The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Who's the Serial Killer?

Hiroko! Answer me!
Hey, Hiroko! Hiroko!
Who are you?
Up next, we have the hottest song
on the radio.
This week's number one hit,
Hideki Matsuoka's "It's Not Too Late."
Does my scar bother you?
That scar is my mark.
It reminds me of who I am.
Once upon a time,
I had a wonderful dream.
It was a beautiful glass wonderland.
It shattered into tiny pieces all at once,
and I fell out of my dream.
That's how I got my scar.
After that,
I lost my heart.
I love you.
I'm just a slut.
I've been one ever since.
Ever since
I've been a slut ever since.
Ever since that fateful day.
Hey, lady!
I can see your panties.
"I can see your panties"?
You should be thanking me
for showing them to you!
- Director!
- You all want to make a movie?
Yes, we do!
See? Surely there must be a way.
I'm sorry
but we can't give you a loan
to make a film like this.
Why not?
You already took out loans from us.
- You haven't repaid any of them.
- This again?
This is a new business venture.
- Nothing to do with my futon business.
- Still--
They're two different things.
Your loan payments are long overdue.
I'm asking you to be sympathetic.
Can't you feel the burning passion
from these youngsters behind me?
I'm sorry, but--
You don't understand.
We're going to make a movie
and it will be a huge hit.
It'll rake in money right away.
- Look--
- Come on, show some sympathy.
We're all only human, asshole.
- What?
- Nobody's perfect!
Right, youngsters?
Oh, youngsters, why? ♪
Why must you leave? ♪
This is a bank!
Why go to such lengths? ♪
Believe it or not, I'm a movie director
like Kurosawa and Oshima.
Shut up, asshole!
What's your problem?
Shin! Jay! Go!
Go! Hit him!
Hit him!
Jay! Shin! Let's go!
I'm going in, too!
- Fukami, hit him!
- Wait a second.
- Hit him!
- I said wait!
Call the police!
Hello? Is this the police?
Shit, let's go. Let's get out of here.
Come on, guys. Let's go.
- Yes, sir!
- Let's go!
Arrest them!
Damn it, Fukami.
What the fuck was that back there?
You weren't violent at all!
- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, it was my fault.
- No, it was my fault!
- No, mine!
We're sorry!
None of us knew
that his company was in trouble until now.
We thought he was rich.
He's in so much trouble
that even the banks won't lend him money.
Filmmaking was just a show.
It was just an excuse to borrow money
because he couldn't get loans anymore.
- It's all over.
- That was a crime!
- If you want to leave, then leave.
- Yes.
- Now is our chance.
- Yes. Let's leave.
- Yes.
- It's not too late.
Sorry, but we're off.
See you later.
- Bye.
- See you.
His passion is the real deal.
He goes in for the kill.
This is so exciting.
You're right. Get it together, Fukami!
- I'm not as tough as you guys.
- You have to do better.
Everyone left.
Every single one of them.
How could they?
What's their problem?
Wimps, all of them!
I don't blame them.
It's fine.
We'll make the best movie ever.
- Yes.
- Let's drink to this!
There we go.
Let's toast to our movie.
Hey, it looks like
the party is getting started.
- Yes!
- Brothers!
I managed to get money at another bank.
- So shoot to your heart's content.
- Yes, sir!
You're really something. You're the best!
It's not chilled at all.
- Hey, Fukami. What's with the sad face?
- I'm sorry.
What? Do you have a problem with me?
People have four emotions, you know.
You've only got sadness.
Where's your joy, anger, and happiness?
Give it a try, come on.
Joy, anger, and happiness!
Joy, anger, happiness!
Go! Joy!
I said do it.
- Anger! You know anger?
- Anger.
- Show me anger!
- Anger.
- Anger! What the fuck is that?
- Anger.
Show me happiness!
It's the easiest one!
Are you fucking messing with me?
Movies are serious, you shithead!
You little fucker!
Movies are about emotions!
- Come on!
- That hurts!
Do you think movies are a joke?
Jay, let's play this game.
Choose a color. I'll take red. Belgium.
- You're yellow.
- I'm yellow.
- Here we go! Let's go!
- Okay!
This Romeo and Juliet thing,
the script is great.
That "Romeo" on Taeko's thigh
is from this play.
Murata? He went out with Mitsuko.
I'm sorry. I can't take it anymore.
What's the matter, Fukami?
I'm going to leave.
Are you serious?
You're going to leave, too?
It's you I wanted to follow.
It's your passion that got me into films.
But I don't see it anymore.
Give me a break.
I know we can't keep doing this.
Let's do something about it together.
I promised myself that I won't lose anymore.
We're going to make the greatest movie.
- Hey, Fukami!
- Jay!
- Hey!
