab this one.
[workers speak indistinctly]
We're behind you!
Clear that.
[man 3] Sergeant Major,
is it safe
for us to be working here like this?
[Hayami] Don't think about
how it'll affect your body.
Just focus on accomplishing our mission.
[man 3] Sir.
[man 4] Sergeant Major Hayami.
It's Mr. Yoshida.
- Hayami.
- [Yoshida] Uh, Mr. Hayami.
[Hayami] What is it?
Listen. So I'm looking
at this backwash valve pit.
[Hayami] Backwash valve pit?
It's a hole about nine meters long
and 66 meters wide.
It's just an inspection hole.
[Hayami] What about it?
[Yoshida] It's full of seawater
that came in with the tsunami and, uh,
it's basically a big water reserve.
[Hayami] I see.
Well, it's quite large.
[Yoshida] Yeah. If we can use that pool
and connect those three fire engines
to the water,
we can relay the water continually.
And that would be much closer
than laying hoses all the way to the sea.
[Hayami] That might work.
We'll give it a shot.
[Yoshida] Please do. Thank you.
- [Hayami] Shimura!
- [Shimura] Yes, sir.
- [Hayami] Get everyone over here.
- [Shimura] Okay.
Squad! Hold the work.
- Rally up over here.
- [men] Yes, sir!
- [Hayami] Kato!
- [Kato] Yes?
- [Hayami] Bring the station plans.
- [Kato] Copy.
- [Hayami] Excuse me.
- [man 4] Yes?
- [Hayami] The, uh, backwash valve pit
- [man 4] Yeah?
[Hayami] Can you tell me
where it's located?
Moving forward,
we're laying a new pumping line.
[man 1] Copy that.
So there's a red
and a green indicator light?
And those indicate whether the IC valve
is either open or closed, right?
Couldn't they tell if the valve was open
by looking at the lights?
No. At the time,
none of those indicators were lit.
But regardless,
they knew something was wrong,
because the primary containment vessel's
pressure was rising.
Then that suggests
that the IC wasn't functional.
Yeah? When did it stop working, sir?
As I said, the station lost
all of its power when the tsunami hit.
We haven't been able
to gauge the reactors since then.
I can't say when it stopped working.
Excuse me, sir.
The Fukushima power station
just checked in.
The pressure in the vessel
that had gone down after the venting
is starting to rise up once again.
- Why is that?
- [Kataoka] The reason's unknown.
What do you mean? If the containment
vessel explodes, then what's next?
Was the vent shut again?
Are they still injecting water?
Because of a lack of fresh water,
they're going to start
injecting seawater presently.
I guess that's all we can do.
Hey, but the seawater isn't pure.
Couldn't there be a recriticality?
Uh, what's TOEPCO saying?
"Recriticality," you said?
Minegishi, is that a possibility?
yes, that is always possible.
Will it happen?
[Minegishi] Well,
if you're asking my opinion, I mean,
there is certainly a chance
Come on! Yes or no?
[Azuma] What'll happen?
Will there be a recriticality or not?
I will not allow them to continue if so.
And we would
also have to shut down
the reactor for good.
I don't think we can worry about that now.
That's not even
something we're discussing.
First, we have to know
that it's safe to continue!
Ishizuka, how long
before they start injecting the seawater?
Uh, well, we've only injected fresh water
up to this point,
so it'll take some time before they can
switch over to using seawater.
Okay. How long?
At least one more hour.
All right then.
Let's take a recess for the time being.
We'll verify the safety
of injecting seawater
and reconvene in an hour.
We'll resume our talks then.
[indistinct chatter]
[man 1] Vice President Murakami
is here from TOEPCO.
[man 2] I called him here to find out
about the planned power outage.
I apologize for all the commotion.
I had asked Ishizuka to report to you all,
but apparently
his explanation was lacking.
Please, have a seat.
[sighs] If the power stations that have
been struck by the earthquake
in the Tohoku region
continue not to operate,
then tomorrow, around 6 p.m.,
during peak hours, a blackout will occur.
And if it does,
there won't even be enough electricity
to start the power stations up again
and all of Tokyo
will be without power for days.
So we'll have to divide Kanto
into five areas in order to avoid this.
And each area will have to perform
a planned electrical outage
in their prefectures.
It is now unavoidable.
You're saying that
as if it's nothing at all.
Then get the power stations
that aren't nuclear working now!
[man 3] You can't make that decision
on your own.
Just calm down. hang on.
It's the weekend.
How are we going to notify all the
hospitals and residents under home care?
Some of those folks
can only breathe on respirators.
So, is there any chance
you could reconsider the planned outage?
I'm sorry to say
our situation is already dire.
It's a fact
that we'll run out of electricity.
We cannot avoid it.
[tense music playing]
Then you need to tell
all the larger companies
they need to limit their usage now.
We can't cut power to medical facilities
and home care patients!
- These are their lives here, you know!
- [man 4] That's right! What's your plan?
[man 5] You can't let
people on breathing machines die.
[man 6] That's not your decision alone.
[man 7] This is an outrage!
[man 8] What will we even tell the public?
No one will accept that. It's not right.
[man 9] There must be another way.
[tense music continues]
[keypad beeps]
[music fades]
Yeah, it's Ishizuka. Sorry,
I know you're handling the explosion.
What's the matter?
What's happening with the seawater?
It's a go.
The Self-Defense Unit
is using the backwash valve pit water.
