The Following s01e05 Episode Script

The Siege

Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
We need you in Virginia, Ryan.
I'm not an agent anymore.
You caught Carroll.
No one knows him like you do.
So what's my sequel about, Joe? We're gonna write this together, Ryan Ohh! Even though you slept with my wife.
I have so many surprises waiting for you.
Agent Parker's taken the lead.
Cults, my specialty.
We know about the cult.
Gay neighbors, the nanny, how do they figure into your new plot? Why is my dad such a bad man? Maybe he's not so bad.
I need the phone.
Where is it? They were able to find a signal in upstate New York, Dutchess County.
- We're gonna find Joey.
- I know you will.
Hey, guys.
This is Megan.
I thought you were gonna deal with this.
Paul's the one that brought her here.
Jacob's never killed anyone.
I think you should do it, Jacob, since you never have.
Get out of here.
Go! She's getting away! Unh! Aah! We both love him, Paul.
Emma? I'm sorry.
We're not giving up on you.
You okay? - Where are you going? - Bathroom.
Are you freaking out? No.
I'm fine.
I just have to pee.
Jacob's freaking out, isn't he? Well, he wasn't last night.
That was fun.
Off the charts.
I'm hungry.
You hungry? Starved.
All right.
Hello? Mom? Joey? Honey, where are you? I want to go home.
Why can't I come home? Um, well, just tell me where you are, honey, and I'll come get you.
Somewhere in the country.
Why'd you make Denise bring me here? Where? Where, honey, where in the country are you? I don't know.
It's a big house, like a farm.
Keep him talking.
What-- what color is the house, Joey? It's white with black shutters, and it's really big with an upstairs, and it's far from the street, and they won't let me leave the yard.
Wha-- is Denise still with you right now, honey? Yeah, and Paul and Jacob.
I don't really like Paul.
Why? Why, baby? Did he hurt you? No, but he's mean.
Do they know you're talking to me right now? No way.
They'd kill me if they knew I was on the phone.
Well, you don't have to worry, okay, because I'm gonna come get you.
Tell Denise to bring me home, okay? - What the hell are you doing? - Aah! Aah! Joey? Joey? Joey! Joey! Mike, what do you got? Cell phone Joey used was scrambled with an algorithm just like Maggie Schuller's.
You worked past it.
Not exactly.
Joey hung up, the phone momentarily switched to wi-fi, which pinged a signal in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
I thought you said Dutchess County.
It was.
Opening the files triggered a virus.
I can't be sure of anything anymore.
Isn't that Joe Carroll's attorney? I thought he represented himself.
Yeah, at trial.
Olivia Warren handled his appeals.
What the hell is she doing here now? Oh, no.
We got to shut this down, send her away.
There's no reason she needs to meet with Joe today.
We can't do that, and you know it.
He has a right to speak to his attorney.
He knows we're close to finding Joey, and he's planning something.
We have got to get to Dutchess County now.
Not until we confirm the location.
It's gonna take me a couple hours to work through this mess.
Just whatever you have to do, Mike, just hurry.
Why can't I go home? Mom said she was gonna come get me.
Honey, I told you your mom's worried that you might be in danger.
But she acted like she didn't even know where I was.
She was scared on the phone and asking questions.
There are things you don't know.
Like what? I know about my dad.
I know he's a bad man.
What if I told you that your dad wasn't a bad man? Then why was he in prison, and why are the police looking for him? It's complicated, Joey, and really hard to understand, but the police are the bad men.
Policemen are good.
Not always.
They're lying about your dad.
That's why your mom sent us here, to hide from them, to make sure nothing happens to you.
Hey! Cupcake.
Can you wake up? Wake up.
It's not bad.
I want to go home.
You're not going home, Megan.
Never again.
I think we established that.
A little acceptance at this point might go a long way.
It won't be long now.
I promise.
Where's Emma? She's upstairs talking to Joey.
Well, that was an untraceable satellite phone, so we're safe.
What if he told his mom where we are? No.
He has no idea where he is.
I've been thinking about Little Megan.
I don't think you should go with the big blade.
It is your first time, and it's likely for your stabs to be tentative, all right? I think it's better for you to do with something thin and sharp like this.
It has more impact.
All right? You can do this.
I know you can.
What's your problem? I'm not gay, all right? Last night was great.
No, it wasn't.
You could have fooled me.
I can't be what you want me to be, Paul.
I can't.
