The Devil Judge (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Ga On's Comeback

Did you have a nightmare?
You don't look so good.
Are you all right?
Don't touch me.
What is it?
What are you two doing?
What do you want?
Oh, am I interrupting you?
What are you doing here?
I came to talk to you about something,
but I better come back another time.
You don't look very well.
What was that just now?
When you woke up.
Why were you so startled?
It wasn't like you, Yo-han.
-You looked completely flustered.
-What is it that you want to say?
It's as if you'd seen the face
of someone you'd killed.
I couldn't care less about those I killed.
If I really killed them, that is.
Judge Kang.
I'm truly sorry about yesterday.
I have no excuses even if you kick me out
from the department.
Kick you out?
To suggest you killed your brother
when you suffered such pain…
I truly apologize.
Of course.
I wouldn't want to hear it from this face.
It's hard seeing my face, isn't it?
I'll leave the department.
No need to apologize for a coincidence.
That face of yours that resembles him…
It's just a coincidence, isn't it?
But that's not all.
-That's not all?
-I'm sure you know it already.
That I'd been doubting you
and trailing you.
I'm curious to know
how much you've discovered.
That this was a long-prepared hunt.
A long-prepared hunt?
I looked over all of
your past trial records.
In the past, you'd ruled as per the custom
like a machine, without ever standing out.
But then again, the hunter thoroughly
disguises his scent.
Until the right day comes.
I honestly don't understand
why I did such a thing that day.
We had our son very late,
and he's as precious as my own life…
Because of that damned liquor,
before I realized it…
Do you call that an excuse
after almost beating him to death?
Please kill me, Your Honor.
After being fired from my job and
having to move here and there,
the weight of life became unbearable
because of money.
I must have lost my wits.
But this wasn't your first time.
The Defendant has been habitually abusing
his wife and young son.
-He must be severely punished.
-I'm sorry, Your Honor!
Please have mercy on me, just this once.
I know I deserve to die for what I did.
But I won't ever… ever lay
a finger on my child again.
If you'll forgive me just this once,
I'll be a better man.
So please forgive me. Please, Your Honor!
I'm really sorry.
If you'll forgive me just this once,
I won't ever lay a finger on them again!
Please, Your Honor…
Given how the victim,
the Defendant's family,
has been imploring for leniency,
and how the Defendant had been completely
inebriated at the time of his act,
this court grants you to
a stay of execution.
Your Honor!
But just one puzzled me. Your motive.
I just couldn't understand it at all.
-I'm sure.
That, I understand.
You understand?
Even if no one else
in this world does, I do.
I understand that feeling.
But what's no is a no.
It's a crime to use trials as a tool.
How amusing.
I don't ever recall
begging you to understand me.
In fact, I don't need your understanding.
So make your choice.
Will you stand in my way or stand with me?
For your reference,
I have no hesitation in removing
whatever stands in my way.
I'm very much aware of that.
Then you may go.
I won't kick you out.
I'll see you back at the department.
It's rather fun, having you around.
It's as I predicted, but…
But why are you like that?
After being showered with understanding,
I was a little thrown off.
I've never really had such an experience.
Before that, how are the developments
on Cha Gyeong-hui's end?
Look, lady!
You can't just come and go
as you wish here.
Get out already.
Hurry up. What do you think you're doing?
Minister Cha.
Well, the execution is still not over,
so we can't accept visitors, even family.
Park Young-jin,
Correctional Officer Grade 9.
Have you ever seen
your organizational chart?
The official in charge here
is the Warden, isn't he?
Above him is the Commissioner of the RCH
who manages the facilities in the region.
And above him is
the Commissioner of KCS,
who oversees all the RCH in the country.
Yes, I'm aware of that.
And it's me who gives orders
to the Commissioner of KCS.
I'm here today
as the chief commissioner of
Korea's corrections administration,
and not the family of a convict.
So move.
