The Flatshare (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

First Date

If you believe Richie,
you wouldn't lie about it.
I'll do what's best for
everyone, not just Richie.
I've been kicked out of my flatshare,
but at least I've been
nominated for a NOMMY Award.
I don't think I can get you out, bro.
I'm a big boy, yeah?
I'll be okay.
Look at that.
I don't want to have sex with you.
I ended it with Ariella.
Can I call you my girlfriend again?
Whose are they?
They must be Justin's.
Dear Tiffany, have
you found anywhere yet?
Been two weeks and boxes are getting
to be an inconvenience.
Dear Leon, yes, I have found somewhere.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
The boxes and I will
be gone by this weekend.
P.S. Mind if I take the painting stuff
to use at my new place?
Those were bought for this flat,
to fix damage caused by your dating.
Many thanks for the reminder.
I am the creator of my reality.
I accept and love
myself just the way I am.
I am supported by the universe.
I am overflowing with happiness
and joy and satisfaction.
I have millions of
dollars in my bank account.
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday, dear Holly ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
I can't believe you're 13.
I know. I'm a woman now.
I'm sorry I snapped at
you last time you were in.
I shouldn't have done that.
It's okay. I ignored your advice.
Come with me.
I found him.
Johnny White?
He lives in Brighton.
Couldn't find a phone number.
But look, here's his address.
How did you
Electoral Roll.
Tiffany gave me her log-in details.
- She's so clever and pretty.
- Yeah.
Look, this is a very
impressive project, but
Good, because I need
you to go and find him.
- What?
- Well, I can't go, can I?
Have you told Mr. Prior about this?
It's gonna be a surprise.
You're asking for
trouble. You know that?
Yes, but good trouble.
Good trouble?
Everything that you need is in here:
address, directions, train tickets.
Oh, go on, Leon.
It's my birthday.
You can't say no to me on my birthday.
- Oh, sorry.
- Oh, whoa!
- Tiffany?
- Leon?
- What are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?
- Oh, my God.
- Both: Holly.
It's fine. I can get
off at the next stop.
The next stop is Brighton.
- So, um
- Uh
- Oh, sorry.
- You go.
How's things?
Great, thanks.
Well, work going well?
Uh, I've been nominated for an award.
Oh, wow. What for?
How is Richie?
Yeah, he's okay I think.
What about you?
I'm great.
You and Kay are still
And you and Justin?
What you listening to?
A mix of stuff.
Funk, soul.
Can I have a listen?
Actually, I don't share earphones.
Oh, okay.
I'm not comfortable
sharing microbial flora.
Got it.
Too intimate.
More intimate than sharing a bed?
- Hello, Maia.
- Hello, Justin.
What are you doing here?
I was just just passing.
- Just passing?
- Yeah.
Yeah, yeah. You're on my route.
I'm training for the Richmond Half,
the marathon.
We're raising money for shelter.
Just the homelessness crisis
at the moment is real douse.
I actually came here to
apologize to both of you.
I know you're not my biggest fans.
And I know that
I didn't handle the breakup
with Tiffy very well.
Hmm, I mean, you moved
your new girlfriend in
the day after she moved out.
Well, I was an arsehole.
And I take full responsibility for that.
I've learned from that. I've grown.
And, uh
I'm trying to be the
man that Tiffy deserves.
I can't mess this up again.
Didn't she tell you?
I just assumed. You're so close to her.
Tell us what?
We're back together.
Since when?
Valentine's Day.
Are you sure about that?
Yeah, I am. It was pretty conclusive.
You're both so important to her,
and it is important to me
that there's no bad blood between us.
Well, it was nice of you to stop by.
I'm putting my heart on the line.
I know that.
But that's relationships.
There's always one person
who loves the other one more.
Yeah, okay. Thank you, Justin.
Okay, yeah.
Let's double-date soon,
yeah? It was great to see you.
New Steine Street.
It's this way.
It's just across from here.
No, no, look. It's definitely down here.
I mean, you're following
a hand-drawn map?
It's this way.
No, it's this way.
The sea is down there.
The house is to the left of the sea.
Left as you look at it or
left with your back turned?
I'm going that way.
Do you want a hat?