It's just not who I am.
Why do you always have to label everything? Last night was exactly what it was supposed to be.
For the first time, you, me, and Emma were really together-- no lies, no secrets.
It felt right.
There's only one thing missing now.
Will you just do it for me? No more lies, Jacob.
This is about trust now.
Emma and I believe in you.
You can do this.
Come on in.
Oh, please do sit down.
Why am I here? I require legal counsel.
My first thought was of you.
There's nothing I can do for you, Mr.
Carroll, legally or otherwise.
Now we both know that isn't true.
You owe me a few favors.
I'm sorry we lost the appeal.
Then file another one.
I think it's time you considered another firm, Mr.
Carroll, perhaps the ACLU.
You garnered a great deal of attention while representing me.
It's helped your career.
I want you, Olivia.
There's nothing more for us to gain, Mr.
I am sorry.
Good-bye and good luck.
Ryan Hardy has more than surprised with his, uh-- his get-up and go, so I need to move things along slightly faster than I had originally planned.
I don't follow.
I need to know everything that's happening behind that door.
Both in the media and within the FBI, you still have your contacts, hmm? Yes? - Yes.
- Good.
Then let's get started.
You are about to have a very busy day, Olivia.
Good morning.
My name is Olivia Warren.
I have been retained to represent Joe Carroll.
What's going on? Joe Carroll press conference.
I told you he was up to something.
In light of the recent speculation about an alleged cult following of Mr.
Carroll, he has asked me to read the following statement.
"He had come like a thief in the night.
And one by one dropped the revelers in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall.
" It's Poe.
"The Mask Of The Red Death.
" "And the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay.
And the flames of the tripods expired.
And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.
" Hello? It's time.
That concludes Mr.
Carroll's statement.
Thank you for coming.
A Poe story.
"The Mask Of The Red Death.
" A mysterious stranger moving from room to room killing people like a plague.
Carroll's behind bars.
A cult needs to hear from its leader.
A directive couched in poetic verse makes it special.
It's an encoded message.
He's triggering someone.
I'm narrowing down a location.
You got it right the first time.
It's Dutchess County.
They're scrambling you with this virus.
We got to move.
I've got a helicopter to take you to nearest landing strip.
Local PD will assist you, and the Albany Field Office is on standby.
You will stay in contact with me at all times.
You understand? Agent Weston, that was for your benefit.
Yes, ma'am.
Sign here.
Do you solemnly swear to uphold the constitution - et cetera, et cetera? - I do.
You're deputized.
How are you gonna find him if you don't have a specific location? We know the county, we've got a description of the house, we're gonna use local cops, go door to door if necessary.
I want to go with you.
It's better that you stay here in case Joey tries to contact you again.
Chopper's ready.
We need to go.
I know the way I left things with us all those years ago, I wasn't fair to you.
- Ryan, it's okay.
- There's so much that I want to say to you, and I know now isn't the time.
I just really need to bring Joey home, and then I want us to talk.
Please be careful.
Maybe Jacob's right.
It's time to call Roderick.
I already called Roderick, left a message.
- He'll tell us what to do.
- What's up with the kid? I handled it like I always do.
With a hug? That kid needs a smacking.
Don't even think about it.
He's a kid.
He wants his mother.
He's not dumb.
I mean, he's gonna know we're lying to him eventually.
Joey's fine.
How's Jacob? He's still down there.
I'm giving him some time and a little space.
Are you in charge? I'm Olivia Warren.
I represent-- I know who you are, Miss Warren.
I need to speak to Claire Matthews, alone.
What do you want? You'll be very interested in what I have to say, Miss Matthews.
I saw your press conference.
What was that about? That's not why I'm here, but Joe did ask me to deliver a message.
If you want to see Joey, be at the corner of Broad and 26th Street at 3 PM this afternoon.
Come alone and tell no one.
I don't understand.
The FBI said-- Whatever the FBI has told you is incorrect.
According to your ex-husband, the only way you will see your son is if you follow these instructions.
It's your decision.
The county is 825 square miles in total, but we believe Joey Matthews' call came from this cluster here.
Those cell towers serve nearly half the county.
We're gonna need your help to narrow the field.
We're looking for a two-story white farmhouse set back from the road.
I can double-check, but that's about 150 properties.
Rough terrain, fifty miles of raw farmland.
You okay? You can't do it, can you? Jacob! Jacob, wait! Joey, I have lunch! Joey? Joey! Hey.