Take good care of him until
his execution is carried out in full.
Yes, Minister.
It's rare to see you cook.
Because we have a guest with us.
-Oh, but I'm…
-Although you're an uninvited guest.
By the way, are you okay with Korean?
I only know how to cook Korean cuisine.
I love Korean cuisine.
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry, Master.
But since we have a guest, I thought--
I told you not to stay
in this house after sunset.
I apologize.
You went out of your way for him.
What was that reaction?
He probably thinks
I'll poison the food or something.
He's scared, after what he's done.
Do you really think it was Judge Kang?
The child you nurtured?
Deep down,
you don't want to believe it too, right?
I'm sorry, but please throw the food out.
It'll spoil.
Darn it.
Do you really have to do this
at the Blue House?
Hey, stay quiet if you know nothing.
Because of Kang Yo-han,
our presence is zero.
We need to do something.
Wow, this still works
after all that time in storage.
Step out for a moment.
I'm the man to change Korea totally,
Heo Joong-se! Yes, the man
to solve all your woes!
So, where am I today?
I'm sure you know it already.
I'm at the presidential residence.
For the first time in Korea's history,
I'm giving you an exclusive tour
around the Blue House!
So stay tuned, and…
follow me!
I always believe myself to be
a mere servant of my fellow Koreans
whom I deeply respect.
Don't I look like
I'll make a good servant?
My lady!
It's been a long time, everyone.
How have you been?
Thank you!
"Look at her beauty! Timeless, classic…"
It's all thanks to your love and support.
Please join us celebrity couple now
for a tour around the Blue House!
-Let's go!
-Let's go!
So, what do you think?
Isn't it interesting
seeing the Blue House for yourself?
I was in awe at first too.
Same here, at first.
-But it turns out it's all the same.
By the way, there was a recent proposal
to renovate the Blue House
and I told off the secretary
big time for even mentioning that to me.
After all, that's all the taxes.
Your hard-earned money, right?
In fact, why don't we move to
a smaller residence
and turn this into welfare…
Wow, that's so admirable!
Anyway, this is something…
I'm considering.
And which I will continue to consider.
-We have so many in need.
This here is my favorite place.
My long-time hobby
has been woodcraft, you see.
She's an artist.
In fact, I received an offer
from a curator at a gallery
to hold an exhibition.
I really regret to say this,
but the cabinet meeting is starting soon
so we'll have to end it here today.
Shall we all shout it out in a long time?
The man to change Korea totally,
Heo Joong-se!
Yes, the man to solve all your woes!
Well, goodbye everyone!
Why did you have to mention
your private exhibition there?
I'm the first lady of this country.
Is there any problem with that?
Still, I understand
how you must feel as a mother.
No, before I am a mother,
I'm someone with the responsibility
of restoring justice.
I'm simply fulfilling my given role
making no exceptions.
Where else will we find
a public official like her?
Please give a big hand to
Minister Cha Gyeong-hui once again.
-Thank you.
-We love you.
We'll be back after the commercials.
Thank you, you should get some rest.
-Let me take a break, then.
You are truly amazing,
turning a crisis into an opportunity.
With the foundation
just sitting back and watching,
I need to survive through this
using my own means.
But from what I've seen,
I thought your tactics would be offense
rather than defense.
You look as if
you have something prepared.
As I thought.
You should head back.
The show isn't over yet.
I don't know how to bring this up to you,
but many have raised their concerns
about this recent flogging case.
Here's a photo we've managed to acquire.
Many are starting to question
whether this is too harsh,
and too barbarian
when we're in the 21st Century.
This is the punishment
he rightfully deserves.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
And despite it being an official trial,
there were some inhumane scenes.
As this is a punishment by our people,
it is right that
the sentence be carried out publicly
and transparently
for the entire nation to watch.
I urge the Ministry of Justice to
take note before executing the sentence.
Those were the words
from Judge Kang during the trial.
And this scene has become
quite controversial.
