The Defeated (2020) s01e05 Episode Script


"9201 buttons."
"During one of Otto Oberlander's
actions in Lithuania,
this is how many lives
his group ended in one single day."
"White buttons are children."
Excuse me, these are very soft.
Look, here's my bombing
Look. You should
give me a better price.
Mr Oberlander?
I knew it was you.
I took one of your courses
at Humboldt. Classical philosophy.
I'm Moritz McLaughlin.
My classes were in German.
My mother was German.
That's why she moved us here in '33.
I always speak English because
I think it makes me sound smarter.
And I saw you here and
Mr Oberlander?
If I did anything
I don't know you. Go away!
You're going to regret not going
to Nüremberg, Otto Oberlander.
The bullet was millimetres
from your spine.
If you keep cheating death like
he'll give you a bad end.
I think Mr. Death is full and
tired and too lazy to come get me.
Yes, that's true.
He's been busy recently.
I wouldn't be here
if it wasn't for Karin.
I can see you like her.
Did you hear about
that new store on Ku'damm?
I suppose it's for
the wives of American officers,
but there are no signs
denying Berliners access.
Sometimes there's nothing
like a new dress.
I'll get it!
Don't put yourselves out.
Good morning.
Mr Max.
About yesterday
Elsie Garten, Claire Franklin.
Good morning.
I gather you're here to see Tom.
- Please.
- Thank you.
Tom, darling, you have guests.
- Max.
- Tom, this is Elsie Garten,
head of the precinct.
I figured you should meet
We already met.
How are you? Excuse us.
Mrs Garten, was it? Come on through.
- Please take a seat.
- Thanks.
So you're also with the police?
- That must be dreadful.
- I don't mind.
You don't mind?
Well, it's maybe not
what I planned to do with my life,
but I think I can contribute.
And the pay is decent.
And what did you plan to do,
if I may ask?
I taught languages and semiotics.
Ah, so you know Latin.
- Some.
- I love Latin.
Please say something.
Tempora mutanur,
nos et mutanur in illis.
Times change,
and we change with them.
Sad for us
but a necessity for you.
I'm sorry for you if you feel hate.
I can understand,
but it's a very consuming feeling.
- Not every German was with the Party.
- Pleasure meeting you, Mrs Garten.
- Who else knows about this?
- Only the people in this room.
I don't really know you,
but I'm gonna need your help on this.
I mentioned George's debts.
He's in over his head,
and there are rumours about art
looted by the Nazis being traded.
I thought he was selling stolen
art to pay off a gambling debt,
but it's worse.
My source says that he smuggles art
out of the country for the Russians.
When I met him, he didn't seem like
he loved the Russians much.
Money is a terrible master,
and the Russians are ruthless.
Around every poker table is a fool.
If you don't know who, it's you.
This round it's me,
and if Washington finds out
I'm fucked.
Max, you're the only person
I trust right now.
I need to find out
what George is up to.
I need you to find hard evidence
in his house.
We're having a cocktail on Saturday.
Both George and Gina are coming.
That's when.
Lady, come!
Lady, come!
- I got some chocolate
- I think I saw her. She's inside.
- The waitress?
- Yes. She arrived last night.
- Why didn't you tell anyone?
- I couldn't leave. I would lose her.
Where's Astrid?
You could have sent her.
She had to go. Her mother is sick.
- Did you see the Angel Maker?
- No, just her.
Alright. I'll head back
to get Max and Elsie.
You stay here.
But if she leaves, you follow her.
Oh God.
Why do you sleep here?
I had nowhere else to go.
Do your friends outside
want to come in?
- What friends?
- The people outside.
They talked about you,
so I figured you were friends.
That's the Swedish soup kitchen.
They've been there for days.
No. In the ruins.
A young man and a woman.
They also talked about
the Angel Maker.
- I don't see them.
- They're there.
We got her!
The waitress is at Alt-Bayern!
Where are Max and Elsie?
I don't want to be a hooker
when I grow up.
I'd rather be a veterinarian.
Come here.
Don't let go.
I can hear your heart.
How do we get to the roof?
Where did you see them?
They're everywhere.
- Hey, what's wrong?
- Nothing. Let's get to the station.
What happened?
- We have her! Karin Mann!
- Yes?
- At the Alt-Bayern Hotel!
- The brothel.
We have her. Come on!
Okay, let's go!
Hurry up.
They're surrounding
the whole fucking hotel.
What's that?
The soldiers put it here
right before the Russians came.
Nobody has removed it.
Look. I think you can fire those.
I saw how the soldiers used it.
Didn't look very hard.
You can't just shoot people.
But cops are bad.
Right, like Russians?
Yeah, but it wouldn't be very
- Is she still there?
- Yeah. Should we wait?
- She can lead us to the Angel Maker.
- No, we go now.
Trude, tell the others
no one moves until we're inside.
Okay, let's go.
Show me how it works.
We need to bring it down lower.
The barrel. Faster.
How do we load it?
Push with your foot.
You can't shoot that house.
It's just a ruin, nobody lives
My friends live in there.
They'll die!
You have one minute.
Then I'll shoot. Go!
45, 44, 43
16, 15, 14, 13, 12
Run! Run!
Two, one!
What was that? A bomb?
- The shot came from up there.
- A diversion.
- Surround the building.
- Trude! Astrid!
Spread out, she'll try to get
Hurry, go to the sides. Come!
Move. Move! Move!
That's her!
Wait! Stop.
Wait. Stop running!
Hey! Over here!
- This way!
- We can't
- We can't find her anywhere.
- Why are you here?
Go outside! She can come out
What are you doing?
- What happened?
- She's gone.
She's gone.
I've been told that most of
the commanders were educated men,
like you, who convinced the troops
that they did the only right thing.