Oh, wait, Leon!
Wouldn't that musket look
so good on our yellow wall?
Our wall?
I have no need for a musket.
Nobody needs a musket.
Right, here we are.
Let's make this quick.
Yes, you've made it very
clear you don't want me here.
You're the one who wanted
to get off the train.
You're the one who told
me to leave the flat.
Isn't it number five?
- Together or separate?
- Both: Separate.
Cash or card?
- Card.
- Cash.
Holly's gonna be so disappointed.
We're not giving up yet.
He could be anywhere.
He could be dead.
Well, that's the spirit.
Well, what are our leads?
Maybe there's something in
that pack Holly gave you.
- Hmm.
Nothing else on Johnny White.
Looks like she had other ideas.
Typical Holly.
Can I have my lolly, please?
Feels a bit inappropriate
now you have a boyfriend.
Aren't you moving back in with him?
- Justin?
- Yeah.
I'm moving into a studio flat
between Colindale and Edgware
with a shower in the kitchen.
And we're not back together.
I told him I needed more time.
I just assumed with the
flowers and the boxers and
I threw the flowers in the bin.
Right. I didn't see.
I emptied the bin.
First time for everything.
Do you think I'm a bad person?
You can do what you want.
I mean, we changed
the sheets every time,
so I guess he wasn't having
sex with you in my bed exactly.
I meant for putting
the flowers in the bin.
No, I don't think you're a bad person.
- Yeah?
- Look.
What am I looking at?
Mr. Prior plays chess, right?
So he's must've been doing it for years.
Maybe it's something
they played together.
You wanna rock up to
a community chess game
and ask if anyone knows
a man called Johnny White?
Have you got a better idea?
Very good.
Don't be afraid to sacrifice a pawn.
Come on, Lina. Look at Kim.
He knows what he's doing.
I think that's checkmate.
I don't get chess.
You know, Mr. Prior's
always trying to teach me,
but I don't really get it either.
Hello there.
Are you interested in
joining the Chess Club?
Absolutely not.
But maybe you can help us.
We're looking for a
man called Johnny White.
He's 85 years old, ex-army,
might be into chess.
I'm afraid I don't know a Johnny White.
Well, thank you for your time.
We'd better get back.
But if he is a member of the club,
they'll have him on file.
Jonathan White, paid up until next year.
I'm sorry. Who did you say you were?
And so, I promised my
young friend at the hospice
that I'd find Johnny White
and, if he were open to it,
reunite him with his long-lost love.
It's a lovely story,
but I can't give out personal details.
Is there anything we can
do to change your mind?
Are you trying to bribe me?
What? No.
I can't afford to bribe anyone.
We're just trying to
do something good, okay?
Make some people happy.
Why is the world set up in
such a way that that is so hard?
I'm sorry. That's the rules.
Excuse me.
I know Johnny White.
He lives on Blaker
Street, the purple house.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Are you Johnny White?
- Yes.
- Have we met?
- My name's Tiffany.
This is Leon.
We've come on behalf of
someone you once knew.
Uh, Reginald Prior?
I don't know any Reginald Prior.
But you're Johnny White
from the Chess Club.
So I play chess. So what?
You met in the army.
You wrote to each other.
The letters you sent, he
kept every single one of them.
Is this some kind of joke?
Leave me alone.
Seems like you got his
hopes up for nothing.
Leon. Oh, my God, slow down.
Look, I think he's lying.
Why else would he get so upset about it?
No, he's right. This is stupid.
Mr. Prior didn't even ask for it.
This whole thing is
for a 13-year-old girl.
I didn't do anything good.
I didn't make anyone happy.
- Leon, come on.
- I've let down Holly.
And I've upset an old man.
Now, which way is the station?
Wait, wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
We're here now.
Let's get a drink.
All right, one drink.
That's four drinks.
It's happy hour.
Yeah, you could've got two for one
instead of four for two.
Guess I can count.
Actually, Holly said you were so clever.
Did she?
And pretty.
- What?
- Oh.
- I got brain freeze.
- Oh, do this.
I don't know what you're doing.
Press your tongue against
the roof of your mouth.
- Yeah, mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
Hmm. Oh, it's gone.