I'd like to ask our viewers.
What are your thoughts?
-Are you all right?
-I'm fine.
-Do you think you can continue?
-I'm truly sorry.
-It's okay.
"The public is fickle."
I need to find out
who's behind Cha Gyeong-hui.
Kim Ga-on!
Oh gosh!
I'm still recovering.
Are you? Sorry.
Hey! Do you know
how worried I was about you?
-Thank you.
-But it's not just me.
Ta-da! Take a look.
What is all this?
Just accept it.
You're like a K-Pop idol now.
-I appreciate all this, but…
Being overmodest is
no different from arrogance.
People who were born
to draw attention like us
always need to live
with a sense of responsibility.
A sense of responsibility as star judges!
Hello, Producer.
You just shine by simply standing there,
yet you had to throw yourself
to save your colleague
from a shocking terrorist attack.
Then after being in a coma,
you make a miraculous return to the court.
Honestly, I was so overwhelmed
by your special documentary
on Judge Kim's safe return.
Safe return?
My condition wasn't that critical.
Don't get so hung up
on the little details.
The direr the crisis a hero is in,
the better.
As I expected from Judge Oh!
She knows what storytelling is.
You were just born with it!
Will I ever receive another chance
to produce something like this?
That's why I'm going to risk my all,
filming this.
So hang in there, Judges!
Cheers to us!
-Please take good care of yourself.
-Yes, thank you.
-But will it be okay?
Oh, the morning talk show?
Minister Cha just had to show tears…
No need to worry, however!
We need some controversy
at the start for success.
-"Noise marketing."
-What are you talking about?
Nothing. Get some rest.
You're still recovering.
So, about flogging…
Does it result in such serious injuries?
Who knows. Execution of the order is under
the Ministry of Justice's jurisdiction.
Hey, Ga-on.
-How about dinner tonight?
You have free time for a change.
-I'll pick the menu then.
We're from the WAIS.
Judge Kang Yo-han
is leaving his office now.
I rounded up all of our friends
at the Prosecutors' Office,
but failed to find out
who is behind Cha Gyeong-hui.
-Is that so?
-Perhaps this is all her own doing.
Manipulate the photos of flogging injuries
and air them…
Cha Gyeong-hui's not someone
to put on a show like that.
She's not someone to leave trails behind.
Let me look into it some more.
Let's strike the body first.
The foundation's Dream Base project.
-Did you find anyone with connections?
-Yes, we managed to secure one.
The same place as last time,
at four o'clock, Saturday.
Yes, sir.
Master, you have a message
from Master Ga-on.
A message?
Just heat up the rice and stew.
Make sure you finish everything.
That way, you'll get a good night's sleep.
You'll add more wrinkles
if you skip your meals.
It's time you start
worrying about your age.
I don't have wrinkles…
Wrinkles. The phenomenon of skin creasing
due to reduced elasticity in ageing skin.
Wait. "Master Ga-on?"
Since when did you have another master?
So now you'll pick your own master?
I don't remember the manual
mentioning such function.
There you go again,
pretending to be asleep.
Pretending to be asleep.
That was good.
Detective Park, I believe
we're not done yet.
About the source of
your hefty severance pay.
-Get lost. I have nothing to tell you.
-I already looked into it.
Your gambling debt and the money
that went into opening this place
amounts to over a billion.
Since when did the police receive
such generous severance pay?
How about I take a guess?
How much did Kang Yo-han
pay you for covering--
No, let me guess.
How much did you receive
from the foundation?
It was the foundation?
What did you find out, Ga-on?
What a gruesome story.
But how are we supposed to believe it?
They're just one-sided claims
by Kang Yo-han.
You're right,
and that's why I came to check.
Actually, there's something
that had been bothering me too.
The list of the attendees at the scene
of the fire was never revealed.
That's not something Kang Yo-han
could have done ten years ago.
It would've required shutting up
the prosecution and the media.
