The Empress (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

The Shoes

Help me!
Help me!
- Whoa!
- I need help!
Why have we stopped?
We need to get to court.
I need I need help.
What's wrong, girl?
Good heavens, my dear.
Is someone chasing you?
It is all here.
Countess Leontine von Apafi.
That's one less of them.
We must leave.
Your Majesty?
- What are you doing here?
- Said the Empress in a tree.
Thank you, Majesty.
I'm disappointed, Leontine.
I've told you at least ten times
to call me Elisabeth.
- What is that?
- A Bulgarian woodtit.
Is someone there?
I saw a fox.
Over there.
A fox?
You should look. It might have rabies.
I walk here every morning
with the Empress.
- Go!
- Milady.
Your Majesty?
It is time.
Where is he, Theo?
His Majesty has already departed.
And Countess Esterhazy awaits you.
In the name of the Imperial family
and all citizens of the Habsburg Empire,
I wish you fortitude,
courage, and confidence.
It's an honour to fight for your country.
You've sworn an oath of fealty,
though you serve not me alone
you serve the Almighty.
Forgive me.
I have no words of comfort
that I can give you.
You are the ones
who are now leaving your families.
You're going to a remote corner
of the Empire.
You'll go there to protect us all.
Not the Almighty, not me, but you all.
For that, I am eternally grateful.
My hope
No, my commitment is
that we preserve peace on our borders.
But even peace
sometimes can demand a high price.
Show the Russian army
that we do not wish to fight,
but we are ready to fight them
if we have to!
May God go with you.
First Battalion, right!
Second Battalion, left turn!
Today's visit
is of utmost importance.
The Empress is concerned for her people,
and they must see that.
Do not forget
that as far as the people are concerned,
you are a divine being.
Always follow these three rules.
Do not touch anyone.
Avoid eye contact.
And do not speak casually with anyone.
The Empress must stay untouchable
and unassailable.
We will visit several workshops.
At each one,
workers will present you with a gift.
Will I bring gifts? For them?
You are the gift.
The people in Vienna are restless.
Because of the mobilization.
Because the conflict with Russia
is now getting worse.
No thanks to you
and what you've done.
The conflict with Russia
would've escalated anyway.
So the Emperor would've been humiliated
with no help from you?
Go out there. Show your face.
Do something for him.
Can I not have that today?
I can't breathe.
All soldiers going to the front
are facing sickness and hunger.
Swallow it all down.
Not on the dress!
And now it's on the dress.
Wipe it. Quickly.
It is high time
you served your purpose, Elisabeth.
Come on, Hedi.
We'll be late for work.
- Are you ready?
- Mmm.
I spy with my little eye
I'm not a child.
I spy with my little eye something
Your nose?
There's nothing red.
Shut your eyes.
Where'd you get those?
It's a secret.
Your Majesty.
I'm sorry, but I have to speak to you.
Von Sina has cancelled his appointment.
That is no surprise.
He said he will cease
all future instalments.
That his trust is broken
because instead of engineering,
you're sending 200,000 soldiers
out to the east.
I know!
Now leave me alone.
Clean it up.
Clean it up now!
Forgive me, Theo.
The Empress wishes to see you.
If I may be so bold, Majesty.
Even when it seems that all is lost,
there is always cause for hope.
- You were gone when I woke up.
- This morning I wanted to
- After you.
- You first.
I was looking for you.
If you creep around at night,
then we'll miss each other.
How were the troops?
It feels like a stone.
There's tension in the city.
I'm going out.
To show my face, as your mother says.
It's a lovely face.
Please don't worry.
Maybe the iron foundry
will one day build rails for us.
At last, a smile.
I'm sure it will be a good day for you.
Morning, Your Highness.
Is that for good luck then?
It looks like it was made for a lady.
An engagement ring.
Yes, it was.
And where's the lady now?
Did she leave you heartbroken?
She's dead.
My goodness. I am so sorry.
Perhaps, though,
you will love again one day.
Go now.
Beloved people,
there comes with change,
the chance for a new beginning.
I will wear the crown
with dignity and humility.
With dignity and with
the humility and wisdom it deserves.
What news from the front? Speak.
The Russian army is holding firm.
The Tsar will not yield.
As soon as reinforcements arrive
at the border, we will be ready to attack.
- When Your Majesty commands.
- No.
No attack.
We will stand firm and hold the line.
Like a wall.
The troops will demonstrate fortitude
and show our strength,
and yet diplomatic relations
will be maintained.
A wise choice.
would just like it noted
that the situation in Vienna
is very tense due to
Baron von Kempen will see to it.
That is all.
If I may.
I doubt the answer is pressure
from our gendarmerie.
Hundreds of arrests since the wedding
have done nothing to calm the people.
Your Majesty.
Kempen will tread lightly.
