The Envoys (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Descenso al infierno

Would you like
anything for dinner?
No, thank you, honey.
José? Is that you?
Mom? Mom!
What did you do to my dad?
Deliver us
from eternal death, Lord.
Deliver us from all evil, Lord.
Deliver us from all sin, Lord.
Deliver us from all evil, Lord.
Deliver us from all sin, Lord.
Deliver us
from eternal death, Lord.
What are you doing here?
What the heck are you doing?
What are you doing?
- What are you doing with her?
- Help! Help me!
What are you doing
with the girl?
- Help me!
- Let me go.
Let me go!
Get out of here, now. Get out!
- Get out!
- Let the girl go, please.
- Get out.
- Let the girl go, please!
The girl is coming with us!
Deliver us from all sin, Lord.
Come with me.
It's not him.
Quintana, it's not him.
They are two different bodies
of children, it appears.
And they've been there
for a long time.
Do you have any missing person
report around here?
No, not that I remember, no.
Two children in a priest camp.
This is messed up.
Excuse me.
- Are you OK, Adriana?
- Yes.
- Did they hurt you? You sure?
- No.
What were they doing
to that girl?
A satanic ritual?
No, on the contrary.
It's a Roman ritual,
and it wasn't the girl,
it was the woman.
- What?
- Oh, man, come on.
- What is that?
- I can't believe this.
- What?
- I can't believe it.
What is it you can't believe?
- It's part of the tradition.
- With a girl?
- Well.
- Our tradition is the communion.
- Yes.
- The confirmation, not exorcism.
That's not part
of our tradition,
that's a disgrace.
Oh, expelling demons
is a disgrace, Father?
Don't tell me
you believe in that too.
You, being a doctor?
Don't tell me you don't believe
in the Devil. You, a priest?
I'm not the only one, you know?
Some of us
left the XVIII century behind.
Well, apparently, I got stuck
on the Medieval times then.
The Devil is a metaphor.
And so is the apple
and the ark, the Devil is us.
Now the street professor
is giving me a lecture, right?
Do you know what the Devil is?
The Devil is that sick old man
taking advantage
of that insane woman.
That's the Devil!
That's enough!
For Christ's sake!
Are we crazy or what?
The Devil made
a great work with you
making you believe
he doesn't exist.
Oh, come on
All these days sleeping
with Baudelaire
- without realizing it.
- What are you talking about?
If the Devil was real,
he wouldn't go around
possessing people.
That's enough
with your nonsense!
There are women out there
that need us
and you two debating
about your ideas.
Save your lectures
for another time.
We need to get out of here.
How, doctor? Any ideas?
Those bastards. Scumbags.
What the hell, Molina?
What is it? What is going on?
I need you
to come with me, please.
Come and see it
with your own eyes.
Come with me please, this way.
Hold on, one moment.
- Stop, please.
- There's a girl downstairs.
Father, wait.
And that bastard
that threatened us!
Hold on.
They were here.
Fathers, please come with me.
I'm not asking nicely again.
- Come with me.
- I swear it, they were here!
Let's go.
And did you know about this?
About what Benavent is doing?
Benavent does what he has to
and that's none
of your business.
You're working
for them, are you?
- What did they do to Rafael?
- Cut it out, Adriana.
Nor Benavent nor Prado nor I
did nothing to him.
How many times
do I have to tell you?
- Why can't you just trust me?
- You son of a bitch.
You have no idea
about what's going on here,
and you don't either.
We can't afford to lose Benavent
now that Quintana isn't here.
Was Quintana a part of this?
Federico, we are very sorry
for your loss.
I'm Eufemio Benavent.
This is my assistant,
Guillermo Prado.
- I'm very sorry.
- We both are.
Before all of this happened,
did you see anything odd?
Something that maybe
your parents did?
Maybe they met up
with strange people.
They used to pray, right?
Where they good Catholic people?
Did they baptize you?
Let me, will you?
Your mom is a good woman
who loves you
and your dad very much.
This shouldn't have happened,
but on this village
a lot of things happen.
Don't worry.