-You're right.
-Even so, why did he nullify the MoU?
Wasn't he after his brother's wealth?
Maybe, yes.
But if what Kang Yo-han said was true,
I would have nullified it
to stop the donation.
Anyway, what's for sure is that
Kang Yo-han, that man, is
scheming something dangerous.
I'll take this case,
so you keep some distance from him.
-It's like the old times.
I told you Ga-on, didn't I?
They're dangerous.
Your face is a mess right now.
Let's stop doing this to your face, Ga-on.
You'll get into serious trouble
at this rate.
Think about your parents
who are in heaven, Ga-on.
They will be grieving to
see you hurt like this.
I'll be careful, so don't worry.
And don't you be deluded.
Whether Kang Yo-han has a reason or not,
that still doesn't change anything.
Who out there doesn't have
a story to tell?
And it's not like everyone
breaks the law, is it?
That's true.
-You sure are a great police officer.
-Great? Please.
Your grades have improved again.
This is superb, Su-hyeon.
You'll have no trouble getting
into the Police University.
-Really, ma'am?
-Of course.
But Su-hyeon,
does it have to be the Police University?
With your grades,
I think you can do anything.
Ma'am, I have to go there no matter what.
Why? You want to be
the Police Commissioner?
Then what?
There's someone I want to excuse so badly.
There's someone I know
who's always getting into trouble,
and I want to do what I can to spare him.
I'm not a great officer as you think.
Fine, then you're a bad officer.
Please be a bad officer, just this once.
Things have gone out of hand.
The major media companies,
the Minister of Justice,
and even the President too…
You saw that detective just now too.
I'm scared that
something might happen to you.
So can't we just be the bad cowards?
I think it's too late for that already.
For the upcoming trial,
we're thinking of this.
Let's go with another case.
Another case?
There is a case
the prosecution is insisting on.
Are they?
It's not to our benefit to
put just one office under the spotlight.
Let's give them a chance too.
From now on, the case nomination
for the Live Court Show
will be done through our screening.
-Just letting you know now.
-We're only just getting started.
Isn't it best to focus
on drawing attention?
Social rest always comes first.
If you won't agree,
we have other excellent judges
in our judiciary,
even if they're not as excellent as you.
Is that right?
Don't forget who has
personnel authority, Judge Kang.
I'll remember that.
And I see you haven't forgotten who has
personnel authority over you,
Chief Justice.
Judge Kang!
Fellow Koreans.
Please greet our judges for today's trial
with a big round of applause!
Today we're joined by Judge Kim Ga-on,
who has braved through death
to come back to us.
We love you, Judge Kim!
Please don't be surprised.
Our defendant today is…
Nam Seok-hoon, Korea's favorite actor.
A celebrity, instead of a power figure?
We, the Prosecution,
will uproot sexual abuse
that's rampant in the film
and the broadcasting industry.
On behalf of our people,
we indict the Defendant, Nam Seok-hoon,
with charges of habitual sexual assault.
An extra, stylist, and supporting act.
Three cases of sexual assault
and two indecent assaults.
Mr. Nam?
Do you admit to the charges
made by the Prosecution?
I do, Your Honor.
I plead innocence.
I may have made a few mistakes
while drunk,
but sexual assault?
Mistake, you say?
Hello, Mr. Nam.
You should come
if your mentor's calling you.
We need to go through
our lines together, don't we?
But it's already too late.
Can I visit you tomorrow?
What are you talking about?
We're shooting tomorrow.
I'm sorry, I'll be right over.
What do I do?
Was that a mistake, Mr. Nam Seok-hoon?
But it was her who seduced me first.
There's not just one or two
trying to win favors with me, you know.
Look, I have a daughter myself.
And you accuse me
of being a sexual predator?
Honestly, I'm at a loss for words.
And let me ask you this.
Do you have evidence?
Do you?
Technology has sure improved these days.