Where are you? Joey-- Joey? Try and stop beating yourself up, all right? Will you just stop it? What-- what? I'm just trying to be a friend.
Really? With all this touchy-feely crap? Joey's gone! He's not in there.
You were supposed to talk to him.
I did! He's scared.
I'm gonna check the woods.
There's a trail over there.
Maybe he went that way.
Let's split up.
We'll cover more ground.
You all right? Yeah.
Me, too.
Um, I'm gonna go out for a little while.
Excuse me? I've been cooped up in this house for days.
I just want to meet a friend for lunch.
I don't think that's a good idea.
Well, regardless, I'm going.
You can't keep me trapped here.
I'll have to insist we accompany you.
Whatever you have to do.
Turner? Yeah.
Joe Carroll's lawyer just showed up to see Mrs.
I don't know what they said each other, but now Mrs.
Matthews wants to leave.
Says she's going to lunch.
Well, go with her.
Don't let her out of your sight.
I'm on it.
Is it true Joe Carroll has a cult of serial killers? We don't know the extent, but yeah.
Chief, you recognize this guy? Maybe.
Ava, the missing girl case in Rhinebeck, - could that be the guy? - I'll pull up the footage.
Local girl named Megan Leeds went missing after her shift at a grocery store.
We've got surveillance footage from that night.
Last time anyone saw her, she was with this guy.
It's hard to see a face.
May I? I just want to route this through the FBI server.
- Advanced technology.
- Heh.
I bet.
Paul Torres.
There's about 20 farms matching the description within a 25-mile radius of the store, most of them to the north.
We should start there.
That sounds like a plan.
You and Weston start there.
I'm gonna take Officer Lopez, hit the south, cover more ground.
This little man needs to borrow the phone to call his mom.
Are you Joey Matthews? Yeah.
How do you know that? You were on the television.
The police are looking for you.
They want to hurt me.
Hurt you? The police? Who would tell you such a thing? Joey! Joey! You scared me! I was so worried about you.
Come on.
Let's go home.
I'm sorry.
And you are? Denise.
I'm Joey's nanny.
I'm glad you found him.
It's so easy to get lost in these woods.
The boy wanted to call his mother.
We were gonna let him use our phone.
That's not necessary.
We have a phone back at the farmhouse.
You can call your mom from there.
- I can? - Of course, silly.
Sorry to bother you.
They said they saw me on TV.
You shouldn't have run off like that.
I was worried sick.
You said I could call my mom.
- Did you mean it? - Sure.
You can call her whenever you want.
You found him.
Where were you, squirt? Huh? You had us worried.
I didn't find him.
Some friendly neighbors back there did.
They told Joey they saw him on TV.
They did, huh? Shoot.
I forgot to thank them for helping out.
Do you mind? Yeah, sure.
I'm great at thank-yous.
Come on.
Let's go, man.
It was that boy from the news.
Tell them to hurry, Clark.
I wouldn't do that.
We've covered about Looks like Officer Lopez, this is dispatch.
This is Lopez.
Go ahead.
Just got a call from that Sullivan house on route 9.
They saw that boy everyone's looking for.
How fast can you get there? It's a couple miles up the road.
Dispatch, we're en route now.
Aaah! Waap! Plap! Can I dial? Eager beaver! You want to call her now? You said I could.
I'll get the phone.
You're not going anywhere, right? I promise.
Jacob? Paul? Who are you? Roderick sent me.
We need to go now.
Thank you so much for meeting me.
Of course.
I've been so worried about you.
Oh, yeah.
Just ignore the FBI men.
They insisted.
Everyone should have an entourage.
It's so good to see you.
I called, and I left some messages.
I know.
It's just been such a nightmare.
Um, let's-- I'm gonna order.
Let's order.
Anybody here? Not sure.
They're not answering their phone.
Police Department! I'm gonna check the back.
Clark, Nora? Anyone home? Oh, my God.
Call it in.
It's okay.
Call it in.
Dispatch, this is Officer Lopez.
Dispatch, go ahead.
They were just here.
- We have a 1055.
- Follow me.
At the Sullivan house.
They're on foot.
How close is the next farm? About half a mile through those woods.
That's it.
White house, black shutters.
You sure? We're at the farmhouse about a half-mile west of the Sullivan house, pursuing suspects.
That's them.
Where are you? About a half a mile west of the house where we found the dead couple.