About you moving out
Uh, you can take the painting stuff.
Thank you.
- I mean, you did buy it.
- Yeah. No, I know.
Well, I mean, my dating
did cause the damage.
You haven't let anyone down.
I'm glad you got four of these
'cause I am really thirsty.
Okay, wait.
Wait, I've got one.
Jack and Rose over there.
- Jack and
Rose? - Mm-hmm.
Oh, jeez. Come on.
Wait. There's loads of room.
Jack and Rose. Very clever.
What about
Baby and Johnny?
As in?
As in "Dirty Dancing."
Oh, okay.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
- Mm-mm.
- No.
- What are you doing?
- Making it real.
- Making it real?
- Yeah.
What do you think?
And, uh, you don't
look too bad yourself.
What should I caption it? #Flatmates?
Yeah, okay.
Okay, posted.
To flatmates.
No, to bedmates.
I'm gonna go break the seal.
You should never break the seal.
Hey, we should head to the station.
Hey, you okay?
Huh? Yeah, train. Yeah, sorry.
What's wrong?
Is it just me or is
it really hot in here?
Tiffany, tell me. What's wrong?
No, it's nothing really.
I just don't know
I don't know what to reply
Like, whether to reply.
If I don't explain
what we're doing here
Like, if I don't reply,
I'm only gonna make it worse.
Wait, what?
The thumbs up, the
comment. That's Justin.
Always comes back to Justin.
Now, I've really upset him.
With a photo?
No, it's really insensitive.
So he broke up with Ariella for me.
Now, he's just gonna think
I've fucked off to Brighton
- with another guy.
- Yeah, your flatmate.
I've seen, you know,
Ariella's selfies with Justin.
- I know how it feels.
- Look.
You asked him for time.
Now he's stalking your socials.
- You don't understand.
- No, I don't.
Why does he have such a hold over you?
Where are you Tiff.
What are you doing?
You should try it sometime.
You're the angriest person I know.
- Me? I'm not angry.
- Yeah.
You are furious about everything,
except clearly, it's just about
one thing, and that's Richie.
Textbook projection.
Of course I'm fuckin' angry!
Then let it out!
How do you feel?
Yeah, better.
Me too.
Me too.
What are you doing now?
Oh, whoo!
Oh, that's refreshing!
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Come on.
- Hello.
- No, no, no, no, no.
I am not getting in the sea.
- Yes.
- No, no.
Come on! We could go wild swimming!
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
- Ah!
- Whoa.
- You all right?
- Mm!
- You all
right? - Mm-hmm.
- Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Aw, we were gonna go
swimming in the sea,
and it was gonna be so beautiful!
No, Tiffany. Look, you've
hurt your ankle, okay?
I'm getting your shoes
off. Give me this foot.
What about the train?
Yeah, I don't think the
train's gonna happen.
So you want a double room?
- No.
- We're not a couple.
So you want a twin room?
Would it be weird sharing a room?
We're used to sharing a bed,
just not at the same time.
You don't need to tell her that.
Sorry, I don't understand
what you're saying.
Shall I call my dad?
Do you have two single rooms?
Great. How much?
£119 a night, including breakfast.
Per room?
We'll take the double.
And no breakfast.
Also, do you have an
ice pack we can borrow?
Hmm. Well, here we are again.
How's it feeling?
A bit better.
That's good. Keep it elevated.
I'm sorry.
You're supposed to be at home,
and I'm supposed to be in Colindale.
Well, it's cool.
So the trip has been a disaster.
Still, it's been nice to hang out.
As of tomorrow, you won't have
to share your flat with anyone.
And you won't have to
adhere to any house rules.
- Ow!
- Oh, sorry.
It's fine.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Oh, that feels so good.
You feel so good.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Oh, sorry.
No, it's just my, um My ankle again.
- Oh.
- No, no.
It doesn't mean that you should stop.
- What the fuck?
- Oh!
What was that about?
If you don't want to do this, it's
Oh, no, no.
No. No, I mean yes.
No, I do.
Um, but I can't.
It's not you. It's me.
No, I don't mean that.
- I don't know what that means.
- No, I'm sorry.
Sorry I'm not making any sense.
It's okay.
Is it?
It's been a long day.