-This hard drive, which you…
hammered on and threw out.
They had no trouble
restoring all the data!
I understand, every man has
a hidden folder on their PC.
But your tastes were a little
different from the rest.
-You're a paid member of the VIP Room.
Their memberships come
at quite a price, don't they?
That's not it…
Your family would be in for a surprise
if they learn about your hobbies.
Especially your daughter.
Wouldn't you agree?
For the Defendant, who abused his standing
in the entertainment industry
for his sexual predation,
the Prosecution demands
20 years' imprisonment
as well as medication treatment
of his sexual impulse
so he will never commit
such offenses again.
Don't tell me…
By "medication treatment
of sexual impulse,"
are you referring to chemical castration?
But that is a costly option,
and is not a fundamental solution.
What a surprise.
-Then are you, Prosecution--
The Prosecution demands…
physical castration for our Defendant.
-But this isn't what they promised!
-Just wait.
Your Honor, but this is just--
Beasts have no human rights.
And that is the will
of the majority of our people.
Wouldn't you agree, Your Honor?
That's right!
Judge Kang.
You want me to take a gamble?
Rather than gamble,
it's like giving Kang Yo-han homework.
What if Kang really rules so?
You saw the public's reaction
when the photo was up on the screen.
Imagining it in your head
and seeing it for real are different.
In fact, it's rather gruesome
just thinking about it.
I'm sure Judge Kang is aware of that too.
He's a smart man.
But if he rejects it?
They will be disappointed then.
That Judge Kang is
no different, after all.
The higher the expectation,
the bigger the disappointment.
Your Honor!
So it is difficult homework.
Your Honor!
I will hear your defense
at our next hearing.
Court adjourned.
Judge Kang.
What is that?
They work superbly, don't they?
They're by a German manufacturer
with 100 years of expertise…
No, I mean the articles
you're looking at now.
You mean these articles?
Don't tell me…
I'm not sure what you're on about.
I've always been interested in animals.
And humans are one of them, are they?
Did you think
I would undermine human dignity?
That's too much.
While I'm used to that gaze of
people who see me as a monster,
but seeing you looking at me like that
hurts me.
That's not what I meant.
Putting it like that should shake him up.
I just…
No. It may not be
your misunderstanding, after all.
Since some humans are born monsters.
-Judge Kang!
-And some of them use revenge
so that they can hunt
for pure entertainment.
Because primordial instinct
is a powerful thing.
Stop bluffing.
So you'd rather be a monster
than be a victim?
You have no courage to accept your pain.
Monster, did you say?
That shook you up, did it?
Come down here.
Don't hit me.
I'm sick and tired of this place.
-Come here.
-Hey, stop tormenting her.
-Come here.
-I did nothing.
She came on her own. Right, Komi?
You even gave her a name? Komi? Please.
Why? I think she likes it.
See? She won't move.
Komi, come here.
-Look here!
-She won't go to you.
Come here.
What is it?
Come here.
She's responding.
That was a big one.
Let's see who she'll come to. Come here.
Come here!
Come here.
Bet she won't go to you, Elijah.
Now go to your sister.
-Good girl.
I told you, didn't I?
I'm popular with the street cats.
You like me more, don't you?
Right? You like me more.
I haven't heard much from you lately
ever since you started living with him.
My health just hasn't been
what it used to be.
Let's just go eat.
It's a nice day today.
You're right.
Suspension, engine, frame…
They're all too much for doing deliveries.
Do you want to go for a drive?
Whatever, I know you do.
Get in.
I can just take this.
No, you can't!
If you ever get into another accident
on your motorbike,
I'll take you to your parents' graves
and kill ourselves.
Don't just stand there. Get in.
Are you going to walk home?
Close the boot.
Jeez, is he some gangster or what?
I'll let you ride at the back
if I ever get one.
What did you say?
We're at the Supreme Court.
Lower your voice!
You still haven't come to
your senses, have you?
