The End (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

To Be / Not to Be

Bird's nest.
Stubborn hair, stubborn girl.
Isn't it strange
Impossible to claim your reward
I cannot explain
Emotions I can barely afford
to contain
You're the same
You hide away from anything
that turns you on
Nobody gets what they want
No words only scream
Could possibly protect you
You know what it means
Two is the charm ♪
Sorry, I just
..forgot my keys.
A place therein around us
and pray and pray ♪
Are you alright?
Can I get you anything?
There is no shame, and even more
Nobody gets what they want anymore
Nobody gets
what they want anymore ♪
My husband had a very intense
sex dream about you last night.
Well, I think that's perverted.
And he's got the whole
Well, I guess
I was pretty good then.
Nobody gets
what they want anymore ♪
Oh, so dumb.
Calling Mum.
End call. End call. End End!
..what they want anymore. ♪
Baby I can't separate us out
Baby I can't separate us out
Anymore. ♪
Missed you, Dr Brennan.
Well, hello.
Ah, the smell of sodium chlorite
masking death and vomit
in the morning.
Oh, I've missed it.
So what's been going on?
Well I've given up chicken.
Oh, but you love chicken.
I know. It's the one thing that's
always there for me and yet
Double half-piccolo.
Thanks for that,
made me sound like a wanker.
Kate, this is Philippa.
Philippa's from Logan
and yet she has all her own teeth.
This is Kate
Oh, Dr Brennan?
Super excited.
Well, great.
Are you my new reg?
No, I'm a Consultant.
Really, they sprang
for another one of us? Good for them.
I think the idea is that
I'm supervising.
Just loosely.
Not formally or anything
The investigation was bogus.
You sat beside me
and you said it was bogus.
And don't say it was hospital policy,
it's insulting.
I don't need a babysitter.
How's your head?
I think you that with Dr Lee,
we should re-frame this
as a chance to give back.
And then be a role model
for future generations.
Is that sore?
Oh. It's tight.
Are we blaming the night-grinding
or too many blow jobs?
How are your shoulders?
They're OK.
Looks like we are blaming
the blow jobs?
It's nothing, it's just
Busted, you little hussy.
It's just a one-off. Stupid.
You don't need to explain yourself
to me.
I'm so sorry.
Mum's a fighter.
Yeah, yeah, I can tell.
I want to try whatever we can.
God gives us miracles every day.
Did she ever talk about
a feeding tube?
I don't know.
OK. So I need you to know that
it can be more uncomfortable
than not eating.
I'm sorry.
It's really hard, isn't it?
Swim? I'm determined to master
I no. I can't.
Hectic schedule?
Sort of.
You enjoy.
I always do.
We've got the numbers.
I don't want to make waves?
No, we need you.
Iris is busy with her husband.
It's beyond awful.
He's fading away before our eyes.
And it can't be Mary again.
I couldn't cope.
We need somebody competent.
You didn't make this?
I'll give you the recipe.
Nominations for Treasurer -
Incumbent Mary McKenna,
challenged by Edie Henley
The incumbent is at three votes.
The challenger is at five votes.
Congratulations, Edie.
A clap for our new Treasurer.
Henry used to fly with him
back in the old Ansett days.
We want him to move in here
but he doesn't think he's old enough.
Who does?
He'll like you.
Rich is a lot of fun.
Not that it's a set-up.
I don't know. I've never been
much good in those situations.
Are you leaving us, Arthur?
Not moving far.
Good for you.
Honestly, might sound grim
but there's nothing worse than
leaving it too late.
Actually, I have a box for
The little one.
If there's anything you want,
poke around.
You should get them to have
an estate sale.
Make some cash.
Or burn it down.
Here it is.
It's nothing much.
Oh. Persephone will love that.
How you're gonna stand it in there?
I've decided to view it
as a new chapter.
Running for the hills is no longer
a viable option.
You disagree?
Horses for courses.
But you wouldn't do it yourself?
Other options seem more appealing.
Such as?
Are these real?!
You're not throwing these out?
Mink and
This one has got to be Fox's?
Yeah. I think it is.
It was her favourite.
I can't take them with me.
She'd like them to be worn.
Try the sheep, Edie.
It's your colours.
My mum was always worried
this would be too sad for me.
But I love it.
I mean, it is sad.
But, you know, we are it.
We're right there with them.
Don't you think?
And we're so lucky we have
proper health care in this country.
I did an exchange in Venezuela
Let's get back to it.
Oh, yeah. Sure.
Ana was saying they've decided
they want to look
into the Duralumin clinical trial.
Do you know it?
I have a colleague who said
he can look into it.
And hopefully, he's a candidate.
But there's a good chance.
No one would put that man in a trial.
I just feel like
patients surprise us every day.
And they asked me to look into
every available option.
I mean, if he qualifies,
of course you'll be consulted.
I don't want you to say
another word to them, alright.
I've known that family a long time.
Oberon's meant to be at therapy
Hey. Persephone has nits!
I do not have nits!
It literally just crawled
out of her hair and onto her face.
Just be out front, alright.
I'm on my way.
The house is infested!
You rang.
No, I didn't.
Well, why'd I got a missed call
on my screen then?
Oh, that was an accident.
Oh, an accident. Really?
So? How have you been?
Well, I've got a box of something
for Persephone.
A box?
And I want you to make a time
for you to pick it up.
Or I can courier it over.
And what about for Oberon?
I don't got anything for Oberon.
Well, I think
that's spectacularly unfair, Mum.
You can't bequeath something to
one grandchild and not the other.
I'm not bequeathing anything.
Then what's in the box?
Do you know, I find it curious that
you would give me what you gave me.