Now you have us,
and we'll protect you.
Trust us, we will protect you.
Go to the hospital, Adriana.
Please, they need you there.
I'm not going anywhere.
Did you give them the video?
Is Rafael alive?
Did you give them the video?
- Shut your mouth, Adriana.
- Hey, calm down.
You have no idea
what you're talking about.
Go to the damn hospital
and wait there.
You are coming with me,
and you'll go with my officers.
- Yeah? Where am we going?
- Cuff him up and take him
- to the patrol car, please.
- Let me go.
- Where are we going, huh?
- Take him away.
- Why are you taking me?
- Let's do this the easy way, OK?
Adriana, go to the hospital.
Prado is on a crisis.
They found him outside
of his bed, he's really weak.
- Oh, come on.
- Don't let him die, we need him.
Can you tell me what's going on?
- Yes, I'll tell you later.
- No, I'm not going anywhere
- until I get an explanation.
- I'll explain later. Listen.
Come on, let's go.
Where are you taking me, huh?
You know people saw
when you took me out
of the hospice, right?
Please, let me go.
I'll be generous with you
and I'll put on a good word
about you, really. Please
Team 2, they're taking
the children's bodies
from the Christian camp.
We're staying guarding
the perimeter.
Prefect! You want to scare me
to death?
- What is it?
- Father Antequera
is not working
for the Congregation anymore.
He's returning to the Vatican
right at this moment.
What? It can't be happening
Don't add more recklessness
to the already
long list of the
Father Antequera
is no longer working
with the Congregation.
I'm trying for us
to keep doing so.
I want all of the cases
involving Father Antequera
to be in my office today.
Of course, Your Eminence.
Where are we?
What are you doing?
Give me the phone back, come on.
Now you also steal cell phones?
- Get him on the chopper.
- Come on, man. Please.
Give me the phone back.
Radio the captain
that we're all set.
Yes, sir.
Alright, please step aside.
All clear.
Please step aside, all clear.
Once again, doctor?
Time of death: 8:36 a.m.
Take him to Pathology, please.
I'll sign that later.
Ask Muñoz to check
for anything odd
with his airway.
Yes, doctor.
You again?
Can you please explain
what is going on?
Where is my partner?
You can't harm us,
we're also priests.
Please, Father.
Who do you think we are?
Your hitmen just put a gun
to our foreheads,
for God's sake!
Your partner
has just been taken to Rome.
And you, I apologize
for all the misunderstandings.
We should have told you earlier
that we were waiting for you.
Who is waiting for me?
Us, Father.
I was a little dazed because
of your partner's rudeness
and I didn't realize you are
the answer to my prayers,
to the whole
village's prayers really.
I don't follow, can you explain
what you're talking about?
I was praying
for Father Prado's soul.
They just called me
to let me know.
What happened?
We lost a good man, Father.
God completely forgot
about this village.
We are hopeless.
We lost Quintana
and Father Prado, but
fortunately, we have you.
We can make our stand again
with you by our side.
You're one of us, Father.
Do we have
our destination clear?
What the hell are you doing?
Give it back!
Land this chopper, now!
Father, you don't look nice
as a gunman.
Please, land this chopper now.
You are not going to shoot.
Land it now!
You don't have the guts!
You think just because
I'm a priest I won't shoot?
You have no idea
how much guts we have in Spain!
Land the chopper!
Go back down.
Get off of the cabin. Get off.
Get off, come on!
Walk to the car!
- Walk to the car, come on!
- You are so screwed!
Walk to the car!
I'm done with your crap.
Screw this, screw that.
Open the car.
Do you have any idea
what you're doing?
Open the car, turn on the engine
and then step down.
- Come on!
- Damn bastard.
Come on!
Keep your feet out of the car.
Feet out of the car. Come on!
Turn the car on.
Get down.
Get down, get down.
What do you think
happens next, huh?
- Get down. Walk back.
- Where are you going to go?
- My Badi.
- My boy.
What are you doing here?
I've been looking for you
these days.
And I've been waiting
for years, my boy.
And now you're a grown man,
a holy man.