- It was war.
- No, it wasn't.
What you did,
they haven't made a word up for yet.
Now listen. This is going to drip.
And you will drink.
It's just water from below, but
close your mouth,
and it'll dribble down
and reach the white stuff
I got from my Lithuanian friend.
Yeah, Lithuania, same place where
most of your actions were conducted.
Anyway, this white stuff,
it reacts with water, violently.
Burns a hole through anything.
This will achieve nothing.
If you call me a murderer,
what do you call yourself after this?
By your moral standards,
we are the same.
No. You're tied up.
Stop this nonsense! Let me go!
Let me go, you
Let me go, you piece of shit!
Let me go.
And why would I do that?
Because I can give you
something of great value.
Something hidden in my apartment.
I'm not someone you can bribe, Otto,
but maybe we can talk about it
over a drink?
Come on! Open up
and say ah, Nazi boy.
- How did you get in?
- The cops came, but I got away.
That means
they'll come here as well.
We can't move her.
She will not survive.
We can't leave her.
What if the cops come?
Marianne. Wake up.
The police are coming.
We have to flee.
Stay calm. Easy.
Are they coming now?
Yes, we don't have much time.
What's in the syringe?
Something to make you sleep
so we can carry you.
You need to trust us, you hear?
Can you do that?
From an angle
That's good.
Why is Karin giving me the shot
and not you?
She needs to learn.
Don't worry.
Karin's lucky.
You know that.
When you wake up,
we'll go buy you that dress.
Karin, take care of Dr Gladow.
He helps girls like us.
No Karin.
First you killed for revenge
- then because you had to.
- I know what I did.
Shadowplay. Johann Sebastian Bach.
Who are you?
Do you speak English?
Mrs Oberlander?
His name is George Miller.
He's an American pilot. He supervises
all of Berlin's military flights.
Apparently, he's smuggling artwork
out of the country, and Franklin
believes the Russians are
paying Miller to do it.
That is all.
What is the connection
to Tom Franklin?
If Miller's working
for your government
Franklin said he'd be fucked.
And tell me what else
you know about Franklin.
Not much. His wife's an alcoholic.
And what else?
I want to know everything
about his private life, understand?
You have ten minutes.
Ten minutes.
We better get out of here now.
Marianne died delivering
that worthless information.
What seems worthless to you
may be very valuable to others.
What if someone doesn't
like this Charles Whitlock?
If someone wants
to kill Charles Whitlock?
Then seemingly useless information
can suddenly be worth gold.
The allies are slowly drifting
This city is a memorial
to what happened.
And the promise
that it never happens again.
I think the occupation will end
But the East and the West
will remain,
and a divided city
is in constant need
of a certain commodity.
- Information.
- Of course.
And I will provide both sides
with a premium product.
I started this family
with just two girls.
My two little soldiers,
gathering information.
No one is worthless.
I knew you'd come back.
What is it?
- They medicated you?
- I'm fine. Everything is fine.
Never better.
Something's wrong.
Me and two guys
we've found a way out.
- What do you mean?
- Escape.
We have one thing left
to figure out. Then I'll be home.
- When?
- Saturday.
Don't do this. It's too risky.
Time to fly back, Mrs. Garten.
- You can't do this. Don't do it.
- It'll be fine.
Don't do it.
- Anyone seen Elsie?
- No.
We still have a lot of evidence
to go through.
Books, ledgers, manuscripts.
Look through everything
from the brothel.
My husband, Leopold Garten,
is planning an escape.
I I don't know
if he's acting rationally
and I'm afraid
he'll be caught if he tries.
I am certain he will get killed.
I found your documents.
The sheets of music, like you said.
The Bach piece, right?
Oh, I see. You think this is over
but it's not.
You're never letting me go.
But if you tell me
why that music is so precious,
I promise I'll let your family alone.
Someone once told me that
even Nazis love their children.
And you have two beautiful children.
Tell me why the music is so valuable.
I can tell you everything,
but please
don't touch my children. Please.
Well, that's up to you,
Mr Oberlander.
It's payment.
Okay. I'm listening.
Wrong room.
Room service.
Bloody ice is melting,
so we have to work fast,
and you clearly need a drink.
Good show.
How come you married Tom?
How come I married?
Sine amore, nihil est vita.
That's Latin, dear.
One of the perks
of growing up in Sussex.
"Without love, life is pointless."
And you love him?
Your brother
tell me something about him.
Growing up,
he was always the smart one
but he was totally out of control.
But he was He was my centre.
I don't think I'd be alive
if it weren't for him.
But there was this one time
I had an opportunity
to return the favour and help him.
Right before he shipped out.
We were drinking.
Moritz was so proud
to be serving his country,
and as happy as I'd ever seen him.
But I was worried about him
going off to war.
My brother had
some serious mental problems.
I knew he wasn't well.
If he went to fight in his condition,
it could cause psychological damage.
I had his doctor write to the Army,
explaining his psychiatric history.
How he'd been treating him for over
a decade for possible schizophrenia.
And all that came with that.
He made it clear
that Moritz was unfit to serve
and he should be
honourably discharged.
But the letter never got to the Army.
we finished our last drinks
and he went off to war.
That was the last time
I ever spoke to him.
You know
lovers crave to know
each other's hurts.
We're not lovers.
Not yet, we aren't.
I think you should go.
I think you're wrong.
Save the whisky, Mr Max.
I might be back.
- Stop it.
- Stop what?
- The humming.
- Why?
You've been humming it for a week.
It's driving me nuts.
Yeah? Well, I like it.
Okay, smile, Max.
- Smile, goddamn it.
- It's too goddamn cold to smile.
"It's too goddamn cold to smile."
You know I'm not
going to kill you, right?
My little brother is.
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