- Jay!
Let go of me! Let go!
Let go of me! Fukami!
- Let me go after him!
- I'm sure he'll come back!
- Fukami!
- He'll be back!
I'm sure of it!
That asshole!
Damn it!
Jay, we can do it. Hang in there!
- Jay.
- Damn it!
You've still got me.
I love you, you know.
I just hope the kid grows up well.
So cute.
Come out of there nice and healthy,
do you hear me?
Hey. You're married?
- Machiko!
- Good. Keep going.
No, I can explain.
I love both of you.
- Both of you.
- Both of you.
- I love you.
- I love you.
- I love you.
- I love you.
- I love both of you.
- I love both of you.
Good. We're pulling back
Move, you're in the way!
I've never been happier.
Everyone feels alive.
The shoot is going well.
But Jay has been depressed
ever since Fukami left.
Jay, hang in there. You're the director.
I got it. I'll stop moping.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow, Taeko.
Tomorrow is your big day, Taeko.
- Let's toast. Jay, bring the glasses.
- Yes, sir.
- I'll help.
- I'm fine.
Let's do our best tomorrow, Taeko.
We weren't able to die, Mitsuko.
What do you mean?
Taeko, hang in there.
- Here, Taeko.
- Shin. Mitsuko.
Now let's toast to our film.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
- To the producer, Murata. Cheers!
- Cheers!
I decided to keep writing my movie journal.
What in the world am I doing here right now?
You chose this path.
Did I choose it?
Or was it chosen for me?
is harsh.
Don't blame it on fate.
You chose this path.
Why are you crying? I said no crying!
There's no crying in this scene!
Stay focused!
- Mitsuko, bring her some water.
- Yes, sir.
Are you okay with this, Director?
Well, I guess, then
- Taeko, let's go again.
- Okay.
Your voice is too quiet!
Come on, put some more heart into it!
I'll do it, let's go.
What in the world am I doing here right now?
Soon, I couldn't tell
who the director was anymore.
But it hardly mattered,
as long as we made a good film.
Or was it chosen for me?
But not everything went smoothly.
- One day, we got some bad news.
- Yes, sir!
The bank manager sued us for the ruckus
that we caused at the bank.
That asshole is suing us for assault
and damage to property.
They've issued an arrest warrant.
Me? I'm way ahead of you.
I do whatever it takes.
Anything for our movie.
Right, Jay, Mitsuko?
Yes, sir.
I'm already on the run
after bankrupting my company.
You're so cool!
Listen, cinema is life itself.
Life is cinema and cinema is life.
Which means
outlaws make outlaw movies
and need to be outlaws
during the filming process, see?
Yes, sir!
Good! From now on,
we'll film while living as fugitives!
- Are you serious?
- That's so cool!
I'm serious.
We have to be fugitives, too?
Of course.
Do you have a problem with that?
We have nothing to do with your debts.
Are you stupid?
You were there with us,
so you're our accomplices.
- What?
- We're all in this together.
Jay, you need to be more committed.
Do you need a little energizing?
- No.
- Mitsuko, bring them.
- Yes, sir!
- Wait. That's not what I want.
That's not what I meant.
- I think we need to discipline him, Shin.
- Yes!
Jay, let's do whatever we have to
for the film.
- Shin, I'm--
- Just listen to Murata and
- And
- He'll make us rich.
- It'll be fine, don't worry.
- No!
- This is crazy!
- I'll teach him a lesson!
Just a little more!
A little more! And
Fuck! It fucking hurts!
Jay! Let's do this!
- You can do it, Jay!
- Right?
I understand.
- I'm sorry.
- Good.
Do you need energizing, too?
Okay, let's do it.
- Energy! Come on, Mitsuko!
- No!
- No!
- And action!
Keep going.
You've improved.
For crying out loud
- Jay.
- I'm sorry
We're filming at a villa in Nagano tomorrow.
So stop crying.
For some reason, the lodge ♪
Has a triangular roof ♪
Hey, once we arrive,
we'll need to steal a car.
- Got it?
- Yes, sir!
The lodge, baby! Yeah! ♪
- That one. Let's go!
- Mitsuko!
- Open the trunk.
- Yes, sir.
The trunk.
The luggage. Come on.
Now get in.
- Wait, Jay's not in.
- What?
Jay! Wait! Someone go and get him.
What are you doing? The car is over there.
Hey, Jay. What are you doing?
I need to pee.
You need to pee? Go to the station.
Yes, over there.
- Keep an eye on him.
- Okay.
- I need to go too.
- I'll go too.
Shin, are you okay with all this?
Is our movie going to be okay?
It's exciting, man! I like it.
Aren't we going a little crazy?
Jay, are you hoping to leave?
You're a fugitive too, you know.