What you begged me to give you.
And then have no interest
in following up?
I could have been lying here
for days now.
And yet, clearly not.
Well, I won't tell you
if I do decide to take it.
Well, that is your choice.
It's been a long, long year
Things got messed up
You stayed sincere
During the dreamland fire
You've been let down
You've been let go
Packed up your paints
And found a new home
It's been a long two years. ♪
We haven't got
your proper room ready
but the temp suite
does has a lovely view.
That's fine. I'm
It's OK.
I'mlow maintenance.
That's a promise.
We've all got good days
and bad days.
It's all OK in here.
Shit. Sorry, had to get some
nit cream
Kate, hi.
Do you want to take a seat?
I know this is an awkward situation.
You know, you being so much more
senior than I am.
I want to learn as well as supervise
and I just felt, like, yesterday
I just felt like there might've been
a breach in the way you spoke to me.
Right. Not my intention.
I felt like you undermined me
in front of my patient.
I disagreed with you
in the corridor,
away from the patient.
It was more of a tone thing.
Hey Joe.
How's your pain today?
Much better now.
About a five or a six.
But about 3am,
white hot pain in my shoulder.
Oh, come on. Open up.
There we go.
Rapist. Pervert.
Shush. This is Arthur.
He's a nice man.
Filthy, stinking rapist.
Hey, hey.
I hope you don't fly planes
like this.
What's in there, patching?
Worse than that.
It's a secret formula.
I love secrets formulas.
Henry's got a secret formula,
haven't you, Henry?
Tarragon. It's a herb.
He watches 'MasterChef'
and thinks he's Jamie Oliver.
Reminds me of that summer in Beirut.
Do you remember the
Arak man. Ooh.
Good times.
Have you ever been to Beirut?
Paris of the East.
Maybe we should fly there right now?
These boys and their flying toys.
Number of times they've
nearly flown into a mountain.
Drunk, of course.
Do you like to fly, Edie?
Not especially.
Are we going to play?
Boys versus girls or couples?
Alright then.
Thank the god of air conditioning!
Very Rita Hayworth.
Oh, I like it.
Oh and congrats.
Treasurer of the Wellness Committee.
Thank you.
Wellness, I mean
it's right up there, isn't it?
Next to Godliness
and cleanliness.
Yeah. We definitely need
a committee for that.
"For your comfort and your safety
please use the ash trays provided
"and remember to buckle-up
Big Boys."
Dawn, shhh.
Don't shush me Henry.
This is how I speak.
You're embarrassing yourself.
I feel like dancing.
That's right, so do I.
I think you must have hollow legs.
The amount that you can put away.
May I?
You and Richard are getting along?
Are we?
Look, he's my oldest friend
in the world
and I'm not exaggerating when I say,
you can do better.
That doesn't sound loyal.
But it's true.
I don't know about my dreams
I don't know
about my dreamin anymore
All that I know is
I'm fallin' fallin' fallin' fallin'
Might as well fall in
I don't know about my love
I don't know
about my lovin' anymore
All that I know is
I'm fallin' fallin' fallin' fallin'
I don't know about my love
I don't know
about my lovin' anymore
All that I know is
I'm fallin' fallin' fallin'
fallin' ♪
Help. Nurse, nurse.
About dreams
I don't know
about my dreamin anymore
All that I know is
I'm fallin' fallin' fallin'
fallin' ♪
People are looking.
Men. You're too old.
I don't know about my dreams
I don't know
about my dreamin anymore
All that I know is
I'm fallin' fallin' fallin' fallin'
Might as well fall in. ♪
I went back to work today.
First gig back.
That's great.
Me too.
Oh, yeah?
I don't think
we should do this again.
It's really not very
Were you going to say healthy?
She's fine, love. Not even a break.
A sprain. Drunk and dancing.
They are worse
than teenagers sometimes.
There she is.
It's been a night in here,
hasn't it, Artie? Lots of drama.
We gave her some painkillers,
I'm not certain she needed them.
We'll get you your own room soon,
It's good of you to come.
As if I wouldn't.
Pass that bag, please.
They said drunk and dancing,
that's unlike you.
Do you think?
Well, you've always loved a list.
Everyone loves a list.
And that's fine
for what's it's worth.
Is there a winning side?
For now at least the list-making
will continue.
Well, apart from the love
of Cake Batter?
Why not?
I think, tonight,
I think,
why not?
That's enough.
Why are you scratching
like a monkey.
Is that a beard rash?
What? No.
Have you been kissing men Kathy?
It's lovely. You've a lovely family.
I've found it in your wife's coat.
It was our secret language.
I'd put them in different places
for her to find.
Books. Pockets.
She'd have to crack the code.
What's it mean?
What you were saying about options,
my friends here disagree with you.
I've been reading up.
The ethics of suicide.
They say it's morally bankrupt.
"One must rage against."
Well, I say
it's none of their business or mine.
Perhaps it's time
to make my own list?
It really is the "How"
that haunts me.
A man I knew
stepped in front of a bus.
It was horrible for everyone.
People jump off balconies.
You'd help.
You sound like a deathmonger.
She would help you.
She would.
She'd make it painless.
Anyone got a pen?
I wouldn't.
I'm sorry.
My stubborn girl.
She was always stubborn.
I was never stubborn.
You're stubborn.
One day I'll grow up
I'll be a beautiful woman
One day I'll grow up
I'll be a beautiful girl
One day I'll grow up
I'll be a beautiful woman
One day I'll grow up
I'll be a beautiful girl
But for today I am a child
For today I am a boy ♪
Good, point your toes.
For today I am a child
For today I am a boy ♪
Captioned by Ai-Media
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