I've IDed Jacob Wells, Paul Torres.
We're gonna need some backup here.
All right.
Consider it done.
Wait for it.
Gonna get closer, stabilize.
You notify me when you're here.
You up for this? Yeah.
All right.
We're gonna get closer to the house here, try to get a better look, okay? Okay.
Emma, whose car is that out there? Jacob, Paul, this is Hank.
Roderick sent him.
We need to get out of here, guys.
You have 10 minutes.
Pack light.
Don't have a lot of room.
So Roderick came through.
- Where's Joey? - In his bedroom.
Let's get packed up.
I'll get him last.
Do these 3 have any connection to Dutchess County, New York? Any family? Agent Parker, I just heard from Agent Weston.
They found the farmhouse.
I want every available agent, SWAT and Tactical.
Alert ATF, set up mobile command at the area.
Notify Air Transport, then call the Albany and New Haven field offices and pull men from Poughkeepsie.
- Tell them I'm on my way.
- Got it.
I'm so happy we did this.
Me, too.
It's really good to get out of the house.
Um, why don't you order me a double espresso? I'm-- I'm gonna be right back.
Just going to the little girls' room.
I'll go.
I'm gonna go around back and see what I can see.
I'll get to the barn.
I'll have a better sight line just in front of the house.
I'll meet you there.
Eyes up.
It's me.
Do you have the mother? She's late.
Give her more time.
I'll call you as soon as I'm on the road.
Hardy? Stop.
Put your hands where I can see them.
Is-- is something wrong, Officer? Who are you? Wait.
What's going on, Officer? Hey.
I said put your hands up.
Don't come any closer! I'm sorry, Off-- I'm just a little nervous with that gun in my face and everything, so if you-- - Stop it! - Okay.
I-- look.
I am sorry.
Officer, I-- - Just keep your hands up! - Okay.
I need you to keep your hands up! Unh! Don't move! Did you guys hear that? Where'd he go? Hank? Oh, man.
This is not good.
Can't be far.
Look around.
We'll find him.
I'm good.
No, no.
Listen to me.
I need you to stay on the ground.
All available units, officer down, officer down, farmhouse just west of Route 9.
We need to knock them off one by one.
That's our best option.
No, no, no, no.
Wait, wait.
Listen to me.
I need you to take this.
I need you to hold it right here, okay? Right there.
Help is on the way, okay? Help is coming.
Just, just hold on.
Hold on, hold on.
Hold on, hold on.
Ryan? Ryan? Hey, Ryan.
It's too late.
He's gone.
Damn it.
All right.
Hang tight.
We're a few minutes out.
I'm going in.
Hey! Open the door! Let me out! Open the door! You asked for an update.
The FBI has located the farmhouse where they're holding your son.
- Do they have him? - No, not yet.
I've also delivered you message to the press.
And? How did it go? Besides my appearing like a raving madwoman, it was heard by everyone.
Both local and national news picked it up.
So my story has caused quite the sensation.
The FBI has done a good job at minimizing the details, but, yes, the press has been considerable.
And Claire? I delivered the message to her, as well.
I haven't heard anything.
Well, when you do, I'll need another update.
You have been very helpful today.
Thank you.
What have I done, Joe? The poem I read, I triggered something.
You sent a message to someone.
What am I part of? I'm surprised at you, Olivia.
I chose you precisely for your ambition and lack of conscience.
I won't be your messenger.
Well, the messenger is someone preferable to that of recipient.
I'm sure you'd agree.
You must be Hank Flynn.
Come in.
Thank you for seeing me after hours.
Of course.
What can I do for you? Joe Carroll asked me to see you.
Excuse me? About what? He wanted me to give you a message.
Do not bring me into this any further.
We're just getting started.
I have so much more work for you to do.
Did you bring pen and paper? You're gonna need to write this down.
Snap, snap, Miss Warren.
Get in.
And go where? If you want to see Joey, get in now.
I won't say it again.
Damn it! He's dead.
Local cop.
Think he's alone? Megan.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
I'm Ryan Hardy with the FBI.
I'm gonna get you out of here, but I need you to be quiet, okay? How many of them up there? I've seen 3.
They're gonna kill me.
They're crazy.
You have to get me out of here right now.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Is there a boy upstairs? I don't know! Get me out of here! I will be right back.
I promise you.
Remember me? I'm a friend of your mom's.
She sent me to come take you home.
Do not move.

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