-You should be an actor?
That's mine!
-We're sorry.
-That's mine!
-It's fine.
Give it to me!
-This is the place.
I'm not sure about this place.
I don't know what happened in that house,
but you're not at a position
where you can be neutral.
You're already
a member of that department.
You'll have to choose.
To either become an accomplice,
or the whistleblower.
So make your choice.
Will you stand in my way
or stand with me?
Who shoved me there in the first place?
Dealing with the weight on my chest
is already hard enough for me.
Why should I have to bear
the burden for the world?
It's terrible!
With growing controversy
surrounding flogging,
this time, physical castration
has become a hot topic…
Every time I turn on the TV,
they're talking about that. It's dreadful.
Five! So why did you take it?
Don't you steal it from us
from now on, all right?
This is my favorite doll.
That hurts, right?
Good on you!
What is it?
We were only playing.
Give it back.
Please give it back to us.
Didn't you hear us?
Prepare to change Korea!
Are you all here with me on Jukchang TV,
to hope for the snipping?
Are you?
So, do you all have your scissors ready?
Good on you.
Man, Yo-han should really see this.
Are you watching us?
Do you see our desperate prayers?
To be honest with you,
I wouldn't expect any surprises
with this next hearing.
Why? Because the verdict
will be an obvious one.
Our brother Yo-han will just snip him off.
Nam Seok-hoon, you trashy bastard
who's ruining us men's reputation…
you shall be snipped brutally
by our Judge Kang.
Good work today!
Don't get hurt, because I'll be hurt too!
Marry me, Ga-on!
-Marry me!
-Marry me, Ga-on!
We are Kang Yo-han.
Kang Yo-han!
Kang Yo-han!
Kang Yo-han!
Why am I stuck with these bastards?
Yes, Master.
I said to drop the "Master."
I'm sorry,
but I can't think of another title
whenever I see that face.
All right.
So what's Elijah doing right now?
Probably attending her lecture
since she's a college student.
But it looked like she was talking
to a foreigner.
It's Stanford she's enrolled in.
But how old is she again?
This family's always in a rush.
But that's not somewhere
you can just go to, by rushing it.
Does she even manage
to follow her classes?
She won a scholarship in computer science.
Her grades are stellar.
A family of geniuses.
Still, is it possible to
get an official degree
without even attending
the school physically?
Go ask Master Yo-han,
or try the university's website.
"Elijah Hall?"
Master Yo-han tends to lose his reasoning
when it comes to all things Miss Elijah.
Yes, indeed.
Before that…
Snip it off.
-Snip what off?
-What else? That bastard's.
Nam Seok-hoon.
In fact, I'd like to do it myself.
That son of a…
What will we do now?
Even Kang Yo-han won't be
able to go that far.
I only pleaded guilty because
that prosecutor blackmailed me!
What did the prosecution
blackmail you with?
Should we expose him?
Just what is the Prosecution thinking?
What else? They just want attention.
Just throw it out there
and they'll be applauded anyway.
-Still, we can't really…
-Of course not.
Definitely not as judges,
but as a citizen,
I'm not so sure, actually.
Why not? Why can't we?
He's complete trash.
While I share your sentiments,
-will it really be okay?
Will it be all right for the country
to force a person to go under the knife?
Will it really be okay to permit that?
I fear the country
as much as these criminals.
Prosecution, a prison sentence is
still enough punishment.
He'll be after early release
for good behavior then.
And once he's released,
he'll be back to his acts.
-Still, we can't just castrate him!
-No! That's just one way of putting it.
In fact, this is more like treatment.
He is struggling to suppress his impulses,
so the country is offering to treat him!
Your Honor, this is barbaric.
Even criminals have human rights--
Your Honor?
Your Honor?
For a country that boasts
a relatively low crime rate,
choosing severe punishment
over correction will be--
Where do you live?
-I asked, where do you live, Counsel?
Well, just an apartment.