You're thinking of turning yourself in.
You don't have the balls
to make an outlaw movie.
That's not the problem.
Not the problem?
I'm disappointed in you.
You're a wimp.
Come on! I'm talking common sense!
Shin, this is not a movie.
I said doing illegal things
in movies is fun,
but doing illegal things in reality is
Come on, Shin!
What's the difference? They're the same.
Movies are fun, but doing illegal things
in real life is even more fun.
You're talking nonsense!
I just love movies, man!
I've had enough!
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
I feel so alive right now, you know.
We can do it.
You and me, we can make it to the end.
High ten.
Give me a real one.
I think I'm pregnant
with Murata's child.
Let's do our best!
Pregnant, pregnant ♪
How nice it feels ♪
Hurry up.
This is cool.
This is quite a nice place.
- I bet
- Did you say something, Jay?
Let me guess what's on your mind.
Yes, Jay, you're absolutely right.
I didn't buy this villa.
Well, these places are easy.
It was given to me.
Do you still have something to say?
I wonder what it could be?
Do you think I scammed it from someone?
That's not very nice.
But it's how you frame it.
I suppose it could be interpreted that way.
Don't be paranoid.
This was a gift. End of story.
You really are amazing, Mr. Murata!
Jay, can you believe we get to shoot here?
Jay, where's your answer?
- Where's the bathroom?
- Upstairs.
Man, is he going to be okay?
- Let's start filming.
- Okay.
- How is this going to work?
- We just have to do it.
We're going totally off script.
This area is perfect. Get ready.
Did you say something, Shin?
What part do I play?
A futon store clerk.
I'm not the director anymore, am I?
A good-for-nothing like you
isn't cut out to be a director.
So you'll have to die once
and come back to life!
- I love movies!
- So?
I'd love to die in a movie.
In that case, go and get changed.
Here you go.
Here you go, Taeko.
We have no choice but to kill him now.
- Let's kill him together.
- What?
Do you want to keep living on the run?
He's in the way.
Hey, what are you doing?
- At the Pia Film Festival
- We win the Grand Prize.
What the fuck, Shin!
Now choke him!
Do it like you mean it!
Do it harder!
Keep going.
Do it like you mean it!
Choke him!
Harder! Like you mean it!
Don't go easy on him!
Forget that it's a movie!
Okay, more! Keep going!
More, Mitsuko!
All right, that was a good scene.
Right, Taeko? Hey, where's Taeko?
- She ran outside.
- What the hell is she doing?
Okay, Mitsuko. Help Jay up.
He's dead.
Hey, Jay.
What the hell, Mitsuko?
Didn't you hold back?
- I'll bring Taeko back.
- Okay.
- Mitsuko!
- I'm sorry!
What have you done?
We're already fugitives.
Now what are we going to do?
Hey, Mitsuko!
- What are you doing?
- Stop! Let go of me!
- Give me the camera!
- Get off me!
- Stop! Let go!
- We've got a problem!
- Stop!
- Hey! Get up!
- Let go of me!
- Go back inside!
- Stop!
- I said go back inside!
We have no choice.
Let's get rid of him together.
I guess we need to chop him up.
You guys do it here.
Drain the blood first.
Slice his throat and drain the blood.
Then take the severed parts
and boil them in a pot.
After you've stewed him for hours,
take the soft meat and innards
and liquefy them with a blender.
After crushing the bones and teeth,
mix them with miso into balls,
then pack them
into about ten cookie canisters.
I asked if you understood!
- Then do it!
- Yes, sir.
Hurry up.
Mitsuko, here.
Pull yourself together! Grab the legs.
You too.
You have to do it. Hurry up.
Okay, this side is ready.
Let's get to it, Shin.
- Yes, sir.
- Now take a saw.
Here, take a saw.
You too, Mitsuko. You need to cut.
Okay, good luck.
Farewell, Jay.
How scary.
O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?
The exchange of thy love's faithful vow
for mine.
I gave thee mine
before thou didst request it.
And yet I would it were to give again.
Wouldst thou withdraw it?
For what purpose, love?
But to be frank, and give it thee again.
And yet I wish but for the thing I have.
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
my love as deep.
The more I give to thee, the more I have,
for both are infinite.
I hear some noise within.
Dear love, adieu!
Anon, good nurse!
Sweet Montague, be true.
Stay but a little
O blessed, blessed night!
I am afeard.
Being in night, all this is but a dream,
too flattering-sweet
to be substantial.
What are you doing?
Did you just see Romeo?
It's nothing.
Over here.
Hey! Cut it out!
Seriously, that's cold!
This is a good spot.
Why? I wanted to kill you!
I'm the serial killer
everyone's talking about!
Subtitle translation by Li Woon Chen
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