- How did you find me?
- No, you found me.
I live here.
Metzi, you were so sensitive
to things since you were a kid.
You've figured out what's
going on here, haven't you?
So many ill people
for such a small village.
So much death.
So much death, Metzi
Excuse me.
These are
all of Father Antequera's cases.
They are duplications,
relics and martyrs.
This is unbelievable.
How is it possible
that such a hard-working man
has ended up like this?
That's a sin.
He could have made it so far,
he could have been
state secretary.
And how will he end up like?
Being the small-town priest,
somewhere far away
like Cambodia.
- Sister?
- Yes?
You too.
Me too, what?
You are part
of Father Antequera's actives
that now belong to me,
now you work for me.
- But
- No, no.
On this institution
the only acceptable "but"
comes from a man, I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
You feel more at ease?
I wish I was,
but the bug won't leave.
Antequera? Wasn't he on his way?
We put him on a chopper
to take him to the airport,
and he managed to escape.
Find him and do what you must.
I didn't take you
as a pragmatic man.
And what other choice there is?
To lose a silent battle
of thousands of years
because some priest
won't obey an order?
Come on.
Do what you have to do.
- Yes?
- Excuse me, Your Excellence.
I forgot my cellphone.
- Excuse me. Have a good day.
- Good evening.
To lose a silent battle
of thousands of years
because some priest
won't obey an order? Come on.
Son, where are you?
I'm heading home now.
Come to the hospital,
I need to see you.
I'm tired,
I want to get home already.
Please. Come to the hospital.
San Acacio was one
of the largest courts
during the Inquisition.
So much torture,
so much sorrow and pain.
It seems like they made
some sort of jail here,
where it seems the Devil
feels trapped.
Because he goes around
doing as he wishes.
We've tried everything, Father.
But he'd always win.
What worked for my colleagues
in other places,
does not work here.
What colleagues?
People say the Devil
speaks to them,
that he presents himself.
He even tells them
when he's abandoning the body.
But nothing of that sort
happens here, Father.
We tried with so many rites,
and then it came
to the children.
The Devil takes advantage
of our weaknesses,
but the children,
he can't use them.
Because they have no impurity,
they have no evil.
They have no doubt.
And they are more powerful
than anybody.
This might sound shallow,
but I didn't know
you were Catholic, Badi.
I'm not.
You call him the Devil.
I know him as Zithu.
Anyway, the name doesn't matter.
It's not a monster
with a pointy beard and horns,
it's some sort of intelligence,
but with no will.
It's like a virus.
The virus
doesn't want to harm you,
the virus does what it must do,
because that's its nature,
to destroy.
- Son.
- What's wrong, mom?
I was arriving home already.
Look at your eyes,
how long since you last slept?
I sleep more than you.
- You took something, didn't you?
- Oh, cut it out. Really.
Maybe you need to see
someone again, it's
Come on, that's why
you called me? Just for that?
Hey, hold on. No, no.
Esteban, don't leave.
I'm worried about you, honey.
You need to take something
so you can sleep better.
I told you I won't see
that jerk of Antonio again.
Keep your voice down.
It doesn't have to be Antonio.
It could be Dr. Iriarte,
he's a great psychiatrist.
I can speak with him so you can
see him this afternoon.
I don't want you
to talk to anybody.
It will only take five minutes.
Could you at least do it
for me? Please?
Let me know when.
Hey, Adriana.
- What the hell?
- Hush, don't yell.
- Don't yell.
- What did they do to you?
What happened?
They wanted to take me out
of this village on a chopper.
I had to take a gun from them,
I nearly killed them all
and jump off the chopper.
But I managed
to escape in the end.
Don't come with nonsense.
I need to talk with Prado.
Prado didn't make it.
He went into shock
and he didn't make it.
I was the one
who confronted him.
He ran away because of me.
Are you sure
he died from the surgery?
- What else if not?
- I don't know,
I don't trust Benavent.
He is capable of doing anything.
Didn't you notice
anything strange?
Not medically, at least.
- What do you mean?
- Nothing.
No, it's nothing.