I'm sorry. Did I take up the whole bed?
I have croissants.
- How's the ankle?
- A lot better.
Look, Leon, about last night
- No need to explain.
- No, I want to.
It's not you.
Yeah, you said that.
It's Justin.
It's okay. I get it.
No, I don't think you do.
You want him, not me.
I'm a big boy. I'll get over it.
What? No, no, no, no, no, I
I wanted you last night.
And I wanted to,
but it was more like
I Like I couldn't.
He always used to say this thing in bed.
"You're mine."
And I liked it at the time,
but I suppose on some level,
I still feel like I'm his
even though I don't want to be.
Wow, that's a head-fuck.
And this is the first
time since we broke up
that I've tried to, you
know, with someone else.
And I think, you know, you're right.
I think he has this
hold over me.
And what I realized
last night is that
Well, I suppose
everyone's quite fucked up.
But when I'm with you, I
O feel a tiny bit less fucked up.
You've been through a lot.
I'm glad I make you feel
Well, not feel like that.
And for what it's worth,
you make me feel
less like I have to save everyone.
Except you in the sea.
So what happens now?
I don't know.
It's time to check out!
Just a minute.
Well, at least it's not a musket.
Do you mind if I put these in your bag?
Use that in case they leak.
Thank you.
What's that?
It's Johnny White's last letter.
"Darling Reggie,
Sunday is too far away to bear."
Gutted we couldn't reunite them.
We need to go and see
Johnny White again.
Right now.
Right now.
Why don't I lead on this one?
Can't let you do all the work.
Oh, not you again.
Please, Mr. White, just hear me out.
I work at Mr. Prior's hospice.
If this really isn't you
or if you just don't
want to know about it,
then I promise we
won't bother you again.
You'd better come in.
You two lovebirds help yourselves.
- Oh, he's not my boyfriend.
- Uh, she's not my girlfriend.
We're just flatmates.
I beg your pardon.
You know, in my day,
"flatmates" was how people
referred to gay relationships.
Was Reggie your flatmate?
Is that why you turned
us away yesterday?
We didn't mean to unsettle
you and bring it all back.
I was ashamed.
But I was never ashamed of Reggie.
The anticipation of
waiting for him to write.
The joy of receiving a letter.
Your generation have no
idea what that feels like.
Still, you're lucky in other ways.
You can love who you like.
- You loved him?
- Hmm.
I did.
I was scared.
Couldn't see a future for us
so I cut Reggie off.
How long has he been in the hospice?
He's been in and out
for a couple of years,
but there's still a lot
of fight left in him.
Oh, that sounds like Reggie.
You know, he was the most
frustrating and fussy person
you ever met.
Got under my skin like no one else.
I should never have let him go.
Would you like to visit him?
I don't know.
I need to think.
Here are the details for St. Brioc's,
if you decide to visit.
Thank you. Thank you.
Do you think Johnny will visit him?
I don't know,
but at least now he's got a chance.
I don't want you to go.
Don't move out.
You don't need a flatmate anymore.
And you hate all my stuff being around.
And apparently, I never
take out the rubbish.
I don't care about any of that.
Can't we just go back
to how things were?
I mean, I haven't signed
my new tenancy agreement.
I'd kinda be screwing
over my poor rich landlord,
but then again, he did put
a shower in the kitchen.
- Fuck the landlord!
- Yeah, fuck the landlord!
Work's calling.
Work never calls.
What's wrong?
Oh, my God. Is it Mr. Prior?
I've been calling you
for the last two hours.
You know, now's not maybe a good time.
Well, actually, I'm
here to see both of you.
I think I can help your brother, Richie.
I don't understand.
I found something that
could be crucial to his case.
Why were you even looking
into Richie's case?
It's all in your article.
You read my article?
Of course I did.
I've consulted with my chambers,
and they all agree that
there's important evidence
that was either missed or withheld.
What evidence?
Why didn't we know about this before?
Good questions.
There's a lot to cover if
I'm gonna help my new client.
I'm taking Richie's case.
Let's make some good trouble.
So if we're gonna go
back to how things were
I guess I won't really see you.
But I will write to you.
I'd better unpack.
- You know
- I just thought
Bye, roomie.
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