You have suffered a setback.
That hurts.
The time for your ideas will come.
I promise you.
It's simply a matter of timing.
For now, defend our empire.
Do you really think it was wise
to send Elisabeth into the city
with things the way they are?
She'll calm the people down.
Stability, security,
and order are what we need now.
When chaos reigns, we impose our control.
We don't pacify!
Tell me that you are with me, Franz.
The world is changing, Mother.
The question is whether this family will.
The Archduke
is quite used to these visits.
The people adore him.
Is that not so, Your Highness?
I'm happy that you're with me.
Are you scared?
Of the people? No.
But of her?
When I'm nervous, I always say,
"How nice. Thank you kindly."
And I bow my head a little.
You try.
How nice. Thank you kindly.
Also, when there's something
to eat or drink,
I don't swallow it.
I push it into my cheek
and spit it out later.
Can I look at my realm?
Not all at once, my dear.
Step back. Step back!
Don't you hear me? Step back!
Your Majesty.
It is an indescribable honour.
How nice. Thank you kindly.
May I introduce our workers?
- Over here!
- Your Your Majesty.
Good day.
We've been forging iron for over 50 years.
We produce everything from ovens
to staircases and fountains.
Naturally, we have now started
constructing cannons and other weapons.
We've 135 workers,
and our foundry complies
with all the latest standards.
Allow me, in the name of all our workers
to present you with this gift.
As a sign of our deep devotion
to the House of Habsburg.
Thank you.
And the workers have also sacrificed
a day's wages in support of our army.
- I'm sorry?
- God save the Emperor.
God save the Emperor.
Your Majesty,
the coach is ready to depart.
There can be no delays to our schedule.
Will you allow me to go inside
and see the foundry working conditions?
I feel we do not
have time for that, Majesty.
Yes, we do.
Good day.
The fumes in here
are harmful to Your Majesty.
- May I kindly request
- I will continue.
Your Imperial Majesty, are you unwell?
We really ought to leave!
Get out of here!
No. Wait.
Thank you.
- Useless!
- Come now. We're leaving!
Get rid of that!
Your name?
So do you work here?
Yes, Majesty.
Your Majesty, with respect
Elisabeth! Elisabeth!
Will you give me a moment? Please.
Elisabeth! Elisabeth!
Elisabeth! Elisabeth!
- Get back!
- We want to see her!
Stop that!
You have yet to tell me your name.
Hedwig, Majesty. But they call me Hedi.
My brother will buy me new shoes.
You have no parents?
Elisabeth! Elisabeth!
Good heavens!
What on earth are you thinking?
You'll grow into them.
Elisabeth! Elisabeth! Elisabeth!
Carry the Empress out. Immediately.
What are you waiting for, Kempen?
Her Majesty must be carried.
No. I'll walk.
An empress cannot be allowed
to touch this floor.
I will walk.
Set me down at once, Kempen!
Set me down!
- There she is!
- Put me down, please.
Elisabeth! Elisabeth!
What a fine Majesty.
Please let me down!
Yeah, don't let her get muddy!
Set me down, I said!
Imperial scum!
Get the children away from here!
Drive! Now!
Leave the child alone!
What's happening to them? Kempen, stop!
We will return to the palace.
You will not do this again.
Are you all right?
This is what happens
when you get too close to commoners!
You were warned!
Countess Apafi?
Von Bach, perhaps you remember me?
Do you have a moment?
I wanted
Would you care to walk with me?
The first day I saw you,
I felt you were different.
Now do not misunderstand.
I like that very much.
I also come from a village
quite far from here.
But unlike you, my father is not a count.
Sometimes I wonder
how on earth I ended up here.
It all seems like a dream.
How silly. I'm going on and on.
Did you know that
we have many wonderful works
in our portrait gallery
by an artist
who was really very active in your area?
Near Hermannstadt, yes?
It'd bring me a great deal of joy
to look at them with you.
Another time, perhaps. You see, I
The Empress is not expected back
until evening.
I've been wanting to ask you
since the wedding.
And I really cannot wait another day.
Very good.
We have supporters in the southern forces,
the navy, and strength in the homelands.
We also have contacts with the newspapers,
the postal service,
and several spy networks.
I sense a "but."
You still need three things
to take power, Highness.
- One, support of the military.
- I'm aware of that. Two?
The support of the Catholic Church.
But to convince the army, we need
A blessing from Rauscher,
who listens to my mother. Three?
Your mother.
Well, I will leave my mother till last.
You know, gentlemen,
that moments like these are all too rare.
The Emperor is extremely weak. The people
are no longer on his side.
So give me a few days to prepare.
Your Majesty.
Countess Gundemann is waiting.
Admit her.
Your Majesty.
How nice.
You're radiant, Louise.
You look different.
Perhaps that has
something to do with my engagement.