With tight security, I bet?
A place with many guards on duty
where visitors aren't allowed in.
That's true, yes.
I studied for a long time
because I'm not so smart.
What are you implying?
I didn't have much either,
so I mostly lived in small rooms.
A place where anyone had access
right up to the door to my room.
I'm sure you've never once
received a notice that
a serious offender has moved
to your neighborhood.
Because not just anyone can live
in your neighborhood, Counsel.
As for me, that was my every day.
In fact, there was even a murder
in our neighboring village.
I've always respected you
for your advocacy in human rights.
However, a country with a relatively
low crime rate, did you say?
Not everyone lives
in the same country as you do.
A country where the poor live…
is different from the one you live in.
So please think of their rights too.
It won't do any good to our national image
if we sentence such inhumane punishment.
Our Defendant
is an international star
with much influence.
With our country in such crisis,
-is such punishment really--
-I understood your point.
-I understood, very well.
Your Honor!
We'll take a short break
before we deliver the verdict.
Let's take a short break.
Yes, Judge Kang.
The Prosecution demands
physical castration…
Snip it off.
The Court has reached a decision.
Mr. Nam Seok-hoon.
I sentence you…
to 20 years in prison.
Yes, Your Honor.
That's all.
Your Honor!
Twenty years, and that's it?
That was too close.
Now I should spend some money
to get myself out on parole somehow.
Oh, my stomach.
What's wrong with me?
Help me.
It's acute appendicitis,
so no need to worry.
It's a simple surgery.
What's going on?
I've woken up.
Are you? We'll be done soon,
so don't worry.
So where are the nurses?
Why are you the only one here?
I said don't worry.
Excuse me…
Where are you operating on, exactly?
Geez, you're too chatty.
Why can't you just stay quiet?
You really don't know
where I'm operating on?
But you do.
-Don't worry.
I'll do a beautiful job for you.
This is a masterpiece by German craftsmen.
Isn't it beautiful?
I'll do a beautiful job
down there for you too.
I'll do a beautiful job!
What? You dozed off,
and had daydreams too?
You're still not in your full health.
It's time.
Let's go.
We thought hard about finding
the most condign punishment.
Mr. Nam.
Yes, Your Honor.
Our judging panel could not
come to a consensus,
so settled on sentencing you
to penal servitude only.
Your Honor!
you will be serving your term
at a facility
with the highest expertise
on sexual offenses.
What do you mean, exactly?
Let's take a look.
This is a facility located in Texas, USA,
for habitual sexual offenders.
Our two judicatures have
signed a special MoU
for mutual cooperation on punishment
of sexual offenses.
Please join your fellow offenders there
who are struggling to overcome
issues similar to yours.
For the next 20 years.
No… I can't. I won't!
We believed in you, Judge Kang!
So this is how he solved his homework.
Kang Yo-han, so you know
how to surprise your teacher.
You seem to be in a good mood.
It's not so bad bestowing benevolence,
once in a while.
Before that, I was told you had
a strange dream during our break.
-What do you take me for?
How could I do such a thing?
Sure, whatever.
By the way,
Elijah has been sleeping all day.
Today's Saturday. Let her sleep.
I bet she couldn't sleep much lately.
Who do you think it was that went through
all the correctional facilities in the US
to find the most appropriate one
and sign an MoU with the state judiciary?
This came for you.
You're still as beautiful as ever.
Don't tell me, you are…
Hello, Young Master.
Blackmailing me is useless.
We received a report that Judge Kang
had offered a large sum of money.
That's too bad.
Public opinion can be rash and brutal.
Once the seed of doubt sprouts,
it'll grow and grow.
Su-hyeon, this is dangerous.
You shined the most.
Twinkle, twinkle.
Whoever messes with her will have to
deal with me. No matter who that is.
What are you doing?
How dare you mess with Su-hyeon!
So you say you have nothing to protect?
There's no one like that.
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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