I don't want to say anything,
it's been a long night and
and maybe my senses tricked me.
Adriana, calm down.
You have nothing to do
with any of this.
All of the blood
comes from the same place,
and it has to do with Quintana.
There's someone who could
clear out everything, but
I will need you to help me.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Do you digitalize
VHS cassettes here?
Yes. VHS, 8 mm and more.
What do you need?
Well, what we actually need
are the used VHS,
- the ones people leave behind.
- Yes.
People take those,
and if they leave any,
we just throw them away.
Don't you happen to have
any lying around?
- We've been looking everywhere.
- Everywhere.
I think I have some around,
but I don't know
if you'd like to buy them.
- Yes, sure.
- Anything.
- Any content, it doesn't matter.
- Right, it's fine.
OK. Hold on a second, OK?
- OK.
- Thank you.
It's a difficult case, look.
We've been trying to cure
this poor woman for months.
I'm sorry, it's all I got.
Well, it's fine.
It's fine.
Let's take the covers off.
"Anal purée"?
I don't even want to imagine.
- It's in English.
- Yes, it's
I didn't get it.
Well. You weren't
that wrong either.
Is the channel ready, doctor?
More than ready.
This one is very brave.
Right, Diego?
Drink it.
You just have to repeat
exactly what I say
and you should be fine.
Is that clear?
Don't be afraid.
God, all mighty Father.
God, all mighty Father.
Who wants salvation
for every man.
Who wants salvation
for every man.
The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
Surely He will deliver you
from the snare of the fowler.
Surely He will deliver you
from the snare of the fowler.
You won't need to worry
about dangers at night
or arrows during the day.
You won't need to worry
about dangers at night
No, let him go!
No, please! Please.
Calm down,
I'm not beating you up.
I know how to forgive.
What do you want?
You were looking
for this yesterday, right?
Where did you get that?
Is that what
you were looking for?
You were looking for the videos
because you appear on them.
Will you help us
put the pieces together now?
You didn't just find Valentina
ten years ago.
You and the other psychos
left her there
because you thought
she was dead.
Valentina was dead.
We couldn't save her.
What about the camp kids?
You couldn't
help them either, right?
We thought they were powerful.
We never wanted
anything to happen to them.
It was a mistake.
- Deliver her from all sin, Lord.
- Deliver her from all sin, Lord.
Deliver her
from the Devil's tricks.
Deliver her, Lord.
Blessed art thou among women
the arrow that flies by day.
Hail, Mary, full of grace
the tricks of the Devil
Deliver us
from eternal death, Lord.
deliver us, Lord.
Hail, Mary, full of grace.
Blessed art thou amongst women.
By your birth, Lord,
save your people.
By your holy fasting, Lord,
save your people.
From all evil, Lord,
save your people.
I just did what they asked.
At the beginning,
I would just attend.
I would join the prayers.
Then I began recording.
Why recording it?
It was the Vatican's orders.
The exorcism ritual requires
that at least one member
of the possessed person's family
to be present during the ritual.
And as Benavent knew
it could become very violent
and dangerous,
he denied the family
to be present,
just the necessary people.
Then the Vatican requested
to record every moment.
The children that died,
are they recorded?
Was Quintana involved
in those rituals, right?
No, no he was
He was never present.
Father, is it possible
that Rafael found out
about this and
he wanted to report it?
Quintana didn't participate
in the rituals,
but he knew about everything.
I wasn't able to bear with it,
but he understood.
He always talked
of a greater good.
And Benavent, Prado,
they all loved Quintana.
They really believed
he was miraculous.
They would've never
harmed him, never.
And neither him to them.
And what other choice
there is?
To lose a silent battle
of thousands of years
because some priest
won't obey an order? Come on.
Come on.
Do what you have to do.
"Do what you have to do."
She'll be fine, don't worry.
Sometimes they get hurt.
Look, that's Father Antonio.
He's our psychiatrist.
He takes care
of separating the mentally ill
and the ones
that have something else.
Will you come with us, Father?
We're heading to the hospital.
Rafael knew two children died
and also did Federico.