My congratulations.
Baron von Sina will indeed make
an honest woman of me.
You do not need a man for that.
You can marry, but I can't?
No, I'm just surprised.
You are a countess. Von Sina is a baron.
- Is that not beneath you?
- I was never after a lofty title.
What are you after?
My security.
And as an engagement gift,
he's given me an island. Isn't that nice?
We'll raise a glass then.
To love.
I've only ever loved one man.
Forgive me.
Who says it was you?
Strange to be here again.
It all seems
smaller somehow.
I need your fiancé's support, Louise.
You broke your word.
Simon wanted to support
your infrastructure plans.
Not a military venture.
The circumstances forced my hand.
I still intend to change the Empire.
Believe me.
Can you speak to him again?
And I thought you invited me here
so we could be friends again.
But nothing has changed.
You're using me, Majesty.
No, I am not.
I need you.
I want you to beg.
To beg?
Now you know how it feels.
I beg you, Louise.
Help me.
For the good of our people.
Well, I'll do all that I can.
And you have a think
of what you could do in return.
Your Majesty.
There was an incident during the visit
by the Empress to the foundry.
- A servant will carry you.
- No one will ever carry me again!
Your Majesty, at least put on some shoes.
If you had just let me walk out,
then this would not have happened!
If Your Majesty had followed
my instructions at the start,
then this would not have happened.
Get your shoes on!
Leave me alone.
His Majesty, the Emperor.
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
Elisabeth, your irresponsible conduct
put yourself and others at risk.
It wasn't like that!
The people were agitated.
I'm sure that was not her intention.
And yet it happened.
You have no idea
of what is proper and what is not.
You went too far,
and not for the first time.
I saw there
how the gendarmes treated them.
The gendarmes provide your protection.
No, they're animals.
All they are is thugs.
That's ridiculous!
Please leave us alone.
I do not understand you, Elisabeth.
What were you thinking of?
Why did you not leave
when Kempen told you to?
Because it was right for me to stay.
You cannot get so close to the people.
It's reckless.
You are the Empress!
You're not one of them.
That's the very reason they hate us all.
Since we treat them with contempt.
Don't speak to them, don't look at them,
don't touch them. What's the point?
What, would you rather hand out bread?
I'm sorry, Elisabeth, but it really
is more complicated than that.
People are suffering.
It's not complicated.
You have no idea what I'm trying to do
to get things to change around here!
And your bleeding heart
is of no help at all.
Have no fear,
Imperial Highness.
I will find new and better ways
to keep the girl under our control.
It is too late for that, don't you think?
If that girl dares take another misstep
and fails to fall pregnant again,
there will be consequences for her.
I entirely agree with you.
And for you.
What will you do, Imperial Highness?
That is all.
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
How long has it been since
your last confession, Imperial Highness?
Is that really your first question?
Oh, for God's sake.
Since the death of your betrothed.
God rest her soul.
It's pleasing that you have now found
your way back to God.
Speak, my son.
Well, I have cursed
How do you say it?
I have taken the Lord's name in vain. I
have gone through the whole list.
But I now beg forgiveness.
Now pray,
and the Lord will unburden your soul.
There is more, Your Excellency.
I know you'd like a cosier relationship
between the Church and state.
and you wish
for the neighbouring Catholic regions
to be part of the Empire.
Let's say there were a new emperor.
If it were time for a change
like there was in '48,
what then would be your stance?
You can't even recite the Lord's Prayer,
and you want my support for a coup?
Well, I'm a pragmatist.
How do you envisage your future?
What do you stand for?
I always get what I want.
That is my strength.
Who are you to question God's will?
We put a new emperor
on the throne once before.
The people are on my side.
That's not what worries me.
What does?
If you stand for nought, Maxi,
what would you die for?
Elsa, I have to talk to Egon now.
Amalia knows, and I need to get out.
We have to call it off. Do you understand?
It's too late.
What are you saying?
It will happen.
I heard this place was haunted.
So you are the ghost.
Why are you here so late?
I was in the city. At a party.
And you?
I couldn't sleep. Again.
There's a tunnel
that can lead us out of here.
Pack a case. Tomorrow we'll be in Prague.
You always promise the world.
What if I suddenly said yes?
Then you say yes.
I hope I'm not disturbing you.
I couldn't sleep.
May I?
Of course.
I heard what happened today
at the foundry.
And that you gave your shoes
to a young girl.
Did you two argue?
If only he weren't the emperor.
Tell me about yourself.
I'm really not that interesting.
If you want to hear a story
about a happy childhood,
then it's not mine.
I have never met a strong person
with a straightforward past.
Neither one of us belong here.
What is my purpose to be?
What happened to him?
Gendarmes got a hold of him.
Look at him.
Our lives are worth nothing to them.
But that will change.
We'll avenge your brother.
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