- [worker 1] No rush here, fellas.
- [worker 2] All right.
[workers speak indistinctly]
[metal clanging]
[worker1] Coming through. Coming through.
[machines whirring, pounding]
[Ishizuka] Ah, that's not good.
Huh? Why do you say that?
Never mind. Stop it now!
It's already going.
There's no way
I'd be able to stop it right now.
It needs to be cooled down
as fast as it can.
Shut it! I need We need them to stop it.
Everyone is hounding me back here.
I don't think you understand
[Ishizuka] The ministers are all saying
they want us to verify it's safe first.
But if we say it's already begun,
we'll lose face. Do you get that?
They will not be happy with us.
At this point,
I can't worry about all that.
That is your issue to deal with,
Mr. Ishizuka.
Just get those guys
to stop injecting the darn seawater!
Got it? Handle it!
[dialing tone]
[man] What do you think?
I think even big companies
who need a lot of energy will understand.
Of course we've already asked our bigger
clients to cut back on energy usage.
And they are complying accordingly.
As in your customers?
Over the sick and injured?
You're prioritizing your clients?
No. That's not what I'm saying
right now at all.
All I was saying
is that there's no other course
Oh, all right then!
Do what you have to do.
The Prime Minister's Office
is officially objecting.
As a result, if anyone should die,
TOEPCO will assume the guilt
and you will be charged
with willful negligence!
[man 1] As he should be!
[man 2] If a single person dies,
we're holding you responsible.
- [man 3] People's lives are at stake.
- [man 4] Unavoidable? No way.
Come up with another plan!
- [man 5] Did you even think about helping?
- [man 4] It's the middle of the night.
- This is no way to handle this.
- [man 6] This is a disaster!
Let's just take a break.
And then we'll return.
Be back here in an hour.
We'll need to discuss
the seawater issue as well.
Then we'll have more information
about the planned outages.
[all chattering]
- The mic, cut it.
- Yes, sir.
- Is Nishimura here?
- Yes.
[Nishimura] Clients will be back by now.
[man] Any way you look at it,
we'll be 10 million kilowatts short.
[Murakami] President Nishimura, sir.
I have an update
regarding the planned power outage.
- How was it received there?
- [Murakami sighs]
They won't approve
any of the planned outages.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Sano
worries it'll kill patients on respirators
and other heart-monitoring devices.
Essentially, he said
they'll charge us with murder!
So they want us
to cut power to our bigger energy users
and, uh, wait to do the outages
until we find ourselves a solution
for those who'd be at risk.
[Nishimura sighs]
Well, he doesn't understand
the urgency of a blackout then.
If there is a blackout,
no one will have electricity,
whether they're hooked up
to respirators or not.
Okay. Fine.
We'll tell our big clients
that we have orders from one of the
ministers or the Chief Cabinet Secretary
and ask them
to cut down their energy use more.
That's good.
A building has exploded and they're still
concerned with
what the Prime Minister's Office thinks.
These guys are crazy.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
- [Kinoshita] Yes?
- Got a sec?
Currently, the status
of the nuclear reactor is still unknown
and TOEPCO seems to be
struggling to handle it.
It's not looking good.
It's ready, sir!
So, the seawater injection?
Doing it now.
I thought Mr. Ishizuka
instructed you to terminate that.
He did.
But how can we stop the work now?
We'd run out of fresh water
as soon as we connected it,
but the seawater, it's unlimited here.
And us running out is no concern.
Yes. I'm aware of that.
However, they're asking us
to verify its safety, so stop it.
They're asking if it's safe?
It's not gonna cause recriticality
if that's the concern?
And we'd already
begun the work without permission.
Even if we halt now,
the ministers are gonna be fit to be tied.
I've already considered that possibility.
I'll just explain that you were doing
an exploratory test injection.
This thing's pressure
is at 540 kilopascals right now.
We don't have any time to waste here.
It's already done!
Now I'm not asking.
It's what I'm ordering.
just inject as much fresh water
as you have left.
Prepare to begin cooling
going with our idea to use ocean water
as soon as the fresh water's out!
Suspend the seawater injection.
Suspend it. Everyone got that?
Use the remaining fresh water.
All the hoses
should pump only fresh water.
[workers] Yes, sir.
Are we done?
[man 1] It's done!
[man 2] We were informed
the water level is rising.
[man 3] That's good.
[Shimura] I want to make sure we clear
the rubble from the route to the sea
before we run out of water
from the backwash valve pit.
[man 4] Got it.
[water splashing]
[operator] The water level's rising.
It's exceeded TAF!
[Maejima] Yes!
- The seawater is successfully injecting.
- [Yoshida] Great.
You should take up acting, sir.
They really bought it over there.
They'd never guess we were doing it
without their permission now.
I tell ya
the Self-Defense Forces and our guys
are all out there
risking their lives to do this.
I really can't just back down.
[somber music playing]
But I'll definitely be hearing about it.
We all understand
who's doing the right thing.
And that is why we'll risk our lives here.
[somber music continues]
[chuckles softly]
But it won't really matter
'cause I could die before I'm punished.
[chuckles] Yeah. You're right.
[somber music continues]
Venting had never occurred,
so we'll do the same with the injection.
We don't have a guide.
But we're in it to the end.
As such,
we'll have to make our own decisions.
And we're calling the shots here.
[somber music continues]
[music stops]
[somber music playing]
[somber music continues]
[music fades]
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