Why didn't they do anything?
- Aren't you going to answer?
- No.
Can I borrow your phone
for a second?
Thank you.
Julio. Can I bother you
for a second?
It's no bother at all. Tell me.
I wanted to know
how it went with Esteban.
- What do you think?
- He didn't show up.
What do you mean
he didn't show up?
I'm sorry, I thought you knew.
Adriana, if Esteban
isn't doing OK
or won't accept treatment,
there are other options.
No. No, Julio, don't worry.
I just want things to go back
as they used to be,
when his dad was still alive.
I understand.
This man will handle
the expenses,
- in any case we
- You go see about that, please.
I'll see he gets
admitted properly.
- Dr. Adriana, please.
- What happened?
She hit her head,
she's unconscious.
Her vitals are stable,
she's not bleeding.
Let's go.
- I was so worried about you.
- Are you OK?
- What happened?
- What?
- What did they do to you?
- Nothing, it's nothing.
- Pedro.
- I'm fine, I'm fine.
I saw the ritual, Father.
- A ritual?
- Yes.
I don't know
why I'm telling you this,
you're the only priest
who doesn't believe
in the Devil.
Perfect. A ritual?
Yes. It's not what you think.
It's not a dark ceremony,
it's an exorcism.
Let's call things like they are.
It's something that apparently
they have studied
and analyzed very well,
and I spoke to the psychiatrist
that works with them.
They found some bodies
in the camp.
- What?
- You know what type of bodies?
They were children.
Those bastards
are killing children.
How do you know that?
How do you know that, Father?
In this place some extraordinary
things are happening,
and they had to turn
to extraordinary solutions
in order to try
and resolve them.
- What are you saying?
- That.
- Did they brainwash you?
- I saw it myself.
I saw it, there's a psychiatrist
that evaluates them
and dismisses
any possible mental disorder.
It's something different.
A psychiatrist
that happens to work for them.
- No, no
- This is a damn business, Pedro.
Don't you see?
Please, they are dangerous.
What else do you believe in
besides of yourself, Father?
You're just a curia politician
that only thinks
about becoming Pope.
I believe in God
with no cheap allegories
- or tales for ignorant people.
- Right.
- That's what you believe in.
- What if there's something
- you can't explain?
- About what?
I can make those bastards
explain everything.
And how can you explain
my drawings?
How do you explain my absences,
the drawings I showed you.
I came upon Badi, the woman
who took care of me as a child,
the one that was with me
during my absences.
She lives here,
and they're working together
despite having
completely different beliefs,
they work together
against the same thing.
Stop it. Stop it!
Your nanny
lives on this village?
- Yes.
- For God's sake
- What's wrong with it?
- What's wrong?
You drew those pigs
and drew this village
because it's what she told you
about since you were little.
Don't you realize?
Those bastards have their hands
stained with the blood
of those children, Pedro.
The important thing is,
what are you going to do
with this information?
- Adriana.
- What is it?
Why don't you answer me?
I've been calling you.
- Where is he?
- Who?
The priest, don't play dumb.
I haven't seen him
since you took him.
What? Did you lose him?
- Hello?
- Do you have Antequera?
- No, not yet.
- When you do find him,
don't take him
to the heliport.
Where do I take him then?
We need to put an end
to this for once.
No. No, no. No, I can't do that.
You can
and you must, Federico.
Or do you want more children
to become like you?
Seeing their mother
wielding a poker?
Are you really joining
those lunatics?
Pedro, you're eating up
the chosen one tale.
Please, stop thinking
as a priest
and start thinking
as the doctor you are.
I have to go.
What is it?
I just received this.
You saw it already?
I need to say some things.
I'm tired of all of this,
I'm tired about lying,
lying to the people.
I am a con man.
I don't do miracles,
I never had.
I don't know how to.
I've never helped anyone.
I've deceived many people,
I've brought them
hope and faith
when I shouldn't
have done that.
I offer my apologies
to all the people
that believed in me.
They believed
because I wanted it that way.
Believing too much
can be dangerous.
I'm sorry
I can't do this anymore.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
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